Home / Recipes / Nutella species. Nutella at home from powdered milk

Nutella species. Nutella at home from powdered milk

Nutella is a chocolate-nut spread that has been produced since 1964. It has a delicate texture and rich unique taste. Nutella is one of the most popular foods around the world. It is sold in 75 countries.

Calorie content

100 grams of the product contains 530 kcal.


The exact composition of Nutella is a trade secret of its manufacturer. The package indicates that the paste contains hazelnut, skimmed milk powder, skimmed cocoa, palm oil, sugar, whey powder, lactose, soy lecithin, vanilla flavor.

Moreover, the composition of Nutella varies depending on the country where it is sold: in Italy, the sugar content is less than in France, in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Ukraine and Russia, palm oil is used instead of vegetable, in Greece, Italy and Russia, the share of milk powder is 5%, and in Australia and New Zealand - 8.7%.


Nutella is ideal for spreading on sandwiches, waffles, pancakes, toast, croissants, muffins, cakes, pastries and a variety of desserts.


Nutella's recipe was invented by Pietro Ferrero, the owner of a small bakery in the Italian town of Alba. In the post-war years, chefs looked for ways to create a cheap sweet with a little cocoa that was quite expensive.

Ferrero invented a paste made from roasted hazelnuts, cocoa butter and milk. Initially, it was quite hard and consisted of a dense briquette that was cut with a knife. It was placed on slices of bread. Once Pietro Ferrero made a large batch of such cakes, but the heat melted due to the heat. Then Ferrero offered customers a new product that literally fascinated them.

Between 1946 and 1951, the pasta was called Gianduja and was a foil wrapped bar.

In 1951-1964 it was renamed Supercrema and began to be packaged in glass jars.

Since 1964, Nutella has been given its current name and the well-known original glass jar, the design of which has not changed again.

The slogan of chocolate spread is translated into Russian as "What would the world be without Nutella?"

A 400 gram jar of Nutella contains 52 grams of hazelnuts.

In 2008, in honor of the European Football Championship, Ferrero released an 850-gram can of Nutella, painted in the colors of the Italian uniform.

In 2002, during the transition to a new currency - the euro - Nutella's bank entered the German market with a volume of 1.95583 kg, which corresponded to the fixed exchange rate of the German mark to the euro.


Nutella is a chocolate-nut spread that has been produced since 1964. It has a delicate texture and rich unique taste. Nutella is one of the most popular foods around the world. It is sold in 75 countries.

Calorie content

100 grams of the product contains 530 kcal.

The nutritional value

  • Proteins, g: 6.80
  • Fat, g: 31.00
  • Carbohydrates, g: 56.00


The exact composition of Nutella is a trade secret of its manufacturer. The package indicates that the paste contains hazelnut, skimmed milk powder, skimmed cocoa, palm oil, sugar, whey powder, lactose, soy lecithin, vanilla flavor.

Moreover, the composition of Nutella varies depending on the country where it is sold: in Italy, the sugar content is less than in France, in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Ukraine and Russia, palm oil is used instead of vegetable, in Greece, Italy and Russia, the share of milk powder is 5%, and in Australia and New Zealand - 8.7%.


Nutella is ideal for spreading on sandwiches, waffles, pancakes, toast, croissants, muffins, cakes, pastries and a variety of desserts.


Nutella's recipe was invented by Pietro Ferrero, the owner of a small bakery in the Italian town of Alba. In the post-war years, chefs looked for ways to create a cheap sweet with a little cocoa that was quite expensive.

Ferrero invented a paste made from roasted hazelnuts, cocoa butter and milk. Initially, it was quite hard and consisted of a dense briquette that was cut with a knife. It was placed on slices of bread. Once Pietro Ferrero made a large batch of such cakes, but the heat melted due to the heat. Then Ferrero offered customers a new product that literally fascinated them.

Between 1946 and 1951, the pasta was called Gianduja and was a foil wrapped bar.

In 1951-1964 it was renamed Supercrema and began to be packaged in glass jars.

Since 1964, Nutella has been given its current name and the well-known original glass jar, the design of which has not changed again.

Interesting Facts

The slogan of chocolate spread is translated into Russian as "What would the world be without Nutella?"

