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With friends and a romantic dinner. What can you cook for a romantic dinner for two

A day off or a holiday, in general, does not matter, for a romantic, there are no special days or occasions for a loved one. It's so good to cook romantic dinner beloved husband or boyfriend at home. To do this, you just need to turn on your imagination and know what your chosen one prefers for dinner.

Romantic Evening Ideas

At home, you can cook a different romantic for your loved one, arrange a dinner for two, you just need to hurry up and buy all the necessary attributes for the house, and don't forget to create your own image that you have prepared for the evening.

Photo: Romantic ideas for a beloved husband

You can cook a romantic dinner from Japanese or oriental cuisine seafood by placing beautifully scented candles throughout the room, or lay out on a table in the shape of a heart.

Erotic option: fill the bath with fragrant essential oils and fragrant bath foam, light a lot of scented candles, and ... prepare a dessert. And what it will be - it already depends on your imagination! For romance, it is best to use aromatic oils of eucalyptus or lavender, they have an exciting effect and are used for relaxation.

An ideal and simple version of a romantic idea at home: you can wrap fruit or a nice dessert in a ribbon or a beautiful wrapper for breakfast, leaving a love note.

It is very pleasant to receive positive and tenderness in the morning. Prepare a creative breakfast for your favorite guy in the form, and decorate it to your taste.

Romantic Dinner Ideas

If you suddenly decided to please your boyfriend, but don't know how to arrange a romantic evening, cook a romantic dinner for two at home. Ideas for romance can be very different.

To get started, clean the house, prepare a chic tablecloth, and, of course, come up with your image for the evening. You can wear a flirty exciting outfit, with a revealing transparent neckline, or dress in the style of a football fan.

On the dinner menu, it is best to cook hot and dessert. Meat is served hot sweet and sour sauce for wine, and you can also make spicy rolls, for dry wine varieties. From drinks it is best to choose light romantic drinks. However, for lovers of oriental entertainment, a romantic evening can be arranged in Japanese style with Thai massage, incense sticks, and ... in a sexy silk kimono. Basically, a great idea! Rolls, sake, Japanese geisha outfit - exotic!

In this case, you can apply creativity and just spend a romantic evening at home watching your favorite movie, with pop food, chips and a bottle of beer. And your loved one will like it, and you can spend the evening in a warm and cozy atmosphere.

You can spend a romantic evening with your loved one at home in an unforgettable and creative way, using your imagination and a wise approach to the interests of your chosen one. Feel free to experiment with ideas, because life is an interesting thing, and there are many accessories and attributes around to embody romantic ideas.

Having decided to please herself and her beloved with a quiet joint evening, each hostess involuntarily thinks about what to cook for a romantic dinner. The question is really difficult, because you need to create an amazing atmosphere of celebration, love, feed a hungry man and at the same time not overfill his stomach, causing drowsiness. A dilemma that I propose to deal with today.

When can you organize such a quiet holiday? The occasion can be different - the birthday of a loved one or yours, which you want to spend away from the noise and friends, the anniversary of your acquaintance, wedding, the completion of an important business, a promotion, the arrival of a lover from a long business trip, or just a day when the spouses for once stayed at home alone, without children. Yes, just like that, when there is a mood, why not? After all, it is precisely such evenings that give warmth and tenderness to relationships, which are often lacking.

A romantic evening together, in a pleasant home environment (it is possible in nature, on the roof, but then the organization will take more time and hassle, because the prepared dishes will still have to be delivered to the place) is a great way for people who have recently met to get to know each other better, and for long-term spouses will help to refresh feelings that have faded under the pressure of everyday life.

In addition to the entourage itself, that is, traditional candles, a beautiful tablecloth, the decor of dishes and, of course, the attractive appearance of the hostess herself, food is of great importance. We all remember that the way to the heart of the stronger sex lies through the stomach? Then march to the kitchen!

Here it is important to choose the right menu, so as not to leave a man hungry, and to save strength yourself. Agree, a tired woman who has evaporated during many hours of cooking is not the best interlocutor, and even more so her lover. Therefore, you should not be overly sprayed, preparing mountains of dishes, a couple of appetizers, salad, hot and dessert will be enough. Delicious, varied, but does not distract attention from the main thing - communication.

  • Snack rolls

To prepare a dish you need:

0.5 cans of pink salmon, grated cheese, eggs, mayonnaise, herring, toasted bread;

  • peel the toasted bread from the crust, gently roll it out with a rolling pin, spread different fillings and roll up

bread must be taken fresh, otherwise it will simply crumble when exposed to it, and rolls will not work

  • for the first type of rolls, combine chopped cheese, eggs, pink salmon, add mayonnaise, mix everything, put on bread
  • for the second, combine small cheese, egg, dill, garlic again
  • for the third - grind the salted herring to a puree state.

