Home / Buns / Tea cake is a classic multi-layered recipe. Delicious pastries according to simple recipes: learning how to make a tea cake

Tea cake is a classic multi-layered recipe. Delicious pastries according to simple recipes: learning how to make a tea cake

This lean pie brewed is so easy to prepare that it will work for any, even the most inexperienced, housewife. If there is nothing special in the refrigerator, but you want something tasty, then this recipe is perfect. It is not for nothing that it is also called a student cake with tea leaves. My step-by-step photo recipe will help you bake this quick dessert.


  • 1 tea bag;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 cup boiling water;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 400 gr flour.

How to make a pie without eggs with tea leaves and soda

We brew a tea bag and let it brew and cool.

We mix all dry ingredients: sugar, soda, flour.

Add oil and a glass of tea leaves.

Mix thoroughly. You can beat with a mixer.

Lean pie dough should be similar in consistency to sour cream.

We let it brew for half an hour. If you want to bake the cake very quickly, you don't need to insist. We place the dough either in a baking sheet, or, as in my case, in a multicooker bowl.

We bake in the oven for 30 minutes at standard 180 degrees. Set the baking mode in the multicooker and cook for 25-35 minutes. At the end of the allotted time, we get the cake on the infuser.

Cool and sprinkle icing sugar.

If desired, you can add jam or jam to the dough - 3 tbsp. l. Also, you can add raisins, seeds, berries, nuts.

Serve ready meal you can go with tea, coffee, pre-pouring with condensed milk, hot chocolate or icing. Instead of condensed milk, you can serve any jam, jam, jelly. If you want something more solemn, then you need to cut the cold brewed pie into several cakes and grease with any filling you like between them. As a result of such simple actions, you will get a delicious and quick cake.

I highly recommend trying the tea brew-based pie. It is very quick and easy to do, food for him is always at hand, he can be eaten during fasting and given even to small children, because there is nothing of the allergenic type of eggs or milk in it!

We need:

- a glass of freshly brewed strong black warm tea;

- 3 tablespoons sunflower oil;

- 3 tablespoons thick jam(better sour, with berries);

- a third of a glass of sugar (you can not put it at all if the jam is sweet and there is a lot of filling);

- 1 teaspoon without a slide of baking soda or baking powder;

- 7-8 heaped tablespoons of flour;

- spices (half a teaspoon of cinnamon or vanilla, a little cardamom or ginger) - optional, I put only cinnamon;

- dried fruits (4-5 pieces of dried apricots, 4-5 pieces of prunes);

- handful walnuts;

- raisins if desired, then reduce the dried fruit by half, otherwise there will be a lot of filling.

You need a large dish for making the dough, because when soda reacts with jam, a lot of thick foam can form, which will overflow. This is not necessary, the amount of foam depends on the jam you take.

I have blackcurrant jam in the photo, there is almost no foam at all. If you have a large baking dish, for example, a baking sheet, then you need to cook twice as much dough.

Knead the dough from tea, sunflower oil, jam, sugar, soda and spices, then add flour. We start with 6-7 heaped spoons and bring to the consistency of sour cream, or something like pancakes.

If the flour is not reported, then the cake will not rise well, shifting - it will be dull inside. But it's better not to report it to taste a little.

Pour the filling cut into pieces into the finished dough - dried fruits, nuts and raisins, mix everything.

Quick pie on tea leaves

Get the Recipe: Quick Jam Pie - Infused

jam - 0.5 cups;
tea leaves - 0.5 cups;
granulated sugar - 0.5 cups;
flour - 1.5 cups;
chicken eggs - 1 pc;
baking powder- 1 tsp;
vegetable oil- 2 tbsp.;
candied fruits - optional;
spices - optional

Cooking method:

I love fast and simple baked goods, and since they demand it from me almost every day, I want to spend as little time as possible to bake something tasty. And the availability of products must be certain.
What is this cake good for? First of all, the fact that you can take any jam here, dispose of the leftovers, and it will still turn out delicious. Here I used jam, I don't even know from what, from what berry. It is bitter in itself, but mine love sweet things, someone treated me to this jam, kept it for the time being, did not throw it away. But if no one wanted to eat it in its pure form, then in the pie it is normal, the pies went with a bang !! The main thing is to control the amount of sugar, if the jam itself is sweet, then you can take a little less sugar. If bitter, like mine, then add a little.
Another of the main components here is the usual tea brewing, and it is always there. Plus sugar, flour, eggs, and baking soda (or baking powder) for a simple list of foods.
For a change, you can add nuts, candied fruits, raisins. For taste, you can add cinnamon, cordamon, vanilla.

The preparation of the dough is quite simple - first add soda or baking powder to the jam, then sugar, egg and vegetable oil. Beat everything with a mixer.

Then I pour 0.5 cups of tea leaves into the dough and mix again.

Pour the flour in parts, mix, the dough should be thick enough. Depending on the jam (thick or liquid), the amount of flour may vary.

Well, since this time I decided to add candied fruits to the pie, now it's their turn. Pour as much as you like, mix.

