Home / Recipes / Second courses for a 1 year old child. In my mother's piggy bank: useful recipes

Second courses for a 1 year old child. In my mother's piggy bank: useful recipes

There seems to be a slight difference between one and a half years and two years, but often the children's menu for these periods of a child's life is different. Someone else may not have formed the entire dentition, someone else has not learned to eat with a spoon, and someone else has not learned to chew. Recipes for children 1.5 years old - it is even softer, more delicate food, easy to digest. There are already more and more flavors and various products in this category. Children learn to eat on their own and behave culturally at the table. All this is brought up from an early age.

Choose recipes for children 1.5 years old , based on the preferences of your child, but do not forget that now he is still actively growing and he needs everything he needs for rapid growth and development. Delight them with soft meatballs stuffed with cutlets, even a dessert like jelly. All these dishes are included in and are absolutely complete in terms of nutrient content.

02/05/2013 Anet

If you want to surprise your child for lunch, do meat cutlets stuffed . An important condition in the process of cooking such cutlets, fresh meat is used, which is better to twist a couple of times in a meat grinder yourself. The more tender the minced meat is, the easier it is to form mini-incisions for children. If you take the minced meat rolled through a large nozzle, the cutlets may fall apart during the heat treatment, because such minced meat is less plastic and it is more difficult to mold a thin cake out of it in order to stuff it later.

As a filling we will take boiled egg and carrots. If it is spinach season, feel free to take it for greater benefit.

09/21/2012 Anet

For a long time I have not published recipes on the children's menu. My child is growing, and more and more often eats with his parents from the same table. The parent's table is as useful as the children's one, but nevertheless, this is a different section. In addition, summer gave us so many fresh fruits and berries that I rarely had to bake something, invent something. The child did what he swooped down with appetite for blueberries, grapes, melons and watermelons. And now it's time to get ready for the fall and replenish the collection of ideas for children's meals. It would be great to learn how to decorate dishes in order to cheer up your beloved child in cold seasons.

07/17/2012 Anet

My one and a half year old daughter loves blueberries. This year we are trying to buy it more often, there is a small growing "incentive" for buying berries. Already frozen, and added to baked goods, and we just eat. Half of the summer is over, we still have the same amount to replenish our vitamin reserves with the most useful products. a good option for breakfast for the whole family and for children. They are so tiny, neat and moderately sweet. Great variety children's menu, if you are already tired of eating a berry in its pure form.

06/22/2012 Anet

A few days ago I wanted to cook these pancakes, but having cooked steep porridge and tasted the millet, I really doubted this desire ... This was the first time I got acquainted with this cereal. I don't even know where the pack of millet came from at home. It seems that they bought a bird for a bird once ... Yes, and from childhood I got used to the fact that we fed chickens and roosters with millet in the village, but I didn't eat it myself. Today I decided to finish what I had started, prepared these pancakes and it turned out to be unexpectedly tasty. So much so that I myself shared a meal with the doctor and millet pancakes scattered with the speed of the wind. Liked both me and my daughter. They look very appetizing on fresh lettuce, decorated with red onion rings. This is the piece of jewelry that I have at hand. Using your imagination, you can figure out any accompaniment for this dish. I also think it will be delicious to serve them with sour cream.

06/03/2012 Anet

National Russian soup in a light version for children. Prepared with fresh cabbage. The consistency turns out to be rather thick, with fine grated cabbage. The high fiber content in this soup saturates the stomach, leaving a pleasant light feeling. Increases bowel performance. Indeed, there are so few calories in this miracle vegetable, there is practically no starch and a lot of vitamins.

1-2 years Semolina porridge with carrots
Wash the carrots, peel, finely grate, add sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of butter and salt. Simmer over low heat until almost cooked. Add hot milk, bring to a boil and stir in semolina... Boil until thick, season with the rest butter and place for 10 minutes. into the oven.
Ingredients: Semolina 1 tbsp. spoon, 1/2 carrots, sugar 1 teaspoon, 1/2 cup milk, butter 1 teaspoon, salt on the tip of a knife.

Semolina porridge with pumpkin
Wash the pumpkin, peel and seeds, cut into small pieces, pour in 100 ml of hot milk and cook under a lid for 15 minutes. stirring, add semolina, 1 teaspoon of sugar and salt on the tip of a knife. Cook for another 15-20 minutes. over low heat. Season the porridge with butter.
Ingredients: Semolina 1 teaspoon, pumpkin 100 gr., Milk 100 ml, sugar 1 teaspoon, butter 1 teaspoon, salt on the tip of a knife.

Millet porridge with pumpkin
This porridge should be cooked in a cast iron. Wash, peel and chop the pumpkin small cubes, put in boiling salted water or milk and cook for 7-10 minutes. Pour in millet, add sugar and cook over low heat for 1-1.5 hours.
Ingredients: Millet groats 150 gr., Pumpkin 300 gr., Water or milk 450 gr., Sugar 15 gr., Butter 30 gr.

Pumpkin porridge
Wash the pumpkin, peel, cut into pieces, pour 1.5 cups of milk, boil over low heat, cool and rub through a sieve. Rinse the groats, pour 3 cups of salted milk and boil the crumbly porridge. Mix the porridge with the pumpkin, put the butter and put in the oven to brown the porridge. Pour the whipped cream over the finished porridge.
Ingredients: Pumpkin 800 gr., Milk 4.5 cups, cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat, rolled oats) 1 cup, butter 100 gr., Sugar 1 tbsp. spoon, salt to taste.

Berry porridge
Rinse the berries, mash with a crush, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, boil the pomace in water and strain. Put 1 tbsp in the broth. a spoonful of cereal, cook until tender, add sugar and butter, let it boil again, remove the porridge from the stove, pour the squeezed juice into it and mix.
Ingredients: Groats (rice, buckwheat, semolina) 1 tbsp. a spoon, fresh berries(raspberries, strawberries, currants, etc.) 2 tbsp. spoons, water 250ml, sugar 1 tsp, butter 1 tsp.

Fruit porridge
Wash the apple and pear, peel, remove the core, cut into not very small pieces or wedges, put in an enamel saucepan and cover with water so that it barely covers the fruit. Cook the fruit until soft, remove from the water and grind in a blender. In the remaining broth, cook a thin porridge from cereal flakes (3-5 minutes). Mix porridge with fruit, add sugar (if the fruit is sweet, then sugar can be omitted). If the porridge is thick, you can add some more natural fruit juice.
The dish is ideal for both breakfast and afternoon tea. You can add not porridge to the fruit mass, but crumbs of cookies soaked in broth. Or dissolve any ready-made porridge for baby food, which does not require cooking, and add fruit puree in a 1: 3 or 1: 2 ratio so that there is more fruit than porridge.
Ingredients: Cereal (rice, oat or cereal mix) 1 tbsp. spoon, 1 apple and 1 pear (apricots, peaches, cherries, orange pulp, any berries), sugar to taste.