A 400 gram jar of Nutella contains 52 grams of hazelnuts.

In 2008, in honor of the European Football Championship, Ferrero released an 850-gram can of Nutella, painted in the colors of the Italian uniform.

In 2002, during the transition to a new currency - the euro - Nutella's bank entered the German market with a volume of 1.95583 kg, which corresponded to the fixed exchange rate of the German mark to the euro.

The benefits of Nutella pasta

Ferrero recommends consuming Nutella in the amount of two teaspoons a day. This serving contains only 80 calories and is enough for the body to receive the necessary portion of vitality and energy. The presence of cocoa in the paste helps to increase the tone and stimulates the production of the hormone of joy endorphin.

Harm and contraindications

Nutella is a carbohydrate-rich product, so people who are prone to overweight should not lean too much on this sweetness. Those who suffer from allergies to milk, nuts and cocoa-containing foods will have to give up pasta altogether.

How to cook Nutella at home

For the preparation of chocolate paste, you need to use only hazelnuts; you cannot replace it with other nuts, because you will get a completely different taste and aroma. Hazelnuts need to be fried, but you can buy them raw and fry them in a pan. So let's get down to cooking.


  • milk - 4 tbsp.;
  • hazelnuts (hazelnuts) - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp.;
  • icing sugar - to taste;
  • wheat flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa powder - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.


So how do you make delicious Nutella right at home? We take a deep bowl, pour granulated sugar, flour and cocoa into it. Mix everything well. Now pour milk into a ladle and heat it over low heat until warm. Then gently, in small portions, pour it into our bowl of cocoa and mix thoroughly so that no lumps form. Now let's take care of the nuts, take the hazelnuts, peel them and grind them with a blender. Add powdered sugar to the chopped hazelnuts and mix. Add butter and olive oil to the nuts.

Mix the nut mixture with the milk mixture and mix thoroughly and quickly. We put on low heat for 5 minutes so that the paste thickens a little.

Cool the finished Nutella, put it in jars, screw it up with lids and put it in the refrigerator. Keeping it there, of course, is not worth it, because it will harden a lot and will be poorly spread on the loaf. It is best to store Nutella at room temperature.

Cooked in this way, Nutella turns out to be elastic, homogeneous and fragrant, in a word - this is real bliss for all those with a sweet tooth!

You can use any nuts - peanuts, hazelnuts or cashews. It is better to take cocoa powder of good quality, the result depends on it.

Combine sugar, cocoa powder and wheat flour in a saucepan or bowl that can be put on fire.

Stir dry ingredients with a whisk (or a simple spoon) until smooth and brown.

Pour the entire portion of milk into a saucepan, mixing it thoroughly with the rest of the ingredients. The liquid should come out without lumps, this is important. Otherwise, you will have to grind it through a sieve.

Place the pot over low heat. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly with a whisk so that the mixture does not burn and stick to the bottom and sides of the pan.

While the liquid is boiling, chop the nuts. You can do it in a mortar, you can do it through a meat grinder or, like me, in a blender. Place the nuts in a blender bowl.

Beat the nuts in a blender until finely crumbled. A blender will do the job perfectly in 3-4 minutes if you are using a high speed.

After the mixture thickens and brews in a saucepan, add butter and chopped peanuts into it. My kids love it when the nuts are felt in the paste, so I didn't break them very finely. Boil the mixture and boil until the thickness you need.

Do not forget that after cooling, the mixture will thicken even more. Stir the contents of the saucepan with a whisk from time to time. Then remove from heat and refrigerate.

Transfer to a jar, close the lid and store Nutella in the refrigerator.

This chocolate paste can be used very widely - spread on sandwiches and sweet pastries, stuffing homemade croissants. Homemade nutella is also great as a cream for chocolate cake.

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Homemade plum nutella (no nuts)

An excellent recipe for making delicious homemade nutella. Be sure to prepare several jars for future use. Nutella Nut Free keeps well in the refrigerator.


  • 2 kilograms of black plums;
  • A kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 250 grams of butter (82.5% fat);
  • 100 grams of quality cocoa powder.


