Home / Khachapuri / Clementine (fruit) - the beneficial properties of this variety of mandarin. The benefits and harms of clementines - seedless hybrids Clementine food

Clementine (fruit) - the beneficial properties of this variety of mandarin. The benefits and harms of clementines - seedless hybrids Clementine food

Might be a clementine. Of course, the difference between fruits is not great. But it is worth learning to distinguish between them so as not to fall for the tricks of cunning sellers.

To understand clementines, what kind of fruit it is, you should turn to history. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the French monk Clement Rodier was in Algiers on a religious mission. There, the priest, who also had the talent of a breeder, brought out a new one, and named it after himself. Some sources report that clementine is a fruit that grew in the Chinese provinces of Guangxi and Guangdong long before Rodier's discovery. But this claim has no evidence.

Clementines where grow description

One of the most common questions about this sweet citrus is: “Is clementines a hybrid of what with what?” This is a new variety of mandarin, created by crossing a mandarin with a Sicilian orange. The fruit combines flavor and beneficial features ancestors. To date, three varieties of clementines are known, which are grown exclusively in warm climates. It doesn't matter if it's tangerines or clementines - citruses love sunny countries.

Clementines belong to the Rut family and are represented by an evergreen tree. The plant can grow very long. But most often, to facilitate harvesting, the crown is cut at the level of two meters. The branches are covered with fragrant oval leaves. And during the flowering period, clementines are decorated with no less fragrant, delicate, white flowers, in the place of which fruits appear.

Corsican clementine is a popular variety grown on the island of Corsica. This is the sweetest representative, which has no seeds at all. To check the freshness of this citrus, they are sold along with tree leaves. Greens retain their color for about two weeks, after which it begins to dry. Unfortunately for the Europeans, or fortunately for the French, the mandarin does not leave the producer. The country buys and uses the entire crop.

The homeland of Spanish clementines is Spain, a country with a warm but changeable Mediterranean climate. This species is represented by small and large fruits with a small number of seeds. Usually from 2 to 10 pieces.

The rarest clementine is Montreal, grown in Algeria and Spain. The late ripening period, which begins in October, significantly affects the yield. In autumn, weather changes break into a mild comfortable climate, due to which all fruits can die. Inside the fruit hides from 10 to 12 seeds.

Mandarin is also domesticated in the Mediterranean countries, South and North Africa, in some states of America, from where it is delivered to store shelves around the globe. These fruits are as popular as their closest relatives from Morocco -.

How to distinguish tangerines from clementines

Compared to tangerines, clementines are much sweeter and juicier, but smaller in size. In diameter, it reaches only 6 cm. At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish these fruits. It is the colossal similarity and higher cost that allows sellers to cash in on inexperienced buyers. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to remember a few basic signs of how to recognize clementines.

The main difference between tangerines and clementines in the peel. In hybrids, it is softer to the touch, covered with large pores and easily moves away from the fetus. There is also a difference in skin color. Clementine looks brighter, more rounded and resembles a small orange.

Nutritional characteristics and chemical composition

Clementines can truly be called a unique creation. Juicy fruits combine sweet taste orange with a slight sourness of mandarin. But this is not the most important quality. Stunning clementines are low and contain a huge amount of nutrients. Flavonoids, limonoids, antioxidants, enzymes and a huge supply of vitamin C - all this fits in just 40-50 kcal.

In cooking, clementines are widely used. They are used in fresh, and also used to make desserts, juices, cakes and alcoholic beverages. Chefs believe that sweet and sour tangerine goes well with meat, so they use it to make sauces and marinades.

The nutritional value

Like any nutritious food, clementines contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates - essential components of any diet. 100 grams of fruit contain:

  • 0.85g squirrel,
  • 0.15g fat,
  • 12y. carbohydrates,
  • 86.5g. water,
  • 1.7g dietary fiber.

In terms of the BJU ratio, this is not the most attractive product for losing weight. Too little protein and too much sugar. But if you control your diet, you can please yourself. delicious fruit without harm to the body.


The composition of the bred mandarin is completely due to its fellows. For example, each clementine contains half the daily value of vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6, as well as B vitamins and vitamin E. 2-3 fruits a day will help you forget about colds, flu and bad mood.


