Home / Cakes / Home-style cutlets from minced pork and beef. Beef and pork cutlets Tender minced pork cutlets

Home-style cutlets from minced pork and beef. Beef and pork cutlets Tender minced pork cutlets


How to fry pork cutlets ground beef. General principles cooking beef and pork cutlets.

Cutlets are a versatile dish that is loved by both adults and children.

They can be introduced into the child's diet from 10 months, and steam cutlets can be used even by people who are on a diet for health reasons.

And, of course, each housewife has her own special recipe.

General principles of cooking beef and pork cutlets

The taste of homemade cutlets, first of all, depends on the meat from which the minced meat is prepared. It should be fresh. Some prefer the shoulder blade or the back, while others prefer pork neck and beef tenderloin. It all depends on whether you like lean or fatty meat. For cutlets, it is still preferable to buy meat with a small amount of fat so that they are juicy. Pork and beef for cutlets is considered universal, where pork, a lighter fat, is added to fatty beef.

Fried Chicken - Baked Chicken

Fried chicken is a drug with a low reputation in Italy. A bit like a pizza, it is considered the last minute of food that can be taken from the supermarket or grocery store. It is heated up to the microwave and dinner is ready. Chicken Salad is a plate of chicken and vegetables. This recipe is known throughout Italy, but also in the rest of the world, there are countless variations, for example in Greek, French, Chinese or Vietnamese cuisines.

One way to enjoy a meal, even in summer, is to chill it in a salad, dilute it, and match it with a wide variety of ingredients. Korma is a typical Indian food that is eaten as a main course or dish, which can be chicken, lamb, or sunflower.

Minced meat can be prepared by yourself by twisting purchased pieces of meat in a meat grinder or blender. But you can immediately buy ready-made minced meat. In this case, you will not know what you put into it, but you can very quickly, without special efforts prepare the intended dish.

At the discretion of the hostess, add to the minced meat:

Onion. It can be added raw or sauteed until golden brown. And some people prefer to use both of these in cooking. Onions add juiciness and taste to our cutlets. However, if your household is ardent opponents of this vegetable, then cutlets will turn out without it;

Florentine Steak is a classic of Tuscan, Italian and international cuisine. In this article, we will try to reveal all the secrets of this dish, from the anatomical cut to baking. Caseoula - a traditional dish Lombard. Even the eyelid, cassuela, casela, cassava or spatula, has its own name in the pot it is cooked in.

Hare is a traditional main course typical of the mountainous regions northern Italy especially in Veneto, Trentino, Emilia, Piedmont and Tuscany. Crumpled tongue is an ancient drug designed to preserve beef for as long as possible. The term full-bodied comes from a popular name given in the era rendered in salt: salnitro.

Bread. Basically, they take White bread or a loaf and soaked in water or milk. It is believed that it is necessary to take the pulp of bread. However, as practice shows, the presence of a crust does not at all impair their taste, and in a softened form it is not even felt. Proportionally, it is recommended to put 1/5 of the bread to the whole minced meat. Bread is needed in order to absorb and retain juice in cutlets. From this, the juice will not leak out during frying, and the cutlets will not turn out hard and dry;

The stew is a meat-based recipe that involves baking 3 to 5 cm meat cubes of meat. It is a common drug throughout the world and especially in Asian and African cuisine, where many meat recipes are prepared using the braising method. Storing potatoes is one of the most popular stew recipes. This is because potatoes lend themselves well to the typical stew dough.

Musakas, Italian in moussak, is a traditional dish of Greece and the entire Balkan coastal area, probably born on the Mediterranean islands of Cyprus or Crete during the Turkish colonization. "Nervetti" is a dialectical term used in Milan for the tendons and cartilage of the beef drumstick, that is, the legs and beef or drumstick.

Fans of cooking cutlets are also divided into supporters of adding eggs to minced meat and their opponents. And those, and others have their own arguments. The former believe that when using eggs, the cutlets will not disintegrate, and the latter are sure that the protein will curdle during frying, and not only will the minced meat not stick together, but also separate it;

A frequent guest in this recipe is grated raw potatoes. Using it with or instead of bread will also add juiciness to your dish;

Nuggets are boiled and fried chicken nuggets known around the world as they are sold by Mac Donald and many other American fast foods. The Milanese dialect is a second traditional dish originating from the city of Milan, famous and widespread throughout Italy, given its kindness and ease of execution. It can be written as All Attached, which is the detached hole of the bone. Paillard or paillard is a thin piece of grilled meat, a simple, essential dish, still famous all over the world and very demanding.

