Home / Recipes / How to separate cake from juice. Moonshine from apple or grape pomace (pomace)

How to separate cake from juice. Moonshine from apple or grape pomace (pomace)

When apples and grapes are processed for juice or wine, pomace remains, which are thrown away or given to livestock feed. For lovers of strong homemade alcohol, I propose to do differently - to make moonshine from oil cake according to simple recipe... The ingredient list depends on your understanding of the correct fruit mash. You will get a drink with a characteristic aroma of raw materials, since we will use one trick in the preparation process.


  • pomace (apple or grape) - 10 kg;
  • water - 15 liters and another 4 liters for each kilogram of sugar;
  • sugar (optional) - 2-5 kg;
  • yeast (optional) - 100 grams dry or 500 grams pressed.

Real moonshine from cake is prepared without yeast and sugar, but in the northern regions this is not always possible. In the case of sour grapes (apples), fermentation will be sluggish, and the yield of the finished product is very low, since there is often little fructose left in the pomace. Therefore, I advise you to stick to the golden mean - after all, add at least a couple of kilograms of sugar. Then the moonshine will retain the smell of raw materials, and the yield will be sufficient. 1 kg of sugar additionally gives 1.1-1.2 liters of moonshine (40%), but slightly negates the organoleptic properties.

Lack of wild and wine yeast in that they ferment many times longer than alcohol and bakery. If you are ready to wait 30-50 days instead of 7-10, then there is no point in artificial yeast (dry and pressed bakery or alcohol), since these strains slightly worsen the smell of the distillate. Next, we will look at a universal technology that is suitable in both cases.

Attention! For those who decide to make mash without sugar, I advise you not to squeeze the cake dry, leaving a little juice to increase the concentration of fructose.

Pomace mash recipe

1. Place the pomace in a fermentation vessel.

2. Cover with warm (25-30 ° C) water, stir. At least 10-15% of the volume of the container should be left free so that there is room for foam and carbon dioxide.

3. Add yeast and (or) sugar diluted according to the instructions on the label, then stir again (lovers of natural fruit moonshine skip this step).

4. Place a water seal or a rubber medical glove with a small hole in the finger on the fermentation container.

5. Transfer the mash to a dark, warm (18-28 ° C) place. Once every 1-2 days, open the container and mix the contents so that pieces of pomace do not accumulate near the surface. When the cake stops floating, it is not necessary to mix.

Depending on the selected yeast (wild or artificial), sugar content and temperature, fermentation of the mash on the cake lasts from 7 to 50 days. To get a good exit, you must definitely wait until the end of this process (the mash will taste bitter without sweetness, the airlock will stop emitting gas or the glove will deflate).

6. Recovered mash contains solid particles that can burn during distillation, spoiling the taste of moonshine. This problem can be solved in two ways. The first is to drain the mash from the sediment before distillation. The disadvantage of this method is that part of the aroma of the raw material is lost.

The second way is to filter the mash through 3-4 layers of gauze, and hang the squeezed cake (or only part of it) in alembic... The problem is that this is not possible with all designs of moonshine stills. But if your device allows you to implement such a trick, I advise you to use the second method.

Getting moonshine from cake

7. Distill the filtered mash in the traditional way. Take the distillate until the strength in the stream falls below 25%.

8. Measure the strength of the obtained moonshine. Determine the amount of pure alcohol (multiply the volume by the strength and divide by 100).

9. Dilute the distillate with water to 20%, then distill again. The first 10-15% of the amount of pure alcohol (as long as the unpleasant odor persists) should be taken into a separate container. This is a harmful fraction called "heads" and can only be used for technical purposes.

Usually when making various supplies for the winter, for example, apple juice, there is a significant amount of pomace from the peel of this fruit.

Many throw them away, and if a person lives in the countryside, they feed them to livestock.

In order not to lose valuable vitamins that are in apple pomace, you can try to make moonshine at home from apple cake... How to get the alcoholic beverage from the pomace of the fruit, it will be interesting to know for many lovers of homemade alcohol.

