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What should be on the New Year's table. What should be on the New Year's table What should be on the New Year's Eve

New Year 2016 is just around the corner, and every housewife thinks - what should be on the table in this new year's eve? We have one very good tradition, namely, to put on the table what the hostess or owner of the year will like, namely the animal that has become its symbol. In the coming year, the Monkey will become a symbol, and for the cheerful hostess of the year, you need to prepare the most delicious and hospitable table. What must be on the festive table in the New Year 2016?

What should be on the table in the New Year 2016

Traditionally, New Year's holidays are periods of feasts, this is the longest time in the year when we receive guests and go to visit ourselves, congratulate relatives and friends, and all this time we consume an insane amount of food. Such a variety of dishes still need to be prepared, while you want to surprise your guests with something tasty and original.

On the New Year's table 2016 must be the fruit that the monkey loves - bananas. Bananas can be placed in the center of the table, complementing a beautiful bunch of pineapples and traditional tangerines. Such a dessert will be useful on New Year's Eve, at that moment, because fruits are in great harmony with champagne, your favorite holiday drink.

By the way, about alcohol. Give up on this holiday from heavy alcoholic beverages. It is better to give preference to strong alcohol in cocktails. For example, the same vodka and tequila will be excellent components of excellent refreshing cocktails based on fruit juices. But wine and light drinks can be bought in in large numbers, because heavy meat dishes and the fish best reveal their taste qualities with red and white wine. Moreover, on the shelves of supermarkets you can find excellent sparkling wine of both red and white varieties, and after all, champagne is exactly the drink that must be on the table in the New Year 2016!

Salads traditional for the New Year's table can be prepared for this holiday in the form of a funny monkey. Absolutely any salad dressed with mayonnaise is suitable for this, for example, the beloved New Year's Olivier. To prepare, simply put the salad on a large flat plate in the shape of a funny cheerful monkey, and top with grated yolks and olives. It's simple, delicious and such a salad, well, simply must be on the table in the New Year 2016.

Table setting is also an important part, so do not forget about New Year's themed napkins, garlands and candles. Pay special attention to napkins, as they must be linen, the Monkey loves everything of high quality and bright. Also, do not forget that the birthplace of this animal is Africa and India, so all kinds of painted dishes, bright hauls with an African theme and bright painted dishes.

About menu planning

It is best to start compiling the New Year's menu somewhere a month before the holiday. Then the cooking process will turn out to be properly planned and, most importantly, buy everything necessary products in several stages.

New Year's table 2017: what should be on the table with a photo? The table must be bursting with a variety of dishes. Let each salad or snack be not much, but the quantity should be large. Other options, .

Advice! You can safely enter a lot of cold appetizers and desserts, sweets and fruits on the menu. It is the described food options that the rooster loves the most. By serving such dishes on the table, it will be possible to attract good luck into your life in the coming year.

Special attention should be paid to the beautiful presentation and original design of dishes. Choose only festive dishes, beautiful salad bowls, new vases. You can additionally decorate the table with various decorative compositions that are made using Christmas balls, tinsel, Christmas tree branches.

New Year's table 2017: what should be on the table

Salads, appetizers

Each hostess has a list of time-tested salads. But, every year you want to celebrate the holiday somehow in a special way, and for this you need to include new and interesting dishes in the main menu.

The symbol of the coming year - the rooster, by its nature is a bird that loves experiments. So, in terms of cooking, you can come up with something special, make unusual combinations of products.

What ingredients in salads will delight the Rooster:

  • Cheeses. Moreover, the specific type of cheese is completely irrelevant.
  • Eggs.
  • Vegetables and fruits are red, orange. These are carrots, peppers and tomatoes, tangerines and oranges.

You also need to definitely choose some kind of puff salad recipe, even if your favorite combination of ingredients, but decorate it in the style of the symbol of the next year. Puff salads The good thing is that they can be prepared ahead of time. And more can be done.

You can also do original salad with watermelon pulp and cheese. This is a great innovative combination that not only the rooster will love, but also your guests. Be sure to put on the table cheese plate with nuts and fruits, honey.

Advice! All snacks and salads on the New Year's table 2017 can be safely served on lettuce leaves.

Hot meals

You can safely cook pork, beef, goat meat, rabbit and fish, seafood for the new year.

The center of the festive table can be baked leg of lamb. It should be remembered that the outgoing 2016 is the year of the Monkey, so with such a dish you can pay tribute and reverence to this animal. Moreover, according to the Eastern calendar, the year of the Rooster 2017 will come only on January 28th.

