Home / Pancakes, pancakes / Cooking buckwheat porridge with meat. Buckwheat porridge with meat recipe

Cooking buckwheat porridge with meat. Buckwheat porridge with meat recipe

Buckwheat with meat on the site

Nothing can affect your mood like tasty dish prepared with love and some zest. Especially if it consists of the simplest and most familiar products, but in a slightly different interpretation. Here, for example, cook an ordinary buckwheat porridge probably even a schoolboy will be able to. It remains only to season it with butter, gravy or goulash, and it will turn out great dish for both a child and an adult. And what if the same buckwheat is cooked a little differently. Today we have buckwheat with meat for dinner, the recipe of which I will gladly share with those who have not yet tried to cook this cereal in this performance. It is prepared like pilaf, with the addition of carrots and onions. Seasonings and garlic are of course optional.

Buckwheat with meat on the site

The advantage of this method of cooking buckwheat is that it is soaked in all the juices and aromas of the accompanying ingredients during the cooking process.

A set of products for buckwheat with meat:

Buckwheat with meat on the site

A glass of buckwheat;
vegetable oil;
ground pepper;
pork or beef pulp - 600 grams;
big carrot;
a couple of small onions.

The cooking time for flavored buckwheat with meat according to the recipe with the photo step by step will take you about an hour.

Cut the thoroughly washed meat pulp not very much small cubes(although this is, of course, a matter of taste). Chop the carrots on a medium grater, and chop the onions arbitrarily (we have it finely).

Buckwheat with meat on the site

Pour vegetable malitsa into a frying pan and throw pieces of meat into it - fry for about twenty minutes.

Buckwheat with meat on the site

In the meantime, we sort out and thoroughly rinse the cereals, throw them on a sieve in order to get rid of excess moisture.

Buckwheat with meat on the site

Add the onion to the pan to the meat and fry until half cooked - this is another 20 minutes.

Buckwheat with meat on the site

Then we throw in the carrots, continue to fry, and after five minutes we add the cereals.

Buckwheat with meat on the site
Buckwheat with meat on the site

Fill the contents of the pan with water or, if there is a ready-made broth, about a centimeter higher than the food. Salt, pepper our brew, mix and, covering with a lid, cook until the cereal is ready and the liquid evaporates.

Buckwheat with meat on the site

And here it is, beautiful, fragrant, very nutritious and appetizing buckwheat with meat, ready.

Buckwheat with meat on the site

And here is the first hungry eater.

Buckwheat porridge - truly folk dish.

This cereal is rich in nutrients and calories.

It is ideal for breakfast - if prepared with milk, and for dinner - if served with meat.

Today we share with you unusual recipes cooking buckwheat with stewed and fried meat.

Buckwheat porridge with meat - the basic principles of cooking

The main ingredients are buckwheat and meat pulp. Buckwheat is washed and boiled in boiling water. The meat pulp is cut into pieces and lightly fried. In another skillet, sauté grated carrots and chopped onions. Fried vegetables are added to meat and stewed. Then it is mixed with boiled buckwheat and served to the table.

You can also not boil the buckwheat in advance, but first lightly fry it in a pan and then add it to the semi-raw meat. Cover with water and simmer with vegetables and meat.

When cooking buckwheat in the oven, it should also not be boiled. in the classic way in a saucepan. First, the meat is stewed, and then only washed buckwheat is added to the palate. Put in the oven again and stew until tender. Bon Appetit!

Buckwheat porridge with meat "Village style"


Pork pulp (six hundred grams);

Carrots - 5;

Onion - 2;

One hundred grams of butter;

A glass of vegetable oil;


Cooking method:

Peel the onion and cut it into half rings.

Peel and cut the carrots into strips.

Pork is cut into small pieces.

Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan with high edges and fry the onions. Then add meat and fry.

Pour carrots and pour a liter of water. Salt, add spices and stew on a weak gas.

In another frying pan, melt the butter and fry the buckwheat.

