Home / Recipes / 10 most expensive fruits in the world. The most expensive food in the world

10 most expensive fruits in the world. The most expensive food in the world

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Everyone loves to bite their teeth into a juicy peach or crunch an apple. But spend a fortune on them?

site offers to look at fruits for which they paid such a price that it is even scary to eat them.

Melon Yubari

Melon "yubari" is grown in greenhouses on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, covered from the sun with special "hats". This is a very sweet, perfectly round melon with a skin that looks like cracks in ancient Japanese porcelain.

On average, a yubari costs about $ 300, but the two most expensive of them were auctioned for $ 27,000.

Densuke Black Watermelon

This watermelon with a "special type of sweetness" grows only on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Its peel is dark green, almost black, without stripes and spots., which is why it is called black watermelon. Densuke is sold in special black boxes that accentuate its color. The Japanese consider these watermelons a valuable gift.

The average Densuke watermelon costs $ 250, but the largest of them was auctioned for $ 6,100.

Ruby Roman grapes

Bred by Japanese breeders, this red grape is the most expensive in the world. Each berry is about the size of a ping-pong ball, and their taste is unusually sweet - they contain 18% sugar.

The grapes cost about $ 65 per branch, but in 2016 a 700 gram bunch was auctioned for $ 10,900.

Mango "sun egg"

Mangoes of this variety weigh at least 350 grams and have increased sweetness.

A couple of these mangoes was auctioned in Japan for $ 3,000.

Square watermelon

$ 800 per piece

These watermelons were created by farmers on the Japanese island of Shikoku. To shape them, they are placed in special containers, cubes. It is very difficult to care for such watermelons, and, having reached the desired shape, they do not have time to ripen. Therefore, square watermelons are bought mainly for decorative purposes - for example, to decorate shop windows. They cost from $ 200 to $ 800.

Strawberries from a fruit boutique

It seems to be a regular strawberry. But these berries are selected from hundreds of others according to the principle perfect shape ... They are sold at the luxurious Sembikiya fruit salon in Tokyo. They cost $ 69 per pack, which contains 12 pieces.

Apples Sekai Ichi

These apples are the pride of Japanese breeders. They can weigh up to 2 kilograms! The gardens in which they are grown are manually pollinated using special sticks. The Japanese consider these apples a great delicacy and eat them mainly on holidays. Each apple costs $ 21.


Dekopon (or Sumo Fruit) is a hybrid of mandarin and orange, which is also bred in Japan. Claimed to be the most delicious citrus in the world- sweet, with a slight sourness, with the thinnest partitions between the slices, it is larger and juicier than other citrus fruits. One decopon costs $ 13.

In this collection you will find an overview of the most expensive products and drinks. There will be coffee, vodka and many other interesting things.

The most expensive spice in the world is saffron. True saffron is the stamen of a plant of the crocus family (Crocus sativus). From the stamens of marigold flowers, saffron is also made, called false, or Imeritin. The stamens are harvested by hand and then dried. To obtain half a kilogram of spice, you need 225,000 stamens. To ennoble a dish designed for three or five people, no more than six stamens of real saffron are enough. Imeritinsky saffron is used in essential large quantities and does not give that aroma. One kilogram of real saffron costs about 6 thousand dollars.

The most expensive nut in the world is macadamia. Once a staple food for the Australian aborigines, macadamia has now become a gourmet and highly nutritious treat. Only two types of these nuts are cultivated (there are plantations in Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Hawaii and the southern United States). The height of the macadamia tree reaches 40 meters, it bears fruit for up to 100 years, but peeling the nut from the shell is not an easy task. Due to the difficulties with the cultivation and extraction of the delicacy, it is produced no more than 40 tons per year. The cost of one kilogram of macadamia, even in its historical homeland, exceeds $ 30.

The most expensive caviar in the world is not black at all. And not even a rare gray. The most expensive is Almas, albino beluga caviar, occasionally exported from Iran. One hundred grams of caviar, packed in an indispensable jar of pure gold, will cost the buyer about 2 thousand dollars.

