Home / Cakes / Tsvetaevsky apple pie. Apple Pie - A Quick Recipe Kremenkul Apple Pie

Tsvetaevsky apple pie. Apple Pie - A Quick Recipe Kremenkul Apple Pie

Apple pie is a classic fall dessert. His perfect recipe A must have for every chef. Novice cooks will be especially pleased that baking with fresh apples prepared as easy as possible.

The classic recipe for the pie under discussion includes a minimum of the most available products. In addition to fruits (3-5 apples), you need to take: 3 eggs, 270 g each of sugar and sifted flour, a pinch of baking soda (no need to extinguish).

  1. To begin with, the fruits are thoroughly washed, peeled, get rid of the middle and cut into small slices. Prepared apples are laid out in a form greased with any oil. It is best to choose creamy for this purpose.
  2. Eggs with a mixer are beaten with sugar until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Flour and soda are gradually added to the sweet egg mass. All components are thoroughly mixed.
  4. The dough will be thick, but it will pour well.
  5. Apples are completely covered with sweet mass.
  6. The cake is baked in a well-heated oven for 25 minutes.

Ready-made pastries should be generously sprinkled with powdered sugar.

apple charlotte

Delicate sweet charlotte is usually cooked on kefir. For such a treat, you need to take 220 ml. fatty dairy product. And besides: 280 g flour, 220 g sugar, 2 chicken eggs, 5 apples, 5 g of baking powder for dough, 160 g of butter.

  1. The oil softens into microwave oven and mixed with sugar. After that, eggs are driven into the mixture, and the components are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Warm kefir is poured into the mixture, and then sifted flour with baking powder is poured. Ready dough it should turn out even a little thicker than is usually used for kefir pancakes.
  3. Apples are peeled, washed and laid out in a mold greased with any oil.
  4. Dough is poured over the fruit.
  5. Dessert is baked at 185 degrees until a delicious crust.

The finished cake is decorated with a mixture of cinnamon and cocoa.

Open apple pie

Looks very nice and appetizing open pies with apples. Such a treat will look great even on festive table. To prepare it, you need to use: 360 g of flour, a handful of peeled walnuts, 3 eggs, 170 g of high-fat butter, 7 g of baking powder, 160 g of sugar, 3 sour apples, a pinch of vanilla and a couple of teaspoons lemon juice.

  1. Using a whisk, softened butter is mixed with sugar and vanilla until the mass is snow-white and homogeneous.
  2. Eggs are added to the resulting mixture 1 at a time. Each interferes with the future dough very intensively for a couple of minutes. As a result, granulated sugar will completely dissolve, and the mass will be more liquid.
  3. Flour sifted with baking powder is added to the previously mixed ingredients.
  4. Last of all, an apple, peeled and grated on a coarse grater, is sent to the rest of the components.
  5. If the fruit turned out to be very juicy, then you can add a little more flour, and mix the mass again. You can use a food processor for this.
  6. With wet hands, the dough is distributed on a greased form. Large slices of the remaining apples are laid out on top.
  7. It remains to sprinkle the future cake with sugar, chopped nuts and send it to bake for 45 minutes. into a preheated oven.

The resulting treat goes well with creamy ice cream.

Bulgarian recipe

The main feature of such baking is that the flour in it is mixed with semolina. This makes the dough more tender and crumbly. It doesn't have eggs. In addition to flour and semolina (180 g each), you also need to use for the pie: 5 sweet and sour apples, 7 g of baking powder, 220 ml. fat milk, 1 lemon, 180 g sugar, a pinch of ground cinnamon.

  1. Flour with baking powder is sifted into a bowl, and semolina and sugar are also added.
  2. Apples are washed, peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater. Sprinkle the fruit immediately with lemon juice so that it does not darken.
  3. At the bottom of a detachable form covered with baking paper, part of the dry mixture is poured so that it completely hides the coating. Top with a layer of apple chips. Layers are repeated several more times until the ingredients run out.
  4. Milk is brought to a boil and poured over the future pie. It must be evenly distributed throughout the mass.
  5. It remains to sprinkle the surface with cinnamon and make a few punctures with a knife all over the cake.
  6. The treat will be prepared for about 55 minutes before the appearance of a golden crust.

