Home / Khachapuri / Food stocks for "Black Day". Recipes for second courses for every day with a photo Food for a rainy day

Food stocks for "Black Day". Recipes for second courses for every day with a photo Food for a rainy day

By popular demand from readers, we are expanding business idea No. 5 from the article “TOP 5 business ideas for April“. Today we have Business Ration Recipes for a Rainy Day". It's no secret that many people are getting ready for the Big 3.14. Some become survivalists and take fate into their own hands. For example, one of the options is to calculate the scenarios of the apocalypse and decide: “I will organize my own group of bandits so that later I can set up a racket.” Another option is to stock up for several years, buy weapons and shoot back from the very bandits who want to get their hands on stocks and weapons.

The most common option is to simply worry about a global catastrophe and do nothing about it. This is done by old women in the villages, and old men at railway stations and other peaceful and not very residents. What do they lack? I can't get enough guarantees for the future. If they were more confident about what was to come, they might have felt happier. Perhaps not - they would have found another reason for unrest. But nevertheless, the fact is: it is in your hands to make the lives of many people more confident. Add future. Bring happiness.

If you can make some money doing this, great! After all, earnings are simply a recognition of the value of a person and his product. Now more about business.

Dry rations for a rainy day - approximate composition

How do most people prepare for the Big 3.14? As we have said, he is worried and nervous, multiplying stress.

And if anyone thinks about what he will eat when there is nothing to eat, then he buys dry pea soup(by the way, it tastes nasty, we tried it ourselves and do not recommend it to others 🙂)

But - on one pea soup a person will not last long. Even if we do not talk about meat, we need

  • sources of essential amino acids (they cannot be synthesized in the body)
  • sources of minerals and other trace elements (which are constantly washed out of the body with water)
  • sources of essential vitamins (for example, vitamin C, which is not synthesized in humans, and without it scurvy begins)
  • fiber, otherwise the survivors will be permanently constipated
  • acid (otherwise the food will soon become disgusting; human bodies love sour things)
  • complex carbohydrates (NOT pasta from soft varieties, otherwise the survivors in six months will look like pale, loose koloboks 🙂).

Of course, survivalists know that pine needles are an excellent source of vitamin C. And freshly squeezed juice from raw fish with a powerful twist of the hands (as if you were wrung out laundry) - a wonderful cocktail of minerals and vitamins, primarily vitamin D. But most people are not survivalists. And they want a guaranteed future, at least in matters of nutrition.

In general, the idea of ​​a future assurance business is very simple.

Example steps:

  1. You calculate how much and what one person needs for food, say, for a month.
  2. You collect a test monthly box (preferably made of wood so that you can make a fire out of it 🙂).
  3. You offer as a service the collection and packaging of these boxes.
  4. Or just a recipe, and let them buy it themselves if they want (cheaper, but can be used O more demand)

Plus: you don't need to cook, prepare, etc. anything. This means that there is no need for permits from the sanitation station, etc.

The second plus: you can select a box of products individually for a person. For example, someone loves dried porcini mushrooms, and someone is disgusted with dried eggplant (although they are very useful in many ways).

Minus: you will have to work with your head on your own and pick up good individual recipes with full-fledged, long-term stored food.

We do not give the exact composition of a full-fledged diet on purpose - so that you can make your calculations and keep them secret, earning more on this 🙂

Successful business in the selection of recipes for rations for a rainy day!

The composition of the army dry ration:

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Hot dishes for birthday

Most popular holiday dish in our area, the recipes of which are known to many housewives - chicken with potatoes in the oven. share good and simple recipe cooking chicken with potatoes with photo.

Hashbrown - popular potato dish American cuisine, which is very simple and easy to prepare. We need potatoes, butter and onion. And we will cook in the oven and on the stove. Go!

A popular and very tasty dish of baked meat with potatoes under a beautiful melted cheese crust. Meat in French with potatoes - this is something you should definitely try!

