Home / Bakery / How to make pies different. Pies, recipes with photos are delicious and simple at home

How to make pies different. Pies, recipes with photos are delicious and simple at home

Almost every real hostess dreams of mastering the art of making delicious, homemade pies. And so, to learn how to cook the most delicious pies, you only need to pay attention to the selection of the most delicious recipes. In this subcategory you will find recipes on how to make a cake with the most various fillings. These are pies with apples, with cabbage, with jam, with meat, with cottage cheese, with fish, with potatoes, with cheese, with mushrooms, with cherries and many others. The filling for pies can be different, it all depends on your taste preferences. You can also find pie recipes here. unusual fillings. This includes date pie, plum pie, coconut pie, and even pumpkin pie cinnamon. Delicious sweet pies can be prepared both for the festive table and just for tea or coffee. And the potato pie recipe will help you impress your guests with a simple, but at the same time very appetizing and tasty dish. An unusual combination of ingredients is sure to please everyone. Also in this subcategory for your convenience are recipes for pies with photos. yeast pies, pies on kefir, simple pies, quick pies - you will also find all this here. simple recipes pies will help you prepare a delicious dish in minutes with simple products which can always be found at hand. For example, to cook cabbage pie you will need a minimum of ingredients, and the result will exceed all your expectations. Believe me, making pies will give you a lot of pleasure, because you will definitely get the most delicious pie. And remember, delicious pies need to be prepared with love. Only then will relatives and guests be simply amazed by the appetizing home baking and your culinary skills.


Pie "Snail" from pita bread with minced meat in the oven

Ingredients: lavash, minced meat, onion, egg, cheese, sour cream, salt, pepper, garlic, vegetable oil

A pie can be made not only from dough: taking as a basis thin lavash, and as a filling - chopped meat with fried onions, you will get excellent pastries.

- 2 Armenian lavash;
- 400 g of minced meat;
- 2 onions;
- 2 eggs;
- 80 g of hard cheese;
- 4 tablespoons sour cream;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- dry garlic to taste;


Puff pastry cheese pie

Ingredients: puff pastry, cheese, Provence grass, vegetable oil, egg

Puff pastry is good because you can easily and quickly prepare many delicious dishes from it, for example, cheese pie. His recipe is easy, it takes little time, but it turns out beautiful and interesting.

- 400 g of puff pastry;
- 15-170 g of hard cheese;
- 1---120 g of soft cheese;
- 1-2 tablespoons grated parmesan;
- Provence herbs to taste;
- vegetable oil for mold lubrication;
- egg for greasing the dough.


Jellied pie with canned fish and potatoes with mayonnaise and sour cream

Ingredients: egg, mayonnaise, sour cream, flour, baking powder, salt, pepper, garlic, sesame seeds, canned fish, potatoes, onions, vegetable oil

A simple but delicious jellied pie can be prepared with any filling, for example, canned fish and potatoes. It will turn out both beautiful and satisfying.
- 3 eggs;
- 1.5 tablespoons mayonnaise;
- 2 tablespoons sour cream;
- 3-4 tablespoons wheat flour;
- 1 tsp baking powder;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- 0.5 tsp dry garlic;
- 2 tablespoons sesame;
- 200 g of canned fish;
- 1 potato;
- 1 onion;
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.


Jellied pie with onion and egg on kefir

Ingredients: kefir, flour, baking powder, egg, green onion, salt, pepper, sesame, spice, vegetable oil

A simple but hearty and delicious pie made from jellied dough and stuffed with onion and boiled eggs useful to you both on weekdays and on holidays: these are excellent pastries that will always be appropriate.

- 1 glass of kefir;
- 5-6 tablespoons flour;
- 1 tsp baking powder;
- 3 eggs in the dough;
- 2 eggs for the filling;
- 5 green onion feathers;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- sesame to taste;
- spices to taste;
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.


Jellied pie with chicken on kefir

Ingredients: kefir, sour cream, egg, flour, baking powder, salt, pepper, mayonnaise, chicken fillet, potatoes, little vegetable

- 100 ml of kefir;
- 50g sour cream;
- 2 eggs;
- 4-5 tablespoons flour;
- 1 tsp baking powder;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- 1 tbsp mayonnaise;
- 150 g chicken fillet;
- 1 potato;
- vegetable oil to taste.


Jellied pie on kefir with apples in the oven

Ingredients: kefir, sour cream, egg, flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar, apple, vegetable oil

Delicious and fragrant, lush and mouth-watering - it's all about Apple pie baked according to this recipe, with kefir filling dough. You will be pleasantly surprised by the ease of preparation of this pastry.
- 70 ml of kefir;
- 70 g of sour cream;
- 2 eggs;
- 5 tablespoons flour;
- 1 tsp baking powder;
- 1 apple;
- 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.