I used a detachable form, greased it with oil, poured out the dough and put it in a preheated oven. Temperature 190 degrees, 35-40 minutes.
Willingness to check as always with a toothpick.

The pie turns out to be slightly damp inside, so you don't need to bother with impregnation and cream. I do not cut it into two cakes, I just cover it on top with ready-made glaze from a bag. Well, or just powdered sugar can be sprinkled on top.

Decorated with glaze, sprinkled with candied fruits and coconut flakes and that's it, the cake is ready.

There is always tea and some kind of jam in almost any home. You can make a delicious dessert with these ingredients without adding yeast or baking powder.

For making a pie, apple, cherry or any other jam of your choice is suitable.

  1. Mix jam with baking soda, add egg, salt, sugar, melted butter. Pour in strong black tea leaves.
  2. Add flour in small portions, kneading the dough well. It should be homogeneous, reminiscent of thick sour cream in consistency.
  3. Pour the dough into a greased pan and bake for about 30 minutes. until cooked in a hot oven. If desired, sprinkle the finished cake with icing sugar.

To reduce the calorie content of the dessert, you can replace some of the flour with bran. This will practically not affect the taste, but the cake will become lighter and healthier. You can also add spices such as cardamom. This will make the cake look like gingerbread.

Honey tea cake recipe

You can use honey as the main ingredient, not jam. It will turn out to be no less tasty. For cooking you will need:

  • 1.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1 tbsp. black tea;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar with a fork or whisk. Add baking soda and add flour in small portions.
  2. Next, also gradually pour in the tea, kneading a smooth, homogeneous dough. Put honey last. It must be liquid. If honey is sugared, pre-melt it in the microwave or in a water bath. Ready dough should be similar in consistency to thick sour cream.
  3. Brush a baking dish with vegetable or butter... Pour the dough into it and send it to the hot oven for about 20-30 minutes. Check the readiness of the cake with a match.

Please note that only black tea is suitable for making dessert. Green tea, hibiscus and other types of tea cannot be used. It is also best not to use flavored black tea. The infusion for the dough must be very strong.

You are unlikely to serve such a cake to guests, but for daily menu it fits perfectly. The pie can be diversified by adding fruits and dried fruits to it, lubricating it with various creams.

Today I propose to prepare a simple, but incredibly tasty and juicy tea cake, according to a traditional English recipe. The name "tea" very accurately conveys its essence - this cake is literally saturated with aromatic Earl Gray tea.

A little tea is added to the dough, the fruit filling for the cake is infused in it, and to top it off, the finished cake is soaked in tea-sugar syrup. Reading the recipe for the first time, the thought may even creep in - isn't it too much tea ?! Having tried it, I can say with confidence - just right!

In their homeland, tea cake has been invariably popular for several centuries. The reason for such an enduring love for a rather unpretentious dessert is easy to understand - just try it. The pie turns out to be fantastically tasty, moderately sweet, aromatic and incredibly juicy. An abundance of dried fruits, unobtrusive notes of tea, spices and an appetizing, porous and airy texture of the cake, conquer from the first bite. Try it!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Pour boiling water over six Earl Gray tea bags and leave for 3-4 minutes for the tea to brew.

Pour boiling water over the dried fruits, leave for 1 minute, and then drain the water. I use a mixture of dried fruits: 300 grams of raisins, 50 grams of candied pineapple and 50 grams of dried cranberries. You can also use only raisins and add other dried fruits to taste.

Rub the zest of 1 lemon or lime and add to the dried fruit. Remove the bags and pour hot tea over the dried fruit. Leave the mixture on for a few hours or overnight to soak the dried fruit in the tea. I prepare this mixture 24 hours before baking the pie.

Combine eggs and sugar. Whisk the mixture thoroughly until the sugar dissolves and a light, airy mixture is obtained.

Add tea and dried fruit mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.

Add spices: vanilla sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon, as well as the juice of half an orange. Mix everything well again.

Add a pinch of salt and gradually, stirring, add in small portions the sifted wheat flour... Stir in about half the flour into the dough, add 2 tsp. with a slide of baking powder.

Then add the remaining flour to the dough and mix everything thoroughly. You should have a very thick, viscous dough.

Grease a baking dish vegetable oil and line with baking paper. Put the dough in a baking dish, place the pie in preheated to 160 degrees and bake for 60-70 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare the soaking syrup. Brew 2 Earl Gray tea bags in 200 ml boiling water. Leave the tea for 3-4 minutes to infuse. Mix the prepared tea with the juice and the zest of half an orange. Add sugar.

Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 8-10 minutes, until it has boiled down twice in volume. In the process, do not stir the syrup, but if necessary, simply shake the container slightly.

Check that the cake is done by poking it through the center with a wooden skewer. If the skewer comes out clean, the pie is ready.

Often prick the surface of the hot pie with a wooden skewer, and then pour the prepared syrup over the pie. Allow the syrup to completely absorb, then transfer the tea cake to a wire rack and refrigerate.

Sprinkle the finished cake with icing sugar or decorate as desired.

The tea cake is ready. Bon Appetit!