Home / Buns / Foods with a lot of dietary fiber. What is fiber, what is it for, how is it good for health? What products contain

Foods with a lot of dietary fiber. What is fiber, what is it for, how is it good for health? What products contain

Fiber is a type of complex carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the enzymes of the human stomach, but is beneficial for the intestinal microflora and general functions of the digestive system. The main foods rich in fiber are primarily the stems and grains of plants - in fact, it is fiber (or "dietary fiber") that forms their dense structure.

Despite the fact that fiber is hardly absorbed by the body, it plays a critical role in digestion, allowing food to move mechanically through the gastrointestinal tract (1). In addition, it helps regulate and balance blood sugar levels, thus influencing hunger and satiety, ultimately helping to lose weight.

It must be remembered that you cannot blindly trust the tables of fiber content in foods found on the Internet - many of them have gross errors. For example, such tables often put grapefruit in first place in terms of maximum content. dietary fiber, strangely implying that it is eaten with the peel.

The role is also played by the fact that the fiber content in plants varies quite significantly depending on the variety and method of cultivation, and in finished food products (for example, whole grain bread or pasta) - from specific production technologies. That is why it is better to focus on general logic than on a specific figure.

Fiber-rich foods table:

Fiber-rich foods

As can be seen from the table, the foods richest in fiber are bran (in fact, it is a hard grain shell), flaxseed and whole grains (for example, barley, buckwheat and oats) - they contain up to 10-15 g of fiber per 100 g dry product. In addition, all types of legumes (including lentils and peas) are high in fiber.

We also note that the fiber contained in oatmeal- beta-glucan - especially useful for the body. Scientific studies show that regular consumption of beta-glucan in food not only normalizes the feeling of hunger and satiety, but also reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. That's why .

Daily allowance for fiber in the diet

Daily rate fiber intake for children and adults is 20-30 g (1). Athletes need up to 40 grams of fiber per day due to more high calorie content nutrition and, accordingly, an increased amount of food consumed (2). Unfortunately, the diet of a typical city dweller contains at least half the fiber.

The reasons for this are commonplace - love for potatoes, bread, sweet pastries, desserts, semi-finished products and products fast food, poor not only dietary fiber, but also vitamins and minerals. However, let us remind you once again that you need to replenish the daily intake of fiber not by taking pharmacy supplements in tablets, but by using fresh vegetables and various cereals.

Why is a lack of fiber dangerous?

A chronic lack of fiber in the diet provokes numerous metabolic disorders - starting with an increase in glucose levels and the associated constant feeling of hunger, overeating and gaining excess weight, ending with constipation. However, it must be understood that a lack of fiber is primarily a consequence of a complex nutritional disorder.

Since fiber is found in common vegetables and cereals, there is absolutely no need to look for fiber-rich recipes, buy drugstore supplements, or buy expensive “fiber-fortified” foods. It is enough just to include natural vegetables in your daily diet, while minimizing (sugar, white flour products).

Fiber for constipation

If you practically do not eat vegetables and cereals, and you see fruits only in the form of desserts covered with sugar, be sure that you will have problems with digestion (primarily constipation), obesity, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. At the same time, a healthy diet always starts with natural food, and not with taking vitamins in tablets.

Pharmacy dietary supplements with fiber, as well as various sports supplements containing dietary fiber, are significantly inferior to conventional plant products in terms of cost. In fact, a jar weighing 150-200 g contains the amount of fiber for only a few days - however, a pack will be much cheaper and more effective for normalizing health and digestion.

Slimming fiber

FitSeven already wrote that fast carbohydrates (like sugar) cause a sharp increase in blood glucose levels - this forces the body to produce large doses of insulin for. At the same time, the presence of fiber in the stomach slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood, which has a positive effect on the normalization of insulin levels.