Charlotte with rhubarb in the oven

Ingredients: rhubarb, egg, baking powder, sugar, flour, butter, vanilla sugar, salt

Charlotte can be cooked not only with apples, but with many other ingredients, such as rhubarb. It turns out very tasty, very beautiful and quite budgetary.

- 2 eggs;
- 1 tbsp baking powder;
- 130 g of sugar;
- 1 glass of flour;
- 50 g butter;
- 10 g vanilla sugar;
- 1 pinch of salt.


Jellied pie with cherries

Ingredients: cherry, butter, flour, sugar, starch, egg, sour cream

Jellied pies are good because they are very easy to prepare, and they always turn out for everyone. We advise you to bake such a cherry pie according to our recipe - you will be satisfied with the result.

- 200 gr cherries;
- 100 gr of butter;
- 400 gr flour;
- 130 gr of powdered sugar;
- 10 grams of starch;
- 4 eggs;
- 250 gr sour cream.


Melt-in-your-mouth apple pie "Invisible"

Ingredients: flour, apples, sugar, milk, vegetable oil, eggs, baking powder, butter

Apple pie is the kind of pastry that is perfect for a family tea party. Prepare it according to our recipe - you will be delighted with its taste and appearance!

- flour - 70 gr;
- peeled apples - 400 gr;
- sugar - 70 gr;
- milk - 80 ml;
- vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
- eggs - 2 pcs;
- baking powder - 1 tsp

For filling:
- sugar - 80 gr;
- egg - 1 pc;
- butter - 50 gr.


Achma from lavash with cheese and cottage cheese

Ingredients: pita bread, egg, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, garlic, salt, pepper, herbs, oil

Achma is very tasty dish. which you can cook yourself. How to do this, I have described in detail for you.


- 3 lavash,
- 2 eggs,
- 100 ml. kefir,
- 300 grams of cottage cheese,
- 250 grams of Adyghe cheese,
- dry garlic
- salt,
- pepper,
- greenery,
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil.


Sweet cake for tea

Ingredients: yeast, egg, salt, vanillin, sugar, butter, cream, milk, flour

I suggest you cook a very tasty and easy to prepare sweet pie for tea. I have detailed the recipe for you.


- 250 grams of flour,
- 100 grams of milk,
- 20 grams of yeast,
- 2 eggs,
- a pinch of salt,
- a pinch of vanillin,
- 2 tsp + 100 grams of sugar,
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil,
- 150 grams of butter,
- 200 grams of cream.


Charlotte with melon

Ingredients: flour, egg, starch, sugar, melon, salt

In the summer, I suggest you cook very delicious pastries- charlotte with melon. The recipe is very simple. This cake is perfect for both tea and coffee.


- 200 grams of flour,
- 3 eggs,
- 1 tbsp starch,
- 100 grams of sugar,
- 150 grams of melon,
- a pinch of salt.


lingonberry pie

Ingredients: cranberries, starch, salt, flour, butter, baking powder, sugar, egg

Cowberry is not very tasty berry, slightly sour with bitterness, completely inconspicuous. Today I will tell you how to cook with this delicious berry the most delicious pie.


- 300 grams of cranberries,
- 1-2 tablespoons starch,
- a pinch of salt,
- 2 cups of flour,
- 75 grams of butter,
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 150 grams of sugar,
- 1 egg.


Pie with strawberries and sour cream filling

Ingredients: flour, butter, sour cream, sugar, baking powder, egg, vanillin, strawberry, starch

To prepare a delicious pie, you do not need special skills and abilities: use our recipe and cook it with strawberries and sour cream filling. You will see, it is very simple and very tasty!

For test:

- flour - 125 gr;
- butter - 50 gr;
- sour cream - 50 gr;
- sugar - 50 gr;
- baking powder - 1 tsp (or 0.5 tsp of slaked soda).

For filling:
- flour -1 tbsp;
- thick sour cream - 100 gr;
- egg - 1 pc;
- sugar - 100 gr;
- vanillin to taste.

For filling:

- strawberries - 250 gr;
- starch - 1 tablespoon;
- sugar - 2 tbsp.


Tatar pie with meat and potatoes

Ingredients: sour cream, salt, flour, sugar, butter, egg, water, onion, spice, meat broth, meat, potatoes

This Tatar pie with meat and potatoes will be a real decoration of any table. The recipe is very simple and fast enough.


- 120 ml. sour cream;
- a couple of pinches of salt;
- 500 grams of flour;
- a pinch of sugar;
- 50 grams of butter;
- 1 egg;
- 100 ml. water;
- 2 onions;
- spices;
- 300 ml. meat broth;
- 350 grams of meat;
- 1 kg. potatoes.


plum pie

Ingredients: plum, butter, flour, egg, sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, salt, ice cream, mint

Today I will tell you how to cook a very tasty and easy-to-cook plum pie in the oven.


