Home / Pies / Chopped Tomato Fingers Yummy Recipe Without Sterilization. Tomatoes in halves for the winter - the best recipes

Chopped Tomato Fingers Yummy Recipe Without Sterilization. Tomatoes in halves for the winter - the best recipes

What kind of blanks for the winter did not come up with! Indeed, in winter, both at the festive table and in Everyday life, I really want a variety. Canned vegetables prepared according to the most various recipes, have long been traditional dish on the dining table, especially in winter.

Twisting all kinds of tomato blanks for the winter is, so to speak, a classic of the genre. Many people harvest tomatoes in one way or another; share recipes with each other, improvise, compare recipes drawn from different sources, experiment, bring something of their own.

Some recipes are very similar to each other, and sometimes completely repeat each other almost completely; and in some cases something new, unusual, unusual is found in them; some kind of feature, "zest".

The variety of recipes and so many differences between them are due to the fact that different varieties of tomatoes have different tastes, and each of them is most successfully combined with "its" set of spices (often the features of the canning method even depend on the degree of ripeness of tomatoes).

The popularity of canned tomatoes is due to the fact that, in addition to nutritional value (canned tomatoes are a source of many substances necessary for the body - vitamins and minerals) it is also pleasant, delicious, versatile snack that goes well with most traditional dishes.

One way or another, the authors of all the recipes are inspired to be creative by the same question: how to cook and preserve tomatoes for the winter so that it is not difficult, so that they are stored well, and so that you can lick your fingers?

By the way, one of famous recipes that's exactly what it's called.

"Real jam"

The name of the recipe speaks for itself and fully explains the popularity of this recipe. The workpiece is very tasty, the cooking method is not at all complicated.

For twisting five cans with a volume of 1 liter you will need:

Ingredients for making the fill

  • water 3 l
  • salt 3 tbsp. l.
  • sugar 7 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf- 2 pcs.
  • 9% vinegar 200 ml
  • black or allspice 5-6 peas

At the bottom of pre-sterilized jars, put chopped greens mixed with garlic and pour in vegetable oil; then carefully lay out carefully washed tomatoes, alternating them with layers of sliced ​​rings onions... Bank in this way fill to the very top... The marinade is boiled, after which vinegar is poured into it; allow to cool slightly - to about 80 degrees and pour it into jars filled with tomatoes. The filled cans are sterilized for 15 minutes, then rolled up and turned upside down and left to cool completely.

You can harvest tomatoes for the winter in large jars; in this case, it is convenient to combine tomatoes of different sizes in one jar (and if they are of different colors, then it will also turn out beautifully in addition).

Ingredients for a three-liter volume of ready-made pickles

  • bell pepper - 1
  • garlic: - 3-4 large cloves
  • parsley 10 - 12
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 2.5 teaspoons
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.

First thing put the water to boil, and while it boils, wash the vegetables, sterilize the dishes.

Put a couple of garlic cloves and a few sprigs of parsley on the bottom of the cans, lay the tomatoes tightly, and put the remaining parsley and garlic on top of them. Cut the pepper into 4-5 pieces and spread in slices on top.

While the water is boiling, add sugar, salt and vinegar to the contents of the jar.

After the water boils, fill the tomatoes with it and roll up the lid.

We wrap the canned jars with a warm blanket so that they cool down as slowly as possible.

In addition, when preparing according to this recipe, you can add cucumbers, young squash or even zucchini to tomatoes. This is already a sort of assortment will turn out. In winter, this “salting” will add variety and summer memories to the diet.

But not by canning alone, as they say ... There are recipes that allow you to prepare tomatoes for the winter without the use of sterilization.

Huge demand for dining table in the winter time will be used by the so-called

Pickled tomatoes

To prepare such a blank, you will not need any special conditions, no special skills, no cans and lids for canning.

