Home / Recipes / Sugar Bun Dough Recipe. Buns with sugar from yeast dough

Sugar Bun Dough Recipe. Buns with sugar from yeast dough

Hello friends!

Isn't it time to treat yourself to sweets today? After all, it is these delicacies that give us a charge of cheerfulness and, of course, cheer everyone up. and sugar ... Guess it? We are talking about buns, which will be made exclusively from yeast dough.

Yeah, hang on to my waist, that's how you can call this note. But, on the other hand, I do not insist to prepare such baked goods every day. And only sometimes, when I have to ... In general, I want to introduce everyone today to the next culinary masterpieces because besides how to cook yeast buns with sugar, ways will also be shown how to wrap them beautifully and unusually. There are a lot of all kinds of techniques on how to do it in an original and uncommon way. See for yourself soon.

In principle, the filling can be any, even berry or poppy. But, sometimes, there is nothing at hand and then sugar comes to the rescue, it is always in your house.

I know that many yeast dough it does not come out on the buns, and there are reasons for this. Therefore, many refuse, it would seem, from such simple recipes... Although, if you know all the subtleties and secrets of cooking, from eating, from kneading to baking, then I think the result will delight you. And you say that it is very tasty. In addition, everyone is waiting for the effect of fluffiness, so that the rolls are not only airy, rise well, but also turn out to be light, like fluff.

Well, let's figure it out, and then arrange home gatherings with your family and over a cup of tea.

I offer the easiest bun recipe that I have come across on the net. It is based on milk and butter. By the way, if you are an amateur, then from such a dough you can easily fry these gourmet foods in a pan. Since this dough is versatile, it is suitable for baking and frying. The only thing is, then take half the sugar, and so, all the same ingredients.

We need:

  • flour - 2.5 - 3 tbsp.
  • warm milk - 200 ml
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • egg - a couple of pieces.
  • dry yeast - 1 tbsp
  • butter - 80 g


1. Take two eggs and 200 ml of milk, add 0.5 tsp salt to this mixture, then granulated sugar - 4 tbsp without top.

A prerequisite is that the milk must be warm.

2. And 1 tablespoon dry yeast. Stir thoroughly with a whisk.

3. After that, melt the butter and pour in here.

4. Well, now actually, sift the flour over a cup and add vanillin for aroma. Knead the dough into buns.

To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands when kneading, pour vegetable oil into your hand.

5. After all the manipulations, leave the mass in a warm place, cover cling film or a lid. The waiting time is about 1.5 hours, possibly less depending on the room temperature.

As soon as the dough rises and becomes fluffy, beat it.

6. Roll into a circle and cut out the circles with any glass or mold.

7. And then build the roses, lay out like this, as shown in the photo, stack the circles one on top of each other. At the same time, first, each round workpiece must be tipped into sugar and only then one round piece must be connected to another. Thus, lay out four or three circles in succession and wrap.

9. Place the resulting masterpiece in silicone mold and on a baking sheet. You can slightly separate the petals with your hands at the rose.

12. In addition, you can create other curls. Let the dough stand for 1 hour with a covered towel. Brush the top with egg yolk and bake.

13. The oven should be preheated to 180 degrees, cooking time 30-40 minutes, depending on your appliance. You can decorate icing sugar and let the food cool completely. Bon Appetit!

Source https://youtu.be/MEyPUI7Y3Vc

How to make sugar buns beautifully? Poppy seed and sugar recipe

Now, in addition to sugar, add poppy seeds to one part and walnuts to the other. It will turn out even more piquant and, accordingly, such a bun will look more divine and attractive. At the same time, there is nothing complicated, you will need to roll out the dough into a large layer, apply the filling and roll it into a roll, cut it and get small snails or curls.

This recipe uses live pressed yeast to make the most delicious baked goods.

And the cooking option is also fast, on hastily because the dough only needs to rise once. So, if you like such methods, take note of it.

We need:

  • Shiver - 50 g
  • Wheat flour - 5 tbsp.
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Margarine - 75 g
  • butter - 0.2 kg
  • sugar sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • poppy seeds - 4-6 tsp
  • chopped walnuts - 6 tsp
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp


1. Take warm milk or at least room temperature and add yeast. Stir to dissolve the yeast.

Important! Do not use hot milk, otherwise the yeast will not start its work.

2. Break the eggs into another container, beat them with a whisk. Then add 1 tsp sugar and salt a little less than half a teaspoon. Pour the yeast mixture. After melted margarine, stir.