There are fans of adding garlic to such cutlets. However, they must be consumed immediately hot, otherwise they will not have a very pleasant aroma when cooled down;

Salt and pepper are added to taste and it depends only on you which cutlets you want;

You can also add a little water to the minced meat, this will make them softer. The main thing is not to overdo it;

Payard was invented during the Belle Époque era in Paris by the chef Payard. Stuffed peppers are a typical dish Italian cuisine, few of all the regions known and consumed in other Mediterranean countries where, in short, peppers are grown. Chicken curry is a spicy meat dish typical of Indian cuisine and is spread throughout Southeast Asia as well as some islands in the Caribbean.

Meat and fish go very well with acidic ingredients and this is probably why lemon is very often combined with these dishes. The main idea behind all recipes made with chicken is to use this drink to keep chicken meat moist, which tends to dry out during cooking, at the risk of becoming stoppers.

Some housewives add semolina to the cutlets for gluing the minced meat, but in most cases this is an unnecessary addition;

For breading, you can use flour or breadcrumbs.

Recipe 1. Classic minced pork and beef cutlets

Black peppercorns - for decorating hedgehogs;

Green onions - 1 bunch;

From the specified amount, on average, 6 large cutlets should be obtained.

Cooking method:

1. Scroll the meat on a blender or meat grinder and mix the ingredients with each other.

2. Pour the pulp of white bread or loaf with milk and let stand for 10-15 minutes.

3. Cook 3 eggs hard-boiled for about 7-8 minutes.

4. Cut the boiled eggs in half. Knead the yolks or three on a fine grater, add chopped green onions to them, salt and fill with the resulting mixture of egg whites.

5. Into the twisted chopped meat add the pulp of bread, egg, salt, semolina... Beat everything thoroughly and mix.

6. Stuffed eggs wrap in minced meat and give it the shape of a hedgehog.

7. Decorate the cutlets with peanuts instead of needles, black peppercorns instead of eyes and nose, sprinkle with breadcrumbs on top for beauty.

Recipe 4 "Festive" beef and pork cutlets

The technology of such cutlets resembles the preparation of Kiev cutlets. However, here we will not use chicken fillet, but we will cook everything from minced meat.


Pork and beef in equal amounts - this recipe is for 1 kg;

Hard cheese - 100 grams;

Onions - 2 heads;

Raw egg - 2 pcs.;

Crackers made from 4 slices of white bread;

Salt and pepper to taste;

Butter - 100 grams;

Breadcrumbs - 1 pack;

Flour for breading;

Dill - 2 tablespoons

Cooking composition:

1. Prepare the filling: rub the cheese on a fine grater, crush the softened butter and mix all this with finely chopped dill.

2. From the resulting composition, roll up small oval balls. We put them to cool until the required moment.

3. Pour the bread crumbs cut into squares cold water until they become soft. Then we drain off the rest of the water.

4. Rub the onion on a coarse grater or cut it into small pieces.

5. Cooking minced meat: grind pork and beef in a meat grinder. We combine meat, crackers, 1 egg and spices with each other.

6. Divide the minced meat into portions, in each of which we wrap a piece of prepared butter with cheese and herbs.

7. Roll the festive cutlets in several stages: in flour, beaten egg, bread crumbs.

8. Fry the cutlets until golden brown over medium heat.

Recipe 5 Minced pork and beef cutlets "Hercules"

Their peculiarity lies in the addition of oatmeal instead of eggs.


Minced meat - 1 kg;

Milk - 200-300 ml.;

Oatmeal - 100-140 grams;

Onions - 2 pcs.;

Salt, pepper - to taste;

Breadcrumbs or flour - 100 grams;

Greens are a bunch.

Cooking method:

1. Pour milk at room temperature into the prepared minced meat.

2. Add peeled and grated onion.

3. Pour in oatmeal, salt, pepper and herbs. Oat flakes can be ground in a coffee grinder to a flour condition.

4. Mix everything well, cover with cling film and send to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

5. We form small cutlets from minced meat, roll them in bread crumbs and fry in a hot frying pan on vegetable oil until ready.

