Home / cupcakes / Crisis menu recipes. Anti-crisis menu for the week! Casserole with dried apricots for a multicooker

Crisis menu recipes. Anti-crisis menu for the week! Casserole with dried apricots for a multicooker

How relevant is modern world economy question? How much does a typical family spend on daily food? The question of an economical menu for a week in many families is becoming a global issue, which not everyone can solve. After all, it's not just about buying inexpensive products.

It is important at the same time to provide the family with all the necessary nutrients. We must not forget about the variety of food, because if you eat the same thing for many days in a row, then sooner or later the savings will become unbearable. That is why compose economy menu for a week - it's quite difficult.

But it is important to tune in correctly and understand that an economical menu is not a rejection of all goodies, but an opportunity to save money for other family goals. Just think: a trip to the store can often be the equivalent of a trip!

Plenty of food, lots of places Catering- a big threat to the family budget. But this can be dealt with if you make an economical menu for every day.

Saving Rules

It is relevant to talk about what an economical menu for a week can be for a family of 3 people. The average family spends a lot on food, often it becomes a large part of the family budget. At the same time, you need to plan the menu, while it is important to take into account all the taste preferences of each family member. If the hostess does not know how to make a menu, while saving money, then you should follow some rules:

  1. Take enough time to draw up the menu, this will allow you to clearly balance the diet, determine the dishes, and make a list of necessary products.
  2. Going shopping in the store, you need to buy only those products that are written on the list. In addition, there is a little advice for those who do not want to succumb to temptation in the store: go shopping full. In this case, the temptation to buy something extra and past the list will disappear by itself, and you will buy only the goods you need.
  3. You need to shop for the entire week. This is how the subconscious will say that there is everything in the refrigerator. necessary products for the family, and there will be no temptation to run into the store for something else.
  4. When compiling a menu, you need to take into account the fact that it should not contain harmful products or semi-finished products. But if you decide to create a menu for a month, then be sure to freeze the products, you can’t do without it.
  5. The menu can be made in any form. It can be printed, written by hand. It is important to do this in such a way that you can swap dishes if necessary.
  6. The menu should be with recipes in order to correctly determine the list of products that need to be purchased at the store. If there is no prescription, then you can forget to buy something.
  7. When compiling the menu, remember that hot dishes are prepared for several days. Soup or borsch can stand in the refrigerator for two or three days. The same applies to fish and meat dishes, they can also be consumed for two or three days, while they will not change their palatability.
  8. The same cannot be said about salads and side dishes. They need to be cooked just before serving. It doesn't take much time.
  9. You can't completely give up baking. Spoil your loved ones once a week delicious pastries- sacred work. It's much tastier than store bought. confectionery.
  10. Remember not only taste preferences, you need to take into account the age of all family members, chronic diseases (if any), physical activity.
  11. The children's menu may differ significantly from the adult.

In a word, in each family the economical menu is individual, it takes into account the tastes of family members and other factors.

Features of the menu

Of course, when compiling a menu by day, you need to remember about savings, but nevertheless, do not forget about high-quality, varied and delicious food. You need to eat only high-quality products, with a normal shelf life, they must be non-GMO and all kinds of additives. This should not even be discussed, because health cannot be bought.

Particular attention should be paid to the temperature outside the window. For example, in winter, few people want to eat cold salads, better in winter give preference to cereals, mashed potatoes and hot soups. But still, the deficiency of vitamins, even in winter, cannot be replenished. Therefore, it is ideal for the whole family to purchase vitamins.

Ask all family members what they would like to eat, because it is unlikely that an economical menu will please someone, being unwanted.

You can look on the Internet various recipes. And they are, in fact, a large number. The Internet, magazines are great helpers in this matter.

Products must be used wisely. After all, it is about saving. For example, when buying meat, think not only about preparing a meat dish, but also about how you can cook a delicious soup from the bones.

Given all these nuances, it is possible to rationally and correctly compose a menu for three, four family members and more.


Particular attention should be paid to going to the grocery store, because it is from here that all the troubles associated with the waste of money come from. To the tips that have already been listed earlier, you can add:

  1. The need for a slow selection of goods, comparing prices and the range presented.
  2. There is no need to "be led" to various promotions and "enticements", in particular, "buy two for the price of three." We strictly follow the list.
  3. Make purchases once a week, this does not apply to bread, bakery products and dairy products.
  4. Buy semi-finished products only in extreme cases.

Prepare in advance, if possible, freeze the blanks yourself and divide them into portions. Thus, the savings process will be easier.

How much to spend on food?

On the Internet, queries are relevant: a menu for 200 rubles, a menu for 150 rubles, etc. Each individual family can accurately determine the amount of money that will be spent on food.

The amount, of course, depends on the number of family members, on the well-being of the family and on how much you need to save.

All this is discussed separately and it is decided how much money a family can afford per week for food so that the food is healthy, rational and varied.

Menu for the week

Drawing up the menu "from and to" falls on the shoulders of the hostess. After all, each family has its own favorite dishes and features of recipes. Therefore, it is impossible to take any menu as a basis. The menu for a week for a family of 4 is prepared in advance and carefully thought out.

But still, there are tips to help you take the right direction. There are dishes, recipes that do not require large financial investments, but nevertheless very nutritious and tasty, and, most importantly, inexpensive.

Breakfast. It is supposed to be the most nutritious meal of the day and should not be skipped. It is optimal and inexpensive to eat porridge cooked in milk or water for breakfast (it depends entirely on the choice of the hostess and the financial capabilities of the family).

Dinner. There are definitely first and second courses. Saving savings, but liquid meals normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and the latter saturate and provide the body with useful substances.

afternoon tea. Skip it or enter it on the menu - it's everyone's choice. For an afternoon snack, they usually eat fruits or salads. For children and their growing bodies, this meal is undesirable to skip.

Dinner. Here you can treat yourself to meat dishes and salads.

Below is an example of a balanced, but at the same time inexpensive menu for a week.


Breakfast. Oatmeal in milk or water. You can supplement breakfast with boiled eggs.

Dinner. Chicken soup with vermicelli. Mashed potatoes, baked fish.

afternoon tea. Salad of carrots and dried apricots. You can use vegetable oil as a dressing.

Dinner. Chicken meat stewed in sour cream, garnish, for example, vermicelli and any vegetable salad.


Breakfast. Omelette with salami or sausages.

Dinner. Soup puree made from zucchini. Wheat porridge, vegetable salad.

afternoon tea. Fruit salad seasoned with yogurt.