3. Gradually add wheat flour parts.

4. Once the dough is ready, set it aside. In the meantime, tackle the filling, which will be two. Make a nutty one first, take half room temperature butter and add chopped walnuts to it. Plus half a glass of granulated sugar and stir until smooth.

For the poppy filling, take the remaining butter (100 g), add sugar (0.5 tablespoons) and poppy seeds. Rub.

5. After that, divide the dough into two pieces, and roll each piece into thin plastic 1-1.5 cm thick, lay out the filling. Roll each sheet further into a roll and cut it into pieces with a knife. Pinch the edge of each bun so that it does not open.

6. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and line the pieces. Remember that you do not need to place them very close to each other, as the dough will still spread. Cover them with a towel and leave them in a warm place for an hour or half.

Source https://youtu.be/6zL5UVtEzkw

7. Bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Enjoy your trial!

Yeast Heart Buns Stuffed with Sugar and Cinnamon

As I said at the very beginning that the article will also consider ways to wrap buns, so catch the next option in the form of hearts. Such buns will turn out to be very delicate in taste, and due to cinnamon with a piquant aroma.

We need:

For the test:

  • fresh yeast - 20 g (or dry 8 g)
  • warm cow's milk - 1 tbsp.
  • melted butter - 50 g
  • water - 1/4 tbsp. warm drinking water
  • liquid honey or warm thick honey to become liquid - 1/4 tbsp.
  • flour - 3 tbsp.

salt - 1 tsp

For filling:

  • butter - 3 tablespoons
  • brown sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • cinnamon - 2 tsp
  • nutmeg if you like - a pinch

To grease the surface of the buns before baking:

  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • water - 1/4 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1/4 tbsp.
  • vanilla essence - 1 tsp


1. Cow's milk heat slightly and combine with melted butter... Add one here egg, honey, dry yeast, salt and turn on the mixer, stir in a cup.

Then add flour, sift it in advance. Gradually add flour and knead in an electrical appliance. Knead the dough for 10 minutes; it should be slightly sticky. And also not clogged with flour, sticks to the hands, but does not remain on them.

Then grease a clean bowl with vegetable oil and put ready dough... Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place to rise for 1 hour.

Advice! If the apartment is cold, you can pour warm water into another container and put a bowl of dough on it, so it will work faster.

2. After an hour, start making the filling. Mix granulated sugar (you can use regular, not brown) with cinnamon. And melt the butter in a water bath.

3. After that, divide the dough into small pieces, you can form a sausage and cut it into pieces. Roll each piece into a cake, grease the surface with butter, sugar with cinnamon. And start curling up into a tube.

Source https://youtu.be/xVfLTt6n8jE

4. Once the roll is ready, fold it in half, cut and twist in the middle. You will get a heart. In addition, you can make other forms of buns, which you will learn about a little later in the article.

5. Cover the baking sheet baking paper and lay out the blanks. Cover the top for fifteen minutes with food paper or a lifting towel. Then brush with egg yolk with a silicone brush with a small amount of milk (mix milk and yolk). And then bake in a preheated oven to 180 degrees and bake for 25 minutes.

Then bring 4 tablespoons of water plus 4 tablespoons of sugar to a boil, add a pinch of vanillin and pour over the buns with this syrup. Eat to your health. Bon Appetit!

This combination is very tasty (vanillin and cinnamon) I want to try and try again! The buns are soft and very tasty!

How to make sugar buns in the oven? Kindergarten recipe

Take this simple and time-tested recipe. Stop buying in the store when you can bake such a miracle yourself at home. These buns immediately resemble our childhood and they even have a name. These are Moscow buns). In general, the baked goods are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Super that does not come off!

We need:

For dough:

  • Dry yeast - 8 g
  • Granulated sugar - 4 tsp
  • Cow's milk - 250 ml

For the test:

  • Butter - 40 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife
  • Flour - 450 g
  • Vegetable oil - 40 ml
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;

For sprinkling:

  • Granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp. or 100 g
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.


1. Start making buns with dough. Pour milk into a cup and add dry yeast and sugar. Stir and cover with a towel, wait 10 minutes for a cap to form for the yeast to work.

2. In the meantime, melt the butter in a water bath or in the microwave. Then pour it into the dough, plus add vanilla sugar, salt, sunflower oil and granulated sugar.

3. To knead the dough, add most of the flour, and add the rest as needed.

4. The dough should be soft and very elastic and easily come off the sides of the bowl. Let the prepared mass stand for about an hour in a warm place, cover the top of the bowl with a napkin so that it does not dry out.