6. After the cutlets have a golden brown crust, add 100 ml of water to the pan and simmer until the liquid evaporates.

Recipe 6 Minced pork and beef cutlets with rice

These cutlets are very satisfying.


Minced meat - 1 kg;

Round rice - 200 grams;

Eggs - 2 pcs.;

Onions - 2 heads;

Garlic - 1-2 cloves (optional);

Salt, pepper - to taste;

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the rice under running cold water. Place it in a saucepan and pour boiling water over 1 cup of rice per 2 cups of water.

2. Add the onions and garlic rolled in a meat grinder to the minced meat.

3. Also add boiled rice, salt and pepper to the minced meat. We mix everything thoroughly and form cutlets.

4. Preheat the pan until hot. Pour in the vegetable oil.

5. Put the cutlets and fry them over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Then turn the cutlets over to the other side, cover the pan with a lid and fry for another 5 minutes.

Recipe 7 Quick minced pork and beef cutlets

Such cutlets will help out when you need to cook a quick lunch.


Minced pork and beef in an equal percentage - 600 grams;

Raw eggs - 4 pcs., But you can take less;

Green onions - 1 bunch;

Mayonnaise (will add flavor and juiciness to the product) - 50 grams;

Spices to taste;

Flour - 2-3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Chop finely green onions.

2. Peel and grate raw potatoes.

3. Add to the prepared minced meat: onion, potatoes, egg, salt and pepper.

4. Mix the indicated components.

5. Add mayonnaise and flour and mix again.

6. Fry in vegetable oil for 4-5 minutes on both sides until tender.

Tips and tricks for cooking minced pork and beef cutlets

1. So that the minced meat does not fall apart when frying, mix it well and leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

2. Stir the minced meat better with your hands, so you will feel its consistency and the absence of lumps.

3. To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, moisten your hands with water when forming cutlets.

4. The pan must be well preheated before frying. Don't overdo it with butter. There should be just enough of it to cover the pan. You need to fry them for 2-3 minutes for high fire, and then, by closing the lid, bring to readiness.

5. At the end of frying, simmer some cutlets in a saucepan to make them juicier and softer. Time is about 10-15 minutes.

Learn to feel the food and the cooking process. You will get a taste, and you will succeed!

Every housewife needs to cook minced beef cutlets at least once in order to appreciate the excellent taste of the dish and then cook it at every opportunity. Juicy and soft cutlets obtained by applying a good, proven and clear recipe, which you can determine for yourself by trial and error.

How to cook beef patties?

Delicious ground beef patties won't work if you don't stick to simple rules... It is easy to spoil the dish: dry it out, make it unappetizing.

  1. The composition of homemade cutlets is varied. They can be made from one type of meat or use a combined minced meat with chicken, pork, diversified with vegetables.
  2. To make the minced meat pliable when forming cutlets, it is placed in a bag and beaten against the table, so the dish will turn out to be juicier and softer.
  3. Juicy minced beef patties are made with the addition of eggs, bread crumbs, rusks or semolina - these are binding components due to which the products hold their shape when fried or baked. But in lean mince it is better not to add an egg - the cutlets can turn out to be dense.
  4. To make minced meat, the meat is slightly frozen, so it is easier to cut it into small pieces, and onions are added to the composition, so it will turn out more juicy cutlets.
  5. If you mince the minced meat twice, meat cutlets will turn out to be more lush.
  6. Delicious beef patties don't have to be thick. The thickness of the workpiece, as a rule, does not exceed 1 cm.
  7. Fry the minced beef patties over low heat so that they are completely fried in the middle, the main thing is that a crust forms on one and the other side. Then you can add water and extinguish for 10 minutes.

Juicy beef cutlets - recipe

To get juicy beef patties, you need to grind the meat in a meat grinder with a large attachment or chop the meat with a food processor or blender. Be sure to beat off the minced meat. For this, the workpiece is placed in a plastic bag and thrown several times on the table. The better the minced meat is beaten, the more tender and juicy the dish will come out.


  • minced meat - 1.5 kg;
  • loaf - 2 pieces;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • salt pepper;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • breading - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.