In addition to vitamins, mandarin contains mineral compounds that are not synthesized on their own. Of course, their number is not high and reaches only a tenth of the daily norm. But eating clementines in addition to the main diet is one of the most delicious ways replenish calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc.

Clementine benefits for the human body

"Miniature oranges" have a positive effect on human health:

  • Fiber stimulates digestion, removes toxins and toxins.
  • Vitamin C starts the proper functioning of the body even at the cellular level, removes free radicals from the body. Ascorbic acid improves immunity and stops inflammation, which is especially important during colds.
  • Vitamin B1 stimulates lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Due to its effect on the nervous system, thiamine activates the brain and improves mood.
  • Vitamin B6 is involved in protein synthesis, helps absorb polyunsaturated acids and utilize glucose. With the help of pyridoxine, blood elements are formed.
  • The film that surrounds each lobule contains potassium and folic acid, which protect and nourish the cardiovascular system.
  • Mandarin stimulates appetite, and is often used as a ploy to feed a child.
  • Antioxidants preserve beauty for many years, strengthen hair and nails, make the skin smooth and supple.
  • Clementines act as an antidepressant: they improve mood and help cope with depression.
  • Green leaves are often added to tea for flavoring. And from the peel of the fruit get spicy essential oil.

Benefits of clementine essential oil

By cold pressing the peel, clementine essential oil is obtained, which is valued in cosmetology and medicine. It helps to cope with anxiety and insomnia. It is enough to add a couple of drops of oil to the aroma lamp or spray it around the house. A hot oil bath will help you relax and tone your body. To achieve the best effect, you can drop the oil on your wrists. But it is worth remembering that the essential oil, like the mandarin itself. Therefore, it must be applied with caution to the skin.

For cosmetic purposes, the oil is used alone or added to creams, lotions, masks and other care products. It effectively copes with warts, helps eliminate acne, treats seborrhea and helps to cope with stretch marks and small scars.

Harm and contraindications

Not only benefit, but also harm to the body can cause the use of clementines. Crossed mandarin is contraindicated in gastritis and ulcers due to the ability to increase the acidity of gastric juice.

In order not to irritate the inflamed kidneys, clementines, like citruses in general, are forbidden during nephritis in the acute stage.

Allergy sufferers should be wary of a little-known fruit. If the allergy is not associated with citrus, clementines can be consumed with restriction and closely monitor the body's reaction.

People suffering diabetes, it is not advisable to include tangerine in your diet. A large amount of carbohydrates can provoke a jump in blood sugar, which negatively affects the hormonal system and overall health.

It is worth remembering the words of the great physician Paracelsus: "Everything in the world is poison, and everything is a medicine, it's only a matter of dose." If you follow the rules of consumption and combination of products, any product will be a friend, not an enemy.

Clementines are considered by many to be one of the varieties of tangerines. This is a citrus tree, a hybrid obtained by crossing a mandarin and an orange.

In 1902, the French priest Father Clement, known to the world as the breeder Pierre Clement Rodier, bred a hybrid of the Seville bitter orange and mandarin and named it after himself. Although there are suggestions that they appeared as a result of random hybridization and the first fruits were discovered by a priest in the garden of his family home in Misergin in Algeria.

However, China also disputes the championship, arguing that they were grown there much earlier in the provinces of Guangxi and Guangdong.

Clementines where grow description

Clementines belong to the citrus family of the rue family.

This evergreen tree with a well-branched crown reaches a height of five to six meters, and an inexperienced person can confuse their fruits with tangerines. For the convenience of harvesting fruits, they are often cut off and the crown is not allowed to grow above 2 meters.

The leaves are oval, pointed, green and shiny, very fragrant. Flowers, white, small and waxy. They have a pleasant aroma.

Clementine fruits are juicy, sour-sweet, which ripen starting in October. At first they are green, and then they turn into a beautiful orange hue.

Clementine began to be widely used as an export product only in 1982 and first began to be exported to the United States of America, where local geneticists tried to adopt the culture of growing this citrus. But nothing happened, because the climate in the United States is slightly different, and the culture of clementines turned out to be extremely capricious and they can only be grown in certain areas of the Mediterranean countries.