- 600-700 grams of plums,
- 100 grams of butter,
- 30 grams of vegetable oil,
- 250 grams of flour,
- 2 eggs,
- a glass of sugar
- 1 tbsp cinnamon,
- one and a half tsp baking powder
- a pinch of salt,
- 30 grams of creamy ice cream,
- 2-3 mint leaves,
- a little powdered sugar.

Making easy pies is fun! They are prepared from the most common products, but at the same time, any quick pie impresses with its taste and aroma. Our selection will allow you to choose a recipe for cooking and sweet pastries, and quite satisfying with meat, fish or vegetable filling.

With cabbage stuffing it turns out great option for dinner. This cake will not make you worry about extra pounds, because it is prepared from healthy, low-calorie foods.

Required products:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • 1 st. low-fat kefir;
  • flour in / c - one and a half glasses;
  • a mixture of ground peppers;
  • 1 tsp any baking powder;
  • half a cabbage;
  • greenery;
  • salt, sesame seeds.

Cooking technology:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage, lightly salt, crush with your hands until soft. Add herbs and pepper to taste. Do not get carried away with salt, leave a little in the dough.
  2. Mix the norm of flour, soda and kefir (yogurt), add a pinch of salt. Separately, beat the eggs with a fork or mixer.
  3. Lubricate the selected baking dish with any oil. Mix the dough gently with the eggs.
  4. Pour half into the mold ready dough, put all the cabbage on top, and then the rest of the kefir dough.
  5. It remains to sprinkle the top of the workpiece with sesame seeds. This is not necessary, but its presence will make a quick cabbage pie especially beautiful.

This recipe is suitable for execution with any filling: potatoes, fish, minced meat, mushrooms. Cook something new every time!

Cake with apples in a hurry

Required products:

  • 340 g flour;
  • half a pack of creamy margarine;
  • 2 tsp any baking powder;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 5 - 6 apples;
  • cinnamon powder - ½ tsp.

Cooking technology:

  1. You need to bake a quick cake for tea in a round shape with a diameter of 25 cm. First you need to cover it with parchment for baking.
  2. Then you can knead the dough from flour, margarine, baking powder, sugar and vanillin. Grind the ingredients into crumbs with a fork or mixer.
  3. Add the egg and knead into a smooth dough. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in foil and put it inside the refrigerator.
  4. While the dough is cooling, peel the apples, cut them into quarters and cut out the seeds. Place fruit slices in a saucepan, add cinnamon and simmer over low heat until they become soft. They need to be stirred from time to time. If apples are very sour, add sugar.
  5. Next, you need to preheat the oven. At this time, roll out half the dough, put it on the bottom of the mold. Lay the apples on top and cover them with the rest of the dough.
  6. We send the workpiece to the oven for half an hour. When ready, the apple pie can be sprinkled with powder.

Best for this pie sour apples late varieties. Can you replace them apple jam or jam.

With canned fish

Canned fish pastries are ideal for a snack or dinner. It turns out hearty, very fragrant.

Required products:

  • one and a half cups of flour;
  • half a pack of butter (spread);
  • ½ tsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 3 art. l. chilled water;
  • 1 onion;
  • parsley;
  • a portion of canned fish;
  • ground pepper.

Cooking technology:

  1. Sift flour through a fine sieve into a dish, add salt, granulated sugar, take a spatula and mix everything. Put a piece of butter into the flour. Now you need to knead the ingredients into crumbs. When all the butter has crumbled, pour in cold water. Form a ball, wrap it in foil and refrigerate for half an hour.
  2. While the dough is chilling, peel and finely chop the onion. If desired, it can be crushed with a blender. Add chopped parsley and canned food mashed with a fork to the onion.
  3. Take out the dough, separate ¼ part for decoration of the top. Roll out the cake from the remaining mass, put it in a greased form so that the edges form sides.
  4. Submit fish stuffing, pre-pepper it, add salt to taste. Smooth out with a spoon.
  5. Roll out the remaining dough into a thin flagellum. Slicing it into strips, decorate the fish pie with an elegant mesh.
  6. Preheat the oven and put the cake in there for about half an hour.

Cut the finished pastries into portions and serve slightly cooled to the table.

Quick cake for tea "no easier"

Required products:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 125 g of sugar;
  • flour - 210 g;
  • cherry or any other berries.

Cooking technology:

  1. Beat the sugar with chilled eggs into an airy foam. To make the process faster and easier, pre-cool them.
  2. Pour in all the flour gradually. As a result, you will get a soft to the touch mass.
  3. Put the resulting composition on a greased baking sheet, smooth the top.
  4. Separate the cherries from the pits with your hands or using a special device, drown the berries in the dough with your hands.
  5. Send the workpiece to bake until cooked.