Methods of using apple pomace to obtain alcohol

There are 2 ways to get an alcoholic beverage from the fruit rind:

  • use wild yeast that is in the product itself;
  • use alcohol or baker's yeast and sugar.

In the first case, the duration of fermentation will be longer, since natural yeast breaks down glucose and releases alcohol for 30-60 days.

Earlier than the indicated dates, it is impossible to get home brew, and then moonshine.

But alcohol comes out in this case environmentally friendly. To use this method, you need to know that the pomace must contain a certain amount of water, that is, it must not be dry. The apples themselves should be of sweet varieties, high in fructose. If the fruits are sour, then sugar is indispensable, since the fermentation will take a long time, and the yield of the finished moonshine will be very low.

Sour apples will have to add more sugar.

When using baker's yeast and granulated sugar, and this technology is used most often by moonshiners, the fermentation process takes place for 7 - 12 days. This method allows you to process apple peels with any acidity into alcohol.

With the above ingredients, the alcohol yield is much higher than with wild yeast. The aroma and taste of apples are fully preserved in the drink.

The choice of this or that method of making moonshine at home depends on the capabilities of the manufacturer, the availability of the required amount of the original product (pomace).

How to cook apple cake mash with yeast and sugar?

To start the production of moonshine using apple pomace, you must have the following ingredients:

  1. Apple pomace - 9 - 10 kg. It is better to use sweet varieties, but you can also use fruits with any acidity. Just a little more granulated sugar.
  2. Spring water or from an artesian well - 30 - 35 liters. As a last resort, you can use tap liquid.
  3. Sugar sand - 5 - 6 kg.
  4. Dry yeast - 100 g. If the moonshiner has pressed yeast instead of them, then you need to take 400 - 500 g of the product.

The existing apple cake must be placed in a container of the appropriate volume. The water is heated to a temperature of + 35 ... + 40 ° C, and then poured into a vessel with pomace. All must be mixed thoroughly. It is recommended to provide 15 - 20% of the free volume in the vessel for the appearance of foam and carbon dioxide during fermentation.

Make sure that there is room in the pan for the increase in the volume of liquid

Dilute yeast in warm water, wait until it starts to rise. After that, they are poured into a vessel with pomace. Pour sugar into the same container. Mix the mass thoroughly again. A rubber glove with small holes on the fingers or a water seal is placed on the container. This is necessary to control the fermentation process. The vessel is transferred to a warm place where the rays of the sun cannot penetrate.

It is necessary to open the lid every other day and stir the solution, since a lot of carbon dioxide is formed from the cake, which cannot come out due to the appearance of a thick foam "cap".

The fermentation process usually ends after 10 days. After that, the resulting mash is drained from the remainder. Strain the alcoholic liquid. Otherwise, the pieces of cake that got into the moonshine will burn. This will greatly spoil the taste of the moonshine. But any type of filtration leads to a loss of fruity taste and aroma.For more information about the preparation of the drink, see this video:

If the moonshiner wants to save it, then the mash must be filtered through 3 - 4 layers of gauze. The resulting squeezed cake is placed in a bag made of gauze, and then suspended in a distillation cube. moonshine still if there is room for it.

Preparation of an alcoholic beverage

Braga is distilled for the first time. The resulting alcoholic liquid is separated into fractions. The head and tail are separated. The moonshine is filtered, and then distilled a second time, again the head fraction is removed. It is filtered again and then diluted with water until an alcohol of 40% by volume is obtained.

Under the influence of vapors, the cake suspended in gauze releases substances that give the alcohol an apple flavor.

The output of moonshine is from 6.5 to 8.5 liters. The strength of the drink can range from 38 to 45% vol. Moonshine tastes like apple flavor. Its qualities are significantly improved if the drink is aged for 4 days. After that, it can be consumed.

Apple moonshine will have a pleasant fruity aroma

In the event that a moonshiner wants to make a drink without using third-party ingredients, then pressed or dry yeast fungi are removed from the recipe given above, and the amount of sugar is increased to 6 kg.

If apple cake is squeezed out of fruits with a high fructose content, then in some cases it is possible to reduce the volume of granulated sugar to 3-4 kg.