Therefore, the trees of this delicious citrus can only be seen in the north of Algeria, the south of Spain, and of course in Corsica, which turned out to be the most suitable for growing this citrus fruit. Therefore, in Russia it is quite difficult to find real clementines, because on the shelves under their guise often lie unripe tangerines, very similar in taste and color, but still quite different from them.

Clementine species

In our time, there are only three types of clementine: Montreal, Spanish and Corsican. The best of these is the Corsican clementine, because it is the sweetest of all and has no pits.

Montreal clementine

This type of citrus fruit is grown in Algeria and Spain. In clementines of this species, the most seeds are from 10 to 12. The species is quite rare, because it is quite difficult to grow it. It ripens only in October, and therefore, despite the fact that the Mediterranean has a mild climate, the slightest weather anomaly can significantly reduce the harvest.

spanish clementine

This type of citrus differs from Montreal in that it is divided into larger and smaller varieties, and also in that Spanish clementine has fewer than 10 seeds. But more than two. Grown in Spain.

Corsican clementine

Clementines of this species are grown in Corsica and are very popular due to the fact that they are sweet, they do not contain seeds and these clementines can be checked for freshness, as they are usually sold along with the leaves of the tree on which they grew. After the fruit has been plucked, the leaves retain their freshness for no more than two weeks. Unfortunately, almost the entire crop of Corsican clementines remains in France, where it is very popular.

What are the benefits of clementines

Like all citrus fruits, its fruits contain a high content of vitamin C. Each clementine contains half of it daily allowance, about ten grams of sugar and about the same number of grams of healthy carbohydrates.

This fruit also contains folic acid, which is absolutely necessary for a person in order to maintain clarity of mind and not fall into insanity at a young age. Also, in clementine there are vitamins A and B, zinc, manganese and selenium necessary for a person in varying degrees.

The saturation with enzymes is explained in this case precisely by the fact that clementine is a hybrid plant.

Each clementine contains forty to fifty calories.

In addition to the enzymes and vitamins listed above, clementines contain the so-called dietary fiber. This is an extremely useful substance. Thanks to this fiber, a person can satisfy his hunger with clementines, or at least muffle a very strong appetite. Nutritionists advise using clementines in order to reduce the amount of sweets eaten by people who want to lose weight and have diabetes.

Due to the presence of a large amount of folic acid and potassium, clementines have a very beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and the cardiovascular system. They normalize blood pressure, and they act so effectively that a pregnant woman who uses clementines can safely count on the fact that her child will not have any heart pathologies.

Clementines have a huge amount of vitamin C, which has an antioxidant effect on the human body, which means they ensure proper cell division, prevent any internal inflammation, and increase human immunity.

Clementine benefits for the human body

Every educated person knows that whatever he does, whatever he eats, wherever he is, all his actions are good only in moderation. That is, it is necessary to realize that any product can be both an excellent medicine and the strongest poison.

The product becomes one or another for a person depending on the quantity. And if a person goes too far with the use of any products, then in some cases this can lead not to the improvement of the body, but to severe inhibition of individual human organs, which in turn can lead to serious illnesses and even death. After all, a person is a complex system of organs that constantly interact with each other, and any external and internal influence affects him either positively or negatively, even to the smallest extent.

Such effects tend to accumulate with age and add up either to the improvement of the body, or to an almost incurable pathology.

In this particular case, this rule, of course, also applies to these fruits. Clementines can have both an excellent healing effect and a strong negative one. Speaking about the benefits of clementine for humans, it should be noted:

Improves and enhances immune defense;

Improves metabolism;

Replenishes the human body with essential nutrients;

Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;

Improves the work of the cardiac system;

Improves visual function;

Prevents premature aging organism;

Improves the functioning of the digestive tract;

Essential oil calms the human nervous system;

Juice is useful for colds and infectious diseases.

Harm and contraindications

As mentioned above, everything is good in moderation. Antioxidants can also be extremely dangerous for humans, because if there are too many of them, they displace such important substances from the body as: protein and calcium, which, getting into the blood along with citrus fruits, simply ceases to be produced naturally. This is very dangerous, since blood thinning and even blood poisoning can occur due to the fact that it is not possible to assimilate the metals that enter the human body with food.