You will need for a 3-liter container:

  • actually tomatoes 1.3 - 1.5 kg
  • parsley
  • garlic 2-3 cloves
  • two or three leaves of black currant
  • 2-3 cherry leaves
  • one "umbrella" dill
  • 50-60 g (to taste) salt
  • water - 1.2 l

Carefully lay out in an enamel pot, bucket or jar washed greens and garlic cut into pieces. Part of the parsley, currant and cherry leaves, an umbrella of dill are also spread there.

Thoroughly washed tomatoes are laid out on top of the greens.

Having prepared a brine (from 1000 ml of water and salt), pour tomatoes into containers with it, press down with a plate, and you can put a load on top so that the tomatoes do not float.

The container is covered with a lid (with a blank in a jar, you can close it with a plastic lid).

A container with tomatoes is placed in a cool place for two to three weeks; after this period pickled tomatoes ready and just asking for the table.

Undoubtedly, recipes intended for harvesting unripe, green or greenish-brown tomatoes for the winter, which remain on the branches in autumn, deserve attention. (do not leave them on the bushes for the winter!). Such fruits are not suitable for salads and other dishes that are successfully made from red, ripe tomato(they differ significantly from ripe ones both in density and in the structure of the fruit pulp).

Green tomatoes taste quite interesting; and such a blank looks quite appetizing. As an appetizer, canned green tomatoes go wonderfully with a variety of potato and meat dishes.

For harvesting unripe green tomatoes for the winter according to this recipe we take three liters of ready-made preservation:

  • about one and a half kilograms of green tomatoes
  • bay leaf -3
  • 10 pcs black and allspice
  • 1/2 cup nine percent vinegar

Marinade for pouring

  • litere of water
  • a tablespoon of salt
  • one and a half tablespoons of sugar

First, we put the marinade being prepared; for this you need to bring water to a boil. In the meantime, it boils, we select the correct shape tomatoes for preservation; preferably without dents and damage to the skin. It is better that they have approximately the same size, so it will be more convenient to blanch them.

To the bottom of pre-sterilized cans spread the bay leaf, garlic, black and allspice peppers and tomatoes; Before placing them in jars, they should be blanched in small portions (300-400 grams each) in boiling water for 30 seconds. It is most convenient to do this with the help of a colander, so as not to catch the tomatoes one by one from the boiling water in a saucepan. And after blanching, the tomatoes are immediately transferred to pre-prepared jars with spices already laid on the bottom.

Add salt and sugar to the boiled water for the marinade and simmer for 3-4 minutes, then add vinegar to the jars filled with tomatoes and immediately fill with boiling marinade, then hermetically close the cans with lids(roll up or twist). Closed banks with tomatoes, you should immediately wrap it up with something warm (a blanket, for example) and leave in this form for about a day (during this period, the jars will completely or almost completely cool down).

It is better to store in a cool place - before the onset of winter, a cellar, basement, basement or refrigerator will do; and with the arrival of winter, you can put it on the balcony.

One more preparation method should be mentioned.

The peculiarity of this harvesting method is that tomatoes prepared in this way should be stored only in the cold. To obtain three-liter cans of the finished workpiece you will need the following products:

The first step is to prepare the banks. The quality of their processing depends on whether the blanks will be stored in winter.

It is very important not only to properly rinse the jars, but also bake them in the oven or over steam... At the same time, we will wash and boil the lids.

Before cooking, small tomatoes must be washed, then pierce the skin a couple of times with a toothpick around the stalk so that later the peel does not burst on them from the high temperature.

As for large tomatoes, they should be peeled, cut into pieces and heated in an enamel bowl over low heat under a lid. You should not talk to a boil. Rub the heated tomatoes through a sieve (so that the juice is seedless). Received tomato juice season with sugar and salt (one tablespoon of salt and sugar per 1.5 liters of juice); you can add cinnamon and other spices (to taste).

Next, bring the grated seasoned juice to a boil and pour into jars filled with tomatoes. Next - the banks must go through sterilization process within 9 minutes or pasteurization for half an hour; after which the workpiece is rolled up and wrapped until it cools completely.