  1. Chop onions and potatoes.
  2. Soak the bread in milk, squeeze and grind too.
  3. Combine minced meat, vegetables, bread, add salt, pepper, eggs, mix.
  4. Form minced beef patties, roll in breading.
  5. Fry until tender on each side.

Classic homemade pork and beef cutlets, prepared from meat in a 1: 2 ratio, onions, bread crumb soaked in milk and eggs. Thanks to this set of ingredients, the dish will turn out to be juicy and tasty. Fatty pork will compensate for the dryness of the beef, bread will add softness, onions will add juiciness, and an egg will tie the ingredients together.


  • beef - 500 g;
  • pork - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • loaf - 2 pieces;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour for breading.


  1. Soak the loaf in milk.
  2. Scroll meat, onions, bread through a meat grinder.
  3. Add egg, season, beat and chill for 1 hour.
  4. Blind cutlets, breaded in flour.
  5. Fry over high heat for 3 minutes on each side.
  6. Cover, reduce heat to low, simmer for 10 minutes.

A great alternative the usual recipe will be chopped cutlets from beef. Thanks to the non-standard approach to grinding meat, the treats are richer, juicier and more original. Such dishes are a godsend for those who do not have the opportunity to grind meat using kitchen gadgets - a meat grinder or blender.


  • beef tenderloin - 500 g;
  • onions - 50 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - 50 g;
  • pepper, salt.


  1. Cut the washed and dried meat into small cubes.
  2. Mix with chopped onion and garlic.
  3. Add egg, mayonnaise, flour.
  4. Season with salt and pepper.
  5. Stir the minced meat, leave to marinate for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator.
  6. Fry like pancakes, spoon serving.

Juicy beef and chicken cutlets - recipe

For those who do not want to give up their favorite dish, but want to reduce its calorie content, the following recipe is suitable. Beef and chicken cutlets are prepared no more difficult than the classic ones; you can also roll sweet pepper into the minced meat and add fresh herbs, preferably dill. Garlic will make the dish more aromatic, and it is better to brew cutlets in flour, both wheat and oatmeal are suitable.


  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • beef tenderloin - 700 g;
  • onions, carrots, Bell pepper- 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • dill - 20 g;
  • flour for breading;
  • salt, black pepper, red paprika.


  1. Roll the meat through the large attachment.
  2. Chop the onion, carrots, herbs and garlic into a fine strainer.
  3. Combine all the ingredients, add the egg, spices.
  4. Knead the mass, beat off and leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  5. Form minced chicken and beef patties, breaded in flour.
  6. Fry on both sides until tender.
  7. Pour ½ tbsp into the pan. water, simmer under the lid for 15 minutes.

Minced Beef Burger Cutlet - Recipe

To make beef as good as the fast food pros, you need to use the right ingredients. Minced meat should consist of 80% lean meat and 20% fat, which will help keep the products in shape. The recipe allows the addition of eggs and breadcrumbs. The mass should turn out to be viscous, this will facilitate preparation.


  • beef - 400 g;
  • pork fat - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • crackers - 50 g.


  1. Skip the beef and lard through a meat grinder.
  2. Add egg and crackers. Mix well and beat off.
  3. Form a round flat cutlet.
  4. Fry in a grill pan for 7 minutes on each side.

From ground beef it turns out to be more tender and fluffy than according to the usual recipe. The finished semolina has a smooth texture, absorbs all meat juices when frying, so the cutlets always turn out soft, juicy and keep their shape. It should be noted that it works well with fatty minced meat, but in lean beef it is better to add not a lot of it.


  • beef - 500 g;
  • lard - 100 g;
  • semolina - 50 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 20 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 100 g.


  1. Skip the beef with lard and onion through a meat grinder.
  2. Add mayonnaise, egg and semolina.
  3. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.
  4. Blind cutlets.
  5. Dip the homemade cutlets in flour and fry.

Ground beef cutlets with potatoes

Unusual, in the classical sense, these cutlets are considered due to the absence of bread in the minced meat. Raw grated potatoes are added instead. The treat turns out to be more juicy, tender and with an original taste. Such minced meat can be supplemented with pork or chicken if you want to make the dish more structured.


  • minced beef - 700 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt pepper;
  • bread crumbs - 150 g
  • vegetable oil for frying.


