Home / Bakery products / Cooking chicken soup. Several step-by-step recipes for making chicken broth soup

Cooking chicken soup. Several step-by-step recipes for making chicken broth soup

Chicken broth is the first dish that is eaten without any additional ingredients. Often this broth is recommended for people to restore physical strength when the body is weakened. When this dish is boiled, you can put whole onions and carrots, and remove at the end. The broth will be much nicer and healthier.

By adding vermicelli, potatoes, mushrooms, herbs, an egg to it, we get a satisfying rich soup... You can fry croutons and grate with garlic - they will not be superfluous.

There are certain important points during cooking: after boiling, it is imperative to reduce the flame, add salt and collect the foam on top, otherwise the broth will not turn out to be a beautiful yellowish color, but cloudy and whitish.

Most of the first courses can be prepared on the basis of chicken broth: pea, mushroom, vegetable, pumpkin, tomato and other soups. Ideally, take a quarter of a home broiler, rinse well and cook for one hour.

A budget option is a ham or thighs from a deli. But the fat in this case will not turn out as useful as from poultry.

Recipe for delicious soup for chicken broth

Ingredients Quantity
Home broiler - 1 kg
Young potatoes - 4 things.
Carrot - 1 PC.
Green lentils - 0.5 cups
Sunflower oil - 50 ml
Parsley - bunch
Tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l
Laurel leaf - 2 pcs.
Onion - 2 pcs.
Filtered water - 3.5 l
Salt - taste
Cooking time: 80 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 51 Kcal

Lentil soup on homemade chicken is one of the most useful, since lentils are completely harmless to the stomach. During cultivation, it does not absorb toxic elements. And, in contrast to its legume congeners, it does not require preliminary long soaking.

After washing and slightly drying a quarter of the bird, boil it in salted water with an onion head. When boiling, reduce the flame and be sure to collect the foam. At the end, throw in a laurel leaf.

Peel the remaining vegetables, chop the onion into cubes, the carrots in half rings, and the potatoes in strips.

Rinse lentils in water many times. Fry carrots and onions until transparent. Dilute tomato paste in half a glass of water. Pour to fry, add some salt and cook for a few minutes.

We remove the chicken and onions from the broth, and instead of them we throw in the potatoes and lentils to boil. At the end, pour in the tomato frying and fall asleep the poultry and parsley disassembled into pieces. We boil for five minutes, and you can turn it off.

Mushroom soup with chicken broth

Any soup made from chicken broth will be rich and healthy, and in combination with mushrooms, it will also be very nutritious. You can put in it cream sauce and at the end interrupt everything with an immersion blender, and it will turn out mushroom soup- mashed potatoes.


  • Fresh champignons - 300 g;
  • Chicken drumstick - 4 pcs.;
  • Purified water - 2 l;
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Low-fat cream - 100 ml;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Dill - a bunch;
  • Laurel leaf - 1 pc .;
  • Sea salt to taste.

We put the washed drumsticks to boil. After boiling, add some salt, put half an onion and a laurel leaf. We clean the vegetables and wash them carefully. Chop onions and carrots into strips, fry in heated vegetable oil.

Chop the mushrooms into slices and immerse them in the frying to cook.

In a small saucepan, we heat the butter, crush the flour there and fry it, stirring occasionally. Pour chilled fresh cream and extinguish for another five minutes.

Cut the potatoes into arbitrary slices and boil them with broth.

We take out the legs, after cooling, peel the meat off them and immerse them back into the soup. We add mushroom frying, creamy sauce, mix everything well and interrupt with a submersible blender in mashed potatoes. Top with dill.

Chicken Broth Vegetable Soup Recipe

Vegetable soup, cooked in chicken broth, can become indispensable everyday dietary meal, a powerful provider of vitamins and nutrients, and most importantly, you can experiment with foods.


  • Chicken leg - 1 pc.;
  • Water - 2 l.;
  • Salt, spices - to taste;
  • Cauliflower - 1 head;
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Peppercorns - 4 grains;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

Boil the chicken leg in salted water with the addition of allspice. Peel the onion and, chop it into half rings, sauté in vegetable oil. Pour the tomatoes with boiling water and peel them, chop them into small cubes and put them on the onions.

Cut the cabbage into inflorescences, wash it carefully under water and lay it out to dry on a towel. My sweet pepper, remove the core and chop it into strips.

Without removing the meat from the pan, add all the prepared foods except cabbage, boil for ten minutes and lay it in. Add some salt and boil for another five minutes.

Chicken broth pea soup

Almost every public catering facility serves pea soup, and it is in steady demand. As a rule, it is cooked in smoked meats, but it is also cooked in broth from poultry. And since this is quite easy to do, it is worth trying to cook it in your home kitchen as well.


  • Whole peas - 1 cup
  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Olive oil - for frying;
  • Salt, spices - to taste;
  • Dill is a bunch.
  • Purified water - 2 liters.

Soak the peas in chilled water overnight. Immerse the pre-washed chicken breast in boiling water, add some salt and boil for half an hour. Peel the onion with carrots and sauté in vegetable oil.