For you - a recipe for cutlets in Kiev with a photo. Cutlets in Kiev from beaten chicken fillet wrapped around a piece of butter, fried in boiling oil. I'll tell you how to cook!

The name of this recipe is somewhat arbitrary - French chops are the most common chops, only baked with cheese. TO french cuisine- no relationship. But most importantly, it's delicious!

For me, there is nothing tastier and more satisfying than a well-cooked meatloaf. Meatloaf is a real celebration of life for lovers of meat and meat products. Sharing a proven recipe! :)

Beef Goulash - classic dish Hungarian cuisine. For me, this is both soup and the second. You can not do without the popular Hungarian paprika. You will also need potatoes, bell peppers, onions and spices.

Chicken tobacco - popular Georgian dish. It is prepared simply and quite quickly. Fry the chicken with coriander and cumin. Two or three chickens will be enough for a family. You will need a hammer and mortar.

Fragrant, juicy potatoes in cream in the oven can be cooked in portioned pots or a large heat-resistant form - choose the dishes yourself, and it will turn out delicious anyway, I promise!

Another “exotic” poultry and fruit dish is for those who like unusual culinary solutions. original recipe cooking chicken breast with pear is also relevant for those who follow the figure!

Scientists call potatoes "a botanical masterpiece." This root crop is one of the most valuable on earth. The options for its preparation simply cannot be counted, one of them is potato casserole with bacon.

Another unusual fruit and meat dish. The recipe for beef with pear is perfect for romantic dinner together or a solemn family feast.

Only three ingredients, but what a colorful and tasty dish we get! You can please your family with an unusual dinner, feel free to put the boats on the festive table. Sharing the recipe!

I came across an excellent piece of beef just now. It was a pity to cut such meat into pieces. I decided to cook beef, baked in a piece. The beef came out tender, melting, and the spices were baked crispy.

Chicken with apples is delicious, and chicken with apples and prunes is even tastier! It is easy to prepare and the dish turns out amazing - try it! :)

Chicken fillet and bell pepper make a delicious and very beautiful roll. It can be served both as a hot dish, and cut into a snack or used in the preparation of sandwiches.

Legs with apples will amaze you with a combination of chicken and sour apples flavored with onions. I got this recipe from a friend, and she came up with this dish when she couldn't buy duck.

Meat in French with tomatoes is a great festive dish for dinner with friends or family members. The meat is very juicy and tender, and the dish is fragrant and appetizing.

To your attention - a simple, but very effective recipe for pork in the oven. With this recipe, you can easily prepare a hot dish that can be safely put even on the festive table.

Tender beef with mushrooms and sour cream served with rice or noodles. The recipe was invented by Count Pavel Alexandrovich Stroganov in 1890 in St. Petersburg.

A properly cooked piece of meat is the best that can be served on the table. Beef medallion prepared according to this recipe is a dish of just such a category.

Duck with apples is a classic New Year and Christmas dish in many European countries, especially in Germany and Austria. If you do not know what to cook for the new year - try this!

Pork zrazy is a great way to cook pork zrazy. The dish fits perfectly into harmony festive feast- for example, in honor of the New Year. Try it - everyone will be delighted! :)

Turkey Shank with Garlic and Rosemary is a trivial dish, but it's worth making it once and you'll be making it all the time.

Château potatoes are a very popular side dish of potatoes for meat or fish in France. A wonderful alternative to boring purees and fried potatoes:)

baked potato with avocado sauce - an insanely simple dish for vegetarians. Potatoes are very appetizing and fragrant, and avocado sauce makes the taste more varied. Try it!

Duck baked with oranges - very festive and solemn dish which I usually cook for New Year or Christmas. The hostess cooks, the host cuts and puts each on a plate ... ah!

Pork loin - the meat is quite dry, and it is not easy to cook it deliciously. I share very good recipe - pork loin on the bones with carrots. A couple of tricks - and the meat is very juicy.