Some moonshiners manage not to use sugar at all, but then the apples must be very sweet. In this case, fermentation will be delayed for 1 - 2 weeks.

The process of making mash, and then moonshine, follows the specified recipe. Only yeast is not added to the fermentation vessel. The process takes a long time - up to 70 days. At the exit, after the second distillation, there will be from 2.5 to 3 liters of alcohol.

This year there is a huge harvest of fruits, apples too. Many people make juice using modern juicers, but few know that the leftover apples after pressing, the so-called cake, also have many uses.

Apple cake made from pomace

  • apple cake - 1 kg
  • sugar - 800 g
  • water - 1 glass

Pour the apple cake with water. Cook for about 5 minutes. Pour sugar, stir and cook, stirring constantly, on small fire until thickened. Then cool, put in jars, close with sealed lids and store in a cool place. Apple jam from the cake is ready!


The finished marshmallow looks like this (it is ready-made, cut in portions into strips and "woven" for beauty):

The recipe itself is outrageously simple. We take our cake, pour it into an enamel pan, add 2-3 tablespoons of water there and evaporate for 5-10 minutes. After that, we spread it on a baking sheet, having previously spread the parchment there. Layer " apple dough"should not be too thin, but not thick. After that we put the baking sheet in the oven for" baking "somewhere at 100 degrees and with the door ajar. As a result, in 15-25 minutes you will get a very tasty mass, suitable for dessert. Thanks the fact that we do not use any additives (including sugar), the dessert turns out to be low-calorie and healthy! :)

Cake pie

Beat the sugar and eggs into a cool fluffy foam. Add vegetable oil. Continuing to stir, add a little flour. Put baking powder in the flour first. At the end, put the cake, add nuts and raisins. Line the baking dish with special paper, grease butter and pour the dough into it. Bake at 180-200 degrees for 40 minutes.
The pie is ready if the dry wooden stick stuck in it remains clean.
You do not need to immediately remove the cake from the mold, let it cool down a little, otherwise it may settle. Optionally, the cake can be cut into two pieces and smeared with jam or sour cream.

Preparation homemade moonshine possible from almost any raw material in which there is a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, broken down by yeast. Most delicious drinks are obtained using fruits and berries. But there are also cases when you want to save money and use some of the products for juice, and some for moonshine. It is for such distillers that there is a recipe for how to make moonshine from apple cake.

Before you start cooking, you need to understand that cake and pulp are different things. Oilcake, also known as squeezing, is a product obtained from apples after processing by a press. There is practically no juice in the cake, but it contains a large number of pectin. A very small amount of pulp, apple peel, and partitions between the seeds act as a cake. Pulp is already a product that is obtained after fermentation, that is, it is a fermented cake.

Apple cake

The cake contains a large amount of sugar, but if you rely only on the natural sugar content of the malt, then the mash can take a very long time to cook.

The drink will ferment for up to a month, because in addition to the insufficient amount of sugar, apple cake has a high acidity. Therefore, to speed up the process, you need to add yeast and a small amount of sugar to the mash. This rule applies to other fruit brews, except for grape. And the addition of yeast will lead to obtaining more alcohol than just fermentation on cake. At the same time, the aroma of the product will not deteriorate and will not disappear, the drink will have a pronounced taste of apples.

About the features of the mash from the squeeze

Those who cook mash on apple cake need to know one more nuance. The fact is that pulp is formed from the cake during the fermentation process. This is a substance that is capable of releasing methyl alcohol. Methanol is a dangerous substance that can lead to loss of vision or death. This is the so-called technical alcohol.

It is impossible to stop the production of methanol during the fermentation process. It is possible to distill the drink more thoroughly only after the end of fermentation. To get rid of methanol, you need to carry out the following procedures:

  • Mash filtration. The pulp is disposed of in such a way as mechanical, coarse filtration. Colanders, sieves, and gauze are used. You can filter the drink several times before pouring it into the cube.
  • Make sure that the mash does not burn in the device.
  • Separate the "heads" during the first and second distillation.

The presence of a small amount of methanol is not scary, as it forms ethanol (regular alcohol), which is an antidote. If the mash has been standing for a long time, then there are more chances that pectins are formed in it, and, accordingly, methanol. Therefore, the tremors must be added for safety reasons. The amount of methanol can reach 3% of the drink and lead to intoxication of the body.

