Home / Dough / Minced pork cutlets recipe. Homemade minced pork cutlets Fry minced pork cutlets

Minced pork cutlets recipe. Homemade minced pork cutlets Fry minced pork cutlets

How to make delicious cutlets

Cutlets from minced pork- not only hearty, but also a simple dish in its implementation. But even he has his own cooking characteristics. The recipe is in front of you!

40 minutes

235 kcal

4.83/5 (72)

We all love juicy cutlets from minced pork. How to cook this dish quickly, but so that it does not lose its taste characteristics, you will learn from this article: the recipe for pork cutlets with a photo is in front of you!

Features of the dish

Minced pork cutlets differ not only in excellent taste but also high nutritional value... The main part of the composition of minced pork is presented proteins - 83.37%... In terms of calorie content, minced pork cutlets are higher than their counterparts from minced chicken and minced pork, while the proteins contained in pork are good absorbed by the body... The stereotype that pork dishes get fat is fundamentally wrong. Of course, fried pork cutlets do not belong to the diet menu, but when consumed without fanaticism, they will not hit either the figure or the liver. The benefits outweigh the harm in this case. Therefore, delicious and ruddy beauties minced pork cutlets are an ideal solution for a delicious and nutritious breakfast and hearty lunch... From minced pork, you can make step by step not only classic cutlets, but cutlets, snowdrifts, and meatballs in sauce. Well, the most delicious minced meat comes from pork neck and shoulder blades.

The taste of this dish largely depends not only on the quality of the ingredients, but also on the cooking technology. Even the cutlets "on hastily" can have great taste, if you prepare them with knowledge of certain nuances.

Delicious and fast: ingredients for a classic recipe

The easiest way to cook is to salt and pepper the minced pork, form cutlets and fry in vegetable oil. But at least seven out of ten gourmets will tell you that the dish turned out to be too greasy. However, the cutlets from the ham will turn out to be fatter, from the tenderloin - more lean. The taste of cutlets will be much saturated if you use such a list. ingredients:

  • minced pork;
  • salt pepper;
  • egg;
  • onion;
  • white bread (pulp).

Pulp soaked in milk white bread is included in the minced meat not for the sake of economy. The taste of cutlets is obtained more gentle and the "texture" is more uniform. Wherein traditional taste bread does not kill pork, but only emphasizes.

Egg in composition minced cutlet serves as a bundle: when frying, the cutlets do not fall apart. But there is one caveat: the egg is not driven into the minced meat entirely, it is used only yolk... Otherwise, the minced meat will turn out to be too liquid. Do not pour out the protein: it will come in handy when breading.

Onions add a touch of flavor to the dish sweets it also makes the cutlets juicier. In order for this ingredient to manifest itself with maximum benefit, you should not grate the onion or twist it in a meat grinder (then it loses a significant part of the juice), you need it cut in small pieces and then chop with a knife.

Technology and cooking secrets


Preparing minced meat

Salt and pepper.

Add the rest of the ingredients.

  1. Egg yolk and finely chopped onion are thoroughly mixed with minced meat and soaked bread.
  2. This is best done with your hands, rather than with a spoon or fork: it is easier and faster to achieve a uniform consistency.

    It is better to soak bread in water, and not in milk, since the latter contains proteins of a different type than pork and their combination is poorly absorbed by the stomach. Squeeze the soaked bread thoroughly.

  3. If possible, it is better to let the minced meat steep in the refrigerator for half an hour or an hour for the best compatibility of the ingredients. But you can start frying the cutlets right after the minced meat is cooked.

Step 1: Prepare the minced meat.

The minced meat must be defrosted, it must not be too liquid or have a strong unpleasant odor. Remember that only a high quality meat product is suitable for cooking.
If you want the cutlets to be very tender, then it will not be superfluous to scroll the minced meat through the meat grinder again. You can also use a blender, but in this case, do not get carried away, turning chopped meat into a liquid mass.

Step 2: Prepare the bread.

Place the pieces of bread inside a small but deep saucer and cover with milk. Wait until it softens, soaks and starts to fall apart.

Step 3: Prepare the onion.

Peel the bulbs. Before adding this ingredient to the minced meat, it must be very hard to grind. To do this, you can grate it, grind it in a blender or chop it in a meat grinder.

Step 4: Prepare the garlic.

Peel the garlic in the same way as the onion. Grind this ingredient using a special press.

Step 5: Knead the cutlet mass.

Place the defrosted minced pork in a large, deep bowl to use for the cutlet mass. Add chopped onion and garlic to minced meat. Drain the excess milk from the softened bread and squeeze lightly, and then add to the minced meat as well. Beat a couple of chicken eggs and season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir the resulting cutlet mass with a tablespoon. You should have a mixture that is homogeneous in consistency, and at the same time quite thick and not spreading.