Dinner. Vegetable salad, chicken liver.


Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge with milk or water.

Dinner. Chicken soup, roll of meat and eggs.

afternoon tea. Rice with vegetables cooked in the oven.

Dinner. Pork cutlets and mashed potatoes or zrazy stuffed with potatoes, for example.


Breakfast. A casserole made from cottage cheese. Another delicious one healthy recipe These are muffins with a liquid filling.

Dinner. Vegetable soup, cabbage pie with garnish.

afternoon tea. Fruit salad. You can eat the same muffins (they will definitely appeal to all family members).

Dinner. Mackerel baked in the oven. For garnish - potatoes, vegetables will be a great addition to dinner.


Breakfast. Dumplings, which, of course, need to be prepared in advance and frozen. They may be with different stuffing, be it potatoes, cottage cheese or fruits.

Dinner. Borsch with sour cream, porridge and vegetable salad.

afternoon tea. Any salad to choose from depending on the preferences of the family.

Dinner. Chops from pork meat or beef. You can choose a side dish, for example, beans.


Breakfast. Fried eggs with boiled sausage.

Dinner. Soup with peas. Caesar salad with chicken and croutons. For taste, you can add tomatoes.

afternoon tea. Pancakes with various fillings. They can also be prepared ahead of time and frozen. If you have time, you can bake fresh pancakes, they are much healthier.

Dinner. Ragout with minced meat and cabbage.


Breakfast. egg croutons, oatmeal.

Dinner. Solyanka, borscht or soup. Porridge and salad of meat and vegetables.

afternoon tea. Pie with any filling, it can be meat, potato, vegetable or fruit.

Dinner. Potato casserole with minced meat.

Of course, the list of products and dishes may change. At the same time, it is convenient to make a menu for a week in order to better navigate prices and save money.

There are many benefits to this menu. First, it is cost savings, which will improve the well-being of the whole family. Secondly, it is an improvement in well-being. What a person stops eating harmful products, a large amount of sweets, as well as eating in public places, has a positive effect on the digestive tract, cleansing it.

The third advantage concerns the figure and changing its proportions. Such nutrition will help to lose a couple of kilograms, if they are superfluous.

In any case, such an economical menu will certainly not cause harm, but, on the contrary, will bring a lot of new and useful things to the family's lifestyle. It is worth forgetting about all the purchased dishes, in particular, pizzas, burgers, etc. This is bad for savings.

Every family should think about saving money and how much money is spent on food. The reason for this is not only high prices, but also the desire to live better. But remember that an economical menu is not for life. Let the goal be a long-desired trip or buying a car or apartment.

Such goals will provide more motivation and allow you to approach the issue of saving more optimistically. Moreover, this is not a monotonous and tasteless diet, but healthy food, rational and diverse.

Times are hard now, you have to save every penny, as they say, so you need to come up with all sorts of options for saving the family budget. And this also applies to food, because often with our meager salaries and huge prices, food eats up most of the household finances. Therefore, the team of authors of our site comes up with recipes for an anti-crisis menu for you - so that it is tasty, cheap and cheerful, as they say. After all, you want to eat hearty and tasty at any thickness of your wallet and income. Look, by the way, 7 recipes most on hastily- great selection.

And you know, it’s not at all necessary to eat red caviar and lobsters, from expensive products it is quite possible to come up with many interesting and delicious meals which cost a penny. And the family will be full, and save the budget. Moreover, the dishes will be tasty, healthy, we will not use any expired products and any other rubbish, only quality product- health must be protected, the prices for treatment are now catastrophically high! By the way, for an economical and healthy diet, advice: cook at home everything that you usually buy in a store - make homemade condensed milk, mayonnaise, you can replace store-bought sweets stuffed with chemistry with ice cream, muffins, cookies and cakes - see the section "". Be sure to make homemade preparations from the summer - autumn, when vegetables are cheap, in winter, oh, how useful, and save a lot of money.

So, we are learning to cook economically - recipes for anti-crisis dishes for the first, second, for breakfast, dinner and lunch for your family on our website, bon appetit!

I tell you how for my family of three souls I prepared super economical meals for lunch and dinner for 3 days, everything cost 45 UAH ($2). tasty, satisfying, simple and economical. Recipes can be viewed

To have a hearty lunch, tasty and economical, you can bake chicken wings(the most inexpensive parts of the chicken, and also delicious), with potatoes. You can, as in our recipe with cheese, you can only with mayonnaise or sour cream, add greens and get a wonderful simple and economical lunch, tasty - and fast! :

A new anti-crisis recipe - chicken chops dressed in a potato coat! Thus, from a very small amount of meat you can cook hearty lunch, since a potato coat almost doubles the chop itself. Despite the potato coat, you can cook for such chops boiled rice, for example, a salad, and a wonderful, hearty and not expensive lunch is ready!

I will not say that this is the cheapest meat dish, but when compared with store-bought sausage (and we will take an expensive, good one, so that at least meat is present there), then brawn from pig's head at home is much cheaper, and more useful. Because it is a natural product, without any rubbish that manufacturers stuff into such goods to save their money and damage our health. That's why -

You will save three times the money if you cook Fanta yourself at home - a wonderful orange drink, besides useful and tasty. It is prepared very simply, the products are the most elementary, the process is easy and uncomplicated. The result is clean, tasty and healthy drink, which is pleasant to drink for yourself, and for the children for joy and benefit.

We continue to save money and cook ourselves breadcrumbs at home. it’s very simple, believe me, and from one loaf of bread you will get so many crackers that, without regret, with a generous hand you will pour them wherever you want, knowing that they cost you a penny. Cook with pleasure, easy and simple!

An excellent anti-crisis recipe - cutlets from onions, potatoes and cabbage - hearty, tasty, economical and simple! You will feed the family by preparing cutlets according to this recipe, spending a minimum of food and time, we recommend!

This recipe will help you not only diversify your food during fasting, but also save a lot of money on food on ordinary days. As you know, soy, which is tasteless in itself, takes on the taste of related products (which is what unscrupulous manufacturers use, giving us soy for meat), so you can simply add a piece of meat, most of the soy, and get cutlets or dumplings. pasties or meatballs, just like meat, only much cheaper.

If you want to cook delicious and cheap meatballs, this recipe is for you. Chicken gizzards are best suited for this purpose. The price is not expensive beneficial features excellent, satisfying, tasty and not expensive! This is exactly what we need in our time of crisis, and such a recipe can help you a lot, saving the family budget without compromising the quality of nutrition and health. Recipe see

How to cook beef udder to be tasty? Here you will find several simple recipes how to cook salad, beef stroganoff, schnitzel, and simply boiled with mayonnaise from a cow's udder. Such offal is healthy, cheap, and the dishes from them are tasty and satisfying. And at the same time save your family budget.