Although clementines are dietary product They do contain sugar though. Approximately ten grams of sugar in each clementine. Of course, the human body is purely individual, but if the amount of carbohydrates consumed increases, then it can respond to this with the same sharp increase in blood sugar levels. And this, in turn, can provoke a person’s disease with diabetes and is dangerous for diabetics.

Of course, this fruit is contraindicated in case of allergies to citrus fruits.

How to choose and store clementines

Often, in the pursuit of profit, sellers openly deceive buyers by passing off ordinary tangerines as clementines. Yet this citrus is more expensive. Therefore, when buying, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

Skin color: it should be a rich orange color, smooth and glossy;

Firmness of the peel: in clementine, it is denser and harder to the touch;

The presence of leaves (although not all suppliers pick fruits with them).

Terms of sale: the fruit does not ripen before October.

Like any fruit, it is better to store it in the refrigerator. It can stay there for up to a month. Can be stored at room temperature for several days.

To increase the shelf life, the fruits are rubbed with sunflower or other vegetable oil.

What is the difference between clementine and tangerine

Clementine is not always easy to distinguish from mandarin varieties. But there are still differences between these citrus fruits.

  1. Clementines are slightly larger than tangerines, but smaller than oranges.
  2. Unlike tangerines, clementines have an orange-reddish hue.
  3. Clementines are sweeter than oranges and tangerines.
  4. Fresh clementines are sold with their leaves as their condition is an indicator of how long ago the fruit was harvested.

Many people ask about what clementine is. Today we will not only try to answer this question, but also talk about the properties and calorie content of this fruit.

What is a clementine?

Outwardly, clementine practically does not differ from mandarin. The only difference is that the first one is more intense. As for taste, clementine is the fruit with the most pronounced sweet taste and bright aroma.

Where does clementine grow?

This hybrid grows on high with dense (up to 5-6 meters) in the Mediterranean countries: in Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Italy, Turkey. Due to the persistent and very pleasant aroma, its leaves are often added to tea. They have an oblong shape, pointed at the ends. There are small spines around the branches.

What is clementine and how is it different from tangerines? Compared to the latter, clementine is more resistant to frost and yields much earlier. The peel of this fruit is very thin, tightly adjacent to the pulp. As a rule, clementine appears on store shelves in Russia in October-February, and is in greatest demand during the New Year holidays.

Types of clementine

The following types of fruit are distinguished:

  1. Corsican. This one is considered royal. In such fruits, there are no seeds at all, and they have a brighter aroma than all other tangerines. Corsican clementines appear on the markets of our country in November-February and are distinguished by their rich red color. The main distinguishing feature is the sale of fruits on a branch with leaves.
  2. Spanish. This hybrid has approximately 10 seeds. It can be both large and small. Spanish clementines have their own subspecies.
  3. Montreal. Clementines of this species are bred very rarely, usually in Algeria or Spain. The fruit is medium in size the largest number bones compared to the first two types. Montreal clementine is imported to Russia already in October.

Calorie content of clementine

We have already considered what clementine is. Now let's talk about what useful properties it has, what is its calorie content.

So, this hybrid is so rich in vitamins (C, E and group B) and trace elements (zinc, manganese, selenium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper) that a long-term intake of one or another amount of fruits can almost completely replenish your body with the necessary for vital substances.

It's no secret that tangerines are considered one of the most popular. Clementines are also one of them. They contain no more than 48 calories. Therefore, often these fruits are consumed during diets or to maintain tone.

Beneficial features

Like any variety of tangerines, clementines contribute to the renewal of hair and skin. It is worth noting that citrus fruits of this kind improve visual acuity, and freshly squeezed juice from them helps to prevent (ARI and influenza).

Often, clementine essential oil is used as one of the most effective remedies for depression and insomnia. In addition, it is used in cosmetology. The oil of this fruit helps to get rid of warts, cellulite, acne, scars and stretch marks, and allows you to keep your skin young longer.

Contraindications to the use of clementine

Like tangerines (virtually all their varieties), clementine has many health benefits, but it can also be harmful to human health. Let's look at these cases.

First of all, everyone should understand that citrus fruits cannot be consumed in large quantities. Otherwise, there is a high probability of allergic reactions. It is also worth using them carefully for those who suffer from gastritis, enteritis, nephritis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcers and colitis. You need to eat them only in the amount recommended by the doctor.

