Home / Pancakes, pancakes / Semi-hard goat cheese recipe. How to make goat cheese at home Recipe for delicious goat cheese

Semi-hard goat cheese recipe. How to make goat cheese at home Recipe for delicious goat cheese


What is goat cheese?

What is this cheese, how to make goat cheese at home, cooking recipes, how is it useful, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy image life, monitors his health and is interested in how you can cook certain dishes and food with your own hands. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Goat cheese is sour milk product made from natural goat milk. Its hard, soft and curd varieties are known. Plus options with mold. The most common product is in a soft, creamy form. A distinctive feature of cheese made from goat milk- white (since it does not contain beta-carotene). Other shades indicate the use of dyes in production.

A properly made cheese tastes good with some spice.

Of particular importance in the composition of this cheese are substances such as riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin - vitamins of group B. It is also important to mention retinol and niacin, which are the basis for the formation of vitamins A and PP in the body.

The total calorie content of the product per 100 grams is about 290 units. It contains a minimum of carbohydrates, about 22 grams of protein and fat. In terms of its nutritional composition, goat cheese is dietary product which is well suited for both adult and baby food... In addition, it is good to use it during periods of increased physical activity.

The benefits of goat cheese:

All kinds of it are rich useful substances... It contains especially a lot of calcium, which is necessary for health, strength of bone tissue, teeth, hair, nails. In addition, a sufficient intake of calcium in the body significantly reduces the likelihood of developing a cancer of the colon and mammary glands. This is facilitated by the probiotics also found in goat cheese. They reduce the risk of cancer, improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, promote complete digestion of food and, of course, improve the state of the immune system.

Regular consumption of 2-3 pieces of this product reduces the possibility of migraines, helps to normalize blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire nervous system.

Its regular use activates metabolic processes, which prevents the body from accumulating fat. Therefore, despite its calorie content, you can safely include it in your menu without fear of gaining weight. Of course, you shouldn't eat it in kilograms. Just 50 - 100 g is enough for the whole day.

It should be noted that cheese contains a minimum of cholesterol and sodium. Therefore, it can be used when diabetes mellitus, heart disease. The product is almost completely absorbed, saturating the body with useful saturated fats.

According to experts, the regular use of a small amount of this product contributes to the improvement of the genitourinary system. There is also evidence that eating cheese can reduce soreness during menstruation.

This product is very important for people who, due to intolerance to cow's milk, cannot consume cheeses made from it. Goat's milk cheese contains lactoglobulins, is considered hypoallergenic, and therefore can be included in your diet.

How to make goat cheese at home?


5 l goat milk

1½-2 tablets of acidin-pepsin per 1 liter of milk (recipe "Cheese")

Salt - to taste (from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of milk)

If you want to make cheese from pasteurized milk, boil it and chill it to 36–38 ° C. Heat fresh milk to this temperature. Pour the acidin-pepsin starter culture diluted in a third of a glass of milk at room temperature into the prepared milk. If you have an electric stove, remember to move the pot away from the burner so that the milk does not heat up and the enzymes do not cook. Cover the pot with a lid.

After 30 minutes - 1 hour, a dense clot should form, but sometimes you have to wait about 2 hours: the time depends on the amount of leaven. Determine the readiness of the curd with a knife blade: if, after immersion in the pan, the blade comes out clean, the curd is ready, that is, the leaven particles are compressed and do not stick to the blade.

If you get a mass that looks like curdled milk, cover the pan with the lid again and leave for another 30 minutes. Such a mass could have resulted from an insufficient amount of acidin-pepsin. If after an additional 30 minutes the mass does not acquire the desired consistency, slightly heat the pan, stirring the mass thoroughly, and fold it onto a fine sieve. After draining the whey, you will have a nice-tasting young cheese, but perhaps a little dry.

If the clot has matured in 30 minutes or 1 hour, then a little greenish liquid should separate from the sides of the clot. Cut the curd into squares lengthwise and crosswise and leave them in the whey for 10 minutes. You can mix the cheese mass later: the curd will no longer absorb moisture, but only give it away anywhere in the incision.

Transfer the mass to fine sieves lined with cotton cloth, salt (do not salt in a saucepan!), Stir and tamp. Tie the ends of the fabric and place the mass under the weight. Cut the mixture into cubes periodically and stir to drain the whey faster.

If, due to the strong pressure of the load in the center of the bunch, bulges form from its sides, cut them 2-3 times and place them in the vacated holes to level the surface. The next day you will have a young cheese like the Adyghe cheese. Place it in a storage mold, cover and place in the refrigerator.

Great video recipe. Worth seeing!

And more recipes:

How to make Gayskasli soft goat cheese:

10-15 l goat milk

1-2 tablets of abomin (recipe "Homemade feta cheese")

Salt to taste

Dissolve Abomin tablets in half a glass of cold water and add to fresh milk. Let stand 40 minutes, until the milk curdles, then stir well, pour into a tall dish with holes in the bottom and sides and let the whey drain, seasoning with salt on top. After 2 days, remove the mass from the mold and, turning it over, salt on the other side. This fermented milk product matures for 3 weeks in the refrigerator.