Speaking simple language The more fiber you eat, the fewer calories are stored as fat. In addition, dietary fiber physically fills the intestines, causing it to block hunger and send a satiety signal to the brain, which prevents overeating. However, this does not mean that taking fiber pills will help you lose weight.


Fiber is an important component of a healthy diet that can help you feel hungry and lower your glucose levels. At the same time, fiber is not a panacea for weight loss, and pharmaceutical dietary supplements and sports supplements are inferior to natural sources of dietary fiber (vegetables and cereals) both in price and in ease of use.

Scientific sources:

To perform various functions, our body needs nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, along with them, fiber is equally important for the body. Each of these nutrients is essential for the proper functioning of various internal organs.

In the process of healthy digestion, contributing to the rapid elimination of waste from the body. A diet low in fiber can lead to constipation and other digestive problems. Therefore, it is imperative to include fiber in your daily diet. Removing waste and toxins from the body helps to improve skin color. In addition, a diet high in fiber lowers the risk of hemorrhoids, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar, helps maintain a healthy weight, and lowers the risk of colon cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Sources of fiber (dietary fiber) are fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits top the list of the best high fiber foods.

GlavRecept.Ru presents list of foods containing fiber, with which you can easily increase the fiber content in your daily diet. Information on fiber (dietary fiber) content can be found on the label of most packaged food products.

Fiber content in food
Name Quantity Fiber (in grams)
Apples with skin 1 average 5,0
Apricot 3 medium 0,98
Apricots, dried 5 parts 2,89
Banana 1 medium 3,92
Blueberry 1 cup 4,18
Cantaloupe, cubes 1 cup 1,28
Dried dates 2 medium 3,74
Grapefruit 1/2 medium 6,12
Orange 1 medium 3,4
Peach 1 medium 2,0
Peaches, dried 3 parts 3,18
Pear 1 medium 5,08
Plum 1 medium 1,0
Raisin 1.5 oz 1,6
Raspberries 1 cup 8,34
Strawberry 1 cup 3,98
Avocado (fruit) 1 medium 11,84
Beetroot, cooked 1 cup 2,85
Beet leaves 1 cup 4,2
Bok choy, cooked 1 cup 2,76
Broccoli, cooked 1 cup 4,5
Brussels sprouts 1 cup 2,84
Cabbage, cooked 1 cup 4,2
Carrot 1 medium 2,0
Carrots, cooked 1 cup 5,22
Cauliflower, cooked 1 cup 3,43
Slaw 1 cup 4,0
Sweet corn 1 cup 4,66
Green bean 1 cup 3,95
Celery 1 stem 1,02
Collard greens, cooked 1 cup 7,2
Fresh onion 1 cup 2,88
Peas, cooked 1 cup 8,84
Bell pepper 1 cup 2,62
Popcorn 3 cups 3,6
Jacket baked potatoes 1 medium 4,8
Spinach, cooked 1 cup 4,32
Common pumpkin, cooked 1 cup 2,52
Sweet potato, boiled 1 cup 5,94
Chard cooked 1 cup 3,68
A tomato 1 medium 1,0
Large-fruited table pumpkin, cooked 1 cup 5,74
Zucchini, cooked 1 cup 2,63
Cereals, grains, pasta
Bran bread 1 cup 19,94
Whole wheat bread 1 slice 2,0
Oats 1 cup 12,0
Whole grain pasta 1 cup 6,34
Cinnamon rice 1 cup 7,98
Legumes, nuts, seeds
Almond 1 oz (28.35 g) 4,22
Black beans, cooked 1 cup 14,92
Cashew nuts 1 oz (28.35 g) 1,0
Flax seeds 3 spoons 6,97
Chickpea fruits (beans), cooked 1 cup 5,8
Beans, cooked 1 cup 13,33
Lentils, cooked 1 cup 15,64
Lima beans, cooked 1 cup 13,16
Peanut 1 oz (28.35 g) 2,3
Pistachios 1 oz (28.35 g) 3,1
Pumpkin seeds 1/4 cup 4,12
Soybeans, cooked 1 cup 7,62
Seeds 1/4 cup 3,0
Walnuts 1 oz (28.35 g) 3,1

Download Fiber Table for Food

You can download a list of fiber-rich foods to your computer in various formats:

  • in MS Excel format, 58.0Kb;
  • in PDF format, 160.4Kb;

The table in these files, for ease of printing and subsequent use, is placed on one page of an A4 sheet.