As you know, the most expensive mushroom in the world is the white truffle. There is no exact price per kilogram of this delicacy, because almost every large mushroom is auctioned off. Sometimes this does not benefit either the customer or the product. So, in 2004 bought for 28 thousand pounds a mushroom weighing 850 grams ... just rotten. An inconsolable buyer buried his garden in the hope that a new giant would grow in his place, but was later forced to transfer the remains to the home of the deceased, in Tuscany. In early November 2007, three Hong Kong tycoons jointly bought a 750-gram mushroom for $ 209,000 (so far the biggest money ever given for a truffle). Nothing terrible happened to this specimen: it was safely cooked and eaten at an exclusive truffle banquet, where the families and friends of the tycoons gathered.

It would seem that ordinary potatoes cannot cost exorbitant thousands! Nothing like this. Resourceful peasants living on the islet of Nurmuatie annually harvest no more than 100 tons of La Bonnotte per year. Since the divine tuber (and according to legend, this particular variety was bred by the supreme god of the Incas) is extremely gentle, it can only be harvested by hand. The most expensive potato in the world costs about 500 euros per kilogram.

The most expensive meat in the world is beef. And not simple, but marble. And - necessarily from the Japanese Wagiu cows. For centuries, these cows were bred only in Japan, near the city of Kobe, treated with respect and fed only the finest herbs, and daily rubbed sake and watered beer. For a long time, the Japanese did not export livestock for breeding, but now Wagiu cows are also bred in Australia. But this affected the cost of meat only upward: to improve the quality of products, Australian farmers began to give cows red wine ($ 16 per bottle). 200 grams of fillet costs more than $ 100 in Europe. Some, especially tender pieces, sell for a thousand dollars.

The most expensive sandwich in the world is proudly called "von Essen Platinum Club Sandwich". You can try it, paying 100 pounds (almost 200 dollars), in the hotels of the "Von Essen" chain. This sandwich is really tasty, because it contains: Iberian ham, Bresse poulard, white truffles, quail eggs, dried up italian tomatoes and bread made with a special leaven.

The most expensive pizza in the world "Luis XIII" is offered by the young Italian chef Renato Viola. It costs 8,300 euros. According to the author, "this price is not exaggerated if we bear in mind the exclusive products and two people who come to the house to cook it." Pizza, in addition to the base, is prepared in the presence of the client. The composition includes: buffalo mozzarella, three types of caviar, as well as red lobster, shrimp and lobster (all this, of course, is elite and very expensive). Even the salt in this pizza is not ordinary or even sea salt, but Australian pink "Murray River".

The most expensive omelet in the world can be eaten at the restaurant of the New York hotel "Le Parker Meridien". It costs a thousand dollars. In addition to the eggs themselves, the omelet contains whole lobsters. It is served on a pillow from fried potatoes and decorated with ten ounces of sevruga caviar.

The most expensive chocolate in the world is called Chocopologie by Knipschildt. It is produced in the USA by Knipschildt Chocolatier. Naturally, this is dark chocolate. Naturally, it is not intended for long-term storage: after all, in order for the confectionery products not to deteriorate longer, it is necessary to use cheaper ingredients, which is unacceptable in the "chocolate-making haute couture". Chocopologie by Knipschildt will have to pay $ 2,600 for a pound (453 grams).

The most expensive coffee in the world - "Kopi Luwak" - is made from beans not of some unique type, but rather of a unique life path. "Kopi" in Indonesian means "coffee", and "Luwak" is a small animal, a kind of civet, an animal of the civet family. Luwak is a small predator, but loves to feast on the ripe fruits of the coffee tree, and chooses the best ones. He eats much more coffee than he can digest. Undigested grains, passing through the intestines of the animal, are exposed to its enzymes and, as the lovers of "Kopi Luwak" swear, acquire a unique taste and aroma. A kilogram of coffee, which Luwak helped to create, costs between $ 300 and $ 400. Most of the consumers of this variety, as is usually the case with all expensive food products, live in Japan. As you already understood, the delivery of coffee beans will cost you a tidy sum. But it will be worth it ...