One can argue endlessly about the disadvantages and advantages of this or that method of harvesting tomatoes; the main thing is that every housewife finds the optimal recipe just for herself.

For many years now, the harvest from the dacha has not been wasted and perfectly replenishes stocks of blanks. Pickled tomatoes for the winter are canned in jars and then please on holidays and weekdays. Today I will share with you different, but certainly proven and good recipes harvesting tomatoes.

At first glance, it may seem that pickled tomatoes are some kind of difficult dish to cook, which an inexperienced hostess cannot cope with. But I assure you, everything is as easy as shelling pears. The main thing is to remember the basic rules and proportions of recipes, and then you can even improvise. Like many housewives, you can add different spices and herbs to taste and experiment with varieties of tomatoes.

The best time for harvesting pickled tomatoes is when they are easy to buy in large quantities and at a low cost, that is, during the harvest season. Or use the ones that you have grown yourself in the beds and greenhouses.

Pickled tomatoes in jars are good and large and small, cream and even cherry. Almost any variety of tomatoes is excellently pickled.

Delicious pickled tomatoes for the winter with herbs - a simple step-by-step recipe

I tried pickling tomatoes over different recipes and made sure that the ideal proportions of salt and sugar are always different for everyone in the end, so you may have to close more than one batch before you find your favorite option. Someone likes sweet pickled tomatoes, someone puts more salt than sugar, and loves salty and sour. Vinegar adds its pronounced sourness, but do not forget that the tomatoes themselves contain a large number of acid.

This recipe is characterized by the fact that the sweetness and salinity are balanced, and the taste is very rich thanks to the different leaves and herbs.

For aromatic pickled tomatoes you will need:

  • tomatoes - from 2 kg,
  • fresh parsley - 2-3 sprigs per jar,
  • dill root optional
  • celery,
  • black currant leaves - 2-4 leaves per jar,
  • cherry leaves - 2-4 leaves per jar,
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves per jar,
  • black peppercorns - 5 peas per can,
  • allspice peas - 5 peas per can,
  • salt,
  • sugar,
  • 9% vinegar.


1. Prepare the tomatoes, wash them thoroughly. They must be intact, without damaged skin, green barrels and butts. About the same size, but it doesn't matter.

To make the tomatoes marinated better, regardless of the thickness of the skin, take a toothpick and make several punctures near the stalk itself. These small holes will allow the marinade to penetrate inside.

2. Wash cans with baking soda. Then sterilize them on the stove top or in the oven. It can also be sterilized in microwave oven... Do not forget to sterilize the lids too, you can use boiling water. It is impossible in the microwave, as they are metal.

Choose the size of the jars yourself; large tomatoes are more suitable for large tomatoes. But keep in mind that an open jar of pickled tomatoes will have to be stored in the refrigerator.

3. Rinse the herbs thoroughly and place them in the jars. The proportions of greens in jars are approximately the same. For each liter of can volume, you will get 1-2 branches of parsley, 2 cherry leaves, 2 currant leaves, 4-5 peppercorns each, 1 bay leaf.

If you are using 2 or 3 liter jars, proportionally increase the number of leaves inside each one.

4. Place the tomatoes in each jar. Do this as tightly as possible. Leave the smaller tomatoes for later to make it easier to place them in the tapering mouth of the jar or to fill in the gaps between large tomatoes.

5. Now we will measure how much it is necessary to prepare the marinade for our tomatoes. To do this, I use my grandmother's wonderful know-how.

To know exactly how much water you need, fill hot water in a jar with tomatoes. You can just boil the kettle for this. Fill the jars to the very edge, so you get the required amount of marinade.

After that, let them stand for 10 minutes. This will sterilize tomatoes and herbs.