Be sure to print or bookmark this table of fiber in foods. Knowing these foods will help you choose healthy foods to maintain a healthy weight as well as normal cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Fiber in the 70s-80s of the last century in scientific works was often called because it does not carry energy value for the body. However, later it was found that dietary fiber (another name for fiber) has a specific effect on intestinal function: improve motility, promote the elimination of toxins, and so on. Today, a list of fiber-rich foods is always close at hand for those seeking to lead healthy image life.

Useful ballast

Dietary fiber is that part of the food that is not digested by the secretions of the human gastrointestinal tract. This property makes them practically useless in terms of replenishing the body's energy reserves. At the same time, thanks to him (the table is given below), they are able to stimulate the activity of the intestines. The beneficial properties of dietary fiber also include:

    stimulation of bile secretion;

    elimination of excess cholesterol;

    cleansing the body of toxins;

    creating a sense of satiety.

Disease Assistant

One of the most common diseases of the digestive system today is constipation. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of this ailment, and he, in turn, provokes other unpleasant ailments. The inclusion of foods high in fiber in the diet - good way prevention, and sometimes treatment (there are diseases in which fiber, on the contrary, is contraindicated).

Dietary fiber is necessarily included in the diet of people suffering from diabetes mellitus... Fiber reduces the need for injected insulin by increasing the resistance (sensitivity) of cells to this substance. Dietary fiber regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels, thereby lowering their levels. The latter property makes them faithful helpers in the fight against excess weight.

In addition, fiber helps reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids and gallstone disease. Recently, gastroenterologists are increasingly talking about the undeniable benefits of dietary fiber in the fight against colon cancer.

Two types of fiber

Dietary fiber is divided into soluble and insoluble. Their effect on the body is somewhat different. Soluble, or "soft" fibers include:

  • dextran;

Fiber of this type removes harmful substances from the body, promotes the healing of the intestinal mucosa and reduces putrefactive processes. Insoluble dietary fiber improves the motility of the digestive tract, removes cholesterol, and enhances the secretion of bile. These include:



List of foods rich in fiber

Plant food is rich in ballast substances. The fiber content of fresh fruit skins is much higher than that of the pulp. This rule also applies to cereals: Whole grains contain several times more dietary fiber than industrially processed foods. Dried fruits are also useful for digestion: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apricots. Vegetables rich in fiber include white cabbage, beets, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes. A variety of nuts, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, mushrooms and berries can also be used as a source of dietary fiber.

Today, you can find any fiber-rich foods on store shelves (a table showing the amount of dietary fiber per 100 grams of product is shown below). Bran is one of the favorites for this parameter. In terms of the amount of fiber, they are significantly superior to many other foods.

List of foods rich in fiber
Products Products Fiber content (g / 100 g)
Cereal products


Brown rice5 Boiled peas5
White rice1 Green beans16
Wholemeal flour9 Split peas23
Bran40 Lentils12
Dried fruits, nuts Beans25
Coconut24 Vegetables and greens
Almond14 White cabbage2
Fig18 Carrot2,4
Dried apricots18 Parsley, dill, salad2
Dried apples14,9 Radish3
Raisin7 Fried mushrooms6,8
Dates9 Boiled beets3
Peanut8 Tomatoes1,4
Fruits, berries
Apples with peel3 Oranges2,2
Kiwi3,8 Apricots2,1
Pears with peels3 Black currant4,8
Peaches2 Raspberries8

Daily requirement

Experts point out that a person needs to consume 25-40 g of fiber every day. The daily rate varies depending on the age of the person and the state of his body. The recommended amount for women is 25 g per day, for men - 40 g. After 50 years, gastroenterologists advise to reduce the amount of fiber consumed, since the elderly often have a decrease in intestinal motor function.

