Home / Dumplings / Turkish eggplant cooking recipe. Turkish eggplants - incredibly delicious recipes for oriental dishes

Turkish eggplant cooking recipe. Turkish eggplants - incredibly delicious recipes for oriental dishes

Want to try a ripped belly? Do not faint, but this is exactly how the dish sounds from Turkish (Karnıyarık) stuffed with minced meat eggplant. Incredibly delicious, like all Turkish cuisine.

Why such a name, I think it is clear: the eggplants are baked whole, the stalk is not even cut off, cut lengthwise and stuffed delicious minced meat... So you get "ripped bellies". On Halloween, I think the original name of the dish will be, like itself. Will go "with a bang".

In fact, Turkish eggplant is extraordinary tasty dish perfect for lunch if you use rice as a side dish or mashed potatoes, and for dinner - as an independent dish without a side dish. Pamper yourself with Turkish Karnıyarık and remember the romantic evenings over the Bosphorus, for sure they were.

So, the set of ingredients is simple. The basis is the eggplant and ground beef themselves. To make the minced meat tastier and juicier, it is supplemented with tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic and herbs.

Wash the eggplants. Cutting the skin like me is completely optional. It seemed to me that the dish would just look more beautiful. Place the eggplants in lightly salted water for 20 minutes.

While the eggplants give their bitterness to the water, let's do the minced meat. Put diced onions, garlic, tomatoes, herbs, bell peppers and chili in a frying pan.

Add ground beef and tomato paste. Salt and add your favorite spices. I made do with cumin and sweet paprika.

Add vegetable oil and simmer - fry everything in a pan for about 5 minutes.

We take out the eggplants from the water, wipe them with a towel. They must be fried entirely in a pan (I have a grill) in vegetable oil until golden brown.

We "rip" them and form "pockets".

We fill with ready-made minced meat.

For each eggplant, lay out a circle of tomato and a strip of chili pepper. Put the eggplants in a baking dish, add 2 glasses of water (broth or tomato juice) to it. Cover the form with foil and put in the oven for 35 minutes. Remove the foil 10 minutes before the end of baking.

Turkish eggplants with ground beef ready. Bon Appetit!

Turkish eggplants are prominent representatives of the Middle Eastern cuisine. We are not talking about a single dish: the blue ones are fried, baked, stuffed, served cold and hot. Hence, the colorful Shakshuka salad, the hearty Hunkar Begendi main course and the meze snacks served to whet your appetite.

Turkish cuisine from eggplant

Turkish eggplant dishes are amazing in their variety. More than 40 types of this vegetable are grown in the country, so hospitable Turkish chefs are always ready to serve fried, baked, stuffed with meat or minced vegetables eggplant. From the pulp of blue ones they make the most delicate puree, baking stuffing and aromatic sauces.

  1. One of the most simple dishes- Turkish fried eggplants. For this, the eggplant is cut into plates and fried. Carrots, onions and tomatoes are sauteed separately. Grease each slice with the mixture, put it in a whole eggplant, and bake for 20 minutes at 220 degrees.
  2. An exquisite baked eggplant with yogurt appetizer can delight even sophisticated gourmets. All you need is to bake the eggplant in the oven, finely chop the pulp with a knife, season with garlic and 200 ml of yogurt.

Turkish eggplants karniyaryk

Turkish eggplants with minced meat have many cooking options. The most popular dish is considered karnyaryk, which means "ripped belly". Do not be confused by the bloodthirsty name, because the food turns out to be simple, aromatic and very tasty: the eggplants are fried whole, cut lengthwise, put in the filling and baked in tomato sauce.


  • eggplant - 4 pcs.;
  • ground beef - 300 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • clove of garlic - 4 pcs.;
  • oil - 150 ml;
  • tomato paste - 70 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • parsley - 10 g.


  1. Peel, cut and fry the eggplant.
  2. Simmer onions, minced meat, tomatoes and garlic. Start with the eggplant mixture.
  3. Dissolve the paste with water and pour over the vegetables.
  4. Bake for 25 minutes at 200 degrees.
  5. Garnish the oven-baked eggplant with parsley.

Turkish eggplant puree is a traditional side dish for stews, poultry dishes, or used as a spread on bread. At the base - the most delicate mass of blue, flavored with béchamel sauce and grated cheese. Often added to the puree lemon juice, which brightens the eggplant, which sets off the taste of the appetizer and makes it more attractive in appearance.


