Home / Dumplings / What to cook for a child of 15 years. Dairy-free oatmeal porridge with zucchini

What to cook for a child of 15 years. Dairy-free oatmeal porridge with zucchini

Children's recipes from 1 year

19 children's recipes from 1 year old

1. Rice porridge with meat

Meat - 100 gr.

Rice groats - 3 tbsp.

Butter - a small piece.

Salt - a pinch. In this version, porridge is suitable for children from 1 year old. Children at this age already cope well with rice, and red meat is still difficult to chew, so it is better to twist it. Also, do not add any frying and excess fat to the porridge.

For kids, rice can still be cooked sweet porridge with prunes or with pumpkin and zucchini.

Recipe for rice porridge with meat:

1. Products for porridge: 100-150 gr. fresh meat, 3 tbsp. rice, a piece of butter for dressing and salt.

2. Separate the meat from the films and cut. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will cook.

3. Boil the meat until tender. About 1 hour.

4. Rinse rice.

5. Boil over low heat until tender. It cooks for about 20 minutes.

6. Twist the finished pieces of meat a couple of times in a meat grinder.

7. Blend boiled rice with twisted meat. Boil everything together for 3 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

On a note:

For this porridge, rice can be used whole grain or crushed. If it is more convenient for the child to eat smaller pieces, use crushed rice.

If the child has a beneficial attitude towards greens, you can add it to the porridge.

For babies, you can cook a similar dish, only with mashed milk.

2.Cauliflower casserole

Cauliflower - 1 bowl (or 2 cups)

Hard cheese - 70 gr.

Crackers - 1 tbsp.

Milk - 2 tablespoons

Plum oil. - 1 tbsp

Cauliflower, unlike white cabbage, does not cause allergies, so it is advised to cook it for infants, in the form of mashed potatoes. Children from a year old can no longer grind, but simply boil in water or in a double boiler. Two-year-old children can already be served in various versions (boiled, stewed, baked), one of which is cauliflower casserole with cheese. It's simple and easy vegetable dish Perfect as a second course for lunch or dinner.

Cauliflower Casserole with Cheese - Preparation:

1. Rinse the cauliflower and sort into inflorescences. Put in a saucepan with water, add salt and let boil for 7 minutes.

2. In the meantime, let's cook cheese sauce. To do this, grate a piece of cheese and add tbsp. crackers.

3. Pour in two tablespoons of milk.

4. Add Art. a spoonful of soft (melted in the microwave or just melted in heat) butter and mix everything together.

5. Boiled cauliflower tip over in a colander to glass the water. After that, put the cabbage in a form with high edges and pour cheese sauce on top.

6. Send the form to the oven, for about 15-20 minutes, until the formation golden brown. Serve warm with greens.

3. Curd steam soufflé

cottage cheese - 600 gr.

semolina - 1/2 cup

water - 1 glass

granulated sugar - 2 tbsp.

vanilla sugar - 1/2 tsp

butter - 2 tbsp. l.

vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

egg - 1 pc.

seedless raisins - 1/2 cup

berry or fruit syrup - 6 tbsp.

The amount of marmalade is necessary to taste and, if desired, to decorate the dish when serving.

To prepare the curd mass, you need a saucepan with a capacity of 3 liters.

Boil semolina in water until a thick porridge is obtained. Remove from fire and cool.

Grind cottage cheese until a homogeneous mushy mass, put in a bowl with semolina. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Break the egg, separate the white from the yolk.

Heat butter until liquid.

In the received curd mass add yolk, pour butter, pour vanilla sugar and granulated sugar, add raisins.

Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly again.

For further preparation, you will need round deep molds.

Grease molds vegetable oil and put in them the prepared curd mass.

Put the mold in a saucepan, pour water and cook for 15-20 minutes.

Remove molds from steam. Cool down.

You can serve in forms if they have a decorative look, or transfer the product to plates.

Before serving, pour syrup over the soufflé and put marmalade on top of the syrup for beauty and as a seasoning.

4. Zucchini casserole

400 g zucchini

100 g cheese

100 g sour cream

0.5 tsp slaked soda,

150 g flour

0.5 tsp salt.,

Grate zucchini, squeeze well. Cheese is very finely chopped or grated, cut greens. Mix soda with sour cream, leave for 5 minutes, add eggs, salt, pepper, beat with a fork, add flour, mix. Then put cheese, zucchini and greens there, mix and pour into a small-diameter mold (grease). Bake for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees.

5. Cauliflower puree soup

Cauliflower inflorescences - 20-25 inflorescences

Potatoes - 4 pcs. small ones.

Rice - 3 or 4 tablespoons rice.

Cream - 100 ml. (instead of cream, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream)

Salt - to taste

Drain. butter - piece

Cauliflower is a dietary and healthy product. It got its name due to the inflorescences resembling flowers. And not at all because of the multi-colored coloring, as you might think without seeing and not knowing this product.

It can be introduced into complementary foods for children up to a year, in contrast to white cabbage. Because it is softer and does not cause colic in the stomach. It also helps to keep the stool normal.

For the first feeding, just mashed cauliflower is suitable, after which you can try mashed cabbage with carrots. And from the 1st year, a child can cook a tender creamy soup mashed cauliflower and potatoes. The photo recipe of which is posted below.

To prepare cauliflower soup:

1. The main component in this soup is cauliflower, so we take a little more of it than other products. We will also prepare potatoes, rice, cream, a piece of butter and salt. If there is no cream at hand, sour cream (about 3 tbsp) is also suitable. This amount of products is enough for 5-6 servings. If you need a smaller amount, reduce the products in proportion to each other.

2. Disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences. cut potatoes small cubes. Put the vegetables in a saucepan with water and cook until tender. Approximately 20-25 min.

3. Boil rice in a separate pan.

4. From the pot in which the vegetables were boiled, pour the broth into a glass. We'll still need it. TO boiled vegetables add boiled rice and puree with a blender.

5. It should turn out like this homogeneous mass. Salt it to taste.

6. Add a piece of butter and cream. Stir.

7. Soup puree will get such a light color. Adjust the thickness of the soup yourself. If it seems too thick, add the vegetable broth that was drained earlier.

8. For young children, soup is best served as is, without any additions.

9. And for older children, it is better to serve cauliflower puree soup with breadcrumbs. In this option, there is more chance that the dish will be eaten. You can also sprinkle the soup with herbs or parsley leaves.

6. Chicken pudding

Chicken (pulp) - 100 g

Wheat bread - 10 g

Butter - 1/2 teaspoon

Milk - ¼ cup

Egg - 1 pc.

Salt solution - ¼ teaspoon

Take a piece of boneless chicken, rinse cold water, pass through a meat grinder. Scroll a second time through a meat grinder along with white stale wheat bread pre-soaked in 1 tablespoon of milk. This mass must be rubbed through a sieve, diluted with the rest of the milk to a thick slurry. Then add raw egg yolk, salt solution. Whip the protein into a strong foam and add it too, mixing gently. Put the whole mass into a small mug, thickly greased with oil.

Having lowered the mug into a saucepan filled up to half with boiling water, cover the saucepan with a lid, put it on the stove and cook for 40 minutes.

Meat puddings from chicken, veal, liver can be served with potato or vegetable puree.