If you are fasting, or a supporter of a vegetarian diet, you will definitely like these vegetable cutlets. They are prepared quickly and simply, very economical, as the cheapest products are used. you can also just cook them when there is no money for meat, but you want to eat a hearty meal.

Girls, for the good of the cause, living in difficult conditions, it is better to have a number of good ideas inexpensive and delicious food. And planning in this business makes it possible to save money. Let's try to make an anti-crisis menu for the week
I will say right away:
1. We DO NOT discuss from whom and what is cheaper in the city
2. We DO NOT tell how much meat should or should not be eaten per person per week
3. DO NOT fuk if you don’t like something from the dishes, but pass by ... the same if
4. Key concepts - variety, cheapness, taste, speed!

So, I'm just throwing in, and you add your own
1. we eat only the first course at lunch, so I paint like this
2. I cook first courses and meat for 3-4 days, I ask ardent opponents to refrain from criticism
3. We don't eat much, so THE QUANTITY OF FOOD IS NOT DISCUSSION!! everyone decides for himself who and how much is enough

breakfast - pancakes on kefir and soda lush + sour cream + tea
lunch - borscht in broth + bread + cheese
dinner - spaghetti + liver in sour cream + salad from fresh vegetables seasonal or canned
snacks: muffins, compote, tea, oranges / bananas / apples / seasonal fruits

breakfast - lazy dumplings with cottage cheese + sour cream + tea
lunch - borscht in broth + bread + lard
dinner - buckwheat porridge + liver in sour cream + seasonal fresh vegetable salad or preservation
snacks: cookies, compote, tea, oranges / bananas / apples / seasonal fruits

breakfast - milk porridge (buckwheat or oatmeal) + cheese sandwich + tea optional
lunch - borscht in broth + bread + bacon / cheese / sausage / stalks / boiled pork
dinner - mashed potatoes + liver in sour cream + seasonal fresh vegetable salad or preservation
snacks: homemade buns, compote, tea, oranges / bananas / apples / seasonal fruits

breakfast - cottage cheese casserole with semolina + sour cream / condensed milk / jam + tea
lunch - soup with meatballs + bread + cheese / sausage / boiled pork
dinner - wheat porridge + cutlet + seasonal fresh vegetable salad or preservation

breakfast - scrambled eggs + vegetables + bread with butter + tea + sausage / cheese / sausage
lunch - soup with meatballs + bread + pate
dinner - rice with vegetables in a frying pan + cutlet + seasonal fresh vegetable salad or preservation
snacks: homemade buns / muffins, compote, tea, oranges / bananas / apples / seasonal fruits

breakfast - syrniki + sour cream / jam / honey + tea
dinner - mashed potatoes + meatballs + gravy + seasonal fresh vegetable salad or preservation
snacks: homemade buns / muffins, compote, tea, oranges / bananas / apples / seasonal fruits

breakfast - boiled eggs + canned food + cheese + bread + tea
lunch - pickle with meat + bread + bacon / pate / cheese /
dinner - millet porridge (I love it very much, but my husband doesn’t eat it (+ meatballs + gravy + seasonal fresh vegetable salad or conservation
snacks: homemade buns / muffins, compote, tea, oranges / bananas / apples / seasonal fruits

Sample menu!! on the trail. week you can cook other soups: green borscht, vegetable soup etc., instead of meat dishes, fish / chicken / mushrooms, side dishes: salted oatmeal porridge, pilaf, stewed potatoes etc.

Maybe I forgot something, I just could not take it into account, although we eat all the time ... it’s hard to put everything together at once and write it down

This article is actually for newlyweds. Who have already got married, but have not adjusted their life. They eat sausages and scrambled eggs, and do not dare to cook serious dishes. Oh oh

weekly home menu

didn't even hear it. But you have to switch to real food sometime. I had newlywed friends. They got married almost the next day after she came of age - and the young lady was not quite ready for everyday problems.

A newly-made husband comes from the university: the apartment is in smoke, the wife is in tears. "Oh, Alyosha! - sobs. - I decided to fry pasta for you. You love fried pasta ..."

“I love, I love,” says the frightened husband, “but what happened?” - "Yes, I fry them, fry them, but they don't fry!" Obviously, they don't get hot. She didn't cook them first.

Usually such girls manage to find themselves a Very Proper Husband.

OPM is of two types. OPM-1 is indifferent to food. Able not to eat at all or eat condensed milk for sweets all his life. OPM-2 is unable to eat, so he knows how to cook himself. Or learn quickly.

In all other cases, so that the spouses do not eat each other, the wife will have to learn how to cook - why not get divorced because of such nonsense?


Stocking food is an art.

If you have the right supplies, you won't have to go to the store again when you're in the house. However, this does not mean that you need to fill the cabinet with stew and rolltons, and the freezer with dumplings.

We hope that friends and relatives of the newlyweds gave them a kitchen cabinet and a refrigerator with a freezer for their wedding.

In the locker

must certainly be: rice; red lentil; two or three types of pasta (vermicelli, spaghetti, fusilli); flour; corn starch; sugar (preferably brown); honey; canned beans(white and red); tin of skinless chopped tomatoes own juice; olive and nut oil and as many spices as possible (milled black pepper, curry, coriander, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom).

In fridge

it is desirable to have: cheese (hard, feta and suluguni), eggs, cream, a couple of types of nuts (pine and walnuts), raisins, mustard, capers, soy sauce, fresh ginger, onion and garlic. You can add ketchup if you can't imagine your life without it.


well filled with mushrooms, green peas, corn, seafood cocktail, crab sticks and packages of some Asian vegetable mix. If you replenish these supplies once a month, you will never go hungry. From time to time, you only have to buy fresh vegetables, fruits and meat and fish.

rice economy

Rice is an amazingly healthy thing. From all sides. Including the economic one. If even the poorest Indian citizens can afford to eat it every day, then MSU graduate students will have enough for it. Properly cooked rice can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four days, providing a daily supper. Let's say on Sunday you moved to make meat in sweet and sour sauce- and rice was asking for it as a side dish. And although there are two of you and it was quite possible to cook half a glass of rice, you cooked three. It turned out to be a big bowl.