We remove the sternum from the broth and put the swollen peas to cook, at least - for an hour. You will determine its readiness by the crumbling grains. Peel the potatoes and chop them into strips. Having disassembled the cooled meat into fibers, we send it to fry and brown with vegetables.

We boil potatoes with peas, lay out the frying of vegetables and meat. We cook for another five minutes and turn it off. Sprinkle with dill.

You can save time by using cereals or flakes instead of whole swollen peas. Then the process will be reduced by at least three times.

Recipe for pumpkin puree soup with chicken broth

A whole pumpkin in the literal sense of the word can feed one large family. In addition to being economical and having a beautiful appetizing color, it has a number of useful vitamins and is quite nutritious. Concerning pumpkin soup, then you do not need to have high culinary talents to prepare it.


  • Pumpkin - 350 g;
  • Soup chicken - 1 pc.;
  • Small carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Leeks - 2 pcs.;
  • Cream - 150 ml;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Laurel leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • White onion - 1 pc.;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Purified water - 2 liters.

We wash well and cut the bird into pieces. Immerse the cook in boiling salted water with a laurel leaf for at least one hour. We cut the pumpkin in half, clean out the seeds and, chopping it into pieces, send it to boil in broth. We clean the leeks, onions and carrots, chop in half rings and fry in butter until a rich golden color.

We remove the bird from the broth, tear it off the bone and leave to cool. Pour the frying into the broth and pour in the chilled fresh cream.

We boil for five minutes and, adding meat, salt and spices, interrupt with a submersible blender in mashed potatoes. Top with leaves of fragrant mint or basil.

Bean soup with chicken broth

Since beans have a lot of trace elements and amino acids, they are widely used in cooking.


  • White beans - 1 cup;
  • A quarter of a chicken - 1 kg;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Young potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Tomato juice - 0.5 l.;
  • Tomato sauce - 2 tbsp. l;
  • Olive oil - 50 ml;
  • Low-fat sour cream - for dressing;
  • Salt, spices - to taste;
  • Purified water - 3 l.;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.

Soak the beans in boiled water overnight. Do not use the flowing one, otherwise the beans may sour. We wash the bird and immerse it in salted water with an onion head. Drain the beans, rinse again and immerse them to cook with chicken.

Peel potatoes, carrots and leftover onions, cut into cubes. Fry everything except potatoes in olive oil. Pour in tomato juice, sauce, add seasonings and, stirring everything, simmer for ten minutes.

We take the broiler out of the broth, peel the meat off the bones and put it back in the broth. Pour out the vegetable dressing, pour in the potatoes, knead and cook for another ten minutes.

In a small bowl we connect homemade sour cream and chopped garlic with a fillet knife. This will be the sauce for our soup. Also donuts or croutons will be useful.

it will turn out to be unusually tender and juicy if you follow our advice.

Fresh cabbage salad with carrots is good for meat dishes... But also this if you decide to go on a diet.

Do you know how to make delicious hoppy mead at home? ...

  1. Homemade chicken meat is cooked for one hour, store-bought meat - no more than 40 minutes. Do not overcook the bird, stick to this time frame;
  2. After the initial boiling, it is recommended to drain the water, all carcinogens come out with it. The second time, fill the meat, boil until full readiness... This is done when you are in doubt about the quality of the product;
  3. After boiling, the broth can be filtered through cheesecloth. This will make it even more transparent;
  4. Do not wash the bird in hot water;
  5. After cooking pea soup, it is recommended to add fresh dill to it in order to normalize digestion in the intestines;
  6. Use the hand blender to set the speed to the lowest setting when mixing soup to avoid splattering the entire kitchen. If you don't have such an electrical appliance, you can use a crush. Grind the meat in a meat grinder;
  7. Pumpkin soup at the end of cooking can be tied not with herbs, but bread crumbs cooked by yourself.

A hearty lunch and a wonderful meal!

Not so long ago, the world enthusiastically read the book "Chicken broth for the soul" - not a culinary content, but with a "tasty" kitchen name. Why is broth so good that it suits both the stomach and the soul? It is a fragrant, nutritious dish that does not contain unnecessary calories, and at the same time wonderfully saturates, warms, delicious in itself and aromatic. It is no secret that for people who have undergone surgery or a serious illness, doctors prescribe chicken broth for two or three days. This dish is perfect for eating both on its own and as a base for soup or borscht.

Chicken broth soup - preparing food and dishes

How to cook chicken broth? Easy peasy! If you boil a chicken, then wash it well before that, cut off fatty pieces, films, salt the water immediately. After boiling for 20 minutes, the chicken meat will be ready, as well as the broth. If you cook fillets, the broth will be lean, but chicken wings, thighs and meat with bones contain a lot of gelling substance. Such broth can freeze in the refrigerator, and therefore you can use it for cooking jellied meat.

What do you need to make chicken broth soup? Potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, mushrooms - any vegetables will brighten the taste of the dish, adding new notes of aroma. Do not forget about cereals or pasta, as well as herbs.