7. Fish pudding

Fish - 100 grams

Water - 2 tablespoons

Quail egg - 1 piece (you can use regular chicken)

Butter - 1 teaspoon

For sauce:

Sour cream fat content 15% - 2 tablespoons

Fish broth - 100 grams (half a glass)

Flour - 1 teaspoon without a slide

Salt to taste

1. Fish fillet wash and cut into small pieces. When choosing fish, give preference to dietary varieties (hake, mentai, tilapia, pike perch).

2. Put the chopped fillet in a saucepan and fill it with water so that the fillet is covered and cooked.

3. We pass the cooked and cooled fish through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender, add egg yolk, butter, mix well and add whipped protein.

4. We proceed to the preparation of the sauce. We dilute the flour with fish broth (half the prescribed portion, i.e. 50 grams), stir well so that there are no lumps. Now pour the resulting mixture into the rest of the boiling fish broth, add sour cream and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring all the time. Then strain the sauce through a sieve and bring to a boil again.

5. Put the fish mass into a mold (silicone can be used), pour sour cream sauce and send it to the oven for 20 minutes.

8. Baby meatballs

Minced meat - 500 g.

1 bulb

Bread - 100 gr.

Rice - 100 gr.

Carrot - 1 pc.

0.5 cup milk

Salt to taste

1. Mix minced meat with finely chopped onions and grated carrots.

2. Soak bread and rice in milk, boil a little, mix with minced meat

3. Add an egg to the minced meat, salt to taste

4. We sculpt and steam the tutelki until cooked (this will be convenient to do in a slow cooker)

Vegetables, mashed potatoes or pasta are great as a side dish.

For older kids, meatball sauce is a great addition. It can be prepared by frying onions and carrots with tomato paste.

9. Fish soup-puree

fish fillet - 150 g

1/2 medium onion

1 small carrot

1 medium potato

salt and herbs to taste

1. Put the fillet in a small saucepan, pour water (1.5-2 cups), put on fire, salt a little

2. When the fish is cooked, put it on a separate plate, and filter the broth.

3. Finely chop the potatoes and onions, and rub the carrots on a fine grater, put them in the broth to cook. If it seems that the soup is watery, you can add a little rice.

4. When the vegetables are cooked, add the fish again and grind everything with a blender.

5. Serve with sour cream and herbs

10. Mashed potatoes

Rub 100-120 g of boiled hot potatoes through a sieve (you can use a blender), gradually add to the resulting mass, stirring continuously, a little (up to 20 ml) of hot boiled milk. Beat the mixture until a homogeneous fluffy mass is obtained. Put the puree on a plate, pour over the melted butter.

11. Carrot puree

100 g of carrots washed, peeled, chopped, put in a saucepan, pour a little boiling water, add an incomplete teaspoon of sugar, cover with a lid and put on a small fire. Simmer for 30-40 minutes, stirring and adding a little water, until the carrots become soft. Then rub the hot carrots through a sieve, pour in 1/4 cup of hot milk, boil. When serving, add 1/2 tsp. butter.

12. Boiled pumpkin

Peeled pumpkin cut into cubes, put in a saucepan, pour a small amount of boiling water, add a little salt and cook until tender. Cool the boiled pumpkin to a warm state (can be mixed with other vegetables, fruits or cereals), wipe through a sieve and offer to the child.

13. Pumpkin stewed with apples

Put 200 g of finely chopped peeled pumpkin into a pan, add 100-150 g of peeled and finely chopped apples, a little salt and 1-2 tsp. sugar, 1-1.5 tsp butter, up to 100 ml of water and simmer until tender, then cool to a warm state and rub through a sieve. The finished dish can be sprinkled with a little jelly.

14. Assorted vegetable puree

Carrots and cabbage, finely chopped, simmer under a lid in a small amount of water until half cooked, add chopped potatoes and simmer together for another 30 minutes. Then, rub the vegetables, including the added green peas, hot, then add a little hot milk and salt to the mixture. Mix everything well, bring to a boil and, removing from the stove, beat so that the puree is fluffy and without lumps. Fill the finished puree with 1 tsp. butter.

15. Rice and carrot soufflé

From 1 tbsp. sorted and washed rice, boil a slightly viscous porridge on the water. Add 1 tsp to it. melted butter, 1/2 egg yolk, mashed with 1 tsp. granulated sugar in 25-30 ml of boiled milk, 1/4-1/2 carrots, grated on a fine grater. Mix everything well and carefully introduce 1/2 of the whipped protein into the resulting mass. Transfer to a greased mold and place for 35-40 minutes on water bath(on a wire rack in a saucepan of boiling water).

There may also be other options for vegetable and cereal soufflé: semolina, pumpkin and zucchini (2 tablespoons of grated vegetables instead of carrots).

16. Omelet stuffed with meat

50 g boiled minced meat

1/2 coffee cup milk

piece of butter the size of a hazelnut

1 st. a spoonful of pureed boiled vegetables from the soup


1 st. a spoonful of tomato juice

Grind the egg yolks with salt and butter, add the whipped egg white. Grease the saucepan with butter, pour the beaten eggs into it, immerse it in another vessel with water, cover with a lid and put in a very hot oven for 10 minutes.

Turn the finished omelet onto a plate, put the ground meat and vegetables on it, roll it up and pour over with tomato juice.


This recipe is a real find for moms! When children become very picky and capricious, when you don’t want porridge, but you’re tired of cottage cheese))


children's cottage cheese "Agusha" - 50 g,

buckwheat - 4 tbsp. spoons,

butter - 1 teaspoon,

sour cream - 2 teaspoons,

quail egg - 1 pc.,

ground crackers - 10 g.

Take, wash and put buckwheat in a pan. Put it on strong fire, and after boiling water, switch to weak and cook for about 25 minutes. Grind buckwheat porridge with a blender. To stir thoroughly buckwheat porridge with baby curd, add a raw egg and 1/2 teaspoon of butter. Transfer the resulting mass into a greased form with butter, sprinkle ground breadcrumbs, smooth the surface and grease with sour cream. Bake for about 25 minutes (at a temperature of 180 degrees).

18. Steamed cheesecakes

Cottage cheese - 200 g (ideally, homemade)

flour - 4 tbsp. l.

egg - 1 pc. (instead of chicken, you can take 2-3 quail)

sugar - 4 tbsp. l.

1. Add the egg and sugar to the cottage cheese, mix thoroughly until smooth.

2. Add flour and mix again. It is better to add flour gradually so as not to overdo it: when the mass takes on the consistency of the dough and starts to stick off your hands, this will mean that there is enough flour

3. Pinch off small pieces from a whole piece of dough, roll up small balls and put them in a double boiler at a short distance from each other so that they do not stick together.

4. Steam for 30 minutes.

19. Glazed curds

Cottage cheese (cottage cheese must be taken dry) - 400 g

Butter - 25 g

Cream (30% fat, but less) - 25 ml

Powdered sugar - 100-150 g

Chocolate - 100 g

1. Mix cottage cheese, cream, powdered sugar and soft butter. The mass should not be liquid (the amount of butter and cream depends on the moisture content of the curd)

2. Blind balls, sticks from the mass. Choose the form you like best. Place in the freezer for 10-15 minutes while preparing the frosting.

3. Melt the chocolate and cream in a large bowl. We take out the cheese from the freezer, put it in chocolate, roll it on all sides and take it out with the help of 2 forks. We put on parchment paper. We put it in the cold.