Pork recipe with mushrooms and cheese - a wonderful dish for New Year's table. Festive serving, tender and juicy meat, magnificent spicy aroma - the dish meets all quality criteria.

Chicken baked with pineapples is an easy-to-prepare, but very tasty dish that can be prepared for a holiday - New Year or birthday. Effective, unusual and original.

spicy potatoes French is very original way cooked potatoes, which will serve as a great side dish for any meat, fish or vegetable dish.

Recipe for chicken with tomatoes, sweet peppers and olives in white wine. French cuisine.

Chicken with Garlic and Thyme is another simple but very effective method delicious baked chicken in the oven. The garlic and thyme marinade makes the chicken very tender and flavorful.

Stuffed eggplant in Armenian is my signature dish, which was taught to me by a professional Armenian chef. Eggplants turn out just excellent - you will lick your fingers!

Chicken with peanuts is somewhat unusual for a Slavic person, but a very tasty dish of Chinese traditional cuisine. Properly prepared, it is simply doomed to success. Preparing is very easy!

"Meat in French" minced chicken

The recipe for a popular meat dish using minced chicken. In fact, we cook the same meat in French, but instead of chop we use minced chicken. Very tasty!

Pork stuffed with dried apricots and onions is a very unusual and original meat dish, which is pork chops with very juicy and delicious minced meat. Surprise your eaters!

If you do not know how to cook beef, I recommend paying attention to this recipe. Beef chops with garlic are very soft, tender, with a pleasant garlic flavor and aroma. Try it!

puff cabbage in Transylvanian - very tasty Romanian National dish, something remotely resembling lazy cabbage rolls. Delicious dish made from simple and affordable ingredients.

Rooster in wine - exquisite french dish, which you can cook on your own home kitchen. As for me, the dish has every right to be called festive - it looks solemn and very tasty.

Escalopes are boneless, lean cuts of meat that are pan fried without breading. Best to use pork tenderloin. Escalope is prepared from the kidney part, where the meat is especially soft and tender.

If you do not know what to cook for the New Year - I recommend trying chicken breasts baked in spices. This is a fairly simple to prepare, but very festive and worthy hot dish.

An easy chops recipe for fried pork lovers. Step by step cooking with photos.

Are you looking for something original for a side dish or for a snack? Then meet - balls of thread. This chicken dish will not only surprise you appearance, but also pleases with its taste.

I tell you how to cook a classic schnitzel - a thin pork chop, which is rolled in batter and fried in oil. A wonderful men's lunch or dinner - simple and satisfying.

Breaded pork is a very unusual way to cook the most trivial pork meat. Thanks to the original breading, the taste of pork is very original and unexpected.

Chicken marinated in kefir with potatoes - great option for a fairly quick and simple dinner or lunch from simple ingredients. No frills, everything is very simple, but delicious.

Lavangi is a delicious chicken dish that is traditionally prepared in the southern regions of Azerbaijan. Sharing cooking secrets!

Almond Crust Chicken is another great way to cook everyone's favorite chicken meat. The almond crust gives the chicken a perfect new taste- try it, you won't regret it!

I have not cooked such a bright, colorful and delicious dish, how stuffed peppers and tomatoes. The ingredients are simple, but the dish is a real masterpiece both visually and in taste :)

Stuffed baked potatoes - a chic side dish for meat dish. A very satisfying, attractive and beautiful side dish for some (for example, for vegetarians) can become a separate serious dish!

mackerel with bell pepper- the perfect union and a great flavor combination. Before cooking mackerel, remember this instruction and you will get an excellent dish!

Ragu is a great solution for those who like to cook dishes in earthenware. Meet a very simple recipe for a stew with meat and green beans in a pot.

Zucchini and meat go together just great, however big chunks I don’t like meat with zucchini, so I mix this vegetable with minced meat. It turns out a very juicy and tender casserole.

fried tomatoes- one of my favorite snacks for both everyday and for holiday table. Prepared in two counts, but it turns out very tasty and beautiful.