Chicken Broth Soup Recipes:

Recipe 1: Potato Chicken Broth Soup

If you are limited in products, then cook the simplest potato soup in chicken broth. Little secret- a pinch of young parsley will make the dish unusually fragrant, giving a mushroom smell.

Required Ingredients:

  • Chicken broth 1.8 liters
  • Potatoes 3 pieces
  • Fresh parsley

Cooking method:

  1. Put the chicken broth on the fire.
  2. Peel the potatoes, cut one into cubes, and just wash two well. Place the potatoes (both whole and cut) in water for 10 minutes - this will help remove starch from the root vegetables.
  3. When the broth boils, dip the potatoes into it.
  4. Cook the soup for about 15 minutes. After this period of time, you need to catch the whole potatoes and mash them, and then return them back to the pan.
  5. Add finely chopped parsley to the saucepan a couple of minutes before cooking.

Recipe 2: Chicken Broth Soup with Celery

Potatoes are not the best useful product for those who seek to lose weight, as it is rich in starch and, therefore, carbohydrates. If you do not want to add extra calories to the dish, then replace the potatoes with celery and its tubers. You can also add the greens of this incredibly healthy vegetable. Such a soup with chicken broth can be safely considered dietary, since we will not fry vegetables.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 liters of broth
  • Celery 1 tuber
  • Celery greens
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Bulb onion 1 piece of large size.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the stockpot on the fire.
  2. While the broth is boiling, prepare the vegetables. Peel the celery tuber, wash and cut into cubes.
  3. Wash the carrots and rub finely.
  4. Finely chop the celery greens.
  5. Dip celery and carrots in boiling broth, cook vegetables for about 15 minutes, during which time the vegetables will become soft. Add chopped celery three minutes before cooking.

Recipe 3: Soup with chicken mushroom broth

There is no soup more satisfying than puree soup. Dish French cuisine restaurant class was loved by our fellow citizens for its mild taste, delicate texture and ease of preparation. You will need potatoes, mushrooms (of any kind), and chicken broth.

Required Ingredients:

  • Broth 1, 5 liters
  • Potatoes 4 tubers
  • Mushrooms 400 grams
  • Fresh parsley

Cooking method:

  1. Place a saucepan filled with chicken stock over the fire.
  2. Peel the potatoes and wash them well. Wash the mushrooms and cut them in half.
  3. Dip vegetables in broth and cook for about fifteen minutes. Catch the vegetables with a spoon and use a blender to grind them in mashed potatoes, adding a little broth so that the mass is homogeneous. When you have mashed potatoes, send it to the stove, lightly diluting with the remaining broth to the desired rarity.
  4. Cook the puree soup for another seven to eight minutes, after which you can serve it with a sprig of fresh parsley.

Recipe 4: Chicken Broth Soup with Cheese

You probably know that cheese and chicken make a great gastronomic pair. Who doesn't like chicken and cheese pizza or Julien? Chicken broth soup with melted cheese is also sure to satisfy your taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Chicken broth 2 liters
  • Potatoes 2 tubers
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Cream cheese like "Druzhba" 300 grams (3 pieces)
  • Parsley

Cooking method:

  1. Place a pot of chicken stock on the stove.
  2. Prepare your vegetables. To do this, grate the washed and peeled carrots, cut the potatoes into cubes. Once the broth has boiled, dip the vegetables into it.
  3. Ten minutes after the vegetables, add to the pan cream cheese... You can take not only solid processed cheese but also pasty. Stir the cheese until dissolved and cover the soup with a lid. Cook the soup for another seven to eight minutes.
  4. Three minutes before the end of cooking, make less fire and add herbs to the soup.

Recipe 5: Chicken Broth Soup with Meatballs

Enough delicious recipe which will allow you to create hearty dish from a small amount of products. For cooking meatballs, you can take both minced chicken, so pork or beef.

Required Ingredients:

  • Chicken broth for soup 2 liters
  • Minced meat 300 grams
  • Bulb onion 2 pieces
  • Carrots 1 piece

Cooking method:

  1. Put a pot of broth on the fire.
  2. Let's prepare the frying. Chop the peeled onions and put them in a greased frying pan. After a minute or two, add the grated carrots to it. Saute the vegetables until golden brown.
  3. Making meatballs - make small balls out of minced meat. Dip them in boiling broth, then stir and reduce heat.
  4. Eight minutes after dipping the meatballs into the broth, add the vegetables there. Simmer the soup for about ten minutes more.
  1. The soup will turn out to be more tasty (but it should be noted that along with these and more fatty), if you add a little butter or cream at the end of cooking. And, of course, a safe option is cream cheese.
  2. Do I need to fry vegetables before adding them to soup? Frying will add more flavor to the dish, and also, due to the oil, will make the soup thicker and more attractive golden hue.
  3. Don't forget the bay leaf! Add one or two to the simmering broth. This simple action is neglected by many housewives, depriving the soup of its unusual aroma. Generally Bay leaf you can safely put it in any soups and borscht.
  4. What is the best chicken broth for soup? The broth in which the fillets were boiled turns out to be overly dietary. Best of all, this should be the broth after the legs or wings.