6. Now drain the water from the cans, not into the sink, but into a separate saucepan. Moreover, the most The best way to measure the resulting volume of water is to use a measuring jug or a liter empty jar (always sterile). So you will find out how many liters of marinade you can pour into jars of pickled tomatoes and there will be no excess left. And even more so there will be no shortage. Pickled tomatoes will also turn out to be optimized in terms of economy.

7. After the measurements, you should have a certain amount of water in the saucepan, from which we will prepare the marinade. Add salt and sugar to the water in this proportion per liter of water: 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Stir the whole thing and bring to a boil on the stove. As soon as it boils, remove and add vinegar in the proportion of 100 ml per liter of water (this is about 6-7 tablespoons).

Vinegar is usually added to the hot marinade at the very end of its preparation, or even directly into the jars. Vinegar should not boil, as it loses its properties.

8. Pour the prepared hot marinade over the tomatoes in the jars. The liquid should reach the very edge of the can. Close the lid immediately and roll up. Or screw if you have screw caps.

Then turn the cans over and place them on the lid. Check the tightness, if the jar around the lid does not get wet from oozing brine, then it can be wrapped in a blanket and left to cool for about a day. After that, pickled tomatoes in jars for the winter must be left to ripen. When finished, they will be very tasty and fragrant.

Pickled sweet tomatoes in jars without greens

I like to marinate good meaty plum-shaped tomatoes without greens. There is the fact that pickled tomatoes retain only their own taste, something especially attractive. It's very delicious vegetable, or rather a berry. After all, everyone has known for a long time that from the point of view of botany, a tomato is not a vegetable at all. But we will leave the theory for scientists, let them argue further. And we will study recipes on how to pickle tomatoes for the winter without deepening into what type they belong to.

You can use any tomatoes that are available to you or you have grown on your own site. Prepare jars of the required size. Everyone loves to use different ones, but most often they are liter or three-liter. Depends on how many people will eat tomatoes and where they will be stored. And of course, purchase or find special canning lids. For pickled tomatoes, roll-up thin lids and twist-ups are also suitable. The main thing is good sterilization.

For sweet pickled tomatoes you will need:

  • small tomatoes - from 2 kg,
  • salt - 5 teaspoons (per 1 liter),
  • sugar - 5 tablespoons (per 1 liter),
  • black peppercorns - 0.5 teaspoon (per 1 liter),
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml (per 1 liter).


1. Sterilize the pickling jars thoroughly. Also boil the lids in saucepans with water. Boiling for five minutes on the stove should be sufficient.

2. Wash the tomatoes, pierce the holes near the stalk with a toothpick. This is necessary so that the marinade gets under the skin of the tomato and so that it does not burst, but remains intact for the entire shelf life.

Place the tomatoes in jars.

3. Boil water in a kettle and pour boiling water over the tomatoes in a jar. Pay attention to how much water has been poured out of the kettle. This can be easily identified by the scale of the teapot itself. This way we know the correct amount of salt and sugar for the volume of water used.

Cover the tomato jars and let sit for 10-15 minutes.

4. After 10 minutes, carefully drain the water from the jars into the saucepan. This will be the marinade. Add salt and sugar to the water, taking into account the proportions. A liter of water requires 5 teaspoons of salt and 5 tablespoons of sugar. This will make the pickled tomatoes sweet.

To calculate how much salt or sugar you need, take a calculator or phone. If you get, for example, 1.5 liters of water, then the calculations will be as follows: 5 (spoons) x 1.5 (liters) = 7.5 (spoons). In total, seven and a half tablespoons (tablespoons of sugar and tea salt) for one and a half liters of water. Substitute the volume of liquid from the jars into this formula and add salt and sugar according to the resulting result.

5. Add pepper to the water and boil it. Stir the sugar and salt well and, once turned off, pour the vinegar into a saucepan.

To know the exact amount, use a similar formula: 100 (ml vinegar) x 1.5 (liters) = 150 (ml vinegar).

If you don't have a measuring cup at hand, then a regular 50-gram shot of vodka will help you. You get 2 glasses per liter of water.