The most expensive tea in the world is called Dahunpao, which means "Big Red Robe". It belongs to oolong (strong fermentation teas with intense taste and aroma). A "Big Red Robe" is obtained from a leaf of just six bushes growing near Tianxin Monastery. The age of these unique shrubs is 350 years. Every year, no more than 500 grams of the legendary tea was harvested, the cost of the finished product reached 685 thousand dollars per kilogram. In 2005, 20 grams of tea (four spoons) was sold at an auction in Fujian province for 208 thousand yuan (about 25 thousand dollars), and a week earlier the same amount was sold for 24 thousand dollars. In 2006, the entire crop was transferred to the storage of the Chinese National Tea Museum, and a moratorium was declared on further collection. From now on, no one can enjoy Dahunpao tea. However, since the 80s of the last century, the mother bushes began to be propagated in a vegetative way. The tea obtained from them is also called the "Big Red Robe", but experts believe that it cannot be compared with the real Dahunpao.

The most expensive champagne in the world - "Perrier Jouet Belle Epoque Blanc de Blanc" - is made from a special grape, which is harvested from only two small vineyard areas in the town of Cotes des Blancs. It is created only in the years of the best grape harvest. In 2007, only 156 bottles of this drink, hand-painted in the art nouveau style, were imported to Russia. Each 0.75 liter bottle costs about a thousand euros.

The most expensive whiskey in the world - "The Macallan Fine & Rare Vintage" 60 years old, bottled in 1926 - you can not buy for any money. However, its price is known: 38 thousand dollars. Those who wish are invited to buy for more than 10 thousand an analogue of the coveted drink - "Macallan Fine & Rare" produced in 1938.

The most expensive beer in the world - the Belgian "Vieille Bon Secours" - can be purchased at London's Bierdrome bar. A bottle costs about a thousand dollars, a pint will be poured for $ 79.

The most expensive vodka in the world "Diva" is prepared by Scottish masters in compliance with all imaginable and inconceivable rules. It is filtered through northern birch charcoal, and for complete purification through sand and crumbs of diamonds and other precious stones. The standard bottle is decorated with cubic zircons, however, at the request of the customer, they can be replaced with any other gems. Depending on the cost of jewelry, the price of a bottle also varies - from the standard 400 to 1000 dollars.

We have collected the most expensive products in the world and found out why their prices are so sky-high.

Royal melon

$ 12,000 apiece

In Japan, it is customary to give delicacies to each other, so this country has the most elite products: they can be presented to bosses, business partners and loved ones as a sign of respect and gratitude.

One of the most expensive dishes is yubari royal melon - a hybrid of two varieties of nutmeg (Earl "s Favorite and Burpee). This variety is grown in the city of the same name on the island of Hokkaido in very small batches. Melons can cost up to $ 24,600 per pair - exactly for this price two yubars were sold at Sapporo last spring (paired gifts are accepted in Japan) At harvest time, the fruits are sold much cheaper, but at retail it is almost impossible to get them - dealers buy everything in bulk in a matter of minutes.

Why is the fruit valued as a used foreign car? The Japanese are convinced that this is an extraordinary melon: it has a unique aroma and taste, perfectly round shape, delicate orange pulp and graceful appearance... It is believed that its skin resembles ancient porcelain vases in its pattern, so the skin, like the pulp, is displayed to the guest. The presence of a couple of such "balls" on the table speaks volumes about the owner's wealth.

Black watermelon

Up to $ 6000 apiece

Another elite delicacy from Japan is densuke black watermelon. In fact, it has a dark green color and is completely devoid of stripes. Like the yubari melon, densuke grows only on the island of Hokkaido and is very rare. The record price for it at auction is $ 6,000 - however, it was in 2008. In 2013, the most expensive watermelon was sold at a fair in Japan for $ 3,500. In the summer of 2014, black densuke was sold in one of the supermarkets in Toronto for much less - for $ 200. Considering that watermelon is 90% water, this figure is mind-boggling anyway.