I discovered another interesting way to cook pork meat - pork with bell pepper. It turns out a very juicy, fragrant and tender dish.

What awaits us tomorrow is impossible to predict. War no longer seems like a ghost from the past.
There are historical facts that some people, before the Second World War, obeying (according to their testimonies) their incomprehensible forebodings, bought matches, cereals, and canned food.
These supplies have saved many lives...

What can you buy at home NZ today.

Before you start buying products, you should take care of where and how it will all be stored. All provisions can be folded, for example, into food buckets - they are durable, resistant to high humidity and ensure the safety of the contents. To create an annual supply, you will need 20 buckets of 19 liters each. Buckets must be fitted with lids. To store frequently used products, the design of the lid should be screwed, for the rest, a plug-in option is also suitable. You can extend the life of the products by additionally packing them in mylar bags for long-term storage products. For perishable products, it will not be superfluous to put bags with oxygen absorbers. After the storage issue is resolved, you can start purchasing products.

It can be white rice (brown is stored less), barley, corn, spelt, millet, quinoa or pasta. Take about 180 kg, so in one bucket you will have at least 47,000 kilocalories. Stocks of one bucket will be enough for you to prepare either 75 cups of flour for baking from 25 to 35 loaves of bread, or 150 servings of boiled cereals.

dried beans

Compared to other varieties white beans the most high calorie. In order to have enough for the future, or rather for a year, we fill buckets of 27 kg. So, one bucket will provide you with about 20,000 kilocalories.

Powdered milk
Dry whole milk less is stored than fat-free, so for the strategic stock we choose the fat-free option. Milk is best packaged in several small Mylar bags. 7 kg. enough for a year. The energy value such a supply will be approximately 26,000 kilocalories.

Vegetable fats
Ghee contains significantly less water than butter, so it can be stored much longer. While you wait for better times, it will become your main source of fat. To replenish the reserves of 50,000 kilocalories, you need to take about 7 kg.

Granulated table sugar is not as rich in nutrients, but can be stored for a long time and contains 99.5% carbohydrates, so 16 kg. in our hiding place will not be superfluous. They will provide approximately 60,000 kilocalories.

Honey gives energy up to 335 kcal per 100 gr. product. It contains all the trace elements that are part of the blood and are involved in metabolic processes, as well as a large number of vitamins of group B and vitamin C. In general, you must take it! 23 kg. for a year will be just right. They will give you about 68,000 kilocalories.

potato flakes

Mashed potatoes, soup, bread, pancakes - this product can significantly diversify your menu and replenish energy reserves. 18 kg. potato flakes will provide approximately 63,000 kilocalories.


With them, any monotonous menu will seem tastier. Under the seasonings, select a separate bucket. First of all, take salt: table and iodized. You can add your favorite spices and seasonings to it. Pack each of the seasonings in a separate bag, so they retain their flavor longer.

The energy value of the contents of all buckets will be in the region of 850,000 kilocalories. Provisions should be stored in a dry, cool place protected from light. The stock, although inviolable, has its own shelf life, so use it from time to time. Try grinding flour, baking bread, making mead and any other dish using prepared products. In this way, you will not let the provisions go bad, and at the same time, you will be prepared for a situation where you can rely only on your own stocks of food.

// February 2, 2015 // Views: 3 860

A big pi @ dets will mean problems with the production and distribution of food - there is no doubt about it. As you prepare, make sure you stock up on enough food to last for at least a year for all family members. This may seem like an exaggeration to some, but when the thunder strikes, your full stomach will thank you. A large pantry has advantages. By buying food in bulk, you will save a lot of money and save your family from the consequences of a food crisis.
. Imagine also how much extra food you will need for disadvantaged relatives, neighbors, friends and refugees. Stock up on food in abundance, especially wheat, rice, buckwheat, beans and honey. Today, these products can be bought at a low price, but tomorrow everything can change.

