Home / Cakes / Rice porridge with banana. Oatmeal with banana Oatmeal with banana

Rice porridge with banana. Oatmeal with banana Oatmeal with banana


  • milk - 1 glass;
  • oatmeal - 100 g;
  • banana - 1 piece;
  • sugar - to taste;


  1. For oatmeal, you need to take only fresh milk so that it does not boil. It will be tastier if you take fat milk, and even better - homemade, without any extra additives. Milk must be poured into a fireproof saucepan and put on fire.

  2. When the milk begins to boil, it must be added to the oatmeal. If desired, oatmeal can be washed under running water. cold water repeatedly. Next, cook the porridge over low heat for about five minutes. You can add sugar at your discretion.
  3. While the porridge is cooking, you need to prepare a banana: peel it, cut it into several pieces and put it in a blender bowl. Even overripe bananas are suitable for this: with them, porridge will be sweeter and tastier.
  4. Add to banana ready porridge and grind everything to a homogeneous consistency at low speed, no more than a couple of minutes.
  5. This porridge can be fed to both adults and babies.


  • banana - 20 g;
  • water - 300 g;
  • unsalted butter "Peasant" - 5-10 g;
  • oatmeal - 200 g;
  • edible salt - 1 g;


  1. Wash oatmeal well.
  2. I pour 1.5 cups of water in combination with 1 cup of oatmeal 1.5 cups of water.
  3. Salt and put to cook on a gas stove.
  4. Cook the porridge over medium heat for 5-10 minutes, removing the foam in the process of boiling.
  5. When the water has almost boiled away and the porridge is ready, add a teaspoon of butter. That's it, oatmeal is ready.
  6. We spread it on a plate and grate a banana (well, or in circles and send it to a plate.
  7. It remains only to start breakfast and get a lot of vitamins that this porridge carries.

As you can see calorie content is 95.00 kcal per 100 g.
  • Skimmed milk - 2 cups
  • Oatmeal - 1 cup
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Honey or sugar - 1 tsp
  • Cinnamon to taste


  1. Bring milk to a boil in a small saucepan, add 1 cup oatmeal.
  2. Simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 5-10 minutes or until thickened.
  3. Cut the banana into rings, add to the porridge along with honey or sugar.
  4. Sprinkle porridge with cinnamon.
  5. Serve with a glass of milk. Bon Appetit!

Oatmeal with apple and banana


  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Oatmeal - 1 cup
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Butter


The recipe for making oatmeal with apple and banana is no different from the 1st recipe presented in this article, with the exception of one point. After the moment the porridge has thickened, cut the banana into rings, as well as the apple into small slices. Add the resulting slice along with butter and honey in oatmeal and stir it. Bon Appetit!

Oatmeal with banana in a slow cooker


  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Oatmeal - 1 cup
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Butter
  • Honey - 1 tsp


  1. We fall asleep in the bowl of the multicooker oatmeal and a glass of water and milk.
  2. We put the MULTIPOKAR mode. Cook for 15 minutes at 90C.
  3. At the end of cooking, add a piece of butter, honey, as well as chopped banana slices.
  4. Mix the porridge, put it in bowls and serve. Bon Appetit!

Benefits of Adding Banana to Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a natural food low in fat and high in fiber. This is a great choice for your daily breakfast. Adding fresh fruit to your porridge can not only provide great flavor, but also make the dish healthier, especially if you're using a banana. Bananas contain a large number of useful trace elements, fiber and vitamins. A regular combination of these two components is a great way to make your breakfast more healthy, satisfying, high-calorie and tasty.


A banana contains a moderate amount of calories, about 100 in an average fruit. Carbohydrates, which are the main nutrient, are contained in the amount of 27 grams per average fruit, protein - about 1 gram. Bananas also contain vitamins A, C, and E, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. Finally, bananas are an exceptional fruit in terms of potassium content, with over 400 mg per average fruit. Potassium is a mineral that helps the body regulate fluid distribution in the body, maintain normal blood pressure, strengthen bones and improve muscle function.

Fiber passes through the entire digestive tract almost unchanged, and finally becomes part of the stool. Bananas are a very high fiber food. The average fruit contains about 3 g - this includes both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fibers help to normalize the stool and the digestive tract, help relieve constipation. Soluble fibers are converted into a kind of lubricant for the intestines, which slows down the absorption of saturated fats and glucose in the body. In addition, soluble fiber reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of developing serious diseases such as diabetes.

Hello, friends! In the morning I have a very pleasant ritual that I never change.

This is the morning breakfast. I always eat a bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Sometimes I alternate with rice porridge, which I learned to cook from glutinous rice.

But I really love oatmeal made with traditional oatmeal flakes. And I try to add to oatmeal various fruits and berries. It can be simple raisins, cinnamon apples, mangoes or a spoonful of jam.

But oatmeal with a banana is especially good. Banana, once in hot porridge, begins to melt and gives it an extra creamy-sweet taste. Therefore, why change what brings me pleasure in the morning? It might be boring as hell for some people to have porridge for breakfast, but for me it's damn delicious. And I never get tired of this healthy breakfast!

Oatmeal, sir!