So we get three types of rolls, which remains to be cut into neat pieces with a sharp knife, put on a plate, decorate.

  • Croutons with fish cheese

We need:

Prepare a baguette cottage cheese, tuna;

  • baguette cut into cubes, fry in a dry frying pan until browned
  • combine cheese with dill, fish (drain the juice from canned food, mash the fillet with a fork)
  • grease the bread with a mixture, decorate with lettuce, other herbs.
  • meat chops

For a man better than meat maybe just meat.

Take meat, onions, mushrooms, bell peppers, garlic, sour cream, cheese;

  • cut the meat into large pieces

  • salt, pepper, beat through cling film on both sides

  • cut onion into feathers
  • soak it in vegetable oil
  • cut the mushrooms into cubes, add to the onion, fry for 2-4 minutes

  • cut the bell pepper into circles, fry for a minute on each side

  • finely chop the garlic, add to the mushrooms, pour in a couple of tablespoons of sour cream

  • Fry in a dry frying pan on both sides strong fire meat, sealing juices inside

  • put the chops on a baking sheet, put pepper, mushroom mixture on top, sleep with cheese, put in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Recipes for a romantic dinner for your beloved at home

It will be easy for men to cook a few simple, penny, quick recipes for a romantic dinner to organize a holiday in just a couple of hours. I suggest starting with appetizers.

  • Tomatoes under a coat

You can make such an appetizer in a couple of minutes:

  • cut the tomato into slices
  • mix mayonnaise with spices (in the original, garlic is needed, but it is not very suitable for such a dinner), chopped dill
  • brush the tomatoes with the mixture
  • sprinkle with cheese on top.

The turn of salads has come, they should also be original, but light, tender, without excessive spiciness and too smelling ingredients. Agree, fresh onions and garlic are not the aromas that you want to smell in a romantic setting!

  • Salad with pine nuts

It is prepared like this:

For refueling, you need to take 2 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tbsp. mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. heavy cream, ¼ tsp. Tabasco sauce for spicy lovers;

Main ingredients - 1 squid, half an apple, half a head of cabbage Chinese cabbage, 1 tbsp. pine nuts;

  • squid is quickly boiled, cut into thin strips
  • chopped Beijing and thinly sliced ​​sweet and sour apple are added to it
  • combined with sauce
  • sprinkle the salad on top with small nuts.

You can also prepare light salads, for example, in an original way, but not too satisfying.

The main decoration of the table will be hot. What you choose, fish or meat - it's up to you. I offer ideas for both options.

  • Fish under oranges

Such a dish is juicy, tender, unusual and looks really beautiful - just what you need for a special occasion!

The preparation is simple:

  • take the finished fish fillet, salt, pepper, add spices (coriander), orange zest, juice of half an orange, a little lemon juice leave to marinate for 15-20 minutes
  • slice the remaining half of the orange
  • dry the fish, fry in breadcrumbs (flour, then a beaten egg, crackers) in butter until tender
  • in the same pan, fry the orange until a beautiful color
  • then pour the marinade into the pan, evaporate to the desired density, taste, if necessary, add salt, lemon juice
  • put an orange on the fish, pour over the sauce, decorate

How to quickly cook simple recipes for dinner in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is an amazing invention of mankind, which allows you to cook many dishes not only faster, but also without human intervention. That is, you do not need to stand at the stove, constantly stirring food. Another plus is the ability to use one appliance instead of a mountain of dishes. For example, replace a pan, baking sheet, stewpan, pan with a multicooker bowl. I propose several delicious recipes for this amazing machine.

  • chicken steak

Take 2 chicken breasts, a little garlic, 1 tbsp. vegetable fat, 3 tbsp. soy sauce, seasoning for chicken;

  • cut the fillet into steaks (dissolve in half lengthwise)
  • marinate in a sauce of seasoning, minced garlic, soy dressing, vegetable oil about 10-15 minutes
  • fry in a dry bowl of a multicooker, after slightly blotting the meat from excess marinade, about 2-4 minutes on each side
  • garnish, serve with salad.

  • Meat in French

A dish familiar to many, which is easy to prepare using a slow cooker.

