Home / Cupcakes / Apple jam with condensed milk for the winter. Step-by-step recipes for making puree "Nezhenka" from apples with condensed milk at home for the winter

Apple jam with condensed milk for the winter. Step-by-step recipes for making puree "Nezhenka" from apples with condensed milk at home for the winter

Applesauce "Nezhenka" is associated with childhood for many. Often in preschool institutions we were served this delicacy, and now we have the opportunity to treat our children with it at home. Today we will learn several different ways of preparing this delicacy. It can be done in an electric appliance or on a gas stove.

Recipe for applesauce "Sissy" in a slow cooker

To prepare dessert, you will need the following products:

  • apples - 2 kg;
  • refined sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 100 g;
  • condensed milk - 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fruit, cut in half and remove the core, and also get rid of the tails.
  2. Pour water into a slow cooker, and throw prepared apples on top. Close the lid of the appliance tightly, turn it on, setting the mode "extinguishing", and the cooking time is 1 hour.
  3. When 20 minutes have passed, pause the multicooker, open the appliance and stir the fruits so that they do not burn, then continue to cook them again until the shutdown signal.
  4. When the allotted hour has passed, turn off the unit and pour the resulting mass into a deep saucepan. Add sugar and condensed milk there and make a gruel with a blender.

Apple puree "Nezhenka" with condensed milk is ready, you just have to cool it down and you can serve it on the table to your children, spreading it on a bun.

Conservation of fruit mass

You can stock up on this delicacy for the winter. Now you will find out how to make applesauce "Nezhenka" for the cold season, so that you can enjoy this yummy in the snow and cold. But first you need to prepare the following products and containers:

  • apples - 2 kg;
  • boiling water - 250 g;
  • condensed milk - 380 g (1 can).

The number of ingredients is calculated for 5 cans of 500 g.

So you have learned how the "Sissy" apple puree is prepared for the winter, and now is the time to familiarize yourself with another recipe for such a dish, which, undoubtedly, will appeal to your children.

Delicious dessert with added cream

For this method, you need to prepare the following components:

  • apples - 3 kg;
  • boiling water - 400 ml;
  • cream - 300 g;
  • refined sugar - 100 g.


  1. Wash the fruit, cut it in half, remove the core and peel, and then cut into small cubes and send to a saucepan of boiling water. Cook the mixture for about 30 minutes, until the apples are tender.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat, put the fruit in a blender and chop it. If you do not have such a device, then use a meat grinder, food processor or sieve.
  3. Put the resulting mixture in a saucepan again, add cream and sugar and cook for another half hour.
  4. Pour the prepared "Sissy" applesauce into the jars and close them.

Dessert with sour cream and cinnamon

This is another original recipe for apple sweetness, and to prepare it, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • boiling water - 100 g;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 500 g;
  • cinnamon - 5 g.

Process description:

  1. Process the fruits in the same way as in the previous recipe, send them to a saucepan, where water is already boiling. Simmer the apples for about a quarter of an hour, then add some cinnamon to the saucepan.
  2. Rub the fruits through a sieve, then put the mashed potatoes already obtained in the pan again, add sugar, simmer over low heat until the dessert thickens a little.
  3. Cool the prepared dish, then put each in a plate, adding there one spoonful of sour cream.

Recipe for applesauce "Nezhenka" with butter and vanilla for the winter

For this method, prepare the following ingredients:

  • Antonovka - 5 kg;
  • boiling water - 500 ml;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet.

Cooking process:

  1. Process the apples in the same way as in the previous recipes, you do not need to remove the skin. Cut them into small cubes and pour into a saucepan where the water is already boiling. Simmer the fruits over the fire for 20 minutes, then rearrange the saucepan and wait for the fruits to cool, and then grind them through a sieve.
  2. Add sugar and butter and put the whole mixture on fire again for 25 minutes.
  3. When the allotted time has passed, pour the condensed milk and vanillin into a saucepan and bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil.
  4. Prepare the dishes for canning: wash them with water and baking soda, and then, when the puree is ready, pour the hot mass into the container.
  5. Place the filled jars in a pot of water and boil them for 20 minutes. Then quickly remove and roll up the lids.

The incomparable and healthy apple puree "Nezhenka" with condensed milk is ready for the winter. Move it to your closet or cellar for later storage.

Useful properties of the product

This delicacy is not only insanely tasty, but also healthy. Firstly, apple puree "Nezhenka" is nutritious, it contains pectins, vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, carotene. Thanks to this composition, the product has a wonderful effect on the skin and hair. Secondly, it is beneficial for dental health as well as bone health. Dietary fiber found in apples can improve digestion. Thirdly, zinc, which is present in this fruit, remarkably supports the immune system. That is why it is so important to introduce such a dish into the diet of children.