6. After that, immediately pour the hot marinade into the jars to the tomatoes. Close the lids immediately without letting them cool down. Then, turn the cans upside down and wrap them up with a blanket. Now they have to cool down in this form, it can take 12 hours or more. Can be left overnight.

When you've turned the cans over, check to see if the marinade is leaking through the lids!

Pickled tomatoes according to this recipe are very sweet and tender with acetic acidity. Usually, guests and household members cannot even be dragged away from this yummy by the ears. Feel free to put such a treat on festive table in the form of a snack.

Bon Appetit!

Pickled tomatoes with garlic "In the snow"

This interesting recipe I found it by chance, but immediately became very interested because of the original appearance jars of pickled tomatoes. They reminded me of beautiful souvenir balls with snow inside, which they like to give on New Year... Only here, instead of snow, garlic is used, which envelops the tomatoes in soft white flakes. It looks a lot like fluffy snow. And the taste was simply amazing. After all, marinades are great friends with garlic.

Recipe for pickled tomatoes with carrot tops

This recipe made a real boom a few years ago, everyone just did what they looked for and tried pickled tomatoes with carrot tops. For a long time, few could boast that they tried such tomatoes with very unusual greenery... Everyone is accustomed to the fact that carrot tops are unnecessary "tops" from a tasty and healthy root vegetable. But few people suspected that vitamins and nutrients in the tops of almost as much as in the carrots themselves. And it gives an unforgettable and incomparable taste. It is because of its wealth and uniqueness that no more spices are put into pickled tomatoes with carrot tops. It may seem to some that this is not enough, but believe me, it is not. The tomatoes will turn out to be unforgettably tasty, and even the remaining marinade can be drunk with great pleasure.

For cooking you will need:

  • fresh medium-sized tomatoes - from 2 kg,
  • carrot tops - 2 branches per 1 liter of can volume,
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons per 1 liter of marinade,
  • salt - 2 tablespoons without top per 1 liter of marinade,
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of marinade.


1. Wash the tomatoes and sterilize the pickling jars. Some recipes assure that you do not need to sterilize cans, but I do not neglect this action, because a completely discarded can of exploded or fermented tomatoes is not worth 10 minutes spent on sterilizing time.

Boil the lids.

2. Place the tomatoes tightly in the jar. Add the sprigs of carrot tops in the process so that they are between the tomatoes and along the sides of the jars. It is best to take large tops from large ripe carrots, it will have a brighter and more pronounced taste. Large tops can be cut into pieces if you are using small jars.

3. Boil water in a saucepan or kettle and then pour it into the tomato jars. Leave them on for 15 minutes, covered with lids.

If you have sterilized the jars and lids, and the water was boiling, then it is enough to pour water into the jars once. Then the marinade is prepared from the same water.

4. Drain the cans after 15 minutes into a saucepan and heat again.

Add sugar and salt to the water. Before that, calculate their required number. In the recipe just above, I have already shown a formula by which it is easy to find out how much salt and sugar you need to take for the amount of water you have. Its essence is to take the amount per 1 liter from the list of ingredients at the beginning and multiply by the volume of liquid in liters.

5. Dissolve the salt and sugar in the water, let it boil and remove from the stove. Then add vinegar.

6. Pour the tomatoes in the jars to the very top edge with the prepared very hot marinade. The less air remains under the lid, the better the pickled tomatoes will survive and the less chance of bacteria getting in.

7. Screw or roll up the lids on the tomato cans. Turn over and check for lid leaks. There may be irregularities and defects in the covers, from which their tightness is lost.

If the can still leaks, then the lid must be replaced immediately. To do this, I usually sterilize one more spare lid than I have cans.

8. Wrap the jars of tomatoes in a thick towel or blanket and leave to cool for a day. Then they can be put away for storage.

Tomatoes pickled for the winter in jars are stored quite reliably both in the closet and in the cellar. But you should not open them earlier than three months later, since the pickling process will continue all this time and the taste will open only by winter.