  • eggplant - 1 kg;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • lemon juice - 60 ml;
  • oil - 80 g;
  • flour - 40 g;
  • black pepper - 5 g;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • cheese - 70 g.


  1. Bake the eggplants at 200 degrees for 25 minutes.
  2. Remove the pulp, sprinkle with lemon juice and puree.
  3. Darken butter, flour, and milk.
  4. Add eggplant puree, cheese, season and simmer for 2 minutes.

Turkish spicy eggplants will dispel the myth of stinging oriental cuisine... One has only to prepare a colorful "Shakshuka" salad according to the recipe of local chefs, and it becomes clear that hot peppers and garlic go well with blue and (an indispensable addition to salads) fresh cilantro, and give the dish a soft Mediterranean flavor.


  • eggplant - 7 pcs.;
  • pepper - 5 pcs.;
  • hot peppers - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • head of garlic - 1 pc .;
  • a bunch of cilantro - 1 pc.;
  • oil - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 20 g.


  1. Boil chopped tomatoes in 125 ml butter, sugar and garlic for 20 minutes.
  2. Fry the eggplant and both peppers separately.
  3. Lay out in layers.
  4. Season the spicy eggplants in Turkish style with sauce, herbs and refrigerate.

Turkish eggplants imam bayaldi

The Turkish eggplant dish imam bayaldi is blue, stuffed with vegetable filling, baked in the oven. This legendary dish is so aromatic and appetizing that the "imam fainted" himself, having tasted them. Little blue ones are cooked in the oven without pre-frying, which makes them a healthy, healthy, low-calorie meal.


  • eggplant - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • clove of garlic - 6 pcs.;
  • tomato sauce - 200 ml;
  • oil - 80 ml.


  1. Saute the onions, carrots, garlic and tomatoes.
  2. Cut the eggplants, remove the pulp and stuff with vegetables.
  3. pour in turkish tomato sauce and bake for an hour at 200 degrees.

Turkish eggplants in the oven can be an excellent filling for a variety of baked goods. So popular puff pies- Bereki, traditionally, are filled with only these vegetables. For cooking, the baked blue pulp is mixed with fried onions, tomatoes, cheese, wrapped in puff pastry and bake until golden brown.


  • filo dough - 500 g;
  • eggplant - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • feta cheese - 120 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sesame seeds - 10 g;
  • oil - 60 ml.


  1. Bake the eggplants and remove the pulp.
  2. Fry the onions and tomatoes.
  3. Toss the vegetables with the cheese.
  4. Cut the dough, start, roll it up and roll it up with a "rose".
  5. Season with eggs, sesame seeds and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Every tourist brings home in Turkish, wanting to cook. This will not be difficult, since the dish consists of slices of blue and meat cutlets, strung on a skewer in turn and baked over coals. The latter can be easily replaced by an oven set at 200 degrees.


  • eggplant - 3 pcs.;
  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • ground black pepper - 5 g.


  1. Season the minced meat with pepper.
  2. Form the patties and string them on skewers, alternating with the eggplant circles.
  3. Bake the eggplants in Turkish for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

For many, delicious Turkish eggplants are associated with a thick sauce that serves as a spread for or pita bread. It is served both hot and cold, so it is very convenient to stock up on such an addition. For cooking, you just need to bake the eggplants in the oven along with peppers and tomatoes, puree the pulp, season and serve.


  • eggplant - 4 pcs.;
  • bell peppers - 5 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • pomegranate juice - 40 ml;
  • clove of garlic - 4 pcs.;
  • oil - 80 ml.


  1. Bake vegetables for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.
  2. Purée the pulp, season with garlic, oil, pomegranate juice.

Turkish eggplants for the winter - a recipe

Most housewives prefer to harvest Turkish eggplants for the winter in the form of a juicy, healthy salad... It is easy and simple to make, and it can serve as an appetizer or as a dressing for hot dishes. For cooking, marinate slices of eggplant, peppers, tomatoes and onions in oil for an hour, simmer for 40 minutes over low heat and roll into jars.

Turkish cuisine is famous all over the world. Many dishes have spread across the planet and have long been adopted by hostesses far beyond the borders of Turkey. One of them is Turkish eggplant. This dish will be a great addition to meat or any side dish. In our article we will provide the most best recipes eggplant in Turkish.

Products for cooking

For cooking turkish dish from eggplant we need:

  1. One onion.
  2. Three eggplants.
  3. A glass of tomato juice.
  4. Three garlic cloves.
  5. Tastes like oregano and black pepper.
  6. 450 g minced meat.
  7. A bunch of onions (green).
  8. A bunch of parsley.
  9. You can add a little mint if you like.
  10. One bell pepper.
  11. Salt.
  12. Two tomatoes.
  13. Sunflower oil.