Specialist consultation required

Today, fiber can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of special preparations containing soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. They allow you to quickly replenish the body's need for ballast substances. However, after learning about the benefits of dietary fiber, do not immediately run to the store. Specialty preparations, as well as fiber-rich fruits, grains and vegetables, can be beneficial as well as harmful. Therefore, gastroenterologists and nutritionists recommend gradually introducing dishes with ingredients containing a large amount of dietary fiber into the diet.

There are a number of diseases in which the list of foods rich in fiber is a list of contraindications. These include:

    diseases accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;

    acute infectious diseases;

    insufficient blood circulation.

Grapefruit, apple, cabbage, tomatoes, strawberries, cereals, bran and other high fiber foods can lead to unpleasant consequences:

    bloating and gas production;

    the development of fermentation processes in the intestine;

    impaired absorption of vitamins and other nutrients.

Do not change your usual menu drastically.

Sometimes girls who have learned about the benefits of dietary fiber and studied the list of fiber-rich foods immediately switch to a new diet. Often, such a radical change in the menu leads to the unpleasant consequences mentioned above: bloating and increased gas production. A gradual increase in the amount of fiber in the diet will help to avoid such incidents. At the same time, the proportion of foods rich in dietary fiber is slowly increased every day. An indispensable part of the process is to closely observe the reaction of the body.

How to increase the proportion of fiber in the diet

Dietary fiber is almost absent in flour products top grade, in oils of animal and vegetable origin, in fruit and vegetable juices, in all kinds confectionery, in meat and fish and so on. It is not necessary to immediately and permanently ditch these foods in favor of fiber-rich foods. Instead of many of them, you can use similar, but more "live". White bread it is easy to gradually replace with rye, premium flour - with whole grain. Instead of juices (we are talking about freshly squeezed ones), you can prepare smoothies that are popular today. Pumpkin slices, carrot and apple are great options for such a cocktail.

It should be remembered that most of the fiber is found in the skins of vegetables and fruits. Therefore, it is better not to peel cucumbers, apples and pears both for smoothies, there and during the preparation of salads. But the avocado, the composition of which includes many elements useful for the body, should still be freed from the skin.

Minimum processing - maximum result

Fiber more in fresh products... That is why patients with disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract are allowed to eat only boiled or steamed vegetables. And for a healthy body, they are more useful when they are not heat-treated. Fruit salad able to replace the usual dessert. Instead of the favorite "Olivier", "Mimosa" and " Crab sticks»It is better to use dishes with fresh vegetables... Only one cabbage, the benefits of which are suggested to us with kindergarten and hardly anyone doubts that it can become an ingredient a large number salads.

Careful selection

Today it is easy to find fruits in the store both in winter and in summer. Keep in mind, however, that not all of them are created equal. At first glance, pineapples, oranges, mangoes and the same avocado have a wonderful composition, but it is better to give preference to local and seasonal vegetables and fruits. Exotic dishes are brought to us from afar, and often, to keep them attractive, various chemical compounds are used. And in the absence of harmful substances, the usefulness of overseas products is lower than that of local ones, since they are often plucked unripe, when the fruits have not yet had time to gain strength, fill useful substances... Of course, you can include them in the diet, but you should carefully choose the supplier. Food preservation chemicals can cause allergies and stomach or intestinal problems. In short, in the pursuit of fiber, one should not forget about other needs of the body.