This and many other recipes show you how to cook delicious pickled tomatoes in jars, but it is simply impossible to cover all the options. Therefore, I share only a few of them that I was able to verify on my own experience.

Try it too, experiment, change spices and herbs, and you will definitely find your favorite recipe for pickling tomatoes.

Summer, unfortunately, is coming to an end. But you can capture his bright moments along with the blanks for the winter! They, as a reminder of the hot and sunny season, will delight us in the winter cold. And by the way, a tip: hide the jars with winter preparations further and deeper, in general, forget about them, so that in winter, in the most inclement weather, you can remember and enjoy a piece of summer!

Today we are going to pickle tomatoes "Lick your fingers" for the winter. To do this, take tomatoes of a small size and preferably a firm variety. I use the so-called "dulks" for salting and choose the stronger ones. You will also need onions and garlic. I will use a combination of black pepper, cloves, bay leaves, parsley and vegetable oil for the seasoning. All these components are taken to taste, I have given only an approximate amount. For the marinade, I took 2 liters of water, sugar and salt. This was enough for a 4 liter jar and even a little left. Use vinegar as desired if in doubt that the canned food can lie for a long time. I add it at the end of cooking, a tablespoon at a time, just in case.

So let's get down to cooking!

First, we sterilize the jars for 2-3 minutes. We put the bottom down on a dry clean towel and cool. We immediately begin to prepare the marinade. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, wait until the liquid boils.

Cut the onion into thick rings, separate them from each other.

Coarsely chop the garlic.

We begin to form the blanks. Put parsley, black pepper, cloves, bay leaves, as well as garlic and a little onion on the bottom of the jars. Pour in a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Cut the tomatoes in half and put them in jars, alternating with onions and parsley.

It is better to lay the slices with a cut down, so it will fit more. We spread the tomatoes right up to the neck. From these ingredients, I got 4 fully filled liter jars, and no ingredients were left superfluous.

Our marinade has already boiled for a long time, we remove it from the heat and pour in the tomatoes so that there is room to the edge of the neck. It is not necessary to pour the marinade boiling, it is enough for it to boil and cool slightly.

Put a cloth on the bottom of the pan with water and put the jars on top. As soon as the water boils, we sterilize for 15 minutes. Then turn off the heat, pour in the vinegar and, if necessary, top up the marinade. Cover with lids (previously also sterilized in boiling water), twist slightly so as not to burn yourself, and remove from the pan.

Now we tighten the lids tightly and turn the cans over until they cool completely. We store pickled tomatoes"Lick your fingers" before winter in a dark, cool place. After opening - in the refrigerator.

Salting tomatoes "Lick your fingers" for the winter is complete! Bon Appetit!

What could be more pleasant when homemade fragrant and large tomatoes ripen in your own garden? At first, the hostesses are happy to prepare salads, gravies and other goodies from them. But later the idea catches up with closing the tomatoes in halves for the winter. After all, they turn out to be juicy, tender and seem to melt in your mouth. Thus, the pleasure of the fruit is prolonged for almost the whole year. Pleases, both at a traditional family dinner and at a festive table.

Tomatoes have a fragile skin and a fleshy texture. Therefore, so that preservation does not turn into mashed potatoes until winter, it is necessary to take into account some subtleties in cooking:

  1. For better shape retention and aesthetic appeal, it is recommended to use hard varieties vegetable.
  2. The blank marinade contains more ingredients than you might think. Do not neglect aromatic herbs and various varieties of pepper - from allspice to hot.
  3. Also, the taste of the brine is highly dependent on the vinegar. If you change the usual acid to tartaric or Apple vinegar, you can easily find a new "signature dish".

Useful properties of tomato

The fruits include a storehouse of properties useful for humans:

  1. They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  2. Helpful for heart disease.
  3. Helps with depression.
  4. And also get rid of excess weight.