  1. Choose ripe plums that do not have any traces of spoilage. Rinse, dry and remove the bones. This leaves about 1800 grams of plums. Grind them in mashed potatoes with a blender or with a meat grinder. If you do not want crushed peels in the plum nutella, wipe the plum through a fine sieve. Sprinkle the plum puree with sugar and place over medium heat in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Bring the puree to a boil and, stirring constantly, cook for three minutes. Then sift the cocoa powder in small portions, stirring it right away, add softened butter. Simmer for five minutes with constant stirring.
  2. Rinse and sterilize the jars thoroughly, dry. Spread out the homemade nutella and cover with a towel to cool. After cooling completely, close the lids and refrigerate. You can store plum nutella for up to 8 months.

Nutella from chocolate (white and black) with hazelnuts

From the specified amount of ingredients, you get a 400 ml jar of homemade nutella.


  • White chocolate - 100 grams;
  • Dark chocolate - 100 grams;
  • Butter - 50 grams;
  • Milk (3.2% fat) - 80 ml;
  • Granulated sugar - 70 grams;
  • 70 grams of peeled hazelnuts.


  1. Fry the hazelnuts in a dry preheated pan, stirring constantly, for 4 minutes. Remove the husks from the nuts, they are useless in the nutella. Grind the nuts into crumbs in any convenient way.
  2. Divide the chocolate into slices, cut the butter into cubes, add milk, nuts and sugar. Melt in a saucepan over very low heat. When the mixture boils, cook for another 2 minutes. Nutella needs to be stirred constantly. From the very moment you put the pan on the stove until it cools down, so that the mass is homogeneous.
  3. When the chocolate nutella has boiled for 2 minutes, immediately place the saucepan in cold water and, while stirring, wait until the cream becomes warm. Divide into jars.
  4. If you want to make nutella out of two colors, you will have to halve all the ingredients, or double the serving. Spread out the black and white nutella using piping bags. Nutella with hazelnuts tastes like a real store. Only free of flavors and preservatives.

Nutella with milk powder and vanilla

Homemade nutella chocolate spread in three minutes. No need to cook, cool. This nutella can be prepared for breakfast.


  • 350 ml of unscented sunflower oil;
  • 100 grams of peeled hazelnuts;
  • Milk (fat content 3.2%) - 150 ml;
  • Powdered sugar or sugar - 90 grams;
  • Cocoa powder - 4 tablespoons (no slide);
  • 3 tablespoons of milk powder or cream;
  • 1 gram vanillin.


  1. Dry the nuts in a hot skillet for 4 minutes, then peel them off. Turn into crumbs with a blender.
  2. Heat the milk slightly and add the powdered sugar to it. If you are using sugar instead of powdered sugar, stir it before making the chocolate spread.
  3. Mix vanillin, milk with vegetable oil in a glass of a blender, or in a narrow high container for beating with a mixer. Whisk. Mix chopped nuts with milk powder and cocoa powder, add to milk paste. Whisk again.
  4. Homemade nutella with milk powder is ready. Place it in the jars immediately and refrigerate. Store for one month before opening and two days after. Therefore, use small jars for quick homemade chocolate spread.

Nutella with walnuts without eggs

A simple recipe for making Nutella with walnuts. Such a paste is stored for up to 8 weeks.


  • Milk (fat content 3.2%) - 500 ml;
  • Butter - 50 grams;
  • 400 grams of sugar or powdered sugar;
  • Peeled walnuts - 100 grams;
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons with a small slide;
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons (premium wheat bakery);
  • Fine salt - a quarter teaspoon;
  • You can add a little vanilla if you like.


  1. Sift the cocoa flour and add sugar. Add milk and whisk to avoid lumps.
  2. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and over very low heat, stirring constantly, bring the pasta to a boil. Turn off the gas two minutes after boiling, and stir the paste until it cools down to room temperature. To speed up the process, you can pour cold water into a sink or basin and place a saucepan.
  3. Dry the nuts in the oven or fry them in a dry hot pan for literally 3 minutes. Grind into crumbs and add to the cooled paste.
  4. Add soft butter, beat the mixture again with a mixer. Incredibly delicious Nutella at home is ready!

For storage, you can use disposable plastic containers - this is more convenient.