Step 6: Form the patties.

Pinch off small pieces from the cutlet mass with slightly damp hands and roll them into balls in your palms or on a board. The resulting spheres are slightly flattened, thereby forming blanks for cutlets. You can make your cutlets in the size and shape that suits you best.

Step 7: Fry the patties.

In a large skillet, heat just enough vegetable oil... In the meantime, it is heating up, pour a little on a flat dish. wheat flour... Send the cutlets to fry in a skillet, first roll them in flour breading.
You need to cook minced pork cutlets over medium heat. First, fry one side for 5-7 minutes until the characteristic golden brown crust, then the same other. When the cutlets are browned, cover the pan with a lid, slightly reduce the heat and cook for a while. 12-15 minutes... It is very easy to check the readiness of the dish, it is enough to pierce the products with a fork or knife, if a transparent white liquid flows, or it does not exist at all, then everything is ready, but if the liquid is pinkish, then it is necessary to continue cooking.

Step 8: Serve minced pork cutlets.

Put the pork headlight cutlets on portioned plates, complementing them with a side dish, the options of which can be a whole mass, for example, boiled rice, vegetables or mashed potatoes... It is also good to offer to this meat dish some kind of sauce, for example, tomato. That's all, enjoy the delicate handmade pork chops.
Bon Appetit!

If you are preparing cutlets, including for very young children, then try to mold very small ones especially for them. meat balls, so as not to frighten the young eater with a large, exorbitant portion for him.

You can use rusks instead of wheat flour for breading. They can be made at home by simply grinding stale bread in a blender or by purchasing them at the store.

Use only high-quality and fresh ingredients, remember that not only taste depends on their quality ready meal but also your health.

Be sure to cook meat products. It doesn't matter if you steam or fry these cutlets, they must not be allowed to remain even a little raw inside.

Dishes from minced meat found in all cuisines of the planet. For the majority, these are not only national dishes, but also the most familiar food known from childhood. Cutlets are prepared from any ingredients: from pure meat, from its various varieties, with the addition of vegetables, cheese, etc. However, pork is increasingly preferred these days.

Pork cutlets are quick cooked, juicy, tasty and very nutritious. Several classic recipes, as well as cooking secrets, will be discussed in this article.


  • pork - 0.5 kg;
  • egg;
  • bulb;
  • bread crumb (wheat) - 0.2 kg;
  • breading;
  • butter;
  • salt and spices.

Time: 30 minutes.

Value (caloric content): 263 kcal / 100 g.

Let's describe in detail the classic recipe for minced pork cutlets. You can purchase ready-made minced meat or do it yourself. In this case, hand-made preparation will be considered, and in all subsequent ones this recipe will be implied. Accordingly, the cooking time (for other descriptions) will be calculated without taking into account the preparation of minced meat.

The bread is soaked in milk or water, and the excess moisture is squeezed out. Scroll meat, onions and bread with a meat grinder.

If you wish, you can use a coarse cut or, conversely, the smallest and scroll the meat twice. However, you should not use a blender - you can make sausages or soufflés from mashed meat, but such a "grinding" will not work for cutlets - the dish will come out tough.

Egg, salt, spices are introduced into the finished minced meat. Everything gets mixed up. The next procedure is "beating". The mass is taken in the palm of your hand and thrown on the table or the bottom of the dish from a height of about 30 cm. Special efforts no need to apply.

The process is repeated 10-20 times. At first, this procedure seems strange to many, but it should not be neglected - with "impacts" the mass is saturated with oxygen, which makes the minced meat pliable, elastic, and ready-made cutlets soft but juicy.

Round or ellipsoidal blanks are formed from minced meat. Each cutlet rolls well in breading and is placed in a frying pan in very hot oil. After frying on both sides (the crust should take on a pleasant, golden color), the heat decreases and the dish comes to readiness under the lid.

Juicy cutlets: pork with zucchini


  • minced meat - half a kilo;
  • zucchini - 200 gr;
  • salt;
  • butter;
  • breading.

Time: 20 minutes.

Value (caloric content): 221 kcal / 100 g.

Juicy minced pork cutlets with zucchini are prepared as follows. To prepare a dish according to this recipe, you can use classic minced meat, then the cutlets will come out softer, but also more nutritious (with the indicated value), or you can use the recipe without bread - in this case, the calorie content will decrease to 190-200 units.

Zucchini is passed through a meat grinder or grater. It must be slightly salted and allowed to stand until the juice is released (a few minutes).

Squeeze the liquid, and add the pulp to the minced meat, stirring well. Fight off the mass. Form patties using breading and fry in hot oil. Bring to readiness at the lowest temperature of the burner, under the lid.