Oatmeal rich in fiber, fats and protein compounds, while it is an easily digestible product. It's wonderful in the morning hearty breakfast, while from it you will not gain extra kilos. Porridge helps to normalize the motor function of the intestine - and this is the most important thing in the morning meal. I wonโ€™t even write about the vitamins and minerals of oatmeal, it is really very useful.

I buy regular oatmeal herculean flakes that take a long time to cook. I think porridge fast food in the process of processing, many vitamins and usefulness are lost. Well, this is my opinion.

Yes, can anyone answer me? Why is oatmeal called oatmeal?

Don't know what English oatmeal tastes like? Yes, and whether they eat oatmeal at all, I already strongly doubt it. But having visited a local cafe in Hua Hin where English breakfasts are prepared, I realized that the British eat not at all what I thought.

The cafe is clean and tidy. Heavy wooden tables and chairs, waving the English flag at the entrance. And the regulars of the establishment.

After ordering each a portion of an English breakfast, we began to wait for the dish. It was still early in the morning and I was hungry. ๐Ÿ™‚ When they brought us huge portions of food, I completely lost faith that the British eat oatmeal for breakfast. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ Moreover, we have chosen medium portion.

On this day, I tried an English breakfast for the first time:

  • 2 fried eggs
  • 2 toasts fried in butter
  • beans in tomato sauce
  • potatoes fried in oil
  • mushrooms
  • thin meat sausage like sausage, but quite tasty.
  • fried bacon - 2 large pieces. Oh my stomach!
  • lightly fried tomato

And they gave us:

  • large pot of freshly brewed tea
  • milk
  • jam for toast
  • sugar

I am writing myself in shock, how could we manage such huge portions? ๐Ÿ˜ฏ Then I realized how Winnie the Pooh felt stuck in the door of the Rabbit's house. It suited me more as a lunch and dinner, if you divide the portion into 2 times. Everything was delicious, but it was too greasy and hard for me to eat in the morning.

Then I realized that I had to look for my favorite oatmeal and cook myself delicious and healthy breakfast. And as soon as we moved to live in where there is a kitchen, I immediately bought oatmeal.

Imagine, here oatmeal is brought directly from Australia. ๐Ÿ™‚ I like the McGarrett brand. Clean flakes and boil well.

How to cook oatmeal

I cook oatmeal in a rice cooker, in our opinion, a slow cooker. I put all the ingredients - oatmeal, milk, water and turn on the cooking.

I like a little thin porridge, so for 1.5 cups of oatmeal I take 3 cups of water and 3 cups of milk.

I cook porridge for about 10 minutes. I do not close the rice cooker yet and occasionally stir the porridge. As soon as the porridge boils, cook for another 5 minutes, close the lid and turn off the rice cooker. Let the porridge itself sweat for another 10 minutes. In the meantime, you can do a light exercise ๐Ÿ˜‰

I add salt to taste in ready-made portions to my taste. And of course my favorite bananas. I use them instead of sugar. Banana in oatmeal gives it some softness and such a soft creamy taste that adding something else is unnecessary.

banana oatmeal recipe

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Ingredients(for 2 servings):

  • 1.5 st. oatmeal
  • 3 art. water
  • 3 art. milk
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • sea โ€‹โ€‹salt and some sugar

Note: 1 measuring cup = 140 ml.

Cooking scheme:

  1. Pour all the ingredients into the multicooker
  2. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spoon to prevent burning.
  3. As soon as it boils, cook for another 5 minutes, then cover with a lid and turn off the slow cooker.
  4. 10 minutes oatmeal will sweat itself and reach
  5. Slice a ripe banana and add to your serving
  6. Salt and sugar to taste

In the diet of our children, both very young and older, cereals are always present. But they don't like all of them.
The child needs to try to cook not just porridge, but porridge with a twist. For example, such as rice porridge with a banana.


  • banana - 1
  • rice - 50 grams
  • milk - 75 ml
  • butter - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • nutmeg - pinch


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    Porridge, of course, will need to be cooked. And then, together with a banana, bake in the oven. Therefore, we turn on the oven, setting 190 degrees.

    Rinse rice in cold water. Pour into a small saucepan and pour 75 ml of boiling water. Put on a small fire. When the water boils, pour in the milk.

    cook until fully prepared rice. This will take an average of 30 minutes. Watch the process so that the rice does not burn. Stir and add a little water if necessary.
    Peel the banana. Break half into pieces and mash with a fork.

    Cut the other half into slices.

    Grease a baking dish (preferably ceramic, so that later it can be served in it) with oil.

    Put mashed bananas into the boiled porridge and mix.

    Put the banana rice in a bowl. Place the remaining whole banana slices on top. Put in the oven for 15 minutes.

    After removing or transferring from the mold to a plate, sprinkle the porridge nutmeg. Serve hot immediately, as the banana tends to darken.


Don't replace water with milk. Cooking only in milk is fraught with the fact that the porridge will burn.

Do not add sugar while cooking. Banana is a sweet enough fruit, and you can not put sugar in porridge. But if you still decide to add, then add it to already ready meal, at the moment when you sprinkle porridge with nutmeg.

IN rice porridge you can add banana chips, replacing, for example, the circles on top.

Take very ripe and overripe (but not black) bananas, then the porridge will be sweeter and you wonโ€™t have to add sugar.

For babies, you can lightly puree the porridge, making it creamy. Before placing in a baking dish, go through the immersion blender. But so that whole grains of rice remain.