Now you know how to cook Sissy apple puree in various ways: in a slow cooker, on a gas stove, with the addition of condensed milk, butter, cream, sour cream, vanillin. And we realized that such a delicacy for your children will be not only tasty, but also useful, and even very young children can use it.

This tasty apple preparation in the form of applesauce with condensed milk is very delicate in taste, it is sometimes called so - "sissy". It goes well with pancakes, pancakes and some desserts. It can be put as a filling in pies or layered in cakes, or you can just eat it with a spoon. Such preservation is easy to prepare on the stove or in a multicooker.

Any variety can work for this recipe, but sour or sweet and sour fruits are best. Many recommend preparing a treat from Antonovka.

Recipe 1

Consider one of the recipes for making this apple blank.

Kitchen appliances and utensils

To make mashed apples and condensed milk, you will need the following kitchen appliances and utensils:

  • a saucepan with a thick bottom - 1 pc .;
  • wooden spatula - 1 pc.;
  • large spoon - 1 pc.;
  • whisk - 1 pc .;
  • half-liter jars with screw caps - 6 pcs. You can take ordinary glass jars with seaming lids, but then you will also need a rolling key.
  • standard can of condensed milk (380 grams) - 1 pc .;
  • sugar - 80 grams;
  • apples - 5 kg;
  • water - 100 ml.

Important! To prepare this piece, you must choose high-quality condensed milk. When buying, it is better to choose a product from large well-known manufacturers, made in accordance with GOST (GOST 2903-78 or GOST R 53436-2009) with a fresh production date, since it goes to the production of preservation, which will also be stored. If, when opened, condensed milk has a suspicious color and lumps, then it is better to refuse using such a product and buy condensed milk in another place and from another manufacturer.

To make a blank of applesauce with condensed milk, follow these steps:

Did you know? The pectins contained in apples help to reduce blood cholesterol levels, remove toxins and toxins from the body, and improve digestion. They are natural thickeners, so apples are often used to make jam, marshmallow, jelly, jam, marmalade and other preparations.

Video: how to make applesauce with condensed milk

Recipe 2 (in a multicooker)

Apples boil well in a slow cooker. If there is no saucepan with a thick bottom, then you can use the miracle oven (multicooker).

Kitchen appliances and utensils

When using a multicooker to make applesauce with condensed milk, you need the following kitchen appliances:

  • multicooker - 1 pc.;
  • wooden or special plastic spoon;
  • hand blender or food processor with chopping mode;
  • half liter jars with screw caps - 6 pcs.

The list of ingredients for making applesauce with condensed milk is as follows:

  • can of condensed milk (380 grams) - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • apples - 5 kg;
  • water - 250 ml.

When preparing this preservation, you must perform the following steps:

Video: recipe for making applesauce with condensed milk in a slow cooker

Important! The amount of sugar can be reduced depending on the sweetness of the fruit used. Some housewives prefer not to put sugar in such a preparation at all, believing that there is already enough sweetness in the condensed milk and the fruits themselves. Of course, children prefer this product to be sweeter, but this is a matter of taste.

What else can you add for flavor

Alternatively, you can use condensed cream instead of condensed milk. There are also recipes using fresh cream. So, for two kilograms of apples, 200 ml of cream with a fat content of 30% is taken.

In apple season, make sure to make apple puree with condensed milk. It turns out a very delicate dessert, which will not be denied not only by kids, but also by adults! It is better to take condensed milk of good quality and not skimp on it, and, by the way, sugar can not be added if the apple variety is already sweet.

1. For the preparation of apple puree with condensed milk for the winter we need the following products: apples, sugar, condensed milk and water.

2. Wash the apples, cut into slices. Can be peeled immediately if desired.

3. Add water and steam over low heat until soft.

4. Rub through a sieve. If the apples are without peel, then you can simply puree with a blender.

5. Add sugar to the puree and simmer for 5 minutes until boiling.

6. Add condensed milk. Mix well. Simmer for 10-15 minutes.

7. Put the hot apple and condensed milk puree in sterilized jars and close the lids. Wrap up with a blanket and let cool completely under it. Store in a cool place.

Bon Appetit!

This applesauce is an ideal base for a variety of desserts, and can be added to baking fillings, mixed with gelatin, and left in the refrigerator. Condensed milk, which is traditionally added to this delicacy in addition, will give an amazing creamy taste!

Applesauce with condensed milk for the winter is easy to cook at home. And the proposed recipes will not require special costs. The main thing is that you can convince the most capricious kids to eat such an excellent sweetness.

Recipe for applesauce with condensed milk "Nezhenka"


  • apples - 2.3 kg;
  • water - 115 g;
  • whole condensed milk - 165 g;
  • sugar - 65 g.