After that, the fried buckwheat is transferred to the meat. Pour water so that it completely covers the contents of the pan. Bet on medium fire... As soon as the water evaporates a little, the gas is reduced and the simmer continues for another twenty minutes.

When ready, the contents of the pan are mixed, laid out on plates and served.

Buckwheat porridge with meat "Classic"


A glass of buckwheat;

Two glasses of water;

Three hundred grams of pork meat;

Onion - 1;

Salt pepper;

Sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

The meat is washed, allowed to drain and cut into pieces. Then fry in a skillet, salt, pepper.

Peel and finely chop the onion. Add to the meat and continue to stew it on a weak gas.

Meanwhile, buckwheat is boiled. Water is poured into a saucepan and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, the washed cereal is immersed in it. Mill and boil until tender. At the end, add a piece butter.

When ready, boiled buckwheat is placed in the center of a flat dish, meat stewed with vegetables is laid out along the edges. Served to guests.

Buckwheat porridge with meat in a multicooker "Selyanski"


Two measuring cups of buckwheat;

Three hundred grams of meat;

Sour cream - one table. lies .;

Two and a half measuring glasses of water;

Onions - 1.

Cooking method:

The meat is cut into pieces, put in a multicooker bowl and fried with the lid open.

Buckwheat is washed, the onion is cut into rings or half rings. Add to a saucepan for meat. Pour in water, add salt and sour cream. Cook on the "Porridge" mode.

Buckwheat porridge with meat according to grandmother's recipe


Five hundred to six hundred grams of beef;

Two large onions;

Fifty to sixty grams of butter;

Ground black pepper;

Lavrushka leaves;


Cooking method:

First, they are engaged in the preparation of meat. They clean it from films and tendons, then cut it across the fibers into small pieces one to one and a half centimeters thick and then beat it off. Grease the bottom of the frying pan or frying pan. The meat is laid in layers, alternating layers in the following sequence: one layer of meat, one layer of onions, cut into rings - but so that the last was meat. Each layer is sprinkled with salt and pepper, and the top is greased with butter. Stew the meat over low heat until tender.

Buckwheat is boiled. When serving, it is poured over with meat and gravy formed during stewing.

Buckwheat porridge with meat and cheese


Beef (six hundred to seven hundred grams);

Small carrots - 4-5;

A jar of mayonnaise;


Flour - one or two tables. lies .;

Cheese - sixty to seventy grams;

Sugar, salt;

Pepper, spices.

Cooking method:

The meat is freed from tendons and films, cut into small pieces, salted, doused in flour and fried so that it is covered golden crust... Rub the cheese on a coarse grater, then the carrots. Put the chopped meat in a pan and stew for one hour, and then add the grated carrots.

Mayonnaise is mixed with one teaspoon of sugar, then the resulting mixture is added to the pan, where meat and carrots are stewed. Stew until the meat is tender. Seven to eight minutes before full readiness sprinkle the meat with grated cheese.

Buckwheat is boiled, laid out on portioned plates. Put the stew with cheese on top.

Buckwheat porridge with meat and tomato paste


Beef (600-650 grams);

Animal fat - two or three tables. lies .;

Two onions;

Tomato paste (three to four tablespoons);

Wheat flour(one-and-a-half tables. lodge.);

One hundred grams of sour cream;


Greens, salt;

One teahouse lies. Sahara;

Cooking method:

The meat is freed from films and tendons, cut into small pieces the size of half a matchbox and sprinkled with sugar, salt and pepper. Then the pieces of meat are breaded in flour, fried in fat and fried and pre-chopped onions are added to the pan. Pour in half a liter of water (or meat broth), stew for an hour. Then add to the pan tomato paste and stew until tender. The finished meat is poured with sour cream and stewed for another three to four minutes.

Buckwheat is boiled and served with stew.

Buckwheat porridge with meat in a pot


Pork pulp (half a kilogram);

One carrot;

Three hundred grams of onions;

Buckwheat (half a kilogram);


One and a half liters of water;

Salt - two teas. lies .;

Cooking method:

Cut the onion into half rings, chop the carrots on a grater.