Ruby grapes

Up to $ 5400 per bunch

In the top of the most expensive products in Japan, in addition to those mentioned, there is also a ruby ​​novel grape variety. It is distinguished by its unusual ruby ​​color, sweetness and especially large berries - each is about 3 cm in diameter and weighs 20 g. The variety was bred in 2007 in Ishikawa Prefecture - it is the result of 14 years of work by Japanese winegrowers. In the summer of 2014, one bunch of 30 berries was auctioned for $ 5400. It was reported that the lot was bought by the owner of the wedding palace for the wedding of a certain young couple.

Diamond caviar

10,000 per kilogram

Few have seen and even more so tried albino beluga caviar. The older the fish, the lighter its eggs are - and the more they are valued for sale. The cost of a jar of such caviar, called Almas, is about £ 100 per 10 g. At the same time, sellers warn that they will have to get on the waiting list and wait for delivery for several months, which indicates an increased demand for the product. The high cost of the delicacy is due to the fact that the beluga itself is a great rarity: it is included in the Red Book, and its production is limited. It takes up to 27 years for a female to mature. Finding an albino beluga with caviar is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Marble beef

Up to $ 800 per kilogram

Among all types of meat on the international market, kobe beef is most appreciated - this is a tender and fat marbled meat of wagyu cows, grown again in Japan, in Hyogo Prefecture. This delicacy was originally produced in the city of Kobe - hence the name. The price on the Japanese market can be $ 250-400 per 1 kg, but in other countries, a Japanese steak will cost twice as much, not to mention the dishes prepared from it. This is explained by skillful marketing, as well as amazing conditions keeping cows: they are fed with selected grass and grain, they are sung with premium beer, and they are massaged to relieve stress and to properly distribute fat.

White truffle

Up to $ 32,000 per kilogram

The most expensive mushroom in the world is the white truffle: it grows only in certain regions of France, Italy and Croatia, it is difficult to find and almost impossible to preserve. The National Center for the Study of Truffles in Italy cites average prices: in 2012 -? 500 per 1 kg, in 2013 -? 350, and in 2014 - only? 220 due to the high yield. But if a particularly large mushroom comes across, it can be auctioned off for a fabulous sum. For example, in December 2014, the largest white truffle weighing 1.89 kg was sold at an auction in New York for $ 61,000. In the fall, special truffle tours are held for gambling tourists - experienced hunters with dogs help them look for mushroom spots.

Up to 600,000 rubles. per kilogram

Saffron is often called "royal seasoning" - the price corresponds to this status. In online stores, the cost of 1 g of spice differs depending on the country of production: Iranian costs 230 rubles, Spanish - 525 rubles, and Indian - 660 rubles. The high cost is explained by the complexity of the extraction of this spice: it is obtained from the stigmas of the flowers of the sowing crocus, and there are only three of them in each flower. Collecting saffron is a very time-consuming process, and in a dish it takes quite a bit: 1 g is enough for several pots of pilaf. Saffron gives the dish a yellow color, and is also an aphrodisiac and antiseptic, soothes, improves metabolism and smoothes the skin of the face. According to legend, in the Middle Ages, one pound (450 g) of saffron was given to an Arabian horse. Since then, this spice has remained the most expensive spice in the world.

Bluefin tuna

Up to $ 8100 per kilogram
One of the largest and fast fish bluefin tuna is also the most expensive on the planet. The all-time price record was set in December 2012: bluefin tuna weighing 222 kg was sold at a Tokyo auction for $ 1.8 million ($ 8108 per 1 kg). However, earlier this year, the same buyer, Japanese restaurateur Kiyoshi Kimura, to his surprise, bought a slightly smaller fish weighing 180 kg for $ 37,500 ($ 208 per kg). Experts say the drop in market prices may indicate that the bluefin tuna population in the Sea of ​​Japan is recovering. However, in Moscow, 1 kg of this fish is still exorbitantly expensive: it costs from 17,000 rubles.