How to make Crotten goat cheese:

Crotin de Chavignol is a soft goat cheese, it is a small round loaf with a diameter of 4–5 cm, a height of 3–4 cm and a weight of 60–130 g. The crust can be covered with white or blue mold. It has a pleasant taste with a slight acidity and a slightly nutty flavor.

Crotten means horse manure in French. It justifies such an unappetizing name only externally, and then only after aging for 4 months, when it dries out to small gray heads.

The cheese is usually made in March, when the goats are taken out to pasture. Young spring product is very delicate, has a light unobtrusive taste. In the fall, it turns out to be spicier, with a characteristic goat milk aroma.

Some hobbyists prefer to age the cheese made in spring until autumn. The result is a spicy version of the cheese, covered with a hard crust and hardened on the inside. Several variants of it are produced in France.

Crotten is served at the end of the meal with fruit and bread and grilled on lettuce leaves.


4 l goat milk, ¼ tsp mesophilic leaven, ⅛ tsp liquid rennet, ⅛ tsp. calcium chloride, 1/32 tsp. mold Geotrichum candidum, 2 tsp. salt

Expand the drainage system from the rugs so that the liquid passes through them without hindrance, install crotten molds on top (10 pcs.).

Heat the milk in a container to 22 ° C, stirring, then remove from heat and sprinkle powdered mesophilic sourdough and mold on its surface in a thin layer, leave for 3 minutes. Stir the milk mass slowly, lifting the bottom layers up with a large spoon or slotted spoon. Add to milk calcium chloride dissolved in 50 ml of cooled boiled water. Dissolve rennet in the same way. Stir everything again with slow movements. After 18–20 hours of exposure under a lid at room temperature, the milk should separate into a curd and a transparent whey. Drain the excess liquid so that part of the whey remains at the bottom. Then remove small layers of cheese from the curd and put into molds. The process will take quite a long time, since the cheese layers will gradually settle to the bottom and thicken. Lay the layers of cheese at intervals of 20 minutes. Close the molds with an absorbent towel or napkins and leave to form and ripen under its own weight for 2 days. After a day, you need to turn the molds for equilateral self-pressing of the cheese mass.

Remove the cheese heads from the molds, sprinkle with salt (¼ teaspoons each) on both sides and leave for 24 hours on a drainage surface, covered with a towel. Place the heads in a large container. It should have a drainage mat and 2-3 layers of paper towels underneath. Keep the cheese in a cool place (8-10 ° C) for up to 2 weeks. Periodically monitor the release of moisture inside the container by removing wet wipes and wiping the lid dry. To create optimal moisture for the development of white mold culture and the appearance of a wrinkled surface on the cheese, do not install the lid too tightly. Keep fresh cheese for 5 weeks in the refrigerator, where the temperature does not exceed 4–5 ° С. It becomes the most fragrant and tender from the 14th to the 25th day of storage.

4-5 servings

8 ocloc'k

364 kcal

4.67 /5 (9 )

If you breed goats or can buy milk inexpensively, then you have a great opportunity to taste your own made goat cheese: I'm just going to tell you how to make it. I do not have a special dairy, so I use the usual kitchen utensils and manual labor.

Cooking is extended in time, sometimes you need close attention and direct participation, and sometimes you just need to wait until this or that process is over, so you can do a lot of household chores at the same time as cheese making.

Homemade Goat Cheese Recipe

Necessary equipment: stove, 2 pots, a kitchen thermometer with a probe, a glass, a long knife, a colander, a slotted spoon, a mold for cheese, oppression, a bowl, a piece of gauze.


Step by step cooking

First step

  1. Pour 5 liters of fresh goat's milk into a saucepan.

  2. Pour 5-7 g of citric acid into the milk, mix and leave for 10 minutes to completely dissolve the crystals.

  3. We put a saucepan with milk on the stove and heat it over low heat to 35 ° -35.5 °. We measure the temperature with a special thermometer with a metal probe.

  4. Pour 50 ml of boiled water into a glass, cooled to a temperature of 25 ° -27 °.

  5. Open the bag of Meito rennet and measure out 1/20 part (0.05 g).

  6. Pour the enzyme into a glass of water and stir until completely dissolved.

  7. Pour the enzyme solution into warm milk and mix thoroughly for 2-3 minutes.

  8. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for 40-60 minutes to form a curd.

Second phase

Stage Three

  1. We take an empty saucepan, place a colander on it. Put the cheese dish in a colander.

  2. We line it with a piece of gauze.

  3. We collect the cheese grain with a slotted spoon in a saucepan and put it in a mold.

  4. We tamp it by hand so that the cheese mass takes up the entire volume of the mold.

  5. Gently drain the whey from the pan, collect the remaining cheese grains and put in the mold.

  6. Cover the top of the cheese mass with the ends of the gauze cut.

  7. We insert the cover-press into the form.

  8. We put heavy oppression on the press.

  9. We keep the cheese under pressure for 3 hours, after which we take it out of the mold and remove the cheesecloth.

  10. Pour 1 liter of water into a bowl, add 70-90 g of salt and stir until completely dissolved. Dip the cheese head into the brine for 2 hours.
  11. The cheese is ready, cut into pieces and taste.