When purchasing food, remember two points - moderation and variety. The basis of your pantry will be dry foods (wheat, rice, buckwheat, pasta, corn and beans), but you will also need canned fruits and vegetables powdered milk and lots of salt. Add also the food necessary for normal bowel function. This is an important item on the list - constipation, especially when combined with physical exhaustion, can be fatal.

Before you stockpile, calculate exactly how much food each member of your family will need for the year.

In the list below you will find the recommended amount of products, which of course can be changed according to your needs and preferences. I do not share the religious beliefs of the Mormons, but I like their policy of preparing food stocks, its philosophical, practical meaning and infrastructure. Many Mormon communities have their own canneries that are open to the general public.

The main key to self-sufficiency lies not only in a full pantry, but also in the ability to replenish it with self-grown grains and vegetables. In case you're worried about the nutritional value of food, I can assure you there's nothing better. fresh vegetables and fruits. You just need to stock up on good non-hybrid seeds of the same products that will be in the pantry. If electricity fails, people will have to live only at the expense of their own garden and livestock for a long period of time.

Stocks for a rainy day in the pantry should be three types of products - dry, canned and nutritional supplements. For canned food, there is the rule already mentioned earlier "First on the Shelf - First to be Eaten". In other words, new canned food should always be hidden away and taken in order. It's good to put dates on packages. Attention! Only if there is a lot of canned food, you can put stamps with a number, and for reliability, start a calendar.

In addition to the list I described earlier, you need to put a lot of things in the pantry:

Seam caps and rings for them (buy as many as possible to exchange for something else later);
- Salt - stock up on it in sufficient quantities;
- Sulfur for drying fruits;
- Vinegar - buy a few boxes;
- Spices;.
- Drinking soda;
- Yeast;.
- Plastic bags for food;
- Aluminum foil - buy more, it can be used for a variety of purposes, even to create a makeshift solar-powered oven.

Essential products.

Many have already been mentioned before, but should be repeated.

1. salt. It can be used as a food flavoring and storage agent, and as bait for game. In many places, the use of salt springs is prohibited, since with their help it becomes too easy to hunt, which means that the sporting interest is lost.

Thus, if you do not live near a salt spring, you will never have too much salt. Now salt is cheap and sold everywhere, but when hard times come, it will become a real shortage in many mainland areas of the earth. Plus, it doesn't have an expiration date. Make inquiries about possible natural deposits of this white gold near your shelter - after the end of the world, this information will be very valuable.

Make a total supply of salt based on the calculation of 20 kg for each family member. The total amount will seem overpriced, but keep in mind that a certain part will go to the bait of animals. As the salt that will be used for cooking, you should prefer the iodized version.

2. fig. I prefer brown rice because of it. useful properties(Although it has a shorter shelf life than white. The total amount of this stocked product should be calculated using the formula 15 kg per adult per year. The shelf life of rice is usually about eight years.

3. wheat (or other high-fiber grains. This supply is a key preparation point. Grains will probably not be as easy to buy as they are today, so we will start: 110 kg per adult family member per year (a certain part of these stock can be in the form of pasta) and of course a lot to exchange.

I do not advise you to stock up on flour - its shelf life is limited to two to three years, while grain can be stored for more than 30 years, and its the nutritional value only 20% lower than regular flour. Better buy grain and a hand mill.

Don't forget the simplest method of preparing grains, soaking the seeds: 24-36 hours in water is enough to make the tough grains soft and juicy like berries, and if they are then heated, they make an excellent breakfast.

4. corn. Cobs store better than hulled kernels or any corn-based dishes. The annual norm of this product for an adult is about 25 kg. Whole it can be stored for 8-12 years, and divided into several parts or cleaned - only 8-36 months.