The nutrition of the child after a year expands significantly. New products are added to the menu, new types of dishes appear. The baby no longer needs to be given heavily crushed food in the form of mashed potatoes. In a year, children eat food of a delicate texture with small pieces, which trains the child's skills and abilities to chew. You can safely add meatballs, finely chopped or coarsely grated vegetables and meat, cereals and pasta in their original form to dishes.

At the age of 1.5-2 years, the ingredients for the dish can be cut larger. Many experts recommend completely abandoning soufflé, cream and puree-like dishes. But it is still impossible to overload digestion at this age, so sometimes you should feed the baby with such food. Give the baby only stewed or boiled dishes, bake or steam food. In the article, we will consider a number of rules for catering for children and draw up a detailed menu for a child 1-2 years old.

Nutrition rules for a child 1-2 years old

  • The menu of a child at 1-2 years old should consist of five meals. The norm of one meal is 250-300 grams;
  • The child's daily diet must necessarily include vegetables and fruits, meat or fish, soup or broth;
  • Prepare meals stewed, boiled or baked and steamed. Avoid fried foods, as they are difficult to digest, increase weight and cholesterol levels, often worsen stools and cause heaviness in the stomach;
  • It is better to cook over low heat, so the products retain vitamins and nutrients;
  • Do not give both meat and fish on the same day. Fish dishes are given 2-3 times a week, on other days - meat dishes;
  • From meat it is better to take beef, chicken, turkey and rabbit, from fish - lean varieties(hake, perch, pollock, pike perch, cod, etc.). Fatty fish, pork, lamb and other meats are better;
  • Exclude pickles and marinades, mushrooms, smoked meats and canned foods, glazed curds and desserts containing dyes, a large number of sweet, carbonated drinks and fast food;
  • Do not give children semi-finished products, including store-bought dumplings and cutlets, sausages. You can sometimes give natural boiled sausage;

  • Children under three years of age are not recommended meat and fish broths, as they are very difficult to digest and disrupt the still weak digestion. It is better to cook meat and fish separately, and then put the food in a ready-made soup;
  • For dressing dishes, use low-fat sour cream or vegetable oil. Do not give children ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • Add salt to the baby's food only slightly, if possible, it is better to do without salt at all. Salt food at the end of cooking;
  • When cooking, you can use sugar, black pepper, in small quantities. Do not put in dishes hot spices and condiments;
  • Introduce citrus fruits and berries with caution, as they can cause. In addition to the already familiar foods, a small amount of oranges, tangerines, kiwi, melon, strawberries and raspberries, strawberries can be included in the baby’s diet after a year;
  • Can be added to vegetables bell pepper, onion, tomatoes and fresh cucumbers, legumes (peas, chickpeas, beans, beans, etc.), beets and white cabbage;
  • When introducing a new food or dish for the first time, wait a day or two after introducing it and observe your baby's reaction. If there is a violation of the stool or signs of an allergy, consult a doctor and wait a while with the inclusion of this food in the diet;
  • Do not force your child to eat and do not teach children to eat behind the TV or at play. The kid should get hungry himself! And what to do if he does not want to eat, read.

How to make a diet for a child 1-2 years old

For breakfast or for the first meal, porridge, a sandwich with butter, cheese, boiled eggs, cottage cheese casserole are optimal. Lunch must include broth or soup, the norm of which for a baby under two years old is 100-130 ml per day. It might be easy vegetable soup, fish, pea or meat soup. For children older than a year, you can already give classic soups with finely chopped ingredients. However, pureed soups can also be given. Milk soups are best eaten for breakfast.

Rice is prepared for the second courses, pasta, boiled vegetables or vegetable puree, as well as meatballs, meatballs or cutlets from meat or fish. There should be snacks between main meals. For this, fresh and baked fruits, vegetable salads, cookies, a glass of milk or fermented baked milk, yogurt, vegetable salads with vegetable oil,

For dinner, you can give your child stewed vegetables and vegetable casserole, scrambled eggs, pasta, cottage cheese. At this time, it is not recommended to eat milk porridge, meat and fish dishes. Thus, lunch should be the most nutritious and satisfying meal of the day. Breakfast and dinner should be about the same in calories. It is advisable to cook fresh food each time, as it loses its moisture during storage. beneficial features. Further we offer sample menu for children 1-2 years old.

Menu for the week

Day of the week I II III
First meal Buckwheat + cheese and butter sandwich + tea Rice porridge + cheese and butter sandwich + tea Mashed potatoes + boiled egg+ fruit juice
Second meal Cottage cheese with pieces of fresh berries or fruits + tea Cookies + milk Banana + fresh apple
Third meal Shchi with sour cream + boiled noodles with meat + salad with fresh cucumber + compote Vegetable soup with beef + mashed potatoes with meat patty + beetroot salad+ compote Fish soup + buckwheat + salad with cabbage and apple + bread with jam + tea
Fourth meal Kefir + baked apple+ cookies Cottage cheese + fresh banana Bun + compote
Fifth meal Casserole with carrots and apples + milk Braised cauliflower (broccoli) + scrambled eggs + yogurt Cottage cheese casserole + cookies + milk
Day of the week VI VII
First meal Herculean or semolina+ sandwich with cheese and butter + tea Millet porridge + cheese and butter sandwich + milk
Second meal Kefir + fresh banana Fresh apple or pear + cookies + tea
Third meal Pea soup + vegetable stew with meat cutlet or zrazy + carrot and apple salad + compote or fruit drink Soup with noodles and meatballs + mashed potatoes with boiled beef + vegetable salad+ compote
Fourth meal Cottage cheese + fresh peach or apricot Fruit mousse or yogurt + bun
Fifth meal Omelet + cookies + juice Curd or vegetable casserole+ boiled egg + fruit juice

Dish recipes

vegetable casserole

  • Pumpkin - 200 gr;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Carrots - 200 gr;
  • Semolina - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Grind the vegetables on a grater and throw in boiling milk. Cook over low heat until the milk has evaporated. In the resulting chilled mixture, beat the egg and add sugar, mix. Add semolina and mix again until a homogeneous consistency without lumps. Cook the casserole in a water bath for 20-25 minutes after boiling water. You can add tomatoes to the recipe if you like. The vegetable is pre-peeled and finely chopped.

Baked cauliflower with cheese

  • Cauliflower - 300 gr;
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr;
  • Bulb - 1 pc.;
  • Sour cream - 100 gr..

Throw half-cooked cabbage in a colander and leave to cool. Chop the onion and lightly fry in vegetable oil, and grate the cheese coarsely. Put the cooled cabbage on a baking sheet, add onion, salt a little and brush with sour cream. Mix the mixture and sprinkle with grated cheese, bake until golden brown at 180 degrees. The finished dish can be decorated with chopped fresh herbs.

Meat soufflé for children

  • Chicken or turkey - 100 gr;
  • Rice - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Milk - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Butter - 20 gr..

Boil chicken or turkey until tender, cut and pass through a blender. Cook soft rice porridge from rice and milk, which is added to the resulting mashed meat. Mix the ingredients and beat in a blender. Melt the butter in a frying pan and add to the mass, put the yolk and mix. Beat the protein separately, pour into the puree and mix. Pour the mixture into molds and cook in a water bath or steam for 20-25 minutes.

Such a soufflé can be served with vegetable puree or buckwheat porridge at lunchtime. The dish is tender and soft, well digested and easy to chew. It is optimally suited for feeding young children who are just. By the way, soufflé can also be made from fish, fruits and vegetables.

Cottage cheese pancakes

  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr;
  • Wheat flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Semolina - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.