Video recipe for making goat cheese

In this video, you will see how to make young goat cheese.

What to serve with

Goat cheese goes well with tea and coffee, it goes well with honey, grapes and other berries and fruits. You can put it in Greek salad or use to fill a puff pastry.

Did you know? Homemade goat cheese contains a high percentage of calcium, a lot of probiotics necessary for the health of the gastrointestinal tract, it contains less fat, cholesterol and calories than cow cheese.

Recipe for hard Russian goat cheese

Calorie content- 364 kcal.
Cooking time- 6-7 hours
Necessary equipment: stove, 2 pots, kitchen thermometer with probe, cup, long knife, colander, slotted spoon, 2 cheese molds, oppression, press, organza bag, medical syringe, skewer bent at 90 °.


We buy ingredients

For this recipe, we need 2 starters:

  • Thermophilic, which will give the cheese special flavor... Instead of the universal T45 from the French company Danisco, you can buy Uglich MCTt or thermophilic starter for Russian cheese.
  • To protect cheese from pathogenic flora, a protective starter is needed. I use the starter culture "Bioantibut" Uglich, you can replace it with a similar one from another manufacturer.

Rennet can be used in liquid or powder form. Liquid can be accurately measured with a syringe, dry will have to be put very approximately, since a very light powder is almost impossible to weigh.

Milk must be perfectly fresh and healthy, harvested in accordance with sanitary standards. Cheese from contaminated milk or from a sick animal will not turn out useful or will deteriorate during aging.

Step by step cooking

First step

  1. Pour 10 liters of fresh goat's milk into a saucepan. We put it on the stove and heat it up.

  2. We control the heating with a special thermometer, and as soon as the temperature reaches 32 °, turn off the fire.

  3. Add 0.02 g Danisco thermophilic starter culture (about 1/8 of a teaspoon).

  4. Pour 0.2 g of Bioantibut protective starter into the milk.

  5. We collect 1 ml of rennet with a syringe and mix with 50 ml of water at room temperature.

  6. Stir the milk with a slotted spoon so that the sourdough powder spreads throughout the milk.

  7. Pour the rennet solution into the milk and mix thoroughly for 1-1.5 minutes.

  8. Cover the pan with a lid and leave it alone for about 1 hour to form a clot.

Second phase

  1. An hour later, the milk turned into a jelly-like mass. We cut it with a knife in two directions vertically, and then with a bent skewer horizontally. The finer the grains are, the harder the cheese will be.

  2. Stir the cheese mass and leave it in this state for 10-15 minutes to make the grain thicken and settle.

  3. We select with a cup about 3 liters of whey into another container.

  4. Pour 2 liters of water heated to 42 ° into a saucepan with cheese grains.

  5. Stir and heat to 42 °.

  6. Stir the contents of the pan continuously for 30 minutes, preventing the cheese grains from sticking together into large lumps.

  7. Drain the whey from the pan; only the cheese grain should remain at the bottom.

  8. We spread the grain in an organza bag or on a piece of gauze. We wring out.

  9. We put the cheese mass together with the bag into the cheese mold and tamp it.

  10. Place the dish in a colander, which is placed over the pan to collect the whey, and let it sit for 30 minutes.

  11. We take out the bag with the cheese mass from the mold, turn it over and put it back on the other side.

  12. We put the lid inside the mold and put it under the press. Press the cheese for 12 hours, gradually increasing the pressure.

  13. Prepare ricotta from the filtered whey: put it back into the pan, heat it to 95 ° -97 °, pour 30 ml apple cider vinegar, cover with a lid and leave to cool slowly.

  14. After 12 hours, we take the cheese head out of the mold, free it from the bag and carefully rub 50-60 g of salt.

  15. Put the cheese head covered with salt back into the bag and lower it into the mold. Sticks should be placed under the mold so that the whey, flowing down, does not moisten the lower part of the cheese head. It will be salted for 24 hours at room temperature.

  16. With a slotted spoon, remove the formed clots from the pan with whey into a mold with small holes.

  17. We put the form in a colander, which is placed over the pan. We put the structure in the refrigerator. Once the whey is drained, the soft goat cheese is ready.

  18. We remove the salted head of cheese before ripening in a separate refrigerator for cheeses. The minimum ripening period is 2 weeks. From 10 liters of milk, about 1 kg of hard goat cheese and 500-600 g of soft cheese are obtained.

Video recipe for making homemade Russian cheese from goat milk

Be sure to watch this video before tinkering with goat cheese. In it, you will see the simple design of the press and hear a lot of useful tips.

Article read: 14934 times 12.03.2019

How to make goat milk cheese at home: a simple recipe for beginners

Stanislav Frolov 2019-03-12 2019-10-14

Goat cheese is a real storehouse of useful microelements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper and manganese. This product strengthens the skeletal system of the body, improves digestion, skin condition, and serves as a source of prevention against cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it is hypoallergenic and low in calories.

Today we will tell you how to cook this wonderful product yourself right at home.

Today we will show you how to make healthy and delicious goat cheese at home. Don't be alarmed - it's actually pretty simple. The main thing is to follow the recipe exactly.

For those who prefer to watch rather than read, we have prepared. In it, we tried to clearly show how to properly make delicious goat cheese at home.

