Home / Cakes / Fried dumplings with egg and cheese. Fried dumplings in a pan with onions, cheese or eggs

Fried dumplings with egg and cheese. Fried dumplings in a pan with onions, cheese or eggs

Disputes about the dumplings pedigree never subside, because this product appears in many traditional cuisines of different nations.

Today it is the most popular semi-finished product that can not only be cooked, but how to properly fry dumplings in a pan, boiled and raw, we will discuss in this article.

This hearty treat has a huge army of admirers, but before you start eating a treat, it will not be superfluous to find out all the facts about this dish.

Can I fry dumplings in a pan?

We are more often accustomed to seeing dumplings and their analogues from different cuisines of the world boiled in broth (dushpere, chuchvara, ravioli) or steamed, for example, manti, khinkali, baotza. However, in China, which is considered to be the ancestor of this dish, fried dumplings are a national treat. They are cooked over a high open fire in special pans with a curved bottom - woks with the addition of oil.

However, today, in our country, frying dumplings in a pan has become a common thing and is increasingly practiced in kitchens, but at home, and not on street fires, like among the Chinese.

How to fry dumplings in a pan?

To deliciously fry dumplings in a pan, you do not need to finish cooking courses or spend time watching training videos and recipes with photos. With competent, detailed instructions and clarification of all the nuances, such a "high" cooking, like fried semi-finished products, will obey even schoolchildren.

How to deliciously fry frozen dumplings in a pan

  • If you are going to fry raw frozen dumplings, then you DO NOT need to thaw them beforehand! This important point recipe, because the defrosted dumplings will stick to the bottom of the pan, tear and, as a result, they will not look so hot.
  • We send semi-finished products to the red-hot high fire oil and fry over high heat on each side to create a dense, brownish crust. This very crust will allow us to keep all the meat juice inside the dumplings.
  • The dumplings should be in one layer in the dish and it is advisable not to allow the "ears" to come into contact with each other, so that they do not stick together and are able to bake well.
  • Then the cooking temperature should be reduced to medium or slightly less than medium. Pour 50-80 grams of water into a frying pan and, closing the container with a lid, simmer the dumplings until cooked and moisture evaporates.
  • As soon as the water evaporates, add a little oil to the bowl and fry the dumplings until crisp on both sides.

How to fry boiled dumplings in a pan

  • Pre-cooked dumplings should be soaked in a colander before frying to remove all liquid from them, otherwise water droplets will splash very strongly in contact with hot oil.
  • If the boiled dumplings remain from yesterday's dinner and have already dried out, then you can start fried them right away.
  • Pour oil into a thick-walled pan and heat it over maximum heat. It is necessary to cook dumplings at a high temperature, so that the dough does not have time to absorb a lot of fat, and the products themselves become covered with a beautiful reddish-brown, appetizing crispy crust.
  • So, as soon as the oil starts to smoke, put the dumplings in one row on the bottom of the pan and fry them for 3-5 minutes. Then turn over and cook the same amount.
  • Put the finished mini-cheburechkas on a paper blotter, and then on a serving dish.

How to fry delicious little dumplings in a pan

A step-by-step recipe for making miniature dumplings looks like this:

  1. We take a large, thick-bottomed and preferably cast-iron frying pan, set it to heat over medium or slightly above medium heat.
  2. We put 50 g in a hot pot butter and wait for it to melt and squirt, notifying about the required heat.
  3. Now we put small dumplings into a container and fry them, under a closed lid, without adding fire for 8 minutes, stirring regularly.
  4. Salt, spices, eggs, or grated cheese, to taste, can be added a couple of minutes before cooking ends.

How long do you need to fry dumplings in a pan?

The dumplings are fried very quickly. Everything about everything takes about 10-20 minutes, depending on the size.

  1. Frozen dumplings need to be fried in 3 stages, each of which takes 5-7 minutes for standard medium-sized products:
    • First on high fire fry the semi-finished products for 2-3 minutes from one barrel, then turn over and fry the same amount more.
    • After the formation of a dense ruddy "shell", the fire under the pan decreases and for 5-7 minutes the dumplings are steamed under a lid on a medium flame with the addition of water.
    • When the dumplings are steamed from the inside, the temperature under the pan should be re-added and at this stage the dumplings just need to crunch for 2 minutes on each side.
  2. Boiled dumplings are fried for only 7-10 minutes on maximum heat.
  3. Small dumplings will be ready even faster, in 5-8 minutes.