Peel the apples and cut the seed boxes into slices. Put them in a saucepan, add just a little water to prevent the slices from sticking to the bottom, and place them on the stove. Simmer on minimum heat for half an hour, until soft. Remember to stir constantly! When the apples begin to boil, add sugar, stir and bring to a boil. Pour in condensed milk and taste. You can add more sugar and condensed milk. Let the mass simmer for a few more minutes, then whisk with a blender until maximum homogeneity and smooth texture and place in sterile containers. Cap and place under a blanket until the puree is completely cool.

Harvesting apple puree "Nezhenka"

Delicious Nezhenka applesauce can be made without added sugar.


  • apples - 965 g;
  • - 1/2 cans.


Rinse the fruit well, cut into small slices, removing the cores. Send to a saucepan, fill with water. Cook until the pieces are soft, then let the apples cool and rub them through a sieve.

At this stage, you can add condensed milk. Place the container back on the stove and heat while stirring. Pour the hot puree into small jars. Sterilize the puree for 10 minutes in a large container filled with water from the moment the puree boils. Cork and send to cool, turning upside down.

How to prepare delicious "Sissy" applesauce for the winter?

This recipe does not contain store condensed milk at all. But the main components here are milk and sugar, which will be an excellent substitute for a condensed product.


  • apples - 950 kg;
  • sugar - 430 kg;
  • milk - 800 ml.


Preparing such a puree is very simple. Fruit must be peeled and seed boxes removed, rinsed under running water. Send to a saucepan, add sugar and pour in milk. Cook over low heat for a couple of hours. Punch the resulting mass with a blender or rub through a sieve. Put on fire again, wait until it boils, cook for 10 minutes. Pour the finished hot puree into sterilized jars, seal, turn upside down and send under the blanket for self-sterilization.

The main advantage of this particular "Nezhenka" puree is that if you beat it with butter, you can get an interesting cream for the cake.

Applesauce with cream "Nezhenka"

This puree is perfect for use in a dessert base. Take cream with the highest fat content, so the applesauce will turn out to be much more fluffy and tender. This puree is not suitable for winter storage, but it is very easy to prepare.

This recipe will interest primarily mothers: after all, such an applesauce with condensed milk for the winter is an excellent dessert for a child. Children most often like apples, peeled, cut and very sweet. If you don't always have time to prepare fruits, and there are no sweet varieties on hand, this apple puree will come to the rescue.

You just need to get a jar out of the refrigerator, open it and that's it: there is a delicious and healthy dessert for your baby. This puree can be prepared at any time of the year - there would be apples at hand. But, for example, in our country house there are no varieties of apples that are well stored.

Therefore, in the summer and at the beginning of autumn, I always close such applesauce with condensed milk for the winter for the child: so I am sure that I use good apples for him, and that I will always have something tasty at hand. And one more important point: this blank has a very simple and quick recipe, so I always dispose of apples this way with pleasure and without much hassle. If you are interested in me, see below how to make applesauce with condensed milk for the winter - I will tell you everything in detail and step by step.


  • 5 kg of apples;
  • 400 g of condensed milk;
  • 0.5 cups (250 ml) sugar
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water

* Indicated is the weight of already prepared apples - without peel and core. From the specified amount of ingredients, approximately 4 liters of finished puree are obtained.

How to cook applesauce with condensed milk for the winter:

For the preparation of puree we choose ripe apples of any kind. Lightly crushed fruits are suitable, as long as they are not spoiled.

Rinse the apples in cold water. Peel the apples, cut into 4 pieces and cut out the core. We carefully cut out all the crumpled, damaged places.

Since apples darken quickly in air, we immerse the peeled apple pieces in a salty solution (10 g of salt per 1 liter of water). There they are until all the apples are prepared. We remove the apples from the salty solution, put them in a colander, and then cut them into small pieces of any shape.

For mashed potatoes, choose a wide saucepan with a thick bottom, preferably stainless steel. I do not advise taking an enamel pan - the puree will burn in it. Pour water into the bottom of the pan and pour the finely chopped apples. Cover the pan with a lid and set on fire.

On high heat, bring the water to a boil (we will hear a characteristic sound - hissing), then reduce the fire to a minimum, cover with a lid and simmer the apples for 20-30 minutes. Periodically, about every 5-7 minutes, stir the apples. The stewing time for apples depends on the variety and the size of the sliced ​​pieces. Therefore, the guideline for readiness is that all the pieces should be boiled, become soft.

Remove the pan from heat, slightly cool the mashed potatoes and grind it with a blender or, if the apples are completely boiled, with a potato crush.

Add sugar and condensed milk to the applesauce, mix thoroughly. The specified amount of sugar is sufficient for sour apples (like "Putinka"). For sweet apples, the amount of sugar can be reduced by 1/3.

We put on fire and bring to a boil - over high heat, stirring constantly.

Then reduce the heat to the smallest one and cook the puree for another 5 minutes, stirring so that the puree does not burn.