For everyone else, we attach step by step recipe goat cheese below.

Homemade goat cheese for beginners

We will use the Fansel cheese dairy to prepare the cheese. In general, you can do with an ordinary large pan, but the risk of spoiling the product in it is much higher. The cheese dairy is much safer and more convenient, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. The cheese dairy has a "water jacket" that allows you to heat the milk more evenly and gently. Exact adherence to temperature pauses when cooking cheese is the key to success.
  2. The dairy is equipped with precision electronic thermometers with a long probe. Again, this allows the required temperatures to be accurately observed and maintained.
  3. Milk can easily burn in a regular saucepan. In the cheese dairy - no.


  • Meito cheese enzyme - 1/10 pack
  • Fresh goat milk - 10 l

The main challenge in this recipe is finding the right goat milk. It must be natural, unpasteurized and of good quality.


  1. We are preparing the equipment. To achieve sterility, pour boiling water over the cheese dairy or pan.
  2. If we use a cheese dairy, fill the water jacket cold water... We bring the hose to the bottom fitting and fill it until water flows through the top hole of the jacket. If we use a saucepan, we skip the step accordingly.
  3. Pour milk into a working container and start heating up to 35-35 ° С. Stir the milk while heating so that the temperature is the same throughout the volume of liquid.
  4. We use the Meito enzyme. For 10 liters of milk, we need 1/10 of a pack. Using a scale or by eye, we separate the necessary part of the enzyme and dilute it in a small amount of warm water.
  5. After the milk has warmed up to the required temperature (35-37 ° C), turn off the heating and add the enzyme. Pour the dissolved ingredient into the milk in a thin stream, close the container with a lid and leave it for 30 minutes.
  6. After 30 minutes, a curd should form in the milk. We take the lyre and cut the clot into uniform small pieces. If there is no lyre, we use a knife or any other handy tool. Leave the curd for 10-15 minutes to separate the whey from the curd.
  7. If the curd has grabbed during this time, break it and start the second heating. This time up to 45 ° C. Do not forget to stir constantly during heating.
  8. When the temperature reaches 45 ° C, turn off the heating, separate the curd from the whey. To do this, pour the mixture from the pan into a colander, the grain will remain in it, and the whey will simply drain.
  9. The next stage is grain salting. Stir the grain, add salt a little. A few pinches of salt are enough for full curing.
  10. For taste, in addition to salt, various herbs and spices can be added to cheese. Someone uses dill, parsley, paprika, garlic. At this stage, we focus exclusively on our own taste preferences.

  11. We remove the salted curd from the colander and send it to the cheese molds, which should then be sent under a heavy press. The pattern is simple - the heavier the press, the denser the cheese will turn out.
  12. Under the press, the cheese remains for 3-4 hours, then we send it to the refrigerator for a few more hours.

Video recipe for making natural goat cheese


At the exit, you will get 1.5-2 kg of aromatic and tasty homemade cheese.

By the way, the serum poured into the sink can also be used for good. It can be used to make ricotta cheese. The recipe is very simple: pour the whey into a separate saucepan, heat it to 90 ° C (do not boil it!), Add vinegar, citric acid or lemon juice to it. Then we bring the temperature to 95-96 ° С, after which we also drain the whey through a sieve. The output is delicious curd cheese.

Such products are useful, all the more you know from what. This cheese tastes like Yantar cheese, only more tender and without preservatives.


Cottage cheese 0.5 kg.,

Butter 100 gr.,

Egg 1 pc.,

Salt and soda 1/2 tsp.


Beat cottage cheese, butter, egg, salt and soda in a blender until homogeneous mass... Put the curd mixture on water bath and cook, stirring occasionally, until the mass begins to melt.

Grease the cheese mold with butter and pour the cheese mixture into it. Put in a cool place for 8-10 hours.

Fragrant homemade cheese


1l kefir

1l milk

4 teaspoons of salt (or to taste)

1/3 teaspoon red hot pepper

pinch of cumin

1 clove of garlic

small bundle different greens: dill, cilantro, green onions


1. Pour milk and kefir into a saucepan, put on the stove. Without bringing to a boil, pour eggs slightly beaten with salt into the hot milk-kefir mixture in a thin stream. Bring to a boil and cook this mixture, stirring occasionally, over low heat for several minutes until the whey separates.

2. Remove from heat, let cool for 1-2 minutes and add finely

chopped greens and red pepper, squeeze out a clove of garlic (or

something to your taste)

4. Tighten the gauze with a knot, let the serum drain. Then cheesecloth

unwind, cover the resulting round block of cheese with the edge of gauze, put a saucer on top and put some kind of oppression on the saucer (for example, a jar of water, closed with a lid, is suitable).

5. Refrigerate for several hours. And that's all. For example,

made in the evening and put it in the refrigerator, and in the morning you can already eat for breakfast. Excellent with black bread and tomatoes.

Homemade cheese "Paprika"

It all starts with the fact that we do a regular paneer. Those. almost

bring milk to a boil and add 2 liters. milk 0.5 tsp.

citric acid. When the serum has separated, we pour it through a sieve with gauze, immediately add to the resulting still soft and hot paneer:

Any greens (I took parsley, you can add basil,

dill, etc.)