What calorie content are fried dumplings in a pan?

The energy value of any dish primarily depends on its composition, as well as on the cooking technology. So:

  • Fried chicken dumplings have a caloric content of 550 kcal per 100 g, provided they are fried in vegetable oil. If you prefer butter for the heat treatment of food, then in this case the energy consumption indicator rises to 660 kcal.
  • Toasted semi-finished products with ground beef in calorie equivalent, they weigh 690 kcal.
  • Fried pork dumplings are the fattest and heaviest to digest - 750 kcal for vegetable oil and over 850 kcal for butter.

If you are a fan of dumplings, but care for your figure, then take a closer look at the method of cooking semi-finished products steamed or in water. And as a filling it is best to choose:

  • Chicken white meat. Such dumplings will only have 106 calories per 100 g.
  • Dumplings with turkey or fish - 200-250 kcal.
  • Rabbit dumplings - 170 kcal.

Fried dumplings in a pan with onions

Do it yourself fast, satisfying and most importantly - tasty dish you can have lunch in just 20 minutes. This is the most the best way for those who have every minute scheduled all day.


  • Any dumplings - 0.4 kg;
  • Onion perk - 0.2 kg;
  • Table salt - 1 / 3-1 / 2 tsp;
  • Any vegetable oil - 25-40 ml.

How to cook fried dumplings in a pan

  1. In a frying pan heated over high heat with hot oil in it, spread the dumplings in an even layer and fry them for 6 minutes so that the semi-finished products are completely covered with a crispy crust.
  2. Now we reduce the flame under the frying pan, pour in quite a bit of water so that the bottom is just covered. Simmer the semi-finished product under a tight lid for 7 minutes.
  3. After the indicated time, we increase the cooking temperature again, as soon as the remaining liquid evaporates, add a little more oil, salt the dish and pour the onion cut into thin quarter rings into the container.
  4. Fry with constant stirring the dumplings with onions for 5-7 minutes. This time will be enough for both the onion and the dumplings to become deliciously devoured.

Fried dumplings in a pan with sauce

To surprise the household with the original serving of an old familiar dish, it is not necessary to spend hours in the kitchen. Dumplings with the classic Chinese hot garlic-soy sauce cook quickly, and the food is so delicious that you will be asked for more additives.


  • Dumplings - 1 pack;
  • Non-aromatic vegetable oil 1 stack;
  • Seasoning universal - 1-2 tsp;
  • Soy sauce - 80 ml;
  • Chilled water - 1 glass;
  • Wine vinegar - 30 ml;
  • Olive oil - 15 ml;
  • Finely chopped hot chili pepper - 1 tsp;
  • Finely ground dark pepper - ½ tsp;
  • Tobasko sauce - ½ - 1 tsp;
  • Small garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • Fresh green cilantro - ¼ bunch;
  • Onions - ¼ heads;

How to cook fried dumplings with sauce

  1. Pour dumplings in oil hot over high heat. For frying semi-finished products, you should choose a thick-bottomed steel, ceramic, granite or cast-iron pan, and the cooking temperature should be the maximum, so that the oil does not have time to soak into the dough and the dumplings themselves do not stick to the bottom of the container.
  2. Fry semi-finished products on one side and on the other for 3 minutes. Then we reduce the fire, pour a little water into the speed, about 50 ml, also add the universal seasoning and prepare the dumplings under the lid for 7 minutes.
  3. During this time, the water will evaporate, and then pour a little oil into the bottom of the dish and, adding fire, fry the dumplings until crunchy and blush. Put the finished dumplings on a dish.
  4. Now let's prepare the sauce. Chop the garlic, cilantro and chili pepper very finely. Grate the onion in mashed potatoes. Mix all the ingredients (except the cilantro) with the Tobasco sauce and leave aside.
  5. Pour water (50 ml), vinegar, olive oil and soy sauce, heat until boiling, cook for a minute, then put spicy dressing with pepper, garlic and "Tobasco" sauce in the sauce, mix everything and boil for another 1 minute.
  6. Remove the stewpan from the heat and add black pepper and cilantro to the sauce, mix everything again and insist until it cools completely.