For the recipe you will need:

Chicken - about a pound

Carrots - 1 piece

Onions - 1 piece

Vermicelli - 2 handfuls

Potatoes - 3 pieces

Pepper and salt to taste

Greens to taste.

Chicken soup. Regular recipe- cooking method:

First, make chicken broth

The chicken needs to be washed, cut into pretty large chunks, to fill with water. After the water begins to boil, the foam must be removed from it and the fire must be reduced. Then you need to salt the water and cook the broth for another forty minutes. As soon as the broth is ready, you need to remove the pieces of boiled chicken from it. Tear the meat into small pieces and put it back in the broth. Then you need to cut the potatoes into small cubes, add them to the chicken broth and cook for about 15 minutes from the moment the liquid boils again.

Chop the onions finely. Grate the carrots. Fry all vegetables in vegetable oil. Transfer them to soup. Three minutes later, as soon as the water starts to boil again, add the noodles and salt the soup. You can add some pepper if you like. After that, wait until the noodles are cooked. Season the soup with finely chopped herbs and let it brew.

Chicken soup. The usual recipe is ready - bon appetit!


Soup is the basis of any dinner. Even novice housewives need to learn how to cook simple first meals that are so easy to feed the whole family! After all, then you can do without semi-finished products, and even significantly save the family budget. Simple soups prepared from the most simple products... We offer several options for such soups.

How to make a simple chicken soup

  1. 400 g chicken wings(thighs);
  2. 4 large potatoes;
  3. 1 large carrot;
  4. 2 small onions;
  5. 2 handfuls of pasta "stars" or "spider line" noodles;
  6. 1 tbsp dried herbs or 100 g of fresh parsley (dill);
  7. salt to taste.


Rinse the meat, add water and boil until tender (removing foam if it appears). Peel vegetables, chop potatoes small cubes, chop the onion very finely and grate the carrots. Place vegetables in a saucepan, cook until potatoes are tender, then add pasta and salt to taste. Cook for another 5-7 minutes, add herbs before removing from heat. The easiest chicken soup is ready!

See also the video recipe - Light chicken noodle soup - a step-by-step cooking recipe

How to Make Simple Rice Soup (Vegetable)

You can pamper yourself with such a soup without any harm to the figure. After all, it contains only healthy vegetables(too starchy and high-calorie potatoes are not included in their number) and very little rice. Season it with olive oil for a wonderful dietary meal!

Ingredients (per 3 liter saucepan):

  1. 4 tablespoons rice (it is better to choose unpolished, it is the most useful);
  2. 2 onions;
  3. 2 carrots;
  4. 3 bell peppers;
  5. 4 tomatoes;
  6. 100 g fresh parsley;
  7. ½ tsp ground paprika;
  8. 3 tbsp olive oil;
  9. a pinch of ground black pepper;
  10. salt to taste.


For a richer taste, the vegetables for the soup must be pre-fried. This requires a deep, thick-bottomed pan.

Peel the onions and carrots, chop the onion, grate the carrots. Remove seeds from pepper, cut it into small strips. Gently cut the skin off the tomatoes and cut into small cubes. Heat 2 tablespoons. olive oil in a frying pan, place all the vegetables there and fry for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly. In the meantime, heat the water in a saucepan, add the washed rice, bring to a boil and lay out the fry. Cook, covered over low heat, until the rice is cooked. Add remaining oil, spices, chopped herbs and salt before removing from heat.

The same simple soup can be cooked by replacing rice with bulgur or barley. In this case, the cooking time will slightly increase - these cereals are cooked much more slowly.

How to make a simple mushroom soup

You can take any mushrooms, but it is better, of course, white ones. In general, it should be borne in mind that soup with forest mushrooms it turns out to be an order of magnitude tastier.

Ingredients (per 3 liter saucepan):

  1. 500 g fresh mushrooms;
  2. 4 large potatoes;
  3. 2 carrots;
  4. 2 onions;
  5. 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
  6. 1 parsnip root;
  7. 1 dried parsley root;
  8. 4 bay leaves;
  9. salt and ground pepper to taste.


Rinse the mushrooms and chop finely. Wash and peel vegetables, cut potatoes into cubes, onions into small rings, grate carrots and roots. Boil mushrooms in salted water until half cooked, add potatoes and bay leaf. Fry onions with carrots and roots on vegetable oil, season the soup and cook until the potatoes are tender. At the end of cooking, add the bay leaf (after 15-20 minutes it must be removed from the soup). Season with salt and pepper - and you're done!

By the way, this soup can be cooked without frying: just add all the vegetables to the pot along with the potatoes and cook until tender.