Mix cottage cheese with semolina, sugar and egg. Leave for ten minutes, then add flour and knead the dough. If desired, raisins or chopped dried apricots can be added to the dough. Roll out balls from the resulting mass and dip in flour, then put on a baking sheet and lightly crush the workpieces. Top the cakes with sour cream and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Cream soup with chicken and vegetables

  • Chicken fillet - 300 gr;
  • Potato - 3 tubers;
  • Tomatoes - 1 large fruit;
  • Bulb - 1 pc.;
  • Carrot - 1 fruit.

Boil the chicken separately, wash and peel the vegetables. Finely chop the carrot and onion, peel the tomato and cut into pieces. Stew vegetables in vegetable oil for two to three minutes. Cut potatoes into cubes and drop into boiling water. Ten minutes after cooking, add the rest of the vegetables, cook until tender.

Cut the finished cooled meat into pieces, mix with vegetables and pass through a blender. Lightly dilute the resulting mixture with vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Salt if necessary. For older children, you can add bell pepper to the soup.

In a year, the child has already learned a lot: he can stand, walk, eat himself with a spoon. He already has several teeth, and the child's menu at 1 year old begins to change. More and more non-ground food with small pieces appears in it, the diet becomes more diverse. In this article, I will write an indicative menu for a one-year-old child, as well as write delicious and healthy recipes, according to which you can cook for your kids.

Also read the previous article:. At this age, many parents still do not sleep well at night, although it would seem that the child has already grown significantly. In the article I write how to provide the whole family with a good and deep sleep.

At this age, the average child eats 1200 ml of food per day. Of course, all children are individual. Some may eat more, some less. If the child flatly refuses to eat, do not force him. Better make sure he has an appetite. Dr. Komarovsky advises for this to walk more in the fresh air, move more. If, for example, a child does not want to have breakfast, well, he is not hungry yet - do not force him. Go for an active walk, climb ladders and slides. In this case, it is more likely that by lunchtime the child will “work up” an appetite and eat without mother’s tears and nerves.

No need to focus only on tables, look at your child. I'll post the averages. This is not the weight of the food, but its volume.

It is very good if the child has a feeding regimen. Then the digestive tract will already be preparing for the digestion of food and secrete the necessary juices and enzymes. Between meals should take about 3-4 hours.

New products, as before, are introduced gradually. You can give only one unfamiliar product per week, you need to do this for breakfast in order to be able to track a possible reaction in time. If the child has responded well to the new product, the next day you can give it in a larger amount.

If your baby does not yet have chewing teeth, then food should be mashed or mashed with a potato masher. When the first chewing teeth appear, you need to teach the crumbs to chew, that is, small pieces of food may partially come across in the food.

At 1 year, food is prepared without sugar (up to 2 years, sugar is not allowed). Salt is also better not to use, as natural products contain sodium. If you add salt to children's food, then do it in very small quantities. A child can only take half a gram of salt per day. For example, the norm of an adult is 10 gr.

Baby's daily diet

Breakfast. Most often, it is customary to give porridge for breakfast as a source of carbohydrates, that is, energy. Porridge can be either dairy or dairy-free. At this age, many children continue to eat instant cereal from boxes. If you wish, you can cook porridge yourself and interrupt them with a blender. Fruit purees can be added to cereals. If you make dairy-free porridge, then offer your child yogurt with it.

You can also add a small piece of butter and half a hard-boiled egg yolk to the porridge.

In addition to porridge for breakfast, you can cook a steam omelette, the recipe is in this article. You can add greens, small pieces of vegetables to the omelet. You can also have breakfast with cottage cheese with fruit - it is also very nutritious and energy-intensive.

At 1 year old, a child can eat up to 15 grams. good butter and up to 40 gr. white bread.

In addition to food, do not forget about drinks. Be sure to teach your child to drink clean water. In addition to water, you can give compotes without sugar, weak tea without sugar, juice.

Dinner. For lunch, most often, mothers cook soup for the child. It can only be vegetable soup, vegetable soup with meat, and soup with cereals. At this age, children are not given bone broth soups. The broth can only be on meat. The first broth is poured out after 5-10 minutes of cooking the meat and the meat is poured with clean water. The soup is already cooked on the second broth.

Soups have no limits. You can put any vegetables there, and then kill them with a blender along with the meat. In addition to soup, you can give vegetable stew with meat for lunch. You can also start introducing offal: liver, heart, tongue.

Before dinner, you can give your child a salad from fresh vegetables: Grate a cucumber, carrot, radish or chop a tomato. Don't forget the fish too. Fish should be given at least 2 times a week. Fish can be steamed, boiled or cooked in fish casseroles and soufflés. Take lean, white fish.

Do not get carried away with potatoes, as they have a lot of starch. The total number of potatoes per day should not exceed 1/3 of the total number of vegetables. If you give your child a lot of potatoes, this can lead to weight gain, intestinal colic, and allergies.

We also give the child to drink.

afternoon tea. For an afternoon snack, offer your child a curd dish. If the baby is tired of eating just cottage cheese, make a casserole for him. You can put fruits or sweet vegetables (pumpkin, carrots) in the casserole. You can also give your child kefir or yogurt.

Dinner. For dinner, they give meat or fish with a side dish. As a side dish, you can have vegetables (boiled or steamed), pasta or cereals.

If you are still breastfeeding, the baby receives mother's milk before going to bed at night. If not, you can leave the mixture or drink kefir at night.

What not to give a child under 2 years old

These foods should not be on your child's menu.

  • sausages and sausage
  • fried foods
  • oily fish
  • smoked meats
  • fat meat
  • Exotic fruits
  • mushrooms
  • caramel, chewing gum and lollipops
  • sugar
  • products with preservatives, artificial colors, flavors and other chemicals
  • fresh onion and garlic, can be boiled

Menu for a week for a child of 1 year

I offer an indicative table with a weekly menu for a child of 1 year. Sometimes you just don't know what to cook for your baby. After all, food should be healthy and tasty at the same time. All children have different tastes. Someone loves meat very much, while the other, on the contrary, spits on it, etc.

After the table you will find delicious recipes cooking meals for your kids.

There can also be a second breakfast between breakfast and lunch. Fresh fruit is provided for a second breakfast, and juice is allowed once a week. Before going to bed, the child is given kefir or milk.

Breakfast Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
Tuesday Children's cottage cheese with sour cream and banana Soup with beef, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes and herbs Carrot- applesauce(you can do it yourself) Buckwheat porridge with steamed vegetables + Mozzarella cheese
Wednesday Rice porridge (or corn) + quail egg Pumpkin puree soup with sour cream and herbs + steamed turkey Homemade or children's yogurt with fruit, can be shaken into a smoothie Mashed potatoes + chicken cutlets paired with zucchini
Thursday Buckwheat porridge in milk with a piece of butter Beef meatballs with rice + vegetable stew or vegetable soup on the water Cottage cheese + prune puree Steamed fish + cauliflower, zucchini, carrots
Friday Steamed omelette + steamed vegetables Lentil soup (recipe below) Pumpkin-carrot casserole Roasted Turkey Breast + rice porrige+ vegetables
Saturday Porridge 7 cereals on the water (or wheat) + yogurt + pieces of fruit or dried fruit Vegetable stew with rabbit meat (you can stew, you can bake meat with vegetables and natural herbs) Cottage cheese casserole with banana Fish casserole with pasta + vegetables
Sunday Oatmeal in milk with fruits and ground flaxseeds Steamed fish or fish casserole + stewed vegetable stew or steamed vegetables Rice pear casserole Steamed meat soufflé + vegetables

Recipes for delicious dishes for children from 1 year old


Broccoli soup with turkey.