For this you need:

potatoes, onions, heavy cream, meat (preferably fatty pork);

  • meat cut into cubes 1.5-2 cm
  • chop peeled potatoes, rinse with water, dry, mix with chopped onions
  • add cream, salt, spices, mix well

  • set the multicooker to the frying mode, fry the meat for 10 minutes, salt, add spices

  • put potatoes on top of the meat, level, close the lid of the appliance, leave in the baking mode for 30-40 minutes
  • then add the cheese, leave for 10-15 minutes to melt the cheese
  • serve with greens.

Sweet desserts for two

It remains to discuss desserts, I offer enough simple ideas for a sweet end to the evening.

  • strawberries under the snow

It has long been established that strawberries are an aphrodisiac, so using them for dessert for a romantic dinner is practically the rule. We will not deviate from it by preparing such a delicacy:

300 gr. strawberries, 5 pcs. proteins, 370 gr. sugar, a little lemon juice;

  • make syrup from 100 ml of water and 370 gr. sugar, evaporate until the liquid turns into caramel
  • Wash the strawberries, remove the tails, cut into halves, put into molds (one-piece glass is better, because then the berry will give juice)
  • separate fresh, cold proteins from yolks, pour into a large container, beat
  • add a few tablespoons of lemon juice to the syrup

  • hot syrup, poured in a thin stream into whipped proteins

  • it remains to put the "snow" on the strawberries, bake at 250 degrees for 5-7 minutes.

  • Simple panna cotta

You can also surprise your loved one with a luxurious dessert, which many have heard about, but have not tried. Let's take a chance?

For this you need:

1 l. cream 15% fat, 150 gr. powdered sugar, 20 gr. gelatin, 60 gr. cocoa, black and white chocolate, vanillin;

  • Heat the cream until boiling, but do not boil, soak the gelatin with 3 tbsp. cold water
  • add powdered sugar, vanillin to the cream, cool to 60 °, add gelatin, stir with a whisk for 5 minutes;
  • pour half of the masa into molds, then add to the rest of the cocoa, mix, pour in the same
  • put the frozen panna cotta on a plate (dip the mold in boiling water for a couple of seconds, turn over), decorate with melted chocolate.

If you want to cook something more solid - you can bake.

How to Decorate the Table and Decorate Dishes for Candlelight Dinner

Traditionally, we imagine a romantic evening for two as a dinner on the roof or a room decorated with bunches of flowers, rose petals, thousands of candles. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to organize such decor, and not necessarily - the main thing is to create an atmosphere of comfort, love, tenderness.

In addition, men are not so romantic, often not appreciating, and sometimes not even noticing lovingly lit candles, and considering the petals just rubbish. Why, some individuals even a new dress, sexy lingerie, a carefully crafted hairstyle, beautiful makeup are ways to lose sight of ... Well, nothing, we will adapt to the characteristics of a person, creating an atmosphere that suits both.

The minimum is:

  • cover the table with a beautiful tablecloth
  • organize gentle lighting (put the same candles, light wall sconces, lamps instead of too bright overhead light)
  • put a minimum of dishes - two glasses, plates, dishes with food
  • prepare a drink, it can be champagne, your favorite wine, mulled wine, an interesting cocktail or even juice (there are non-drinkers!)
  • it is worth decorating delicacies with bright colors - greens, vegetables, fruits, so that even the sight of food causes an uplift in mood, excites imagination, and pleases the eye.

Everything else is up to you!

It remains to add a few secrets to creating such a quiet holiday. Recommend:

  1. Choose a good date, coinciding with a memorable day or just a romantic mood. It’s better if it’s Friday evening, Saturday, so that you don’t have to rush anywhere in the morning
  2. Make sure that no one and nothing interferes with communication - complete all urgent matters, ask grandparents, friends to look after the children in the evening, if any
  3. Arrange the room in such a way that the overall picture sets in a love mood (the same candles, flowers, beautiful dishes, unusual bedding
  4. Take care of your appearance - a luxurious dress (and underwear too), a spectacular hairstyle, makeup, depilation, manicure, pedicure
  5. cook delicious food, which we talked about earlier
  6. You can prepare a small gift, a surprise - close the man's eyes, tie a scarf, give a symbolic present
  7. Last but not least - the right attitude, the desire to please your loved one, to demonstrate all those tender feelings that are in the heart.

Romantic evenings for two are a great way to get to know each other better, whether you've known each other for two weeks or twenty years. Communicate, speak, admire your beloved, because this is so important for a strong relationship! See you soon, look for new tips on our blog, bye!

