Home / Khachapuri / The recipe for fresh cabbage pies in the oven. Filling for cabbage pies

The recipe for fresh cabbage pies in the oven. Filling for cabbage pies

Today I want to show you how to cook delicious. In fact, all that is needed to make such pies is to be able to cook good yeast dough and stew delicious cabbage, which will be the filling. The filling for pies with cabbage can be prepared not only on the basis of fresh cabbage, but also on the basis of sauerkraut, or by combining them. In addition, to ready-made stewed cabbage, you can add to the filling fried mushrooms, green onions, eggs, dill, meat. Thus, you can diversify the taste of the pies.

Now let's move on to the recipe and see how to cook pies with cabbage in the oven step by step with a photo.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • Cabbage - 400-500 gr.,
  • Black pepper - a pinch
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.,
  • A bow is half a head,
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp spoon,
  • Carrots - 1 pc.,
  • Salt,
  • Sunflower oil

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Wet yeast - 50 gr.,
  • Sunflower oil - 5 tbsp spoons
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Salt - 1 tsp,
  • Wheat flour - 2.5 cups.
  • One egg for greasing ready-made pies

Pies with cabbage in the oven - a step by step recipe

Cooking cabbage pies begins with preparing the cabbage filling or, in other words, stewing cabbage. Finely chop the white cabbage. Peel carrots and onions. Grate the carrots. Chop the onion into cubes. Pour oil into the pan. Preheat it on the stove. Place the onions and carrots. After 5 minutes, when the vegetables are tender, add the cabbage. Toss it with onions and carrots. At this stage of cooking, if desired, you can add a little sauerkraut.

Add half a glass of water, salt, black pepper and Bay leaf... Simmer the cabbage for about 15 minutes over low heat. Then add the tomato paste. With regular stirring, so that the cabbage does not burn, simmer it for another 10-15 minutes. Times are approximate. If you want a softer patty, simmer for longer.

While the braised cabbage is cooling, prepare the yeast dough. I will show you how to knead yeast dough with milk and using wet yeast. First, let's prepare a dough. Pour 100 ml into a bowl to prepare it. warm milk. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 50 gr. wet yeast (equivalent to one packet of dry yeast). Plus, to speed up the fermentation process, you need to add sugar in the amount of one tablespoon to the dough. Mix all the ingredients of the dough. Leave it on for 30 minutes.

Pour milk into a bowl. It should be at room temperature.

Pour the dough into it.

Add salt.

Pour in vegetable oil.

Use a whisk, spatula or fork to stir the dough mixture.

Sift the wheat flour. Add it to the dough in small portions.

Knead a thick dough. Leave it to come up for about one hour.

After that, wrinkle the dough with your hands again. Modeling of pies with cabbage, which will be baked in the oven, is classic. The pies will be oval. Tear off some of the dough to make pies. Make a cake out of it. Place the cabbage filling on top of it.

Lift the edges up and pinch. Flatten the cabbage pie with your hands, give it an oval shape.

Transfer it, seam side down, onto a parchment-lined and floured baking sheet. The distance between the pies should be at least 3-4 cm. After the pan with pies is full, give them 20 minutes to come up.

Brush the pies with a beaten egg.

Pies with cabbage in the oven. Photo

Cabbage pies are not only tasty, but also economical. The vegetable is absolutely available all year round and is, as a rule, quite symbolic. Cabbage filling is prepared mainly from fresh cabbage, options with sauerkraut filling are not for everybody.

The article has selected the most popular options for fillings for fresh cabbage pies in the oven. In step-by-step recipes, recommendations are given on how to prepare yeast dough for pies on dough and a simpler, unleavened dough that is kneaded in water in a matter of minutes. The recommended fillings can be combined with any type of dough.

Technological principles of cooking pies with cabbage in the oven according to step-by-step recipes

You can bake pies with cabbage from any dough. The most popular is air yeast baked goods... The preparation of such a dough is a rather painstaking and time-consuming process. There are options for a lighter dough for cabbage pies - on the water, without rippers and eggs. Such pies are popular in Moldovan cuisine, they are called “Varzere”. You can take your favorite dough recipe as a basis or use the express method by purchasing a ready-made semi-finished puff or yeast dough.

