Home / Chebureki / How to fry pancakes in a frying pan. How to bake pancakes

How to fry pancakes in a frying pan. How to bake pancakes

Pancakes are the oldest flour products, and they are an integral part of the cuisine of any people in the world. In Russian cuisine, pancakes were at first exclusively a memorial dish.

Their baking requires a minimum of flour with a maximum of liquid and special craftsmanship approaching art. No cookbook is precise about how much batter to pour into the pan or when the pancake should be flipped. These subtle points can only be determined by personal experience. Delicious thin pancakes are impossible to cook without a suitable frying pan and products of excellent quality.

Large selection of modern kitchen appliances turns cooking into a high-tech procedure that does not require specific culinary knowledge and experience. Baking pancakes using a multicooker or multikitchen comes down to easy cooking dough and pressing several buttons, through which the heating temperature of the frying surface is selected. And only baking pancakes in a pan allows the hostess to go beyond the proposed standard program and show all her skills and imagination, although, of course, it will require her constant attention and control of the situation.

Cheap pans are made from short-lived extruded aluminum. Their thin bottom is not suitable for baking pancakes and quickly deforms at high temperatures. A cast aluminum frying pan will be more expensive, and only on it the non-stick coating is held stronger: this is a feature of its production technology.

A ceramic pan is stronger and more durable, but its non-stick coating wears out faster than Teflon. Teflon is easily damaged and at the high temperatures required for baking pancakes, there is a high risk of release of hazardous substances from the coating material. For strength, titanium is added to the coating, but such pans are not at all cheap.

When baking pancakes in a pan with a ceramic or Teflon coating, wooden or plastic spatulas are used for turning. Such dishes are ideal for beginners who have not yet developed the skill of handling pancake dough.

But the best dish for baking pancakes and an unconditional tribute to tradition is a massive cast-iron frying pan. A new cast iron pan should be calcined with oil. The manufacturing technology of cast iron is such that its surface is covered with microscopic pores. The purpose of baking is to char the oil that has entered them and form a hard protective coating, which is akin to artificially obtained non-stick. It also prevents the pancakes from burning and rusting.

The main disadvantage of a cast iron pan is its heavy weight. A cast-iron pan should not be washed to perfect condition, carefully degreasing its surface. The remaining oil is simply drained and wiped with paper towels.

Regardless of the choice of pan, before baking pancakes, it must be well heated. The first pancake comes out lumpy because the pan is not hot enough or the recently poured oil has not warmed up.

Simple tips will help you bake successful pancakes that do not stick to the pan:

  • it is advisable to have a separate frying pan with a massive bottom for baking pancakes;
  • pancake dough should not contain excess soda;
  • batter is poured into the center of the pan and, by rotating it, is evenly distributed over the surface;
  • the pancake is turned over when its rim has browned and is well separated with a spatula.

Every hostess knows that the more convenient the dishes for cooking, the easier it is to make a dish, and it will turn out tastier! Today we will talk about which pan is better to bake pancakes in, so that they turn out not only appetizing, but at the same time they would be fried easily, quickly and not sticky. Still, many people are probably familiar with the problem of tightly stuck dough during frying to the bottom of the dish, and this always overshadows cooking.

In such cases, you have to stop everything and immediately take up washing the pan or go shopping to buy a special pan for pancakes. In addition, no one can guarantee that the next pancake will also not turn out lumpy.

The problem can be solved in several ways - well-cooked dough and the right choice of pan. That is what we will talk about today.

Two video recipes for pancake dough from the chef of our website

Povarenok has many proven pancake recipes that you can find in the video or on our website.

Why is not any dish suitable for frying pancakes? It's simple - during cooking, the pan is subjected to severe thermal shock: cold dough is poured over and over again on a very hot surface. Not every frying pan will withstand this!

However, before moving on to an overview of the types of pans, we will learn how to properly oil them, regardless of the material of manufacture.

Frying pancakes means better greasing the pan

The first pancake goes astray not only because the pan hasn’t warmed up or the dough has turned out unsuccessful – it’s very often a matter of uneven distribution of oil.