The first meeting, the first date, the first romantic evening together… We sacredly keep these events in our memory all our lives. And even after many years, they still cause awe and a happy smile. But now, as they say, you have been married for a long time and firmly, and romantic dinners have long flowed into quiet family ones, there is no that enthusiasm and happy gleam in your eyes. Sad, isn't it? But after all, feelings are alive, so why not refresh them by plunging into the past for a while and, as it were, simultaneously looking into such a promising future. And after all, for this you don’t need to “reinvent the wheel” at all, but simply take and arrange a romantic dinner for two, which will become another tender declaration of love.

This is a responsible matter, so it is important to think through everything in advance and most importantly - plan the menu, purchase necessary products and try to put everything that your heart feels into the prepared dishes for a romantic evening: love, tenderness, a bit of passion and, of course, a little mystery and unpredictability. No haste and an incredible pile of dishes, everything is simple, tasteful and at the same time not without a touch of charm and sophistication. On the table set for romantic dinner, there should be nothing superfluous, nothing should distract attention from each other, because for this everything was conceived: two appliances, candles, champagne, flowers and dishes prepared by you: one or two appetizers, salad, hot and dessert.

Food should not be heavy, it is designed not to fill the stomach, but to stun with an appetizing look, exquisite taste, tease with the smell and give pleasure. By the way, contrary to popular belief about the obligatory champagne on the table, it is worth noting that it is quite possible to replace it with your favorite wine or a light intriguing cocktail - it all depends on taste preferences for whom this wonderful surprise is being prepared. Let quiet, unobtrusive music (a favorite song or melody) sound, which does not interfere with the conversation, but rather disposes to it. Do not skimp on creativity and fantasy. The appearance of your dishes must certainly be beautiful, and therefore pay special attention to their decoration: more fresh herbs and bright life-affirming flowers, this will create the very romantic mood that will be with you throughout the dinner.

A romantic dinner for two should surprise and make your chosen one, with whom you spent many years, look at you in a new way. And those who will have this romantic dinner for the first time will not only impress with their culinary skills, but also show how interesting, versatile you are and have the very “zest” that every man seeks to discern in his chosen one. There is no template in preparing dishes for a romantic dinner, because this is a little story about the love of two hearts, and, as you know, two identical stories do not exist. But ... after all, we can always suggest a few recipes, which, we hope, will be very useful to you.

Tartinki with cheese and tomatoes "Original"

500 g puff pastry,
4 tomatoes,
1 egg
100 g cheese
2 sprigs of basil
2 sprigs of thyme,
olives, dill, parsley.

Defrost the dough, roll it into a layer 4-5 mm thick and cut into small squares (about 6-7 cm). Lay the dough squares on a greased baking sheet. Cut the tomatoes into slices and put one circle on the tart. Arrange sliced ​​olives, cheese slices, thyme and basil leaves over the tomatoes. Place the tray with the tarts in the oven preheated to 180°C and bake for 15 minutes. Garnish with fresh dill or parsley.

Cottage cheese balls with avocado "Little secret"

300 g cottage cheese,
1 avocado
30 g almonds
1 garlic clove
1 tbsp sour cream
3 sprigs of basil
a bunch of dill, salt, spices.

Grind cottage cheese, avocado, garlic and sour cream in a blender until homogeneous mass. Chop dill, add to curd mass, salt, pepper, season with spices to taste and mix thoroughly. Form small balls from the resulting mass, put each on a basil leaf and decorate with almonds.

Cheese rolls with sprats "Wonderful Treat"

1 jar of sprats,
200 g hard cheese,
1 tomato
1 sweet pepper
lettuce, parsley.

Cut the cheese into thin slices in the shape of triangles, cut the pepper into strips, and slice the tomatoes. Put the sprats out of the jar and blot with oil. Put 1 fish, 1 thin strip on the wide part of the cheese triangle bell pepper, 1 slice of tomato and a sprig of parsley. Roll up the cheese, fasten with a skewer and serve on the lettuce leaves.

Snack puffs with mushrooms "Pleasure"

250 g puff yeast dough,
100 g canned mushrooms,
100 g cream cheese,
1 onion
a little ground black pepper.

Mix mushrooms, cheese, onion and pepper in a blender until smooth. Roll out the dough and cut into rectangular layers. Spread the mushroom mass evenly over the surface of the dough layers and roll them into rolls. Cut each roll into small pieces and place on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 200°C.

Snack "Banana boats"

300 g chicken fillet,
4 bananas
1 tomato
1 cucumber
5 quail eggs,
50 g pitted olives
1 celery stalk
2 tsp lemon juice
1 tbsp mayonnaise,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
herbs, salt, spices - to taste.

cut into small cubes chicken fillet and fry it in vegetable oil. Quail eggs boil and cut into quarters. Finely chop the cucumber, tomato and celery, cut the olives in half. Cut off the top of the banana peel in a thin strip, without cutting all the way through. Wrap the cut part up and pin it to the banana with a toothpick. Remove the banana pulp from the peel with a teaspoon, chop and sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix chicken, eggs, vegetables and banana pulp, season the mass with spices and season with mayonnaise, stuff the banana boats with the resulting filling and garnish with herbs, halves of olives to your liking.