The filling for pies is most often prepared from fresh cabbage, white cabbage varieties. Replacement options are not excluded fresh vegetable sour, but it's a matter of taste. If you had a chance to cook for the first time, stop on pies stuffed with fresh cabbage.

The best choice there will be late varieties of the white calf. The forks should be white, it is from such a cabbage that the filling will turn out juicy. Cabbage is finely chopped or twisted in a meat grinder, depending on the type of filling. If the cabbage has to be stewed, it is better to finely chop it, raw, so that it is well steamed, chopped with a meat grinder, but if there is a wooden trough with a hoe, it is advisable to use them.

Pies are baked on a baking sheet, the bottom of which is rubbed with vegetable oil. So that the yeast pastries retain their shape and the pies do not fall apart, the products are laid down with a seam. Moisten them with a beaten egg before placing them in the oven for a pleasant shine and better blush.

Any pastry is placed exclusively in a preheated oven. You cannot put a baking sheet with pies in an unheated oven, be sure to bring the temperature to the recommended one.

Oven airy cabbage pies: a step-by-step recipe for yeast dough

Airy baking cannot be achieved without yeast. The proposed recipe assumes the use of dry fast-acting yeast, but if desired, they are completely replaceable with fresh ones. Dough in this case is prepared in the same way, only fresh yeast must first be crumbled with your fingers and rubbed with the same amount of sugar.


A kilogram of high-grade wheat flour;

One and a half glasses of medium fat milk;

1.5 tablespoons of fast-acting yeast;

Glass of water;

A spoonful of sugar;

Two selected eggs;

Lean, well-refined oil - 100 ml;

A spoonful of evaporated salt.

In the filling:

Two onion heads;

A kilogram of white cabbage;

A quarter of a pack of butter.


Large egg.

Cooking method:

1. First, knead the yeast dough, it needs some time to rise. We will deal with the cabbage filling while the dough is ripening. All products necessary for kneading must be brought to the same temperature, so they must be put out of the refrigerator in advance and left on the table for at least an hour.

2. Cooking dough. Mix granulated sugar with yeast in a bowl, add half a glass of heated water and mix thoroughly. Add 2 tablespoons of the sifted flour, mix well until dense liquid sour cream... Cover the bowl with a cloth and put it in the warmth for half an hour. How quickly and well the dough rises, and later the dough, depends on the quality of the yeast and on the temperature of the liquid. It is unacceptable to dilute and then add excessively warm or, conversely, cold liquid to the dough. Water or milk should be warmed up to a temperature not lower than 38, and not higher than 41 degrees. Hot liquid will kill yeast bacteria, and cold liquid will not be able to activate them - the dough will not rise anyway.

3. Checking the dough. When using high-quality yeast and observing the temperatures, after a quarter of an hour the surface will begin to bubble intensively, and after half an hour it is guaranteed to rise with a foamy cap, approximately doubling in volume. If this does not happen, we repeat the procedure and preferably with new yeast, if the result is positive, we proceed to preparing the dough.

4. Drain the eggs into a deep spacious bowl and put salt, stir well with a fork or whisk. It is not necessary to beat until foamy, our task is to prepare a homogeneous egg mass. Pour warm milk and water of the same temperature to the eggs, the remaining 100 ml, add vegetable oil and, stirring well, bring to homogeneity. We combine the prepared liquid base with the dough, stir it again and begin to gradually add flour, achieving uniformity of the dough. We spread it on an oiled table, knead it with our hands. As soon as it acquires softness and becomes plastic, roll it up in a ball and put it back in a bowl. Covering with a cloth, put in a warm place. Yeast dough does not like drafts, be sure to make sure that they are not in the room. For safety, wrap the bowl with a blanket.

5. After an hour, the dough should be checked, by this time it should rise well. We knead it with our hands and leave it warm for another hour.

6. The filling should be started immediately after the dough has been placed in the test. The cabbage must be stewed and cooled well before the dough rises again.