Lean chickpea nutella

In the post, you also want something tasty. Indulge in the lean chickpea nutella. Not only tasty, but also healthy.


  • 200 grams of natural dark chocolate (read the composition);
  • 100 grams of brown sugar;
  • 100 grams of dry chickpeas.


  1. When buying dark chocolate, pay attention to the label. In addition to cocoa butter, the composition should no longer contain any vegetable fats. Don't skimp on chocolate, as this is the main ingredient in delicious homemade nutella.
  2. Rinse the chickpeas thoroughly and soak in cold boiled water overnight. Do not spare the water, then you will drain. Chickpeas, more than necessary, will not take liquid.
  3. 12 hours after the chickpeas have been soaked, you can start cooking the pasta.
  4. Drain off the rest of the water, rinse the chickpeas and pour boiling water per a glass of swollen chickpeas - 3 glasses of water. Simmer, covered, for an hour. You can use a multicooker. There, select the "extinguishing" mode.
  5. If excess liquid remains in the cooked chickpeas, drain it, and turn the chickpeas into puree using a blender. Someone likes nutella to be grainy, in which case, use a meat grinder.
  6. Brown sugar can be replaced with white, but it won't be as useful anymore. Sugar must be crushed into powder.
  7. Break the chocolate into slices and melt together with the powdered sugar in a water bath. Using a mixer, beat the chickpeas with melted chocolate and arrange the pasta into the jars.

Helpful hints:

  • Choose high-quality oil, made in accordance with GOST with a fat content of 82.5%.
  • Fresh milk, fat content not less than 3.2%.
  • Before adding nuts to nutella, be sure to taste and smell them. If they are musty, nothing good will come of it.
  • If chocolate is used in a Nutella recipe, it must be natural as it needs to be melted. Save cheap pastry bars for making chocolate sauces.
  • If you will be cooking nutella, use a thick-bottomed cookware to prevent sticking. Enamelled dishes will not work for sure.

How you can use Nutella chocolate spread

The first and most common purpose of chocolate spread is to spread on a piece of bun or toast. But Nutella can be used in a much more interesting way:

  • As a cake cream. When the pasta is ready and it is still warm, saturate the sponge cake layers and refrigerate. After a couple of hours, you can spread the nutella on the sides and top of the cake, smoothing the pasta with a spatula. The biscuits are amazing!
  • If you put nutella in a piping bag, you can decorate pancakes, pancakes, or make a filling for eclairs.
  • Make tin cookies at home, and nutella can be used as a layer between two cookies.
  • When preparing fruit salad, you can also season the pastry bag with chocolate paste and pour over the fruit.
  • Nutella can be added to any creams, served with ice cream, mixed with cottage cheese, poured over baked fruits, any sweet pastries, and even cook a friendly family.
  • If you mix nutella with chunks of shortbread cookies, put them in a slide and sprinkle with poppy seeds - you get an anthill cake.
  • You can endlessly experiment with this delicious chocolate paste. You can write your options for using Nutella in the comments.

Chocolate lovers will definitely appreciate such a wonderful product as Nutella. This Italian chocolate paste has become very popular in our time and has taken one of the leading positions in the sweets market. Let's talk about the reason for such popularity and analyze the composition of this product.

Nutella pasta - composition and calorie content of delicacies

Nutella does not contain artificial colors or preservatives. This distinguishes the delicacy from others like it.
The composition of the chocolate paste includes:
  • Sugar
  • Vanillin
  • Hazelnut (hazelnut)
  • Skimmed milk powder
  • Low fat cocoa
  • Vegetable oil
  • Dry whey
  • Soy lecithin
  • Palm oil
The last item on this list may raise questions, because in many countries "palm oil" is considered unhealthy. The manufacturer, however, claims that when properly processed, palm oil does not contain "trans fats" that are harmful to the human body. In addition, palm oil increases the shelf life of the product.
The calorie content of this delicacy is 530 kcal per 100 grams of nutella. Of these - proteins: 6.8 g; Fat: 31.0 g; Carbohydrates: 56.0 g. There are 80 calories in one 15-gram serving (two teaspoons). As you can see, the product is quite high in calories, so the recommended amount of pasta is no more than two teaspoons per day.