The resulting pastry can be served with condensed milk.

Tsvetaevsky apple pie

It is believed that it was this version of the apple pie that the Tsvetaeva sisters treated their guests many years ago. It also turns out to be open. For such a dessert you will need: 280 g of flour, 1 egg, 190 g of sugar, 320 g of fat sour cream, a pack of butter, 5 g of baking powder, 3 sour apples.

  1. Flour sifted with baking powder (240 g) and butter cut into small pieces are combined in one container.
  2. The mass is ground into crumbs and sour cream (120 g) is immediately sent to it.
  3. A homogeneous, elastic and non-sticky dough is kneaded. While the filling is being prepared, it will be in the refrigerator.
  4. Fruits are peeled, washed and cut into thin plastics.
  5. The egg is combined with sugar, the remaining flour and sour cream. The mass must be homogeneous.
  6. A detachable baking dish is greased with oil, the dough is laid out in it in such a way that high sides are formed.
  7. Then apple slices are laid out in two layers.
  8. It remains to fill the filling with sour cream and sugar mass.
  9. The treat is baked for about 55 minutes.

Before slicing and serving Tsvetaevsky Apple pie It is best to put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Easy American Pie Recipe

In a real American pie, a special shortbread dough and caramelized delicate filling.

However, his recipe is simple, and ready-made pastries can be stored 4-5 days in the refrigerator. To prepare such a pie, you need to take: 1.3 kg. sour apples, 380 g flour, 240 g sugar, a standard pack of butter, 1 egg yolk, 120 ml. ice water, lemon zest, a pinch each nutmeg and ground cinnamon.

  1. The flour is sifted, mixed with sugar (40 g) and finely chopped cold butter(3/4 of the pack). The ingredients crumble quickly. This can only be done with your fingertips.
  2. The mass is laid out in a slide and a small depression is made in its center. Egg yolk beaten with ice water is poured into it.
  3. The dough cannot be kneaded, so you need to gently mix it and form a ball. A little more cold water may be required during the process.
  4. The dough should spend in the refrigerator (wrapped in foil) for at least 1 hour.
  5. Apples are washed, peeled and cut into thin slices.
  6. The remaining butter and sugar are laid out in the pan. Together they warm up, after which apples are added to the ingredients.
  7. The mass in the pan should be constantly stirred so that the granulated sugar does not burn and darken.
  8. In the sweet mass, apples caramelize for about 15 minutes. As a result, only minimal amount liquids.
  9. While the filling is cooling, the dough is removed from the refrigerator and divided into two unequal parts.
  10. From the larger half, the lower cake is rolled out on flour. It is placed in an oiled mold. It is also necessary to form high sides.
  11. The apple mass is laid out and sprinkled with seasonings and fine lemon zest.
  12. The second cake is rolled on top, and the edges of the baking are pinched.
  13. In the middle of the future treats, a hole is made for steam to escape.
  14. Dessert is ready in 25 minutes. It is enough to heat the oven to 170 degrees.

Very tasty to serve American Pie hot with apples.

Grated apple pie

Such a pie is indispensable for suddenly arriving guests. It is prepared easily and from affordable products: 260 g of flour, 1 egg, 170 g of granulated sugar, 2-3 apples, 140 g of fatty butter, a bag of ground cinnamon, 5 g of soda.

  1. Butter is softened in the microwave or in a water bath, mixed with granulated sugar and a chicken egg.
  2. Flour and soda quenched in any convenient way are added to the future dough.
  3. As a result, the hostess should have a soft, strong dough that does not stick to her hands. It is divided into two unequal parts, and the smaller one is sent to the freezer for 35 minutes.
  4. Most of it is laid out in the form. Peeled apples are rubbed on top of it on a coarse grater. The filling is sprinkled with cinnamon and a little sugar.
  5. It remains to cover the fruit with the remaining dough, rubbing it on a grater.
  6. A treat is baked for 35 minutes in a well-heated oven.

The pie is served chilled.

Tatin - French step by step recipe

This is the most difficult cooking option. But it will be quite possible to repeat it to every hostess, if you follow the instructions published below. For such baking, you will need to take: 220 g of extra flour and the same amount of butter, 3-4 apples, 120 g of sugar, 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice, a pinch of cinnamon, 50 ml. water.