In addition, all lovers of aromatic oils need to know: after using clementine oil as a moisturizer for the skin, in no case should you sunbathe for 1 hour. This is because the oil is phototoxic. And expectant mothers should be wary of this remedy (especially the first three months of pregnancy).

What dishes can be prepared from clementine?

Clementine is a fruit that can be added to almost any baked goods, desserts, some salads, as well as snacks. Let's give an example of the dish "Clementine Salad with Chocolate", the main ingredient of which is this particular fruit.

For its preparation you will need: a handful of almond flakes, 5-6 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 100 gr. dark chocolate (black or milk - for an amateur), 8 pieces of clementines, fresh mint, 4-5 tbsp. tablespoons of water, a little vanilla.

Peel the citrus fruits, remove the stones and cut the fruit crosswise. Cut the mint leaves, chop the almonds. Arrange the chopped clementines on several plates and sprinkle the mint and nuts on top. After that, bring the water to a boil, add sugar and vanilla to it. Boil a little to make a syrup. We will sprinkle them with fruits laid on plates. It remains to sprinkle chocolate on top. This salad is very healthy and tasty, your family will definitely like it.

What drinks can be made from clementines?

Often, a hybrid of mandarin and orange is used for liquor. The name of this drink may be different, but the recipe is almost the same.

In order to prepare a quick clementine liquor, stock up on products such as clementines (about 1 kg), vodka or moonshine (500 ml), sugar (300 g).

Rinse the fruit, dry and cut into slices without removing the peel from them. Place chopped clementines in glass jar, add vodka to it and close with a plastic lid. The liquor must be infused for at least two days in a dark place at room temperature. After it is infused, add sugar, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil, boil for 7-8 minutes, systematically removing the foam. Cool the liqueur and strain it through a very fine strainer or cheesecloth. After that, bottle and refrigerate.

What a godsend for housewives! It turns out that this fruit is not only useful, but also very tasty. From it you can prepare wonderful dishes and drinks.

Clementines are very sweet, honey-colored fruits with a bumpy, thick rind that are close relatives of everyone's favorite tangerines. Clementines have a distinct aroma, they do not have seeds. This is a fairly new fruit. It began to be widespread in the USA since 1982 (so says the US Department of Agriculture).

At the present time, this fruit is quite common. It is grown in the countries of South Africa, North Africa, on the lands of Spain, Chile, Morocco. There are also clementine plantations in the USA, they are located in Florida and California.

Clementines are very widely used in the field of cooking. They are used to prepare some salads, desserts. In combination with clementines, it turns out very tasty, chicken meat, roast.

As you know, a large amount of vitamin C is found in citrus fruits. And in clementines, the amount of vitamin C is the highest among all citrus fruits. In order for the human body to get the maximum benefit, it is recommended to eat three to five pieces of these fruits throughout the day.

The nutritional value

One medium clementine contains approximately 40-50 calories, 35 mg of vitamin C (that's half the daily value of vitamin C for an adult), 10 g of carbohydrates, 1.5-2 g of dietary fiber. To get the same amount of ascorbic acid as from eating clementine, you need to drink a glass of grapefruit juice or eat two oranges.

Clementine contains approximately 8% of the daily value of folic acid, 4% vitamin B6, 5% thiamine, 5% niacin, 4% vitamin A, 6% potassium. In addition to these useful substances, clementines also contain iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, selenium, manganese, pantothenic acid. There is no sodium and cholesterol in these citrus fruits at all.

Benefits of eating clementines

To normalize appetite

The dietary fiber that is part of clementines can give a person a feeling of satiety. After eating these fruits, a person has a feeling of satiety, unbridled appetite disappears. In order to learn to control your desires for all sorts of goodies, you need to use a slice or two of clementines every time you want to eat something.

For normal heart function

Clementines are rich in folic acid. It is very useful for the normal functioning of the heart. Folic acid is very useful for women who are expecting a baby. Regular consumption of foods containing folic acid reduces the risk of birth defects in the fetus. In addition to clementines, other sources of folic acid are apricots, green leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkins, melons, and avocados.

Clementines also contain a lot of potassium. Potassium is beneficial for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, thanks to potassium, blood pressure is normalized. It monitors the contraction of muscle tissues, regulates the water balance in the body.