Marvelous! Until the middle of the 19th century, the tomato was considered a poisonous berry, and they tried not to eat it in Europe.

Selection and preparation of the product for pickling

There are also several tips for making juicy and beautiful preserves for the winter from tomato halves:

  1. Tomatoes must be cut. So that the pulp remains on the cut, but not the bones. If this does not work out, it is recommended to get rid of the seeds on the surface to preserve the appearance. Especially if the tomatoes are pink.
  2. It is recommended to lay tomatoes with a cut down, and you should not put too much pressure on the fruit.
  3. To fit more tomatoes, it is allowed to tamp them a little by knocking the bottom of the jar slightly on a towel spread out on the table.
  4. Tomatoes do not have to be wrapped in warm after spinning, they can soften. It is enough just to turn the jar over until it cools completely.
  5. The most important thing about spinning is the marinade. It is he who needs to be given maximum attention.

How to prepare halves of tomatoes for the winter

There are several particularly popular ways to prepare fruit for storage until winter. Each of them is unique, but at the same time, simple. In order to find out which one is the best, you need to try each one at least once.

Classic recipe for the winter "Lick your fingers"

The most popular tomato recipe is undoubtedly the pickled halves "Lick your fingers". The name fully justifies itself: the tomatoes are very tasty, and the brine is invigorating. For cooking you will need:

  1. Boiling water - 3 liters.
  2. Sugar - 8 tablespoons.
  3. Salt - 3 tablespoons.
  4. Tomatoes (chock).
  5. Garlic - 1 clove.
  6. Onion - 1 small.
  7. Lavrushka, dill.
  8. Vinegar 9% - 1 spoon.

The first three products are needed for the solution. You just need to boil the liquid and dissolve the salt and sugar. Next, all other products should be laid down the jars, put tomatoes to the neck, pour in a spoonful of vinegar and fill to the brim with the resulting brine. Let it sterilize for 5-7 minutes and roll up the lid.

Without sterilization

Canning is possible without sterilization. And since tomatoes initially contain a lot of acid, this is not necessary at all. If the fruit is sweet and the owner has doubts, you can add more acid.

With onions and butter

A simple recipe to combine juicy tomatoes and crispy pickled onions. The classic recipe for 1 liter can requires:

  • tomatoes to the brim;
  • onion 1-2;
  • garlic cloves - 3;
  • oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, sugar, vinegar;
  • greens, allspice, cloves.

First you need to prepare salting by dissolving 2 tablespoons of sugar in boiling water, 3 - salt and 2 - vinegar, with the addition of some spices. Next, you need to put the remaining spices in the jar. Peel the onion and cut across, and lay out in layers with tomatoes. When the jar is full to the neck, it is necessary to pour in 2 tablespoons of oil and fill to the brim with brine. Let stand for 5-7 minutes and preserve.

With hot pepper

Spicy and aromatic tomato slices can be salted for the winter with capsicum. To do this, you need to count on a 3-liter jar:

  1. Fruits in halves - to the brim.
  2. Capsicum - 4 medium.
  3. Garlic cloves -
  4. White onion - ½ head.
  5. Carrots - ½.
  6. Bell pepper
  7. Greens, laurel, allspice, cloves - the amount for an amateur.

For the marinade:

  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • salt - three times less;
  • vinegar is an incomplete glass.

All additional ingredients must be folded to the bottom, lay tomatoes on top. Fill with boiling water and pour the water into the sink after 5 minutes. Repeat the action and pour the solution into a saucepan, add the components for the marinade, dissolve everything and refill the jar with the resulting solution. Then wait 7 minutes and roll up. Turn over, put to cool.

With mustard

For pickling tomato with mustard, enough classic recipe"Lick your fingers" part of the sugar (4 tablespoons), replace with 2 tablespoons of mustard. Otherwise, close unchanged. It is recommended to add mustard not to the brine, but directly to the bottom of the jar. This will make the taste brighter and more intense.