It is better not to reuse the pulp. What has fermented should be fed to pets or poured into a drain pit. First, the amount of alcohol from the pulp will be very small, up to two liters. And secondly, the process is laborious, and more methanol will be produced during this time. Therefore, it is advisable to use fresh apple cake once.

Another feature of apple cake mash is that such drinks are susceptible to mold. Before the apples are selected for the juicing procedure, you need to make sure that there are no moldy fruits. During fermentation, they infect the mash and form a mold film on the surface, which spoils the drink.

Mash recipe

Apple juice is used as a standalone drink or for making cider or calvados. But unused cake can be turned into home brew, and later into moonshine. The proportions for the recipe look like this:

  • 10 kilograms of apple cake;
  • 30-35 liters of water (if the moisture content of the pomace is high, you must take the lower limit of the proportion);
  • 5 kilograms of sugar;
  • dry yeast - 100 grams, you need more pressed yeast.

The sugar content of the mash at the start should be brought to 20%. If all the sugar is not processed, you can add water or yeast.

Step-by-step cooking:

  • The water temperature should be 25-30 degrees Celsius. Water must be mixed with cake.
  • When falling asleep, you need to wait until it dissolves; for this, the solution can be stirred.
  • Yeast can be pre-activated. To do this, put them in a glass of warm water and wait for the foam to appear on the surface. After the appearance of foam, the yeast is poured into a common container. The volume of liquid in the fermentation container should not exceed 70%. If you pour more liquid, it will "escape" during fermentation due to the active formation of foam.
  • The wort is ready, it is closed with a water seal to ensure tightness. Can be covered with a signal glove. The bottle is removed in a warm and dark place. Once a day, you need to check the wort for fermentation activity, see if a film forms on the surface. Once a day, the mash is stirred so that fermentation takes place evenly.
  • You can taste the drink for about 5-7 days. If it is not sweet, but bitter-sour, and the foam has ceased to form, then the mash is ready for distillation. The readiness of the drink can also be checked with an alcohol meter, the strength should be about 9-12%.

After the mash has matured, it is removed from the sediment, filtered, filtered from the pulp. Then the drink is left for another half day to remove the yeast from the sediment. Braga from cake should not be clarified with bentonite, since it will disappear apple flavor by the moonshine.

Distillation of mash from cake

Distillation should take place in a still using the traditional method. The first distillation can be carried out only with the selection of "heads". But the second distillation is done on a fractional basis, with the measurement of the strength of the jet.

Before the second distillation, the distillate should be diluted with water to 20%. The first 10-15% of the amount of pure alcohol (until the unpleasant smell remains) must be separated into another container. The “heads” that come out at the beginning are used only on the farm for technical needs.

The "body" is taken before the drop in the strength in the stream below 45%, sometimes below 40%, which is applicable for fruit mash. After that, the distillation is completed and the "tails" are collected separately. The middle fraction is diluted with water to 45%, poured into bottles and sealed. After two days of settling, you can taste the finished product. After distillation according to the recipe, up to 8 liters of moonshine with a strength of 40% is obtained.

Braga from cake allows you to save raw materials and get tasty product... The drink will taste like apples. The cooking process is more laborious compared to ordinary sugar mash, but the result is worth the expectations and the energy expended.

Carrot juice is delicious and healthy drink, which, for sure, you have not only ever tried, but also cooked yourself at home. Packaged juice (even in glass jars, which is considered more useful and of high quality), cannot be compared with freshly squeezed juice - fresh. Especially with what is cooked with your own hands, with love!

Most likely, having prepared juice for the first time at home, you were surprised by the amount of cake that remains after juicing. But the cake has a large amount of fiber, which just a hand does not rise to throw away!

What to cook from carrot cake (or other vegetable or fruit cake) is a question that interested not only you. There are many recipes on the network various dishes from salads and appetizers to complete main courses: vegan cutlets, soups, burgers, pies, muffins, pâtés and even sushi! It turned out that the carrot cake does not need to be thrown away; from it, like from whole carrots, you can prepare a considerable amount of healthy, and at the same time delicious, dishes. Let's get to know them.