1. Any soup can be cooked in vegetable, meat or bone broth prepared in advance.

2. The foam when cooking meat and vegetables must be removed to make the soup transparent.

3. Do not add bouillon cubes and seasonings containing the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate to the soup. Taste qualities of these additives are questionable, and the harm to health is obvious. To improve the taste ready meal, it is better to add the usual spices, dried or fresh herbs, bay leaf. Bon Appetit!


How to make chicken soup

In this article, we will tell you about how to cook chicken soup , and at the same time about how to cook chicken broth (firstly, sometimes broth is needed, and secondly, chicken soup still starts with making broth).

There are two "classic" varieties of chicken soup: with noodles or rice. Let's talk first about the first - chicken soup with noodles or noodles. Immediately, we note that it is absolutely not necessary to buy a whole chicken for this, although this path is also not excluded if, for example, you want chicken broth for the first and boiled chicken for the second. If the plans only include chicken soup, then, as it seems to us, it is better to choose separate parts of the chicken: chicken breast (then the broth will be low-fat and more dietary), or chicken legs(for lovers of a fatty broth), or chicken thighs(this is a conditionally medium-fat option, we often prefer it). There are also wings, of course, but this is, in fact, "skin and bones", for the broth it may do, but there will be practically no meat in your soup.

  • Chicken (chicken breasts, you can fillet, chicken legs or thighs) - the amount of your choice, depending on how much you want to have chicken meat in your soup and the desired "richness" of the broth; on a 3-4-liter saucepan, you can put from 200-300 grams to a kilogram. We usually put 600-800 grams
  • Onions - 1 medium-sized onion
  • Salt - about 0.5 tablespoon (taste it!)
  • Black peppercorns - 8-10 peas
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 leaves
  • Carrots - 1 piece of medium size
  • Potatoes - 6-8 medium-sized potatoes (the amount depends on the size of the potatoes and the desired thickness of your soup)
  • Vermicelli or noodles - the amount of your choice (about 200 grams - if we are talking about the weight of dry purchased noodles before cooking)
  • Dill - at your request (note in parentheses that dill can be added to almost any soup, and it is better to add it directly to the plate just before use)

First, we cook chicken broth (it is cooked in the same way as meat broth, but a little faster). My chicken pieces cold water, put it in a saucepan, fill it with cold water and put the pan on the stove on high heat, don't close the lid, wait for the foam to appear. You can wash and peel the carrot at this time, cut it into small cubes, slices or strips, or rub the carrot on a coarse grater.

When, shortly before boiling, foam forms on the surface of the broth, carefully and quickly remove it with a slotted spoon so that the broth is transparent. When the broth boils, add the carrots, salt, peppercorns, bay leaf and the whole peeled onion, without cutting. When the broth boils again, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid. After a few minutes, we lift the lid and, making sure that our broth is slowly boiling and bubbling, we close it again, and in this state of quiet boiling, under a closed lid, we leave the broth to cook for 45 minutes.

Meanwhile, peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes with an edge of about 1 cm.

If you cook soup for more than one day (which we often do, counting on 3-4 days), we advise you to cook the vermicelli separately, because if you boil it in broth and leave it there, there is a risk that it will swell to the point of impossibility and will turn your soup into porridge. So, while the chicken is boiling, we cook noodles (just for "dummies": bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, add salt, add the noodles, immediately stir thoroughly so as not to stick together, after boiling, cook for 5 minutes, put it in a colander, rinse with cold water ). You can replace the noodles with noodles or some shell pasta (it takes longer to cook: 10-12 minutes), the shape of the noodles or pasta according to your taste.

We put the cooked and washed vermicelli in a small container with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

When 45-50 minutes of boiling of our chicken broth has passed, the chicken is ready, the broth is also. Now is the time to turn the broth into soup.

We throw out the onion from the broth (few people like pieces of boiled onions). We also take out the pieces of chicken, if we want the process of absorbing the soup to look aesthetically pleasing and it would not be necessary to gnaw the chicken bones with our hands. While the chicken cools down, so that you can take it apart from the bones, put the cooked chopped potatoes in the broth, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes.

We disassemble the warm chicken with our hands, separating it from the bones, it is also better to discard the chicken skin, we divide the chicken into pieces. Put the chicken pieces back into the soup, bring to a boil and simmer for 3-4 minutes.

Put 1-2 tablespoons of cold noodles in a plate, fill with very hot soup, add dill if desired and eat. If the next day you reheat the soup in microwave oven directly on the plate, you can reheat the noodles in the soup. Now you know, how to cook chicken soup with noodles.

If you want to make chicken soup not with noodles, but with rice, then this is also easy. You do all the same, naturally, do not cook the vermicelli, but at the same time with the potatoes put in the pan about half a glass or a little more rice, which you previously washed 2-3 times with cold water. The soup will be ready 30 minutes after the broth has boiled.


Go for it! Be creative! Cook!

Eat yourself, feed your family, treat your friends!