To serve, put the fried dumplings in a circle on a large dish, and place a bowl with sauce in the center. Fans of spicy food will definitely like this treat.

Fried dumplings with sour cream and cheese in a pan

Sour cream and cheese are two components that can turn the most simple treat into a real one. royal dish... And it is not in vain that dumplings in such a sauce are called "Royal dumplings."


  • Frozen dumplings - 0.5 kg;
  • Fresh mushrooms - 0.2 kg;
  • Onion-turnip - 1 head;
  • Sour cream of any fat content - 0.2 kg;
  • Parmesan cheese - 0.15 kg;
  • Ghee butter - 100 g;
  • Finely chopped dill greens - 3 tbsp

How to make fried dumplings in a pan

  1. Heat a frying pan over high heat, melt and heat oil in it and put one layer of dumplings on frying. In this temperature regime, fry the semi-finished products until a dense crust on both sides.
  2. Then we reduce the fire by half and send the onion, finely chopped into cubes, into the pan, and after 3-5 minutes, when the onion becomes transparent golden, we send the mushrooms cut into small slices into the container.
  3. Fry all the ingredients in the pan for another 5 minutes, then pour in a glass of water, sour cream, salt and any spices you like, mix everything, cover the container with a lid and reduce the heat to very low.
  4. As soon as the sauce boils under the lid, simmer the dumplings for a couple of minutes and add finely chopped dill and fine cheese crumbs to them. Mix everything and simmer the dish again under the lid for another 3-4 minutes.

You can also cook fried dumplings with sour cream and cheese in the oven. To do this, after sour cream is added to the dumplings with mushrooms and onions, we also sprinkle the dish with grated cheese immediately and put it in the oven for 20 minutes for baking. The cooking temperature should be at least 180 ° C.

Pelmeni - the dish itself is very appetizing, tasty and, of course, a favorite! But what prevents you from making it even better? Fried dumplings Is a new level of tastes and aromas, where ordinary dumplings turn into delicious food.

This recipe is not suitable for people on a diet, and it is also not recommended for frequent use, because whatever one may say, dumplings, especially fried ones, are a rather fatty and high-calorie dish. But once or twice to please yourself and your family is definitely worth it! Moreover, this easy-to-use recipe requires very little time.

So let's get started! To prepare fried dumplings with an egg, take the following ingredients: your favorite dumplings (preferably homemade), onion and garlic, seasoning for cooking dumplings and Provencal herbs, salt and pepper, eggs, sour cream and vegetable oil.

First, cut the onion into half rings.

Cut the garlic into plates.

Transfer to a frying pan preheated with vegetable oil and fry until golden brown.

At this time, we cook dumplings. It is better to put water for boiling in advance. We boil the products in boiling salted water with no large quantity vegetable oil(2 tablespoons).

It usually takes about 5 minutes to cook dumplings after boiling. In the case of frying, 2-3 will be enough.

Transfer the finished dumplings to a pan with vegetables and continue frying over low heat. In a few minutes, beautiful ruddy sides will begin to appear on the products. We fry the dumplings until the desired result for 3-10 minutes (the longer, the more ruddy they will turn out).

While the dumplings are fried, prepare the omelette filling. Break eggs into a bowl.

Add salt, pepper, Provencal herbs seasoning or any other. Stir until smooth.

Put sour cream, mix again.

Fill the dumplings with eggs, stir the contents of the pan for a couple of minutes, cover and leave on gas until the omelet mass is ready.

Fried dumplings with egg are ready! Bon Appetit!

In every Russian family, dumplings, despite their calorie content, are one of the most popular dishes... They are treated to both relatives and guests.

There are many different types of this food, recipes and ways of how to cook it - in a slow cooker, oven and even in a microwave. Italians cook ravioli, Chinese cook jiao-tzu, and Lithuanians cook koldtsunai. But, despite such strange names, they are all made from dough and minced meat.

Recently, fried dumplings in a pan have become very popular. This method of preparation gives the dumplings an unusual rich taste and unique aroma.