With basil

The more aromatic herbs in conservation, the more aromatic it turns out ready meal... Basil is the king of natural scents.

When preserving, it should be remembered that real herb overpowers the smell of any other. To prepare a tomato with basil, you need:

  1. Fruits - to the brim.
  2. White onion - 1 small.
  3. Garlic cloves - 2-3.
  4. Oil - 1 spoon.
  5. Salt, sugar, vinegar.
  6. Greens, allspice.
  7. Basil is green and purple.

It is necessary to boil the liquid by dissolving 2 tablespoons of sugar, 3 - salts and 2 - acids. Then put all the ingredients in a container, pour oil on top, cover with brine, wait 7 minutes and tighten. Salted tomatoes with basil are ready.

With onions and garlic in 1 liter jars

To properly marinate tomatoes with onions and the addition of garlic, you need to take:

  1. Fruits - up to the neck.
  2. Bulb -
  3. Garlic cloves -
  4. Allspice - 7 peas.
  5. Dill - 1 branch.
  6. Oil - 1 spoon.
  7. Horseradish leaf - 0.5.
  8. Laurel - 1 sheet.
  9. Parsley.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Sugar - 6 tablespoons.
  • Vinegar - 1 teaspoon

Need to do classic marinade from water, sugar, salt with the addition of pepper. Leave to cool. Carefully lay the components down, fill them with tomatoes to the top, pour in the acid and oil and fill with the solution. Cover for 5 minutes, then roll up.

Boil the lids.

Sweet tomatoes in halves

If the fruits are sweet, this is a great reason to make salting them according to a new recipe. To do this, you must first lay out:

  1. Garlic - 1 wedge.
  2. Sweet pepper - 1.
  3. Leguminous - 0.25.
  4. And put the tomatoes on top to the neck.
  5. Pour in vinegar - 25 grams.
  • 25 grams of salt;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 1 leaf of laurel;
  • and 2 liters of water.

Cover the contents of the container with salting, roll up the lid and let cool.

No vinegar

Also tomatoes in halves can be salted for the winter without vinegar. For this you will need:

  1. The fruits are chock-full.
  2. Garlic cloves -
  3. Whole pepper - 5 peas.
  4. Dill - 1 branch.
  5. Oil - 1 spoon.
  6. Horseradish leaf - 0.5.
  7. Cherry or currant leaf.
  8. Parsley is a twig.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Sugar - 6 tablespoons.
  • Ascorbic acid - 1 tablet per 0.75 liter.

No pickling is needed to prepare this recipe. It is enough to put all the ingredients in a jar, cover all with tomatoes, and only put the dill on the very top. Put salt, sugar, acid on top and fill with boiling water. Let it brew for 7 minutes and you can safely roll up the jar.

Ingredients for "Lick your fingers" tomatoes:

2-3 kg. medium red tomatoes
1 head of garlic
2 small onions
3 tablespoons of vegetable oil,

Marinade: for 1 liter of water
50 ml. 9% vinegar
1 tbsp salt with a small slide,
3 tbsp without a slide of sugar,
1 tsp peppercorns,
1 tsp allspice
Bay leaf.

Tomato recipe "Lick your fingers":

Put chopped parsley, garlic on the bottom of the prepared jars, pour in the calcined vegetable oil (1 tablespoon per liter jar).

In tomatoes, we make holes with a toothpick in the stalk, so it is more likely that they will not burst, and they will be saturated with marinade better.

We put strong, clean dry tomatoes in jars on greens. Large ones can be cut in half. Put a couple of onion rings on the tomatoes.

Boil the marinade, turn off the heat and pour in the vinegar. For a three-liter jar you need 1.5 liters of marinade, for a two-liter jar - 1 liter, for a liter jar - 500 ml. If your tomatoes are very small, expect to take a little more salt and sugar than in the recipe.

Fill the tomatoes with marinade, and the marinade should not be boiling: hot, but not boiling. Sterilize for 12-15 minutes.