Important! The dough must double in volume before you proceed with it.

Interesting! The thinner you roll out the dough, the more flaky the bun will be!

Then twist the blank into a flagellum.

6. Then fold it in half and cut in the middle, unfold to make a heart.

7. Lubricate the surface of the buns with yolk for golden color. Let the bun sit at room temperature for 30 minutes before baking.

Well, then bake in a preheated electric appliance until tender.

8. Wow, such a sugar bun came out, and really will remind everyone of the taste kindergarten, which means wonderful memories will flood. Have a pleasant experience, friends!

Source https://youtu.be/R39MJmtuKG8

Delicious milk rolls made from yeast dough with dry yeast

Well, now again a budget recipe, the dough turns out like fluff, although it is on water, and not on milk or kefir. Isn't that what you've dreamed of? And you probably came here and look for just such an option. Congratulations, you've found it. Be sure to bookmark this page.

Such buns retain their freshness for a very long time and do not stale. Generally melt in the mouth. Imagine how cool it is! The composition of the components is small, so you can remember it without writing it down.

We need:

  • warm drinking water - 700 ml
  • yeast - 2 tablespoons
  • granulated sugar - 6 tablespoons
  • vegetable oil- 180 ml
  • salt - a pinch
  • flour - 1.2 kg
  • sugar for the filling and you can also use jam


1. Combine yeast and sugar in a bowl and add 700 ml of warm water, mix well. Then add a couple of tablespoons of sifted flour. Stir and let sit for a couple of minutes.

Then pour in vegetable oil, add sugar and salt. Then add flour gradually in parts.

2. Knead a soft and firm dough. On the working surface, it will need to be kneaded for 10 minutes, for this, first grease it with vegetable oil so that it does not stick to the table. Well, then, everything is as usual, put it in a bowl and leave it warm for 1 hour.

Source https://youtu.be/F-j9zulWv-8

3. As soon as the dough rises well, grease your hands with vegetable oil and roll out onto the table. Form a sausage and cut into equal parts with a cutter. Then roll it into a cake and cut out the circles. After that, on each, make just such a notch as in the picture, sprinkle with sugar, twist clockwise. You will get a flower, in the middle, if you wish, you can put a spoonful of jam.

In addition, other forms of buns can be made, as the dough comes out pliable.

4. Place the pastry on a greased baking sheet and let it rest for 10-15 minutes, and then bake in a preheated electrical appliance up to 200 degrees for 20 minutes, until golden brown and golden edges. Enjoy your tea!

Snails with sugar and pouring - a simple recipe

Have you ever eaten jellied buns? No! Then fix it urgently, because you missed a lot. The buns will be cooked with yeast dough and milk, and only chicken yolks, that is, without proteins.

The secret feature of this recipe is in an interesting filling, which is made of milk and sugar.

We need:


1. For the dough, grind the compressed yeast into warm milk (100 ml). Plus add two teaspoons of flour, stir with a whisk and leave for 15 minutes under a towel.

In another cup, combine milk (150 ml) with two egg yolks, a pinch of salt. Stir.

Attention! All products must be at room temperature!

Then combine the dough with egg mixture and gradually add flour, kneading the dough. The consistency will come out soft and slightly stick to your hands. Leave it to rest in a warm place for an hour to pick it up.

2. In the meantime, line up the filling, mix the softened butter with sugar and vanillin. Whisk until smooth with a mixer or blender.

3. As the dough fits, place it on the table and roll it into a flat cake, distribute the sugar filling and roll tightly.

4. Cut into "snails" with one movement of a sharp knife, make any thickness, 4-5 cm.

5. Then grease the baking dish with butter and distribute the crumpets at a distance from each other. Cover them again with a napkin and let them come up, increase in volume.

As the required amount of time has passed, proceed to the next step, namely, make a milk filling, mix milk and sugar. Pour half of this milk onto the buns and bake in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for 15 minutes, then fill them with the remaining milk and bake again for 15-20 minutes.

6. Super soft and very fluffy buns turned out that you will not take your eyes off. You will be stunned, checked! Bon Appetit!

Source https://youtu.be/lSKtr5xLNvU

Sweet buns made from delicious yeast dough - homemade recipe

Again, another recipe that can be attributed to quite unforgettable. Eat such a "bomb" and share your impressions below under the article. Watch this video from the YouTube channel and you will simply fall in love with such gourmands.

How to wrap yeast dough buns with sugar

Well, as promised, now we will consider methods for wrapping buns from yeast dough, choose any model you like and go for it. All the steps of the work are shown in the photo, so even a beginner can figure it out.