The taste of baking is amazing! It is hard to believe that such a cake is prepared very quickly.

with jam

Required products:

  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 0.5 cups of jam or jam;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tsp any baking powder;
  • vanillin;
  • one and a half cups of flour.

Cooking technology:

  1. Pour kefir into a bowl, add jam to it and mix the composition with a spatula to get homogeneous mass. Add soda or baking powder.
  2. Add the sifted flour and mix well.
  3. Beat the egg separately with sugar and vanilla. Add the resulting mass to the dough.
  4. Gently mix the composition, after which it can be laid out in a mold.
  5. Bake until golden brown on top for about half an hour. The cooking time depends on the capabilities of the oven.

Cooking with cottage cheese

Required products:

  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • 1 egg;
  • yolk;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

Cooking technology:

  1. Mix the curd thoroughly with a spatula. raw egg, add the amount of sugar and soft butter. After kneading, you will get an elastic curd mass. If desired, you can put a little vanilla in it for flavor.
  2. Sift flour, combine with baking powder. Pour it in parts into the cottage cheese, gradually kneading a thick, but not tight dough.
  3. Put it in a form with parchment, smooth and grease with yolk.

Required products:

  • butter - 155 g;
  • cream - 3.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar 125 g;
  • 1 large banana;
  • baking powder;
  • 2 eggs;
  • flour - 375 g.

Cooking technology:

  1. Melt a norm of butter in a steam bath, cool it and pour it into the cream. Pour all the flour and the norm of confectionery powder.
  2. Beat quickly with a whisk granulated sugar with an egg. Combine the whipped mass with the dough and mix gently.
  3. Spread half of the resulting composition on a baking sheet with parchment.
  4. Cut banana into slices, spread them on a layer of dough and cover it with the remnants.

If desired, you can simply pour the dough into the mold, put banana slices on top and crush them with powder or cinnamon.

With cheese filling

Required products:

  • cheese - a quarter kilo;
  • cilantro or any other greens;
  • margarine - ⅔ packs;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • egg;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour in / c - two incomplete glasses.

Cooking technology:

  1. From soft margarine, eggs, sour cream, salt and flour, knead an elastic, not tight dough. The mass is easily kneaded, absolutely does not stick to hands.
  2. Divide it into 2 identical parts, wrap each in cellophane and cool inside the freezer.
  3. While the dough is in the refrigerator, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, chop the greens, mix everything. Add some salt if necessary.
  4. Roll out the crust and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Place on top cheese filling and cover with the second cake. Fasten the edges, prick the top with a fork.
  5. Bake until done at medium temperature.

It is a mistake to think that baking is a difficult task. Today, to prepare a simple pie, no special knowledge is needed. It is enough to choose a competent recipe and purchase quality products. A little training - and culinary experiments will definitely be crowned with success!

Pie Recipes fast food- a godsend for the hostess with a family of sweet teeth. There are several ways to speed up the process. The first and easiest is to buy ready-made dough in the store. The second, even easier, is the purchase of puff pastry, which is also prepared very quickly. But even with your own, homemade dough, you can bake a pie in 30-60 minutes. To do this, use the tips at the bottom of the page.

The five most commonly used ingredients in quick pie recipes are:

Quick pies are saved in many unexpected situations, one of which is the guests who have appeared on the threshold, who do not want to be left without a treat. But even with a super-recipe, the cooking time stretches for at least an hour. This includes food preparation and baking time - in the oven, slow cooker, bread machine, microwave. If the oven is good, the time can be reduced to half an hour - only if you have ready dough and bake a jellied pie.

The dough for a quick kefir pie is prepared like this:

  1. Whisk the eggs.
  2. Pour soda into kefir, mix.
  3. Mix eggs, kefir, jam and flour.
  4. Pour the dough into the mold and bake in a preheated oven until cooked.
    Already in this form, the cake is ready to eat. But it can be enriched different ways: icing poured on top, or powdered sugar to look prettier.

Jam is easily replaced with apples with added sugar. Baking time depends on the quality of the oven.

Five of the fastest pie recipes:

  • To make the cooking process even faster, the quick pie dough can be made in advance and then stored in the refrigerator for up to one week
  • most fast way quick pie - freezing already cooked in the freezer, followed by heating in the microwave for 5 minutes
  • you can store the finished frozen cake in plastic or vacuum bags, as well as in plastic containers

Culinary community Li.Ru -

100 delicious pie recipes

I offer a recipe for a delicious pie with lemon filling. It is prepared quite easily. The ingredients for making the pie are simple, and the taste is delicious, the calorie content is not very high.

The pie cooks very quickly, because ready-made puff pastry is used and canned fish. It turns out a very tasty cake that your whole family will love.