The pork is cut into pieces and mixed with the prepared vegetables.

A little oil is poured into the bottom of each pot, the meat and vegetables are laid out and filled with water. Salt, pepper, add Bay leaf.

Stew in the oven for about an hour. Then the pots are taken out, poured into each washed buckwheat, water, a piece of butter are added and sent back to the oven. Stew for about half an hour. The dish is ready.

Buckwheat porridge with chicken meat


One chicken or one kilogram of chicken legs;

One or two onions;

Buckwheat (three hundred to four hundred grams);

One hundred grams of vegetable or ghee;

Tomato paste (four to five tablespoons);

Spices and salt.

Cooking method:

Buckwheat is washed and boiled.

The chicken is washed, plucked and gutted if necessary. Pour it with water and salt, cook until tender, periodically removing foam and excess fat. After the chicken is cooked, the meat is removed from the bones and finely chopped.

Put buckwheat and chicken pieces into a frying pan drizzled with oil, add tomato paste and mix everything. Grits with meat should be cooked over low heat for twenty to thirty minutes. At the end of boiling, pepper and, if required, add salt.

Buckwheat porridge with minced meat


Three hundred grams of buckwheat;

Vegetable oil - one hundred grams;

Two hundred grams of minced meat;

Onions - 3-4;

Carrots - 2;

Cooking method:

Heat oil in a frying pan, add onion rings, chopped carrots. All ingredients are sautéed.

Add to the fried vegetables chopped meat, fry for another fifteen minutes on low gas.

Water is added to the minced meat and left to stew.

I wash the buckwheat and put it on ready-made minced meat... Pour water and stew until the cereals are cooked.

Buckwheat porridge with meat and mushrooms


Half a kilo of buckwheat;

Beef pulp - four hundred grams;

Two hundred grams of mushrooms;

Onion - 2;

Two carrots;

One liter of water;

Seasonings, salt.

Cooking method:

Cut the beef into medium-sized pieces, finely chop the onion, pass the carrots on a grater. Vegetables are fried in a skillet with oil. Then add the chopped mushrooms and stew a little more.

In another frying pan, fry the beef until browning, then pour in one liter of boiling water, close the lid and leave to simmer until tender.

Buckwheat is washed, first lightly fried in a dry frying pan.

Then the grits are added to the beef, pepper and salt. Cover and stew. After ten minutes, add sautéed vegetables, fried mushrooms, chopped herbs, seasonings. Stir and leave to simmer on low gas until tender.

Buckwheat porridge with meat - tricks and tips

Buckwheat groats, before boiling, should be well rinsed under running cold water.

To make buckwheat crumbly, it can be fried in a pan, and only then added to the meat, pour over with water and simmer. So the dish will turn out in own juice and tastier.

The meat should be cut into small pieces across the grain.

Step-by-step recipes for hearty buckwheat porridge with meat on the stove, in a slow cooker or in a pot (+ recipe photo)

2019-04-19 Julia Kosich and Alena Kameneva





In 100 grams ready meal

10 gr.

12 gr.


15 gr.

212 kcal

Option 1. The classic recipe for buckwheat porridge with meat

A delicious and simple dish for every day - buckwheat with meat, I suggest you a recipe with a photo for clarity, so that you understand the simplicity of the process and immediately appreciate the final result. Buckwheat turns out to be very tasty, the pieces of meat fit perfectly into the overall picture, making the dish more satisfying and nutritious.

I suggest cooking in a pan so as not to complicate the process. Porridge is perfect for lunch dish or dinner, you can also add homemade pickles, pickled tomatoes or cucumbers to buckwheat, or you can make a salad from fresh vegetables and serve additional greens. Well, if you love buckwheat, be sure to cook it for your family.


  • Buckwheat - 1 glass
  • Water or broth - 2 cups
  • Pork - 250 g
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

Step by step recipe with photo

Prepare everything necessary ingredients by the list. Take a medium-sized onion and carrot, peel and rinse the vegetables, dry them. Cut the onion into half rings or cubes - whichever you prefer, it is better to cut the carrots into cubes.