  1. Butter (100 g) with flour and half of the sugar is ground into crumbs. Water is sent to the mass, and standard shortbread dough is kneaded. If it is not soft and pliable, but too steep, then you can increase the amount of liquid used. The dough in the film is removed in the freezer for an hour.
  2. The remaining oil with 50 g of sugar and cinnamon is simmered for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Apples are washed, peeled and sent to the hot mass. At the same time, you need to sprinkle them with the remaining sugar.
  4. After 15 minutes, the caramelized fruits are removed from the heat and cooled.
  5. The apple filling is laid out in a greased form, and on top it is covered with a layer of slightly thawed and rolled out dough.
  6. Several punctures are made on the surface of the future pie with a fork.
  7. At a temperature of 190 degrees, the treat will be completely ready in 35 minutes.

After the baking has cooled, it is turned over onto a large plate with the filling up and cut into portions.

Bulk apple pie

Exactly bulk cake with fresh apples can be called quick pastries.

It will especially appeal to those housewives who do not like to mess with the dough. For such a pie, you need to take: 320 g each of sugar, flour and semolina, 5 sour apples, a pack of butter, 2 tsp each. vanilla sugar and baking powder.

  1. All bulk products are combined and mixed until smooth.
  2. Apples are washed, peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater.
  3. Fruit and "dough" are divided into three parts.
  4. Next, a cake is formed: bulk products - apples - frozen butter grated on a coarse grater. Layers are repeated 2 more times. At the end, they need to be changed so that the oil is on top.
  5. The cake is baked for 35 minutes.

The finished treat is moist, tender and very soft.

jellied pie

This option is usually prepared on kefir (230 ml.). In addition to it, you need to take: 3 apples, 0.5 tsp each. cinnamon and soda, 140 g sugar, 2 eggs, 230 g flour, 70 g butter.

  1. Flour is sifted with soda.
  2. Kefir is mixed with sugar, eggs and softened butter.
  3. Liquid ingredients are mixed with dry ingredients in such a way that the mass is thick and homogeneous.
  4. The dough is laid out in a greased form, and peeled and chopped are distributed on top of it. large pieces apples.
  5. The treat is baked for about 40 minutes until a dry toothpick.

Cinnamon is added to baked goods as desired. Apples are sprinkled on top of her.

Upside down apple pie

Pie-"changeling" is prepared with caramel. It needs the following ingredients: 240 g each of flour, butter and sugar, 4 eggs and apples, 2 tsp each. baking powder and cinnamon, a pinch of vanillin.

  1. To prepare caramel, 90 g of butter, 120 g of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon are mixed. The ingredients are cooked over medium heat until smooth.
  2. Apples, directly with the peel, are cut into small slices and laid out in a greased form. Fruits are topped with caramel.
  3. Beat eggs, remaining sugar and vanilla until fluffy. After that, the rest of the oil and flour, sifted with baking powder, are sent to them.
  4. A steep dough is kneaded, which is laid out on apples.
  5. The cake is cooked at 160 degrees for about 35 minutes.

After cooling, the pastry is turned upside down on a dish.

Cooking in a multicooker

Apple pie in a slow cooker is the easiest to bake. To do this, you need to take: 180 g each of sugar and flour, 3 eggs, 2 sour apples, a pinch of salt, butter.

  1. Eggs with salt and granulated sugar are beaten with a mixer until fluffy foam.
  2. Flour is added to the sweet egg mass, and the ingredients are well mixed.
  3. Half of the dough is laid out in an oiled multicooker bowl, then slices of peeled apples and again the dough.
  4. In the "Baking" mode, the dessert is cooked for 55 minutes.

During cooking, the lid of the device must be closed.

Tsvetaevsky apple pie is perhaps one of the most popular apple pies. I think many of you have come across this name more than once, and someone has already prepared this wonderful pie.
One of the popular versions of the origin of the pie tells us that it was often served to guests in the Tsvetaevs' house. We do not know about the reliability of this fact, but the cake is very tasty, so you should definitely cook it!