Salad with smoked meat and cinnamon "Delight"

100 g smoked meat,
2 cucumbers
1 carrot
1 bunch of radishes
100 g salad mix
½ tsp powdered sugar
½ tsp cinnamon.
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, spices.

Cut the smoked meat into thin strips, radishes, carrots, cucumbers into circles. Put the salad mixture on the bottom of the salad bowl, add the meat and vegetables and mix. Combine cinnamon with powdered sugar, oil, salt, spices and season the salad with this mixture.

Vegetable salad with chicken "Easy flirt"

200 g chicken fillet,
100 pitted olives
100 g of cheese.
2 tomatoes
1 onion
1 carrot
1 bunch of parsley
4 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, spices.

Cut the chicken fillet into cubes and fry until tender in 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Cut the olives in half, chop the parsley coarsely. Cut the onion and cheese into cubes, tomatoes into slices, grate the carrots. Mix, salt, add spices to taste. Dress the salad with the remaining vegetable oil and garnish with fresh herbs.

Salad with bacon and dates "Temptation"

100 g raw smoked bacon,
100 g pitted dates,
100 g goat cheese
50 g of any chopped nuts,
50 g lettuce,
4 tsp honey,
1.5 tbsp wine vinegar,
2 tbsp olive oil,

Fry the bacon in a dry frying pan until golden brown and place on a plate. Mix the butter with honey, pour into the pan where the bacon was fried, and heat. Cut the dates into thin rings, chop the onion. Fry the onion and dates in oil with honey, add to the resulting honey sauce vinegar and spices. Coarsely chop the lettuce goat cheese- in small pieces. Combine all the ingredients together and dress the salad with honey sauce.

Salad with smoked salmon "Bright mood"

200 g smoked salmon bellies,
5 cherry tomatoes,
1 carrot
3 celery stalks,
100 g leek,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
2 tbsp lemon juice.
1 bunch of parsley
salt, spices.

Peel the belly of the salmon from the skin and cut into cubes, cut the tomatoes in half. Grate the carrots, chop the onion, parsley and celery. Mix vegetable oil with lemon juice, add salt, spices. Mix all ingredients and pour ready salad refueling.

Meat salad with mustard dressing "Sharpness of feelings"

300 g boiled beef,
5 cherry tomatoes,
2 boiled eggs
2 cloves of garlic
1 bunch lettuce
1 tsp mustard,
1 tsp balsamic vinegar,
2 tbsp olive oil,
salt, spices.

Cut the meat into strips, eggs into cubes, cherry tomatoes into quarters, chop the lettuce leaves coarsely or simply tear them with your hands. For dressing, combine oil, vinegar, minced garlic and mustard. Salt, season with spices and mix thoroughly. Pour over the dressing.

Pork ribs with raspberry sauce "Not life, but raspberries!"

500 g pork ribs,
200 g frozen raspberries
50 g butter,
2 tbsp honey,
2 tbsp soy sauce,
1 tbsp flour,
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 tbsp starch,
1 tbsp mustard seeds.

Mix honey with mustard and soy sauce. Marinate the ribs and refrigerate for 2 hours. Then put the ribs in a baking dish, pour over the marinade, cover tightly with foil and bake for 1 hour at a temperature of 180 ° C. Then remove the foil and bake for another 30 minutes. Melt in a frying pan butter, add raspberries and sugar, pour in 3 tbsp. water and extinguish. Then add flour with starch, mix thoroughly, pour in another half a glass of water and cook until thickened. Serve cooked ribs with raspberry sauce.

Fish in tangerine marinade "Charmer"

4 fish fillets,
4 tangerines,
½ tsp cinnamon,
butter, fresh herbs, lettuce, salt, pepper - to taste.

Squeeze juice from two tangerines, add salt and pepper to taste. Pour the fish fillet with the resulting marinade and leave for 10-15 minutes. Melt the butter in a frying pan, fry the fish fillet in it and arrange on plates. Divide the remaining tangerines into slices, lightly fry them in the same pan, arrange on plates to fish fillet. Add lettuce leaves and fresh herbs to taste. Boil the juice remaining in the pan, salt to taste and pour over the fish with the resulting sauce.