5. buckwheat. The shelf life of buckwheat is only 12 months. The consumption rate per adult is 3.5 kg per year. Therefore, you should not make large stocks, only if you provide for the option of exchanging for other products and things.

6. oat groats. Its annual supply should be calculated as 10 kg per person. Shelf life - three to seven years (depending on the variety and method of packaging.

7. fats and oils. I recommend buying mainly olive oil(v plastic bottles and store frozen), mayonnaise, butter in tin packs and peanut. The total weight of the annual norm of these products per person is about 50 kg. Food stored in cans should be constantly used as it arrives (or distributed twice a year as humanitarian aid. According to the order of purchase, frozen olive oil should also be consumed (or given to those in need once every four years.

8. milk powder. Buy the lean variety. The annual rate per person should be about 12 kg. Try to buy it with preservatives - this will ensure a maximum shelf life of five years or more.

9. canned fruits and vegetables. It is practical (including from the point of view of economy) to make canned food yourself. Use canned food need in the order of receipt, so you should not store more than a two-year supply of them. The amount of such fruits and vegetables depends on your preferences.

10. canned meat. Their supply must be constantly updated and kept no more than what you can eat in two years.

11. sugar. For sweets, I prefer honey (although it should not be given to babies. However, someone wants to stock up on sugar, molasses or jam. The annual norm of such products per person should be about 25 kg.

Addition of preservatives. Thanks to these substances, the shelf life of many products reaches 8-10 years, and grains even more, so I recommend buying food products enriched with preservatives if their usual shelf life is relatively short, for example, dried peas, powdered milk. Posted by James Wesley RawlsZY from admin: don't forget to rotate products while keeping track of expiration dates.

Everything happens in life, my friends. And no matter how much you want the house to always be a full bowl, there are also black days when the refrigerator is empty, and the wallet too. But this does not mean at all that it is time to switch to crackers with water. There are a huge number of "budget" recipes from available products who will help out on such days. They are tasty and filling. Once you taste them, you will cook them at the best of times. We will now bring economical recipes dishes.

Potato "grandmother"

Potatoes are one of the cheapest foods, especially in autumn. But, despite this, it is tasty and satisfying. Thrifty hostesses in the bins always have several kilograms of potatoes, or even a bag. If there are potatoes in the house, you are not afraid of black days. Now we are going to cook the potato dough.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 1.5 kilograms of potatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 2 eggs
  • Vegetable oil
  • Pepper
  • A little semolina

It is very easy to cook it. Potatoes need to be peeled and washed. Now it needs to be crushed. The method is up to you. You can pass through a meat grinder, or you can grate. Salt the potato mass and let stand for a few minutes. Drain the juice that stands out, add the eggs, grated onion and pepper.

Grease a frying pan lightly with oil and sprinkle with semolina. Now post potato mass, level it well and send it to the oven. Do not set the temperature too high, 150 degrees will be enough. The grandmother will sit in the oven for about an hour, maybe a little more. You can add a little crushed garlic to the mass, then very soon you will feel a delicious, appetizing smell that will crawl around the apartment.

Babka is served as an independent dish. At the best of times, the "grandmother" can be seasoned with lard and sour cream. But she's good without them.

Cream cheese soup

You can't do without soup. It doesn't matter if you don't have a good marrow bone in your freezer. We'll do without it. Let's cook a tender soup with processed cheese.

Pour about a liter of water into a saucepan and put on fire. When it begins to boil, add two finely chopped processed cheese and two bouillon cubes. Cheese should completely dissolve. At the same time, fry one carrot in a small amount of vegetable oil and send the frying to cheese broth. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. Put it in a bowl too. Boil until potatoes are cooked. Sprinkle the finished soup green onions(if there's).

The soup is very tasty and tender. Surely, you will remember about it even when there is no need to save.

Bread charlotte

Saving meals for every day
can be very tasty. Next recipe you can hear about grandmothers who have gone through hard times. cook it better in summer or in autumn, when grandmothers sell gifts from their garden. You can buy excellent apples from them at a ridiculous price. They will go to our charlotte.