Choose pork with a small amount of fat, but if you don't like this option, choose lean meat. Rinse and dry the meat. Cut the pork into small pieces.

Prepare a frying pan - pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into it, warm it up and transfer the vegetables. Fry vegetables for 5-7 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally with a spatula.

Separately fry the pieces of meat until lightly browned and transfer to the vegetables in the pan.

Now it remains to pour buckwheat into the pan, pour in clean water or two glasses of any broth. Stir, salt and pepper to taste. Cover the pan with a lid and put on the smallest heat. Simmer buckwheat under the lid for 25 minutes, if you wish, you can add a little garlic - if you like. At the end of cooking, take a sample, if necessary, adjust the taste of the porridge and serve with the selected side dish.

Good appetite!

Option 2. A quick recipe for buckwheat porridge with meat

Traditionally, buckwheat porridge with additional ingredients is prepared progressively: from frying meat and vegetables to stewing them with buckwheat in water. But, in order to significantly speed up this process, we propose to divide it into two parts.


  • veal - 190 g;
  • buckwheat - 80 g;
  • salt;
  • water - 170 ml;
  • spices;
  • frying oil;
  • one onion;
  • greenery.

1. Pour cereals into a thin sieve, revise and rinse them. Then place the buckwheat in a saucepan, add salt and pour in water (approximate ratio 1: 2).

2. Put the base of buckwheat porridge with meat on medium heat and boil it for 15 minutes over high heat.

3. Simultaneously clean the middle onion, wash it and chop finely.

4. In a deep, thick-walled frying pan, heat a sufficient amount of odorless oil in which to fry the onions.

5. Also rinse tender veal, dry it slightly and cut into small pieces.

6. Immediately send the meat to the onion fry and stir the contents of the pan several times and fry the ingredients for 8-9 minutes. During this time, the veal will be covered with an appetizing crust.

7. In addition, add any spices, chopped herbs and coarse salt.

8. At this point, the buckwheat should be completely boiled. So, pour the prepared cereal into a pan with veal, mix the dish and simmer on small fire literally 2-3 minutes. It remains to serve porridge on the table with vegetable salad or pickles.

Yes, in this recipe we make buckwheat and meat separately, combining them into one dish at the very end. But it is thanks to this that it will be possible to reduce the cooking time by 2 times, because the processes of roasting meat and boiling cereals will take place in parallel.

Option 3. Buckwheat porridge with meat in a slow cooker

To create porridge in a multicooker, you must significantly reduce the amount of water. After all, cooking in this machine is different from cooking cereals in a regular saucepan. However, do not be too lazy to look under the lid a couple of times, you may need to add a little liquid so that the buckwheat is well boiled.


  • beef - 220 g;
  • frying oil;
  • one onion;
  • salt;
  • one carrot;
  • buckwheat - 80 g;
  • ground pepper;
  • glass of water;
  • two cloves of garlic.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

1. Wash, dry and chop medium-fat beef into small pieces, preferably of the same size.

2. Also peel and rinse medium carrots and onions, then carefully chop the prepared root vegetables.

3. Turn on the multicooker, pour refined oil into the bowl and heat it well in the "Frying" mode.

4. With the lid open, fry the carrots and onions in oil for about 2-3 minutes, and then put the meat pieces on the bottom.

5. Fry the contents of the bowl for 7-8 minutes, then add sorted and well-washed buckwheat inside.

6. In addition, add ground pepper, crushed garlic and coarse salt. Then add water and gently stir the mass with a spatula.

7. Switch to "Stew" and cook buckwheat porridge with meat for 20-30 minutes under a tightly closed lid. When submitting, be sure to add hearty dish salad and a slice of crispy bread.

In addition to onions and carrots, it is permissible to include other roots in the recipe. For example, parsley or celery root. Despite the fact that these vegetables are quite tough, they will turn out perfect in a multicooker.