Serve any vegetables as a side dish, and the vegetable menu should be as diverse as possible. You can make interesting stews vegetable casseroles. Mashed potatoes also welcome on the New Year's table in 2017.

Sweets for joy

Roosters love sweets, so no new year holidays not enough. You need to try to include in the menu a lot of small cakes, a big fatty cake. Also, as a dessert, you can safely serve fruits with a light cream, puff pastry pastries, fruit jelly. A fruit plate in the center of the table from the very beginning of the festive meal should attract everyone's attention and abound different types fruits.

What salad recipes to choose for the holiday table?

Salad "Cockerel"

Since the New Year 2017 according to the Eastern calendar will be the year of the rooster, there must be a themed dish on the festive table. We offer to cook this interesting and original salad, which is different and excellent. appearance and excellent taste.

What do you need:

  • 300 gr. meat;
  • 200 gr. mushrooms;
  • One carrot;
  • Five chicken eggs;
  • Mayonnaise, spices;

For decor:

  • Half a jar of olives;
  • Half a bunch of parsley and dill;
  • Lettuce leaves;

The meat will need to be boiled in salt water. After that, leave to cool directly in the broth so that the meat is tender. Next cut the meat small cube. Mushrooms also first boil, then finely chop. In principle, you can use for this salad canned mushrooms, then they will only need to drain the water.

Boil the eggs, then peel and chop finely. Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Additionally, you need to fry the carrots in butter. Mix meat, mushrooms and carrots, add salt and spices to taste. Dress the salad with mayonnaise and mix again. Spread lettuce over green leaves. In shape, as the dish will be laid out, it should resemble a clearing.

Now you need to make grass in the clearing. To do this, use dill. Here is an option, New Year's table 2017: what should be on the table. Of course, this salad should be allowed to brew for some time in the refrigerator, and only then serve it to the festive table.

Salad "Christmas toys"

The next interesting and original in appearance and taste New Year's salad. If you put such a dish on festive table, it will cause delight not only about the taste, but also about the appearance. Other options, .

What do you need:

  • One potato;
  • One chicken fillet;
  • Mushrooms;
  • One melted term;
  • Jar canned corn;

For decoration:

  • Two chicken eggs;
  • One boiled carrot;
  • One red pepper;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • 5 tbsp red cabbage juice;

Boil eggs and separate into whites and yolks. Grate the protein on a fine grater and soak in red cabbage juice. As a result, the protein will acquire a pleasant blue tint. Grind the pepper to make adjika, add the spices indicated in the recipe to it, pour in the olive oil.

Grate boiled potatoes on a coarse grater. Finely chop the mushrooms and fry. Boil the chicken fillet, and then also finely chop. Lay out of potatoes Christmas decorations elongated shape. Lubricate with mayonnaise, sprinkle on top chicken fillet, mushrooms and mayonnaise. Next comes a layer of canned corn, grated processed cheese and more mayonnaise. Decorate toys with tinted grated squirrels, adjika, finely grated carrots.

Salad "Scarlet Flower"

The next option, New Year's table 2017: what should be on the table. Since there should be a lot of salads, the cockerel likes it, you need to focus on such bright and tasty recipes.

What do you need:

  • Potato;
  • Eggs;
  • Carrot;
  • Hen;
  • Chicken bouillon;
  • canned green peas;
  • Fresh and pickled cucumber;
  • green onions;
  • Onion bulb;
  • Mayonnaise, beets and gelatin;

Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs separately. Boil chicken with spices. For puff salad is taken silicone mold(or other dishes, but then it will need to be lubricated vegetable oil). Add gelatin to hot chicken broth, let it swell and then boil. When the broth has cooled to room temperature, pour a little of it into the mold and let it harden.

Put then a layer of potatoes, grated. Then lay out the grated eggs and pour in the broth. It should cover two layers, let stand in the refrigerator. Then comes the boiled carrot grated on a coarse grater, pouring again. Then chicken, finely chopped green onion and peas. Again a layer of filling with gelatin. Then eggs, grated on a coarse grater, a mixture of salted and fresh cucumbers and again gelatin. Place the salad in the refrigerator to chill.

Before serving, dip the salad in for a couple of seconds. hot water. Cover with a beautiful plate and carefully remove the form. For decoration, use jelly from chicken broth, in which you first add beet juice to get a beautiful scarlet color.