The pie is so tasty and at the same time, so easy to prepare that it may well claim to be a favorite or even signature pie, which you can periodically include in your daily or holiday menu.
Just imagine: a thin, delicate and crumbly shortcrust base on sour cream dough, just perfectly combined with tender cream filling and slices of apples... tenderness and delight in every piece!

Be sure to cook it, and I will look forward to your impressions!


For shortcrust pastry on sour cream (form diameter 24-26 cm)
butter 150 g
sour cream 125 g
flour 200 g
baking powder 1 tsp
For sour cream filling and toppings
sour cream 350 g
eggs 1 large or 2 small pieces
sugar 250-270 g
vanilla sugar 1 tsp
flour 40 g (4 tablespoons)
apples (unpeeled) 3-4 pieces (500-600 g)

This treat will appeal to both adults and children. It can be served on the table for the holiday or for the usual family dinner. dough and stuffing. There are quite simple ways, such as charlotte. She needs minimum set products and the whole process takes no more than forty minutes. Complex baking requires more time and experience. In this case, the product is cooked in the oven, and the filling can be both on top and inside the pie. In addition to apples, add cinnamon, raisins, walnuts, and when serving, you can decorate the dish with whipped cream, sour cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

This treat is very popular with children. It is much more useful than store-bought products, as it is made from natural ingredients without unnecessary dyes and preservatives. It is convenient to take a ready-made dessert with you on a trip and to nature, as it can be stored outside the refrigerator for a long time. It doesn't take much to get the hang of cooking. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe and recommendations, then the dish will turn out tender, airy and will certainly appeal to all family members.

Apple pie - delicious and real autumn baking, which, as a rule, appears on the tables during the harvest of fresh apples and on long winter days. soft, airy and tender cake rich apple filling and delicate aroma everyone will like it without exception and will become a favorite dessert.

The finished product can be decorated and various additives can be added, it all depends on taste preferences.

In a pie cooked classic recipe, there are about 240 calories per 100 grams.

The easiest and fastest apple pie in the oven - step by step photo recipe

There is nothing complicated in making apple pie. This dessert is prepared very quickly and a simple recipe should be in the arsenal of every housewife.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 1 hour 0 minutes

Quantity: 8 servings


  • Apples: 5 pcs.
  • Butter: 150 g
  • Sugar: 100 g
  • Wheat flour: 200 g
  • Eggs: 3 pcs.
  • Baking Powder: 1.5 tsp
  • Vanillin: 1 tsp

Cooking instructions

    Crack the eggs into a bowl and, using a mixer, beat them until foamy.

    Add vanillin, baking powder and oil to the egg mass. Whisk again.

    Then add sugar and continue beating.

    Then add flour and beat again with a mixer.

    The dough is ready. The consistency should be similar to very thick sour cream.

    Peel apples from seeds and peel. Cut into small pieces.

    Gently fold them into the batter.

    Grease a baking dish (the photo recipe uses a container with a diameter of 24 cm) with a small piece of butter and sprinkle with flour. Spread the dough out evenly. Top with apple slices if desired. Send to the oven and bake for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

    After the specified time, the apple pie is ready.

    Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

Delicious and simple pie with apples on kefir

Despite the fact that the delicacy is prepared in a few minutes, this does not make it worse than a cake prepared using the most complex technology. Delicate, moderately sweet with a velvety texture, the cake will bring a lot of pleasure, especially when combined with cold milk.

You will need a set of products:

  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • vanillin - 1 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. Whisk the eggs with a whisk until they are fluffy.
  2. Mix in the sugar and vanilla.
  3. In a water bath, melt the butter, add to the eggs.
  4. We extinguish soda in kefir, combine with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Sift the flour and add it to the main mass gradually, one glass at a time, mix well with a whisk.
  6. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, spread the dough.
  7. Peel the apples, cut into slices. Beautifully laid out on top.
  8. We straighten the form in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 40 minutes.

After the cake has cooled to a comfortable temperature, you can start drinking tea.

From the indicated amount of ingredients, 12 servings are obtained. The total cooking time will not take more than 1 hour.

On milk

A delicacy prepared according to this recipe turns out juicy and crumbly at the same time.

Ingredients for 8 servings:

  • fruits - 4 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 400 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • refined oil - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g.