This is a simple soup with a light turkey meat broth. There are only two ingredients here: broccoli and turkey. If desired, you can add other vegetables to the soup that the child is already familiar with and to which they are not allergic (for example, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots, onions).


  • turkey fillet - 200 gr.
  • broccoli - 5-7 inflorescences
  • water - 2 - 2.5 tbsp.

Pour water into a saucepan and boil it. Rinse the fillet and place in boiling water. It is better for children at 1 year old not to cook bone broth soups, they are too saturated. Just boil the meat. To make the meat juicy and tasty, you need to lay it in boiling water. For a rich broth, bones and meat are laid in cold water, but for the baby it is not necessary to do this.

Simmer the meat until tender, about 50 minutes. Soup can be slightly salted, literally a pinch of salt. At this age, children should not yet be given salt, how much adults eat. And you can not salt at all. Then take the meat out of the soup and let it cool down a bit.

Rinse the broccoli and place in the boiling water in which the meat was cooked. Boil for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the turkey into medium cubes. Put the chopped meat to the cooked broccoli. Puree the soup with a blender. Before serving, put a piece of butter on a plate.

Cream of pumpkin soup.

This is a vegetable soup, pumpkin and carrots will give a beautiful color and sweetness in addition.


  • pumpkin - 200 gr.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • milk - 100 ml

Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, cut into cubes. Weight 200 gr. listed in pure form. Peel potatoes and onions and cut into small pieces so that they cook faster. Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Put all the vegetables in boiling water, lightly salt and cook for 30 minutes.

Puree the finished soup with an immersion blender directly in the pan. Add milk, bring to a boil and boil for small fire 5 more minutes. Vegetable cream soup is ready. When serving, you can sprinkle it with sesame seeds or flaxseeds for more usefulness.

Soup with lentils.

Lentils are a very useful product. If you want to give lentils a try for the first time, it's better not to boil the soup, but just boil it and give the child a few things. If there are no colic, swelling, etc., then you can cook soups.

Ingredients (for 3 servings):

  • carrots - 1.5 pcs.
  • onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • red or green lentils - 150 ml (by volume)
  • vegetable broth - 0.5 l
  • garlic - 0.5 cloves
  • celery - 2 stalks
  • rapeseed or olive oil- 1 tbsp.
  • tomato paste - 30 ml

Vegetable broth for soup can be cooked in advance, or you can immediately. Take any vegetables for the broth: onions, carrots, celery root. To cook the broth, vegetables are placed in cold water and boiled for about 40 minutes. Then these vegetables are thrown away, all the good remains in the broth.

Lentils should be soaked overnight.

In an empty heavy-bottomed pan, pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil, which can be heated and does not turn into a carcinogen. It can be refined olive oil or rapeseed. Put the onion and garlic cut into small cubes into the heated oil. Slightly fry these vegetables until transparent (not yellow, and even more Brown), just need the onion to soften.

Cut carrots and celery stalks into small pieces. Add to softened onion. Also put the washed lentils in the pan. Stir and let warm for 1 minute.

Add tomato paste to the soup and pour over the broth. Let the soup come to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes until the lentils are tender. Puree the soup with an immersion blender. If the soup is too thick, thin it with water or broth.

Cauliflower soup.

This is a very simple white soup.


  • cauliflower - 200 gr.
  • potatoes - 100 gr.
  • rice - 50 gr.
  • butter or sour cream - 1 tbsp.

Peel potatoes and cut into random pieces. Wash the cauliflower and separate into florets. Boil water, put potatoes and cabbage in it, cook until tender.

In parallel, in another pan, boil the rice until tender. Pre rice is better soak for at least 10 minutes to remove excess starch from it. Put the finished rice to the boiled vegetables and make a puree soup with a blender. Add sour cream or butter to the finished soup, stir. When serving, you can sprinkle with finely chopped dill or any seeds.


Cottage cheese casserole with banana.

For children who do not like to eat cottage cheese, mothers bake various casseroles, cheesecakes, puddings, so that the child receives useful substances. This is a very simple casserole recipe with just 3 ingredients.


  • cottage cheese - 100 gr. (it is better to take a child without additives)
  • semolina - 2 tsp
  • banana - 1 pc. medium-sized

Pour the curd into a bowl and add semolina to it, mix until smooth. Leave for 10 minutes for the semolina to swell. Banana needs to be mashed. To do this, you can use any device that you can use at the moment: a blender, grater, chopper. Add banana puree into curd and mix well again.

Spread the resulting dough into silicone molds- they do not need to be lubricated with oil, and pastries come out easily. Cook such a casserole in a slow cooker in the "Steam" mode for 20 minutes. Or just steam in the dishes that are available. The finished casserole is sweet, soft, easy to digest, the child should like it.

If already entered egg white in the diet, then you can add half an egg or one quail to the casserole. This will make the casserole a little thicker.

Pumpkin-carrot casserole.

This casserole is also steamed. You can do, as in the previous version, in a slow cooker. You can just in a water bath.


  • pumpkin - 100 gr.
  • carrots - 100 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 50-70 gr.
  • semolina - 2 tbsp.

Grate pumpkin and carrots on a fine grater. Place the vegetables in a saucepan and pour over the milk. Put on the stove, bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat, stirring, until the milk is absorbed. Remove the vegetables from the heat and let them cool.

Drive the egg into the cooled mass and pour semolina. Mix all the dough so that there are no lumps.

Pour the mixture into a deep small bowl or broth bowl and place it in a saucepan. Pour in about 2 cm of water. There should be enough water so that when it boils, it does not fall into the casserole. Bring water to a boil and reduce heat.

Cover the pot and steam the casserole for about 20-25 minutes. That's all, you can treat your child with a ready-made casserole.

Steamed fish casserole.

In addition to the traditional cottage cheese casserole you can make fish and meat casseroles. I propose to cook delicious fish casserole.


  • white fillet sea ​​fish- 100 gr.
  • green peas (can be frozen) - 2 tbsp.
  • milk - 30 ml
  • carrots - 1/2 pc. middle
  • chicken egg - 1 pc. (or 2 pieces of quail)
  • onion - 1/4 pc.

If your fish is not in the form of a fillet, then you need to remove the skin from it and carefully remove all the bones. Then turn the fish together with onions in a blender or meat grinder into minced meat. Green pea also chop and mix with minced fish.

Grate carrots on a fine grater. In a separate bowl, beat the milk and egg with a mixer until a thick foam forms. Beating is enough for 3 minutes.

It is convenient to cook the casserole in a small silicone mold. Put the fish mixture with peas on the bottom of the mold and tamp a little with a fork. The next layer is carrot. Do not put a lot of carrots, a thin layer is enough. Press the carrots a little with a fork as well.

Pour over the fish casserole milk and egg mixture. Place the mold in the steamer. Pour half a liter of water into the slow cooker and cook in the "Steam" mode for 35 minutes. Together with the form in which the casserole will be prepared, you can put vegetables in a double boiler, which will be a great side dish. Cook vegetables for 25 minutes, then take them out.

That's all. There are not many actions on your part, but the child is fed and satisfied.

Rice pear casserole.

This casserole is great option for an afternoon snack.