Grains and fruits, which contain saturated dietary fiber, eliminate excess sugar and triglycerides in the blood. Every day, a large amount of triglycerides enters the human body with food. Especially a lot of them comes with animal fats (for example, with butter, with margarine). This is very difficult for the heart, as these substances settle on the walls of blood vessels.

Clementines contain quite a lot of dietary fiber. They are recommended for those people who are sick with diabetes and atherosclerosis. Such patients need to consume approximately 30-50 g of fiber every day.

Strengthening the immune system

Clementines are a very good source of vitamin C. They have strong antioxidant properties. This substance prevents the development of hypertension and cancer, especially if it is of natural origin. Vitamin C strengthens, protects against the negative effects of his skin cells. If the body has enough vitamin C, then iron and all its compounds are absorbed much better.

Vitamin C dulls or completely stops the inflammatory processes that begin in the human body.

If every day a person consumes about 500 mg of this vitamin, then it can have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to ascorbic acid, the development of gallstones can be dulled.

How to distinguish tangerines from clementines?

Harm from excessive consumption of clementine

If you eat clementines in very large quantities, you can cause irreparable harm to your body. After all, the body needs a varied diet to maintain a healthy homeostasis for normal functioning. For example, sticking to a citrus diet, you can get a deficiency of such important substances as protein and calcium.

Too much vitamin C

Very often, people consume large amounts of water-soluble vitamin C. They do this in order to saturate their body with antioxidants. But this is very dangerous, since ascorbic acid, in combination with drugs that thin the blood, increases the toxicity of certain types of metal.

Increases in blood sugar levels

If the amount of clementines in the daily diet is very large, then this can provoke an increase in blood sugar. The human body is individual and can react in completely different ways to the intake of carbohydrates found in fresh fruits (the same applies to sugar).

Therefore, it is very important to control blood sugar levels.

V modern world citrus and others Exotic fruits dazzle from the shelves of hypermarkets all year round. People regale themselves, sometimes not even understanding the benefits of this or that fruit. There are many vegetables and fruits that are similar to each other, differing only in shade or size. These include mandarin and clementine. These plants are relatives, and due to their external similarity, it is easy to confuse them, but the difference between clementines and tangerines is significant.

They differ not only in appearance, but also in taste.

Varieties of tangerines

China is the birthplace of tangerines. If you look at where this fruit now grows, you might be surprised how much its distribution area has expanded. Citrus is popular in India, Mediterranean countries, Spain, France, Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, America, Brazil, Argentina, Transcaucasia.

The most popular and popular types of tangerines in Russia:

  • Abkhaz - sweet and sour, with a thin yellow skin with green veins. The peel is removed easily, the bones are found, but in small quantities.
  • Turkish - tangerines of various shades from yellow to orange. Dark-skinned fruits are sweeter. To separate the peel, you should try, and the pulp is filled with bones.
  • Spanish - sweet variety with thick skin. They are large and have an intense orange color. Stones are rarely found in the pulp.
  • Chinese - small, light yellow. The taste is sour with a very rich aroma. They are interesting to buyers, as they are sold on twigs, like cherry tomatoes.
  • Israeli - fruits with sweet and sour pulp and a long-lasting aftertaste. There are few seeds in them, but the peel is poorly removed.
  • Moroccan - small in size and flattened fruit with a golden-orange hue of the peel and a sweet taste of the pulp. The fruits are completely pitted.

Mandarin is represented by a large group of citrus varieties. They can vary in size, ranging from a pigeon's egg to a medium-sized grapefruit, and be honey-sweet, sour, tart, and bitter, but all are characterized by easy segmenting of the flesh into segments and peeling off the skin without difficulty.

The benefits of tangerines

Everyone knows that citrus fruits are a source of ascorbic acid, but tangerines have a number of additional advantages that are valuable for the human body:

  • strengthen the barrier functions of the body;
  • have antioxidant properties;
  • are a source of positive mood;
  • positively affect the psycho-emotional state;
  • prevent the occurrence of colds, and also facilitate the course of the disease;
  • improve the course of metabolic processes in the body;
  • improve the work of the digestive apparatus;
  • eliminate toxicosis in women during the period of gestation;
  • are an excellent prophylactic against diseases of the myocardium and blood flow;
  • improve general state a person with bronchitis, asthma;
  • endowed with antimicrobial and antimicrobial activities.