Oatmeal on honey
Boil water and milk, salt, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, add rolled oats and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the porridge thickens. At the end of cooking, the porridge can be “darkened” for 10-15 minutes in the oven. Drizzle with melted butter and remaining honey. Ingredients: Hercules 3/4 cup, water 1 cup, milk 1 cup, honey 1.5 tbsp. spoons, salt to taste, butter 1 tsp.

How boil an egg

Boiled eggs
Eggs are boiled soft-boiled, "in a bag" and hard-boiled. You need to boil the egg for high fire and for each egg take at least 200 gr. water. In order to boil a soft-boiled egg, it is immersed in a saucepan of boiling water and cooked at a boil for 3-4 minutes; "In a bag" 4-5 minutes, hard-boiled 8-10 minutes. After the egg is immersed in water, the boil must be quickly restored, otherwise the indicated cooking time may not be sufficient. At the end of boiling, the egg is immediately immersed in cold water for 1-2 minutes, so that the shell is easier to separate during cleaning.

Dairy eggs with carrots
Wash the carrots with a brush, peel, grate, put in a saucepan with melted butter, cover and simmer over low heat until soft (l5-20 min.). During stewing, the carrots should be stirred periodically and gradually add milk over a tablespoon. Thoroughly mix the raw egg with the stewed carrots and the remaining cold milk, pour in the salt solution. Pour the resulting mixture into a small bowl greased with butter, place in a saucepan with water and cook over low heat until the mixture thickens. Serve the eggs hot or cold.
Ingredients: Egg 1 pc., Carrots 1/2 pc., Milk 3/4 cup, butter 1.5 tsp, salt solution 1/4 tsp.

Dairy recipes desserts

Cheesecakes with carrots
Wash the carrots, peel, grate and simmer with butter in a saucepan covered with a lid. When the carrots are soft, add the semolina, stir and simmer for another 5-7 minutes. over low heat. Cool the stewed carrots, put the egg, sugar syrup, salt solution, mix everything, then combine with cottage cheese, rubbed through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder. Put the resulting mass on a floured board, divide into equal parts, roll up the balls, roll in flour and shape them into round cakes. Bake in the oven.
Ingredients: Cottage cheese 5 tbsp. spoons, carrots 1-2 pcs., semolina 1 tsp, wheat flour 2 tsp, sour cream 1 tbsp. spoon, 1/4 egg, butter 2 tsp, sugar syrup 2 tsp, salt solution 1/4 spoon.

Striped yogurt
Mash strawberries in mashed potatoes in a food processor or in any other way and rub through a sieve. Cut the peach into pieces and also mashed and rub through a sieve. Mix yogurt with powdered sugar. In two tall bowls, spread half the strawberry puree, half the yogurt, then all the peach puree, the remaining yogurt and again the strawberry puree.
Ingredients: Strawberry 75 gr., 1 ripe peach, plain yogurt 200 ml, powdered sugar 4 tbsp. spoons.

Rice soufflé - carrot
Cook semi-viscous porridge from rice in water. Grind 1/2 yolk with 1 teaspoon of sugar and dilute with milk, add 1 teaspoon of melted butter, finely grated carrots. Stir the resulting mass with porridge, add the whipped protein, transfer to a greased mold and cook in a water bath for 35-40 minutes. Instead of rice, you can use semolina, and instead of carrots, you can use zucchini or pumpkin.
Ingredients: Rice groats 1 tbsp. spoon, butter 1 teaspoon, 1/2 egg yolk, 1/2 protein, sugar 1 teaspoon, milk 25-30 gr., 1/4 medium carrots.

Homemade ice cream
Beat the cream chilled in refrigerators (until thick). Add sweet berry mass cooked in a blender to them. Mix everything thoroughly, arrange in molds and leave in the refrigerator overnight. Unlike store ice cream, it does not contain dyes. preservatives and other unnecessary things.
Ingredients: Cream 200 ml, strawberries 200 ml, sugar or powdered sugar 2 tablespoons.

Recipes salads for kids th 1-2 years

Carrot-apple salad
Grate raw carrots and apple and season with sour cream.
Ingredients: 1/4 carrot, 1/4 peeled apple, sour cream 1 tsp.

Beetroot-cranberry salad
Boil the beets, grate. Squeeze the juice from cranberries or lemon through boiled cheesecloth, pour this juice over the beets, season the salad with cream or vegetable oil.
Ingredients: 1/8 beet, 1 tbsp. spoon of cranberries or a slice of lemon, vegetable oil (cream) 1 tsp.

Carrot salad
Wash carrots, peel, rinse with boiling water, grate on a fine grater, add sugar syrup and vegetable oil, to stir thoroughly.
Ingredients: Carrots 25 gr., Sugar syrup 1 ml, vegetable oil 1 gr.

Carrot and apple salad
Wash the carrots and apple, peel, pour over with boiling water, grate on a fine grater, add sugar syrup, mix.
Ingredients: Carrots 10 gr., Apple 15 gr., Sugar syrup 1 ml.

Fresh cucumber salad
Wash the cucumber, peel, pour over with boiling water, Grate on a fine grater. Wash the greens thoroughly in boiled water, chop very finely or grind with a blender, combine with a cucumber, salt a little, add vegetable oil, mix.
Ingredients: Cucumber 25 gr., Garden herbs 1 gr., Vegetable oil 1 gr.

Beetroot salad with apples
Boil or bake beets in the oven, grate on a fine grater. Wash the apple, peel, grate, combine with beets, add sugar syrup and vegetable oil, mix.
Ingredients: Beets 15 gr., Apples 10 gr., Sugar syrup 1 ml, vegetable oil 1 gr.

Recipes with ups for children 1-2 years

Potato soup (pureed)
Peel the potatoes, rinse, pour a glass of cold water and cook until soft. Separate the broth, rub the boiled potatoes through a sieve. Dissolve the resulting puree with drained broth and milk, add salt and boil again. Before serving, season the soup with egg yolk, mashed with butter.
Ingredients: Potatoes 2 pcs., 1/2 cup milk, 1 tsp butter, 1/2 egg.

Vegetable soup (pureed)
Peel the potatoes, carrots, cabbage, rinse, add 1.5 cups of cold water and cook until the vegetables are soft. Cool the broth, rub the vegetables through a sieve. Dilute the resulting puree with drained broth, add salt and boil again. Season the soup with butter and sour cream before serving.
Ingredients: Potatoes 1 pc., Carrots 1/2 pc., White cabbage 50 gr., Oil 1 tsp, sour cream 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Bean puree soup
Sort the beans, rinse, pour in hot water and cook in a sealed container over very low heat until soft, then rub through a sieve, add the salt solution, heated raw milk and boil for 3 minutes. Put butter in a bowl of soup, serve wheat bread croutons separately.
Ingredients: White beans 50 gr., Milk 150 gr., Butter 1/2 teaspoon, water 600 gr., Salt solution 1 teaspoon, wheat bread croutons.