Brown rice and other grains, unpeeled apples and pears, cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage - the benefits of high fiber foods are supported by numerous studies. They help to avoid various ailments associated with metabolic disorders and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The key to a healthy body is variety and a sense of proportion. Too much fiber, like fat, causes the body to malfunction. A familiar menu may contain some in excess and exclude others. Expanding the diet will help fill them. The beneficial properties of parsley roots, sprouting wheat, or the same peel of apples and cucumbers are often overlooked, simply because these ingredients are not too familiar to us.

Each of us once heard that dietary coarse fibers are extremely useful for our body. In what products they are contained and what significance they have for human health - this information is laid out below. In addition, the article describes the benefits of the above substances for losing weight people.

What is Coarse Dietary Fiber

They enter the human body in the form of undigested carbohydrates from plant foods. These are polymers of polysaccharides and their derivatives.

These substances are divided into two large groups:

  • soft soluble;
  • coarse insoluble.

Soft food fibers include dextrans, agarose, gum, pectins. Coarse fiber is fiber, which is a glucose polymer. Due to some differences in the chain of molecules, it is not cleaved in the digestive tract.

It should be noted that coarse fibers are not energy sources. Under the influence of microorganisms, they are partially decomposed. In this case, the energy that is released during this process is fully used for the needs of bacteria.

Monosaccharides, which are formed during the decomposition of food fibers, are converted into volatile fatty acids: butyric, propionic and acetic. These substances are partially absorbed through the intestinal walls, and only 1% of them enters the human body. Lignin, which is abundant in foods with coarse dietary fiber, is not absorbed at all. Therefore, they are very often characterized as "ballast substances". But in vain! After all, they play an essential role in the digestion process.

Coarse dietary fiber: composition

Fiber is made up of glucose molecules. It is often found in nature and is similar to starch. It is known that any plants and trees are also composed of cellulose, which, of course, does not split. The same happens in the human body: the stomach cannot extract it, therefore it does not carry any energy in itself.

This fact contributed to the fact that many scientists of the last century began to prove that coarse fiber in food is "ballast" and does not benefit the body. The researchers wanted to "cleanse" food from the above substances. As a result, people's health has deteriorated significantly. believe that a decrease in dietary fiber in food in the middle of the 20th century was the cause of the development of many cancers, obesity, heart problems, and intestinal diseases.

The role of fiber in the body

The functions of dietary coarse fiber are quite diverse:

  • accelerate the synthesis of lipase in adipose tissue;
  • reduce the rate of absorption of di- and monosaccharides in the intestine;
  • regulate blood glucose levels;
  • protect the body from enhanced;
  • increase the excretion and binding of bile acids, cholesterol and neutral steroids;
  • help maintain ideal body weight;
  • reduce the synthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids in the liver;
  • control the level of phospholipids in bile;
  • prevent stone formation in the gallbladder;
  • provide normal peristalsis of the biliary tract and intestines;
  • prevent the development of hemorrhoids and constipation.

In addition, fiber has the ability to absorb heavy metal salts, thereby preventing their absorption into the organs.

Coarse dietary fiber is also extremely beneficial for women's health. Scientists have shown that women who consume enough foods with coarse dietary fiber have a lower risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer.

Soft and coarse fibers: which foods contain

Both soluble and insoluble must be present in the human diet. Indeed, to ensure the normal functioning of the body, we need soft and coarse fibers. What foods do they contain? The following list will display this information:

1. Soluble dietary fiber:

  • cereals (barley, rye, oats);
  • legumes (beans, lentils, peas, beans);
  • fruits (prunes, avocados, apple peels, raisins, quince and peach peels).

2. Products containing coarse dietary fiber, insoluble:

  • bran;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • green beans;
  • peel of fruit;
  • legumes;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • buckwheat;
  • potatoes in "uniforms";
  • mushrooms.

A small amount of fiber is also present in the composition of vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, onions, parsley, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, Bell pepper, spinach, dill, zucchini.

It should be noted that heat treatment has absolutely no effect on the amount of fiber in vegetables.