  1. Add mashed onions, grated potatoes, egg, salt and pepper to the minced meat.
  2. Mix thoroughly and beat off the mass.
  3. Blind beef patties with potatoes, roll in breadcrumbs.
  4. Fry in hot oil on both sides until golden brown.

Deliciously tasty turns out. The first thing to do is to prepare the base - buckwheat porridge... Pour one part of the cereal with two parts of water, salt, cook over medium heat until soft and all the liquid has been absorbed. The meat is ground into minced meat in any convenient way, you can use a meat grinder, combine or blender.


  • beef - 200 g;
  • buckwheat porridge - ½ tbsp.;
  • onions - 100;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • tomato sauce - 100 g;
  • ogegano, dried basil;
  • spices, bay leaf;
  • allspice peas;
  • wheat flour - 1 tsp;
  • ground pepper;
  • salt;
  • fresh herbs.


  1. Grind the meat into minced meat.
  2. Spread half of the onion, put into minced meat.
  3. Introduce an egg, toss in salt and ground black pepper, buckwheat porridge.
  4. Blind Greek people, breaded in flour, fry in a pan until Brown at both sides.
  5. Transfer to a baking dish.
  6. Saute the remaining onions, add the grated carrots.
  7. Pour in a teaspoon of flour, stir and add tomato sauce
  8. Top up with 1 tbsp. water, salt, season with spices, add garlic.
  9. Bring the mixture to a boil, pour over the Greekman sauce.
  10. Simmer at 190 degrees in the oven for 20 minutes.

Steamed diet beef cutlets

Good way diversify and create simple meat dish is to cook steamed beef patties. You can give them a rich taste by adding a variety of spices and herbs. If you add sour cream to the minced meat, then the treat will turn out to be more tender, and the semolina will add splendor to the blanks.


  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt and pepper;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.


  1. Chop the onion, garlic, combine with minced meat and the remaining ingredients.
  2. Form small patties, place on a wire rack intended for steaming.
  3. Cook for 45 minutes.

Oven baked ground beef patties are in an advantageous position over other recipes. They can be made with lean meat. The added cheese acts as a filling, it is better to use some not too much hard grade, the dish with mozzarella will be delicious. A good way to reduce the calorie content of a dish, make it juicy and get rid of the hassle is to bake it in an appetizing sauce.

In the first week of her family life, she decided that she should. No, I just have to learn how to fry delicious cutlets, so I bought a kilogram of pork and beef, found a suitable recipe on the Internet and took out an old meat grinder from the bowels of the kitchen cabinet. Of course, I inserted the meat grinder on the wrong side, so it was very difficult for me to twist the meat for cutlets. At the exit, I got something chewed and torn, not very reminiscent of a tender cutlet base. From the list of ingredients I found on the Internet, I emphatically crossed out potatoes, bread and milk. I perfectly remembered how my mother and grandmother, during the preparation of cutlets, added these products to the ground meat. And she sacredly believed that this was due to the forced economy in the harsh 90s. In general, I decided to sculpt cutlets exclusively from minced meat and eggs. I took a lot of the latter, about 5. And thickened the too liquid mass with flour. As a result, my cutlets turned out to be more like a throwing weapon than an appetizing one. juicy dish that all husbands in the world love. We ate culinary "delicacy" with a mountain of ketchup, diligently pretending that it turned out delicious. And then they suffered from heartburn. And the next day, my head sprinkled with ashes, I was sitting in my mother’s kitchen, sipping tea and listening to a proven recipe for delicious homemade cutlets.

Juicy cutlets from the combined minced meat (pork + beef)

The most that neither is the classic. Want to cook delicious dinner? Write down the cooking order!


Juicy minced meat patties in breadcrumbs

What cooks do not do with minced meat in order to get juicy and tender cutlets. And they "knock" it out, repeatedly throwing it on the table surface; and chilled in the refrigerator just before frying; and experiment with the amount of spices in the composition; and combine meat in equal proportions with vegetables. But all this does not affect the juiciness of the cutlets, because it depends on something else - namely, on the fat content of minced meat. The most juicy pork cutlets are obtained, but they are also the hardest for the body to assimilate. And it is better to combine pork with lean minced meat - veal, beef, chicken.