Pork cutlets with cheese in the oven


  • minced meat - 500 gr;
  • cheese - 70-100 gr;
  • butter;
  • breading.

Time: 35 minutes.

An excellent recipe for a quick and easy meal. In this case, you can use cheese in three different ways:

  • grate and stir in minced meat (this recipe is recommended for the oven, but you should not use it for a frying pan - the cutlets can burn and creep);
  • sprinkle semi-finished cutlets with cheese and then cook under it;
  • Cut the cheese into cubes and put it inside the cutlets - during the cooking process it will melt and you will get a kind of "zrazy with cheese".

How to cook minced pork cutlets with cheese in the oven? Choosing one of the methods, cutlets are formed, breading is carefully applied. In the case of zrazy, breading is most important - its purpose, among other things, after fried, is not to release melted cheese from the dish.

The oven is heating up. 180-200 degrees will be enough. The baking sheet is greased and cutlets are placed on it. Prepare for about 25 minutes. If it is decided to sprinkle the cheese on top, then this must be done after 15 minutes.

Pork and ground beef cutlets


  • minced pork - 250 gr;
  • minced beef - 250 gr;
  • bread, salt, onion and spices - each classic recipe;
  • butter;
  • breadcrumbs.

Time: 30 minutes.

Value (caloric content): 245 kcal.

Pork is generally fattier than beef. A blend of these ingredients will balance the flavor - pork fat will saturate dry beef and make the dish incredibly tasty. In the recipe, both meats are presented in 50/50 proportions, but if the pork is too fat, you can increase the amount of beef.

Minced meat is prepared according to the classic recipe, but using beef. Cutlets are formed, breaded and fried in hot oil.

Chicken and pork


  • minced pork - 250 gr;
  • chicken - the same amount;
  • the rest of the ingredients for the minced meat according to the classic recipe;
  • oil (for frying);
  • breadcrumbs.

Time: 30 minutes.

Value (caloric content): 230 kcal.

How to make delicious minced chicken and pork cutlets? The recipe is largely the same as the previous one. However, the ratio of chicken and pork gives a more dietary combination, and the tenderness of the dish increases several times.

A classic minced meat is being prepared, fighting off. Cutlets are formed and breaded. The dish can be fried in a pan or baked in the oven at 200 degrees.

Culinary secrets

The recipes are described above. Any hostess can choose them or combine her own. In any case, it is worth knowing a few very important secrets in order for the dishes to turn out at an extremely high level:

Pork is one of the most convenient foods for cutlets. The dishes come out of it delicious, but you must follow the rules and proportions specified in the article, otherwise it is possible to get dry and tough food. If you use these simple tips, the food will turn out to be juicy and will surely arouse the praise of loved ones!

And one more simple recipe delicious cutlets- in the next video.

How to make minced pork cutlets - juicy and soft? Why are the patties dry or falling apart when fried? Should I add an egg or not? Let's figure it out in order.

7 grandma's secrets of making juicy cutlets

  1. Cook the minced meat yourself, from fresh meat... Store minced meat can be of poor quality, sometimes frozen - when defrosting, all the juices flow out of the meat, which means that your cutlets will turn out to be dry.
  2. Choose a piece of pork "with fat" for the mince, or add a piece of bacon while grinding so that the cutlets are not bland.
  3. For more juiciness, be sure to pour some water into the minced meat. I soak a couple of pieces of bread crumb in ice water, which absorbs and retains all the moisture.
  4. Beat the minced meat well. Of course, you won't need a hammer. To do this, you need to collect the minced meat into a lump and throw it with force into a bowl several times. Due to such a simple procedure, the meat will keep its shape well, that is, it will not fall apart when frying. And most importantly, cracks will not form on the surface of the cutlets, through which valuable meat juice can flow.
  5. Don't be afraid to add an egg to the cutlets. And although there are endless disputes on this issue among culinary specialists, I always add large egg... And it never happened that cutlets with an egg turned out to be tough or tasteless.
  6. Fill the cutlets in flour - you need very little of it to "seal" the meat juices inside.
  7. Fry in a very hot skillet to prevent fat and juice from leaking out. And then steam the cutlets under the lid, adding a little water to the pan - due to this, they will not only reach full readiness, but it will also turn out to be more lush and soft.

Of course, every housewife has a couple of her secrets of the most delicious cutlets in the world. Someone adds potatoes (mashed or raw), someone puts a spoonful of mayonnaise in the minced meat. How do you cook?


  • pork 500 g
  • lard 100 g
  • water 100 ml
  • loaf 2 slices
  • onions 1 pc.
  • garlic 2 tooth.
  • ground black pepper 2 chips.
  • salt 3/4 tsp
  • large egg 1 pc.
  • flour for breading 2 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil for frying

How to make juicy minced pork cutlets

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