French fries

Up to? 457 per kilogram

The most expensive potato in the world is the French variety La bonnotte de Noirmoutier. It is grown on the island of Noirmoutier in limited quantities (up to 100 tons annually) and requires special care: it is harvested by hand and practically not stored. Due to the unique microclimate of the island and the sandy soil with a high content of algae, the potatoes have an unusual sweet taste with hints of walnut. When the first harvests went on sale, they were prohibitively expensive: for example, in 1996, potatoes were auctioned in Paris at £ 457 per 1 kg. Now the passions have subsided a little, wholesalers at the end of May can count on a price of 9-10 per 1 kg, but in stores and restaurants this potato is still “golden”.

Musang coffee

Up to 108,000 rubles. per kilogram

The most unusual and expensive coffee is produced in Indonesia with the direct participation of animals - musang. These animals swallow the ripeest and tasty fruits coffee trees, and then their excrement interspersed with grains is picked up by people, processed and made an elite drink kopi luwak. According to the sellers, it "has a rare caramel flavor, smells like chocolate and is a drink of the gods."

It is curious that once the Musangs in Southeast Asia were considered pests, until some inventor figured out how to find a use for their excrement. It turned out that after treatment with enzymes contained in the stomachs of animals, coffee beans are changed taste properties, losing bitterness: the drink is tender and contains less caffeine. The high price of coffee is explained by the fact that genuine kopi luwak is made from the feces of wild, not farmed musang, that is, in small quantities; moreover, the processing and production process is extremely difficult. On the Russian market, prices for this coffee range from 2,300 to 10,800 rubles. for 100 g.

Food has long ceased to be a means of satisfying human natural needs for vital energy. A developed society has elevated food to the rank of real art, and sometimes - a cult. The primitive scheme: "kill a mammoth - fry meat on a fire - eat" - has long gone into oblivion, along with the Stone Age. The culture of world haute cuisine has developed over the centuries.

Perhaps the Chinese have advanced farthest in the cult of food. Instead of the usual greeting and asking how you are doing, the Chinese will first of all ask if you have eaten. By the way, the site has an interesting article about the unusual peoples of the world.

For a European, the first nation that is remembered as a nation of "food worshipers" is French. It was the exiled French chefs who spread the cuisine of local nobles throughout the world and stood at the origins of the founding of the world haute cuisine.

The products used for dishes in this category are not cheap and differ not only unique taste, which, most often, can only be appreciated by gourmets, but also by its rarity and inaccessibility for mere mortals. It is the most expensive products in the world that will become the topic of our today's rating. Initially, we wrote an article about the 10 most expensive products in the world, but then we decided to expand our list to 15 items, we hope you enjoy it!

Pork jamon Iberico ($ 400 per kg)

A more expensive variety of the famous jamon. Dried in the south-west of Spain from black Iberico pigs. The meat makes the diet of pigs, which feed exclusively on acorns, unique. Jamon is brought to the “condition” according to the principle of expensive wine - in the cellars.

Maitake / Matsutake mushrooms ($ 1000)

One of the most expensive mushrooms in the world was appreciated by the Japanese. Outwardly, "pine" (translated from Japanese) mushrooms strongly resemble our oyster mushrooms. The mushroom got its name from the tree, near which it most often forms a circle. The second nickname of the mushroom - "dancing", is associated with this feature. The matsutake mushroom is distinguished by its rich taste and pleasant aroma. The popularity of the species is associated with its legendary healing properties. Matsutake has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. In addition to Japan, you can find it in the wild in Sweden, Canada and Finland from September to October. The high cost is associated with the difficulty in finding the fungus and the need for exceptional climatic conditions necessary for its growth. The price for individual copies reaches $ 100.