Determining whether the pan is well heated and whether it is time to pour oil on it is easy! It is enough to moisten it with water and put on fire - a medium or small burner, if we have a gas stove in front of us. As soon as the water has completely evaporated, you can pour in the oil.

We pour it quite a bit - ½ tbsp is enough. Tilt the pan on weight in different directions, evenly distribute it over the entire surface, and now do not pour the dough, as you might think, but pour the hot oil into the dough.

We quickly wipe the oil bottom with a napkin, mix hot oil into the dough and immediately pour the first pancake into the pan, gently spreading it over the surface.

Every 2-3 pancakes, we repeat the lubrication procedure, only this time we immediately wipe the bottom with the same napkin, simply dipping it in a saucer with vegetable oil before that.

But why, you ask, bother with simple frying pans if we have a frying pan with non-stick coating? It's simple - pancakes will turn out tastier and juicier, because the Teflon pan dries the dough a lot during cooking.

Let's focus on the most the best views pancake pans for details.

Pancake pan with non-stick coating

It is better to use it for beginners - the risk that the pancakes will stick is minimal.

Lubricate it with oil, as described above. Despite the Teflon layer, from which the dough will easily come off in any case, the oil will give the pancake a brighter color and aroma, and make the taste more intense.

Remember that you can only use a silicone spatula, in no case using metal utensils - it can scratch the surface of the pancake pan, making it unsuitable for further use, because if the integrity of the coating is violated, Teflon becomes harmful to health.

Even a wooden spatula is best left for stronger pans.

It is better to wash such a pan after frying with a soft sponge with a special dishwashing detergent. But any abrasive should be avoided.

In no case do not rub the sticky droplets of dough with any powders, let the dishes get wet, then gently wipe off the dirt so that there are no scratches on it.

But not only such a frying pan can be used for frying pancakes, you can also bake them on the good old cast iron.

In which pan to fry pancakes - our mothers and grandmothers did not think. The absolute favorite was a cast-iron frying pan, specially bought for frying pancakes. And today, many housewives also believe that it is in a cast-iron pan that the most delicious pancakes and pancakes.

A thick bottom, moderately low sides, a comfortable handle - everything speaks in favor of such utensils. In addition, during frying, an oil film forms on the porous structure of the cast iron, which makes it easy to turn the pancakes over and not lubricate the surface before each next one.

If the pan is used only for baking pancakes, it is better to care for it as follows.

  • After the end of frying, do not wash it, but pour a little more oil, spread 2-3 tbsp. coarse table salt.
  • We heat the pan over medium heat and remove the oil.
  • Then we wipe the bottom with a napkin or a clean, dry cloth. This will keep a thin oil film.

Before the next use, wipe it again and oil it, as described above.

Now you know in which pan it is better to bake pancakes and you can make your choice! Treat your guests and family with delicious fragrant pancakes, the recipes of which you will find in our other articles, because there is nothing complicated in cooking this traditional dish no.

Pancakes are one of the symbols of Russian cuisine, especially important for the ancient Slavs. Sour (yeast) and unleavened pancakes are most widespread among the Slavic peoples, moreover, only the cuisines of the Slavic countries contain recipes for pancakes based on yeast.

In Russia, such products are mainly from sour dough appeared thanks to the Varangians in the 9th century. The main ingredients were milk, eggs, sugar, various types of flour.

Most often they were baked for the most famous holiday of the East Slavic calendar - Shrovetide. Here they did not skimp on the ingredients, cooked pancakes in milk or yogurt, poured butter, sour cream, honey, treated passers-by and family members. Traditionally, pancakes were baked in a Russian oven, heated either with small dry birch branches and firewood. Thanks to such an oven, each pancake was covered with uniform heat, due to which accrued holes appeared in the thickness of the dough, the surface became ruddy, and the pancake itself turned out to be very juicy and baked.

Today, of course, they are not baked in Russian ovens; for this purpose, ordinary frying pans are increasingly being used, but cooked on electric and gas stoves. Rarely, the hostess has special devices for cooking - pancakes. Their surface heats up evenly, you can bake pancakes without using oil, and make them of different thicknesses. Well, how to fry pancakes?

Before you fry the pancake, you need to properly knead the dough. To do this, it is best to use a deep enameled pan or bowl, with high sides, in which you would calmly stir the dough. If you add yeast, then the container must be taken at least three times larger in volume than the volume ready dough considering the fermentation process.

