Home / Dough / Apple pies in a frying pan. Fried pies with apples

Apple pies in a frying pan. Fried pies with apples


Fried pies with apples - it's delicious sweet pastries that will appeal to everyone. Lush, ruddy, beautiful, and most importantly, delicious pies you will definitely not be left indifferent, and it will not be difficult to make them. In addition, they are prepared easily, not too much food is needed, and the cooking process itself takes only 30-40 minutes.
The calorie content of such baked goods is of interest to many, so we want to tell you how many calories are in pies fried in oil. The calorie content of this delicacy is rather big: there are 242 kilocalories per 100 grams of the product. Moreover, this volume contains 4 grams of proteins, 9.4 grams of fat and 35.4 grams of carbohydrates. That is, you need to eat in moderation so that extra pounds are not added.
Advice! We will cook the dish with milk, but in the absence of this product, you can slightly deviate from our step-by-step recipe and make a meal with kefir. In this case, it will turn out to be no less tasty. You can take apples of any kind: both red and green are suitable. The choice is yours. If you want, take not fresh, but canned fruit pieces. Also choose chocolate according to your taste: choose black, milk or even white.

Prepare pan-fried pies at home from yeast dough with fresh apples every cook can, even without cooking experience. You are required to prepare necessary products and clearly follow our instructions in this instruction in the form of a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Do everything right - and you will delight your loved ones with simply amazing pastries.


Fried pies with apples - recipe

We start the preparation of fried apple pies with preparation wheat flour, yeast, milk, sugar, salt, eggs, vegetable oil and fruit for the filling. By the way, we will fry pies in sunflower oil, not olive oil. We recommend that you do the same. So, all the products are at hand, so let's get down to making the dough right away. Pour the specified amount of milk into a bowl of suitable volume and send it to the stove. When the liquid becomes warm, pour it into another container. We spread the compressed yeast, add 0.5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and stir the resulting composition with quick movements.

Sift wheat flour into a separate bowl. Be sure to do this through a sieve to get rid of small debris. In addition, thanks to this, the food will be more magnificent.

Pour the milk-yeast mixture into a bowl of flour and leave in a warm place for 15 minutes. This is enough for the yeast to do its job. After the specified time, we break into the workpiece egg, add three tablespoons of vegetable oil and add salt to everything.

We begin to knead the dough. As a result, it should turn out to be soft, delicate, elastic and not stick to the palms.

That's all, the dough is ready. It does not need to be left to "fit." Pinch off piece by piece. Consider whether you want to end up with pies: large or small. We make big ones, so we divided the total mass into 12 rather large parts.

Next, we will deal with the filling. Thoroughly rinse the apples under running water, getting rid of the tails. Then peel the fruit and cut into small cubes. We transfer the pieces to a small saucepan, add a tablespoon of granulated sugar and a little water. We send the dishes to the stove and set the fire to medium power. Simmer until the cubes are soft.

Ready apples transfer to a bowl to cool down faster.

Roll each piece of dough on a cutting board into a thin cake. Put apple pieces and a few chocolate cubes in the middle.

We connect the edges by pinching them tightly. We repeat the same manipulations with all the pieces of dough.

We put a frying pan on the stove and set the heat to moderate. When the container gets hot, pour sunflower oil... After that, lay out the pies so that they do not stick to each other. Fry on one side until golden brown, and then turn it over with a spatula to the other side. Fry for another 3-4 minutes, and then remove. We spread the next batch. Fry all the pieces in the same way.

That's all, pan-fried apple pies made from yeast dough are completely ready. You have mastered the preparation of such wonderful pastries at home and now you can pamper your household more often. We hope our step by step recipe with the photo made cooking quick and easy, and you were satisfied with the result. Serve the patties with tea or milk. We wish you and your loved ones bon appetit!

Add sugar, salt, soda and egg to the curd. Stir everything (preferably with a blender so that there are as few grains of cottage cheese as possible).

Pour flour gradually, you may need more or less. Knead a soft, slightly sticky dough (you don't need to add too much flour and you don't need to knead the dough). Cover the dough cling film and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Prepare the apple filling. To do this, peel the apples and cut them into small cubes. Drizzle with lemon juice.

Place apples on preheated with butter frying pan, add a pinch of vanillin and fry, stirring, no more than 3 minutes, only to soften the apples a little.

Since the dough will stick a little, you should add a little flour all the time. Roll each part of the dough into a cake (not too thin and the middle of the cake should be slightly thicker than the edges). Pour 1 teaspoon of sugar into the center of the cake.

Then put the apple filling on the sugar (2 teaspoons each).

