Home / Pies / Nutella chocolate spread. Recipe for "Nutella" at home with hazelnuts

Nutella chocolate spread. Recipe for "Nutella" at home with hazelnuts

11 recipes - Homemade Nutella, no additives!

"Nutella" is a mixture of chocolate and hazelnut paste (created in 1940 by the Italian company Ferrero).
In Italy, Nutella has become a cultural and social phenomenon. Books have been written about her, she became the central character of the film "Bianca". There are many types of chocolate-nut spreads from other companies, but "Nutella" has become a household name for such a paste.

Nutella is used in sandwiches and baked goods. Mixed with whipped cream, it is a great filling for cakes and pastries. Parisians love pancakes filled with Nutella with chopped fruit.

Although the ingredients are widely known, the exact recipe for Nutella is kept secret.
But, let's not be upset about this, but let's cook "Nutella" in Russian:


We need:
250 g butter
150 g chocolate "Nugat" or nugat for baking (I put both on the photo so that it was clear what I mean)
2 doses of condensed milk
3-4 tbsp. cocoa spoons (powder)
Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat.

Remove from heat and add chocolate, melt in hot butter and stir well.

Add condensed milk to this mass, mix.

And lastly add the cocoa and stir until all the lumps are gone.

Pour nutella into jars and refrigerate.


Chocolate bar - 1 Piece
Hazelnut - 150 Grams
Powdered Sugar - 1/2 Cup
Cocoa Powder - 1/4 Cup
Vegetable oil - 2 Teaspoon

Number of Servings: 10

Let's fry the hazelnuts. Preheat oven to 180 ° C. And fry the nuts until brownish. Watch the entire roasting process so that the hazelnuts do not burn.

Next, steam the chocolate. Melt slowly to avoid lumps.
While the chocolate is melting, place the hazelnuts in a food processor (use a food processor, not a blender).
Chop the nuts well.
Add all dry ingredients and melted chocolate.
Turn on the combine and mix the death for 15 minutes. Then add vegetable oil.
Stir the mixture for about an hour. When Nutella is ready, you can serve or place it in the refrigerator to thicken it up.
Nutella cream is ready. Enjoy your meal.

A glass of milk (250 ml)
3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
3 tablespoons of sugar
3 tablespoons flour
70-80 grams of butter

I put down a saucepan, pour milk, put sugar, flour and cocoa. I turn on the stove and periodically stir it with a whisk, otherwise flour starts to stick at the bottom. It boiled, out of breath, boiled it for a minute and set it aside from the fire. Let cool for about 20 minutes. Now put the pieces of butter and stir well, immediately the mass shone. Rub 1/4 of a chocolate bar on top (not specified in the recipe)
I transfer the mass to a jar. The pieces of chocolate have flowed. Tasty.


Eggs - 2 pcs, Sugar - 3 cups, Cocoa - 2 tablespoons, Flour - 4 tablespoons, Vanillin - a pinch, Walnuts - 1 cup, Butter - 1 teaspoon, Milk - 2 cups


Grind eggs well with sugar, add flour, cocoa, grated walnuts and butter and a pinch of vanillin, mix the mixture thoroughly, add milk and mix thoroughly again. Put on low heat and cook, stirring occasionally until thickened. You will not feel the difference!


Required products:
milk 0.5l
cream 0.5l
butter 50g
flour 6 tablespoons
starch 2 tbsp
cocoa powder 6 tbsp
icing sugar 200g
chicken egg 1pc
hazelnuts 100g
almonds 100g
Method of preparation: Grind the nuts with a blender (or in a coffee grinder) into crumbs. In a separate bowl, combine all dry powders: flour with cocoa, starch and powdered sugar. Beat the egg lightly and send it to the dry mixture (flour, powder, cocoa, starch) and pour the cream into the same place - mix everything thoroughly.
We put milk on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour the prepared mixture into the boiling milk and add the nuts. Cook the pasta, stirring constantly, over medium heat for 5-7 minutes (it will thicken noticeably).
Then turn off the heat and add butter to the hot mass. Stir. As soon as Nutella cools down, put it in the refrigerator for several hours to "ripen". It is best to cook in the evening, during the night the pasta is infused and in the morning you can already enjoy a wonderful chocolate dessert!