Rice soup (pureed)
Sort the rice, rinse, add to boiling water and cook until the rice becomes soft. Rub the cooked rice through a sieve, dilute with milk, add sugar and salt, bring to a boil, breaking with a spatula. Season the soup with butter before serving.
Ingredients: Rice groats 1 tbsp. spoon, 3/4 cup milk, sugar 1 tsp, butter 1 tsp, water 1 glass.

Carrot and spinach puree soup
Wash the carrots, peel, chop, add a little water and simmer for 30 minutes. Add peeled and finely chopped spinach, butter, flour, diluted with some milk, and continue simmering for another 10 minutes. Then rub the vegetables through a sieve, dilute the resulting puree to the desired thickness with boiling water or vegetable broth, pour in the salt solution and boil. Grind the steep yolk with the rest of the boiled milk and add to the prepared soup.
Ingredients: 2 carrots, 20 g spinach, 1/2 tsp flour, 1/2 tsp butter, 1/4 cup milk, 1/4 egg yolk.

Vegetarian borsch
Rinse beets, carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Chop the cabbage finely. Grate the onion. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into cubes. Put the prepared vegetables in a saucepan, add the tomato, pour boiling water over and simmer in a sealed container for 25-30 minutes, stirring occasionally. When the vegetables become soft, pour in the salt solution, add hot water (vegetable broth) and boil for another 10 minutes. season the finished borsch with butter and sour cream.
Ingredients: Medium-sized beets 1/2 pc., White cabbage 1/4 leaf, potatoes 1/2 pc., Carrots 1/4 pc., Onion 1/4 pc., Tomato 1/2 tsp, butter 2 teaspoons, sour cream 1 teaspoon, water (vegetable broth) 1.5 cups, 1/2 teaspoon salt solution.

Vegetable soup
Wash carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, peel, cut into slices, disassemble the cauliflower into small pieces and rinse. Stew the carrots in a little water with the addition of oil. Put in a pot of boiling water stew carrots, pumpkin, potatoes and cauliflower. Cook covered for 20-25 minutes. over low heat. Then add hot milk, salt solution. Put butter in a plate of soup.
Ingredients: Potatoes 1/2 pc., Carrots 1/8 pc., A slice of pumpkin, cauliflower 3-4 koschik, milk 1/2 cup, water 3/4 cup, butter 1.5 tsp, salt solution 1 / 2 tsp.

Vegetable soup with millet
Cut the carrots into small cubes, put in a saucepan and simmer with butter and a little water until tender. Sort the millet, rinse, put in a boiling vegetable broth, after a few minutes add finely chopped potatoes, boil everything until tender, combine with stewed carrots and boil. Add sour cream to a bowl of soup.
Ingredients: 1/4 carrots, 1/4 potatoes, millet 2 tsp, butter 2 tsp, vegetable decoction 1.25 cups, sour cream 1 tsp, a pinch of herbs, salt solution 1/2 h. spoons.

Vegetarian cabbage soup
Wash the cabbage, cut into small squares, put in a saucepan with boiling and salted water, close the lid and cook at low boil for 10-15 minutes. Boil carrots, cut into thin slices and chopped onions with butter and tomato. Dice the potatoes, put the carrots, onions and potatoes in a saucepan with cabbage and cook until the vegetables are tender. Serving on the table, add sour cream to a plate with cabbage soup.
Ingredients: White cabbage 1/4 leaf, potatoes 1/2 pcs., Carrots 1/4 pcs., Onions 1/10 pcs., Tomato 1/2 tsp, butter 1 tsp, sour cream 1 tsp. spoon, water 1.5 cups, salt solution 1/2 tsp.

Wash, peel, chop the beets. Rub the tomato through a sieve, combine with beets, pour 200 gr. hot water and simmer over low heat for 1-1.5 hours, gradually adding water so that the beets do not burn. By the end of braising, pour another 200 grams of beets into the pan. hot water, boil for 10 minutes. and refrigerate. Rinse cucumber, onion and dill with boiled water, chop finely, dip in beetroot, add salt solution and mix well. Grind sour cream with boiled egg yolk, add to a plate with beetroot.
Ingredients: 1 medium beet, 1 tomato, 1 fresh cucumber, 1/2 egg yolk, sour cream 1 tbsp. spoon, a small bunch of green onions, a pinch of dill, water 400 gr., 1 tsp salt solution.

Milk soup with potatoes
Wash the potatoes, peel, rinse, cut into thin noodles, put in a saucepan with boiling salted water and cook for 10 minutes, then add heated milk and salt solution. Boil the soup at low boil for 2-3 minutes. Put a slice of butter and wheat bread croutons in a bowl of soup.
Ingredients: Potatoes 1.5 pcs., 1 cup milk, 1/4 cup water, 30 g wheat bread, 2 tsp butter, 1/2 tsp salt solution.

Milk zucchini soup with rice
Wash the zucchini, peel and seeds, cut into pieces and boil together with rice in water until tender, rub through a colander, add boiled hot milk, season with butter.
Ingredients: 3/4 cup milk, 1/2 cup water, 1 tsp zucchini, 1 tsp rice, 2 tsp butter, 1/2 tsp salt solution.

Milk soup with cauliflower
Wash the head of cauliflower, divide into small coals, put in boiled salted water and cook until the cabbage becomes soft (about 15 minutes). Put the boiled cabbage on a sieve. Pour the sifted semolina into the hot broth and cook for 15 minutes, pour in the warmed milk, put boiled cabbage and boil for 2-3 minutes. Put a slice of butter and wheat bread croutons in a bowl of soup.
Ingredients: Cauliflower 100 g, semolina 2 tsp, milk 200 g, water 250 g, butter 1/2 tsp, salt solution 1 tsp.

Milk soup with vegetables
Wash the carrots, peel and cut into thin strips, put in a saucepan, add oil. A little water and, covering with a lid, simmer over low heat. After 8-10 minutes. add shredded white cabbage, green peas, peeled, chopped raw potatoes... Pour all this with the remaining hot water, add a salt solution and cook in a sealed container. When the vegetables are soft, pour in the warmed milk, cook the soup for another 3 minutes. Put wheat bread croutons in a bowl of soup.
Ingredients: Carrots 1 pc., Cabbage 2 leaves, potatoes 1 pc., Green peas (fresh, fresh frozen or canned) 1 tbsp. spoon, milk 150 gr., water 350 gr., butter 1/2 tsp, salt solution 1 tsp

Milk soup with noodles
Boil water, add sugar syrup, salt solution, lower noodles and cook at a boil for 15 minutes, then add heated milk and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Put a piece of butter in a bowl of soup.
Ingredients: Vermicelli 20 gr., Milk 200 gr., Water 100 gr., Sugar syrup 5 gr., Butter 10 gr., Salt solution 5 gr.

Chicken (beef, veal) puree soup
Boil chicken (or meat) broth and onions. Remove the chicken (meat) from the broth, separate the meat from the bones, mince 2-3 times. Strain the broth, heat to a boil, put the chopped meat in it, let the broth boil again, and then put the flour mixed with butter in small pieces and boil, stirring occasionally. After that, pour hot milk, salt solution into the soup. The finished soup should be creamy. Serve the soup with croutons.
Ingredients: Chicken (beef, veal) 150 gr., Onion 10 gr., Wheat flour 10 gr., Butter 10 gr., Milk 100 gr., Wheat bread 30 gr., Water 500 gr., Egg yolk 1 pc. ., salt solution 5 gr.