On Monday

you come home from work with three bunches of fresh herbs in your mouth, like parsley, green onions, and cilantro. And you had garlic (see the previous chapter), and olive oil too. And now you finely chopped this garlic, lightly fried it in oil and poured chopped green onion. Still fried for half a minute and poured the rest of the greens. And immediately rice. When it warms up, you're done. Add to this a salad of tomatoes - and you have an easy dinner.

On Tuesday

take mushrooms, peas and corn. Fry the onion and put the mushrooms first, then - when the juice starts to stand out - rice, and finally the peas with corn.

On Wednesday

you can take a break and enjoy an evening grilled chicken bought from a nearby trusted kiosk. Do not throw away the frame - then I will tell you why.

On Thursday

separate the rest of the meat from the chicken, chop finely, fry with finely chopped ginger and garlic, sprinkle with curry, fry for a minute more - and boldly add rice.

On Friday

take the red Bell pepper and a package of seafood cocktail. Peppers must be fried again (with or without onions). From the flour butter and water from under the thawed seafood, make a sauce, throw seafood into it (they are already boiled), pepper and rice. I honestly don't know what word to call it, but it's very tasty.

Cast aside your doubts

Nobody wants to eat garbage. But after all, you can perform a small psychological operation in your brain, reframing (a new look at a long-known problem), and leftovers will turn into a useful element of the economy.

Here you have the shrimp. So clean them wisely. I mean, head in the trash, and shells in a bowl. And when there is a significant amount of these shells, take them and throw them into a dry frying pan. And fry until red.

Then pour boiling water, adding some roots, cook for half an hour - and you have an excellent broth on which you can cook fish soup, noodles and rice. But there were scum of clean water ... The broths - from leftovers and not only - deserve a separate discussion.

Bull-bool - he!

We've had a grilled chicken frame in the fridge since Wednesday. And we won't hesitate to use it. We fill cold water and cook, removing the foam. It soon becomes quite fragrant broth. If you want to make it tastier, add roots and seasonings. In general, the broth is a great opportunity not to throw away almost anything from the leftovers: no fish heads and tails, no meat bones, no leftovers fried meat, no mushroom legs, no carrot tails, no celery roots ... Even onion peel - and that can be used.

The broth is a very homely thing. In the sense that it smells like home. Creates an atmosphere. And the smell of boiling broth is quite enough to turn into a "home" the most one-room, rented, unfurnished apartment with a view of an abandoned thermal power plant in Yuzhnoye Butovo.

The presence of broth means that you already have half the dish. It remains to boil it, add ... well, for example, a can of beans, a couple of cloves of garlic and a little greenery - and it's ready delicious soup. It's from vegetable broth. And in boiling meat, you can put noodles and pour in an egg beaten with soy sauce - here's the Chinese version.

Bones for broth are suitable for any. Moderately gnawed frames from a bird are especially good: the already mentioned chicken, duck, goose. And someone's baked spatula will make a wonderful broth. And from a bone from a ham. Do not rush to throw away even lamb ribs.

I'll tell you more: you can buy just raw bones, they usually cost three kopecks, and butchers are terribly happy to get rid of them. Roasted bones make a much more flavorful broth - brush them with vegetable oil and bake at 200°C until they turn golden brown, then pour cold water over and boil.

And most importantly - the broth requires almost no work. He removed the foam, reduced the fire - and went about his business.

The longer you cook, the tastier it will be. For a very small fire the broth can be boiled for 4-5 hours. Incidentally, classical Chinese chicken broths they cook no less - and they turn out divine, despite the fact that there is almost no meat there, only bones, paws and necks (a soup set, in our opinion).

With vegetable broth, everything is easy:

fry all the vegetables you have in olive oil under a lid over low heat. Then fill with cold water, boil for about half an hour, strain - and that's it! To the obligatory onions, carrots and celery, try adding the remains of mushrooms, green beans, fennel, any greens and tomatoes. Moreover, these remnants can accumulate with you for a couple of weeks - most importantly, do not forget to throw them into a bag and freeze them.

Any broth will only benefit if you add an unpeeled onion, cut in half and lightly dry-fried in a pan with a flat side down. onion peel will give the broth a golden color, and frying will deprive the characteristic onion flavor.

The broth is stored in anything - even in plastic bags, even in plastic bottles. In the latter, you then need to cut off the neck with scissors, cut the bottle in half and take out the frozen broth, moving it directly into the pan, where it will defrost. And part of the broth can be poured into ice molds - in case you need a little, for sauce, for example.

Sauce is a magic wand. At least a lifesaver. The sauce will turn a boring product into a new one, boring into a refined one, insipid into a spicy one.

There are thousands of sauces in the world, and many of them are those that take only five to ten minutes (not to mention ready-made ones that do not distract at all from more important activities for the newlyweds). It costs nothing to take a bunch of parsley, cilantro and dill, finely chop, add capers or chopped pickled or pickle, mix and pour olive oil. This wonderful mixture will keep in the refrigerator for two weeks - and you can eat it with anything: with baked meat or fish, and with boiled potatoes.

And the same mayonnaise, in which you can add mustard, horseradish, curry, yogurt, garlic, herbs, soy and tomato sauce? And hot sauces based on flour and butter, diluted with different broths (oh, how delicious if this broth is mushroom!), Milk, cream or wine? It makes sense to even buy a separate book about sauces - you won't regret it.

O! Okay…

A wonderful thing - pancakes. But somehow underestimated. And they are good, if you think deeply, from two sides. Firstly, very grandmotherly, sincere. Secondly, they can be made from almost any fruit and vegetable.

Everyone knows potato and squash.

What about cabbage? Pumpkin? Carrot-apple with raisins? With greens? Pear? Peach raspberry?

There would be only eggs and flour. Grind the yolks, beat the whites, grate the vegetables, chop the fruit or grate it too, leave the berries whole.

Sugar, salt, a little baking powder - and enough flour so that the dough does not spread much in the pan. It is better to fry on medium heat and under the lid. For example, American mothers teach their daughters to cook pancakes for their husbands for breakfast from fresh, frozen or canned corn, only instead of flour, grated crackers are added to the dough).

Fish. Apotheosis

If your co-young man decided to cook something fish for you, it means that he loves you, tries for you, takes care of your health and wants to make you delicious. Cooking fish is terribly difficult, you might say. Nothing like this. Fish can be fried or boiled. But the easiest way is to bake. Especially if you have already cleaned it. So, take an average fish with white meat, weighing about a kilogram. Not necessarily refined, it can be simpler, non-greasy. Sudak, for example. Or a large sea bass. Lubricate with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, in the abdomen - slices of lemon. Put on foil and put in the oven, preheated to 190 ° C, for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, make the sauce.

