Home / Recipes / Cocoa leaves benefits and harms. The benefits and harms of cocoa powder for the human body

Cocoa leaves benefits and harms. The benefits and harms of cocoa powder for the human body

In this article, we will talk about the dangers and benefits of cocoa for health. It should be noted that cocoa and the products in which it is included occupy one of the first places in popularity.

Chocolate, chocolate cakes and other confectionery products, all kinds of chocolate bars, sweets, desserts - both adults and children love them.

The composition of the above products, in addition to cocoa, includes many other substances, among which harmful food additives are not the last. "Thanks to" food additives, chocolate is on the list of the most unhealthy foods! Therefore, read the information on the packages and choose quality products With minimum amount additives, and better without them at all. For example, when it comes to chocolate, you should give preference to dark chocolate with a high cocoa content and without flavorings, stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers and preservatives.

But let's talk about the properties of cocoa itself, as well as the dangers and health benefits of cocoa:

Properties of cocoa.

Cocoa beans contain about 300 substances that have various effects on the human body. Cocoa is known for its ability to improve mood (through the production of serotonin - the "hormone of happiness") and increase performance (through caffeine).

Because of a large number active substances contained in cocoa, we can talk about both its harm and health benefits. The arguments for and against cocoa are worth considering.

The harm of cocoa.

Harm to cocoa due to caffeine content.

The caffeine content in cocoa is small (about 0.2%), but still cannot be ignored, especially when it comes to the consumption of cocoa by children. Caffeine is one of the most controversial foods, and there are many opinions and conflicting studies about the dangers and benefits of which. You can read about the effect of caffeine on health in the article "The Harm and Benefits of Coffee".

Harm to cocoa due to unsanitary conditions.

In countries where cocoa beans are grown, sanitary conditions are very poor. As a result, products containing cocoa are also far from sanitary standards.

Cocoa harm from cockroaches.

Cockroaches live in cocoa beans, which are very difficult to get rid of.

Harm to cocoa due to chemicals.

Cocoa is cultivated in tropical countries around the world on large plantations with use in large quantities fertilizers and pesticides. Cocoa is the most pesticide intensive crop in the world!

Also, the cocoa beans industrial production are subjected to radiological treatment to destroy excessive pests in plantation cultivation conditions. This cocoa is used to make 99% of the world's chocolate!

The harm of chemicals and radiation to health can hardly be overestimated.

Harm to cocoa due to allergies.

There is not a single substance in the cocoa seeds themselves that could cause allergies. So why are virtually all cocoa-based foods allergenic? There are several reasons for allergies:

  • Chitin, which is part of the shell of cockroaches. It is this substance that contributes to the development of numerous allergic reactions.
  • The chemicals used in the cultivation and processing of cocoa also cause allergies.

The benefits of cocoa.

Benefits of cocoa for the cardiovascular system.

  • Bioactive compounds in chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 70% reduce platelet adhesion.
  • Cocoa has antioxidant properties that far exceed those of orange juice or apples, for example.
  • Cocoa flavanols interfere with some metabolic functions by preventing vascular deposits and damage.
  • In one long-term study, frequent cocoa consumption can reduce deaths from cardiovascular disease by 50%.

The benefits of cocoa for the brain.

Cocoa improves blood flow to the brain and lowers blood pressure.

The benefits of cocoa for the skin.

  • Regular consumption of cocoa contributes to the normal functioning of the skin and thus significantly preserves its youthfulness.
  • Cocoa powder contains melanin, which can protect the skin from ultraviolet and infrared radiation. That is, melanin protects our skin from sunburn and helps to avoid overheating.

The benefits of cocoa due to the high content of beneficial trace elements.

  • Cocoa contains vegetable protein, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, organic acids, starch, sugars, saturated fatty acids.
  • Cocoa contains vitamins (A, E, PP, group B, beta-carotene).
  • Cocoa contains minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluorine, molybdenum.
  • There are more health-promoting elements in cocoa than other foods. For example, iron and zinc. To fully provide your body with zinc, you can drink a couple of cups of cocoa a week, and eat 2-3 slices of quality dark chocolate a day.

The benefits of cocoa for muscle recovery.

Organic cocoa, not exposed to heat treatment, promotes rapid muscle recovery after sports activities or hard physical work, due to its varied composition and high content of various vitamins, minerals and other trace elements.

Is cocoa good or bad?

The harm of cocoa is mainly associated not with the plant itself, but with various impurities contained in cocoa, chocolate and other products, due to poor sanitary conditions when growing cocoa, the presence of cockroaches, chemicals, etc.

The poorest cocoa variety is cocoa from China. Cocoa is not growing in China, but Chinese firms buy substandard rotten cocoa beans all over the world for further deep processing and production of cocoa butter and cocoa powder.