Green cabbage soup
Cook broth from meat and roots. Sort the spinach and sorrel, rinse several times in water, simmer in a container with a closed lid, wipe. Put chopped potatoes in the boiling broth and cook until tender, then add spinach and sorrel, and cook for another 15-20 minutes. Season the ready-made cabbage soup with half of the raw yolk, pounded and half of the sour cream. Put the remaining sour cream into a bowl of cabbage soup and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions.
Ingredients: Meat 100 gr., Parsley 5 gr., Carrots 10 gr., Onion 5 gr., Sorrel 50 gr., Spinach 50 gr., Potatoes 50 gr., Sour cream 10 gr., Egg 1/2 pcs., Solution salt 5 gr.

Broth with noodles and carrots
Dip the vermicelli in salted boiling water (200 gr.), Cook until tender, discard in a colander or sieve. Peel the carrots, wash, chop into thin strips and simmer with butter in a sealed container until soft. In a hot meat or chicken bouillon put stewed carrots, boiled noodles and boil.
Ingredients: Beef or chicken 100 gr., Noodles 15 gr., Onion 5 gr., Carrots 25 gr., Turnip or rutabaga 10 gr., Butter 5 gr., Water 500 gr., Salt solution 5 gr.

Fruit apple soup with rice
Bake and rub a fresh apple. Cook the rice, rub it hot with the broth through a sieve, mix with the grated apple, add the sugar syrup and boil, stirring all the time, so that the soup is free of lumps. The soup should have the thickness of a liquid jelly. The nutritional value of this soup is increased by adding cream (50 g) or sour cream (15-20 g). You can make apricot soup in the same way.
Ingredients: Apples 100 gr., rice groats 20 gr., Sugar syrup 30 gr., Water 400 gr.

Recipes m clear meals for children 1-2 years

Lazy cabbage rolls.
Pass the meat through a meat grinder, grate cabbage and a piece of onion. Add rice, boiled until half cooked, to the mixture, a little salt, a third of an egg. Stir, divide the mass into 2 flat cakes, roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil. Transfer the tortillas to a saucepan, cover with hot water, add tomato paste. Simmer for 30 minutes, add sour cream at the end.
Ingredients: Boiled meat 50 gr., White cabbage 50 gr. rice 1/2 tbsp. spoons, egg 1/3, salt to taste, vegetable oil 1 tsp, tomato paste 1 tsp, 1/3 cup water, sour cream 1 tsp

Ground meat with mashed potatoes
Peel the meat from films and fat, simmer with butter and stewed onions in a saucepan with a lid. When the meat is fried, pour a little broth into a saucepan, put in the oven, simmer until soft. Pass the meat through a meat grinder, rub through a sieve, add white sauce, stir, heat to a boil. Serve with mashed potatoes.
Cooking white sauce. Chill 1/5 of the broth to 50 degrees, add the sifted wheat flour and stir so that there are no lumps. Heat the remaining broth to a boil, pour the previously diluted flour into it, stir and cook at a low boil for 15 minutes. V hot sauce put a piece of butter, pour in lemon juice and stir until the butter is completely dissolved and combines with the sauce.
Ingredients: Meat 50 gr., Butter 6 gr., Flour 5 gr., Broth 50 gr., Onion 3 gr., White sauce 1 tbsp. a spoon.
For mashed potatoes: potatoes 200 gr., Milk 50 gr., Butter 3 gr.

Meatballs or steam cutlets
Rinse the meat under running water, remove tendons and films, cut into small pieces and mince. Wet the bread in a little cold water, squeeze, mix with minced meat; pass this mass 2 more times through a meat grinder with a fine mesh, salt. Beat the protein well and add to the minced meat. Cut the minced meat in the form of balls (meatballs) or cutlets, put in a greased frying pan, add a little cold broth or water, cover with oiled paper and put in a not very hot oven for 20-30 minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes or carrots.
Ingredients: Meat 70 gr., Roll 10 gr., egg white 1/5, butter 5 gr.

Meat puree
Wash the meat, separate from bones and tendons, cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan with water and simmer until tender. Twice the cooled meat through a meat grinder, then rub through a fine sieve, add broth, salt, bring to a boil, add butter, mix thoroughly, remove from heat (you can also make mashed potatoes in a blender, then add broth to the boiled meat and grind with a blender) ...
Ingredients: Beef 40 gr., Water 50 ml, butter 3 gr.

Chicken soufflé
Pulp chicken meat mince, add a little salt, add raw yolk, mix thoroughly, put in a greased frying pan and bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes.

Steam cutlets
Beef meat 50 gr., Water 30 ml, wheat bread 10 gr. Pass the meat through a meat grinder, mix with soaked in cold water bread and mince again, add a little salt, beat thoroughly, adding cold water. Form cutlets from the resulting mass, put them in one layer in a bowl, pour half of the broth and simmer under a lid in the oven until tender (about 30 - 40 minutes). Steam cutlets can be cooked in a double boiler or in a colander placed in a pot of boiling water with the lid closed.
Ingredients: Chicken meat 60 gr., Milk 30 ml, yolk 1/4 pcs., Butter 2 gr.

Liver puree
Rinse the beef liver in running water, remove the film, cut out the bile ducts, cut into small pieces, lightly fry in butter, add water and simmer in the oven for 7-10 minutes. in a closed saucepan. Cool the liver, mince twice, rub through a sieve, salt a little, add hot milk, bring to a boil. Add butter to the finished puree, mix thoroughly.
Ingredients: Liver 50 gr., Water 25 ml, milk 15 ml, butter 3 gr.

Steamed fish puree
Clean the fish from skin and bones. Place in a steamer basket (colander), cover, steam for about 5 minutes. until ready. Mash the fish using a blender or mixer, dilute with a little milk. Serve with vegetable puree.
Ingredients: Fish fillet (cod) 150 gr.

Fish meatballs
Peel the fish from skin and bones, mince it together with bread soaked in cold water, add the yolk and vegetable oil, salt a little, beat the fish mass with a mixer or spatula. Form small balls from the resulting minced meat, put them in a bowl, pour halfway with water and put in an oven or on a very low heat for 20 - 30 minutes.
Ingredients: Fish (cod) 60 gr., Wheat bread 10 gr., 1/4 yolk, vegetable oil 4 gr.

Recipes second courses for children 1-2 years

Mashed potatoes with egg
Wash, peel, bake or steam the potatoes, mash with a fork or grind with a pusher, add hot milk and 1 teaspoon of butter, mix well mashed potatoes. When serving, place the hot mashed potatoes in a slide on a heated plate, smooth the surface, pour with oil and sprinkle with finely chopped hard-boiled egg mixed with chopped herbs.
Ingredients: Potatoes 2-2.5 pcs., Butter 2 tsp, 1/4 cup milk, 1/4 egg, 1/2 tsp salt solution, a pinch of dill.