You need to boil a finely chopped onion in a glass of dry white wine. When the wine has evaporated by half, add half a pack of butter in pieces, stirring all the time.

You will get a yellow emulsion that can be salted and peppered. And chop up the greens. There is only one difficulty: the mixture should not boil - it will curdle. And if you have a fillet, then cooking dinner will take exactly 20 minutes (if the fish has already thawed). Put the fillet on a baking sheet, grease with mustard and grains, sprinkle with capers, and on top with grated cheese. And put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 10-15 minutes. All work. This is even my child eats. Here you go. If you made it to the end, then you are a newlywed. Or you just want to be.

The recipes are anti-crisis, so I practically do not indicate the proportions. What and how much to eat in the house of products from this amount, Pupyshka cooks. It is almost always visible.

Moreover, the recipes are the simplest, as the popular saying says “you can’t spoil porridge with butter”, and Pupyshka has more of it, less of it, and the result is excellent. Creativity to cooking, it switches the brain from the thought of where to get money to purchase food to the thought of what to make such a thing today. You begin to feel yourself not as a destitute and dishonest victim of the global crisis, but as an inventive, creative and sophisticated person. And increased self-esteem is just the factor that keeps us afloat in any life situation.

Buckwheat bread

A glass of buckwheat cereal fast food if there are no flakes, we pass the grains through a combine or meat grinder.

0.5 cup rye flour

1/8 cup water

Soda on the tip of a teaspoon, quenched with boiling water

Sugar ½ teaspoon

Salt to taste

Mix everything thoroughly, add 1 tablespoon of any melted fat (vegetable oil, pork fat, margarine, etc.).

Place a handful on a cutting board wheat flour. Knead the dough. Add flour little by little. When the dough stops sticking to your hands, roll out a layer of 1 centimeter.

With any suitable mold (Pumpkin uses a thin-walled glass), cut into circles, transfer to a greased baking sheet.

Put the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, after 5 minutes reduce the heat by 160 degrees and bake for another 15-20 minutes.

So Pupyshka solved the problem of black bread.

If her children and household are tired of the buckwheat flavor, there are still a couple of recipes in stock.

oat bread

Everything is as in the previous recipe, only we replace buckwheat flakes with oatmeal (“Hercules”, for example).

It's great when whole flakes come across in the bread. It's tasty and healthy.

Potato crisps or chips

Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater - 3-4 medium potatoes, salt and pepper.

Add one egg, 1 cup rye flour, 1/8 water.

3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. You can vary the oil with a smell and without it.

Knead everything thoroughly. Form a ball. Roll it in wheat flour so that it does not stick to your hands.

Roll out a thin layer. Fold in an envelope. Roll out again and fold again. The procedure must be repeated 3-4 times. Moreover, Pupyshka has achieved such perfection in rolling out the layer, it is so thin that it practically shines through. As a result of these manipulations, the dough is enough for two large baking sheets.

Grease a baking sheet liberally with vegetable oil. Spread out the dough and cut into plates of the required size. Puffy never cuts the layers to the end, as her younger men are madly in love with breaking crispbread with their hands.

At this stage, Puppy sometimes sprinkles the dough with dill seed, sometimes cumin. Depending on what seasoning is available. And sometimes she sprinkles ready-made chips with garlic juice.

Bread is baked in an oven heated to 160 degrees. 10-15 minutes.

This pleasure can be eaten like this. And you can put between two pieces of herring fillet or kilechka of spicy salting ... overeating !!!

I ate them with cheese and tomatoes, spread soft cheese ...

Yes, with whatever there is this charm - you will get undeniable pleasure.

Bubblegum never uses milk to bake her anti-crisis bread. Firstly, she cooks porridge for her gracious ex-oligarch with milk, and secondly, she sometimes treats herself to latte coffee.

I tried replacing water with milk to prepare the dough, no difference. So don't waste extra money.

My friend tried to bake yeast bread in the oven according to her great-grandmother's recipe. It turned out well. But after the family ate anti-crisis bread, which, by the way, had a positive effect on health, traditional bread do not want to eat.

Perhaps the great-grandmother's recipe will come in handy for someone, I give it below.

Pour live yeast (half a stick) with a small amount of warm milk or water (5 tablespoons is enough), sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, let stand. Great-grandmother used sourdough instead of yeast, i.e. leftover pastry dough. I don't recommend doing this. You will not bake bread 2-3 times a week. And this old sourdough has such a smell...

When foam forms, pour the yeast into a liter of warm water (room temperature), add 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar. Pour 3 thin cups of sifted flour (if you are going to bake Rye bread, then 2 cups of rye and 1 cup of wheat flour; if wheat, then 3 cups of wheat). Mix well, the dough turns out in the form of thick sour cream, cover with a linen towel and put in a warm place. Hours for 5.

If after three hours the dough has risen enough, pour in 0.5 cups of vegetable oil, mix thoroughly. Cover again and put in a warm place for 2-3 hours.

After 2 hours, spread the dough into molds and let it stand for another hour while the oven heats up. Ideally, it would be good to time the baking of bread with the preparation of dinner using oven. So that the stove is properly calcined, as if it were a Russian stove.

Bread should be baked first at a temperature of 220 degrees, covering the forms with baking paper, after 15 minutes, reduce the temperature to 160 degrees and drink another 30-40 minutes (depending on the thickness of the walls of the form).

Ready, slightly cooled bread to get out of the molds, cover with oiled baking paper, foil and a towel. Let stand for half an hour. And you can enjoy homemade bread.

If these were not anti-crisis recipes, Pupyshka would definitely recommend putting cashew dried apricots in the dough and walnuts. I tried it, I really liked it. But for ladies who are watching their figure, I would not advise even trying.

Imagine how appetizingly such a bread will look if you spread butter on it, which melts and soaks this warm piece. And on the table in front of you is a cup of fragrant tea with herbs, and next to it in a saucer is strawberry jam.

Pupyshka and I once ate two freshly baked loaves and drank a 5 liter pot of sweet tea. It is good that we are among those women whose figures cannot be spoiled for a long time. I mean, it doesn't get any worse.

Pupyshkin's pastries were not limited to bread.

Pimp never throws leftover meals, be it porridge, chicken, vegetables or fruits.

She adds everything to the dough for pancakes, pancakes or cookies.


You will need 1 cup of flour and any dairy product

If it is milk 2/3 cup, if kefir - a glass.