Interestingly, there are foods that contain both soft and coarse fibers. What products contain both types of the above food substances? These are primarily legumes. Also, soft and coarse dietary fiber is found in the skins of many fruits.

Brief characteristics of products containing coarse dietary fiber

  • Bran. This product contains about 40% fiber. All bran - rye, soy, oat, and wheat - are excellent sources of coarse fiber.
  • Buckwheat. This product contains 2 times more fiber than other cereals. If a person eats one glass of buckwheat, he will provide himself with 20% of the daily intake of coarse food fibers.
  • Seeds. Flaxseed is an excellent source of fiber. There are about 7 grams of fiber in a tablespoon of this product.

Daily coarse fiber requirement

Every day a healthy person needs about 25-40 g of the above substances to enter his body with food. The daily requirement for each individual is different. It depends on the calorie content of the diet, the regimen physical activity a person, his state of health and weight, as well as other factors.

For children, in comparison with an adult body, the daily requirement for dietary coarse fiber is slightly lower.

Scientists say that in order to provide the body with these substances in the above amount, an ordinary person needs to eat about 1.5 kg of fresh fruits and vegetables per day. Of course, in most cases this amount is overwhelming. Therefore, experts advise to diversify the diet with other foods that contain coarse dietary fiber.

An interesting fact: scientists have investigated that a person eats no more than 25 g of the above substances per day, of which 10 g is found in bread and other cereal products, 7 g is for potatoes, 6 g for other vegetables, 2 g for fruits ...

The fibers are rough when losing weight

Foods containing coarse fiber are extremely beneficial for obese people. If enough fiber enters the human body, then this contributes to the following processes:

  • the rate of gastric emptying is significantly reduced;
  • stretching it increases, which contributes to the creation of a feeling of fullness and prevents overeating;
  • suppressed appetite.

In addition, coarse dietary fiber is reduced in adipose tissue. They also have a diuretic effect. This means that fiber aids in the elimination of sodium and water from the body.

Contraindications to the use of coarse dietary fiber

For some diseases, the above substances should be used with caution and in moderation. It:

  • inflammation of the esophagus;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis.

Experts note that when there is an exacerbation of these diseases, it is generally undesirable to consume foods with coarse dietary fiber. Doctors recommend making such people a special diet, where the above products are present in a minimum amount.

Coarse dietary fiber is not a source of energy, but provides a number of vital processes in the human body, including the acceleration of the passage of food contents through the digestive tract. A lack of these substances can provoke serious health problems, so it is imperative to include them in your diet.

Fiber is a dietary fiber made up of complex carbohydrates. These are food components that are not digested by digestive enzymes in the human stomach, but are processed by the beneficial intestinal microflora.

Fiber well cleanses the intestines from food debris, waste products and toxins, it is considered an indispensable element in healthy eating and has a lot of useful properties.

If the body is not periodically cleaned, then slagging occurs, which threatens the development of various problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a sharp decrease in immunity, the manifestation of allergies and irritations on the skin. By the way, many skin problems - acne, pimples, greasiness, seborrhea - are the result of uncleaned intestines. In this article, you will find out which foods contain fiber.

Beneficial features

So what are the benefits of eating fiber-rich foods? The main useful property- improving digestion and preventing constipation. This is especially important for women in position and breastfeeding.

During pregnancy, it is very important to establish the correct functioning of the gastrointestinal tract so that the fetus does not experience pressure from the intestines. And during the period of breastfeeding in the female body, a hormonal failure occurs, the level of glucose in the blood rises slightly.

Adequate fiber allows you to keep your sugar levels in the normal range and get rid of bad cholesterol.

Fiber is essential for people who want to lose weight. There is an interesting nuance here: food rich in fiber needs to be chewed longer, which means that the brain receives a signal of fullness much earlier, and you simply don't want to eat anymore.

What types are there?