  • pear - 1 pc. average
  • rice flakes - 2 tbsp without a slide (can be replaced with oatmeal)
  • children's cottage cheese - 100 gr.
  • sour cream - 1 tsp
  • quail egg - 1 pc. (or half chicken)

Mix sour cream, cottage cheese and egg in a bowl. To easily separate half of a chicken egg, beat it into a separate bowl and shake with a fork. Then pour half into the curd. Stir until smooth.

Pour rice flakes into the curd (if none, chop rice groats in a blender). Grate the pear on a coarse grater and add to the general mixture, stir. Lubricate the silicone mold with butter and pour the dough into it. Next, it is steamed, as in previous recipes. You need to put the casserole in a double boiler, then in a slow cooker and steam for 35 minutes. Alternatively, bake in the oven until done.

If baking in the oven, cover the pan with foil to prevent a crust from forming.

You can serve this casserole with fresh berries or fruit, or you can pour fruit puree.

Second courses.

Steam cutlets with zucchini.

From meat, you can make cutlets for a child. Moreover, you can add any vegetables to cutlets, you get a balanced product. Take the number of ingredients at your discretion. Depending on what ratio of meat to vegetables you want to get.


  • minced meat (beef, veal)
  • vegetable marrow
  • carrot
  • egg (or one yolk)

Scroll the meat through a meat grinder or make minced meat in a grinder. Grate vegetables or chop together with minced meat. Combine all the products, add an egg or one yolk, lightly salt and mix until smooth.

Shape into patties and steam for 30 minutes. This can be done in a multicooker. If there is no multicooker, then you can put the cutlets on a sieve and put them on a pot of water. Cover the sieve with a lid.

Omelet for a couple.

When the child already begins to eat egg white, after a year, you can make steamed omelettes. They are soft and the kids love them.


  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 3 tablespoons
  • butter - 5-7 gr.
  • greens - optional

Crack the egg into a small bowl, but separate some of the white. At this age, it will be too much for a child to eat a whole protein, separate half. Pour milk into the egg and beat with a fork. Put a piece of butter in a small heat-resistant form and fill it with a beaten egg. Finely chopped dill can be added if desired. Place on the steamer rack and steam in the slow cooker for 10 minutes (do not forget to preheat the steam water in the slow cooker).

Serve such a steam omelette well with steamed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots).

Fish casserole with pasta.

If you want to diversify your baby's menu, make him a fish casserole. It turns out quite lush due to beaten eggs. All ingredients used should be familiar to the child.


  • cod fillet - 300 gr.
  • whole grain pasta - 100 ml (measurement by volume)
  • green onion- 1 pen
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • flour - 2.5 tbsp.
  • milk - 250 ml
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • ground nutmeg- 1/3 tsp
  • breadcrumbs- 2-3 tablespoons
  • carrots - 300 gr.
  • pepper - to taste

Immediately turn on the oven to heat up to 160 degrees. Boil the pasta (if you can't find whole grains, then take from durum varieties wheat). Pasta is placed in boiling water and boiled for several minutes, see the instructions on the package. In this case, it is better not to cook the pasta a little, so they will still be baked.

Fish fillet (defrost it in advance and rinse) cut into 2 cm pieces. Finely chop the green onion. Now you need to make the bechamel sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a saucepan, add flour to it and stir. Now pour the milk in a thin stream and stir so that there are no lumps. Simmer the sauce for a few minutes until it thickens. Add the nutmeg and black pepper to the sauce. Cool down the sauce.

If you are in a hurry, then just beat the eggs with a whisk or even a fork. If you have time, separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites with a mixer into a strong foam. When turning the bowl, the proteins should not fall out. Whipped proteins will make the finished casserole more porous and airy.

Cut the fish, cook the sauce, beat the eggs.

Stir in the yolks to the proteins, this can be done with the same mixer.

Add the beaten eggs to the cooled sauce and stir. In the same mixture, put chopped fish, boiled pasta and green onions. Stir gently with a spoon. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, put the whole mass into it, level it. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake in preheated oven for about 40 minutes.

Grate the carrots and put in a deep plate. Put a portioned piece of casserole on the carrot. This is such a tasty dish for a child. As you can see, there is no salt in the recipe. The dish can be completely saltless, or you can add quite a bit of salt to the sauce.

Steamed meat soufflé.

Very tasty for kids meat recipe. Easy to prepare.


  • minced meat - 50 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • white bread - 10 gr.
  • milk - 3 tablespoons

In a small bowl, cover the bread with milk and leave to swell for 10 minutes. Now you need to combine minced meat, egg and soaked bread together. Use a blender to turn this mixture into a homogeneous mass.

Pour the resulting mixture into Silicone forms. Put the molds on the steamer. In the same double boiler, immediately put the vegetables that you serve with meat: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, carrots, etc.

Pour water into the slow cooker, put the steamer on, close the lid and cook in the "Steam" mode for 40 minutes. Mash vegetables and soufflé with a fork before serving, you can sprinkle with fresh herbs.


Oatmeal with nuts and flax seeds.

If you decide to switch from boxed instant cereals to the usual, then a year is the time to do it. Porridge for a child can be boiled both in milk and in water. If you have not yet given regular cow's milk, then for the first time, as with any new product, you should give very little to see the reaction. If you are afraid to give the usual boiled homemade milk, buy a special baby, it must pass quality control.

If the child tolerates the introduction of milk well, his digestion does not deteriorate and there is no rash, then the amount can be gradually increased.


  • milk or water - 200 gr.
  • oatmeal - 100 gr.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • walnuts - 1 tsp
  • flaxseeds - 1 tsp

Boil milk or water. Add cereal and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cooking time will depend on the cereal you choose. By the way, it can be not just oatmeal, but 5-7 cereals. Read on the package for how long to cook them. Better don't take the cereal fast food, they are highly purified, they have little useful substances.

V ready porridge add banana pieces and grind a little with a blender. Walnuts and grind flaxseeds in a blender or coffee grinder. Add to porridge.

Put nuts in the event that your child is already familiar with this product.


Salad with avocado and banana.

If children do not eat vegetables well, it always upsets parents. They need to get vitamins from somewhere. Avocado is very useful fruit, it is not sweet, fatty (it has a lot of omega-9 fats, like in olives). And avocados are just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. To make the salad tastier, add a banana to the avocado, children mostly love bananas for their softness and sweetness.


  • avocado - 1/2 pc.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc. small
  • apple - optional

Grate half an avocado and carrots on a fine grater. A banana can be simply crushed with a fork or cut into small cubes to teach a child to chew. If a child is puréed for a long time, then, having matured, he will not be very willing to eat solid food. In the year already give the child food with pieces.

Mix all prepared foods. As you know, carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene, which is absorbed only in combination with fats. Just avocado will be a fatty conductor of vitamin A to the cells of the body. No additional oil needs to be added.

Serve this salad with cottage cheese or yogurt.

I hope that the article was useful to you. Write comments and bookmark this page.

In contact with

Julia: | April 3rd, 2018 | 9:51 pm

The recipes are interesting, you can pick up ideas. And you can try to make a menu for children with allergies (to protein cow's milk, for gluten)?
Answer: Julia, Here you can find various children's menus
Here is “Menu for a week for an allergic child”, only this is not about an allergy to gluten and milk protein.
Gluten free menu for the week

Marina: | December 7th, 2017 | 4:23 pm

Great menu. Thanks for the recipes. There is a reason for the whole family to switch to the right healthy eating thanks to the child. QUESTION - is it possible for a child (1 year old) to cook food in a multi-cooker-pressure cooker?
Answer: Marina, thanks for your comment! Yes, you can.