When kneading the dough, there are a few simple rules:

  1. Liquid - whey, water, milk or kefir - must be heated. If you are preparing yeast dough, heat the liquid to a maximum temperature of 42-45 degrees, otherwise the yeast will deteriorate at a higher temperature. Even if baking powder is not used, you still need to warm the milk or water a little so that the sugar and salt dissolve more easily.
  2. Too much a large number of eggs make the pancake very dense, but without eggs, the dough can tear when you try to flip the pancake to the other side during frying. It is optimal to take about 2 chicken eggs per half liter of liquid.
  3. It is better to dilute pancakes with milk slightly with water, then they will turn out to be more lush and easy to rise.
  4. As a baking powder, you can use dry or fresh pressed yeast, soda, a special dough baking powder, or add nothing at all. In the latter case, you can make the most thin plastic pancakes.
  5. Fat must also always be added to the dough, otherwise the pancakes will stick to the pan. It can be any odorless vegetable oil, as well as melted margarine, cooking oils, butter. For half a liter of liquid, it is enough to add 2-3 tablespoons of fat. In pancakes with milk, you can pour 1 tablespoon of oil.

It is not necessary to knead the pancake dough for a long time, it is enough to combine all the components well. After kneading, the bowl of dough should be covered with a cloth or gauze so that it has access to air. Yeast dough it is settled for at least half an hour, the usual one or with soda should stand before the pancakes start frying for about 10-15 minutes.

How to choose a frying pan?

A good frying pan is the main key to the success of baking pancakes from absolutely any dough. In ancient times, pancakes were always baked in a real Russian oven. Today, this is practically impossible to meet, although it is the Russian stove that creates optimal conditions for a good flow pancake dough, douses products with uniform heat, does not leave unbaked parts and lumps.

Before frying the pancake, the pan must be washed and wiped with a napkin. Modern housewives use the following types of pans to make pancakes:

  1. Teflon pans are equipped with a special non-stick coating, for example, ceramic, due to which pancakes do not stick, even the first one, which is usually lumpy. Turning pancakes in such a pan is only allowed with silicone or wooden spatulas so as not to scratch the coating. If you are the lucky owner of a Teflon frying pan with a red circle heat indicator in the center of the bottom, then you are even luckier. Such a pan will accurately show when it is evenly heated.
  2. Cast iron pans are, perhaps, in the family of every housewife. Among their advantages, one can note a uniform degree of heating of the entire surface and long-term preservation of heat. Of the minuses - frying pancakes in a cast iron pan for a long time, distributing the dough over the pan, your hand may simply get tired, since cast iron products weigh quite a lot.

The choice of pan depends on what kind of fire to fry pancakes. The thinner the bottom, the faster dough baked. How much to fry a pancake also depends on the diameter of the burner.

Some housewives even use a microwave to fry pancakes, but the pancakes in it are not so juicy and often do not have golden brown. In addition, pancakes can be fried in a special electrical device - a pancake maker. This device is a housing with a heating element and a small tray with low sides, where the dough is poured. The crepe maker allows you not to use oil at all when frying pancakes, cooks them very quickly, and fries evenly on both sides.

It is optimal to choose a pan with small sides located at an obtuse angle to the bottom. This will give you the opportunity to carefully pry the pancake, turn it over and not tear it.

What oil to fry?

What oil to fry pancakes in is very important. Oil must be added to the pancake dough, otherwise the finished pancake will turn out to be very dry and lose its splendor. The bulk of pancake recipes are contained in vegetable oil, not only sunflower oil, but also corn, olive and other refined ones. Alternatively, you can use melted chilled butter, cooking oil, or good quality margarine.

Before frying pancakes, warm the oil to room temperature. The standard serving of oil per half liter of liquid is 2 tablespoons. Refined must be used so that the dough does not have a characteristic odor.

In addition to butter, you can use a piece of fresh bacon, usually either salted or fresh without spices is used. Lard also grease the pan in a small amount, otherwise, when heated, it may not have a very pleasant aroma.