Another little trick to increase the juiciness of homemade cutlets is adding a small amount of sour cream to the minced meat. The fatter it is, the better. Some substitute cream or even softened butter for sour cream.

  • minced pork and beef (ready-made) fresh - 700 g;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream (with a fat content of 25% and above) - 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • white bread (or unsweetened loaf) - 200 g;
  • milk - 1/3 cup;
  • medium-sized onions - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • bread crumbs for rolling;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

    Pass the peeled onions and garlic cloves through a meat grinder or grind with a blender. Soak white bread in cold milk, squeeze it lightly and knead it with a crush. Add bread, onions and garlic to the finished chilled ground pork and knead until smooth. Put sour cream and egg yolks there (proteins are excluded, as they add stiffness to the cutlets), salt and pepper to taste, knead again so that the minced meat becomes tight and elastic, and the yolks and sour cream are completely absorbed into it.

    Heat the vegetable oil well in a frying pan, and pour crackers into a wide flat plate. Pour cold water into a deep bowl - it will come in handy when forming cutlets. Moistening your hands with water, separate small pieces of minced meat, sculpt cutlets from them, roll in breadcrumbs and put in a pan. Fry without a lid first. When the cutlets are fried from the bottom, turn them over with a spatula, cover the pan with a lid and fry for some time until tender.

    The cutlets prepared according to this recipe will retain their juiciness even after they have cooled down.

    More on this topic:


    How to cook juicy and tender beef and pork cutlets. All the secrets of making homemade minced pork and beef cutlets

    Cutlets are a versatile dish that is loved by both adults and children.

    They can be introduced into the child's diet from 10 months, and steam cutlets can be used even by people who are on a diet for health reasons.

    And, of course, each housewife has her own special recipe.

    General principles of cooking beef and pork cutlets

    The taste of homemade cutlets, first of all, depends on the meat from which the minced meat is prepared. It should be fresh. Some prefer a shoulder or back, while others prefer a pork neck and beef tenderloin. It all depends on whether you like lean or fatty meat. For cutlets, it is still preferable to buy meat with a small amount of fat so that they are juicy. Pork and beef for cutlets is considered universal, where pork, a lighter fat, is added to fatty beef.

    Minced meat can be prepared by yourself by twisting purchased pieces of meat in a meat grinder or blender. But you can immediately buy ready-made minced meat. In this case, you will not know what you put into it, but you can very quickly, without much effort, prepare the intended dish.

    At the discretion of the hostess, add to the minced meat:

    Onion. It can be added raw or sauteed until golden brown. And some people prefer to use both of these in cooking. Onions add juiciness to our cutlets and improve taste qualities... However, if your household is ardent opponents of this vegetable, then cutlets will turn out without it;

    Bread. Basically, they take white bread or a loaf and soak in water or milk. It is believed that it is necessary to take the pulp of bread. However, as practice shows, the presence of a crust does not at all impair their taste, and in a softened form it is not even felt. Proportionally, it is recommended to put 1/5 of the bread to the whole minced meat. Bread is needed in order to absorb and retain juice in cutlets. From this, the juice will not leak out during frying, and the cutlets will not turn out hard and dry;

    Fans of cooking cutlets are also divided into supporters of adding eggs to minced meat and their opponents. And those, and others have their own arguments. The former believe that when using eggs, the cutlets will not disintegrate, and the latter are sure that the protein will curdle during frying, and not only will the minced meat not stick together, but also separate it;

    A frequent guest in this recipe is grated raw potatoes. Using it with or instead of bread will also add juiciness to your dish;

    There are fans of adding garlic to such cutlets. However, they must be consumed immediately hot, otherwise they will not have a very pleasant aroma when cooled down;

    Salt and pepper are added to taste and it depends only on you which cutlets you want;

    You can also add a little water to the minced meat, this will make them softer. The main thing is not to overdo it;

    Some housewives add semolina to the cutlets for gluing the minced meat, but in most cases this is an unnecessary addition;

    For breading, you can use flour or bread crumbs.

    Recipe 1. Classic minced pork and beef cutlets

    This traditional recipe, which each housewife seeks to diversify with additional components in her own way.