200G. Sahara
a pack of chocolate pudding, dissolved it in cold milk (120 ml is approximately).
3 tablespoons cocoa
200 ml. milk
100g. butter
1 packet vanilla sugar
0.5 cups ground nuts (any will do)
Cooking method:
Pour all the ingredients into a cauldron, mix well, put on a slow fire, stir constantly, first the sugar and butter will dissolve, and then the mixture thickens. When the first bubbles appear, remove from the heat. The mixture cools down, then add the nuts, mix.
Nutella is thick and spreads very well on biscuits or toast.

After boiling the main mixture for about 20 minutes, I slowly added the pudding there, stirring all the time, cooked a little more, it immediately
thickens. She removed from heat, added chopped nuts and chilled.

It turned out about 500 gr. chocolate paste.


For preparing 300 g of chocolate nut cream
we need:
(you can use three types of chocolate - dark, milk, white)
100 g dark chocolate
100 g white chocolate
50 g butter
80 ml milk
70 g sugar
Optionally, you can add a nut (hazelnut) gram 50-70
(pre-fry the nuts, peel them off,
and grind with a blender or food processor)
Melt butter in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add sugar,
milk, chocolate (chopped into small pieces with a knife)
and heat to a boil over low heat.
Stir constantly, because quickly begins to burn.
Let it boil for 2-3 minutes (no more!).
Then place a saucepan of cream in a saucepan of cold water,
and while it cools, stir it
When the cream is warm, you can put it in a jar.
and put in the refrigerator
If you make a cream with only white chocolate, you get a white Nutella.
Replacing hazelnuts with almonds and adding some coconut flakes
into the still hot white Nutella, we get Nutella Raffaello with a coconut flavor
The cream can be used by itself,
or as a cream for cakes and pastries


For cooking you need:

1 tbsp. Sahara

1 st. milk

1 tbsp. chopped nuts (it is better to fry a little in a pan so that the husk does not taste bitter)

1 tablespoon butter

1.5 tbsp cocoa

2 tbsp. l flour.

According to the recipe, you still need to add 2 tablespoons. vodka - gives some piquancy to the taste. But if the child - then without her, too, is no worse.

Mix everything, cook for 5 minutes on low heat. I added flour at the end of cooking. As soon as everything thickened to the desired consistency, I took it off the heat, let it cool a bit and put it in a glass jar. Keep refrigerated. Although, it does not stay long)))


Sugar - 2 stack.
Cocoa powder (no additives, bitter) - 3 tbsp. l.
Wheat flour - 0.5 stack.
Milk - 1 stack.
Sour cream - 1 stack.
Walnut (peeled) - 1 stack.

Pass the nuts through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.

We take sugar, flour, cocoa and mix well to get a homogeneous mass. Add milk and sour cream, mix again and set to cook. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. stirring constantly.

When the mass becomes thick, add the nuts, mix, cool.

My comments: I used a glass of 200 ml.
Instead of milk and sour cream, I took 2 glasses of cream (15%).
I liked the cream very much.


3 cups shelled chopped nuts (using walnuts)
2 cups sugar
3 tbsp cocoa powder
50-100 gr. butter
1 glass of milk

1 cup of nuts
1 cup of sugar
1 glass of milk
2 tbsp cocoa powder
50 gr. butter

Cooking method:
Put sugar, cocoa, nuts in a saucepan; mix everything, gradually add milk and pieces of butter. Place the saucepan on the stove and simmer until thick, for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool, transfer to clean dry jars and refrigerate.

Nutella Chocolate Nut Butter is an amazing product that has won incredible fame all over the world. A little more than 70 years have passed since the invention of sweet chocolate paste by the Italian company Ferrero Rocher, and this product has become a social and cultural phenomenon in many countries. Ask any child in the world if he loves chocolate spread, and in response you will hear that the kid simply adores Nutella! The name of this chocolate-nut paste has long become a household name, while there are many other pastes in the world.

What is the secret here, you ask? Perhaps it's all about the amazing taste of the pasta, which everyone, without exception, likes. No wonder Nutella is not only spread on bread, but also widely used as a filling for cakes and pastries. It would not be superfluous to say about a wide advertising campaign that encourages parents to buy Nutella for their kids so that they grow up strong, healthy and do well in school.

But in fact, Nutella's chocolate-nut paste is far from being as useful as many parents think. Moreover, it can cause irreparable harm to the body! Why is this product harmful? To answer this question, let's take a look at the composition of the nut butter loved by all the kids.