Pie with jam, the recipe of which is as simple as two and two, is an excellent accompaniment to a tea or coffee table. An easy homemade pie.

Cooking a pie with minced meat means once again confirming that you are a wonderful hostess. And knowing some secrets, such a pie can be made easily and very quickly, and without damage. palatability!

My aunt came up with the recipe for frozen cranberry pie. In our family, this cake is traditional; we constantly bake it for all sorts of family holidays.

Strawberry pie on February 14 - sweet, the colors of passion, tender and most delicious! Please your loved one, make his life a sweet fairy tale. And Valentine's Day is the best occasion to pamper him or her.

Pie with apples and bananas is tender, slightly moist due to bananas. Apples bring sourness, and sweet banana gives an exotic taste. classic pie. A cake for any time of the year!

My mother found the recipe for burbot pie somewhere. And it cooks just amazing! The dough is ordinary, on sour cream. It turns out very tasty!

Delicious and fragrant pie with mango you can cook at home, very quickly and easily. Prepare the vanilla pod and your usual baking ingredients.

Your attention - basic recipe cooking quiche with cheese. Add some additional ingredients to the recipe - and every time you will get a new version of quiche with cheese.

High-calorie, satisfying and incredibly tasty fish pie with potatoes you can cook for lunch or take with you as a snack.

They say that this recipe for quiche with broccoli and tuna belongs to the French. Maybe. I borrowed it from my mom. canned tuna and broccoli are an amazing duo! Try it.

Before, I sincerely believed that it was impossible to make a cake in a bread machine. It turned out that this is not so at all - pies in a bread machine turn out to be no less tasty than bread!

This is probably one of the most delicious pies in the world, because it is he who smells of something especially homely and dear. I think that this is the smell of childhood and food cooked by my grandmother.

A very interesting combination corn grits, beans and fried onions will appeal to real gourmets. If you want to cook something really unusual, then you are here.

If you want something new for dessert, then be sure to cook this chocolate pie with beets! Beetroot is quite sweet, and in baking its taste is especially pleasant.

Learn how to make Meat and Potato Pie and add another delicious and satisfying dish to your menu! Men are delighted with this cake.

Butter pie is a tasty and not difficult dish to prepare. Now, in the summer, you yourself can gather fresh, young butterflies in the forest and make a delicious pie out of it. Don't miss the opportunity!

most tender fluffy biscuit with juicy pears, generously sprinkled with powdered sugar... You're salivating too, aren't you? Then I tell you how to make a pie with canned pears.

I want to tell you how to cook the dough for an apple pie - lush, soft, "stringy" - in general, exactly the way real yeast should be butter dough!

New Year's cake "Horse 2014"

The Year of the Horse will be calm and will bring success to those who started their business last year, including hearty ones, astrologers say. And to attract a good horse, prepare a delicious pie in her honor.

Milk mushrooms are very tasty and extremely valuable mushrooms (they contain a lot of proteins). Therefore, a pie with mushrooms and potatoes is not only tasty, but also very satisfying and nutritious. Try it yourself!

Recipe lean pie with jam without eggs and dairy products will be useful to everyone who observes fasts, and also monitors their health and weight.

Do not be afraid of the non-Russian name - in fact, the recipe for quiche with ham is extremely simple. It will not be difficult for you to cook it at home. However, the taste of this quiche is simply delicious.

Russian apple pie was baked by my grandmother. It is very easy to prepare. It turns out fragrant and tasty. Recipe for Russian apple pie - to your attention! Shall we try? ;)

Mushrooms are very valuable, moreover, delicious product. From them you can cook many dishes for different tastes. For example, oyster mushroom pie.

Quiche lauren is cooked with fried bacon and grated hard cheese. the base for the quiche is made from shortcrust pastry. Prepare it ahead of time or buy ready made shortbread dough. Let's cook.

If you think that pies are long and troublesome, then you are deeply mistaken! This recipe will show you how to make cabbage pie. hastily, and please relatives and friends with fragrant fresh pastries without unnecessary troubles.

English bread pudding- This interesting dish, which is more of a dessert in its essence. The pudding is prepared with citrus fruits, honey, pine nuts, so it turns out very beautiful and tasty.

Crostatta with jam is a delicious cake, one of the favorite desserts in Italy. This dish, like many other Italian dishes, is as simple to prepare as it is delicious.

A pie with cabbage and minced meat turns out to be very satisfying, it can become a full-fledged lunch or dinner. Both the dough and the filling are prepared quite simply, so everyone can cook this pie.

Poppy seed cake is a great sweet treat for tea. Yeast dough in the recipe is very easy to knead and fits quickly. The pie can be served with tea or cold milk.