To save a portion of butter, you can use a long-proven method - peel one medium potato, cut it in half, chop it on a fork cut down. Then dip this slice in vegetable oil, grease the surface of the pan with it. In the same way, they grease the pan with bacon - they prick it on a fork and periodically turn it over.

It is undesirable to use too much oil when frying. After you brush the surface with oil and it warms up well, spread it in a circular motion over the pan, and pour out the excess.

How to make the cooking process easier?

The process of frying pancakes can be greatly facilitated if you follow some simple tips:

  1. It is necessary to pour pancake dough into a very well-heated pan, previously greased, strictly in the center. After that, the pan is tilted and in a circular motion, the dough is thus distributed in an even layer. Holes can be closed with small drops of dough.
  2. If a lot of bubbles form during the frying process, then there is not enough flour in the dough. Add little by little so that the pancakes do not come out too thick and undercooked. One large bubble in the center can simply be gently pierced with a fork, being careful not to scratch the surface of the pan.
  3. If the pancake breaks when you try to flip the other side, then you made the batter too thin. Add some flour and one egg. It is the egg that makes the pancake dough plastic, and the finished products - dense and torn.
  4. Pancakes can stick to the surface of the pan due to poor coating or uneven heat. Make sure that the fire is located clearly in the center of the pan. If you cook in a cast iron pan, before frying, you can ignite it with salt, then wipe it dry, then grease with vegetable oil and start frying.
  5. For turning it is optimal to use a silicone wide spatula. You need to turn the pancake when its surface does not shine, and the edges are already slightly browned.
  6. If the pancake breaks when you turn it over, it means that there is too much flour in the dough and not enough milk or eggs.

It is better not to store ready-made pancakes, but to serve immediately to the table. But you can freeze them, including with fillings, and then reheat them in the microwave.

The secrets of baking perfect pancakes are available to everyone. To figure out what kind of fire to fry pancakes so that they bake perfectly, do not stick, you just need to read my article to the end.

For those who first come across how to fry pancakes, my recommendations can be very useful. First of all, I would like to note that you need to make pancakes in a dry cast-iron frying pan or a pancake maker.

You need to lubricate the bottom with vegetable oil, in fact, as well as the sides of the dishes. A frying pan or it’s pancakes on a pancake maker - it doesn’t matter, you need the dishes to be perfectly warmed up.

Turn on the fire on the stove to maximum power, but after it do not forget to screw it on, otherwise there is a high possibility that the pancakes will start to burn, even on a cast-iron base.

In order to save vegetable oil as well as reducing calories delicious dish, I advise you not to pour it, but only lubricate the surface with a special silicone brush.

Dough pouring

You can fry beautiful and delicious pancakes in a pan. This is quite realistic if you know how to pour the dough correctly. You need to pour the mixture in the middle. Then tilt the dish in a circular motion so that it spreads along the bottom.

You need to do this as quickly as possible, because the dough quickly seizes in a hot pan. Similarly, it is worth acting if you distribute the mass with a ladle.

Pour the dough right into the center of the pan, and then use a ladle to form a pancake. Be sure to fry on each side.


Pancakes need to be baked over medium heat on a medium-sized burner. A quiet fire is also suitable, but on a wider burner or strong, but on a small one. Choosing a stove burner is worth relying on the size of the pan.


If you start frying pancakes in any pan, but they immediately begin to bubble, then the whole point is that there is not enough flour in the dough mixture. The recipe needs to be modified. Flour must be handled very carefully.

In another case, they may turn out to be painfully thick, they will not be able to bake normally. When a small bubble appears on the pancakes right in the center, you can pierce it with a fork.

Even if you do not touch it, when you finish baking, it will fall off. The taste of pancakes will remain unchanged whether they are bubbly or not.

pancakes are torn

Many housewives are interested in the question of how to fry thin pancakes but in such a way that they do not break. In fact, the wrong kneading of the dough will be the reason for the fact that the workpieces are torn.

More flour needs to be added. If this ingredient is enough in the dough, then there is another recommendation - add it to the chicken mixture. egg.

If you are interested in the question of how to fry thin pancakes in a pan with a thin surface and poor coating, you should know that pastries can really burst in this case.