Olesya: | June 15th, 2017 | 3:56 pm

The menu is good and varied. I read a lot of books and articles, I liked this menu. I appreciated the pumpkin soup with chicken, a casserole of zucchini and carrots, an omelet like in a kindergarten (it turns out that my slow cooker does it wrong, 25 minutes and a lot of holes, despite the fact that it is high enough and very tasty). I must try your recipe for all family. And we puree the rest of the meat and vegetables in the soup, because it spits out the pieces, and scatters the stewed vegetables, loves ghee, pasta, rice, tea from dad's plate. We are 1 year 4 months
Answer: Olesya, thank you for your comment and your experience! Bon appetit baby! Everything is always the most delicious in dad's plate :)

Julia: | February 27th, 2017 | 8:20 am

Natalia! Thank you very much for this article! Just rescued young mothers!
Answer: Julia, thanks! Bon appetit baby!

Yasmina: | January 9th, 2017 | 9:47 pm

My child eats only baby porridge and baby, I prepared several dishes from your diet, he does not want to eat. how to teach your child to eat wholesome food..
Answer: Yasmina, come to our training “How to teach a child to eat right” - together we will find out the reasons and take the first steps towards a complete diet for the baby.

Anna: | December 25th, 2016 | 5:06 pm

Hello! A good menu, but the question is, what can be replaced with zucchini in the winter?
Answer: Anna, you can use cauliflower.

Elena: | November 24th, 2016 | 3:53 pm

We really liked the menu! We are already chewing the pieces ourselves (although I do finely myself, but in pieces).
Answer: Elena, good appetite and food interest for the baby! :)

Julia: | December 2nd, 2015 | 8:36 pm

And I discovered a casserole of zucchini and carrots. I already left myself a recipe! Only instead of zucchini I want to try pumpkin. I think it will be no worse)))

Hope: | October 21st, 2015 | 11:00 pm

We are a year and a month old, since 8 months we have 8 teeth, this menu is quite suitable. Despite the fact that there are no chewing teeth, the baby does not tear and does not choke on any pieces, on the contrary, he does not like food crushed in mashed potatoes and nibbles various bagels, cookies, etc. with pleasure, tries to chew on pieces of meat, fish and vegetables. Everything that is presented on the menu eats with pleasure, no problem!

Anna: | October 18th, 2015 | 9:39 pm

Thanks for the recipe, my daughter loves it. We are in 5 days a year and we have 12 teeth, so my manyunya already chews everything)

Chulpan: | October 10th, 2015 | 9:28 pm

Our daughter is now one year old. She has 8 teeth. While there is no chewing. She, too, vomits from the pieces. And I do not understand this panic about the fact that it is necessary to learn to chew at this age. And what if you learn to chew when chewing teeth appear? Do you think it's too late and the child won't learn? All vital actions go at the level of reflexes. Biting teeth appeared - the child began to bite, chewing teeth appear - he learns to chew. In the meantime, he cannot chew food, it will be poorly digested and absorbed by the body. It is very difficult for the body to digest unground pieces. Try to swallow such food yourself. Then more problems with the chair will appear. In extreme cases, the pieces should be soft so that the child can crush the gums. Another thing is when he asks for such food and tries to knead the pieces. I think we need to try a little bit and only soft pieces. What kind of casseroles are there? The child will remain upset and hungry - or full, but will be naughty because of the pain in the tummy. It is not necessary to focus on age, but on the number of teeth, i.e. the readiness of the body to process and assimilate such food.

Samira: | October 1st, 2015 | 1:35 pm

mine is a year old in 10 days, we cook soups in broth, only agusha porridge, applesauce, banana, I never gave fish,

Julia: | September 4th, 2015 | 1:40 pm

Mine is 1.1 years old. Somehow, this Menu doesn’t suit us very well - 8 teeth, but we are too lazy to chew, we have to parry everything on a blender, because if small pieces come across, the child immediately vomits, so meatballs and baked apples are definitely not for us))
Answer: Julia, of course, you need to look at the child. Different children start chewing pieces at different ages. And baked apples are actually applesauce. It is enough to free the apple from the skin and mash with a fork. Or pass through a blender.

Shoira: | June 24th, 2015 | 8:49 dp

We are 1 year 1 month old. 8 teeth. As soon as the heat began, she stopped eating normally. Drinks well. Eats bread. The rest almost all spits out. How many times a day to give wild rose. What to feed in the summer heat?
Can I contact you as a doctor? Daughter 1 year 1 month crawls well. But until she walks on her own. Only holds on to 2 handles and on tiptoe. Wants to walk but is afraid. It costs 1-2 min without support. How to encourage her to walk? Sleeps badly at night. During the day he sleeps 2-2.5 hours. and then with me. 20 minutes without me. In the evening he falls asleep at 8 o'clock, whines, with music with his chest. And she starts waking up at 10, at 12, at 3, at 5. She whines all the time, capricious. Hanging on the chest. Tossing and turning. If I watch TV, she gets up and comes even though she was sleeping. And so every day. In the morning we walk in the evening too. I can't walk all the time, my back hurts
Answer: Shoira, yes, now is a difficult period. What can be advised: hearty feed before bedtime so that the child wakes up less often at night. After a year, only mother's breast is no longer enough, you need to feed a full dinner. For example, before going to bed, you can give cottage cheese with kefir + breast before falling asleep. And only breast + bread - this can not be called complete nutrition for a child of this age. If he doesn’t eat anything else due to the heat, then this is temporary, it will pass with the normalization of the weather, just give more water and feed in the non-hot time of the day (morning, evening). If the problem exists on non-hot days, then reconsider approaches to nutrition and teach the child to eat other foods besides bread, primarily vegetables, fruits, berries, and dairy products. If the child is given the opportunity to choose what he wants to eat, then children will prefer high-calorie carbohydrate foods (sweets, pastries, etc.). Therefore, it is important to teach the child to eat right and make choices. useful products for him.

Natalia: | May 10th, 2015 | 4:09 pm

I liked it very much. Let's try to eat like this. I hope we find our favorite dishes

Hope: | November 18th, 2014 | 4:15 pm

Thank you for the menu, I really like it, but it’s a pity that the previous menu was removed and I can’t find it, there were also a lot delicious meals

Hope: | September 28th, 2014 | 10:25 am

Cool menu, we are 1.7 years old and we eat a lot with pleasure, of course, without overcooking, although I overcook onions and carrots in a fish casserole, because it is still baked later. Thank you great menu!
Answer: Hope, I'm glad you liked the menu!

Natalia: | September 23rd, 2014 | 8:58 dp

And I just think that the sooner a child is accustomed to an adult table, the better. So the pedagogical complementary food says. Previously, our grandmothers did not cook separately for children. There was no time. Housekeeping was busy all the time. There was no time to play with the children, but here to stand out in the kitchen. Everything was done on the stove. Without double boilers and multicookers. Slightly lower the onion with carrots is, on the contrary, good. And it's not roast. Good menu. I give five. The child will learn to chew faster.

Light: | August 25th, 2014 | 10:56 am

A child has 8-10 teeth. I can’t imagine how the salads that are on the menu, he will chew!
Answer: Sveta, if the ingredients are finely chopped, then it can.