White cabbage puree
Rinse the cabbage, chop, place in a saucepan, pour in a little water and simmer under the lid until tender. Add green peas to the finished cabbage, rub everything through a sieve, add salt solution, sugar syrup, warmed milk and tomato juice, boil. Add butter to the mashed potatoes and stir.
Ingredients: Cabbage 100 gr., Green peas 10 gr., Butter 3 gr., Tomato juice 10 ml, milk 10 ml, sugar syrup 1 ml, salt solution 2 ml.

Carrot puree
Wash the carrots, peel, steam and rub through a sieve. Pour 1/2 volumes of salt solutions, sugar syrup, milk into the carrot mass to a boil, add flour, pounded with 10 grams. oil, and, stirring, boil. To prepare croutons: cut the wheat bread into slices about 1 cm thick and then into triangular pieces. Mix the egg with the remaining milk, sugar syrup, salt solution. Moisten slices of bread in this mixture and fry in oil. Put the hot mashed potatoes on a plate, drizzle with sour cream or put a piece of butter on it. Place croutons around the mashed potatoes.
Ingredients: Carrots 200 gr., Wheat flour 3 gr., Butter 20 gr., Sour cream 20 gr., Milk 100 gr., Wheat bread 50 gr., 1/2 egg, sugar syrup 5 gr., Salt solution 5 gr.

Beetroot puree
Peel the beets, wash, steam until tender, mince or rub on a fine grater, add salt solution, tomato and carrot juices, warmed milk, sugar syrup, stir thoroughly, heat to a boil, put butter, stir.
Ingredients: Beets 100 gr., Butter 3 gr., Tomato juice 15 ml, carrot juice 10 ml, milk 10 ml, sugar syrup 2 ml, salt solution 1 ml.

Cauliflower puree
Cut the cauliflower into pieces, rinse several times in cold water, put in slightly salted boiling water and cook until soft, then put in a colander and let the broth drain completely. Knead the cabbage thoroughly until a mushy mass, put in a saucepan with boiling milk, add butter, grated with flour in small pieces, and, stirring continuously, boil. Put a piece of butter in a plate with hot puree.
Ingredients: Cauliflower 150 gr., Wheat flour 5 gr., Butter 10 gr., Milk 50 gr., Salt solution 3 gr.

Vegetable puree
Rinse the vegetables, peel, chop and steam until tender, about 5 minutes. add spinach before cooking. Rub everything through a sieve, pour in the salt solution and warmed milk, bring to a boil, put butter in the finished puree.
Ingredients: Potatoes 40 gr., White cabbage or Brussels sprouts 30 gr., Carrots 30 gr., Spinach 10 gr., Milk 10 ml, salt solution 1 ml, butter 3 gr.

Recipes with shackles and compotes for children 1-2 years

"Berry" drink
Pour boiling water over dried berry leaves, bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave for 30 minutes. Give the child 100-150 ml per day.
Ingredients: A mixture of dried leaves of strawberries, raspberries, currants, mint, lemon balm, blueberries 1 tbsp. spoon, water 200 ml.

Drink "Amber"
Scald rowan berries, squeeze, apple juice, water, sugar. The drink retains its healing properties for 1 hour after preparation.
Ingredients: Rowan berries 50 gr., Apple juice 50 ml, sugar 15 gr.

Cranberry drink
Sort out the cranberries, pour over with boiling water, squeeze out the juice. Pour the pomace with hot water and cook for 8-10 minutes. Then strain, add sugar syrup, bring to a boil, pour in the squeezed juice and cool.
Ingredients: Cranberries 4 tsp, sugar syrup 1 tsp, water 200 ml.

Dried fruits compote
Sort dried fruits, rinse thoroughly. Put dried fruits in boiling water and cook, taking into account the cooking time (pear -1 hour, apples - 20-30 minutes, dried apricots and prunes - 10 minutes, raisins - 5 minutes). Rub everything through a sieve, add sugar syrup, bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool.
Ingredients: Dried fruits 4 tbsp. spoons, sugar syrup 1.5 tsp, water 320 ml.

Apple or pear juice
Wash fresh apples, pour over with boiling water, peel, grate, place the resulting mass in sterile gauze and squeeze.
Ingredients: Apples (pears) 100 gr.


We compose correct menu for a 1-year-old child based on the recommendations of WHO and AKEV. How to feed your baby? The most delicious recipes, which are possible for children from a year.

Recall that in the diet one year old child The following products should already be present:

  • Porridge: rice, buckwheat, corn - gluten-free, oat, wheat - gluten-free.
  • Vegetables: squash, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, beets.
  • Meat: rabbit, turkey, veal.
  • Fruits: apple, pear, banana, prune.
  • Dairy and fermented milk: cottage cheese, kefir or narine, biolact, etc.

Products that can be introduced after a year

  • Whole cow or goat milk should not be administered earlier than 12-18 months of age. This is due to excess protein load, iron loss through the intestines, the risk of allergic reactions, etc. Closer to the year, it is possible to add milk to cereals, but on condition that the child does not have an allergic reaction to cow protein.
After a year, you can enter milk porridge for breakfast and small portions adapted baby milk as a drink. Be sure to monitor the child's reaction.
  • Yolk. Doesn't matter nutritional value for babies in the amount that is given to the child. Moreover, it is a strong allergen. Therefore, it is better to introduce the yolk closer to the year or not at all to the baby.
  • Cucumber(grated without peel), brusselscabbage.
  • Gluten-free porridge (oat and wheat).
  • Beef. Hen.
  • Peach, nectarine, apricot, berries according to the season.
Should not be introduced into the nutrition of an infant meat and fish broths , as a separate type of complementary foods. They are an extract from food and have high allergenic properties and irritating effect on the infant's gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the calorie content of broths is close to zero.

Child's menu options at 1 year old



Afternoon snack


Before bedtime

  • milk porridge (200gr) + cookies
  • steam omelet
  • rice porridge with pumpkin (200g)
  • steamed curds
  • vegetable soup (180 - 200gr) + meat (50g)
  • chicken puree soup (200gr)
  • vegetable puree 200g + yolk
  • mashed potatoes + boiled fish 60gr (cod, hake, pollock)
  • thin noodles + steamed meatballs of chicken, fish or turkey
  • yogurt (200gr) + cookies
  • cottage cheese (50g) + fruit puree (100g)
  • seasonal fruits or berries + cookies
  • baked apple
  • cottage cheese casserole
  • banana pudding
  • buckwheat porridge (150 gr) + meat (30 gr)
  • vegetable salad (grated cucumber + some tomato + sunflower oil)
  • boiled rice+ fish (low-fat varieties) steamed or in the oven with carrots
  • liver pate with potatoes
  • adapted milk or mixture (200 gr)

What can you drink

Water, milk, compotes, fruit drinks, diluted natural juices... Teas and herbal teas not worth it give in large quantities because they significantly reduce the absorption of iron from the intestine.