Get the Recipe: Chicken Soup - Fried

potatoes - 8 pcs;

onion - 1 pc;

medium-sized carrots - 1 pc;

greens - 1 bunch;

dried dill - to taste;

salt and spices to taste;

bay leaf - 1 leaf;

sunflower oil - 1 tsp

When all the scale is removed (if you do not remove it, then “garbage” will float in the broth and it will not be beautiful and not transparent, if there are still uncaught pieces, I recommend draining the first broth - pour clean water again and boil again - this is how the broth will be cleaner and healthier, since now so much chemistry is added to the chicken that it is better to protect myself and usually I always drain the first broth - this does not make the taste worse, but now I did not have much time to cook, so I just removed the scale with a ladle ), cut the potatoes - cut the large ones into 3 parts, small in half and cut into such pieces

and add to the boiling chicken broth. Reduce the heat of the stove and cook over medium heat for about 25 minutes.

At this time, we are preparing the frying. Finely chop the onion and garlic

pour oil into the pan

When it is warmed up, we begin to fry the onions

after 2-3 minutes add the garlic (it cooks faster, so it does not need to be added immediately with the onion)

Fry everything over low heat, stirring constantly until the vegetables become a beautiful golden color

When the potatoes were boiled

add bay leaves and spices

boil for 3 minutes. Turn off the stove and at the very end, throw in fresh herbs and dry dill

Cover with a lid, let it brew for 15-20 minutes and you can eat

The taste of chicken broth is familiar to all people since childhood. It is used as a base for soups or as a full-fledged independent dish. Chicken broth has a set useful properties, which allow the product to be used as a dietary and even therapeutic agent.

Thanks to a large number amino acids, protein components, vitamins, this broth is recommended for the nutrition of young children, pregnant and lactating, is used in a special diet after surgery and allows you to restore strength after severe viral diseases.

That is why every housewife needs to know a few different recipes making soups based on chicken broth, in order not only to diversify the menu, but also to use the dish for medicinal and prophylactic purposes.

Little tricks before cooking

In order for the broth to turn out to be truly tasty and healthy, you need to know a few tricks that help to prepare the base for soups without flaws.

There is an opinion that when cooking broth, you must first bring it to a boil, then drain the water, add a new one, and only then cook the base for soups.

Such a technique will allow you to rid the dish of excess fat, as well as harmful substances that may be present in poultry meat or in its bones.

There are some small tricks related to the choice of chicken for subsequent cooking:

  • the bird must be young (not a laying hen);
  • carcass weight should be no more than 2 kg;
  • if you use store-bought chickens, it is best to give preference to packaging that says "soup".

It is not recommended to choose broilers as a basis for the preparation of broth, since nutrients there is not much in it. In the event that there is no bird other than them on sale, then the best option- selection of a small broiler (weighing up to 2 kg).

Besides the right choice chicken, the process of making the broth itself belongs to the tricks. So used meat and bones should be poured with cold water, brought to a boil and drained. Then pour in a new one, continue cooking for about 35 minutes more.

If the whole carcass is used, then it should not be cut into pieces during cooking - this will transfer more nutrients into the broth. To enhance the taste and aroma, it is recommended to add fresh vegetables- onions and carrots, and use the cubes in minimum quantity, and with dietary or baby food - completely exclude.

Most tasty soup chicken noodle

Ingredients Quantity
chicken (whole carcass) - 2 Kg
vegetable oil - 30 ml
fresh onion - 1-2 pcs.
carrot - 3 pcs.
celery - 3 pcs.
purified water - 3 liters
fresh parsley - 3-4 branches
thyme (fresh and dried) - taste
noodles (egg or wheat) - 350 g
egg - 1 PC.
salt and seasonings - taste
citrus (lemon) juice - 20 ml
Cooking time: 140 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 52 Kcal

This version of the first course is considered a classic. It is prepared in hospitals, child care facilities and even restaurants. Every housewife should add it to her piggy bank of recipes.

Steps in preparing a first course:

Serve hot as a base for lunch.

Recipe for tender chicken soup with rice

Easy to prepare but delicious soup that can be served both for lunch and dinner. In order to implement the recipe, you need a set of ingredients:

  • chicken (or only fillet) - 1/2 kg;
  • chicken broth (prepared in advance, strained) - 1 l;
  • rice (steamed) - 50 g (you do not need to boil in advance);
  • canned corn - 350 g (1 can);
  • fresh bulgarian pepper (different colors) - 2 pcs (as an exception, the use of paprika is allowed);
  • fresh tomatoes - 3-4 medium-sized pieces;
  • fresh herbs - to taste (parsley, green onions or cilantro to choose from).

Time for cooking is 60 minutes.

Soup calories (per 100 g) - 37 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Process all vegetables - wash, peel onions, pepper seeds, chop;
  2. The chicken should be cut into small pieces, rinsed;
  3. Fry the poultry until golden brown (but not crispy);
  4. Put the container with the broth prepared in advance on medium heat;
  5. Put rice in it and bring to a boil, then cook for another 10-15 minutes;
  6. Place the fried chicken in the broth and cook for another 17 minutes;
  7. Chop the tomatoes in mashed potatoes, add spices and corn, simmer over low heat (heat) for about 4 minutes, then place in the broth.