Pork pockets with ginger Surprise

4 pieces pork loin on the bone
2 sweet peppers
1 onion
75 g fresh ginger root.
For marinade:
1 onion
100 ml vegetable oil,
150 ml dry white wine
1 tsp adjika.

Chop ginger and onion. Pepper cut into small cubes. Wash the pork and pat dry with paper towels. Slit the side of the flesh so that you get a pocket. Put the vegetable stuffing inside and press the edges. For the marinade, cut the onion into half rings, mix it with vegetable oil, wine and adjika. Pour the marinade over the meat and leave for several hours. Then fry the pork "pockets" for 4-5 minutes on each side, pouring marinade.

Chicken with Apples and Cinnamon "Happy Moments"

2 chicken breasts
2 apples
1 tsp paprika,
1-2 tbsp vegetable oil,
½ tsp cinnamon.

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and fry over medium heat. Salt, season with paprika. Then add the sliced ​​apples and fry a little more until the chicken is golden brown. A couple of minutes before cooking, add cinnamon to the dish, mix and hold under the lid. Ready meal Serve with fresh herbs.

Coffee dessert with liqueur

25 g ground coffee
150 ml of liquor
400 ml cream,
50 g instant gelatin,
3 tbsp Sahara.

Brew coffee in two glasses of water. Remove from heat, add sugar and dissolve gelatin in it. Pour into a mold and let cool in the cold. Cut the finished jelly into cubes and place in bowls. Whip the cream and pour in the liqueur. Pour the jelly cubes with the cream-liquor mixture and decorate the dessert as you wish.

Tiramisu with peaches

a few canned peaches
12 pieces of biscuit cookies,
2 eggs,
2 tbsp powdered sugar
150 g mascarpone cheese,
1 tsp vanilla sugar
white and dark chocolate - for decoration.

Separate the yolks from the protein. Mix the yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar and whisk until white foam. Then add mascarpone to this mixture and whisk (mixture should be smooth). Separately, beat the whites in a strong foam. Gradually add egg whites and mix. Dip the cookies in the peach syrup and place in the pan. Top with sliced ​​peaches and cream. Grate white and dark chocolate on a coarse grater and sprinkle over the dessert. Cool down in the refrigerator.

That's all. We can only wish that your piggy bank of happy moments is replenished with one more, and let it be your romantic dinner for two.

Larisa Shuftaykina

Valentine's Day, also known as Valentine's Day, is one of the most controversial holidays of the year. Why ambiguous? I judge by the fact that many consider this holiday to be frivolous, not real and almost imposing some incomprehensible values ​​on us.

On the other hand, for most lovers, this holiday is another occasion to show their feelings for each other, which is never superfluous. And, as we all know very well, for a couple in love the best way spend time together will be (ta-dam!) a romantic dinner. However, if February 14 is still far away, you can arrange a romantic dinner for two on any day, if only there is a desire. In this article, we will talk about how to cook a romantic dinner at home, pleasantly surprising your chosen one or chosen one.

Romantic Dinner Rules

So, what, in my opinion, should be the perfect romantic dinner? Let's highlight the main points that distinguish a romantic dinner from an ordinary one.

  • Situation. Perhaps this is the defining moment. Candles, subdued lights, a beautifully laid table, quiet relaxing music - you can arrange it on your own. And, of course, no TV, even if there is some kind of romantic comedy on there.
  • Only double. If you have children, put them in with your grandmother; if you live with relatives, buy them tickets to the theater or think of something else, otherwise your romantic dinner may, for obvious reasons, go down the drain.
  • Dishes. A romantic dinner is the perfect time to subtly impress your loved one or loved one with a culinary prowess they didn't even know you were. For this reason, the dishes you cook for a romantic dinner should - even must - be exquisite. And yet not very heavy, both in preparation and in digestion.
  • The drinks. Of course, only wine is appropriate for drinks at such a dinner. First, you should decide on the menu for a romantic dinner, and then choose a wine to go with it (if you are not very good at wines, it is best to go to a specialty store, find a seller, name the dish and indicate the budget). You can start a romantic dinner with a couple of glasses of champagne or prosecco, just don't overdo it!
  • Surprise. The best romantic dinner is a surprise dinner. Try to prepare everything in secret from your other half, and the reward will be her or his enthusiastic reaction to this unexpected but pleasant surprise.
  • Mood. This is a special evening and a special moment in your life. While you are preparing for a romantic dinner, you will surely have time to feel the solemnity of the moment, so the main thing is not to “burn out”. And yet you should not expect too much: it is better to be pleasantly surprised than severely disappointed.