7. Shred cabbage thinly and not long. Finely chop the onion, and pouring oil into a deep saucepan, put it in it. Fry over low heat, stirring occasionally. As soon as the onion slices lose their dullness and become almost transparent, spread the cabbage and leave it under the lid. Simmer, lowering the heat, for a little over an hour, softening the cabbage well. At the end, add some salt to the filling, put and stir butter, cool it down. Pepper to taste.

8. Form pies. We separate some part of the dough and cut it into small balls. Then, one by one from each, we form the cakes with our hands so that the edges are thinner than the middle. We spread no more than a spoonful of cooled cabbage filling in the center and, pressing firmly with your fingertips, pinch the edges. We give the product the shape of a pie, put it seam down on an oiled baking sheet. Covering with a linen towel, let stand for a quarter of an hour near the heating oven.

9. Lubricate the surface of the spaced cabbage pies with a beaten egg, place the baking sheet in the oven. We bake, preheating the oven to the recommended 180 degrees, for about 25 minutes.

Simple pies with cabbage in the oven: a step-by-step recipe from unleavened dough

When there is not enough time for long troubles, step by step recipe pies with cabbage in the oven from unleavened dough, can help out more than ever. The dough is kneaded in a matter of minutes, does not take time to rise. Cooking must begin with kneading the dough so that it has time to lie down while the filling is cooking and cooling.


Two glasses of quality white flour;

Half a glass of water;

Refined oil - 0.5 cups;

Half a spoonful of salt.


Cabbage, fresh - 300 gr.;

Small carrot;

Half a glass tomato juice or diluted with water tomato paste.

Cooking method:

1. Cooking unleavened dough... Pour cool water into a bowl, dissolve salt in it. Then add and stir the oil well. After pouring a third of the sifted flour into a bowl, mix it thoroughly with the liquid base. Having received homogeneous mass, add the remaining flour in small portions, stirring just as well. Having switched to manual kneading, we mix in the rest of the flour. We knead with our hands until the plasticity of the dough. Covering with a linen napkin, leave on the table for at least half an hour. The dough must be stood, during this time it will become softer and more elastic.

2. While the unleavened dough is resting, we are engaged in cabbage filling. Rub the carrots coarsely, put them in a spacious bowl. Finely chop the cabbage to it, add half a spoonful of salt and stir thoroughly, lightly squeezing with your hands. Pour tomato to the cabbage, mix, put in a thick-walled pan or cauldron. Simmer on a moderate temperature until soft and cool.

3. When the filling has cooled well, proceed to the formation of the pies. We cut the dough into eight balls of the same size, roll them out in rectangular layers, up to 5 mm thick. On one of the wider sides, place the filling so that 2 cm of empty dough remains on each edge. Having bent the sidewalls over the filling, we roll up the pie in the form of a roll.

4. Bake pies at 180 degrees for twenty minutes, until the top is well browned. If you grease the pies with a loose egg before baking, their top will acquire a very appetizing shade.

Cooking the filling for cabbage pies in the oven: a step-by-step recipe with an egg

Perhaps the most common filling for yeast pies with cabbage in the oven. The step-by-step recipe describes in detail how the fresh cabbage filling is prepared without a long heat treatment. To prevent the cabbage in the pies from getting raw, it needs to be chopped. In the old days, we used a hoe for this, but we will twist it in a meat grinder.


A small white calf forks, about a kilogram in weight;

Four large boiled eggs;

40 grams of sweet butter.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the cabbage coarsely, grind it twice with a meat grinder and let it stand a little.

2. Boiled eggs cut into slices, the smaller the better.

3. Strain excess juice from the cabbage and mix it with eggs, add salt to taste and mix well so that the products are evenly dispersed.

4. Place the butter in a small saucepan and melt, setting the minimum heat. Pour liquid fat to cabbage filling and stir it thoroughly.

Filling for cabbage pies in the oven: a step-by-step recipe with dried mushrooms

Another option for filling for baked cabbage pies in the oven. In this step-by-step recipe, fresh cabbage is boiled, chopped with a meat grinder and lightly fried in butter with onions and mushrooms. Prescription Recommended dried mushrooms, but they can be replaced with champignons or fresh wild mushrooms.