Shape apple patties in the usual way, blinding the seam well. Fry the pies in a frying pan preheated with vegetable oil over low heat on both sides until golden brown.

Ready-made unusually tender and tasty pies with apples, fried in a pan, cool and can be served! I recommend 100%!

Enjoy your meal!

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: 120 minutes

Today we will prepare delicious and hearty pies with apples, fried in a pan. Recipe with a photo of lush pies from yeast dough with aromatic apple filling... See also how to cook equally delicious.
It will take 120 minutes to cook, from the ingredients specified in the recipe you will get 8 servings.


For the test:

- wheat flour - 300 gr.;
- water - 170 ml.;
- pressed yeast - 15 gr.;
- olive oil - 30 ml.;
- salt;
- sugar.

For filling:

- apples - 250 gr.;
- granulated sugar - 100 gr.;
- ground cinnamon - 5 gr.;
- vegetable oil for frying;
- powdered sugar for serving.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We heat the water to 35 degrees Celsius, add a pinch of granulated sugar, pressed yeast. Then pour half of the wheat flour, mix, cover the bowl with cling film. Leave the dough for 40 minutes at room temperature.

After 40 minutes, pour the remaining flour into a bowl, add olive oil first cold pressed extra virgin and a small pinch of fine table salt.

Knead the dough for about 8 minutes, until it stops sticking. Roll into a ball, cover the bowl with foil again, leave for 1 hour at room temperature.

After an hour, the dough will grow a lot, which means you can continue cooking.

While the dough is rising, let's make the filling. Finely chop the peeled apples, it is better to take Antonovka - it boils well. Add granulated sugar and ground cinnamon to the apples, steam on small fire until a thick puree is obtained (about 15-20 minutes).

Knead the dough, divide into 8 equal parts, the weight of one piece is about 65 g.

On a board powdered with flour, roll out round cakes with a rolling pin, put 2-3 teaspoons of cooled cakes in the center of the cake applesauce, firmly fasten the edges of the cakes, form oval cakes. We cover the molded products with a clean towel, leave for 15 minutes in a warm place.

Pour 3-4 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil for frying (odorless!) Into a cast-iron pan, heat the oil well. Fry for 6 minutes on each side until golden brown.

Sprinkle before serving icing sugar... I think you will like these

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Got a bountiful harvest of apples? It's time to please your family delicious dessert! The choice is yours: golden charlotte, crumbly cake or brown pies with apples, fried in a pan. Perhaps we will opt for the latter option.

Apple pies are quite easy to prepare, do not require special culinary skills, and a little time will be spent. The dough is mixed with kefir, and apples, finely chopped and mixed with sugar, are used as a filling. I think you will like these too.

For the test:

- wheat flour - 900 gr.,
- kefir of 2.5% or 3.2% fat content - 500 ml.,
- chicken egg - 2 pcs.,
- sugar - 2 tablespoons,
- salt - ½ tsp,
- soda - 1 tsp. without a slide.


- apples - 4-5 pcs.,
- refined sunflower oil - for frying,
- flour - for sprinkling the cutting board.

How to cook from a photo step by step

Start by making the dough. To do this, beat the eggs into a bowl.

Add granulated sugar, salt and baking soda.

Beat these ingredients with a mixer until a light yellow homogeneous mass is obtained.

Pour in kefir. Mix thoroughly.

Sift the flour to allow it to saturate with air and distribute well in the dough. Pour flour into a bowl, stir gently.

Then, transfer the contents of the bowl to a lightly floured large cutting board or other work surface, such as a countertop. Knead the dough. Knead it with your hands for 5-7 minutes. The dough should be soft and elastic.

Return the dough to the bowl and cover with a clean cloth to keep it dry. Leave at room temperature for 20-30 minutes.
In the meantime, prepare the filling. Wash and peel the apples.

Cut each apple in half and core with seeds. Cut the fruit into small cubes, which should not exceed 5 mm.

Divide the dough into small pieces, each of which is rolled into a roll. Cut the rolls into cubes about 4 cm thick. Roll each piece into a flat cake about 5 mm thick.

Place 1 tbsp in the middle of the cake. l. chopped apples. Sprinkle apples with 1 tsp. Sahara. If you like sweeter patties, increase the amount of sugar to your liking.

Join the edges of the cake and pinch them tightly.

Heat sunflower oil in a skillet. Place the apple pies with the seams side down.

Toast the patties on one side until golden brown and turn over to the other side. If you turn the pies with a fork, be careful not to puncture the dough or juice will leak out.

Note to the hostess:
Using this recipe, you can make pies with pears, plums, apricots or, for example, canned pineapples.

For the filling, hard sweet and sour or sweet apple varieties are best suited.