Turkish eggplant recipe

We wash the eggplants and cut them into rings, salt them and leave for fifteen minutes so that they can let the juice out. After that, drain the liquid and dry the vegetables with a paper towel.

Chop (finely) the onion and put half in the minced meat, adding pepper and salt. Now you need to prepare the sauce. For him, fry the second part of the onion in a pan (no more than three minutes). Divide the tomatoes into four parts, then pour over them with boiling water and remove the skin. Finely dice the bell peppers and tomatoes and put them in the pan with the onion. Simmer the vegetables together for ten minutes. After that, pour in tomato juice, add pepper and salt to taste. Bring the whole mass to a boil. Now you can add chopped parsley, oregano and mint to the sauce, and then simmer it for another five minutes.

Prepare a baking dish by greasing its bottom and sides with oil. After that, lay out the eggplant rings, alternating them with minced meat. And pour the vegetables with the prepared sauce on top. Next, we send the dish to the oven to bake. At 180 degrees, cook the eggplants in Turkish for about 45 minutes. Ready dish sprinkle with chopped onion and garlic on top. These baked eggplants can be served with any side dish. This can be potatoes, rice, porridge, spaghetti, and more.

Turkish musaka: ingredients

There are many options for how to cook Turkish eggplant. One of them is the moussaka dish. This food is prepared in many Balkan countries, including Bulgaria and Greece, but here turkish recipe has its own characteristics. No cheese is put into it, the dish is decorated with peppers and tomatoes. Such diet food is suitable even for those on a diet.


  1. One sweet pepper.
  2. Four hot peppers.
  3. 850 g minced beef.
  4. Bulb.
  5. Tomato paste.
  6. Garlic.
  7. Vegetable oil.
  8. A kilogram of tomatoes.
  9. A kilogram of eggplant.
  10. Zira, pepper, paprika, coriander are well suited as spices.
  11. Salt.

Moussaka recipe

So, let's start cooking Turkish eggplants with minced meat. Cut them into circles and put them on a greased baking sheet. Next, bake the eggplants until golden brown... The process will take about fifteen minutes. Frying eggplants in a pan is not recommended as they will then absorb too much oil. But when baking, this will not happen.

While they are cooking, you can start preparing other vegetables. Wash and dice the tomatoes, peppers and onions. Also grind one hot pepper, garlic. Lightly fry the onion in a pan, adding pepper and garlic. After the vegetables have steamed a little, put the minced meat on them, mix all the ingredients and fry. After that, put the tomatoes and tomato paste in the pan. Simmer the filling for thirty minutes on the lowest heat. And do not forget to add spices to taste.

Now that all the ingredients for the moussaka are ready, we begin to assemble the dish. Put a layer of eggplant on the bottom of the greased baking dish. Next, add the third part on top. meat filling, then eggplant again. Then we repeat the steps again. This should end up with six layers. Decorate the top of the dish with tomato circles and slices hot peppers... Next, bake Turkish eggplants with minced meat for about thirty minutes.

Turkish eggplant

Eggplants can be safely called a favorite of Turkish cuisine. What kind of dishes are not cooked with them. In general, it is difficult to imagine a menu of any Turkish establishment that does not have an eggplant dish. Locals know how to cook a vegetable especially delicious. Turkish eggplants with minced meat - signature dish any restaurant. It is served with any side dishes and with meat. Even as an independent dish, eggplants are delicious. Traditionally, the vegetable is baked, grilled, fried, stewed, pickled. Eggplants are not as popular in our cuisine as in Turkish. Not every housewife knows how to cook them deliciously. Although in fact, Turkish eggplant recipes with minced meat are incredibly simple to perform.

Turkish "boats": ingredients

Turkish eggplants are often cooked in boats. To do this, an incision is made in each vegetable, and then placed in salted water. Bitterness should come out of the eggplant. This only applies to purple fruits. If you prefer white vegetables, then they can be baked without preliminary preparation, since they are completely free of bitterness. In general, any white eggplant dish turns out to be much softer. Therefore, when choosing products, be guided exclusively by your taste. The recipe allows creativity... The same goes for spices - you can choose your own set of spices for cooking.