The composition of the paste

The exact recipe for Nutella, like the recipe for Coca-Cola, is kept in the strictest confidence, although the ingredients of the paste are known to everyone. These are sugar, palm oil, 13% hazelnuts, 7.4% non-fat cocoa powder, 6.6% skimmed milk powder, whey powder, soy emulsifier lecithin and a naturally identical flavoring agent "Vanillin". Let's take a look at all the dangerous components separately.


For the first time, they started talking about the dangers of such a seemingly wonderful product in Germany in 2005. The Frankfurt am Main court has prohibited Ferrero Rocher from labeling Nutella chocolate nut butter as an extremely healthy product.

An advertisement on a can of nut butter convinced the buyer that a portion of this tasty and healthy delicacy satisfies 70% of the body's daily need for vitamins, minerals, sugar and fats. Here is just an attempt to verify this statement shocked the expert commission! In order for the body to actually receive 70% of the norm of essential vitamins and minerals, it is required to eat not 15 g, but all 150 g of chocolate-nut paste. At the same time, an ordinary sandwich with a centimeter layer of Nutella several times exceeds the human body's need for sugar! And this is the key factor that should make sane people stop using this product.

After all, it is known that high sugar consumption threatens a person with clogged arteries and high blood pressure, the development of obesity and diabetes mellitus, fungal infections and vision pathologies. In addition, excessive sugar addiction causes dementia and increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's chorea. So is it worth giving your child Nutella if the amount of sugar in this product is a real time bomb for the body?

Palm oil

The widely discussed palm oil is no less harmful to the body. This cheap butter substitute is known for its extremely high concentration of saturated fat, which causes high cholesterol levels in the blood and provokes a number of dangerous diseases of the cardiovascular system, including atherosclerosis, venous thrombosis, obesity, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. All this makes palm oil unacceptable for human nutrition, especially for children.

But in fact, Nutella's Chocolate Nut Butter is 67% saturated fat! That is why two tablespoons of such a product contains as many as 200 calories!

In this regard, another example of a trial related to Nutella paste is indicative. In 2011, a California resident filed a lawsuit against Ferrero Rocher for the fact that her son's favorite treat was not at all "healthy and wholesome", as stated in the advertisement. The court found that the child's obesity was the fault of the manufacturer's company Nutella, which misled buyers with deceptive advertising, and awarded the plaintiff's side substantial monetary compensation. In addition, the court banned the broadcasting of Nutell's deliberately false advertisements throughout the United States.

Cocoa powder

A characteristic sign that the manufacturer wants to get the most out of the product, preparing it from cheap raw materials, is the presence of cocoa powder in Nutella, instead of the higher quality cocoa liquor or cocoa butter. In the overwhelming majority of cases, for the production of cocoa powder, wastes or residues from cocoa beans are used, which, in terms of their quality characteristics, are not suitable for the production of cocoa butter or grated cocoa.

Skimmed milk powder

In comparison with other products under consideration, skimmed milk powder cannot be called harmful to the body, but it is completely meaningless to talk about its benefits. The fact is that such milk does not carry any benefit, since during the drying process all the useful elements of this product are simply destroyed.

Flavoring "Vanillin"

Finally, there is a real poison hidden in Nutella called monosodium glutamate (food supplement E 621). This component is not indicated on the label, but is hidden under the signboard - Vanillin flavoring. When buying sweet nut butters for their kids, most parents have no doubt that vanilla is used to flavor the recipe. In fact, she is not there! The vanilla flavor is imparted to the paste by the harmful monosodium glutamate.

According to scientists, food supplement E 621 causes desynchronization of brain neurons and can cause neurotic disorders in children and adolescents. This product is even more dangerous for pregnant women, because by penetrating the placental barrier, monosodium glutamate can affect the nervous system of the fetus. It has also been proven that excessive consumption of such a food additive causes the death of taste buds and can cause serious diseases, including renal failure and bronchial asthma, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Finally, people who regularly consume monosodium glutamate disrupt the structure of the retina, develop hormonal imbalances, and have digestive problems.