Irina: | July 13th, 2014 | 10:04 pm

Great menu!) but I’m still racking my brains about what I would feed my princess :) I don’t see anything wrong with light frying for soup
Answer: Irina, thank you for your kind words! For a child, vegetables can not be overcooked at all

Nata: | March 4th, 2014 | 6:37 pm

We are 8.5 months old. Lots of useful stuff from the article. Thank you.
Answer: Nata, I am very glad that the article was useful!

Anita: | January 20th, 2014 | 10:19 am

Thank you for solving my condiment question, for a vegetarian family it makes a difference. And thank you for opening new interesting recipes for the baby. Now you do not have to rack your brains, making up a daily diet for a child.

Olga: | June 2nd, 2013 | 3:27 pm

Your child is growing and his appetite is growing along with it, the body needs a large amount of nutrients, fats and minerals for good growth and proper development. When compiling a menu for a baby 2-3 years old, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of his fragile body and select special recipes for children from 2 to 3 years old.

Every mother knows that the baby's diet should be varied, the products should be tasty, and, of course, fresh.

Too fatty, fried food, fast food, sausage, canned food, salted fish should be strictly excluded from the children's menu. In winter, the child's body is especially lacking in vitamin C. You can compensate for the deficiency by giving the baby 250 ml of a decoction of rose hips to drink a day.

We compose the menu

  • a light breakfast to start working the gastrointestinal tract;
  • later we feed a nutritious second breakfast;
  • three courses are usually served for lunch: soup, a second course (meat or a fish dish with a side dish in the form of porridge, stewed vegetables or mashed potatoes), dessert, drink;
  • dinner, and it is better that dinner is light so that the baby does not overeat, because sleep will be restless from heavy food.


Milk soup with buckwheat. Pre-boil buckwheat in water. We give the milk to boil, lightly salt, sugar. Add buckwheat to the milk, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat, stirring often. V ready meal add a piece of butter.


  • egg cutlets (3 chicken eggs, 15 g long loaf, onion, breadcrumbs, butter, salt).

Boil 2 hard-boiled eggs, cool, chop finely. The loaf should be softened in milk and mixed with eggs. In the resulting mass, break 1 raw egg, finely chopped onion, salt to taste, twist everything through a meat grinder. Then you need to roll all the cutlets in breading. Fry on both sides.

  • (1 large carrot, 30 g raisins, sugar, vegetable oil).

Grate peeled carrots. We wash the raisins, soak in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Add raisins to the carrots, sprinkle with sugar and season with one tablespoon of vegetable oil.

  • chicory drink(when buying, make sure that the composition does not contain natural coffee additives).


First course

Beetroot soup(beets, carrots, a small onion - 1 pc, cabbage 100 g, chicken fillet- 100 g. 2-3 potatoes, 1 tablespoon tomato paste, sour cream).

Boil the beets, after cooking, three of them on a grater. Cook the chicken meat, periodically removing the foam. We cut potatoes, cabbage, onions, three carrots on a grater. We take out the chicken from the pan, add chopped vegetables, including beets, to the resulting broth. Be sure to bring to a boil, you can add a spoonful of tomato paste to the soup, salt, for flavor we throw two washed bay leaves. At the end, cut the chicken meat into small pieces and throw it into the pan. Let's brew a little borscht. When serving, put a spoonful of sour cream on a plate.

Second course

Salmon with potatoes (1 salmon steak, 2 potatoes, lemon, salt).

Salt the fish steak, sprinkle with a few drops lemon juice, put in a double boiler with chopped potatoes. Cooking 15 minutes.


Sweet cottage cheese pudding (fresh cottage cheese 9% fat - 200 g, egg, sugar - 2 teaspoons, butter - 1 teaspoon, breadcrumbs).

We wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve for friability. Mix the egg yolk with sugar, add to the curd. Beat the protein until a thick foam, add this foam to the cottage cheese, mix. The resulting mass is laid out in pre-greased baking dishes. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. You can serve the pudding with any jam.

Tea "Vitaminka"(1/2 lemon, orange, tea, honey).

Add lemon juice, orange juice and half a teaspoon of honey to the brewed hot tea. We mix.

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afternoon tea

  • (pumpkin pulp - 300 g, 2 eggs, 450 g flour (3 cups), 2 tablespoons of kefir, sugar, salt).

We rub on a grater or twist the pumpkin through a meat grinder. Mix flour with eggs, add sugar and salt to taste, mix, add kefir and grated pumpkin while stirring. We spread the dough on a baking sheet (grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil) and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Drizzle with sour cream.

  • Rosehip compote(rose hips - 1 glass, apple, sugar, water -1 liter).

To prepare healthy drink, cleaned from seeds, washed rose hips, pour water and boil for 5-7 minutes, then add chopped apple, sugar, cook for 10-15 minutes.


  • Omelet with cauliflower(2 eggs, cabbage inflorescences - 50 g, salt).

Cabbage needs to be crushed in a blender along with eggs, salt. Put the mass into a frying pan greased with vegetable oil, as soon as the omelet rises well, turn it over to the other side, onto hot pan the omelet will reach the desired readiness. When serving, put a couple of plastics on the table fresh cucumber to the edge of the plate.

  • Kissel with cranberries(cranberry - 1 cup, 150g sugar (glass), starch - 1 tablespoon, water - 3 liters).

We throw berries and sugar into boiled water, cook for 10 minutes. Add starch to half a glass of warm water and, stirring, add to the pan. Cook for 5 minutes to thicken the jelly.

It is better to cook porridge so that they have a viscous consistency, and not crumbly. Complement these meals with pieces of fresh fruit and berries so that your child does not get tired of them quickly.

From the second year of life, children should have various casseroles in their diet: cottage cheese, meat, potato. If the baby does not like to eat meat, you can cook potato casserole with meat (in the form of minced meat), this option will be more like the crumbs. We can talk endlessly about the benefits of the liver in the diet of children 2-3 years old, because it contains easily digestible proteins and has a positive effect on hematopoiesis.

Fish should also be invariably present in the baby's menu, especially sea and ocean.

Vegetables are an indispensable element in the menu of two-year-old children, because vegetables are rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Season fresh salads with low-fat sour cream. Gradually, you can use such seasonings in small quantities to prepare children's dishes: dill, parsley, celery. Let your child eat fruits in moderation.

Be sure to include in children's menu soups at least once a week. Borscht contains maximum nutrients, so it is considered the most healthy soup. Soups are recommended for meat broths, so they will be more rich and tasty.

Bread Small child should be eating every day. While it is better to feed the baby with white bread, black bread causes fermentation in the stomach. Allowed for lunch savory biscuits. For children 2-3 years old, marshmallows, meringues, marshmallows are ideal from delicacies. Don't give chocolate products because they can cause an allergic reaction. Sweets should be consumed minimal amount, and only after taking the main meal, so as not to interrupt the appetite before eating.

Fermented milk products for children at the age of 2-3 years must be consumed in order to improve digestion. They contain the necessary protein and calcium useful for bone growth. Every day a child should eat up to 100 g curd products, up to 30 g of cheese. It is better not to give fat-free foods to the baby, because fat is the building material of brain tissue.

Dishes should be cooked at one time, without using various spices (pepper, mustard, etc.). Decorate food for your baby beautifully, it will please him and increase his appetite.

Remember that food should be a source of trace elements and vitamins.

How well the child eats is determined by the pediatrician by weighing, measuring growth and monitoring general condition health.

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