Cumin 1 tsp

Cumin 1 tsp

Paprika 1 tsp

Paprika should not be ground, but in pieces. In fact, you can put in a little less spices. Now mix the cheese quickly and wrap the cheesecloth on top. We put under the press for 40-60 minutes.

A pan of whey can be used as a press.

Now add salt to the whey at the rate of 3 tbsp. salt per 1 liter. serum. We unfold our cheese and put it in the whey.

In a day, the wonderful cheese is ready.

If you take village milk from grandmothers, which is usually very fatty, then the cheese is similar in consistency to ordinary store cheese, and if you take ordinary store milk, the cheese "exfoliates" like suluguni. You can make sandwiches with such cheese, but it is so tasty that we ate it just like that, it didn't come to sandwiches :)

Homemade hard cheese


2 liters of milk (ideal homemade milk, you can pasteurized, but not sterilized for long-term storage)

2 tbsp salt

400 g sour cream

200 g of kefir


While the milk and salt are boiling. beat eggs with sour cream.

Thinly add the egg and sour cream mixture, stirring, add

kefir and bring to a boil (do not boil).

After all your manipulations, the milk should curdle.

Spread the mass on a fine-fine sieve (or cheesecloth), give

drain the whey.

Wrap the curd in cheesecloth, place it under the load and in the cold

for 4-5 hours. The heavier the load, the harder the cheese.

You can experiment with additives (olives, olives, peppers

sharp, etc.)

Homemade hard cheese with pepper and dill


2 liters of pasteurized (required) milk (prescription 1.5 liters)

500 ml of sour milk (there were 400 in the recipe)

4 eggs 9 according to the recipe 3 pcs.)

1 not complete tsp. salt (the recipe does not indicate how much)

Additives can be any:

Red Bell pepper, Dill


Ferment 0.5 l of pasteurized milk, you can simply leave it at room temperature for 2-3 days. For the speed of the process, I heated it to 40 degrees (approximately, slightly warm), added a spoonful of kefir and left it in the kitchen, after a day the sour food was ready.

Put 1.5 liters of milk on the fire and bring to a boil.

This time 4 eggs and spoiled milk beat by hand, whisk until smooth, until sour cream.

As the milk boils, do the most little fire and constantly

while stirring, introduce the sour-egg mixture. While stirring, bring the mixture to separation into a curdled part and a transparent yellowish whey. The process took me about 7-10 minutes.

Then fold into a sieve or colander lined with gauze and give

drain all liquid.

While the liquid is draining, chop the pepper very finely, chop the dill as well ... curd mass and under the press. BON APPETIT!

Homemade Philadelphia cheese first recipe


1 liter of milk

1 tsp salt

1 tsp sugar

500 ml of kefir

A small pinch of citric acid or lemon juice


Boil milk, adding salt and sugar to it.

Bring to a boil and turn off the gas.

Now add kefir (warm), stir until the mass curls up.

In a colander, discard the mass on cheesecloth (it is better to make layer 4) and let the whey drain - this will take about 15-20 minutes. You should not squeeze the whey yourself, because not much of it should remain in the cheese. But you can stir not a lot (periodically).

Beat the egg in a separate bowl with citric acid(on the tip of a knife) - until foam forms.

Now add the resulting hot curd mass to the egg mass and continue beating until smooth.

We send Philadelphia cheese to the refrigerator to cool.

Everything!!! Homemade Philadelphia cheese is ready!

Homemade Philadelphia cheese second recipe


900 ml full fat milk

1350 ml sugar-free heavy cream (35% fat)

50 ml buttermilk (can be replaced with kefir)

2-3 drops of Rennet Microbial Enzyme

1 tablespoon salt



A piece of very fine gauze

Large saucepan (galvanized or stainless)

Large colander

Large whisk

Large capacity (bowl)

Reliable rubber band


Heat milk and cream in a large saucepan until hot to 21 ° C. Do not boil.

Add the buttermilk.

Add the rennet and cover. Keep at room temperature overnight.

Sprinkle salt on top the next day.

Use a large whisk to separate the thickened mixture.

Place cheesecloth in a colander and place on top of a container that will hold the whey.

Gently pour the contents into a colander and drain for 30 minutes.

Gather the corners of the gauze together and tie them together with an elastic band (to make a bag.

Remove the serum that has collected in the container. Place the cheesecloth in a colander and the colander back into the container and put it all in the refrigerator and let it drain overnight. The next day Cream cheese Philadelphia is ready!

You get 680 grams of finished cheese.

Homemade Philadelphia cheese simple recipe


2 liters of milk

1 pinch of salt

1 spoon of sugar

0.5 liter of kefir,

2 eggs,

1 spoon lemon juice.


Bring the milk to a boil, add a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of sugar. When it boils, remove from the heat, pour in 0.5 liters of kefir, stir until a clot forms. Strain, beat 2 eggs with a spoonful of lemon juice, mix with cheese, beat with a blender. Everything!

Mascarpone at home the first recipe

From 1 kg of 500 g of sour cream, about 1 kg of 100 g of cheese is obtained. The rest is whey, which separates perfectly from the rest of the mass. You can add salt and even pepper to the cheese, if you are not going to make sweet desserts from it.