Option 4. Buckwheat porridge with meat and vegetables

Increase the number nutrients and you can significantly improve the taste characteristics of buckwheat porridge using additional ingredients. Namely, vegetables. For example, this time we suggest using zucchini, onions, bell pepper, herbs, carrots and garlic.


  • one zucchini;
  • buckwheat - 80 g;
  • frying oil;
  • Bell pepper;
  • salt;
  • chicken fillet - 220 g;
  • greenery;
  • two tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • glass of water;
  • one onion;
  • spices;
  • one carrot;
  • three cloves of garlic.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

1. Peel and rinse the chicken fillet, then dry it a little and cut the meat into small cubes.

2. Remove the skins from onions and the skins from carrots and vegetable marrows. Also cut off the part with the stalk of the pepper and carefully remove the partitions with seeds.

3. Heat refined oil in a deep saucepan, add prepared fillet and fry it for 5-6 minutes. At this time, chop the onion, pepper and zucchini into small cubes, and grate the carrots.

4. Add vegetables to meat, and then add salt and spices. Cook the frying the same amount, then pour the well-washed buckwheat inside, add the tomato paste and pour in the water.

5. Stirring buckwheat porridge with meat, simmer it at low temperature for about 20 minutes, during which the cereal is completely cooked and the liquid boils away.

6. At the last stage, add chopped herbs and crushed garlic, cover the saucepan with a lid and let the dish brew by turning off the stove. It is better to serve buckwheat with chicken in addition to pickles and a glass of your favorite juice.

As with any dish that involves vegetables, you can experiment with foods by adding and excluding certain ingredients. The same applies to spices, which are easy to replace with several types of herbs.

Option 5. Buckwheat porridge with meat in a pot

If you move the process of cooking porridge into a pot, you will have to abandon the pre-frying of vegetables and meat. But, on the other hand, this will make the presented dish dietary. And it will take less time, which should please busy cooks.


  • buckwheat - 80 g;
  • glass of water;
  • salt;
  • pork - 210 g;
  • one onion;
  • spices;
  • one carrot;
  • butter.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

1. Peel, wash and dry lightly onions and fresh carrots with a towel. Then chop the first finely, and grate the second.

2. In addition, cut the washed pork into equal small pieces.

3. Place finely chopped butter on the bottom of the earthenware pot, and then place the meat pieces.

4. Top with onions and carrots, and add salt and spices.

5. Add thoroughly sorted and washed buckwheat inside, then pour in filtered water.

6. Cover the pot with a lid and place it on a wire rack in a preheated oven.

7. It remains to cook buckwheat porridge with meat for 30-35 minutes, during which the water should boil away and the cereal should be completely boiled. It is better to serve porridge in pots after partial cooling with pickles or vegetable salad.

To prepare this dish in a pot, not only pork is suitable, but also beef, veal or chicken. You can also dilute tomato paste in water, getting an unusual version of porridge with meat and vegetables.

Option 6. The original recipe for buckwheat porridge with meat

Buckwheat with meat is a great lunch for lovers of such dishes. Moreover, such porridge is not only tasty and satisfying, but also really healthy. Moreover, we will use not only, in fact, buckwheat and lean pork, but also onions, fresh herbs and juicy carrots.


  • buckwheat - 90 g;
  • pork - 210 g;
  • one onion;
  • frying oil;
  • one carrot;
  • salt;
  • water - 210 ml;
  • fresh herbs;
  • hot peppers.

As you can see, the recipe contains the most simple products that are easy to purchase at any store. But if suddenly you want to introduce unusual nuances into the porridge, you can experiment with spices and vegetables. Or include ingredients that are completely atypical for porridge. For example, prunes or mint.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

1. Buckwheat carefully review, rinse and pour into a deep saucepan. Immediately pour boiling water over the cereals and set aside.

2. Then peel and rinse the onions and fresh carrots.

3. Chop the onion and grate the carrots, then heat the refined oil in a suitable pan, where and fry the prepared root vegetables.