  1. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer.
  2. After the mixture has increased in volume and becomes white, pour in the milk.
  3. Add oil. We mix.
  4. Sift the flour, mix it with the baking powder and combine with the main composition.
  5. We clean the apples, remove the core, cut into thin slices.
  6. We grease the form with oil (you can lightly sprinkle flour on top), pour out the dough, beautifully lay out the apple slices.
  7. Bake in the oven at 200°C for about an hour.

If desired, you can sprinkle the product with ground cinnamon or powdered sugar.

On sour cream

A simple recipe for apple pie with sour cream. Even a novice cook can handle baking.

Products used:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 11 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • soda - 7 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 9 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

How we cook:

  1. In a bowl, combine all ingredients except apples.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Covering the baking dish parchment paper, grease it with oil, spread ½ of the dough.
  4. The next layer is peeled and chopped apples.
  5. Top with the remaining dough in an even layer.
  6. Preheat the oven to 175°C and set the mold for 45 minutes.

The cooled cake goes well with tea or coffee.

Very easy yeast apple pie recipe

Lush yeast pies always remain at the peak of popularity. Dessert according to this recipe is prepared quickly, it will help out the hostess in an unforeseen situation.


  • milk - 270 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 110 g;
  • yeast - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • margarine - 50 g;
  • apple - 200 g;
  • yolk - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 pinch.


  1. We heat the milk, add salt, sugar, yeast, stir. Let it warm until the mixture starts to foam.
  2. We combine the dough with flour, melted margarine and yolk.
  3. Knead the dough and keep warm. After a couple of hours, it will increase in size greatly.
  4. Once again, gently knead, roll out and put in a mold, make sides on the sides. Lubricate the surface with oil.
  5. Top tightly with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruit (peel can be left).
  6. From the remaining dough we form an elegant decoration.
  7. Bake in the oven for 35 minutes at 190°C.

Delicious and simple pie with apples on shortcrust pastry

Shortbread dough is prepared much easier than puff or yeast dough, but palatability it is not inferior to them.


  • flour - 300 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 170 g;
  • apples - 800 g;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

What we do:

  1. Add to sifted flour powdered sugar and vanillin.
  2. Gradually stir in the oil, it should be soft.
  3. Gently knead the mass so that more air gets into it.
  4. We form a ball and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. Properly cooked dough is soft and plastic.
  5. Remove the seeds from the apple and cut into slices.
  6. Roll out the dough, transfer to the form. Poke holes on the surface with a fork. We send it to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Carefully lay out the fruit, put it in the oven for another 40 minutes.
  8. Sprinkle the hot product with powdered sugar.

From such a dough, you can bake not only pies, it is also suitable for cakes, cakes or cookies.

The world's easiest slow cooker apple pie recipe

The perfect recipe for "lazy" housewives. Product set:

  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • eggs - 3-4 pieces;
  • apples - 800 gr.


  1. We clean the fruit, remove the core, cut into slices.
  2. In the heating mode, let the butter melt and add a couple of tablespoons of sugar, mix.
  3. Lay the sliced ​​apples on the bottom.
  4. Using a mixer, beat the eggs and granulated sugar. Add flour without turning off the mixer.
  5. When the dough becomes like sour cream, pour it over apples.
  6. We turn on the “Baking” mode and cook for 40 minutes under a closed lid.

In order for the cake to look even more appetizing, it must be served upside down. It is more ruddy underneath.

A few tips to help make the dessert extraordinarily tasty:

  1. The biscuit will turn out more airy if you beat the whites separately from the yolks. Take cold eggs, use them last.
  2. Choose in moderation sour apples, the Antonovka variety is best suited, it will give the baking a special piquancy.
  3. Choose good quality fruits. After baking, a spoiled apple will show its unpleasant taste.
  4. Want to make your dough lighter? Replace 1/3 of the flour with starch.
  5. You can add nuts to baking, they will enhance the taste. Toasted almonds are ideal for this purpose. Crush the nuts and sprinkle them over the product.

As you already understood, making an apple pie is interesting and easy. Choose the recipe that suits you and be sure to try making such a treat. Bon appetit and successful experiments in the field of cooking!

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