This is due to the fact that the dough does not have time to bake, and at the bottom the pancakes are already burnt and stuck. Therefore, it is imperative to do the kneading correctly.


Another common question is how to fry pancakes in a pan so that they do not stick to the dishes.

Basically, this situation is a consequence of the fact that the pan is on an uneven burner, or your stove is set that way.

Nothing can be done in this case with the stove, and therefore there is another way out. If you pour into the composition of the test rast. oil, the pancakes will not stick.

A similar phenomenon can occur when the pan has not been washed before baking pancakes.

Be sure to do this - wash the dishes well, wipe dry and grease the rast. butter. Only then pour the dough and start baking pancakes.

Try to rotate the pan from time to time. It will be useful to add rast. oil at the sticking point.

If the pancake is a little stuck, then remove the pan from the heat and twist in a circle, so it should come out intact and intact. Return the dishes to the fire and let it cook for a couple of minutes.

You can try to solve the problem by thoroughly washing the pan. After once again anoint the dishes. oil. But if a clean pan still does not give the desired effect, add chicken to the dough. egg and 1 tbsp. flour.

In the event that the dough is too dry and causes the pancake to break, you need to add rast. butter and milk.

Flipping methods

I know different ways flipping pancakes in a pan. I propose to find out the most popular:

  1. Forklift. It takes skill to work with thin pancakes and a fork. You need to prick the edge of the pancake with a fork, then help with your hand and turn it over. The procedure is done as quickly as possible, because there is a chance that you can get burned.
  2. Spatula. I advise you to use a wide and thin spatula at the end. So the pancake will remain intact. When the surface of the cake becomes ruddy, you need to lift its edges. Slide the spatula under its surface and lift to flip.
  3. Air. This method looks very nice. You need to throw the baked pancake up so that it turns over. Only professionals can do this. Of course, it is important to train and work with a light pan, otherwise there is a great chance that treats and dishes will fly to the floor. Watch the video to see how the pros do it.
  4. Manually. The method is ideal for thin pancakes. Grasp the edge of the pancake with your hands and quickly turn it over. The edges cool much faster than the core, and therefore the fact of getting burned is unlikely.

I sincerely hope that one of the ways will be the most convenient for you, you decide to bake tasty treat for the whole family right now, but read my recommendations to the end.


The question of how to fry pancakes correctly, we sorted out. But now it remains to understand how to remove pancakes from the pan. In fact, there are several methods to achieve this goal:

  1. Spatula. Pancake needs to be rolled in a pan, tilting the dishes, rolled out onto a plate and press the first edge to the dish with a spatula. Pulling, the snack will be on the dishes.
  2. Forklift. The pancake is shifted with a fork onto a plate. So you can break the pancake, and therefore you need to be very careful.
  3. Masterly. This method involves the flight of pancakes from the pan with a revolution in the air. An exact landing in the middle of the dish is provided for all those who will train. Be sure to follow the safety precautions.

As a rule, it is customary to lay pancakes on top of each other, forming a stack on a plate. At the end of frying, you need to cover the pancakes with another clean plate, you can use the lid for the same purpose.

Baking will keep fresh and warm in this case. All pancakes in turn need to be lubricated. butter, no matter how much you bake them.

warm up

There are two ways to reheat thin pancakes:

  1. Microwave. Set the device to 650 kW of power for 60 seconds. Focus in this case personally on the power of your microwave oven, I do exactly that. It will be enough to put 2-4 pancakes. Turn the stack over and repeat the program, but already for 30 seconds. The dough will warm up during this time.
  2. On a frying pan. Put the pancake in a frying pan, without first greasing it with oil and without warming it up, cover with a lid and leave on moderate heat for 2 minutes. Turn the stack over and heat for a couple more minutes. This will be enough to warm up the dough.

Frozen pancakes

Semi-finished products with filling are in great demand. You don't even have to heat them up to cook them. Simply put in a frying pan, watered with rast. oil and preheated.

Fry pancakes for 5 minutes on both sides. Add 3 tbsp. water and oven 5 min. That's all, you can sit down to eat! Bon Appetit. And how much to eat is your personal desire!

We figured out the theoretical basis, and therefore, in the end, I want to pamper you with my original recipes.