Features of cooking fried dumplings

It is not difficult to prepare such a dish. The main thing is not to overexpose the dumplings in the pan, then they will be juicy and crispy.

  • 200 grams of beef (fresh);
  • 200 grams of pork (fresh);
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 medium white onions;
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • allspice or ground black pepper.

To make the filling tasty, before making fried dumplings, it is necessary to remove all films and fat from beef and pork. Then the meat must be thoroughly rinsed under the tap and cut with a sharp knife into medium-sized pieces.

The peeled onion should be cut into four pieces. The meat with onions must be minced and garlic chopped with a garlic maker must be added to them. If you don't have a meat grinder, then you can make the filling with a kitchen knife. They will need to carefully chop the pieces of meat. The work is quite long, but the minced meat will turn out to be very juicy.

Interesting! Dumplings with minced meat are more juicy, aromatic, and have a pleasant aftertaste.

The ground ingredients need to be salted, pepper and mixed well, add the egg. The minced meat mixture can be mixed with a blender. This will make the minced meat more uniform, without unnecessary lumps.

Advice! For fried dumplings to have less calories, it is better to choose minced poultry.

For the test you need to take:

  • 1 egg;
  • 2-3 glasses wheat flour top grade;
  • 100-200 ml of chilled boiled water;
  • salt.

To cook fried dumplings in a pan, the recipe for which is presented above, you will need to knead an elastic dough. This is best done on a flat, flat surface. To do this, put the entire amount of sifted flour in the middle of the table and collect it up a hill. In the center of the mound, make a small depression, add an egg, salt and lukewarm water to it, and then mix everything well.

The resulting lump of dough should be wrapped in cling film and put in a warm place for a few minutes so that it is infused and reaches the desired condition. The dough should have an elastic consistency and keep its shape well.

You can prepare dumplings either manually or using a special mold called a dumplings. The sculpting process itself is very interesting, but at the same time very responsible. In order for the dish to turn out beautiful, before making fried dumplings, you need to cut off a small piece of dough and mold a sausage from it. The resulting strip must be cut into small pieces and each roll in a a large number flour.

Each lump should be rolled out with a rolling pin and a round shape should be squeezed out of it. This can be done with a glass.

Advice! If you decide to make it into several portions, then the fastest way will be to roll out a large thin layer and squeeze several circles out of it at a time.

Place 1 to 2 teaspoons of the filling in the middle of each piece. Gently connect and press the edges of the future dumplings. If you do not adhere to these rules during the preparation process, the dumplings can come unstuck.

Once all the preparations are complete, you can start frying.

For this you need to take:

  • sunflower oil;
  • 20 pieces of dumplings;
  • pepper;
  • salt;
  • half a glass of water.

Before you cook fried dumplings in a pan, you need to pour a small amount of oil into it and put the dumplings in it.

It is best to freeze them before cooking. Top with salt and pepper to your liking.

Fry over low heat until golden brown (the main thing is not to overexpose).

As soon as you have achieved the desired result, pour water into the pan and increase the heat. In this case, the pan should be tightly closed with a lid and wait until all the water has boiled away. Once the liquid is gone, the dumplings can be considered cooked.

Fried dumplings in a slow cooker

If you do not want to wash the gas stove after frying the dumplings in a pan, you can use a multicooker. Fried dumplings, the recipe for which is presented below, are no worse than on the stove.

Pour a small amount of oil into the bottom of the bowl. Arrange the frozen dumplings in such a way that they do not lie on top of each other. Next, you need to close the lid and set the "Fry" mode.

Fried dumplings in a slow cooker are cooked for five minutes on each side. This time is enough for them to acquire an appetizing golden crust.

After finishing cooking, the multicooker should be turned off, and the dumplings should be put on a paper napkin. This is necessary in order to remove all unnecessary fat.

In a slow cooker, the dish turns out to be fragrant and crispy.

Alternatively, you can try making fried dumplings in the microwave. This method can be used in cases where there is no time to stand behind the stove or just want to try something new.

For cooking you will need:

  • clay pot;
  • 0.5 liters of cold boiled water;
  • 100-200 grams of hard cheese;
  • butter.