White stale bread should be cut and soaked in milk. Beat one egg and brush it on slices of soaked bread. Grease the form with oil and lay out the bread in one row. This is followed by a layer of thinly sliced ​​apples lightly sprinkled with sugar. Then more bread. If there is a little egg left, pour it on top.

Now the charlotte can be sent to the oven for half an hour. Tasty, cheap and the bread is not wasted.

Jellied chicken legs

Probably the worst thing for a hostess is when, during a period of complete lack of money, guests have gathered for you and you can’t refuse. Don't worry, we'll definitely figure something out. For example, let's prepare jelly from chicken legs.

To prepare it, you will need a kilogram and a half chicken legs, two chicken legs, garlic, one carrot, a little greens. So, wash the paws, put them in a saucepan. Put two chicken legs in there. Pour in water, salt and put to boil on a small fire. Cook longer until the paws are completely boiled, and the broth acquires fat and density.

Boil the carrots and cut into circles or stars. Pull out chicken legs from the broth. Filter the broth and add crushed or grated garlic to it (to taste).

Put the chicken meat, beautifully chopped carrots, a little coarsely chopped parsley and dill into the prepared form and carefully pour the broth over. Place in refrigerator until chilled.

One economical holiday meal we have prepared. But this is not enough to meet guests. Let's experiment some more.

Cabbage and pollock salad

Anyone who tries this salad will never guess what it is made of. And don't worry about the price either. Delicious, tender ... Just a fairy tale! And to prepare it, you only need the cheapest fish - pollock and half a head of cabbage. Well, you can also add green onions.

So, chop the cabbage into rather thin strips up to five centimeters long. Put it in a saucepan, pour hot water, salt and cook until half cooked. Do not immediately drain the water, let it stand in hot water while you cook the fish. And the fish needs to be cooked in a special way.

Put a saucepan of water on the fire, add a tablespoon of salt (without a slide), a teaspoon of sugar, Bay leaf, a little vegetable oil, half a teaspoon of vinegar and spices - peppercorns, allspice. Dip the fish in this marinade and cook until tender. Cool the boiled fish, and disassemble into pieces. In a salad bowl, mix fish with cabbage, sprinkle some greens and season with mayonnaise. No one will ever guess that the salad is made from pollock. You can safely say that this is a squid!

instant noodle salad

But quick and cheap salad recipe which makes a great appetizer. All you have to do is pour boiling water over a bag of noodles fast food, let it brew and drain the liquid. Add seasoning from the same noodles to it (it’s good if it has a cheese flavor), a couple of cloves of grated garlic and mayonnaise. Just fine if you have a piece of cheese lying around in the refrigerator. It can be rubbed and also added to the salad.

Soup from croutons in pots

This economical, tasty and nutritious soup can help out in the most difficult times. From a loaf white bread dry the crackers. Pour crackers into portioned pots for a third of the volume, add onion and carrot fry, a little greens. If there is, rub in a third processed cheese on a pot. Separately dilute the bouillon cubes of any taste. Pour the broth into pots, cover with lids and put in the oven for one hour. It turns out very tasty and satisfying bread stew.


All kinds of pancakes help out great during periods of complete lack of money. The most satisfying of them, perhaps, buckwheat. Preparing them is easy. Boil buckwheat, add a couple of eggs, herbs and a little flour to it. You can bake. Buckwheat turn out rosy and appetizing.

In general, pancakes can be fried from anything. Any cereal, and potatoes, and zucchini, and carrots, and cabbage and other vegetables will do.

The most important thing is to have stocks of the most basic products at home. Then you have nothing to fear. Store potatoes, pasta, cereals, flour, onions, carrots in better times, vegetable oil. Harvest mushrooms and conservation. Even from the most simple products can cook cheap meals- tasty and satisfying.