What do we end up with? A huge amount of sugar, abundantly flavored with palm oil, cocoa powder of inferior quality, completely useless milk powder, and in addition, a harmful food additive, prohibited for use in most countries of the world! How do you like this breakfast for a child? We are sure that many parents, having taken a fresh look at the composition of Nutella pasta, will forever refuse to buy it for their child. By the way, given that the chocolate-nut delicacy is still successfully sold in European countries today, there is a suspicion that the compositions of Nutella for Russia and the EU countries are fundamentally different!

How to be in such a situation? According to doctors, chocolate and nut butter sold in stores and supermarkets is more expensive to consume. But there is a way out. This product can be prepared independently, based on truly natural and healthy ingredients.

Healthy nutella recipe at home

To cook delicious and healthy Nutella with your own hands, you will need:

  • 1 cup hazelnuts (hazelnuts)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract;
  • ¼ cups of maple syrup
  • ¼ cups of cocoa;
  • ¼ tsp sea ​​salt;
  • 5 tbsp cow's milk.

To prepare this wonderful dish yourself, soak a glass of hazelnuts overnight. Rinse the hazelnuts in the morning and pass them through a blender to chop until puree. While crushing the nuts, gradually add the remaining ingredients to the bowl so that the resulting mass is constantly in a mushy state.

Once all the ingredients are well blended in a blender until a smooth brown mass, transfer the prepared pasta to a plate and refrigerate in the refrigerator. Serve homemade Nutella with biscuits or toast.

Knowing the health risks posed by a purchased product from Ferrero Rocher and how to cook Nutella yourself, you will take another step towards a healthy life and longevity!
Take care of yourself!

Nutella chocolate spread Is one of the most popular sweet pasta in the world. It was first produced by an Italian corporation in 1964. By the way, from the very first months of the sale, the pasta was wildly popular. Later, they began to cook it in other countries. In addition to milk, vegetable fat, cocoa and nuts, taste stabilizers, emulsifiers and trans fats are used in the store-bought Nutella.

As you can imagine, besides the fact that Nutella chocolate paste is very tasty, it can also be harmful not only for the figure, but also for the body. Today it is quite difficult to buy real pasta that would meet all quality standards, so many housewives are looking for recipes on how to cook Nutella at home. Previously, I already published a recipe that was cooked in a custard method. Today I want to offer a completely different recipe for instant Nutella at home.

Comparing the two recipes, I can say with confidence that Nutella for this recipe is more similar to the original in taste. This chocolate paste does not require boiling, is cold prepared and requires a minimum of food. This instant homemade chocolate Nutella is made like milk mayonnaise.

In addition to the products listed below, you will need a hand blender to cook it. Alas, you won't be able to cook it with a mixer. A small nuance - powdered milk is used in the recipe. Some do not add it, but with it Nutella turns out to be much tastier. Powdered milk in a recipe can be substituted with whey powder, cream, or infant formula.

Now let's move on to the recipe and see how it is prepared homemade chocolate paste Nutella - a step by step recipe with a photo.


  • Milk - 150 ml.,
  • Walnuts - 100 gr.,
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Refined sunflower oil - 350 ml.,
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Powdered milk or dry cream - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Homemade Nutella Chocolate Spread - Recipe

Pour chilled milk into a jar. To prepare homemade Nutella, you can use both homemade milk and store milk with a fat content of 2.5%.

Add sugar or icing sugar.

After that, pour in the sunflower oil. Please note that we take vegetable oil as strictly refined, unrefined oil with a pronounced taste; it is not suitable for making chocolate paste.

Insert the hand blender into the bottom of the can. Whisk all Nutella ingredients until smooth.

Then remove the blender. Add cocoa powder. Use dark cocoa to darken the chocolate spread.

Pour in milk powder. Thanks to him, the homemade Nutella chocolate spread will become thicker and taste more like real Nutella.

It remains to add finely chopped roasted nuts. The original recipe for store-bought pasta uses hazelnuts (hazelnuts), but since it is not always available on sale, and it is quite expensive, you can use walnuts or peanuts instead.

Now that all the ingredients have been added, use the hand blender to beat the paste again. Walnuts and milk powder will thicken.

Homemade chocolate spread Nutella. Photo

One of the sweetest memories of most middle-aged people is without a doubt Nutella. Chocolate-nut spread in the simplest packaging with the image of hazelnuts made an incredible sensation in the post-Soviet space. Those who could not buy it cooked pasta in their kitchen, while dreaming about the coveted jar. Although no one even thought that this delicacy was born in Italy. "What would the world be like without Nutella?" - reads the slogan of the famous brand. We do not know what the world would be like without Italian sweets, but we certainly know what it is like with her and what her secret is.