This English apple pie recipe lives up to its name, because I first tried it in London, in one amazing bakery. Abundance of apples and amazing taste!

Let's cook a very tasty dish that is impossible to resist - a fish pie, or rather a halibut pie. It turns out truly divine pastries. Step by step recipe with photo for your attention.

A delicious yogurt-based pie will appeal to all family members without exception. Delicate and fragrant dough melts in your mouth, and the cake is eaten at a time to the last crumb :)

I add cherry tomatoes to the quiche with mushrooms and cheese - it turns out great! And, of course, herbs and spices. Help yourself!

shepherd's pie- a traditional English dish old recipe. It can be safely served as the main dinner dish. Gives satiety to the pie juicy beef and potatoes.

Best Dessert from apples in a slow cooker is fragrant, sweet and tender cake. You should try it only once, but you will fall in love with this taste forever.

Delicious, tender and beautiful cottage cheese pie in haste. And yes, it's also useful. Easy to make and a masterpiece!

Hearty and tasty, and most importantly inexpensive strawberry dessert in a slow cooker. This dessert is worth a try!

I will tell you the recipe for spaghetti pie, hearty and delicious. It is prepared simply, quickly, does not require much time and effort.

Upside down apple pie is a warm dessert for cold autumn evenings. The sweet hint of caramel and at the same time the tart taste of apples create a wonderful combination.

It is this meat pie with potatoes is underlined in my cookbook with a red marker! Lamb makes the pie very satisfying! And it's easy to prepare.

Kissel pie is not nonsense and not a fantasy of a schizophrenic, but quite a tasty and easy-to-prepare pie. Don't believe? Then read how to make a jelly pie at home.

share in a simple way how to cook a pie with mushrooms and potatoes - more fragrant and heartier dishes you can’t imagine, a real decoration for your holiday table. Try it, it's easy and economical!

A quick and tasty puff pastry cabbage pie is perfect for a snack at home or in nature.

The roots of the onion and ham pie recipe go back to Germany. I will tell you the recipe for dough and filling for the pie. By the way, I brought the recipe for a pie with onions and ham from Germany.

As my grandmother used to say - nothing should be lost! If your bread dries out, don't throw it away! Make a bread pie out of it! Do not waste your energy on the dough, and the cake will turn out very tasty!

Layered cake with asparagus is a good seasonal baking option to please your family. Moreover, asparagus is the most low-calorie vegetable that is full of vitamins and minerals!

Today I'll tell you how to make a cake for February 14 - International Valentine's Day. The cake turns out delicious, but its main feature is that you can cut very beautiful hearts out of it. Try it!

Quiche is a fairly common type of pie, made with many fillings. I prefer quiche with onions, very tasty and satisfying, and most importantly - budget. Recommend!

French apple pie is a fragrant, fresh and budget-friendly dessert made from apples and pastry. Such a pie is especially popular in Brittany and Normandy. French apple pie is prepared within an hour.

Making a fig and goat cheese pie is easy enough, but the impression will be strong. This recipe belongs to the category of original and unusual for our menu. The more fun it is to cook!

Hawaiian pie is made with pineapple and nuts. The ingredients are not the most familiar to a Russian person, but if you want to try something new, the Hawaiian pie recipe is what you need.

Recipe grated pie with apples - for sweet tooth and tea lovers. tender apple filling goes well with sand dough, and the aroma of cinnamon adds even more sophistication.

Delicious and hearty pie everyone will like it, especially men. And most importantly, this meat pie is prepared in a hurry - you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort preparing it!

Puff pastry with cheese and sausage is made with salami, so its taste is unusual, rich. The pie is filling. Be sure to try it, since the recipe for puff pastry with cheese and sausage is simple!

Are guests on the doorstep or do you want something tasty and unusual? Make a delicious and hearty cheesecake in no time. It's easy and simple!

orange pie it is best to cook during the orange season, because. you will need a lot of them for a pie. Moreover, we will cook orange syrup. Garnish the finished cake with fresh orange slices.

The most favorite pies in my family. Tasty and inexpensive. I tell you how to cook pies with cabbage in the oven - everyone has known since childhood!

It is not so difficult to prepare a very tasty pie with cabbage. All you need is a little time and this great recipe. And the result of the work done will exceed all your expectations.

Cherry pie is very, very tasty! Sweet, juicy, fragrant cherry pie will be a hit for your lunch or dinner. The main thing is that the recipe for cherry pie is very variable - you can experiment.

Excellent taste and aroma, ease of preparation and availability of ingredients - these are the main advantages of this pie. Cook this apple pie in a hurry and enjoy the result!

Tomato pie is a traditional southern, or rather, Mediterranean dish. Ideal for brunch or light dinner on a warm summer evening. The cake just disappears before our eyes.