Westin hotel bagel ($ 1000)

This masterpiece of world cuisine was created by the restaurant chef of a five-star New York hotel. The "golden" bagel is available exclusively for hotel guests. The Cosmic Price of Frank Tajagu's Invention Ties With Unusual Ingredients confectionery... The base of the bagel filling is a creamy white truffle paste. Decorated with a piece of confectionery art with Chinese goji berries, widely used and appreciated in local folk medicine. The most devastating blow to the wallets of guests who decided to order the most expensive bagel in the world is the leaves of edible gold. The price of one portion reaches $ 1000.

Unsolicited Lobster Fritata ($ 1000)

A dish with such an exotic name and no less exotic composition is the hallmark of another Big Apple hotel - Le Parker Meridien Hotel. An ordinary-looking omelet is complemented by one of the most expensive lobsters in the world and spiced with a generous serving of black caviar. For the entire time, since the appearance of the dish in the menu of the restaurant at the hotel, no more than 12 dishes have been sold. original recipe... The $ 1000 per serving scares off even the wealthy. To increase demand, the restaurant offers to try a smaller portion of the dish, with a small spoonful of caviar, and sells it for $ 100.

Wagyu Ribeye Steak ($ ​​1000)

Beef steak of the Japanese breed of cows - wagyu, is appreciated for its unique tenderness and the content of beneficial fatty acids. Cows of this breed, during the period of growth, live in truly royal terms: food - selected herbs, drink - the best varieties beer. Everyday massage gives the meat, especially appreciated by gourmets, a marble texture. If we talk about the most expensive dishes from cows of the Japanese breed, there is another restaurant from the city of the Statue of Liberty - Craftsteak. During its existence, for a serving of marbled beef steak, the restaurant offered its customers to shell out $ 2,800.

Donkey cheese ($ 2000)

The endangered donkeys of the Zasavica Nature Reserve in Serbia provide milk for the world's most expensive cheese. They are milked exclusively by hand. To prepare one kilogram of "smelly" (for gourmets - "aromatic") cheese, 25 kg of milk are spent. The product is white and crumbly. The price - $ 2000 per kg, continues to grow, because the donkey population is decreasing every year.

Samundari Khazana Curry ($ 3200)

In 2009, a London restaurant added a $ 3,200 curry dish to the menu. The Indian restaurant has timed its creation on DVD with the Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire. Here are the ingredients that made the dish so expensive:

  • quail eggs;
  • devonian crab;
  • sea ​​snails;
  • beluga caviar;
  • white truffle;
  • gilded Scottish lobster.

Royal Pizza 007 ($ 4200)

As the name implies, the next dish of the rating is also associated with cinematography and is dedicated to the epic about the British intelligence agent - James Bond. And although Royal Pizza has no official ties with Bondiana (the producers did not commission the famous Scottish chef to create a personalized pizza), its cost is impressive - $ 4200. As part of a 32 cm pizza:

  • gold flakes;
  • champagne-soaked caviar;
  • lobster marinated in cognac;
  • smoked salmon;
  • venison medallions;
  • prosciutto.

Densuke Black Watermelon ($ 6,000)

Real Densuke is grown exclusively in Japan - on the island of Hokkaido. The annual harvest does not exceed 10,000 units. Usually, watermelons reach 7 kg and differ, in addition to rich black color, sweetness and firmness. Cheaper analogues of black watermelons are also grown in other countries. They are darker in color closer to green. 7kg Densuke watermelons sell for $ 6100 apiece.

Da Hong Pao Tea ($ 10,000)

The most expensive type of tea is grown in a single place - on the cliffs of the Wuyi mountains, in the Chinese province of Fujian. Tea is harvested once a year, in May, for only two weeks. Tea is prized for its variety in aftertaste: from fruity to dark chocolate. Da Hong Pao is credited with many medicinal properties. Those who have consumed this rare tea claim that even a small portion causes a state of euphoria. Just one gram of a Chinese-made product is estimated at $ 1400. A kettle of this noble drink will cost $ 10,000.