The benefits and harms of nutella for the body

Some people believe that all sweets are extremely harmful, but in fact, chocolate spread in moderation can be beneficial. The basis of the paste contains hazelnuts, which in turn contains useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. Hazelnuts contain minerals: potassium, calcium and sodium, as well as many vitamins: A, B, C, E, and others. In addition, an Italian delicacy can energize and invigorate the whole day if you eat pasta for breakfast.
Do not forget about the dangers of sweets. The product contains a huge amount of sugar and carbohydrates. People who are overweight or have sugar problems should limit their intake of this treat. The controversy over the "trans fats" contained in palm oil is also ongoing. It is believed that this oil clogs blood vessels and disrupts metabolism, and in some cases it can even provoke cancer. Many countries are actively fighting against this additive, in connection with which the company "Ferrero", which produces Nutella, has launched an entire campaign to protect palm oil. Unfortunately, there is no single answer to the question “which of the parties should we believe?”.

Tastes and types of nutella

The classic type of chocolate spread has a very sweet, nutty flavor. The consistency of the delicacy is creamy, easily spreads on toast and bread. This nutella has been produced since 1964 to the present day. Ferrero recently released a pasta complete with crispy sticks that are great for a breakfast snack. There are also sticks filled with chocolate paste. They are sold in paper packaging, which reads the inscription "B-ready".
Interesting! On the shelves of many countries, including Russia, you can find Nutella-like pastes that contain white chocolate. In this regard, there was a misconception that Nutella happens with white chocolate. In fact, Ferrero has never made such a paste.

What can you eat Nutella with? Snack and bake options

The sweet product is a great addition to pancakes, breads, pies, cookies and other baked goods. This nutty dessert has become so popular that it is added to many baked goods and more. Nutella donuts, croissants, smoothies, yoghurts, parfaits, rolls and even bacon. The variety of desserts is amazing.
We bring to your attention interesting options for snacks and pastries with the addition of chocolate paste.
Chocolate muffin in three minutes
  • Wheat flour - 4 tablespoons
  • Regular sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece
  • Cocoa - 3 tablespoons
  • Milk - 3 tablespoons
  • Nutella - 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Mix all the ingredients in a mug and beat with a fork.
Put the resulting mixture in the microwave and turn on for 2-3 minutes.
The cupcake is ready.
Chocolate Paste Cookies
  • Wheat flour - 250 grams
  • Ordinary sugar - 100 grams
  • Vanilla sugar - 50 grams
  • Nutella - 250 grams
  • Chicken eggs - 1 piece
  • Mix egg, vanilla sugar and regular sugar until smooth. Add flour, mix slightly. Add nut butter and stir well
  • Roll the dough into a ball, place on a baking sheet and flatten to make small "pancakes"
  • Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, 7-8 minutes
  • Cookies are ready and go great with milk or tea

Nutella analogs that are not inferior in quality

Any known product has analogues.
Sometimes such fakes are of inferior quality, and sometimes they are not inferior to the original.
  • "Nussa" is made in Germany and is a worthy replacement for Nutella. There is a classic version of pasta and with white chocolate
  • Chocremo Duo Cream - made in Germany, produced with the addition of white chocolate
  • "Nutti" country of origin Russia. Has two flavors, with white and regular chocolate
  • "Chocofini krem" Polish counterpart, sold in two flavors "nutty" and "chocolate"

Interesting facts about Nutella! - you did not know about it yet

There are many funny and interesting facts about the popular Italian delicacy.
Did you know that:
  • Nut butter has its day. On February 5th, all connoisseurs of this sweetness unite to celebrate and eat their favorite product. This initiative was proposed by the American blogger Sara Rosso.
  • There are rumors that the American version of the product is radically different from the Italian one. However, there was no official confirmation of this rumor.
  • For the production of chocolate paste, 25 percent of the nuts obtained worldwide are used.
  • By the way, Nutella was not always called that. Initially, the name was much more complicated than "Gianduya". Later the delicacy was renamed "Nutella". So much better, right?
  • Now let's disappoint our parents. Due to the copyright of the manufacturer and owner of the Nutella brand, you can never give your child that name.
  • In Italy, about 179 thousand tons of nut delicacies are produced daily. That's over half a billion cans
  • Now, a rather surprising fact - due to the fat content of the product, Nutella burns great!
  • Sometimes nut butter is made in five-kilogram cans. Tins of this size are an excellent solution for chefs. There are even known cases of making nutella in cans of twenty kilograms.