Guacamole with carrot cake, herbs and avocado

Guacamole is a thick sauce or pasta that is originally prepared from the pulp of a ripe avocado with lime or lemon juice, salt and red hot pepper. Often tomato pulp, onion, garlic, parsley, cilantro are added to guacamole, Bell pepper, spices.

The recipe for our guacamole is somewhat different from the original. We need:

  • 1/2 bunch fresh cilantro (or parsley)
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 tbsp. l. carrot cake
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice or to taste
  • salt, black pepper

Finely chop the greens. Purée the avocado (with a fork or blender). Mix herbs with carrot cake, avocado, lemon juice and salt. To stir thoroughly. Can be sent back to the blender to give the guacamole a smooth, smooth texture.

Serve with croutons, flatbreads, tortillas, vegan burgers, and fresh vegetables... Guacamole is a great pasta dressing.

Carrot cake cutlets

To cook carrot cutlets as easy as juicing carrots! Vegetable cake (you can mix carrots, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, etc.) should be mixed with mashed potatoes and spices. Then form cutlets and fry on vegetable oil to a golden crust.

In the recipe, potatoes replace eggs - they serve to hold the rest of the ingredients together.

You can serve pomace cutlets to any vegetable side dish, cereals or pasta.

Carrot cake sushi

All ingenious is simple. How to replace rice in sushi and rolls to make a raw food dish? Of course, carrot cake! Nori seaweed, carrot, cucumber, avocado, pickled hot peppers, Little soy sauce(raw) and wasabi are all you need to enjoy the delicious live rolls.

Dietary, low-calorie, flavorful and tasty soup from carrot cake. By analogy, you can make pumpkin soup.

We need:

  • 2 tbsp. vegetable pomace
  • 2 tbsp. coconut milk(almond can be used)
  • 0.5 tsp fresh grated ginger
  • 1 tsp curry spices
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • salt pepper

Pour the cake into 1 tbsp. coconut milk, add a clove of finely chopped garlic, curry. Salt. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. When the cake is boiled and becomes tender and soft in taste, pour in the 2nd glass of milk, add ginger, ground pepper and bring to a boil. As soon as the carrot soup starts to boil, turn off the stove.

The soup will turn out to be spicy, spicy, with a smoked flavor thanks to fresh ginger.

Carrot cake gingerbread muffins

It makes no difference whether you use fresh grated carrots or use the cake left over from the juice. In any case - muffins or vegan will turn out to be incomparable!

Free from eggs, yeast, milk and other animal products. The eggs are replaced with ground flax seeds.

From spices - ginger, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, which gives lean muffins incredible aroma and taste. The recipe is autumnal, hearty and warming.

Carrot cake pie

A similar recipe is. There are some differences in ingredients and cooking techniques. Carrot cake cooked without eggs, fully vegan diet.

From spices - cinnamon. The addition to the pie is walnuts.

Compared to carrot muffins, pie is a cheaper and easier vegetarian baked option.

Raw meal cake crackers

To make crackers, you will definitely need a dehydrator (dryer for vegetables and fruits) or the summer sun. As in muffins, ground flax seeds are used to hold the live dough together. Thanks to flax, the dough will have a dense texture, it will easily roll out on the table surface.

Flax seeds are optional. can be molded from carrot cake with herbs and spices by adding a little water. However, when dried, the crispbread may crack slightly and appear less appetizing.

By the way, you can serve such crackers with guacamole with avocado and the same carrot cake!

Carrot cake jam with lemon

  • 500 gr. carrot cake
  • 500 gr. Sahara
  • 1 lemon, finely chopped
  • 1/3 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp ground cloves

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, cook on a "low" heat. Jam stir constantly. After 15-20 minutes. the carrots will be boiled and soaked in the aroma of spices and lemon.

And after another 10 minutes. the jam can be removed from the stove and poured into pasteurized glass jars.

If you have your own cooking options vegetarian meals from carrot cake - send by mail or write in the comments.

Bon Appetit!