    Minced pork and beef - 1 kg;

    Loaf or bread (preferably white and slightly dryish, since fresh bread can cause sourness) - 1/3 part or 200 grams;

    Onions - 3 heads;

    Distilled water at room temperature - 1.5 cups;

    Salt, pepper - at your discretion;

    1. Cut a loaf or bread into pieces and cover with water or milk. The liquid should be at room temperature.

    2. Cut raw onion small pieces or mince it. If desired, onions can be sautéed in butter.

    3. Add to the minced meat bread, from which glass water, onions and beat in an egg.

    4. Season with salt and pepper to taste and mix well.

    5. Put a frying pan on the fire and add vegetable oil.

    6. Form the patties, place them in a preheated skillet and fry until golden crust.

    7. When finished, add some water to the pan and steam the patties for 10 minutes.

    Recipe 2 Minced pork and beef cutlets with herbs

    The use of greens gives this dish a mouth-watering look and flavor.

    Minced meat (ideal combination: pork + beef) - 600 grams;

    One head of onion;

    Chicken egg of medium size - 1 pc .;

    Dill, parsley - one bunch each;

    Garlic (at your discretion) - 1-2 cloves;

    Salt, ground black pepper;

    Flour for breading.

    1. Take the purchased minced meat or twist the pork and beef in a meat grinder.

    2. Heat a little milk and pour it over the pulp of white bread or loaf.

    3. Finely chop the onions and herbs.

    4. Combine the minced meat, bread, from which to drain the milk, onions and herbs.

    5. Add the egg, salt and pepper.

    6. Thorough hand kneading gives the cutlets softness and juiciness. It will also help if you beat off the minced meat in a bowl.

    7. From the resulting mixture we form cutlets at will. These look very nice in an oval shape. Dip them in flour.

    8. Fry the cutlets over medium heat so that they are fried from the inside. Cooking time is 20 minutes.

    Recipe 3. Beef and pork cutlets in the shape of hedgehogs

    This recipe is suitable for little gourmets and will delight children, for example, at a children's party.

    Bread - 4 pieces or 3 pieces of minced meat;

    Sour cream or yogurt (with a high percentage of fat, and use yogurt without fruit additives) - 1 tbsp;

    Hard boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;

    Raw chicken egg - 1 pc .;

    Breadcrumbs (can be yellow) - 4 tablespoons;

    Black peppercorns - for decorating hedgehogs;

    From the specified amount, on average, 6 large cutlets should be obtained.

    1. Scroll the meat on a blender or meat grinder and mix the ingredients with each other.

    2. Pour the pulp of white bread or loaf with milk and let stand for 10-15 minutes.

    3. Cook 3 eggs hard-boiled for about 7-8 minutes.

    4. Cut the boiled eggs in half. Knead the yolks or three on a fine grater, add chopped green onions to them, salt and fill with the resulting mixture of egg whites.

    5. In the twisted minced meat, add the pulp of bread, egg, salt, semolina. Beat everything thoroughly and mix.

    6. Wrap the stuffed eggs in the minced meat and give it the shape of a hedgehog.

    7. Decorate the cutlets with peanuts instead of needles, black peppercorns instead of eyes and nose, sprinkle with breadcrumbs on top for beauty.

    Recipe 4 "Festive" beef and pork cutlets

    The technology of such cutlets resembles the preparation of Kiev cutlets. However, here we will not use chicken fillet, and we will cook everything from minced meat.

    Pork and beef in equal amounts - this recipe is for 1 kg;

    Hard cheese - 100 grams;

    Onions - 2 heads;

    Crackers made from 4 slices of white bread;

    Salt and pepper to taste;

    Butter - 100 grams;

    Breadcrumbs - 1 pack;

    Flour for breading;

    1. Prepare the filling: rub the cheese on a fine grater, crush the softened butter with a fork and mix it all with finely chopped dill.

    2. From the resulting composition, roll up small oval balls. We put them to cool until the required moment.

    3. Pour the bread crumbs cut into squares with cold water until they become soft. Then we drain off the rest of the water.

    4. Rub the onion on a coarse grater or cut it into small pieces.

    5. Cooking minced meat: grind pork and beef in a meat grinder. We combine meat, crackers, 1 egg and spices with each other.