Interesting fact: a large number citric acid as part of tangerines, it does not allow nitrates and toxic compounds to accumulate in fruits.

Types of clementines

Clementine is a fruit that appeared thanks to the work of Clement Rodier, through the selection of mandarin and king orange. The author has achieved the appearance of juicy and delicious fruit with exceptional taste.

Clementine grows in Algeria, Italy, Spain. Where the hybrid grows can also be determined by the names of the species.

There are three popular types for the consumer basket:

  • Spanish - the fruits may not be large, but may differ in larger sizes. Each clementine contains up to 10 seeds;
  • corsican - a bright orange fruit with a pleasant aroma and pitted in the pulp. Citrus has its own regional trademark;
  • Montreal - sweet clementine ripening in October and having up to 12 seeds in the pulp.

Aesthetically interesting for lovers of unusual fruits may be clementine Rubino. It does not have obvious differences in taste, but it is characterized by an intensely red skin color and pigmented flesh.

The benefits of clementines

Varieties of clementines vary in size, taste, shape, and skin color, but have a ton of health benefits in common:

  • eliminate migraine symptoms;
  • have a positive effect on the body with respiratory ailments;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • improve visual acuity;
  • contribute to good digestibility of food, stimulate appetite, saturate the body with valuable vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • have antimicrobial, antiviral action;
  • prevent dehydration during hyperthermia;
  • are a citrus that has a positive effect on mood;
  • essential oils of hybrids are priceless, because they prevent aging, have regenerative properties, restore the structure of hair, nails, skin, therefore they are widely used in dermatology.

Features of clementine and tangerine

If the choice is based on taste preferences, it is worth noting that when buying tangerines, it is difficult to guess whether they are sweet or sour. In this case, it remains to hope for the good faith of the seller or for intuition. If you do not want to be disappointed and it is important to choose a sweet citrus, then you should stop your eyes on clementine. By palatability it is much sweeter, richer in vitamins and beneficial substances and more nutritious. They differ from tangerines in a more round shape, smoothness of the peel, similarity to an orange, there is also a difference in the biochemical structure of the fruit.

Tangerines have a flattened shape

Tangerines are not round, they are usually flattened and have a loose peel structure. Their shell color is less saturated in comparison with clementine. For tangerines, a sweet-sour taste is more common, but it should definitely be pleasant.

How to choose a ripe tangerine

There are no particular difficulties in choosing tangerines, the main thing is not to rush and adhere to certain rules:

  • It is important that the fruits are not affected by rot, mold and the peel on them is not broken.
  • They should not be excessively hard or soft; dried tangerines are also unacceptable. The fruit, when lightly squeezed, is elastic.
  • The peel of the citrus should peel off easily.
  • Heavy fruits have an advantage over light ones - they are sweeter and juicier.
  • The color of ripe ones is uniform, and the peel is more saturated in color. The paler the tangerine, the more acidic it is.

A greenish peel indicates that the tangerine has not yet ripened.

When to limit the consumption of fruits

In the beneficial properties of mandarin and clementine, similarities can be traced, they also have common contraindications:

  • it is not recommended to eat fruits for people with high blood glucose levels;
  • pathologies of the digestive apparatus;
  • individual intolerance;
  • with allergic manifestations.

Excessive consumption of these citrus fruits can oversaturate the body with vitamin C and, upon contact with certain medications, provoke toxic metal poisoning.

Which fruit is healthier

If you do not go into details, clementine and tangerine have similarities with each other, but it is worth noting that the benefits of eating the fruits of a hybrid plant are much greater. The amount of ascorbic acid in fruits is greater, but you need to be careful with this indicator. An excessive amount of vitamin C consumed can thin the blood to pathological limits. Clementine has a high concentration of flavonoids, micro and macro elements.

Few people choose citrus fruits for medicinal purposes and taking into account the constituents of the citrus pulp. It is enough for everyone to understand that tangerines and clementines are useful. Usually, buyers make their choice based on taste preferences and everyone decides for himself which fruit to eat, sweet or slightly sour. It is important to learn how to correctly determine the quality of the goods and then the purchase will not seem like a "pig in a poke".