Recipes for children from 1 year old

Vegetable puree, vegetable soup. Thoroughly wash, clean and finely chop vegetables (zucchini (cut out the seeds beforehand), potatoes (soak in advance), cauliflower, carrots, peas), cook for 30-40 minutes. Beat with a blender or just knead with a fork - it turns out puree. We leave a little broth, add the grated meat - soup is obtained. The pieces of vegetables in the soup should be very soft (we cook carrots and potatoes for a long time!) So that the child does not choke.

Soup with meatballs. For 2 servings: minced turkey 200 gr, carrots 150 gr, small pasta 50 gr, quail eggs 4 pcs, greens. We make small balls from minced meat, boil them for 20 minutes, drain the broth and pour in clean water, add grated carrots, after 10 minutes pasta, 5 minutes before the end of the greens and raw eggs break into a saucepan and mix quickly or boil in advance, cut and add. You can cook soup and add broccoli or cauliflower if desired.

Steamed meatballs. Meatballs can be made from fish or minced chicken... Mix the minced meat with a little raw rice, add a little salt and an egg. Roll up small balls and put in a double boiler. Cooking time is about 40 minutes.

Steam omelet. Beat one egg with a little milk, pour into a container, put in a double boiler for 30 minutes. Divinely tender omelette for the baby is ready!

Cottage cheese. Boil the milk (200 gr). Pour kefir (200 gr) into boiling milk. We keep on small fire until the serum begins to separate. Turn it off, cool it, put it on cheesecloth. It turns out a very tender, not sour curd.

Banana pudding. Cut the banana into slices, add the crushed cookies, pour a glass of warm milk. Beat with a blender.

Cottage cheese casserole. We mix cottage cheese, a little sugar, an egg, semolina, vegetable oil, raisins and a pinch of salt. Put the resulting mass in a baking sheet, add sour cream on top. Bake in the oven for about 25-30 minutes.

Liver pate with potatoes. Rinse the chicken liver, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Rub, add a little milk or cream and mix with mashed potatoes.

Vegetable salad. Wash the tomatoes and cucumbers, separate the peel, grate, add a little sunflower oil.

We cook the fish steamed or in the oven. We buy fish of low-fat varieties: hake, pollock, cod, haddock, telapia. For a child, it is better to buy boneless fillets. You can cook in a double boiler, boil or bake in the oven "under a fur coat". For a fur coat, three carrots, a little onion, mix with sour cream and put on top of the fish. We bake in the oven for about 60 minutes.

Potato njure with fishcake. Fish ( better fillet cod and the like) scrolling in a meat grinder along with a loaf previously soaked in milk or water, add an egg, a little onion, salt and herbs. We mix everything well and sculpt. Can be rolled in semolina, flour or croutons (optional!). And in a double boiler for 25-30 minutes. These cutlets can also be frozen.

So a child's menu at 1 year old can be diversified and come up with new recipes yourself. Bon appetit to you and the kids!

I've been asked so many times about my favorite children's recipes that I feel obligated to share them.

Over the past year, it has become a habit for me to play the role of Yulia Vysotskaya from the program "Eating at Home" in the kitchen every day. Yana is ready to listen endlessly to my chatter about food processing technology and watch the process. The main thing in this business is to organize a comfortable place for the viewer, and given Yana's phenomenal perseverance, this is not at all difficult. The previous month and a half, in addition to the role of Vysotskaya, I had the opportunity to perform the functions of a photographer. Our camera lived in the kitchen, and I caught good shots of my favorite dishes.

  • (useful link and book recommendation)

Child's menu from 1 year old | Introduction

I really wanted to write for you the most delicious recipes for kids, but I'm afraid that this did not happen, because I am very demanding on the degree of harmfulness of food. It turned out that I had only a couple of really tasty children's dishes in stock, and everything else was basic. healthy meals, which may seem tasteless to most. On reflection, I decided that these healthy recipes may also be useful to someone, because I have an unusual cooking technology that is a little original and intuitive. Now it is fashionable to call it the word "author's".

To many, our selection of recipes may seem strange 🙂, so I will immediately clarify my views on nutrition - I am of the opinion that animal food is harmful, so none of the recipes contains milk. It turned out to be easier for me to exclude it from the diet than other animal products. Meat, liver, fish and eggs are still present in our diet, but are not a daily requirement. In this selection you will find some of our favorite recipes, including some of them.

In addition to the usefulness of the dishes, the time that I have to spend on cooking is very important for me. I cook almost everything in a multicooker. This is very convenient for me. Timed shutdown and automatic modes let you push a button and forget about the kitchen. While the pan on the stove literally rivets to itself. When cooking on the stove, it is necessary to wait for a certain degree of boiling, then adjust the temperature to maintain it constantly and note the cooking time. In addition, the progressive multicooker allows you to set the temperature.

In the photo for the recipes, I tried to give the dishes an appetizing look using tasty additions: raisins, green peas, etc. In fact, I only use these supplements after I have been given up on food. I would also like to add that Yana is small and nehochuha, and all the recipes have been repeatedly tested on her.

I also want to note that I do not add salt and sugar in the cooking process, because I do not want to accustom Yana to bright tastes. Of course, this will inevitably happen in kindergarten, but let it happen later 😥. Adults add spices to their plates.

Child's menu from 1 year old | viscous porridge

In children, unlike adults, the stomach is very sensitive to the consistency of food. In addition to this, Yana has a peculiarity, she does not drink any drinks, even the most delicious and sweet ones. Maximum can take a couple of sips. That is why our entire diet is viscous and liquid. For breakfast we usually dairy-free porridge which I cook in a multicooker. Yana's attitude to porridges is not very positive, but with a handful of raisins, the situation evens out. Here are a couple of recipes for porridge with vegetables:

Milk-free oatmeal porridge with zucchini

This porridge can be introduced already in the first year of life, only in this case it is necessary to peel the apple.

1 tbsp. long cooking oats;
4 tbsp. water;
1 apple;
200 grams of zucchini (pumpkin is also great).

Three zucchini and apple on a grater. We put all the ingredients in a multicooker and cook in the mode of milk porridge. Add oil when serving.

If your kid is not happy, try to interest him in dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, etc.).

Semolina porridge with vegetables


  • Carrots, beets or pumpkin - 600 gr;
  • Semolina - 3-4 tbsp / l;
  • Milk (I add water) - 125 gr;
  • Oil 2 tbsp / l.

Grind the vegetables. Add water and simmer for 15 minutes. Pour semolina in a thin stream and cook for another 5 minutes. When serving, fill with oil.

Menu for a child from 1 year old | Soups

We usually have vegetable soups for lunch. Soups, unlike cereals, Yana respects and may even ask for an addition. If you are not a lover vegetable soups, then you can add meat to any of them.

Vegetable soup

A set of vegetables for the soup. Homemade zucchini- not only a real rarity in the winter season, but also a rich source nutrients!

The easiest way to introduce a stranger into your diet is to add it to your soup! For myself, I discovered that any soup will perfectly complement parsnips, celery and parsley root. By the way, zucchini is also great as an ingredient in soup.