These are such excellent salads for the New Year's table of 2017 that you can safely cook. We remind you that there should be as many salads as possible, because the cockerel loves vegetables and greens very much. And this symbol of the next year is very fond of an unusual approach to completely ordinary things. So, you need to figure out how to decorate salads and each of your dishes on the New Year's table with a special display of imagination. You already know, ?

After reading the information presented in this material, it becomes more clear New Year's table 2017: what should be on the table. Be sure to think over the menu in advance in order to prepare dishes in stages, and on New Year's Eve, relax and have fun, as you deserve!

New Year is the most enchanting and beloved holiday that we all look forward to with great impatience. And we are waiting for it not only in order to once again receive excellent gifts, catch sparkling snowflakes in our hands and inhale the invigorating smell of an elegant Christmas tree and juicy tangerines. New Year is also a great occasion to gather the whole family at the festive table!

What must be on the New Year's table 2016?

Since 2016 will be held under the sign of the Fire Monkey, it is very important to try to please the mischievous and restless mistress of the year. So, what should be on the New Year's table 2016? Certainly on it bananas and other must be present Exotic fruits . Do not forget that the Monkey is a guest from distant countries with a warm climate, therefore the main emphasis should be placed on the exotic . It is not forbidden to put apples and pears in a fruit bowl. And in addition to fruits, on the New Year's table there must be as many colorful vegetables as possible . The most preferable will be vegetables of red and orange color - to match the elements of the coming year. There should also be a lot of greenery on the table - the Monkey will definitely appreciate the New Year's table, which vaguely resembles a branchy jungle, and will favor the lucky ones throughout the year!

Not the last place on the festive table should be given to various seafood and fish. . Of course, expensive seafood may not be affordable for everyone, but this is not at all a reason to be upset - it is quite possible to limit yourself to satisfying fish dishes, and you can take any fish for their preparation: pollock, perch, cod, tuna, blue whiting and its other varieties.

But for meat lovers, this time the choice is small - the fact is that it is not recommended to cook meat dishes for the festive table in 2016. If a holiday is completely unthinkable without meat, then you should opt exclusively for lamb and pork - there should not be any beef or rabbit meat on the New Year's table!

This time, too, one cannot do without dairy products on the festive table. Cheese is especially welcome! Shouldn't be overlooked and eggs - The monkey loves them very much and, at any opportunity, strives to feast on this product. True, few people know about this. By the way, eggs can be stuffed with vegetables - it will turn out very cool!

What else does the perky Monkey love? Of course, nuts! By the way, these cute creatures eat nuts no less than bananas. So they have the same place on the New Year's table! And put a colorful walnut plate on the table or add nuts to various festive dishes- it's a matter of taste!

2016 for Fire Monkey.
The magical New Year's Eve is just around the corner. The patroness of the upcoming 2016 will be a monkey. According to the Eastern calendar, this monkey will be Fiery. On New Year's Eve, this guest will be the most important at the festive table. You have to please her. Dishes on the table, and drinks in glasses, and serving should correspond to the taste of a capricious monkey.

There are three important things in the New Year: a table, a Christmas tree and gifts.

With the last two points, everything is quite simple. A little more difficult for the hostess is to create a unique and inimitable holiday table. To surprise guests in 2016, you need to try hard. That is why several simple tips on table setting and its decor will not interfere with any housewife.

Dishes on the New Year's table

She is a fan of natural products. Therefore, in New Year's menu 2016 should abandon smoked meats and reduce the number of fatty foods, remove semi-finished products. Low-fat meals, plenty of tender snacks, salads made from fresh seasonal vegetables will be preferred. As a dessert decoration or just as an independent dish, all kinds of fresh fruits are great.

At first glance, the menu may seem very low-calorie. However, fish dishes can perfectly diversify it. hearty and tasty addition serve as appetizers and egg salads. For example, you can submit stuffed eggs Or a salad of fish and eggs.

You can not miss the moment that the monkey loves sweets. Therefore, she will not give up bananas. Citrus fruits, apples or desserts and cakes based on these fruits. Of course, guests will also be happy. As for baking, the patroness of the year will gladly eat a piece or two of freshly baked homemade bread or fragrant bun, and ask for a piece of juicy pie.

But still, the monkey belongs to herbivorous animals. Therefore, the vegetarian menu on the New Year's table will look very appropriate and original.