A pound of juicy fresh cabbage;

5 pieces. large dried forest mushrooms;

Two hard-boiled eggs;

Three spoons of milk;

Large onion;

Creamy "Traditional" butter - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Having washed and examined the mushrooms, we leave them in cool running water for a whole hour. Rinse again and boil until soft, put it in a colander and drain, but do not throw away all the liquid. Instead of dried mushrooms, you can take fresh forest mushrooms or mushrooms. The filling will turn out not so fragrant, but no less tasty. After washing, fresh forest mushrooms are boiled until tender for about half an hour, half of this time is enough for champignons.

2. Cut the cabbage into large pieces, fill it with water and milk, cook until soft. Then cool and squeeze well with your hands.

3. Assemble the meat grinder, set it up for medium grinding - install the grill with small holes. We twist the boiled cabbage and mushrooms, finely chop the onion and eggs.

4. Put the onion in a frying pan with melted butter, fry until a pleasant golden color appears. Add cabbage mince, spread the mushrooms and eggs, add and mix. Warm up the filling over low heat for five minutes, cool well.

The technology of baking pies with cabbage in the oven according to step-by-step recipes - tips and professional recommendations

In addition to fresh cabbage, sauerkraut is also suitable, but only if the filling needs to be stewed first.

Sauerkraut should be tried, too acidic will require soaking. For this purpose, it is poured with water and left for half an hour, after which it is thoroughly squeezed out. Sauerkraut should not be placed in the filling without first stewing, it will be tough.

Dry yeast used in the step-by-step recipe for puffed cabbage pies in the oven is replaceable with fresh ones. To accurately determine their amount, carefully read the recommendations on the package, usually it indicates for how much flour the portion is designed for.

Add yeast and milk (milk for this dough can be used either warm or cold).

Knead the dough. It will turn out soft, do not add more flour. Fold the dough into a plastic bag, tie, leaving a little space for the approach. Place the bag of dough in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

While the dough is in the refrigerator, prepare the filling. Chop the cabbage (medium-sized), mix with carrots, grated on a coarse grater. Salt and mash with your hands. Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan, put on fire. Lay out the cabbage. Fry a little until the cabbage is soft (5-7 minutes). Add finely chopped onion.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator. It should double in size. Put the dough from the bag on a work surface sprinkled with a little flour. Knead a little. Divide into pieces weighing about 40-50 grams. Roll each piece into a ball, flatten and roll a little into a cake. Put a tablespoon of cabbage in the middle.

Shape patties by pinching the edges well. Grease a form or baking sheet with a little vegetable oil, place the yeast pies with cabbage. Brush with whipped yolk.

Enjoy your meal!

In this recipe, we will cook cabbage pies in the oven with yeast dough. The pies will turn out to be soft, round and fluffy, we sprinkle them with caraway seeds on top, you can sprinkle them with sesame seeds or sunflower seeds if you wish. For the filling, take the cabbage, to which we add stalk celery and chili peppers for flavor. Simple food, such as these pies, does not require a lot of time from you, you won't spend a lot of money on ingredients either, but it will be delicious, that's for sure!

Taste Info Patties


  • Dough:
  • water 145 ml;
  • pressed yeast 9 g;
  • flour 260 g;
  • sugar 4 g;
  • olive oil 20 ml;
  • egg (yolk) 1 pc.
  • Filling:
  • young cabbage 300 g;
  • stalk celery 100 g;
  • carrots 70 g;
  • onions 50 g; green onions 30 g;
  • cheese 60 g;
  • chili pepper 1 pc .; paprika 4 g, salt.

Also for sprinkling you need caraway seeds.
Servings: 6
Time: 130 minutes

How to cook yeast pies with cabbage in the oven

We sift the wheat flour through a fine sieve to enrich it with oxygen. Then we mix the flour with fine salt, for this amount of dough, 4 g is enough.

Stir the pressed yeast in warm water. We also add a teaspoon of fine sugar there, which will help the yeast "revive" faster.

Make a small depression in the flour. Pour a mixture of sugar and yeast into it. Then add the olive oil. You can substitute olive oil for any oil you like.

Mix the dough, which should be homogeneous, thick and elastic. Grease the finished bun with olive oil so that it does not get covered with a crust. Cover the bowl with foil. We put in heat for 70 minutes.