Lush flower

Bagel or curl




As a result, you get such a slide of sweets.

Thank you all for your attention, bake buns in the oven from yeast dough, shape them beautifully and each time in a different way. All successful experiments in the kitchen. Bye.

Larisa has prepared for all readers of the site a site with homemade buns with sugar from yeast dough, and step by step recipe from the photo she described and gave practical advice, revealing the necessary secrets. Now everyone can make sugar buns.

I must confess to you today one thing - despite the fact that I really like to tinker with the dough and bake something, this type of baking as “ yeast buns"Up to a certain point was absolutely unattainable for me. Why? Most likely, this is due to the fact that I have never seen how these beautiful, ruddy yeast hearts with sugar inside are molded from dough - this remained a mystery to me, so I never even tried to repeat it.

My eldest daughter urged me to take such a decisive step - recently, when buying bread in the store, she began to grab a large sugar bun. And then she once asked me at home, savoring it with a cup of milk: Mom, why did you never bake us buns?

A bit confused with the answer, I promised that I would definitely try, but only with her help, because, I'm afraid that one might not be able to cope ... And the very next day, my assistant and I carefully studied the step-by-step steps beautiful baking, and then got down to business. Want to join us? Join us!

By the way, if you like baked goods with cinnamon, then you can add it to the filling and you will get buns and hearts with sugar and cinnamon. It's delicious too!

Yeast Sugar Buns Recipe

To knead the dough for sugar buns, we need:

  • 1 tbsp dry yeast
  • 60 g butter
  • 3 tbsp Sahara
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 package vanilla sugar
  • 250 ml of milk (I took homemade)
  • 2 eggs
  • about 600 g flour

For the sugar filling:

  • 100 g sugar
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  1. With kneading dough - absolutely nothing complicated. First, mix the yeast with a tablespoon of sugar.
  2. And then fill it with warmed milk and leave it aside until the so-called "cap" is formed on this mixture.
  3. Next, combine in a separate bowl the remaining sugar, salt, vanilla sugar with melted and cooled butter, as well as two eggs. Mix everything well with a whisk.
  4. Into the resulting mass we introduce the suitable yeast, and then pour everything to the sifted flour (I poured about 100 g of flour from the total amount into another bowl).
  5. And now, little by little, we begin to knead the dough, adding, if necessary, the poured flour. We cover the bun of yeast dough with a cloth and leave it to rise for an hour or two.

    If you decide to make lean buns, make a lean yeast dough for them. Such buns will be less fluffy and tender, but during the fast, such baked goods will delight you and your family.

  6. Our dough has already come up significantly, so I suggest continuing the preparation of the buns.
  7. We actively knead the dough, form a tourniquet from it and divide it into equal parts.
  8. Now roll each piece into an elongated oval.
  9. Next, lightly grease it with vegetable oil, and sprinkle with sugar on top.
  10. We pinch the edges along the length and press a little with your hand.
  11. Now we roll such a long cake into a roll.
  12. In the middle of the roll, make a fairly deep cut (but not completely) with a sharp knife.
  13. And then we open the edges of the notch like a book - here we have a blank for a bun. We put all the blanks on a baking sheet - it is best to lay it out parchment paper... We cover the future buns with a cloth so that they fit a little and leave for 25-30 minutes. Then we put the baking sheet in the oven and bake the buns at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
  14. Cool down a bit and treat yourself to it.
  15. Now you know how to make a bun with sugar, the recipe from the photo of which you just read. Enjoy cooking!

Buns with sugar and poppy seeds

If you like poppy seed baked goods, then you can use poppy seed filling with sugar. You get buns with sugar and poppy seeds. Personally, I love these buns. Let me show you how to cook them.

Any yeast dough can be kneaded. Why anyone? Because during fasting it will be lean, or it may be rich in milk or sour cream. You can cook it on kefir and it will be tender as fluff. You can make a dough with semolina added, as is often done, to enhance the baked goods. And you can prepare the dough in a sponge and safety way.

And remember, the more fat you use in the yeast dough, the better the method of preparing it for sponge will work.

If we figured out the dough, then the poppy filling is a topic for a whole article. There are several ways to prepare it. I like the way my parents taught me the most. Poppy should be soaked for 3-5 hours in cold boiled water. After soaking, drain the water thoroughly, and grind the poppy seeds in a mortar, first without sugar, and then with its addition. As a result, we get a delicious sweet poppy filling.