The volumes of nutella - how to buy it more profitably

In stores you can find jars weighing from 180 grams to 1 kilogram. Jars of 350 grams are especially popular in stores in Russia. Of course, most often it is more profitable to buy large-volume cans, so if you are lucky enough to find a 600-gram can in the store, take it without hesitation.

How to make a homemade nutella: video

Did you know Nutella can be made at home without any problems? The video will show you how to do this.

Surely there are many more chocolate spread lovers who can refuse this delicious sweet delicacy. In my family, they can eat it with spoons, however, not everyone and not always is allowed. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive Nutella - you can easily prepare an analogue of this world-famous chocolate paste at home.

In general, Nutella is most often used as a spread on bread or toast. In addition, it can be used to coat cake layers, fill eclairs and other cakes, add to homemade cookies, and make delicious chocolate cream on its basis. Confused by a few BUT: Nutella is expensive, eaten up by the moment, and the composition is not particularly happy.

By the way, regarding the composition of industrial chocolate paste Nutella. Depending on the country of origin, the raw materials may vary and, as a result, the quality, taste and price of the product. But in any case, on the label, you will always find those components that do not inspire confidence.

That is why many hostesses have long learned how to make Nutella at home. There are a lot of recipes, but I will share with you the one I use myself. I'm confident as a ready-made treat, as I never use cheap ingredients to make homemade Nutella.

The recipe for this chocolate paste includes only 4 products: sweetened condensed milk, high-quality butter (at least 72% fat), peeled hazelnuts and chocolate. If you want an almost identical flavor to the original, use milk chocolate. For me, the finished pasta in this version is too sweet, so I take a dark one (with a cocoa content of at least 56%), then a slight bitterness is felt in homemade Nutella.

And finally, about the cost. If you look at how much Nutella costs in the store, buy the highest quality and therefore expensive products for making homemade pasta, it will become clear that the difference will be almost 2.5 times. That is, homemade Nutella is so much more profitable than the one cooked in an industrial environment. Still in doubt whether to cook or not? Hurry to the kitchen!


Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

The recipe for homemade Nutella chocolate spread includes the following ingredients: sweetened condensed milk, butter, hazelnuts and chocolate. As for which one to choose (dark or milky), I wrote above, so decide for yourself.

The first step is to fry the nuts. This can be done on the stove top (in a skillet), in the oven, or even in the microwave. It's easier for me to use a frying pan - over moderate heat, stirring from time to time, fry the nuts until golden brown. This will take no more than 10, or even less, minutes. Just make sure that the hazelnuts do not burn, otherwise it will be bitter.

The fried nuts will brown and the skin will fall off by itself. Let them cool slightly, then put them in a bag and rub the hazelnuts between your palms. So a thin skin will peel off almost all nuts.

Now the hazelnuts need to be chopped. A coffee grinder is best for this, but you can try using a food processor if you have one that is powerful enough.

Load the cooled nuts into the grinder in batches. Initially, large pieces will turn out, which then gradually turn into small crumbs. If desired, if you continue to grind, you will get such a nut paste - the oil in the nuts heats up and begins to stand out, turning the crumb into a homogeneous viscous mass.

When you're done with the nuts, it's time to move on to the next step - we will melt the chocolate. To do this, we break it or chop it with a knife and send it to a small saucepan.

You can melt chocolate not only in a water bath (there is another pot of boiling water at the bottom of the saucepan with chocolate), but also in the microwave (it is best in the Defrost mode - it is more gentle). In general, it doesn't matter how you do it, the main thing is not to overheat the chocolate, otherwise it will curl up and go in lumps.

With constant stirring, we ensure that the chocolate completely melts, becomes smooth, shiny and homogeneous. Remove the saucepan from the stove and add soft (remove it from the refrigerator) butter into the hot chocolate. Stir everything so that the butter melts and dissolves in chocolate.