As you know, Pupyshka never throws anything away, so the remnants of yogurt, sour cream are used, only she adds a little water to the container with the remaining product, shakes it well and pours it into the flour.

Adds a pinch of salt, a couple of teaspoons of sugar. If yeast is lying around, a teaspoon of yeast, regardless of whether they are dry or live. Mix everything well and let it brew for 2-3 hours.

If there is no yeast, it is limited to soda, quenched with vinegar or lemon juice, or, as mentioned earlier, with boiling water. What is good about boiling water, in the final product there is absolutely no taste of soda or vinegar.

With soda, fry pancakes immediately.

And now the options if you need a hearty breakfast.

Pupyshka adds to the dough:

Fish. Imagine that you bought a whole fish. And no matter how carefully they try to separate the fillets, everything is early on the bones and skin, at least a little fish, but remains. From the leftovers, you can cook an amazing ear. And you can work a little, remove the remains of the fillet from the bone captivity, meat from the head, salt, pepper and add to the dough for pancakes. And the leftovers are enough for a full-fledged broth.

These pancakes are great served with onion sauce:

Finely chop the green onion, add dressing consisting of 2 parts sour cream, 1 part mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, a little salt, quite a bit, literally on the tip of a knife.

Or make a vegetable filling: grate carrots, zucchini or pumpkin, patisson is also suitable. cut into small pieces onion or the white part of the green, finely chop the parsley. Mix everything with a small amount of salt and sugar to taste, simmer for 30-40 minutes in your own juice. If there is not enough juice, add some water. When the filling is ready, squeeze out 3 cloves of garlic and lightly pepper. If there are pickled cucumbers, finely chop 1-2 small cucumbers, mix and serve immediately with pancakes.

Leftover rice from yesterday's lunch. In this case, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1.5 tablespoons of salt are added. If desired, it is fashionable to add dry basil or pizza seasoning.

I tried adding buckwheat porridge. It's more of an amateur.

Green pea. With sour cream, it’s just overeating, you just need to add some fresh herbs to sour cream to taste.

Finely chopped green onion, mixed with boiled egg. Kinda fast fried pies with stuffing. If it is served with broth ... Firstly, yummy, and secondly, it is very satisfying and you won’t eat much. Isn't that the economy?

I must still note that a crisis is not the time when you need to think about your own figure. Because you have to look for a way out of the created financial difficulties. And the cheapest and most satisfying is homemade cakes.

Of course, you can eat nothing, eat only grass or buckwheat. But how long will a family consisting of three eternally hungry men last on this? Even if the youngest of them is 8 years old, he already wears size 38 shoes and eats no less than a 14-year-old brother and a 45-year-old father at dinner.

Let's continue. Pancakes with the addition of cottage cheese are excellent. In the traditionally prepared dough for pancakes, add cottage cheese, or curd cheese. Suddenly stuck in the fridge. These pancakes can be eaten with honey or caramel. Super!

You can add finely chopped apples and pears, banana. This of course should be eaten with condensed milk or ice cream.

Sometimes, the dough prepared for pancakes remains. We prepared more dough than necessary, and if sweet ingredients have not yet been added to it, then the dough can be used as a kind of batter for fish, chicken or cabbage, cauliflower or white cabbage.

To do this, we prepare the filling. If the fish is put raw, it can be peppered and salted and sent straight to the dough. And then in a saucepan with oil or in a frying pan. Who is used to it. If we want to pre-fry (I don’t advise cooking, in this version it turns out not very attractive), first we dry the fish thoroughly with a paper towel or linen (linen, waffle), which is not a pity. Then add pepper and salt, fry on both sides for just a couple of minutes. I highly recommend that before putting the fish in the pan, hold the bay leaf in boiling oil for a few moments, just do not forget to take it out of the pan before placing the fish there. Then let the fried fish cool a little and add to the cooked dough.

With a fork, carefully take out a piece and quickly fry in a saucepan or in a pan. Place on paper towel to remove some of the oil and serve.

Chicken is even easier. We take out the chicken meat from the broth. Divide into portions, add to the dough. And also fry in oil. We use the broth as a first course.

If the fish can be used raw, it will cook very quickly in the dough to a state that is safe for health, then the chicken must be boiled.

Cabbage. Pre-blanch the color in salted water, cool and add to the dough.

White cabbage, finely chopped and fried in in large numbers vegetable oil. For lovers, while frying cabbage, you can add onions. And after the cabbage is ready, mix it with finely chopped, hard-boiled eggs. Eggs may or may not be added. Move the cabbage with the dough and carefully place it on the pan with a large spoon. If you cook pancakes with cabbage, then it is recommended to make them larger.

Everything can be done with pancakes too. But you need to remember that pancakes are a more expensive product, since eggs are needed to make them.


Boil a small beetroot. 2-3 pieces are no longer required. Pickled cucumbers, little things 4. You can also try with pickled ones. Cut everything into cubes. Finely chop a couple of garlic cloves. Squeeze another clove with a garlic crusher or grate on a fine grater. Mix everything well. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Before serving, add a handful of cranberries or lingonberries. Sprinkle the salad with any vegetable oil to taste, but preferably odorless. Salt and sprinkle the salad with finely chopped parsley.

If there are no berries available. Then the salad can be seasoned with mayonnaise or a change instead of butter. And to make the salad even more appetizing, sour cream and mayonnaise can be mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio.

Vinaigrette with red cabbage

For a vinaigrette, try substituting white cabbage red, only it must first be cooked.

Red cabbage must be finely chopped and poured with a small amount of vinegar prepared in this way: 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, 2 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of mustard, 1 teaspoon of lemon zest, mix everything thoroughly, add to the cabbage, mix again and let stand for 30-40 minutes.

Then prepare the traditional vinaigrette ingredients: boil potatoes, carrots, beets, add pickles, cut everything into cubes, add cooked cabbage, vegetable oil, salt. We mix everything, put it in a salad bowl and let it stand for another 20 minutes.

Salad "Favorite"

This salad is a favorite in the Puppy family.

It is ready to be eaten day and night. Of course, in the original version, the salad was prepared on the basis of rice noodles, now it is successfully replaced by rice, pasta or homemade noodles.

Boil rice, or noodles or pasta. Moreover, pasta or noodles are even preferable. Boil any white fish, you can take a ready-made, for example sea ​​bass hot smoked.