The best choice among alcoholic drinks will be a glass of wine. It is also made from beautiful berries of ripe grapes. It is impossible to do without traditional champagne. It will give a little fun and set the tone for the holiday. But strong alcohol should be completely abandoned. The monkey treats heavily drunk citizens with great displeasure! For children's table various fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes, natural juices and even milkshake with additions of fresh fruits and berries.

Mandatory products on the New Year's table 2016. So, what is the diet of monkeys in their usual environment or at the zoo? Of course, these are all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits, berries. The monkey does not refuse such delicacies as cookies, crackers and even caramels and chocolates.

To prepare dishes for the New Year's table 2016, you should definitely buy several types of cheese, blue and zucchini, pumpkins, colorful peppers and tomatoes, pineapple and bananas, kiwi and various greens.

To date, it is important to decorate the festive table with special decorative elements.

We are talking about toothpicks with different patterns, unusually shaped candles and non-standard napkins. So, you can find many interesting patterns in the form of a monkey or bananas on the World Wide Web. They just need to be printed on a color printer and glued to the top of the toothpicks. It turns out cute monkeys or bananas, which are conveniently placed in all dishes and snacks of the festive table.

Candles will help add magic to the table. Large candles will make the greatest impression on guests. Red candles with and napkins will be harmoniously enough combined. Candles can be arranged in one line along the table, or they can be placed randomly, creating fun on the table, as befits a monkey.

Fabric napkins folded into an unusual shape, such as a Christmas tree, will help add elegance to the table. However, if there is no time and desire to mess with napkins, then you can simply roll them into a tube, securing them with an original ring or satin ribbon.

In 2016, she should be afraid to combine incompatible things. The sign of the Monkey is characterized as a cheerful and restless creature, which is sometimes difficult to explain. The combination of bright colors will bring good luck to the New Year's table. It is imperative to put a fruit basket in the center of the table so that the whole of 2016 is fruitful in all matters. The monkey will be delighted. So, it is believed that in 2016 the Monkey will bring good luck to the house where gold, yellow and red colors will be present.

That is why they should be bright and cheerful. Happy New Year!

According to the eastern horoscope, the symbol of the upcoming 2016 will be the Fire Monkey. This is the year of a smart, dexterous, artistic and inquisitive animal. In the coming year, in all matters you will have to rely only on yourself. Success awaits those who are not afraid to take risks, make new plans, and do not put things off indefinitely.

In the New Year, the Monkey will begin to establish its own rules, and in order to please the mistress of the year, you should carefully prepare for her meeting.

The New Year's menu in the year of the Monkey should be drawn up in accordance with all the rules. We will tell you what should be on the New Year's table, which drink is better to choose, and how to decorate the table itself. Read our tips for choosing and preparing meals for festive feast, and the mistress of the year will bring you good luck in return.

The monkey gives its preference to natural products, so for the holiday it is worth preparing more low-fat dishes, delicate snacks. Salads from fresh vegetables and fruit desserts truly delight an important guest. There should not be fatty, smoked, semi-finished products on the table, and you can diversify the menu with dishes from fish or eggs. When cooking, you should also take into account the element of the talisman of the year, so add red and orange to the dishes, decorate them with tomatoes and carrots.

Don't forget to treat your sweet tooth Monkey - she loves bananas, citruses, and other desserts based on them. It would be a good idea to bake for guests homebaked bread, pies, sweet buns. best to cook banana pie, but you can also cherry, plum, apple or peach. The main rule is that there should be a lot of sweets on the table.

Wine, champagne will be useful on the table, but it is better not to put other strong drinks on the table, since the Monkey does not like drunk people. If you wish, you can put fruit drinks, a milkshake, dried fruit compote, freshly squeezed fruit juices in glasses and do not forget to put a vase of clean water on the table - this is the drink of the Monkeys

Vegetables, fruits, berries, crackers, cookies. This is what the hostess of 2016 loves, so these are the products you should choose for cooking holiday menu. The symbol of 2016 will also not refuse cheese, eggplant and zucchini, pineapples, bananas, kiwi and greens. The Fire Monkey loves all this very much.

The New Year's table should delight not only with taste and aroma, but also with its appearance. Place linen napkins on the table. The monkey will surely thank you for this. For table setting, painted dishes, the same spacing and dishes are perfect. You can decorate the table with wooden souvenirs, and it is also worth putting greens, spices, fruits and vegetables. They should also decorate the room where the gala dinner will take place.