Sour cream 21% - 1 kg 500 gr.


A colander and a pot that is slightly larger to accommodate the colander. Place it on the table. Fold the cheesecloth five times - for a denser structure. Place a colander in a saucepan and cover it with folded gauze.

Gently put the sour cream in a slide in it. The product must be refrigerated.

If you take fatty sour cream, then the cheese will turn out to be fatty. A lot of whey comes out of 10% of the product, so less mascarpone remains. But it doesn't matter, you can make pancakes from it or some tasty pie... It is also very important that the sour cream is fresh. Tie the gauze tightly - the sour cream should be well compacted.

Place a heavy load on top of the colander. It can be a kettlebell or other object weighing 2-4 kg. Put the sour cream in the refrigerator for three days. During this time, the whey will drain into the pan and you will get a delicate and tasty mascarpone cheese.

Store it in the refrigerator, but not for very long, because it is a natural product and quickly deteriorates. Mascarpone can be spread on bread, used for making creams and other dishes. But such products are also not stored for a long time and only in the refrigerator.

Mascarpone at home second recipe


400 ml. cream (pasteurized, but not UHT) 15-20% fat

1 teaspoon lemon juice

Yield: 150-200 g of cheese (depending on the specific brand of cream, fat content, etc.)


1. Pour the cream into a bowl and place in a water bath (I used a deep frying pan). With constant stirring, over minimal heat, bring it almost to the boiling point (85 degrees) - when the water is about to boil, but not yet boiling. At this moment, remove the dishes with cream, set aside and pour in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. We mix.

2. We return the dishes with the cream to the water bath. The fire is minimal. Stirring constantly, we observe how the structure of the cream changes. At first nothing happens - the cream remains liquid. Then the mass begins to curl up slowly - and it looks like kefir. Finally, the mass is compacted and resembles in consistency thick cream(this process can take from 5 minutes to 20 - depending on the specific cream). Excellent - remove from heat and let cool for about 15 minutes. Do not overexpose the cream on the fire - otherwise the cheese will have a "boiled" taste. Yes, do not expect the process to resemble curdling milk (like when making curd). The cream will not immediately separate into a solid mass and whey - it will only thicken and thicken.

3. Place a sieve over the empty dishes, lay the sieve with cotton cloth or gauze in 4 layers. We spread our cheese and let the whey drain - about 40 minutes - an hour. Then we hang it - for another hour, so that the remaining whey is dug out, and the cheese is thickened. And, finally, we put it back in a sieve, put a small load on top (300 grams) and send it to the refrigerator for at least 8-9 hours (at night).

4. In the morning we unfold and find the cheese!

Homemade Cream Cheese


Cottage cheese - 1 kg

Milk - 1 l

Egg - 3 pieces

Butter - 100 g

Soda - 1 tsp

Salt (or to taste) - 1.5 tsp


To get it good cheese, the cottage cheese should be dry and not greasy.

Put cottage cheese in milk and heat to a boil and cook for 7-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. If the cottage cheese was not greasy and dry, then it will immediately begin to melt slightly and stretch a little.

Throw the prepared mass into a colander covered with gauze. Let the liquid drain. To the touch, the mass will look like a soft stretchy plasticine. From this boiled cottage cheese the liquid drains for 2-3 minutes. To speed up the process, you can squeeze the mass with your hands.

In a separate bowl with a thick bottom, but not enameled, put the drained cottage cheese, eggs, butter, salt, soda and mix everything thoroughly with your hands.

Put this mixture on medium heat and melt, stirring constantly.

When melted, the mass will begin to stretch. Thus (without ceasing to interfere), boil this mixture well for about 5-7 minutes.

It is necessary to constantly stir and stir the cheese mass! And cheese melts better with constant stirring.

When the mass begins to lag behind the walls of the dishes, the cheese is ready.

Transfer the cheese mass to a dish, cover with foil so that the crust does not dry out and put the cheese in the cold to cool.

Do not pour out the whey remaining after cooking - you can bake delicious pancakes from it.

It turned out to be a very delicate cream cheese.

Homemade cheese-feta cheese


2 liters of pasteurized! real milk (homemade), but by no means sterilized or super pasteurized!

400 grams of sour cream (I took 15 percent)

2-3 teaspoons of salt (in original recipe there were 2-3 tablespoons of salt, I didn't add that much)


1. Milk, sour cream and eggs must be very fresh and good quality, take from the seller in whom you are sure.

2. Pour milk into a saucepan, add salt, put on fire, let it boil. Beat eggs and stir well with sour cream

3. Bring the milk to a boil, stirring so that it does not burn, then slightly reduce the heat and gradually pour in the sour cream-egg mixture, stirring all the time, cook for 5-6 minutes, until the whey separates from the curd.

4. Cover a sieve or colander with gauze folded in two layers, put a saucepan under the bottom, pour the cheese mass. Allow the whey to drain well.

5. When the liquid drains, rearrange the colander with cheese on a cup, cover the cheese with the hanging ends of the gauze, put a plate with a smaller diameter on top, and on it liter jar Leave it for 4-6 hours, after an hour you can put it in the refrigerator (I left it in the refrigerator overnight under a press). Then carefully remove the gauze, put the cheese on a plate.