Fragrant pancakes with milk

The recipe for baking with milk is very simple, and the list of ingredients is small, how many products you need is presented below.

Components: 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 75 gr. Sahara; salt on the eye; 1.5 st. flour; 2.5 st. milk; 50 ml sol. oils.

Action algorithm:

  1. Kur. Beat eggs, salt and sugar together. I work with a whisk for these purposes, but if you wish, you can take a mixer.
  2. Add milk to mixture and stir.
  3. Sow flour, add gently to the mixture in milk. Lumps must be excluded. I pour rast. butter. The dough in milk should not be thick.
  4. I heat the pan and smear with a brush. butter. I try to make a pancake with milk thin. I bake for 30 minutes. I flip and bring to readiness. On what fire it is better to bake, look at the situation. I advise on above average power.

Serve on the table, covered with yogurt, jam or sour cream. The filling may be different. I wish you bon appetit.

Pancakes on the water in a hurry

If there is no milk at home, but you really want to eat pancakes, then I advise you to take note of this recipe. Thin pancakes It is not difficult to cook, but they turn out to be delicious, moreover, they are also not high-calorie.

Components: 250 gr. flour; 50 gr. rast. oils; 250 ml of water; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; salt; 50 gr. Sahara; soda and vinegar.

In the event that you need to reduce calories, put 1 tbsp. Sahara. Sweet tooth, on the contrary, can increase the entry of this component.

To bake pancakes in a hole, you need to use soda quenched in 1 tbsp. vinegar.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I'm slaughtering chickens. eggs with sugar. I add a mass of half art. water (necessarily warm). Whipping.
  2. I bring in extinguished soda, flour. I add the rest of the water, rast. butter.
  3. I fry thin homemade pancakes for about 30 seconds. from each side.

Pancakes on starch

Mastering the cooking of pancakes, you need to pay attention to this recipe. Starch helps to hold the dough together perfectly so that it does not tear. In this case, the pancakes will be thin. In this case, we will cook not with milk, but with kefir.

Components: 400 ml of kefir; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 75 gr. flour; 100 gr. starch; a little soda, the same amount of salt; 50 gr. sugar and rast. oils.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Kur. beat eggs with sugar, kefir, soda, salt. I fall asleep flour, starch. I remove lumps. The mass will be homogeneous, only then I introduce the growth. butter.
  2. Pour the mixture into the pan and cook.

Yeast pancakes

The recipe requires free time, as you need to work with yeast, but know that the result is worth it.

Previously, our ancestors cooked such pancakes in Russian ovens, but we will cook them in a simple frying pan. Such a treat turns out to be hearty and tasty, you can serve it to guests at the table without any doubt.

Ingredients: 850 ml of milk; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 50 gr. sugar and rast. oils; 10 gr. dry yeast; 2 tbsp. flour; 5 gr. salt.

Action algorithm:

  1. I make a dough: yeast in milk. I add half a teaspoon to the mixture. sugar, salt and 75 gr. flour. The dough will not be thick, you need to let it stand for about 20 minutes.
  2. Whipping chickens at this time. eggs with sugar. I add salt. Mix the dough with the mixture. I bring flour. All lumps must be removed. I add milk.
  3. I add flour again, dilute it with milk. I alternate until I use all the indicated amount of flour. I put the mixture on a plate with boiling water. I cover with a napkin and leave aside so that the dough comes.
  4. I bake pancakes, I grease each of them before serving. oil.

Pancakes with baking

By baking, you need to understand the filling. You can cook it in different ways, the main thing is that it gives you pleasure. Use meat or sausage, fruits or vegetables, etc.

Stuffing ingredients: green onion; 1 PC. chickens. egg; rast. butter.

Action algorithm:

  1. Boiled chickens. I cut the egg into small pieces. I mix with onions. I'm roasting oil for about 10 minutes.
  2. After distributing the filling, I pour out the dough. I fry until the filling is sealed in the dough.
  3. It turns out really original and very tasty. By the way, the method can be diversified, first pour the dough, and then put a lot of baking on top.

You can vary the baked goods according to your taste. There are no-calorie recipes that even those people who follow their figure will like.

I advise everyone to try them in practice, believe me, even novice cooks will be satisfied with the results.

My video recipe