So, vegetable soup:

Several different fresh vegetables (we prefer local ones) in the same proportions, with the exception of spice vegetables (onions, garlic and other vegetables with a rich taste). Spice vegetables in small quantities. If you want to make the soup more high-calorie, add a handful of cereals (this is important if you are underweight). I took:

  • 200 gr. cabbage;
  • 200 gr. carrots;
  • 200 gr. celery root;
  • 200 gr. zucchini;
  • small onion.
  • 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add half a teaspoon of dill and a couple of bay leaves.


Option 1(the most common): chop onion, cabbage. Carrots, three celery on a grater. Cut the zucchini into cubes. Pour all ingredients with water and cook until tender.
Option 2(as I do): I cut vegetables into large cubes - about 4x4 cm. I cook in a slow cooker in stewing mode for 1 hour. I grind the cooked vegetables with the addition of broth in a blender chopper. I like the grainy consistency that is obtained this way. The size of the resulting pieces is controlled by the speed and time of grinding. What is important - even cabbage after such grinding is completely placed in the mouth.
Option 3. Option - puree - grind everything with a blender. If you are not vegetarian, 100 gr. cream will significantly improve taste qualities(this is knowledge from a past life 🙂).

If you are not vegetarian, add sour cream, otherwise vegetable oil at the rate of 1 teaspoon for 1 serving.
If nehochuha refuses to eat soup, you can try to interest him by adding a spoonful of green peas.
For adults (taking into account our spoiled gustatory habits): I add salt, a spoon tomato paste or half a teaspoon of lemon juice - the sourness greatly contributes to the taste of the dish.

Borsch family soup

Beets and as many other vegetables as possible. I took:

  • 200 grams of beets;
  • 300 grams of potatoes;
  • 3 00 gr. cabbage;
  • 300 gr. carrots;
  • 200 gr. green beans;
  • 300 gr. zucchini;
  • half an onion.

Option 1(the most common): chop onion, cabbage. Beets, three carrots on a grater. Cut the beans into pieces 0.5-1 cm long. Fill all the ingredients with water and cook until tender.
Option 2(as I do): I cut vegetables into large cubes - about 3x3 cm. I cook everything, with the exception of beans, in a slow cooker in stewing mode for 1 hour. I grind the cooked vegetables with the addition of broth in a blender chopper. I boil the beans in
steamer until tender and add to the soup at the serving stage.

Option 3. Option - puree - grind everything with a blender.

If you are not vegetarian, add sour cream, otherwise vegetable oil.
If reluctance refuses to eat soup, you can try to interest him by adding pieces of boiled egg.

Fish soup


  • pink salmon, chum salmon or other red fish steak(I did not take into account that red fish is a strong allergen. Since we have never had problems with this and this soup is in our adult diet, Yana has been eating it for a year. For mothers who are more accurate in the diet, it is better to take white lean fish ( ));
  • a couple of medium potatoes;
  • a pair of medium carrots;
  • a handful of green beans (can be replaced with a bunch of fresh dill);
  • 1/3 cup rice (if you have any leftover side dish from a previous meal, you can use it - just add to the soup at the very end);
  • 5 minutes before the end of cooking, do not forget to add half a teaspoon of dill and a couple of bay leaves.

: cut carrots and potatoes in large pieces(as pictured) cook in water until tender. It is this vegetable broth that will be used for the soup. In a slow cooker, cook rice, as for a side dish along with fish and beans (we cook fish and beans on a steam). When everything is cooked, combine in a separate saucepan:

Puree option: this soup is also very good as a puree. In this case, it is better to increase the amount of green ingredients (beans or fresh dill) or decrease the amount of carrots, otherwise the color will not be as beautiful as in the photo.

Child's menu from 1 year old | side dishes

Our favorite side dishes:

  • Viscous buckwheat porridge cooked in water from green buckwheat (I cook in a slow cooker on the "milk porridge" mode. Proportions: 1 tbsp. Cereals - 4 tbsp. Water.). In general, at this age you can already give crumbly porridge, only with sauces (for example, gravy).
  • A complex side dish of stewed zucchini or cabbage with the addition of carrots and rice.

Perfect mashed potatoes

  • to have mashed potatoes without lumps, do not rush - it is better to digest than not to cook;
  • to mash did not turn gray- add only hot milk or broth to it;
  • to mash it was air- potatoes should not be crumpled, but beaten!

A little secret: Probably, each of us was at one time disappointed when we learned that the blender is not suitable for making mashed potatoes. It turns out that for these purposes you need to use a conventional mixer.

The photo shows the wrong attachments! We take regular whipping and we get guaranteed the most tender puree, provided that the potatoes are cooked until tender.

Not a single lump after the mixer!

Menu for a child from 1 year old | Gravy for children - the main recipe

To maintain the viscous consistency of food in order to prevent digestive problems, sauces and gravies are indispensable. The technology for making children's sauces differs from the usual one - no frying and other procedures that enrich food with carcinogens.



  1. Peel the vegetables before chopping. For this, we subject it to heat treatment. I usually steam the tomatoes and bell peppers for 10 minutes. After that, they are easily cleaned off. Then grind the vegetables with a blender to get mashed potatoes.
  2. Mix flour with a little water. Rub thoroughly until the lumps disappear.
  3. Bring vegetable juice or puree with liquid to a boil. This is the base of the gravy.
  4. A solution of water with flour, stirring constantly (I like to stir with a whisk), pour into a boiling gravy base.
  5. Add dill and bay leaf to the gravy and boil for another 10 minutes.
  6. If, despite all the tricks, lumps have formed in the gravy, filter.
  7. Season with butter, sour cream or cream and serve.

Gradually pour flour and water into the tomato sauce, stirring constantly.

Sauce with bell pepper went well to boiled chicken with rice. I added a teaspoon of lemon juice to the adult version of this sauce.

Child's menu from 1 year old | fish / meat / liver

Steamed fish cakes

These cutlets are distinguished by their tenderness and a very successful flavor combination.


  • 700 gr. (weight of thawed fish) - sole fillet;
  • 350 grams of carrots;
  • 200 gr of bread.

Defrost the fillet, drain the water. Scroll all the ingredients in a meat grinder. We knead the minced meat - it should work out
sticky and slightly viscous. If the minced meat is very thick and does not stick to your hands, then too much bread was added and the cutlets will not be so tender and tasty.
When forming cutlets, we moisten our hands with water so that the minced meat does not stick. Cook the formed cutlets for a couple of 25 minutes.

Mashed potatoes or rice with steamed zucchini are ideal for garnish.

Turkey or chicken meatballs

As a rule, meatballs from poultry, if you do not add more fatty minced meat, are dry and not tasty. Fatty meat is not recommended in the diet of babies, so I suggest you make meatballs with cabbage in gravy.


  • 500 gr. fillet;
  • 250 g cabbage;
  • small onion;
  • gravy.