Apple pie comes out differently every time. This is and different varieties apples, and other spices, and a new mood. This is my favorite apple pie. I bake it often and with pleasure. I share the recipe.

Kulebyaka with salmon - Russian fish pie. You can cook it in different ways. This kulebyaki recipe is made with dill pancakes, couscous, caramelized onions and salmon. Kulebyaka is being prepared for two hours.

Pie "Mazurka" is easy to prepare and at the same time full of flavors. Its filling contains dried apricots, nuts, cloves - this is a great solution for a cozy tea party!

Cooking a hearty fish pie is easy and fun. Pollock puff pastry will not leave indifferent any gourmet, although it is prepared literally in no time. Sharing the recipe!

I bake a cake with waves in the middle of the week. It turns out such a lazy dinner (I use ready-made dough). I heat up the broth and gobble it up with the pie. I add chicken fillet to the filling. Yummy!

I present to you a simple recipe. open pie with pears. It is also called "Tudor" - supposedly, the English kings from this dynasty were very fond of feasting on such a pie.

I present to you a simple recipe. curd pie with pears. The combination of soft curd dough with fragrant juicy pears and cinnamon will certainly appeal to all lovers of homemade cakes!

I bring to your attention the recipe shortbread pie with pears and tender sour creamdelicious dessert, which is suitable not only for a festive tea party, but also for a children's menu.

Delicious and hearty pie with thin crumbly dough. It is prepared easily and quickly, and you can feed the whole family with it, because those who are indifferent to this culinary masterpiece definitely won't stay.

coconut pie with cream is good for a special occasion, such as a birthday. The cake is fluffy, soft, white and "snowy" coconut flakes. It's perfect for Christmas too. Let's add some nuts!

Grandma's cinnamon apple pie has been around for generations. This is a classic, everyone's favorite dessert, which is perfect for both everyday and festive tables. Not a pie, but a meal!

In summer, you can buy (or pick in the garden) rhubarb. Sour rhubarb and sweet apples make a wonderful pie filling. We make a pie with rhubarb and apples open, covering the filling with a "lattice".

I bake a beautiful airy yeast pie with apples for the weekend. It lasts for three days, so I don’t worry about dessert on the weekend. I bake an open apple pie, so it is much more aromatic and interesting.

Classic recipe simple pie with apples should be in the arsenal of every housewife. The cake cooks quickly and looks quite decent. Shall we try?

Pie with apples and strawberries is perfect for the afternoon. Imagine a cup of coffee with milk foam and fluffy pie with sweet and sour strawberries and apple slices. Real jam!

Love baking? So what makes us run to the store if we just want to pamper ourselves and our family? Try several times to cook delicious pies according to our recipes, and the desire to shop in the store will disappear by itself.

Simple jam pie

This pie is easy to make and tastes amazing!

For the test

  • 2 eggs
  • 2-3 cups flour
  • 200 g butter or margarine
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • a little bit of vanilla
  • 1 tsp soda (quench with vinegar) or baking powder
  • 150-200 g of any is not very liquid jam or jam.

with jam

  1. Melt butter (margarine) and cool. Pour sugar into a separate bowl, add chilled butter, vanilla, eggs, and mix everything well.
  2. Gradually, in small portions, add flour, combining it with baking powder, and knead the dough. It doesn't have to be cool.
  3. Divide it into 2 unequal parts (1/3 and 2/3).
  4. Put a small portion in the freezer for 1 hour.
  5. Spread most of the dough evenly on the mold, brushing it with vegetable oil. Spread the jam on top of the dough and smooth it out with a spoon or spatula.
  6. Remove the remaining dough from the freezer and rub it on a coarse grater in an even layer over the jam.
  7. Place the pie in an oven preheated to 200°C and bake for 20-25 minutes. Bon appetit!

Economical simple jam pie

Here is another equally interesting, and more economy recipe making a simple pie with jam.
The cake rises very well. This recipe always saves when there is nothing for tea. It's very quick and easy to prepare!

To make a simple pie you will need

  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup any jam
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 2.5 cups flour
  • 1 tsp soda

Recipe for making a simple pie

  1. Connect all components. Extinguish soda with vinegar. The dough should be a little thicker than regular pancakes. Bake in the oven at 150°C.
  2. The pie can be eaten just like that or cut into cakes and smeared with condensed milk or some kind of cream. Bon appetit!

Simple cottage cheese pie

Cottage cheese, as you know, is very useful. However, many do not like it in its purest form. You can try to make a delicious simple pie from cottage cheese.