If you have mastered the theory of organizing romantic dinners, I suggest moving on to practice. If my site was dedicated to psychology and personal growth or the basics of tantric massage, I would probably talk about something else. But as the popular proverb says, who is talking about what, and Onegin is again about food. So, recipes for the perfect romantic dinner.

As we have already decided, a romantic dinner should be simple, but with a twist, so forget about the usual and boring dishes right away, they will kill all romance. When else will you have a chance to demonstrate that you can do more than just make cutlets or cook pilaf?!

We will aim at the very heart, and prepare something tasty, unusual and spectacular. This collection contains recipes for a romantic dinner that can impress, but the main thing is that even beginners in cooking can cook most of them.


A romantic dinner should start with a snack, cold or hot. It could be light salad, pate with toast, bruschetta or something else of your choice. Ideally, it is better to prepare an appetizer in advance so as not to be distracted at the most crucial moment.

To begin, let's go through appetizers in bruschetta format— the perfect accompaniment to a glass of wine, the preparation of which is within the power of everyone.

Salads- a simple solution, but their lightness and freshness will fit perfectly into the format of a dinner for two.

If you and your other half are free from prejudice, pay attention to Tartarus This appetizer is romantic and will serve as a refreshing start to any dinner. The recipe is up to you to choose, and as a hint, I can recommend cutting everything in advance, and combining it just before serving.

Let's start with recipes for those who consider themselves a novice cook. In this case, it is worth playing it safe and preparing something simple and unmistakable.

I would like to include several risotto recipes in this collection, but, alas, it is not suitable for a romantic dinner: standing at the stove all evening is not an option. And here would be a great choice- a light and tasty main course. A good solution is to prepare the sauce in advance, and at the decisive moment, simply add it to freshly boiled pasta.

For those for whom meat is a synonym for the word "food", I dedicate the following block:

I am convinced that all the most romantic dishes are prepared seafood, but there is a catch: they are usually cooked just before serving, and you and I want to be in the living room, not in the kitchen. But something can still be done.

. - you can put it in the oven in advance, the main thing is not to forget to get it on time.
. - everything can be done in advance, but you still have to leave to quickly fry the shrimp.
. - just add mussels to hot sauce a few minutes before serving.

Finally, what you have been asking for so long: romantic vegetable dishes, without meat, fish and all that other stuff.

. - suddenly tasty way prepare this healthy vegetable.
. Yes, that's exactly what you were thinking.
. — vegetable dish, which is easy to prepare and looks pretty.
. - Spanish rice dishes, in which the main role is played by vegetables.


The compulsory program is over, and the dessert in the format of a romantic dinner is already included in the free program - although the sweet tooth may not agree with me. In any case, I advise them not to overdo it with desserts, because dinner is often just the beginning of the evening.

And again starting with simple recipes for those who, like me, do not know anything about making desserts, but want to get a delicious result.

For all women, romance is important in a relationship. After all, it is the touching moments between you that make your relationship special and unique. But a man should try to ensure that romantic notes are not repeated, but are varied. A romantic dinner for a loved one is a pleasant tradition for couples in love, especially if it is organized by a young man. For a girl, this is a real feat.

How to arrange a romantic dinner for your girlfriend

In order to impress your beloved, you need to follow the rules for organizing a romantic dinner, think through all the details so that there is no awkwardness.

Of course, a romantic dinner is only perfect at the movies, so don't worry if you make a mistake. You will be forgiven or not even noticed, because they love you.

If you are going to arrange a dinner for your girlfriend at home, then urgently clean up the mess. Cleanliness is the key to success.

Not only the room and bedroom should be cleaned, but also the bathroom and kitchen, because no one canceled personal hygiene procedures. Be sure to put clean hand and body towels in the bathroom in a conspicuous place. The girl will understand that this is for her;

Bed linen should be clean, and preferably new;

Of course, that your romantic dinner involves an intimate continuation, so the menu should not consist of heavy dishes. Focus on fruit and dessert;

Decorate the table with a tablecloth, pick up dishes and glasses for different drinks. Don't worry too much that something is missing. You are a bachelor and you are not in a restaurant. Beloved will understand everything;

If for a romantic dinner for your beloved at home you want to cook meat dish, then give preference to red wine, but if there are fish or seafood on the table, then white wines. But let's not forget about other drinks. They must be chilled;

Pick up romantic music, a pleasant background will help the girl to relax and get comfortable faster;

Use lampshades, floor lamps and scented candles for interesting lighting. A very bright light will make you feel like you're in a shop window, and a dimmed light will add romance;

Think of conversation topics to fill in awkward pauses during a romantic dinner for your loved one at home.