We pass the fillet, cabbage and onion through a meat grinder. Knead the minced meat. Preparing the gravy. The minced meat is soft and does not hold its shape well when raw, so we immediately lower the formed balls into the boiling gravy. Cook for about 25 minutes. Serve the finished meatballs with a side dish - I have mashed potatoes.

Liver pate


  • 500 gr. chicken liver;
  • 300 gr. carrots;
  • small onion;
  • Bay leaf.


1. Boil the liver, carrots and onions. Steamed carrots and onions. The liver is better in water with added bay leaves.
2. Grind the boiled ingredients in mashed potatoes.
3. By original recipe add 50 grams of butter to the finished puree (I add 1 tsp of vegetable oil for 1 serving).
4. Serve with a side dish - this time I have buckwheat porridge.

This completes the selection, I hope you have found interesting recipes and cooking techniques in it! I will be glad if you share your hits.

An older baby has a sufficient set of teeth to switch to solid food. It's time to gradually replace semi-liquid dishes with solid food: whole cereals, potato casseroles and vegetables, stewed vegetables and salads. Four meals a day. Most of your calories come from your lunchtime meal. General the energy value the food consumed by the child varies in the range of 1350-1500 kcal.

Major dietary changes

The volume of dishes increases slightly. If before the portions were very small, now they are 20-30 g more. Mom will no longer have to bother with grinding dishes, but she will have to pay more attention to the preparation of salads and snacks. Menu Tips:

  • baby is not ready for fried dishes, but now he can be offered stew and liver, cut into small pieces;
  • porridge and vegetables must be boiled well, not allowing them to remain half-baked;
  • dinner and breakfast should be "light" dishes;
  • are required in the diet fresh vegetables, mainly carrots and cabbage.

Particular attention should be paid to the intake of vitamins in the baby's body. Buy him enough fruits, keep in mind that they are healthier fresh.

What products are needed for a child at 1.5 years old

As before, the child needs calcium. A significant share in his diet is milk- in the range of 500-600 ml. To improve the taste, it is allowed to season dishes with sour cream, but only boiled. The daily norm for a baby 1.5–2 years old is only 5 g. Do not exceed it, as this will negatively affect the liver.

Almost every day a crumb needs meat- from 70 to 90 g. Veal or turkey is preferred. Will fit and chicken fillet or rabbit meat. Make sure that there are no veins in it - the baby is not yet able to chew them. Treat your baby to a fish twice a week. He needs very little - up to 30 g / serving. Make sure that the baby does not get bones.

Your baby has already grown up and now he needs more bread- up to 100 g per day. It can be served with sandwiches or as a companion to first courses. The rate of potatoes has also increased - now it reaches 130–150 g / day. If on some day the menu does not include potato dishes, do not be upset, because these recommendations are indicative.

It is recommended to give the baby up to 150-200 g every day. vegetables- zucchini, pumpkin, beets, carrots, kohlrabi and others. Absolutely all products are taken into account, including those that come with first courses or in the form of salads. Try to subtly offer vegetables to your baby even if he does not show much love for them.

A common mistake many parents make is egg abuse... You can often see mothers offering crumbs of fried eggs or a large portion of omelet. Please note that daily rate for one and a half year old children, it is 0.5 eggs daily. This means that you can cook 3-4 eggs for your little one within a week.

Butter and vegetable oil are necessary for the crumbs in a minimum amount. Alternatively, you can offer the crumb a sandwich with cheese or jam. The portion of cottage cheese is now 50 g. It will taste better if it is seasoned with jam or sugar. Do not overuse salt - no need to teach your baby to eat excessively salty food from early childhood.

The desire of parents to offer their child sweets is quite understandable - kids get great pleasure from any sweets, cookies and cakes. But, believe me, this is not the kind of food that will make your baby happy. Better treat your daughter or son with fruit - they are just as tasty, but at the same time much healthier.

Menu for the week

We bring to your attention a menu option for a week. The dishes are simple and will take a minimum amount of time to cook.


  • Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge with milk. Cocoa with milk. Butter and cheese sandwich.
  • Dinner. Cucumber salad with cottage cheese. Chicken soup with rice and broccoli. Rice porrige with meatballs. Tea.
  • Afternoon snack. Fruit salad with yogurt (bananas with strawberries and kiwi). Bun. Juice.
  • Dinner. Vegetable puree with chicken cutlet... Milk.
  • Breakfast. Oat milk porridge with raisins. Bread with butter and jam. Tea.
  • Dinner. Boiled beetroot salad with prunes. Pumpkin puree soup with croutons. Mashed potatoes With stew and cabbage. Dried fruits compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Curd pudding with apples or cherries. Currant jelly. Bun.
  • Dinner. Chicken liver with buckwheat porridge. Gingerbread tea.
  • Breakfast. Corn porridge(it is better to cook in a multicooker). Bread and butter. Milk.
  • Dinner. Salad from Chinese cabbage flavored lemon juice and greens. Rice soup with meatballs, cauliflower and green peas... Spinach and broccoli puree with meat pudding. Dried fruits compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Curd with fresh fruit. Bun with kefir.
  • Dinner. Vegetable puree with stewed rabbit meat.
  • Breakfast. Pumpkin porridge with rice and milk, seasoned with raisins. Pie (baked) with liver pate and tea.
  • Dinner. Cucumber and tomato salad (without peel). Chicken noodle soup. Rice porridge with fish cakes... Dried fruit compote and croutons.
  • Afternoon snack. Yogurt with cookies. Fruit juice.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat porridge with stew chicken liver... Tea with a sandwich.
  • Breakfast. Millet milk porridge. Sandwich with cheese. Cocoa with milk.
  • Dinner. Cabbage salad with carrots and onions. Broccoli, cauliflower and spinach puree soup. Mashed potatoes with stewed veal and tomato sauce... Dried fruits compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Omelette. Oatmeal cookies with fruit juice.
  • Dinner. Vegetable puree with stewed turkey meat. Tea with cookies.


  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with banana and raisins. Cocoa with bun and hard cheese.
  • Dinner. Beetroot salad. Pea soup with crackers. Spinach, broccoli, courgette and cauliflower puree. Fruit juice with gingerbread.
  • Afternoon snack. Curd pudding with fruit. Cherry jelly.
  • Dinner. Mashed potatoes with veal meatballs. Sandwich with cheese. Tea.

Traditionally, the baby is entitled to an evening portion of kefir. True, not all children are accustomed to this.

Baking in the diet of babies

Almost all children love cakes and pastries, but this does not mean that you can follow the child's lead. Industrial products are fraught with many additives: they contain thickeners, dyes, flavors and other ingredients that can harm the health of the baby. For this reason, it is always worth giving preference to the simplest liver.

If you want to cook something for the crumbs with your own hands, you can bake cookies or gingerbread with minimum amount eggs, fat and sugar. In no case should you use margarine - it is extremely harmful not only for children, but also for adults. We recommend replacing chicken eggs quail. Firstly, they do not cause allergies, and secondly, they contain a lot of useful substances. Instead of sugar, you can put fructose in the dough.