Organic cocoa grown without the use of pesticides is very different for the better from plain cocoa.

Only high quality cocoa beans and products made from them that do not contain any harmful additives can be beneficial. And in order for cocoa to retain its beneficial features fully, it makes sense to abandon its heat treatment.

We remember the taste of this drink from childhood. And this taste cannot be confused with anything. A sip of cocoa gives us vigor and strength and brings us back to childhood. It's not for nothing, cocoa is called the drink of the gods or the drink of children.

But, about what this drink is useful for and whether it can harm our health, and also about who is contraindicated to consume cocoa - today we will talk ...

First of all, both the benefits and harms of cocoa lie in its special composition, as well as in the quantities in which you consume this drink. Abuse makes cocoa harmful to health, and "a sense of proportion" benefits our body.

The benefits of cocoa

The mechanism of action of cocoa

You probably remember the special property of this drink when, after its first sips, your mood suddenly rises.

Scientists explain this property of cocoa by the fact that it contains a natural antidepressant called phenyl ephylamine and caffeine... By the way, cocoa contains less caffeine than coffee beans, but cocoa still contains useful vitamins, protein, iron, zinc and folic acid. And if it is not recommended to consume coffee during pregnancy, then there are no such contraindications regarding cocoa. So that, future mothers, cheer yourself up during pregnancy with a cup of cocoa - it will be useful for you and your baby.

After several sips of cocoa, our body begins to produce a special hormone - endorphin (it is also called the hormone of happiness and joy), which is why we feel a surge of strength, vigor and good mood after drinking this drink.

Useful substances in the composition of cocoa

Also in the composition of cocoa, you can find a substance that helps protect our skin from harmful ultraviolet rays and their effects (this substance is called melanin), as well as substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of our skin, making it firm and elastic.

People with high blood pressure also respect cocoa, after a mug of this drink, the pressure gradually decreases.
Cocoa is classified as a fairly high-calorie product, so one hundred grams of this product contains about four hundred calories... This feature of cocoa is very useful in the morning, when you need to recharge your waking body with energy for the day ahead.

The benefits of cocoa in cosmetology

Cocoa is widely used in the field of cosmetology, cosmetologists use the nutritional properties of this product by adding cocoa to the composition of various shampoos, hair and skin care products. And some European beauty salons even practice massage using cocoa butter.

Cocoa harm

Harmful substances in cocoa

But, cocoa has a downside to the medal of usefulness - harm from drinking this drink... The composition of cocoa, in addition to substances useful for our body, also includes purine.

Purine is responsible for the preservation of hereditary information, metabolic processes and protein processing. This is all related to the purine content within the permissible norm in our body, but abuse, or - excessive love for a cocoa drink leads to the fact that the content of purine in our body exceeds the permissible norm, and as a result, the processes of accumulation of uric acid occur in our body, which leads to diseases of the genitourinary system.

Since childhood, many people love this invigorating brown drink with a delicate foam. Its aroma and sweet taste bring back pleasant memories. Not only children, but also adults drink cocoa with pleasure. This drink appeared in Europe in the 16th century and became popular even then. After all, Europeans liked the invigorating properties of cocoa beans, and by adding sugar and cream to the drink, they also made it tasty. And only in the 19th century, the harm of this product appeared and is still being studied, and many doctors argue whether it can be given to children.

For many years, in all kindergartens and schools, cocoa was the main drink. Indeed, it has not only a pleasant taste, but also many other advantages. For the preparation of the drink, cocoa powder is now used. The benefits and harms of it for children are still being studied. But this drink is still very popular.

The benefits of cocoa

Already with the advent of cocoa beans in Europe, people noticed their invigorating effect. This product improves the tone of the body, efficiency and accelerates recovery from illness and heavy physical exertion. The content of biologically active substances in cocoa that stimulate the production of endorphins leads to the fact that it improves mood and is a strong antidepressant. In addition, it not only helps fight stress, but also improves concentration and activates thinking.

The composition of cocoa powder can tell a lot about the benefits of this drink. Besides

content of proteins, fats, vitamins and microelements in it, scientists have found many others in cocoa nutrients... For example, tryptophan helps in the treatment of depression, theobromine reduces cough and relieves. Caffeine increases tone, and antioxidants help to rejuvenate the body. Polyphenols normalize blood pressure and reduce blood pressure, which helps in the treatment of hypertension.

And that's not all the benefits of cocoa powder. Its properties in wound healing, tissue regeneration and increased skin elasticity contribute to the widespread use of this product in cosmetology. The ability of this drink to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays is especially important.

But not everyone can consume this product has been seriously studied. And despite the many virtues, invigorating aromatic drink can bring big problems.