To make a simple pie you will need

For the test

  • 1.5 cups flour
  • 0.5 cup sugar
  • 100-125 g butter
  • 1 tsp baking powder

For curd filling

  • 450-500 g cottage cheese
  • 0.75 - 1 glass of sour cream
  • 3 eggs
  • 0.5 cup sugar (more or less to taste)
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • raisins, dried apricots, dried fruits (optional)

Recipe for making a simple pie

  1. Soften the butter slightly, leaving it at room temperature. Rub it with sugar.
  2. Combine flour with baking powder and add to butter.
  3. Mix all the ingredients with your hands, you will get flour crumbs. This will be the dough.
  4. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork. Add egg yolks, sour cream to it, and mix well.
  5. Beat egg whites with sugar until very stiff. Connect curd mass and whipped egg whites, mix gently.
  6. Pour 2/3 of the dough into a greased baking dish. Put the curd-protein mass on top, and cover the curd with the remaining crumbs.
  7. Bake the cake at 180°C for 25-30 minutes. Bon appetit!

simple banana pie

If you want something like that, you can cook a delicious and fragrant banana pie.

To make a simple pie you will need

  • 100 g margarine or butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1.5 cups sugar
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • salt on the tip of a knife
  • 2 bananas
  • 150 g milk

Recipe for making a simple pie

  1. Peel bananas and mash with a fork. Hold the butter at room temperature, and when it becomes soft, beat it with sugar with a mixer. Add banana pulp and mix until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  2. Add vanilla sugar, milk and a pinch of salt. Stir.
  3. Add eggs one at a time, while beating the mass with a whisk or mixer at minimum speed.
  4. The last ingredient should be flour combined with baking powder. Knead a homogeneous dough.
  5. Pour the batter into a greased baking dish. Can be laid parchment paper detachable form. Bake the cake at 180-190°C for 30-40 minutes. Bon appetit!

Easy kiwi pie

Exotic lovers will surely love it. gourmet pie with kiwi.

To make a simple pie you will need

For the test

  • 200 flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 egg
  • 50 g butter
  • 3 tbsp milk
  • 6 kiwi

For filling:

  • 50 g sugar
  • 100 g chopped almonds
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • 75 g butter

Recipe for making a simple pie

  1. To prepare the dough you need to combine sugar, baking powder and flour. Add egg, butter and milk and knead into a smooth dough. Put it in a round form, first cover the bottom of the form with baking paper.
  2. Make small sides, spread peeled kiwi slices on top and bake in a preheated oven at 200 ° oven for 10 minutes.
  3. In the meantime, combine all the ingredients intended for pouring in a saucepan. Stirring constantly, bring it to a boil. Remove the pie from the oven, pour the filling over the kiwi and bake for another 10 minutes. Bon appetit!

Simple pie with potatoes and chicken

If you want to pamper your men, make a delicious easy chicken and potato pie for them. It prepares in a matter of minutes. In addition, this cake can be safely attributed to economical baking. It is equally delicious both hot and cold.

To make a simple pie you will need

For batter you will need:

  • 100 g sour cream and mayonnaise mixture
  • 3-4 tbsp flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp soda slaked with vinegar

Recipe for making a simple pie

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin circles, sprinkle with spices and add the egg, mix thoroughly. Cut the thigh or mushrooms and sprinkle with spices.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings. Grease the baking dish sunflower oil or fat, sprinkle breadcrumbs. Lay the pie in layers of potato-chicken-onion.
  3. Prepare the batter, for this, beat the eggs with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise, add soda slaked with vinegar, flour and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Pour the filling of the pie with batter and smooth. If the batter is liquid, then you get a casserole, if it is thicker, you get a pie.
  5. Cook it in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for about 50 minutes. Can be served with vegetables or salad. Bon appetit!

Carrot cake

This is a delicious and healthy cake!

You will need:

  • 2 stack flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 stack Sahara;
  • 2 stack finely grated carrots;
  • 20 g of vegetable oil;
  • 1 spoon of soda;
  • vanillin.

Easy Carrot Cake Recipe:

  1. Eggs are beaten with sugar.
  2. In a separate deep bowl, mix the egg-sugar mixture with carrots, soda, flour and vanilla.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a deep baking dish, greased with oil.
  4. The pie is cooked until ready for about 45 minutes.

Tart with cheese and tomatoes

Here's another delicious and quick pie recipe for you!

You will need:

  • 2 puff pastry;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 125 ml cream;
  • 100 g of ham;
  • 40 g Parmesan;
  • 1 spoon of oregano.

Tart preparation:

  1. Both pieces of dough are combined into one, rolled out a little and laid out in a mold.
  2. Tomatoes are cut into cubes, and the cheese is grated.
  3. Eggs are beaten with a blender along with cream, a few tablespoons of cheese and oregano. The eggs are salted and peppered to taste.
  4. Spread ham and tomatoes on the dough, pour everything with a whipped mixture and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.
  5. The form is sent to the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes until the crust is browned.

Do you have recipes in your arsenal? quick pies? Share with us in the comments!