The history of nutella is closely related to gianduia chocolate, which was almost 30% filled with hazelnuts. He was born in (Piemonte) when, after the war, exorbitant taxes were imposed on the import of cocoa beans, and the distribution of regular chocolate decreased dramatically.

Pietro Ferrero owned a pastry shop in Alba in the Langhe region, a territory famous for the production of hazelnuts. In 1946, the first batch of Gianduja, weighing about 300 kg, went on sale. The product was a nut-filled chocolate spread in small chopped cubes.

In 1951, Gianduja became Supercrema. The treat was now sold in large cans like canned vegetables.

In 1964, Michele Ferrero decided to improve the production of pasta in order to promote it to the European market. He changed the composition, label and name of the product. It was formed from the English word nut (nut), decorated with an Italian pronunciation. This is how the name Nutella was born. The logo, registered in the same year, has survived to this day unchanged.

In 1965 she conquered Germany, in 1966 - France, and then continued her triumphant march across Europe. In 1978, a plant for the production of the famous chocolate-nut spread was opened in Australia near Sydney. Today, the delicacy remains extremely popular and is often mentioned in songs and films.

In 2010, the European Parliament approved a law requiring manufacturers of foods high in fats and sugars to label the label with a “high calorie level” warning. This measure was aimed at combating obesity. She was received with hostility by the vice-president of the Ferrero company Paolo Fulci. He created a committee called "Hands off Nutella" and, with the support of the Italian minister for European affairs, urged not to succumb to the "fundamentalism of nutritionists."

  • In 1964, the lid on the jar of Nutella was painted red. It was later made white to reduce (at least slightly) production costs.
  • In 1969, an attempt was made to fortify the composition of Nutella, making it suitable for baby food. Ferrero, a chemist at the factory, admitted that at a certain point, management ordered to enrich the paste with vitamins in order to get ahead of competitors and encourage mothers to buy. The new product never went on sale.
  • The use of glass containers from the very beginning of production is one form of incentives to buy pasta. After emptying the jar, it was used for household needs. Until 1990, it was decorated with abstract images related to nature. They were then replaced by photographs from comics, which are still used in Italy for the product in 200 g containers.
  • In 2007, Chef Claudio Silvestri revealed that he himself eats nutella sandwiches for breakfast.
  • In 2012, a French senator proposed to quadruple the tax on palm oil. Oil is one of the main components of the paste. Therefore, in the media, the initiative was dubbed "the Nutella tax".
  • Ferrero in 2013 joined Greenpeace's action in favor of a moratorium on deforestation in Southeast Asia for palm oil production. The company runs under the slogan "Nutella Saves the Forest". To this day, Ferrero uses palm oil sourced from areas where there was no destruction of trees for the sake of planting palms.


The composition of nutella varies from country to country. More precisely, it is not the components that change slightly, but their content. Modern pasta is far removed from its predecessor, gianduja, which only included sugar, chocolate and nuts. What is now involved in the famous delicacy?


Nutella contains sugar from beets and sugar cane. Ferrero has strict requirements for the raw materials it purchases. The sugar must be pure and have a certain crystal size. The company has been cooperating with some suppliers for more than 40 years, new ones undergo a rigorous selection process. The sugar content of chocolate spread is approximately 56%.

Palm oil is obtained from the fruit of the Elaeis Guineensis palm tree, which grows in the equatorial area. It is used in nutella to give the paste a creamy consistency and enhance the flavor of other ingredients. Oil differs from other types of vegetable fats in that after a certain processing it has a neutral taste and smell. Another positive point is the special texture, characterized by good flowability.

Nutella growers do not hydrogenate palm oil, ensuring that there are no harmful trans fats.

It also acts as a biological preservative to increase the shelf life of the treat as it does not undergo rapid oxidation. The content of the component in the paste is about 19%.


The hazelnuts used to make nutella come mainly from small farms in Turkey and Italy. Harvesting begins in early August and ends at the end of September. Then the nuts are dried, cleaned and transferred to the plant, where they undergo sorting, final cleaning and grading.

The company purchases only whole hazelnuts, which are additionally checked for compliance with quality standards before roasting.