How to make buns with sugar and poppy seeds? And How

Bun shapes

  1. Hearts. Today we examined in detail the most common type of heart-shaped buns.
  2. Butterflies. Now you know how to make buns with sugar hearts, but what if I tell you a very interesting thing - the shape of the buns can be changed. For children, you can bake buns in the form of butterflies. They are so happy to see such baked goods! Butterflies can be made in much the same way as hearts. Just roll out a ball of dough, grease with butter, sprinkle with sugar (you can use cinnamon or poppy seeds) and roll it up. We bend the ends of the roll and do it on both sides along the cut. We spread the wings of the butterfly and send it to bake.
  3. Snails. You can also bake snail-shaped buns. That's right, children also like snails and this is a wonderful decoration for a festive children's table... Just roll out a piece of dough, grease with butter and sprinkle with sugar, then roll it up. Cut the resulting roll into washers and the snails are ready. After baking, you can decorate them by drawing eyes, mouth, nose.

Buns with sugar: video

Delicious sugar buns in the oven are so fragrant and tender that it is impossible to tear themselves away from them, despite the fact that, according to many theories, baking can spoil the figure.

It is worth noting that sugar buns will be soft, sweet and attractive only when the soul is put into them, and the recipe is clearly and step by step carried out step by step.

Only then will it be possible to cook homemade buns, pies, pies, pies and more, and sometimes it will take a minimum of time and effort.


  • Warmed milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • Dry yeast - 0.5 tbsp;
  • Sl. oil - 40 gr.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 150gr.;
  • Salt - 0.25 tsp;
  • Rast. butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • Vanillin - 5 gr.;
  • Flour - 600 gr.

Oven Sugar Buns Recipe

Many novice housewives may think that a question such as, for example, how to bake buns with sugar can have many answers, and the process itself is too complicated and time-consuming. In fact, if you try carefully, study the recipe and prepare only the careful ingredients, you will be able to make the recipe for the sugar bun dough in such a way that it turns out to be completely simple.

Instructions step by step:

  1. Initially, a teaspoon of sugar, yeast and 2 tbsp are added to warm milk. flour.
  2. You need to mix the composition thoroughly to get homogeneous mass without lumps.
  3. As soon as the desired composition is obtained, the container is covered with a tight lid and placed in the heat for a quarter of an hour. This action is necessary in order for the yeast to begin its purpose in the form of fermentation.
  4. At that moment, while the yeast comes to life, you need to make a baking. To do this, salt, vanillin, sugar, vegetable oil, 1 chicken egg are added to the melted butter, and all this is pounded with a fork, preferably until smooth.
  5. As soon as the dough for the dough is ready, add 100 gr. flour, stir and pour in the prepared baking. Gradually, additional flour is sprinkled, while constantly stirring. The dough for buns, before starting to cook, is sent to the heat for 60 minutes, and sometimes even 120, depending on how quickly it rises.
  6. The finished dough is crumpled and divided into equal parts, from which you will need to bake buns.
  7. Each piece is rolled out into a cake approximately 6 millimeters thick, and a small incision is made on each side.
  8. Sugar is poured into the core of the cake, and some people prefer to replace it with powder, which will make them more tender.
  9. From the resulting cut cake, you need to form a pretzel by gluing the opposite edges.
  10. Before baking the buns, you need to preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees, but not more, otherwise, as soon as the baking enters the oven, it will dry out quickly.
  11. The baking sheet is covered with special paper - parchment greased with butter, so that when baking, the buns do not stick to the coating and do not turn black.
  12. The bun blanks are neatly transferred to a sheet of paper, but taking into account a short distance, since they will actively rise in the first few minutes.
  13. Baking should be greased with a beaten egg, to which sugar has been added, and only after that it should be sent to the oven.
  14. Finished baked goods should be golden brown and crunchy when pressed.

If you serve baked goods hot and in alliance with milk, kefir, jelly or chocolate, you can only get positive feedback on the work done.

It's not difficult to cook deliciously, especially when you have good recipes on hand.

Sugar buns step by step with a photo

Golden Lush Buns - Simple, tasty, sweet buns made from yeast dough. Thanks to a special shaping technique, the buns acquire a traditional, easily recognizable shape of a heart, butterfly or bow.

For me, this pastry comes from childhood. At the mere mention of them, Carlson immediately pops up in memory, appetizingly crushing buns on both cheeks, and the aroma of freshly baked buns evokes a feeling of warmth and home comfort.