The volume of the dough will increase by about 2 times, we knead it to the same size.

Cooking cabbage, vegetables and cheese filling.
Everything vegetable ingredients for the filling, chop finely and cook until soft in a preheated olive oil for frying.

Add chili pod to slightly cooled vegetables, grated cheese and paprika, salt.
Chili will make a spicy filling, so if you are chili, you can easily remove it. You can also use for the filling

We divide the dough into identical pieces, a kitchen scale is very useful for this, we separate 70 g of dough for one product. As a result, you get 6 rather large pies. Stretch a piece of dough into a round cake, put the cooled filling in the middle. We tighten the filling, form round pies.

Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour. Put the pies, grease with raw yolk and sprinkle with caraway seeds. We leave them warm for another 30 minutes.

Temperature 210 degrees. We bake for 12 minutes. Cool the finished pies on a wire rack.

Alternative recipe - .

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Baked pies with yeast dough cabbage in the oven

What could be more fragrant homemade baked goods? Fresh pies with cabbage in the oven - their smells luring into the kitchen will scatter throughout the house and secretly invite your loved ones to tea. Quick yeast dough and delicious filling- that's all the magic for uniting all family members at one table! Be sure to prepare brass pies with cabbage at home according to our recipe!

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Warm water - 1 tbsp.;
  • Wheat flour highest quality- 600 g;
  • Fast acting dry yeast - 11 g (1 sachet);
  • Sugar - 20 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 25 ml;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Egg white - 1 pc.

For filling:

  • White cabbage - 300 g;
  • Onions - 50 g;
  • Carrots - 50 g;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • Vegetable oil - 40 ml.
  • In the recipe, you will also need an egg yolk from one egg to grease the pies before baking.

How to make the dough:

Pour warm water into a bowl for kneading dough (in no case take hot water), add dry fast-acting yeast and sugar. In this case, yeast can be taken fresh, used in a dough without preliminary soaking.

The whole wheat flour sift. But so far only 50-60 g of flour needs to be added to the yeast. Pour in a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Divide the chicken egg into white and yolk. Add the protein to the cup now. And set aside the yolk for later. Stir with a whisk or spoon and set aside for a quarter of an hour in a warm place. You can cover the cup with a tea towel or cling film... Highly important point- where the yeast dough rises, there should be no draft.

After the specified time, a suitable dough can be seen in the cup. This yeast quickly began the fermentation process.

Pour all the remaining sifted flour into a separate bowl.

Add salt and shake gently to mix dry ingredients. Use a spoon to spread the flour from the center to the edges, making a funnel.

Add the suitable dough with yeast to the flour and salt. Knead an elastic, dense dough with your hands. Cover it again and put it in a warm place to rise. After 5-7 minutes, you will need to do a warm-up. This is a must for yeast dough and is necessary to remove excess carbon dioxide bubbles from it. After a quarter of an hour, the yeast dough for cabbage pies in the oven will rise again and will have better qualities than it is now. In the meantime, turn on the oven to heat up to 180 ° C and start stuffing with cabbage.

To make the cabbage filling:

Rinse the white cabbage in clean water and wipe off with a kitchen towel. Then cut a piece of head of cabbage into several pieces for easy cutting. Chop into small or medium strips. Transfer the cabbage to a skillet with oil. Put simmer on low heat. Cover with a lid.

Wash and peel the onions and carrots. Grind them up. Onions on a cutting board and carrots on a grater. Add vegetables to cabbage. Season with salt and pepper to your liking. The filling for cabbage pies will be tastier if you add dried or fresh spicy herbs... You can take ready-made store mixes, for example, Provencal herbs.

Stir and simmer the vegetables with the lid on the pan until the cabbage is done. If it starts to burn, you can add 40-50 ml hot water... When the filling is ready and the liquid has evaporated, leave the filling to cool.

How to sculpt cabbage pies:

Put the dough out of a cup on the table and divide into small fragments (40-50 g each) - blanks for pies. Roll all the fragments individually with a rolling pin or knead them with your hands on the kitchen table or cutting board. Put part of the cabbage filling on each piece of dough.