First you need to warm up the water and add semi-finished products to it. Dumplings in the microwave, fried according to this recipe, must be cooked for 5-7 minutes.

As soon as the allotted time runs out, the pot must be removed and the dumplings must be separated with a colander. The remaining stock can be made into a sauce instead of pouring it into the sink.

Put the prepared semi-finished products on a plate and sprinkle with grated (pre-frozen) butter and spices. Put the bowl back in the already preheated microwave and turn on the "Grill" function. Keep at this temperature for an average of five minutes.

As soon as the allotted time has elapsed, the dumplings must be removed and the broth that has appeared again is drained. Sprinkle on top again with a little butter and hard cheese. And put it again for 3-4 minutes.

You need to keep the dish in the microwave until golden brown. Fried dumplings will taste better if you make a broth-based sauce for them.

To do this, take 0.5 liters of the liquid in which the dumplings were cooked, and add one tablespoon of fatty mayonnaise, a spoonful of flour and vinegar. You can also chop up some greens and mix everything well. The resulting mixture should be warmed up in the microwave and served with the main course.

Oven fried dumplings

Oven-fried dumplings are very flavorful and unlike those prepared in the traditional way. In order for guests to be delighted with the dish, you need to take seriously the preparation of dough, minced meat and pouring.

For the test you will need:

  • 800 grams of pork tenderloin;
  • two onions;
  • 70 - 80 gr. pasteurized milk;
  • pepper and salt.
  • 100 g of non-fat sour cream;
  • 100 g lean mayonnaise;
  • one small onion;
  • 100 g of hard cheese.

Before cooking fried dumplings in the oven, the meat must be cut into cubes and minced at least twice. This will give the minced meat a paste consistency.

Salt the filling, pepper and mix thoroughly. Next, add milk and onion grated on a fine grater to it. This will add juiciness and flavor to the filling.

Prepare the dough according to the previously described recipe. Place the formed dumplings in a glass pan with melted butter and place in the oven for 20 minutes. The cooking temperature should be at least 200 degrees.

Be sure to turn the dumplings after 10 minutes of cooking in the oven and add water to them. After that, take out the pan and add the fill prepared in advance.

To do this, you need to peel the onion and cut it into thin half rings. Combine it with salt, mayonnaise and sour cream. Mix well.

Put the saucepan in the oven again for 20 minutes, but on minimum heat. Mastering this recipe is not at all difficult!

Fried dumplings are high in calories. Anyone who follows the figure is not recommended to use them often and in large portions.

Few people realize that a close and dear dish familiar to all of us can be so unusual and tasty. Today I want to tell you how to fry dumplings in a pan, because we are talking about them. Boiled, frozen, store or self-made, all of them can be fried and not just fried, but with various additives and sauces, so much so that you lick your fingers.

I first tried fried dumplings at a conscious age. I was probably 19 years old when a factory for the production of Gyoza dumplings was opened in Sakhalin, where we lived then. Such fish dumplings, shaped like dumplings, only from rice flour... So everyone liked them fried. Then we and our ordinary people also got addicted to frying.

How to fry dumplings in a pan correctly - chef's tips

So, I'll warn you right away, fried dumplings are a little more caloric, so keep in mind that you should not get carried away. And especially if they are cooked in a lot of oil.

You can fry not only in a pan, but also in a multicooker and in a deep fryer. But today we will consider exactly the first method, as the most popular.

So, with what can you fry dumplings?

  1. In butter, both butter and vegetable (deep-fried)
  2. With vegetables
  3. With greaves
  4. With onion
  5. With eggs
  6. With cheese
  7. With greens
  8. With mushrooms

You see, there are many options, and you can serve dumplings with various sauces. But that's not all, dumplings can be fried

  • Freshly made
  • Frozen
  • Boiled completely
  • Cooked until half cooked

All this also affects the taste. For example, if you fry raw dumplings, the crust will be crispy and elastic. If you boil them first, then only the edges will be fried, and the middle will be soft.

Frozen semi-finished products are also fried, only first they need to be defrosted quite a bit, laid out on a towel for fifteen minutes, and before frying, slightly flattened on the sides.

Here's another question sometimes asked, how much to fry dumplings? Not for long, 15-20 minutes, it all depends on the size.