Before serving, finely chop the herbs, add hot chili in portions (optional).

How to make rich pea soup

The recipe is great for baby food, will be a good base for lunch or dinner. For cooking, you will need a set of ingredients, which can be easily purchased at any store:

  • peas - ¾ glass (first, it should be soaked in hot water for at least 2 hours);
  • chicken - 300-400 g;
  • fresh vegetables (a classic set for first courses - onions, carrots, potatoes) - 1 pc;
  • water prepared for cooking - on average 2 liters (depending on the desired thickness of the dish)
  • fresh (dried when added to soup) greens - the amount is selected to taste;
  • salt (it is possible with additions of seasonings in the composition) and spices, bay leaf - also to taste.

Cooking time - 65 minutes.

Calories per 100 g (standard) - 34 kcal.

  1. Chicken (or only meat, if it is already separated from the bones) rinse thoroughly in warm or cold water, remove the skin, trim off excess fat;
  2. Put the water on heating, salt, place the chicken, cook until tender;
  3. After cooking, cut into pieces, separate completely from the cartilage and bones (the meat returns to the broth);
  4. Peel the potatoes and cut into pieces (cubes), put in the broth;
  5. Peel, chop and fry vegetables;
  6. Add the peas to the broth, cook until soft for an average of 23 minutes;
  7. Place the fried vegetables in the broth and cook for another 11 minutes.

Before serving, let the soup brew under a closed lid for about 20 minutes. Put chopped greens in each serving.

How to make chicken dumpling soup

This unusual and hearty soup can be the basis for a hearty lunch or dinner. To prepare the dish, you need to collect the following ingredients:

  • chicken (you can take breast or thigh) - 500 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • fresh vegetables (set of carrots, onions) - 100 g (potatoes -600 g);
  • salt (can be flavored or herbs), black pepper (in any form) - to taste (or 5 g).

To make dumplings:

  • flour (wheat) - 350 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc;
  • water - 90 -110 ml;
  • salt - to the taste of the hostess;

Cooking time - 75 minutes.

Calories of the finished dish per 100 g - 38 kcal.

Step-by-step cooking steps:

  1. Put the water for the broth on medium heat;
  2. Rinse the chicken, free it from skin, fat and bones, cut into small pieces, place in water and salt;
  3. Cook, removing the foam, for at least half an hour;
  4. Wash, peel and chop vegetables (carrots and onions), do not fry;
  5. Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes;
  6. After the chicken is completely cooked (the meat becomes white and soft), place the prepared vegetables in the broth, add spices and salt, cook for about 15-17 minutes.

Cooking dumplings:

  1. Sift flour (ideally wheat is used) so that the dough acquires a natural splendor;
  2. Combine water, flour and salt, stir until homogeneous mass no lumps;
  3. The resulting dough should be medium in density.

Continuing to prepare the soup:

  1. As soon as the vegetables are fully cooked, it is necessary to add dumplings to the broth (scoop up the dough with a spoon and dip into the broth);
  2. Cook further, reducing the heat, until fully cooked for another 15 minutes.

When serving, sprinkle portions with finely chopped herbs.

Diet chicken broth with vegetables

Diet food should be tasty and healthy so that the process of losing weight or recovering is enjoyable. To prepare chicken soup with vegetables that could be eaten on a diet, you will need the following ingredients:

  • chicken (legs) - 350 g;
  • zucchini (small) - 1 pc;
  • onions and small paprika - Bell pepper- 1 piece;
  • seasonings and spices (salt, pepper - used as black peas and allspice already ground, or a mixture of various peppers, dried bay leaf).

Cooking time - 60 minutes.

Calories per 100 g volume - 48 kcal.

Correct cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the chicken, remove the skin;
  2. Put the water on medium heat and put the chicken in it (cook for about 20 minutes), then take it out and free it from the bones, then put the meat back into the broth;
  3. Peel and cut all vegetables (zucchini - into cubes);
  4. Without frying, place them in the broth, then put the spices - cook until tender.

Serve hot for lunch with herbs.

What a delicious puree soup can be made from chicken

With mushrooms

Soup - puree of chicken and mushrooms - great option not only for everyday meals, but also for a festive occasion. The preparation requires the following ingredients:

  • chicken (breast) - 550 g;
  • fresh potatoes - 2-4 pcs (depending on the size of the tuber or dry mashed potatoes 2 tbsp);
  • mushrooms (choice of frozen or fresh, including freshly harvested) - 400 g;
  • butter 82.5% fat, butter - 50 g;
  • onions (medium-sized) - 1 pc;
  • carrots (you can use grated ice cream) - 1 pc;
  • salt and various spices (bay leaf is required);
  • fresh herbs (dill or parsley) - 2-4 small sprigs.

Cooking time - 80 minutes.

The calorie content of 1 serving of a ready-made dish is 52 kcal (per 100 g).