Dinner for your beloved at home: what to consider

A romantic dinner for your loved one should be a surprise that both of you will enjoy. Therefore, we advise you to arrange a dinner in secret from your soul mate. If you order dinner in a restaurant, then you have practically nothing to worry about. Just discuss all the points with the administrator and invite your loved one in the evening, sending a taxi and flowers with a note with pleasant glories of love in advance;

If you will have dinner at home, then you need to thoroughly take care of everything. Arrange the candles, starting from the door. And maybe even cover the path with rose petals holiday table;

As for food, you should not cook very fatty and high-calorie dishes: a couple of light salads and hot dishes. Prepare those dishes that your loved one likes;

Win-win options will be: fruits, chocolate fondue with fruits, cheese plate, mini-sandwiches or canapes with caviar or other fillings. If you are not strong in cooking, it is better to order food in a restaurant where you have eaten more than once and you liked the cuisine;

Alcohol should not be bought very strong. small bottle good wine or champagne is the most best option. Well, do not forget about the tastes of your half;

Pick up light music that will set you in a romantic mood;

Make the table setting for a romantic dinner so that everything is not piled up on it. In the center is a bouquet of flowers, along the edges of the candle. It is best to sit not opposite each other, but at an angle: it will be easier for you to communicate, you won’t have to speak loudly to be heard, there will be a feeling of closeness;

Of course, take care of your appearance. The man must be clean-shaven, neatly dressed and smell of perfume for evening events;

And most importantly, do not forget to make sure that your beloved does not run headlong to you. Order a taxi.

How to decorate the table for a romantic dinner for your beloved

A very important step in the life of every couple is a romantic dinner. It is both beautiful and long-awaited and exciting. But not all men are strong in this. We tell you how to decorate the table for a romantic dinner for your beloved at home simply, and at the same time elegantly.

If you want to surprise a girl with a table setting, it is best to contact a restaurant or good cafe. There you will be arranged with music, and any whim will be fulfilled. They do this every day and will be able to draw your attention to what you may not notice;

If a romantic dinner for your beloved is at home, make the whole evening in the same style. For example, in French / Italian - depending on what kind of cuisine you like. This will make your choice of table decorations much easier - flags, bouquets of flowers, ribbons in the colors of the national flag. This topic is especially suitable for couples who have vacationed together in some country and were satisfied. Nostalgic memories or the music you listened to at that time will "make" your evening;

Important ingredients for a romantic dinner


A permanent and indispensable attribute of a romantic evening for your beloved home. If there are no candles, the evening will not seem as romantic as you would like. After all, it is not very pleasant to sit under the light of a light bulb and see how midges fly there. Not the best picture. And candles will give you a warm light, illuminating your faces and the table;


This is a great opportunity not only to put this work on the table, but also to lay it out in a beautiful pattern, arrange it between glasses and even freeze it in ice for drinks. Fantasy has no limits, and there is where to turn around. But, use only fresh flowers. Let it cost enough, but you didn’t come to the funeral either;

Rose petals

This is a great table decoration at all times. Even if you have seen it a hundred times in films and soap operas, do not doubt that these petals will bring a big splash. Because it is always better to see that others and feel it yourself. It will be a table of remarkable beauty;


This is one of the main points that should be approached thoroughly when planning a romantic dinner for your beloved. It will be your basis for all decor and should match the beauty of the table. Do not take tablecloths with stains and slits. Let it be a new, clean tablecloth, combined with dishes and table decorations very harmoniously. Don't forget to iron the tablecloth before dinner. Arrows right in the middle of the table look very ugly;


It is divided into several points. Let's discuss the most important - glasses. Yes, it's the glasses. Do not dare to put glasses and grandmother's glasses on the table. It will be very ugly and ridiculous to look at. After all, you will drink champagne, wine or other exquisite drink. If the drink is prepared in advance, find the appropriate glasses for it.

Rules for women:

  • Don't be picky. They tried for you. So be sure to rate and praise him. If necessary, cheer up your loved one;
  • Don't go to a romantic dinner empty-handed. Buy what is for a man that can complement the evening with romance;
  • Be relaxed, but do not forget that you are visiting, even if you have been dating for a long time. Vulgarity is useless;
  • Do not abuse alcoholic drinks;
  • Try to get the guy different topics for a conversation so that he does not feel pauses or other obstacles. Believe me, he is worried, it is not easy for him;
  • Thank him for a romantic dinner, tell him that you are very glad that your boyfriend turned out to be exactly what you dreamed of and knew that he was exactly like that.