In turn, mold all the blanks in the form of an oblong-oval shape of pies. It is necessary to ensure that all the edges are well sealed, otherwise the brass pies with cabbage will fall apart during baking.

Transfer the shaped patties to a baking sheet with the seam side down. Beat the egg yolk immediately and grease the pies generously with it. Remove the baking sheet in a hot oven and forget about it for half an hour. The baking temperature should be 180-200 ° C.

Baked pies with cabbage in the oven from yeast dough are ready! You can drink tea and treat relatives and friends!

Tips for the hostess!

In addition to baked pies with cabbage, you can make pies with other white cabbage fillings from yeast dough:

  • make the cabbage and egg filling (stewed with onions White cabbage, boiled chopped egg, chopped green onions);
  • the filling with stewed cabbage and mushrooms (cabbage stewed with onions and mushrooms, chopped greens);
  • try filling cabbage and meat pies, or minced meat(cabbage stewed with vegetables with the addition of pieces of meat or minced meat fried until tender);
  • pie filling with cabbage and rice (cabbage stewed with onions, carrots and herbs and boiled round rice).

Add salt to all this to your liking and season with your favorite spices. With the filling of your choice, yeast pies with cabbage in the oven will be the most delicious!

Well, tell me, what Russian doesn't like pies ?! They are baked and fried here, probably in every family. There are a great variety of fillings - sweet and savory. Everyone has their own favorite option. I think I won't be mistaken if I say that the most popular ones are with potatoes and cabbage. Many people love them, and these two products are available to everyone. Today we will bake pies in the oven, for which we will take cabbage, and so that you, as always, have a choice, we will diversify the filling itself, and offer you different variants dough - from the classic yeast (pressed and dry yeast) to the less traditional puff pastry in such cases. Naturally, in order for even completely novice cooks to be able to cook, we will show all the recipes in detail with step-by-step photos.

Pies with cabbage in the oven on yeast dough (compressed yeast)

Let's start with the classics, namely with the yeast dough, and we will take live pressed yeast, and we will arrange the pies themselves beautifully, so that they resemble really classic Russians baked pies... It is a pleasure to work with such a dough - it kneads quickly and rises almost as quickly, only 40-60 minutes and you're done! It turns out lush like fluff. Therefore, the preparation of pies does not take so much time, and the mixing process itself is so simple that even an inexperienced housewife can handle it.

Note! Since the dough contains little baking, immediately after baking, the pies must be removed under a clean terry towel to soften the dough. After that, the baked goods will remain soft and airy even the next day.

What we need:

For the test:

  • milk - 1 glass (200ml);
  • pressed yeast - 25 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • wheat flour - 2.5-3 cups.

For filling:

  • white cabbage - 500-600 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

How to cook cabbage pies in the oven step by step

  1. We take the milk out of the refrigerator in advance or warm it up slightly so that it becomes room temperature. Add 25 grams of pressed yeast, a tablespoon of sugar to it and mix everything thoroughly until all the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  2. Then add salt and vegetable oil to the milk. Stir again to disperse the oil.
  3. Gradually adding flour, knead a thick, soft dough.
  4. We leave to rest for 40-60 minutes in a warm place. If the yeast is fresh, it rises before our eyes. During this time, it is necessary to mix at least once.
  5. While it comes down, let's prepare the filling. Peel and chop onions with carrots, onions with a knife, and grated carrots.
  6. Fry vegetables for about 3-5 minutes in a heavy-bottomed saucepan with a little vegetable oil.
  7. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage, cut out the stump, and chop the forks with medium strips.
  8. Add cabbage to vegetables, salt and pepper to taste. Then pour in a little less than a glass of boiled water and simmer for about 10-15 minutes. The cabbage should be soft, but not fermented at the same time. The main thing is not to extinguish, otherwise the filling will turn into porridge. Remove the cabbage from the stove and cool.
  9. Now that the filling and dough are ready, let's get down to the pies. Pinch off small pieces and form 10-12 koloboks.
  10. Roll the koloboks into circles about 5-6 mm thick. We spread the cabbage filling in the center.
  11. We pinch from the edges, leaving a small hole in the center.
  12. We spread the prepared pies on a baking sheet, covered with parchment or a silicone mat.
  13. Preheat the oven to 180-190 ° C and bake the pies for about 15-20 minutes. You can use the "convection" mode to make the pies deeply brown. If there is no such function in the oven, then before baking, you can grease with egg yolk, it gives baking golden brown... After baking, cover with a clean towel and leave in this form for 15-20 minutes. Fresh cabbage pies are good both warm and cold.