1/3 teaspoon red hot pepper

Pinch of cumin

1 clove of garlic

A small bunch of different herbs: dill, cilantro, green onions


1. Pour milk and kefir into a saucepan, put on the stove. Without bringing to a boil, pour the eggs slightly beaten with salt into the hot milk-kefir mixture in a thin stream. Bring to a boil and cook this mixture, stirring, over low heat for several minutes until the whey separates.

2. Remove from heat, let cool for 1-2 minutes and add finely chopped greens and red pepper, squeeze out a clove of garlic (or something to your taste)

3. Pour the mixture into a colander lined with gauze folded in 2 layers. Smooth out the cheese mass with a spoon.

4. Tighten the cheesecloth with a knot, let the serum drain. Then unwind the cheesecloth, cover the resulting round cheese with the edge of the cheesecloth, put a saucer on top and put some kind of oppression on the saucer (for example, a jar of water, closed with a lid).


1 liter of milk

1 kg of cottage cheese

100g butter,

1 tablespoon of baking soda

1 tablespoon of salt

You can add different spices.


Pour one liter of milk into a saucepan and heat until bubbles form, but do not boil. Add 1 kg of cottage cheese and, stirring continuously, let it curl up - this will happen quite quickly for 3-5 minutes. Place the curd on double cheesecloth and hang to allow the whey to drain. At this time, melt in a deep saucepan (since the mass will foam and rise) 100 g of butter, add 1 tsp. soda (no top) and 1 tbsp. l. salt, you can add different spices. Put cottage cheese in butter and, stirring continuously, cook for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat, cool slightly. Pour into a mold (the mass will be liquid), allow to cool and refrigerate for 4-6 hours (not necessarily for so long, you will see for yourself, the mass will thicken and take the form of melted cheese).

Let me add a few words about the fact that when we mix the resulting mass in the pan, we need to do it vigorously and not let the mass stick to the sides of the pan. At the same time, you need to add whatever you want this cheese to "fill" with. Yellow cheese is obtained by adding turmeric. Greenish - with the addition of dill. White cheese according to the recipe given, it is also very tasty.

As soon as the mass in the pan ceases to resemble cottage cheese and begins to resemble a thick mass, as if you actually put melted cheese in a pan, you need to pour it into a mold and smooth it so that when it thickens it is convenient to use it: cut or grate.

In milk, cottage cheese is 5 minutes, and in a pan - 10 minutes. All this is very conditional.

Riccotta cheese


Whey left over after making feta cheese.


Immediately after the grain was taken for cheese, put the whey on the fire, heat to 80 degrees, reduce the heat and then slowly heat up to 90 degrees, during this period flakes begin to form. When the whey turns a transparent greenish color, turn off, allow to cool and drain the cheese through a thick cloth. It turns out awesome to taste albumin cottage cheese. You can eat it just like that, it makes excellent pastries, and if you add a little cream and condensed milk to it, you get an amazing cake cream

Albumin curd is an ideally balanced source of natural substances necessary for a person - albumin and globulin, which make up the bulk of blood serum proteins. It should be emphasized that albumin is the only protein containing the essential amino acid tryptophan, which is not produced in the human body and is only supplied with food. Globulin, on the other hand, has antimicrobial and immunostimulating properties, protecting the body from infections.

The product is rich in easily digestible proteins, vitamins, organic acids... Therefore, albumin curd perfectly serves to prevent the development of latent forms of vitamin deficiency, which contributes to the formation of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, neuro-emotional disorders and stress conditions.

Albumin cottage cheese is especially useful for pregnant and lactating mothers, because during pregnancy, the amount of albumin in the blood decreases sharply. In addition, it must be consumed by people experiencing overwork: albumin is an excellent reliever of fatigue and tension.

Good news for ladies counting calories. Albumin curd is the lowest calorie dairy product. And since it is made on the basis of processing whey and adding sugar, it can be safely called one of the most natural.

The abundance and variety of dairy products on store shelves never ceases to amaze customers. However, with the advent of modern technologies, new substitutes for products, flavor enhancers and preservatives, the quality of such products can be questioned. Most people started looking for truly organic products. They are made according to old, long-proven recipes. Today we will look at goat cheese as a business option for organic products. It can even be done at home. The recipe does not provide for the use of any chemical additives or fillers at all. There will always be buyers for such a product!

Goat cheese is usually white in color. Often there is a slight spice in the taste. Serve it with white wines and beer... Like regular cheese, it can be of several types: hard, soft and melted. Soft cheeses are known to us as the French "Chevre", "Chabichou du Poitou", "Saint-Maure from Turin", "Croten-de-Chavignol" and "Chavignoles". They all differ in age, appearance and taste... The latter, for example, have a nutty flavor and a pronounced goat aroma. "Saint-Maure from Turin" has a salty lemon shade, and "Chabichou du Poitou" has pungent taste... Hard cheeses are usually imported from Spain. El Pastor is one of the most famous trade marks of this country under which it is issued hard cheese from goat milk. But the most famous all over the world are Dutch-made cheeses. They have an exquisite richness of tastes, smells and aftertastes. This is achieved by adding herbs and spices to them.