4. After 5 minutes, add the previously washed and cut pork into the frying pan.

5. Cook the ingredients for another 10 minutes, adding hot pepper, salt and chopped herbs in the process.

6. In the next step, drain the liquid from the cereal and pour it into the pan. Also pour in the planned amount of cool water.

7. Cover the buckwheat porridge with the meat with a lid and simmer the dish over low heat for about 20 minutes until the grains are cooked.

8. Before serving, allow the dish to cool slightly and steep.

In order not to be mistaken with the amount of water, do not enter everything at once. Pour in 2/3 first, then add as needed. As for pork, it can be replaced with any other meat or poultry.

Buckwheat with meat is the most hearty option buckwheat dishes. This cereal is recommended to be included in the diet on a regular basis. In its composition, it contains many vitamins, essential amino acids and trace elements - iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper.
Buckwheat, for all its usefulness, is also very delicious product... There are many recipes for making buckwheat. These are recipes for first courses (soups), and dessert ones - jelly (more here), pancakes, pancakes. But, most often, this cereal is used in the preparation of second courses or a side dish - porridge (for example, buckwheat with meat).
Buckwheat is a versatile cereal from which you can make many healthy and interesting recipes porridge. Dishes are prepared on the stove, in a slow cooker or in the oven (for example, buckwheat porridge in pots). Like any other porridge, buckwheat can be eaten sweet, adding sugar, honey, jam, dried fruits. Moreover, its calorie content grows with each gram of sweet. Also you will like the recipe pearl barley.
In the classic form, buckwheat porridge is prepared with the addition of butter. It turns out much tastier and more satisfying if you cook it with meat. These products go well together. The dish is nutritious, has a wonderful aroma, useful properties and wonderful taste... To add variety to the menu, you can cook with different types of meats. To your attention a recipe for buckwheat porridge with meat.

Products required for cooking buckwheat porridge:

Buckwheat - 400 gr.
Pork - 400 gr.
Onions and carrots - 150 gr.
Water - 1 l
Vegetable oil or fat - 80 gr.
Pepper, salt and other spices to taste

How to cook crumbly buckwheat porridge with meat, step by step recipe:

1. To cook buckwheat porridge with meat, you need to start by preparing the meat. Cut the pork into small portions (there is also in this recipe). You can use beef, rabbit and poultry. It is better to give preference to boneless tenderloin of meat. This will make the dish more juicy and the meat more tender.

2. Fry the meat on high fire before golden brown... For cooking, it is better to use a high-sided skillet. Meat can be fried in any fat (melted, creamy, olive oil). The best option considered a combination of butter and olive oil.

3. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the carrots on a coarse grater. On the vegetable oil fry vegetables until golden brown.

4. Combine fried meat and vegetables.

5. Fill the meat with 1 liter of boiling water and leave to simmer under the lid for 15–20 minutes.
6. Wash the buckwheat 2–4 times. Tip: to make the porridge more aromatic, crumbly and tasty, dry the buckwheat in a pan without adding oil for 3-5 minutes. Add cereal to meat, salt and pepper.

7. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low and leave the meat with buckwheat to simmer for 15 minutes. Buckwheat and meat are preferably taken in the quantities indicated in the recipe. But if you want, you can vary the proportions. It is important to remember that ready-made porridge will increase in quantity by 2.5 times. The meat, on the other hand, may fry a little. Add your favorite spices to add extra flavor to the dish. You can use curry, suneli hops, basil, bay leaves.

8. Stir and, under a tightly closed lid, leave to simmer over the slowest heat. Buckwheat should absorb all the liquid.
9. Before serving, it is recommended to leave the porridge to brew under the lid.
Buckwheat with meat prepared according to this recipe turns out to be crumbly and very fragrant. Best served hot. It is perfect for breakfast and as a second course for lunch. When serving, garnish with finely chopped fresh herbs. Buckwheat porridge with meat goes well with pickles - cucumbers, tomatoes, pickled mushrooms and sauerkraut... No less tasty and useful buckwheat with meat will be with fresh vegetable slices.

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