In fact, it turned out to be not an easy task for us to compile this rating, because food prices change from season to season. However, we tried it. Note that the order depends partly on price and partly on how rare these products are considered. So.

The name "oysters" is used for a number of different groups of shellfish that are found in seawater or brackish water around the world. Most molluscs with shells are capable of forming pearls, but their meat is inedible, only pearls have commercial value. Oysters are best eaten raw in own juice with a slice of lemon.

Matsutake or "the king of Japanese mushrooms" is the only Japanese mushroom that grows only in natural conditions on sandy soils in symbiosis with pine trees and cannot be cultivated in greenhouses. By the mid-1970s, their collection had dwindled to several hundred tons per year. The decrease in the number of fungi is associated with a sharp reduction in the area occupied by the local endemic, the red pine. Matsutake is considered one of the most expensive mushrooms in the world after truffles. For half a kilogram of matsutaka, you will have to pay more than $ 1000. Some varieties can cost more than 2 thousand dollars. Has a rich mushroom aroma.

Lobsters form a large family of marine crustaceans that bring in about $ 1.8 billion to the fishing industry every year. They are closely related to freshwater crayfish. They live on a rocky, sandy or muddy bottom, close to the coastline, usually singly in crevices or in burrows under rocks. Meat from under the shell, in the abdomen, legs, liver and caviar is used for food. They are used to prepare salads, aspic, croquettes, soufflés, mousses and soups.

Foie gras is the liver of a duck (foie gras de canard) or a goose (fois gras d'Oie). It is produced in a certain way called "gravage". It consists in force feeding the animals with grain through a tube inserted into the throat. As a result, their liver expands several times and contains more fat.

The structure of goose liver is very similar to butter, with a strong earthy aroma. Foie gras is usually eaten as raw pate, but there are many other recipes that reveal the full depth of taste and aroma. It is interesting that this delicacy is prohibited for production and sale in Argentina, Great Britain, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Luxembourg, Israel, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic and some states of the USA.

It has been known since ancient times that Fugu fish meat is deadly. And if it is prepared incorrectly, then eating it can lead to death (in Japan, many deaths have been recorded from the consumption of this delicacy). For example, in one piece the size of a match head, there is enough poison to kill a grown man.
In order to cook fish, a Japanese chef must undergo a rigorous training and certification program, since the fish from which the dish is prepared contains a lethal dose of tetrodotoxin, the concentration of which must be reduced to acceptable levels during the cooking process.

Bird nests

Bird nests are produced by some of the swiftlet species found in the countries of Southeast Asia. These birds use their own saliva to build nests, which, thanks to chemical composition hardens quickly in air. Their nests are considered a delicacy in China, and are one of the most expensive animal products to be consumed by humans. Bird nests are usually served as a soup, sometimes as a dessert. When combined with water, the hard nests reach a gelatinous structure. The cost of this delicacy reaches $ 2,300 per kilogram.

Marbled beef is the meat of a black Wagyu cow. They are grown only in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, strictly in accordance with the rules and traditions. This breed of cow is genetically predisposed to intense marbling, and produces a higher percentage of oil, unsaturated fats than any other breed of cattle known in the world. Their meat is so tender that it can compete with foie gras.

Truffles are fruit tubers of underground mushrooms from the Ascomycete family. They have a smell similar to walnuts, which for some people may be too harsh, and even cause slight dizziness. The white truffle is the most expensive of the family. It grows under oak trees and some conifers.

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, represented by dried saffron stigmas. One flower gives only three stigmas, and about 200 thousand flowers are required to get a kilogram of spice. Refers to the typical components of Arabic, Spanish and, in part, European cuisines, however, due to the high price, it is not included in daily menu... It has pronounced coloring properties, sometimes it is used as a medicinal raw material.

Beluga caviar is the most expensive product in the world, its cost reaches $ 7,000 per kilogram. Considered the most valuable of all the rest of the caviar sturgeon fish... It has a dark gray color with a silvery tint, a strong odor and a delicate nutty flavor.

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