Why did we choose goat milk? Many people do not even know that it is healthier than cow's. The human body assimilates it better. Allergies to goat milk almost never happen. Such products are given even to the smallest children and sick people. All trace elements and vitamins are found in goat milk in a form that is quickly absorbed by humans. Our homemade cheese will be low in calories. Such a product can be safely used by people who are afraid to get better. It is very low in cholesterol, but beneficial bacteria and antioxidants normalize bowel function and protect the body from infections.

The technology for making goat cheese at home

Now let's look at how to make goat's milk cheese with your own hands. You will see that there is nothing difficult about it. For cooking soft cheese for 2 liters of goat milk, take 6 eggs, 2 tablespoons of salt and 400 grams of sour cream. The technology looks like this:

To receive processed cheese into ready goat curd add salt, butter and soda. Oil should be added at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per 0.5 kg of cottage cheese. It is drowned in a stainless steel or aluminum saucepan. Cottage cheese is also added there. Stirring continuously, make the cheese melt. The melted mass is transferred into a mold for solidification. Sometimes herbs or spices are added to the finished product to your liking.

Goat's milk hard cheese is made with almost the same ingredients. For 3 liters of milk, you need to take 1 kg of cottage cheese, 1 egg, salt, soda and 100 grams vegetable oil... Home cooking technology looks like this:

The peculiarity of making cheese and goat milk is its low coagulability. In an industrial setting, to improve this process, an increased percentage of sourdough or mature cow's milk... Cutting the finished product is carried out after some overexposure. This is due to the increased fragility of the clot. Even an overexposed product will produce a lot of whey.

Business outlook

At the beginning of the article, it was no coincidence that we mentioned that goat cheese in our country can usually only be bought imported. In Russia, it is rare to find farms that breed these animals. More often they are kept by collective farmers to make products only for themselves. They rarely sell them to friends. The economic niche in the market for domestically produced goat cheese is practically vacant. This is a good business idea for enterprising farmers whose products can easily compete with imported products in terms of price and quality.

We hope we have convinced you that goat milk products are very easy to make at home. To develop a business on a large scale, you will need special equipment, premises and workers. Over time, you can equip your own livestock farm. In addition to dairy products from these animals, you can get healthy goat fat, wool and meat, which is as valuable as milk.

Step-by-step opening plan

To start a cheese production, you will need to prepare a large number of documents, draw up organizational and production plans, calculate estimates and solve a number of other problems. From the initial stages, it is better to get the help of an experienced specialist in the production of dairy products, as well as a lawyer who will help you quickly and efficiently register activities in the legal field. Before unwinding, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  • Find and conclude contracts with wholesale suppliers of raw materials (in the event that you are not going to simultaneously breed milking goats).
  • Rent and renovate several premises, one for the production of cheese and the other for its storage.
  • Purchase the required equipment and hire personnel.
  • Establish a sales market with sales representatives.

How much can you earn

Earnings will depend on many factors, the main of which are: the scale of production and the availability of points of sale. At the first stages, selling 10-15 kilograms of cheese per day, you can earn from 100 thousand rubles per month, excluding labor costs, renting premises, etc. Additional income will come from the production of others fermented milk products as well as the sale of pure goat milk. Further expansion of the business will bring its owner a profit of 500 thousand rubles or more and the opportunity to recoup the initial investment in one to one and a half years.

To increase your income, you can invest money, including in cryptocurrency. There is a certain risk, but if you know how and what to invest in, it will be minimized. Participate in training on cryptocurrencies and earn.

How much money is needed to start a business

In order to open a business for the production of cheese from goat milk, you will need at least one and a half million rubles. These funds will be spent mainly on the purchase of equipment and the arrangement of premises for the production and storage of cheese. Additional items in expenses will be: staff salaries, marketing services and business registration in the legal field with obtaining permits.

What to choose equipment for the production of cheese from goat milk

For the production of cheese from goat milk, you will need to purchase special equipment. Mandatory inventory includes the following:

  • Milk pasteurization bath for 50-100 liters.
  • Separate bathroom for 200 liters.
  • Working table for the production of cheese.
  • Manual press.
  • Round and rectangular cheese tins.
  • Special bathroom for product disinfection.
  • Paraffiner.

Such equipment will be sufficient at the first stages of production and processing of up to 300 liters of milk in 30-35 kilograms of cheese. You can also save on buying new equipment by renting or leasing it on favorable terms.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a business

To register a business with the tax office, you will need to specify a special OKVED code 01.45.2 PRODUCTION OF RAW SHEEP AND GOAT MILK.

What documents are needed to open

First of all, you will need to formalize the legal form of activity by registering an individual entrepreneur, a farm or an LLC, depending on the volume of production and the number of co-founders. The first option will be easier to implement and will require the following set of documents from you: a passport, TIN code, a receipt for payment of the state fee and a notarized registration statement indicating OKVED codes.

Which taxation system to choose for the production of cheese from goat milk

The choice of taxation system will depend on the legal form of doing business. For a peasant farm, the best option there will be a single agricultural tax, for individual entrepreneurs - a single tax on imputed income.

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