Young zucchini are cut into small strips, and a mixture of zucchini is taken. In the course are zucchini, "Gribovskie", green, yellow - any. Roasted on vegetable oil. It is necessary to ensure that the zucchini is not overcooked and does not turn into porridge. Cut tomatoes into half rings. bell peppers first you need to burn in the oven and after a steam bath remove the skin from them. After that, cut into strips or as it turns out.

Fry the onion. Leek is desirable, but you can get by with onion.

It is not necessary to cool to the end - this is a warm salad.

After all the products are cooked, they must be carefully mixed, add soy sauce and vegetable oil.

The number of products is not regulated, how much to eat, and how much you can eat.

For one serving, you can take one small zucchini, 2 medium tomatoes, 1 pepper, preferably more, 1 small onion, small-sized fish, cut into pieces. Pasta should make up half of the total mass of the salad.

Puppy has learned to masterfully save food for cooking dinners. But most importantly, her family does not feel disadvantaged at all. On the contrary, the eldest son believes that mommy is a born chef and persuades his parents to open a restaurant.

Bubblehead loves her two-in-one principle. Recently, she always uses meat, fish or chicken, cooked for broth, to prepare a second course.

So, "Gentle salad"

Beef or chicken boiled for broth is cut into strips.

Green onion feathers (Pupyshka successfully grows green onions on the windowsill) finely chopped,

Two small potatoes, also cut into strips.

Sweet pepper (1 piece), also cut into strips.

But the pepper must first be baked in the oven, then arrange a bath in a plastic bag for it, then remove the skin into it. The removed skin can not be thrown away, but used in a vegetable dressing for soup.

Boiled carrots are also cut into strips.

Salad is topped with salad dressing.

Salad dressing.

1/2 cup sour cream or yogurt

Small bunch of dill and parsley (or one dill)

1 tablespoon horseradish

Salt pepper to taste.

Salad "Mood"

Boil 2-3 medium carrots, 4-5 eggs

pickled cucumbers, medium-sized herring

Cut everything into cubes.

Top with homemade mayonnaise or vinaigrette dressing.

Any onion, onion, shallot, leek finely chopped. The result should be 5-6 tablespoons of onion mass. 2 cloves of garlic are also finely chopped. Salt, pepper, add table vinegar 1 tablespoon, zest of half a lemon, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, 4-5 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Salad "Veselka"

Boil eggs and mushrooms. We cut everything finely. Fry the onion or leek. We cut the radish or rub the radish on a coarse grater. Who has what. Finely chop parsley and green onions.

Prepare the dressing: vegetable oil, salt, pepper to taste, a tablespoon of vinegar and half a teaspoon of granulated sugar. Everything

mix. Serve on portioned plates, you can use bowls.

Alternatively, you can chop only the yolk for the salad, and stuff the proteins with the resulting mixture. Then for the radish, you need to take a smaller grater.

mushroom salad

We boil any mushrooms. May be dry. Onion cut into half rings. Boil carrots, grate or rub through a strainer. We cut parsley and dill. We combine everything, salt and season with sour cream.

This salad can be served in three versions without potatoes, with potatoes and with rice.

If you add rice to the salad, it will become a little more nutritious and a little more satisfying.

Potatoes can be added to the salad if boiled mushrooms replace with salted or pickled.

Salad "Sunshine"

Arrange lettuce leaves on a plate. Put the red onion cut into rings on the salad. The next layer is an apple cut into thin circles, then a layer of radish. The next layer is persimmon. Dress the salad with a sauce of vegetable oil, vinegar, granulated sugar and soy sauce.

Mimosa salad"

Lay the lettuce leaves on the bottom of the plate. The second layer - cut into strips fresh cucumbers, grated cheese. Cover all layers without stirring with mayonnaise-based sauce: mayonnaise, sour cream, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, dill, salt, horseradish mustard seeds if available.

The last one is grain decoration canned corn and sprigs of dill.

"Egg Salad"

Boil eggs. They should dominate the salad. Eggs, onions, potatoes and pickles cut into cubes. Spread on lettuce leaves. Mix mayonnaise, a spoonful of mustard, dill and salt and add to the salad, covering in an even layer. Sprinkle with fresh ground black pepper.

"Green salad"

Any green salad, dill and parsley are cut or torn by hand. Dressing is added: lemon juice or vinegar, salt, sugar, freshly ground black pepper, tomato rubbed on a fine grater, vegetable oil. Salad is served with potato casserole. This salad may well notice a side dish for a meat dish.

Cheese rolls

Cheese 200 grams and 1 large apple grate on a coarse grater, Squeeze 2 cloves of garlic into the resulting mass, salt, season with dill and mayonnaise. Put the mass on lettuce leaves and roll up the tubules. The tubules can be fastened with dill stalks. Cheese can be successfully seen as cottage cheese. Just squeeze out excess moisture first. I like cottage cheese even more than cheese. I just add some ground red pepper to it.

I almost forgot another wonderful version of vinaigrette salad. If you get tired of eating vinaigrette the way we are used to, Pupyshka came up with a wonderful snag. It seems the products are the same, with the exception of cabbage, and the result is amazing. She cuts large, sometimes even overgrown cucumbers lengthwise, takes out the contents with a spoon, thus obtaining boats. Cuts into cubes beets, potatoes, onions, the middles taken out of a cucumber, combines carrots with vegetable oil, and sometimes with sour cream or mayonnaise and places them in boats. Decorate with parsley and serve on serving plates. The family is thrilled, thinking that this is a new dish.

fish mousse

Any fish is suitable for mousse

In advance semolina 1/5 cup is poured with warm (room temperature) boiled water (1.2 cups) and infused for 30 minutes.

Boiled fish is removed from the broth and whipped in a blender with a small addition of broth, literally 4-5 tablespoons. The number of fish is not regulated. How much is available, so much the Pimp uses.

The yolk of 1-2 eggs is beaten separately, added to the minced meat

Separately, the protein of 1-2 eggs is carefully added to the minced meat, gently mixing.

Salt, pepper to taste. If there is a root of ginger, it is rubbed on a grater and half a teaspoon is added, if not, lemon zest and a little lemon juice are quite suitable.

boiled semolina from pre-soaked cereals. Literally 7-8 minutes. Cooked porridge is cooled and whipped into a steep foam. Better with a whisk. If you don’t feel sorry for butter, then 1 tablespoon can be added to still warm porridge, but this is not at all necessary.

Then the fish billet is gradually introduced into the porridge and constantly whipped with a combine, blender, whisk or a simple fork.

If you try, you get a magnificent mass. In portions, the mass is laid out in molds, greased with butter or sour cream and placed in the oven for 5 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees.