Dietary fiber is classified into 2 types:

  1. Soluble.
  2. Insoluble.

Soluble fiber is fiber that dissolves in liquids. This type of dietary fiber contains following products: fruits (apples, pears, peaches, citrus fruits), legumes (lentils, peas), cereals (oats, barley, rye). The most famous constituent of this fiber is pectin. What does this substance contain? Pectin is found in apples, red and black currant, citrus fruits, that is, in those fruits and berries, from which it is good to prepare a variety of jellies different dishes(for example, natural apple marshmallow- healthy food).

Insoluble fiber is essential for proper intestinal motility.

They do not dissolve in liquids and perfectly and quickly cleanse the intestines. This type of fiber contains all types of cabbage, greens, beans, nuts, bran.

What foods contain these food components?

So, you have seen that fiber is very important for our body. Let's take a closer look at which foods contain fiber.

A lot of fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains. Foods containing plant fiber:

  • Of course, vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, beets.
  • Fruits: pear, grapes, apple, peach, fig.
  • Dried fruits: raisins, prunes, dried apricots.
  • Buckwheat contains a lot of dietary fiber, oat flakes, bran.

Please note that foods that contain fiber should be consumed in fresh... At heat treatment fibers are modified and lose their valuable properties.

List of foods by the amount of these beneficial fibers:

  • legumes - 13%;
  • white rice and wheat - 9%;
  • oats and barley - 8-10%;
  • almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts – 12–16 %;
  • fresh vegetables - 3-7%;
  • berries (fiber is found in a large number in raspberries and blackberries) - 2-6%;
  • fruits and citrus fruits (the record holders are bananas and peaches) - 6-11%.

Consumption rate

Improving children's menu

It's good when a child eats absolutely everything, but this is rare. But fiber is also very important for the child's body, since dietary fiber prevents dysbiosis and helps to cope with constipation.

When should you start incorporating fiber in your baby's diet? Answer: from 9 months. Children aged 9 months to 3 years old need to eat about 19 grams of fiber every day, and after 8 years old - 26 grams. Remember that the food must be natural, without any additives. Try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Add vegetables and fruits little by little to different meals for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  • Start complementary foods from 9 months various cereals, which are rich in fiber: corn, oat, buckwheat.
  • It is best to refuse sweets altogether. Make it a rule to place a plate of various fruits in a prominent place in between meals. Believe me, the result will not be long in coming. Instead of cookies, rolls, sandwiches, the child will have a snack delicious slices fruit.

Side effects and contraindications

Fiber is very beneficial for proper bowel function. But everything is good in moderation. It is not recommended to consume a lot of foods containing dietary fiber at once. Eating these foods can lead to troubles such as flatulence, bloating, or intestinal spasm.

Fiber should be introduced into the diet gradually. At the same time, it is very important to establish a drinking regimen so that there is enough fluid in the intestines. If you do not follow this rule, then the abundance of dietary fiber can provoke indigestion or volvulus. The optimal amount of water per day is 2-3 liters.

Right choice

The shops offer us a wide selection of a wide variety of vegetables and fruits all year round.

But it's worth remembering that not all of them are equally useful. Avocado, mango, pineapple, bananas are grown too far from our place of residence. They take a long time to transport, they are harvested unripe and treated with chemicals to preserve their presentation.

The best choice is seasonal vegetables and fruits that have ripened in the strip where you live. They are much healthier and more nutritious than overseas curiosities. Try to buy products from trusted suppliers, ask for quality certificates, and even better - grow crops on your own plot. So you will definitely be sure of freshness and quality.

Fiber in food actually plays a very important role in the body.

If it is not enough, problems with the stomach and intestines begin, a person gains weight and cannot get rid of it for a long time, various rashes appear on the skin, allergies appear and depression suffers.

Eat right yourself, teach children to healthy food from an early age. Remember that many diseases will not appear at all if you take care of the simplest rules in advance.