As a child, these buns were baked by my mother and grandmothers, and now I sometimes arrange tea parties with buns. Try making simple, tasty, homemade buns with sugar from yeast dough!

Prepare ingredients according to the list.

Combine warm milk and 1-2 tablespoons of sugar. Add yeast and let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes for the fermentation process to begin.

Or skip this step if the yeast you are using can be added directly to the flour.

Sift the flour into a bowl and make a depression in the center.

Pour the milk-yeast mixture into the well. Add vegetable oil, melted butter, salt, another 2-3 tablespoons. sugar and vanilla.

Knead soft dough.

Cover the container with the dough and leave it in a warm room for 50-60 minutes.

When the dough rises and its volume doubles, you can start forming buns.

Separate a piece of dough and roll it out into a rectangle shape. I like medium sized buns and I usually take a small piece of dough about the size of a tennis ball.

Brush the dough with melted butter, about an inch from the edge. Sprinkle sugar over the surface, usually 1 or 2 tablespoons if you like sweeter buns.

You can also add cinnamon or other ground spices to taste at this stage. I add a few drops of flavoring (vanilla, cinnamon, rum, or almonds) to the melted butter.

Roll the dough into a roll.

Fold the roll in half with the seam inside. Pinch the ends.

Place the roll on its side and make an incision 1–2 centimeters back from the edge.

Unfold the free ends of the roll - you have your first bun!

Place the shaped buns on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Brush with egg yolk and leave for 20-30 minutes for the buns to rise. Then bake in an oven preheated to 175-180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

Buns with sugar from yeast dough are ready! Enjoy your tea!

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Soft, fluffy buns with sugar. The recipe with a photo will help you step by step to cook it relatively quickly. The simplest dough is kneaded - bezoparny yeast. This means that you do not need to wait until the dough ripens. All products are added in a specific sequence and soft dough is kneaded. If the yeast is strong, fresh, it goes well and quickly.
Buns with sugar can be made in any shape, although the dough is soft, it does not blur, so molding in the form of roses or hearts is also quite appropriate. If you decide to make regular round buns, then after proofing the top should be greased with milk or egg and sprinkled with sugar. And for buns in the form of flowers or hearts, the filling is wrapped inward when molding and then the buns are sprinkled with sugar again before baking. We also recommend baking.

Ingredients for 15-18 small buns:

- fresh yeast - 15 g;
- milk - 1 glass;
- flour - 400-420 gr;
- sugar - 2/3 cup + 0.5 cup filling;
- egg - 2 pcs;
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l. in the dough + 1 tbsp. l. for kneading;
- vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We dilute yeast in warm milk. Leave it for a few minutes to soften all the lumps.

In another bowl, combine the eggs and half the sugar. Whisk until fluffy.

Pour the egg-sugar mixture into the milk with the dissolved yeast, add the remaining sugar and a bag of vanilla sugar. Stir. Sift wheat flour into a mixture of liquid ingredients. While 400 grams is enough, you can even add a little less, and if the dough is sticky, add the rest when kneading.

We mix all the ingredients, moisten the flour. We make a depression in the middle, pour in refined vegetable oil. Anything from regular sunflower to olive or mustard will do.

We spread a loose damp lump of dough on the table with flour and knead with your hands until smooth and smooth. During kneading, the dough will stick to the table and hands, but add flour only if absolutely necessary so as not to make the dough heavier. It is better to grease your palms with oil more often or add a little oil to the dough.

Leave the bowl with the dough under a towel or cling film in a warm place for an hour or a little longer. We focus on the state of the test - it should fit well, increase three to four times.

Divide the dough into two equal pieces. Roll each into a rectangle about 1 cm thick. Grease the surface of the formation with any butter - melted butter or vegetable oil and sprinkle with sugar. To make the sugar spill out less when shaping the buns, gently crush the grains into the dough with the palm or rolling pin.

We roll up the roll, pinch along the entire length and on both sides. Cut into 4-5 cm pieces.

We cut each piece in the middle, but do not reach the edge, leave it somewhere 2-3 cm.

Cover the baking sheet with parchment. We spread the cut blanks for buns at a distance from one another. We unfold the edges to the sides, press the middle a little. Cover it and let it come up on a warm stove. Not for long, 12-15 minutes is enough. Before baking, sprinkle the blanks with sugar and send them to a hot oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 15-17 minutes. Bake buns until browned.

Remove hot buns with sugar from a baking sheet onto a wire rack or cool on a wooden board under a towel. Serve warm or cooled for tea. Bon Appetit!

We also recommend that you cook