Cocoa harm

Due to its caffeine content, you should not drink more than two cups a day, as this can cause overstimulation, anxiety, and even addiction. Cocoa powder contains a lot of purines, so it is undesirable to use it for kidney disease. In addition, this product often causes allergic reactions. This is due to the fact that during its production, insects are processed along with cocoa beans, which cause allergies in people.

The most harmful is soluble cocoa powder, as it contains many emulsifiers, flavors and other artificial additives. Therefore, you only need to buy a natural product from well-known manufacturers.

Cocoa powder is used for the preparation of many dishes. Its benefits and harms are known to few, but almost every housewife has this product in the kitchen. It is added to baked goods or cereals. In addition, it is so pleasant to drink a cup of aromatic hot cocoa in the morning.

None confectionery cannot do without cocoa powder, every housewife who loves to cook cakes, muffins and other pastries also has it. Loved by many children, cocoa and hot chocolate- delicious and healthy drinks, for the preparation of which this brown powder is also needed.

In fact, cocoa powder is a waste from the production of cocoa liquor and butter, which are used to prepare good varieties, and others confectionery... The cake remaining after pressing the oil is dried and crushed.

Several hundred years ago, all over the world, cocoa powder was highly valued and cost more than butter. But when Europe learned how to make real dark chocolate and appreciated its taste, the situation changed radically. Prices for this product from different manufacturers can vary greatly, this is primarily due to the quality of the raw materials.

This product is an excellent source of vegetable, one tablespoon contains 10% of the total mass of proteins that the body should receive daily.

Despite the previous processing, the cocoa powder is not completely devoid of oil, 100 g of the product contains on average 15-18 g of cocoa butter. The ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in it is approximately the same. The former are a source of energy for the body, while the latter perform a number of functions that ensure normal fat (including cholesterol) metabolism. 100 g of cocoa powder contains approximately 285 kcal.

There are very few carbohydrates in it, which cannot be said about. All the fiber that is in the cocoa beans, as a result of processing, almost completely remains in the powder.

Beneficial features

If you go deeper into chemical composition of this product, you can find out that it contains much more trace elements than cocoa butter and many other products.

A drink based on cocoa powder is a real find for those who care about the health of their cardiovascular system. In a couple of tablespoons of powder there will be such an amount and that is capable of providing a quarter of the daily requirement of an adult.

For the musculoskeletal system, this product is no less useful, it is rich in phosphorus and - "builders" of bone and articular tissues. Perhaps that is why cocoa s is one of the drinks that has "settled" in the menu of kindergartens and schools since Soviet times.

Drinks and dishes with cocoa powder can be recommended when it is very rich in iron. Also, this product is one of the record holders for the content of copper, manganese, molybdenum and some other valuable trace elements. Almost all the B vitamins are present in cocoa powder, which ensure the functioning of the nervous system. Due to the high content of dietary fiber, cocoa powder can be classified as a food that improves digestion.

Benefits for bronchial asthma

Due to the high content of theobromine, the cocoa drink is useful for other diseases of the respiratory system. This substance has a number of effects necessary to improve the condition in diseases: it expands the bronchi, thinns phlegm, prevents the development of allergic reactions, improves the contractility of the pectoral muscles and stimulates the respiratory center in the brain.

Benefits for athletes

Drinking cocoa milk is good for your health.

Cocoa is one of the favorite drinks for athletes not only because of its high protein content. This product helps to replenish the supply of vitamins, minerals and increase the body's endurance. Particular attention in bodybuilding is paid to such a substance as, which is quite a lot in cocoa powder. This trace element is necessary for the production of male sex hormones, which are responsible for gaining muscle mass. The powder is not only diluted in milk, but also added to protein shakes.

Cocoa is a natural energy drink

It is better to drink hot chocolate or cocoa in the morning or during the day, because it contains caffeine and theobromine, and there are even more of them in cocoa powder than in dark chocolate. These substances are very similar in properties and have a stimulating effect on the body.

Cocoa powder stimulates the nervous system, enhances cardiac activity, has a vasodilating effect and reduces blood viscosity, enhances the excretion of fluid from the body. That is why a cup of cocoa will be useful for headaches, for relieving fatigue and drowsiness, increasing efficiency and brain activity. From this point of view, drinking any drinks with cocoa powder at night is not advisable.

Harm of cocoa powder

Allergies to cocoa products are quite common, so not everyone can enjoy hot chocolate and cocoa drinks.

Abuse of this product can lead to digestive disorders, weight gain and other disorders of fat metabolism.

Channel One, the program “Examination of Things. OTK "on the topic" Cocoa powder ":

TV channel "TV 6", program "Housekeeping", release on the topic "Cocoa":