  1. Two onions.
  2. Four eggplants.
  3. Bulgarian pepper.
  4. Red pepper.
  5. Minced beef - ½ kg.
  6. Parsley.

Turkish boat recipe

Put the eggplants soaked in water on a baking sheet and grease them on top vegetable oil... After that, we send the vegetables to bake. Determine the readiness of vegetables with a fork. The eggplant should be soft and slightly browned.

While the vegetables are baking, let's start cutting bell pepper and onions. Fry them in a pan, adding chopped garlic. Then we put minced meat, pepper to the vegetables and then simmer the mass.

Open the finished eggplants in the place of the cuts and sprinkle with sugar. This will do taste qualities the dishes are more vibrant. Then we fill the boats with minced meat. Decorate the top with parsley or tomatoes. Don't forget to add spices to taste. Put the stuffed eggplants on a greased baking sheet, and pour them on top with diluted with water tomato paste... We send the baking sheet to a hot oven (18 degrees). We cook the dish for about thirty minutes. You can take your time to serve Turkish eggplants hot on the table. They are also good when cold. Once infused, the dish becomes even tastier.

Stuffed eggplant: ingredients

For stuffed eggplant in Turkish you will need:

  1. Two large eggplants.
  2. One onion.
  3. 370 g minced meat.
  4. A couple of cloves of garlic.
  5. Four tomatoes.
  6. Hard cheese - 170 g.
  7. A bunch of greenery.
  8. One hundred grams of tomato juice.

Stuffed Eggplant Recipe

Wash the eggplants and peel them, and also cut them lengthwise and remove all the pulp, then salt and leave to stand for twenty minutes. This time is quite enough for the bitterness to go away. Next, fry the eggplants in vegetable oil.

Dice the onion, garlic, tomatoes, eggplant pulp. Lightly fry the minced meat in a pan, then add chopped vegetables to it and continue to simmer. And don't forget to add salt, spices and parsley.

We fill the eggplant boats with minced meat and vegetables and send the dish to a baking sheet. Top it with tomato sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese. We send the baking sheet to the oven, where we bake the vegetables for thirty-five minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs (mint, oregano) on top.

Turkish eggplant in a pan

To prepare the next version of Turkish eggplant, we need:

  1. One onion.
  2. Minced beef, but you can replace it with pork - 550 g.
  3. Several cloves of garlic.
  4. Three large eggplants.
  5. Two bell peppers.
  6. Curry.
  7. One carrot.
  8. A bunch of cilantro and parsley.
  9. Black pepper.
  10. Tomato paste.

Add salt, spices, curry and chopped cilantro and parsley to the minced meat. Peel the eggplants and cut them into rings, leaving them in salted water for twenty minutes.

In the meantime, let's start cutting vegetables. Grind tomatoes, carrots, peppers and onions into cubes. We place the eggplant mugs vertically in the pan, filling the distance between them with minced meat. We cover the container with a lid and simmer for twenty minutes. Simmer chopped vegetables in a separate frying pan in oil. After they become slightly soft, we send them to the eggplant and minced meat. Pour the dish on top tomato juice or diluted tomato paste. We simmer vegetables under the lid until cooked. The finished dish can be served by decorating green onions or parsley. If you prefer spicy food, you can add more spices. In general, the composition of the products can be changed or diversified. The use of spices and herbs plays an important role in the taste of the dish.

Coming somewhere, we always strive to try National dishes country or region. It is the cuisine that helps to form an opinion about a particular people and its traditions. So, one of the visiting cards of Turkey is a simple but very harmonious dish - Turkish style eggplant with minced meat. Incredibly delicious! And so nourishing, aromatic, expressive and southern, "hot" that you are immediately filled with pleasure and relaxation! Having tried it for the first time in Turkey, I just fell in love! And of course, I did everything to take the recipe for "Turkish" eggplants with minced meat home.

Now I even cook it from “winter” eggplants from the supermarket. And of course, from seasonal eggplant. The dish is very simple! I lay out the eggplant circles, alternating with minced meat, and bake in the oven. Many people ask what kind of spices are included in the dish, and are surprised to learn that only salt and pepper were used. And if you still don't know what to cook with eggplant, don't even hesitate! Only Turkish style eggplant with minced meat - don't hesitate!


  • carrots 1 pc.
  • eggplant 4 pcs.
  • tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • minced pork 400 g
  • salt 0.5 tsp
  • black pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l.

Recipe for cooking eggplant with minced meat in Turkish

On a note:

  • when preparing the pouring sauce, be guided by your taste, it is appropriate to add sweet colored peppers;
  • when baking, a lot of tasty and aromatic liquid is formed, which should be used as a gravy,