When frying, you do not need to cover the pan with a lid, especially with frozen foods, then water accumulates under the lid and starts shooting terribly.

How to fry frozen dumplings

As I described above, it is better to defrost frozen ones a little, let them move a little.

Pour oil into the pan, just a little to cover the bottom. We turn on the fire medium, no aggression is needed so that the crust turns out to be uniform and golden.

We do not lay out the dumplings in a dense one, God forbid, pour them into the pan from the bag, as we do when cooking.

Fry on each side for three minutes at first, so that the crust grabs, then pour in water so that it reaches half of the dumpling lying on its side. Water can be mixed with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Now we need to steam the dumplings for about five minutes so that the minced meat is cooked and not left raw. During this time, the liquid will evaporate and it will only be necessary to bring the dish to readiness so that the crust is browned better.

How to fry boiled dumplings in a pan

Dip the dumplings in boiling water and after boiling we will notice two or three minutes, it is advisable to stir all the time so that nothing sticks.

Dumplings boiled until half cooked must be dried so that there is no water on them. Then we heat the oil in a frying pan, literally a couple of tablespoons. You can add another spoonful of butter, then it will be even tastier.

Sprinkle the dish with your favorite seasonings on top, add salt and fry on both sides until a crust appears. Serve sprinkled with herbs on top.

If the dumplings are completely boiled, then they cannot be stirred in a pan, they will fall apart and the minced meat will fall out.

Dumplings fried with cheese

Try to fry with cheese, it turns out a very elegant dish, you can safely treat guests.

We take:

  • Glass of water
  • Salt and spices optional
  • Three large spoons of any vegetable oil

Cooking process:

Let the dumplings sit in the air for a bit so that the frost disappears. Pour oil into a thick-walled pan and add water. When it starts to boil, put in the semi-finished products, add spices and cover with a lid for fifteen minutes.

The water will evaporate, remove the lid and fry them for three minutes on each side. Then sprinkle with grated cheese and fry for another three minutes.

We take it out onto a dish and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Deep-fried dumplings

Here we have to stick them ourselves. We will fry fresh, not frozen.

The oil needs refined odorless, and you will also need a deep frying pan with thick walls.

We heat the oil very well and lower the dumplings one at a time, stir with a slotted spoon. For complete cooking it only takes five to seven minutes. We put them on a dish covered with a paper towel so that the excess oil is absorbed.

Fried dumplings with onions

We just love this dish, cook quickly, you can use purchased dumplings.

We take:

  • Four hundred grams of frozen dumplings
  • Two medium-sized onions
  • Three large spoons of sunflower oil
  • A large spoonful of butter (optional)
  • Seasonings, salt

Cooking process:

Finely chop the onion into cubes, fry just a little, spread the dumplings to it. Fry over medium heat for about eight minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end, cover with a lid for a couple of minutes so that the dish is steamed. Serve immediately.

How to fry dumplings with mushrooms

Dumplings with mushrooms are very tasty. The dish is truly festive. I usually fry with mushrooms. Sometimes I add forest mushrooms, I always keep them boiled in the freezer. If you have such fresh ones, be sure to cook them in advance.

We need:

  • Three hundred grams of dumplings
  • Three hundred grams of champignons
  • Two medium-sized onions
  • Slice of butter
  • Salt with spices optional

Cooking process:

Cut the onion into cubes, simmer slightly and add mushrooms, cut into small pieces, to it. We fry for ten minutes, we need the water to evaporate and the mushrooms begin to fry.

Boil the dumplings lightly for three minutes, then let the water drain. We send them to the mushrooms, season and fry everything together until completely cooked. It will be delicious to pour everything before serving. sour cream sauce and sprinkle with herbs.

Pan-fried dumplings with vegetables

In the summer, when your vegetables have already arrived, it's time to cook such a dish. It does not overload, it turns out beautiful and moderately satisfying.

We take:

  • Four hundred grams of dumplings
  • Two small zucchini
  • One medium-sized carrot
  • Medium onion
  • Two tomatoes
  • Spices at discretion
  • Lean oil

Cooking process:

Boil the dumplings for about three minutes, spread to dry. In the meantime, fry the onion a little, add grated carrots to it, put the slices of zucchini in five minutes. As soon as it is a little fried, lay out the tomatoes, also cut into cubes.