From the resulting mass, you can form balls and fry in oil, after dipping them in an egg and rolling in breadcrumbs.

For hot

Fish meatballs

Grind the fillet of any fresh fish (you can take the cheapest varieties) in a blender or in a meat grinder along with pre-soaked white bread and fried in vegetable oil (preferably with the smell of seeds) onions. To the resulting mixture add eggs, salt, ground black and red pepper, allspice, finely chopped green onions. Mix everything well. Prepare balls (meatballs). Cover with a towel and let stand for 20-30 minutes.

Prepare the broth. Boil the remaining bones, fins, etc. in a small amount of water with the addition of black and allspice peas, bay leaf and salt. It is fashionable to put onions in the water. Onions can not be peeled, but put a whole onion.

Strain the boiled broth and pour over the meatballs with a small amount. Boil meatballs until tender. Arrange in deep plates and sprinkle with chopped dill. Leftover broth can be frozen for next preparation or add gelatin and make fish jelly. Serve with eggs and parsley.

Fish jelly goes very well with boiled rice.

Here again, Pupyshkin's principle of "two in one" works great here.


Boil potatoes. Grate.

Fry carrots and onions.

Put into shape. 1 layer - grated potatoes, combined with raw egg. 2 layer - carrots with onions. 3 layer - potatoes. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Serve with green salad. The recipe can be found in the salad section.


O! great dish. And it's great both cold and hot. It is only important not to confuse the recipe. First the cold version:

Leaves of spinach, sorrel and nettle (prepare the nettle. Separate the leaves from the stems. Do not throw away the stems, I will talk about them below. Pour boiling water over the leaves and sprinkle with lemon juice.)

Boil the spinach in boiling water for 10 minutes. If you do not have problems with the kidneys, you can simply sort and rinse the sorrel.

Rub spinach and nettle leaves through a sieve or chop in a blender. Finely chop the sorrel.

Add chopped green onions, fresh cucumbers, chopped small cubes, chopped dill, grated horseradish, you can use ready-made from a can, sugar, salt to taste. Pour everything with chilled kvass. Fill with sour cream.
When serving, put a piece of boiled fish or meat on a plate with botvinia. And you can not add. Limit yourself to half a hard-boiled egg and croutons of black bread, grated with garlic.

Hot option.

Basically, it's a vegetable soup.

Add new potatoes, green cabbage leaves to boiling water. Green leaves are something that in the fall, you would separate from the head and be sure to throw it away. And here they are perfectly used. They just need to be sorted out carefully. Removed damaged and rough parts. Finely chop and put in a bowl. Cut the carrot straight with green leaves. Cut the upper part of the beet leaves, removing the coarse cuttings. Nettle leaves, sorrel and spinach are also finely chopped. If you do not have spinach or sorrel, it is quite possible to do without them. Very finely cut the stems of dill and parsley, leaving the greens themselves for later. Add to boiling broth. The broth is cooked for 30-40 minutes.

Boiled broth, unfortunately, does not have a very presentable appearance. Improved with beets.

Separately, in a deep frying pan, stew the beets with a small amount of vegetable broth. In an almost ready beet, add finely chopped onions. Onions, you need to put a lot of 1 and ½ large onions or 2-3 medium ones. Fry with a little oil. We send to the pan with the broth. Salt, you can add a small chili pepper. Cook another 15 minutes.

We serve in deep plates, of course, a beam, if they are clay bowls, to create the entourage of a rustic cuisine. Add sour cream, finely chopped greens and a hard-boiled egg.

Virtually waste-free production. Nothing is thrown away.

Let's go back to the nettle stalks. Scalded with boiling water and sprinkled with lemon juice or vinegar, they are waiting in the wings. Before cooking, lightly pepper them with a mixture of peppers. If there is honey, you can mix vinegar with honey. Let's prepare the batter in the way we already know, but add a little more salt to the dough than usual. Fry nettles in batter and serve with our hot botvinia. Try it, you won't regret it. Almost bamboo stalks.


The recipe for a traditional honey pie or cake, if there is something to make a cream out of, turned out to be quite anti-crisis. A small consumption of products, but yummy. Do not be ashamed to serve guests.

In a high frying pan, of course, it is best if there is a cauldron to put 100 grams of butter, at worst, creamy margarine and 3 tablespoons of honey. Put on fire, bring to a boil. Put 1 teaspoon of soda into the boiling mass, foam will appear.

Grind 2 eggs in advance with a glass of sugar. Throw the resulting mass into foam and quickly stir with a wooden spoon. Pour 3 cups of flour there and stir vigorously until homogeneous mass. You will get a sticky dough. Put the hot dough on the board. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, divide the dough into 3 balls. Roll out the balls into thin layers. When rolling out, sprinkle them with a little flour so that they do not stick to the board or rolling pin. Prick the layers well with a fork so that they do not rise during baking.

Bake in an oven preheated to 18 degrees for 20 minutes. When the baked cakes cool down, they will look like a dry gingerbread.

For a pie, it is enough to grease them with any available jam.

For the cake, Pupyshka offers the following scheme:

Spread the bottom cake on top raspberry jam, on top of it put 2 cakes soaked in custard.

Custard Recipe:

Grind 1 egg with 1 cup of sugar. Add 1 cup milk and 1 tablespoon flour. Boil over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mass becomes homogeneous and thickens. Remove from fire, let cool. Add 300 g of softened (not melted) butter to the cooled mass and beat well. Certainly not foam. Foam in this case will not work. Simply achieve a soft homogeneous mass. Lubricate the cakes, and decorate the top with chopped crumbs, if this happened during baking, nuts, there is no limit to the imagination. Very tasty. Don't limit yourself to one piece.

fried cottage cheese pies hastily

2 eggs, a pack of cottage cheese, 1 and 1/2 cups of flour, grind everything thoroughly, add 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of soda. Soda is better to pay off. I have already given all the methods above. Move the whole mass well. Divide into portions. In finished form, it can be balls or pies with filling. If you are going to fry the balls, add a little vanilla to the dough, or sprinkle already prepared balls powdered sugar with added vanilla sugar.

If you bake pies, it is advisable to choose any dried fruits, minced through a meat grinder, or nuts for the filling. Fans can use for stuffing fresh apples or jam. Who likes what, or who has what is at hand. These are anti-crisis recipes.

Fry pies or balls in a well-heated frying pan, and preferably in a wide saucepan, in a large amount of vegetable oil.

Well, that's all for now.