Cooking steps:

  1. Peel the mushrooms (if they are not frozen), wash, cut into small pieces and simmer with butter until tender;
  2. Wash the chicken and remove the skin, put the water on heating, place the chicken in it, cook until tender, then remove, separate the meat from the bones and chop;
  3. Pass the finished mushrooms and chicken through the chopper - blender;
  4. Chop the carrots and onions, sauté until they are completely softened, stirring constantly, place in the broth, along with the chicken and mushrooms, add salt and spices.

Garnish portions with a sprig of herbs before serving.

- the cereal itself is rather bland, but in the East they know how to cook it.

Homemade pork sausage - this dish has already become traditional among Ukrainians, try to cook it too.

Take note of pike perch jellied - our recipes will help you prepare a delicious dish.

With cream

Creamy Soup Recipe is made with the following ingredients:

  • chicken (leg or breast) - 400 g;
  • vegetable set for soup - carrots and onions - 1 piece of each product;
  • for frying - vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • cream (fat) - 30 ml;
  • flour (classic wheat) - 1 tbsp;
  • soft butter(not margarine) - 15 g;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • salt and seasonings - amount as desired.

Time complete cooking dishes tailored preparatory work- 65 minutes.

Calorie content (for those on a diet) of ready-made soup - puree (100 g) - 56 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Process the chicken to be used in cooking (rinse thoroughly under running cool water in order to remove excess fat, remove the skin);
  2. Pour about 2 liters of water into a saucepan, you can add a little more, put chicken in it, salt, cook (at least 40 minutes);
  3. Peel, chop and fry vegetables in vegetable oil;
  4. A couple of minutes before the vegetables are ready, add flour (stir well);
  5. Free the prepared chicken meat (if necessary) from the bones and pass through a special device - a blender;
  6. Place the meat back in the broth, add the vegetables sautéed with flour;
  7. Bring the soup to a boil, add cream and butter (melt), stir;
  8. Cook a little more (2-3 minutes will be enough), then turn off the heating and close the lid, let it brew for quite a bit.

Sprinkle with chopped dill before serving. Rye croutons can be served as decoration.

Chefs' tips

For making chicken soups, you should take small carcasses (without entrails). In order for the meat to easily separate from the bones, the cooking time should be increased by 20 minutes.

The amount of water depends on the volume of the pot, but it is necessary that the carcass is completely covered with liquid. In order for the broth to be transparent and light, you will need to constantly remove the foam, and drain the first broth.

Bon Appetit!

It is difficult to find any part of the chicken that cannot be used to make chicken soup. Prepare chicken breast soup, soup from chicken hearts, chicken fillet soup, chicken giblet soup, chicken wings soup, soup from chicken liver, chicken neck soup, chicken legs... Chicken soup recipes are striking in their variety. Virtually every National cuisine has his own chicken soup in his arsenal. The most important thing in chicken soup is chicken broth. Welding delicious broth you can make mushroom soup with chicken broth or vegetable soup in chicken broth. In addition to broth, chicken meat is also used. For example, you can make a soup with chicken dumplings, chicken puree soup, soup with chicken meatballs. Chicken Soup Recipe in addition to broth and chicken meat, it can include a wide variety of vegetables, cereals and other ingredients. Having chosen what you like best, you can start cooking chicken soup with noodles, chicken noodle soup, chicken soup with mushrooms, chicken soup with potatoes, chicken soup with mushrooms, chicken soup with pasta, chicken soup with vegetables, chicken soup with beans, chicken soup with cabbage, chicken soup with cheese, chicken soup with tomatoes, chicken soup with potatoes, chicken soup with lentils, chicken soup with zucchini, chicken soup with dumplings, chicken soup with melted cheese. A few words on how to make delicious chicken soup. The most delicious chicken soup is prepared of course from homemade chicken... The first water must be drained to make the broth clear. The ingredients for chicken soup are usually prepared separately, and then seasoned with chicken broth, after which the chicken soup is finished. Tasty chicken soup will help to prepare spices, and chicken soup goes well with cream. Well, it will best answer the questions of how to cook chicken soup, how to cook chicken soup, how to cook chicken soup, how to cook chicken soup, a recipe with a photo.

Many women want to know how many calories are in chicken soup. Due to the abundance of possible ingredients (there is chicken soup with egg, chicken soup with buckwheat, chicken soup with rice, chicken cream soup, chicken soup with homemade noodles, chicken soup with meatballs), it is difficult to evaluate chicken soup in this sense. The calorie content of chicken noodle soup will be one, and the recipe for chicken noodle soup, chicken puree soup, chicken noodle soup, recipe sorrel soup in chicken broth, will provide your body with a completely different amount of calories. The calorie content of 100 ml of chicken broth is on average 20 Kcal, but it can fluctuate greatly depending on which parts of the chicken the broth is prepared from and whether you drained the first broth. For example, soup from chicken breasts, chicken neck soup, soup with chicken fillet and chicken giblets soup will initially be very different in terms of the number of calories. Thus, you can cook light chicken soup or diet chicken soup, or you can make a rich one in fatty broth.