Let's darken the vegetables a little and add the dumplings, season and stir fry for about three minutes, after another five minutes we will darken everything under the lid. Decorate with fresh herbs on a platter.

How to fry dumplings with eggs

We always have a few dumplings left after dinner, no matter how much you put it, my daughter doesn’t "fit". So, I don't throw the dumplings away, but put them in the refrigerator and prepare a simple and tasty dish for dinner.

We take:

  • Ten pre-cooked dumplings
  • Two large spoons of butter, I have ghee
  • Two chicken eggs
  • A piece of cheese
  • Two large spoons of milk
  • Condiments
  • Greenery

Cooking process:

Heat the oil, put the dumplings, let them fry. Mix eggs with milk and grated cheese, add to the dumplings and fry everything like an omelet. The greens can be added right away, or you can sprinkle them later, when done.

Chinese fried dumplings

Everyone knows that dumplings are not only Russian, but also Chinese National dish... Of what they are not made there. But we will not be very sophisticated, we will prepare what is more familiar to us.

We take:

  • Four hundred grams of lean pork
  • Four hundred grams of fresh Chinese cabbage leaves
  • Small onion head
  • A teaspoon of soy sauce
  • Vegetable oil in dough and for frying
  • Pinch of sugar
  • Two glasses of wheat flour
  • A glass of boiling water

Cooking process:

Making custard unleavened dough, the flour must be poured into a bowl and mixed with salt, then pour in boiling water and stir so that no lumps are formed, add vegetable oil as well. Knead an elastic dough.

For the minced meat, mix the twisted pork with chopped cabbage leaves, add sugar and soy sauce. You can add white pepper to taste, it will add flavor.

Roll out small juices from the dough and lay out the filling, just sculpt not like dumplings, but like dumplings. In general, they should be small, but if you want to quickly, then make the usual size.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and spread the dumplings evenly. Fry on one side, turn over and do the same on the other, when a crust forms with a little boiling water so that it is only at the bottom. Steam under the lid for five minutes and can be served.

How to deliciously fry dumplings with cheese crust sauce

The dish with cheese and an unusual sauce for us turns out to be very tasty. Try it, it's really tasty and easy.

We take:

  • Half a kilo of frozen ready-made dumplings
  • One hundred grams of any kind of hard cheese
  • Half a glass of kefir
  • Half a glass of sour cream
  • Half a glass of mayonnaise
  • Head of garlic
  • Bunch of green onions
  • Salt, Pepper Blend, Dried Herb Blend

Cooking process:

First of all, we will deal with the sauce so that it is ready for the dumplings to come. Mix sour cream with kefir and mayonnaise, squeeze the garlic into it, pour in the pepper and herbs. Mix the mass and let it brew for half an hour.

You can also grate cheese in advance. And let the dumplings rest a little from the freezer.

Pour oil into the pan and set the temperature to medium. Pour half a glass of water into it at once and simmer the dumplings under the lid for about five minutes. As soon as the water evaporates, add more oil and fry the dumplings on one side, then turn them over to the other, wait for the golden crust to appear and sprinkle everything with cheese. We cover with a lid and let it reach readiness for literally five minutes.

During this time, the cheese will melt and crust. Now we can divide the dish into portions, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with finely chopped onions.

Tajik dumplings, fried

For such a dish, we will make dumplings ourselves. It turns out to be very satisfying, it is a complete dinner for a large family.

We take:

  • Half a kilo of ground pork
  • Four hundred grams of ready-made dumplings dough
  • Two-thirds of a glass of cooked broth
  • Two large spoons of refined sunflower oil
  • A teaspoon of wine vinegar
  • Medium onion
  • Condiments

Cooking process:

Add finely chopped onions to the minced meat, roll the dough into a thin layer, cut into squares. We spread the minced meat in the center of each square and close it at an angle to make triangles.

Heat the oil over medium heat, send the dumplings there, fry on both sides, then fill it with hot broth and simmer for five minutes under the lid. Sprinkle the finished dumplings with wine vinegar.