Fry and grind it just before adding it to the paste to preserve flavor and aroma as much as possible. An interesting fact is that the purchases of hazelnuts by Ferrero account for about 25% of the world sales of hazelnuts. Mass fraction of nuts in nutella is about 13%.


The cocoa from which Nutella is produced comes from western Africa. Fruits are harvested throughout the year. They are opened, seeds with pulp are extracted, which are fermented for about a week. The beans are then dried and sent to Ferrero's factories. After evaluating the organoleptic, physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of the raw material, it is converted into cocoa powder. The content of this component is about 7.4%.

Skimmed milk and whey

For the production of Nutella, Ferrero claims milk powder and whey are subject to much more control than is required by law. Monitoring of the organoleptic properties of raw milk takes place at several levels (at the supplier, at the enterprise at the time of delivery, in the central quality control units) using the most modern methods. The share of milk is 6.6%.

Soy lecithin

Lecithin is used in Nutella as an emulsifier. It is obtained from non-GMO soybeans native to Brazil, India and Italy. Lecithin provides a unique texture to the paste. Its content in the delicacy is minimal.


The composition of Nutella includes a flavor that is identical to the natural vanillin molecule. The production of vanilla pods is not enough to meet the growing global demand for this flavor. In this connection, the confectionery industry resorts to the synthesis of a spicy substance. A 400 g can of pasta contains about 0.08 g of vanillin. Its amount is minimal, but enough to create the taste and smell of a classic pasta and add the final touch.

Like many large companies making popular products, Ferrero keeps the exact recipe for Nutella a closely guarded secret. But in terms of the composition of the pasta, it can more likely be attributed to spreads than to chocolate creams.

In the confectionery industry, there are many competitors to Nutella, both within Italy and abroad. Among the most famous analogues of the Italian delicacy are:

  • Merenda in Greece;
  • Nusspli and Nudossi in Germany;
  • Alpella in Turkey;
  • Choconutta and Hazella in Canada;
  • Biscochoc in New Caledonia (France). The island was generally banned from importing Italian nutella to protect the sale of its product.
  • Nocilla in Spain and Portugal.

Until now, none of them has managed to surpass the well-known pasta in popularity. And all over the world, only Nutella is associated with the aroma of chocolate and nuts.

Calorie content

To say that Nutella is quite a nutritious delicacy is to say nothing. Its calorie content per 100 g is as much as 546 kcal, which are the sum of:

  • Proteins 6 g;
  • Fat 31.6 g;
  • Carbohydrates 57.3 g.

Those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, high sugar or cholesterol levels, who exercise little during the day should not eat the famous delicacy at all.


No matter how much you would like to put an open jar of Nutella in the refrigerator, you should not do this, because:

  1. The large amount of sugar in the product acts as a preservative, preventing the growth of microorganisms.
  2. Fats from nuts become very viscous when cooled and the paste loses its creamy consistency.
  3. Most of the fats in palm oil are saturated and deteriorate when the temperature drops, and the product goes rancid.

Thus, open nutella can be stored at room temperature in a cabinet until the expiration date.

Home recipe

Perhaps we will be challenged by the producers of Nutella, but we can confidently say that homemade chocolate spread is much healthier than purchased one.

The homemade nutella recipe is quite simple. The finished product will not have such a bright aroma, but its taste will make a very pleasant impression. To prepare 450 g of pasta you will need:

  • Dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Butter - 80 ml;
  • Hazelnuts - 80 g;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • A pinch of vanillin.

To begin with, grind the sugar with toasted hazelnuts in a blender. It is preferable to grind the ingredients into a powder, but if you like the feel of the nut pieces, then you do not need to grind all the way.

Melt butter and chocolate in a saucepan over low heat, add milk. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, add the sugar-nut powder and mix again. Cook for 6-8 minutes without boiling.

Pour homemade nutella into a jar, close the lid and let cool. Unlike a purchased product, homemade pasta must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks. The delicacy is used as an addition to cookies, bread and fruits. It is also used as a cream for cakes and pastries, as well as a filling in pancakes.


It will not be difficult to acquire Nutella in any civilized country in the world. In the homeland of pasta, its price is about 18 Euros for 3 kg. In Russia, the same 3 kg can be bought for 1800-1900 rubles. The most purchased package of 350 g will cost you 300 rubles.