The number of servings is 10-12 pieces.

Pies with cabbage in the oven: a step-by-step recipe with a photo (dry yeast)

Since compressed yeast can not always be bought in a store, and many are already accustomed to dry fast-acting yeast, I also offer you such a recipe. The dough cooked on it turns out to be very soft, “kind”. It may seem greasy at first, but this greasy content magically disappears in the oven, and instead, you will find the softest, airy cakes. I usually knead in a dough mixer (I just don't like the feeling of dough sticking to my hands), but this task can be perfectly done with my hands.


  • milk 2.5% - 100ml;
  • butter - 100g;
  • sour cream 15-20% - 100g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • flour - about 550g;
  • dry fast-acting yeast - 1 sachet (11gr);
  • cabbage - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1pc (medium-sized);
  • vegetable oil - 50ml;
  • filling salt to taste.

How to knead dough with dry yeast and bake pies with cabbage on it

  1. Pour half of the milk into a deep bowl. It needs to be warmed up a little so that it becomes about body temperature. Pour in 1 tsp. sugar and all yeast. Mix and heat.
  2. After 10 minutes, the mass will increase in size. You can continue to work.
  3. If you work with a mixer, then you need a hook attachment - it copes with a dough of this consistency.
  4. We heat the butter and cool a little. Pour into a bowl of yeast.
  5. We put sour cream.
  6. We break eggs.
  7. Mix the ingredients with a mixer or spatula.
  8. We pour water. We continue to mix. Add salt and remaining sugar. Sift flour. It is better to pour it not all, since the quality can be different and the quantity depends on it.
  9. As a result, we should have a dough like the one in the photo below. Soft, pliable, lagging behind the walls and hands, and fatty.
  10. Cover the bowl with foil and set it to rise to a place where it is warm and there are no drafts. The ascent time is about 1 hour. During this time, it will increase in volume at least 2 times.
  11. In the meantime, we are preparing the filling. There are no secrets here - chop cabbage thinly, three carrots on a grater. First, fry the vegetables on vegetable oil, then cover with a lid and simmer over medium heat until soft.
  12. From the amount of ingredients I indicated, about 12-15 pies should turn out, depending on their size. This means that we divide the dough into the appropriate number of parts, each roll out on a very slightly dusty board into circles. Put the cabbage filling in the middle, pinch the seam tightly on top. Put on a baking sheet with the seam down. The baking sheet can be left uncovered. Pies made from this yeast dough do not stick to it. Let stand for half an hour, covered with a towel to distance. Optionally, brush with a scrambled egg before baking.
  13. Then we bake in an oven heated to 200 ° C. And ... pouring tea!

Baked pies with cabbage and egg in the oven: a step-by-step recipe with a photo

These pies will differ from the two recipes, step by step photos and the description of which you saw above. First, the filling - we add eggs to the cabbage. Secondly, the dough, although it will be yeast, but we will knead it on kefir. As a result, it will be thin and crispy. In my opinion - great recipe cabbage pies that are good to serve with broth or soup instead of bread.

Grocery list:

  • kefir - 150ml;
  • sunflower oil - 100ml;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • dry yeast - 1 tablespoon;
  • flour - 400gr.;
  • cabbage - 600-700gr;
  • eggs - 3-4 pcs.;
  • salt pepper.

How to make cabbage and egg pies

Puff pastry pies with cabbage in the oven

Let's conclude our today's selection with not quite traditional ones, light pies, which we will bake from puff pastry. We will decorate them in the form of triangles, which we sprinkle with sesame seeds for beauty.

What do we need:

  • ready-made puff yeast dough - 500g;
  • cabbage - 400g;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • egg - 1pc.

How to bake puff pastry pies with cabbage filling in the oven