On this, all the secrets of the famous pasta are revealed. You ask: "What is her secret?" It is that there are no secrets. For the most part, people eat what suits their taste, regardless of the pros and cons of the food. Live courageously, experiment sensibly, travel smoothly and remember what Vladimir Mayakovsky would say: “Eat Nutella while you are young and live on the run. When you get old and sit in a chair - by all means give it back to the enemy! "


Heading #ReadLabels today will pamper us with something sweet. Namely - Nutella chocolate spread. The idea to disassemble its composition came to my mind after the following story:

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The set of data when submitting the form is not sufficient to identify a citizen, and thus cannot violate the laws of the Russian Federation in the field of receiving and processing personal data of citizens. But for everyone

The child of my friend at one time suffered from all sorts of rashes and rashes. And mom, i.e. my friend, in order to brighten up the life of her child, bought him all sorts of sweets, usually based on chocolate. Once in front of my eyes, she took out the Nutella paste from the bag and handed it to the child: "Bunny, look what I brought you." To which the child, with all his childlike spontaneity, replied “Mom! How do you not understand ?! All these sweets make me itch even more! "

The topic of allergies and childhood immunity is beyond the scope of my blog, but it became interesting to explore the chocolate paste label. Is she really chocolate? And is it necessary to refuse it categorically or "sometimes, if you really want to, then you can"?

And before we start our research on the label, let's decide: we do not expect any extra benefits from Nutella paste, as one might expect, for example,. Just wondering what is there in this jar.

In general, there is nothing wrong with this component. But imagine the process: we take nuts, grind them into a paste. Add cocoa and sugar there, as well as a little butter. If we imagine this mass, then there is no special need to add lecithins there - substances of the fat class, which should help to preserve the compounds of fats and water. The consistency of the nut mass is in itself quite suitable for spreading on it. And the composition is quite enriched with fats.

In my opinion, lecithins are present here solely in order to give an attractive presentation to the product. So that you open the jar, and there the beauty is uniformly mixed. In other words, a marketing move, moreover, it is economically very inexpensive and is not prohibited anywhere.

The question is, are we willing to eat extra soy fats at the price of a hazelnut for the sake of marketing? Does our body really need it?

  • Flavoring

It is very incomprehensibly written. It can be vanillin, nut flavor, or creamy flavor. I don't like it when there is no precision in the indication of ingredients.

However, I have a negative attitude to any products with industrial flavors. I used to trust my feelings, and the flavors prevent me from listening to them. I talked about this in more detail in this article.

Nutritional and energy value

And now we come to the final moment. We look at the composition of proteins-fats-carbohydrates. Per 100 g of product:

  • proteins 6 g
  • fat 31.6 g
  • carbohydrates 57.6 g
  • Energy value 546 kcal

For comparison, let's take a look at hazelnuts, because our pasta is nutty:

  • proteins 15 g
  • fat 61.5 g
  • carbohydrates 9.4 g
  • Caloric content 651 kcal

The first thing that catches my eye is a significant reduction in calories in the finished pasta compared to nuts. Do you know what this is connected with? The calorie content of sugar is 399 kcal, i.e. almost one and a half times less than nuts. This means that the proportions of sugar and nuts in this case are not in favor of nuts. Those. a lot of sugar, a lot.

* Well, I say - we get sugar paste.

Further, we see that the amount of fat in the paste is almost two times less than in the nuts. This means that there are really few nuts. Let's not forget that unnamed vegetable fat also gives us fat (second place on the label). This means that there are definitely fewer nuts than half of this can.

In terms of the calorie content of the product, the layout of proteins-fats-carbohydrates in relation to the paste itself, I will refrain from commenting. At the very beginning, we determined that this is a confectionery, and it would be difficult to expect any special dieteticity.

To summarize:

1) Nutella, despite its pronounced chocolate flavor, is a nut butter.
2) But the nuts in it are about half of the volume or even less.
3) The product initially contains high-calorie components. The situation is aggravated by the fact that most of them are refined and have a high glycemic index. The same nuts in their pure form and in the same volume will do less harm.
4) The presence of the words "fat-free" on the label means a class of products - components for confectionery production, and does not mean special dietary properties of the paste.

Well, the main conclusion that I would make for a family meal: it is more profitable to buy pure nuts and mix them with natural honey. Who wants to - grind the nuts in a blender to make a paste, and add cocoa powder + a little butter to give a light creamy taste.