    6. Divide the minced meat into portions, in each of which we wrap a piece of prepared butter with cheese and herbs.

    7. Roll the festive cutlets in several stages: in flour, beaten egg, bread crumbs.

    8. Fry the cutlets until golden brown over medium heat.

    Recipe 5 Minced pork and beef cutlets "Hercules"

    Their peculiarity lies in the addition of oatmeal instead of eggs.

    Oatmeal - 100-140 grams;

    Breadcrumbs or flour - 100 grams;

    1. Pour milk at room temperature into the prepared minced meat.

    2. Add the peeled and grated onions.

    3. Pour in oatmeal, salt, pepper and herbs. Oatmeal can be ground in a coffee grinder to a flour condition.

    4. Mix everything well, cover with cling film and send to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

    5. Form small cutlets from minced meat, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in a hot pan in vegetable oil until tender.

    6. After the cutlets have a golden brown crust, add 100 ml of water to the pan and simmer until the liquid evaporates.

    Recipe 6 Minced pork and beef cutlets with rice

    These cutlets are very satisfying.

    Round rice - 200 grams;

    Onions - 2 heads;

    Garlic - 1-2 cloves (optional);

    1. Rinse the rice under running cold water. Place it in a saucepan and pour boiling water over 1 cup of rice per 2 cups of water.

    2. Add the onions and garlic rolled in a meat grinder to the minced meat.

    3. Also add boiled rice, salt and pepper to the minced meat. We mix everything thoroughly and form cutlets.

    4. Preheat the pan until hot. Pour in the vegetable oil.

    5. Put the cutlets and fry them over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Then turn the cutlets over to the other side, cover the pan with a lid and fry for another 5 minutes.

    Recipe 7 Quick minced pork and beef cutlets

    Such cutlets will help out when you need to cook a quick lunch.

    Minced pork and beef in an equal percentage - 600 grams;

    Raw eggs - 4 pcs., But you can take less;

    Mayonnaise (will add flavor and juiciness to the product) - 50 grams;

    1. Finely chop the green onion.

    2. Raw potatoes peel and grate.

    3. Add to the prepared minced meat: onion, potatoes, egg, salt and pepper.

    4. Mix the indicated components.

    5. Add mayonnaise and flour and mix again.

    6. Fry in vegetable oil for 4-5 minutes on both sides until tender.

    Tips and tricks for cooking minced pork and beef cutlets

    1. So that the minced meat does not fall apart when frying, mix it well and leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    2. Stir the minced meat better hands so you will feel its consistency and the absence of lumps.

    3. To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, moisten your hands with water when forming cutlets.

    4. The pan must be well preheated before frying. Don't overdo it with butter. There should be just enough of it to cover the pan. Fry them for 2-3 minutes over high heat, and then, with a lid, bring to readiness.

    5. At the end of frying, simmer some cutlets in a saucepan to make them juicier and softer. Time is about 10-15 minutes.

    Learn to feel the food and the cooking process. You will get a taste, and you will succeed!


    Minced pork cutlets beef recipe with photo

    Someone will say that minced meat patties are an ordinary, unremarkable everyday dish. You can bet! After all, the most ordinary minced meat cutlets, if desired, can be turned into something amazingly tasty and original.

    Minced meat for cooking delicious cutlets Anything will do: pork, beef or mixed, chicken, turkey mince or even fish. You can add vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, cheese, spices and other ingredients to minced meat cutlets - you can experiment endlessly.

    You cook ordinary minced meat or experiment with additives, you cannot do without basic cooking rules:

    • Dried bread is considered one of the main ingredients of minced meat cutlets. It can be either rye or wheat. Bread without crusts is pre-soaked in milk or water, then added to the minced meat;
    • Minced meat for cutlets must be knocked out well, this is the only way the cutlets will turn out to be tender and fluffy. If, in the process of beating, add ice water, mineral water or cream to the minced meat, the cutlets will turn out juicy;
    • For the same juiciness in minced cutlet add finely chopped onion or white cabbage. Precisely finely chopped, and not minced, keep this in mind!

    These are not all the secrets of delicious cutlets. Dig into our selection of recipes, there are many discoveries awaiting you!

    Cutlets "Exceptionally tasty"

    500 g minced meat

    3 slices of white bread,

    2 tbsp. l. chopped parsley

    1 tsp mustard powder

    salt, black pepper.

    Soak white bread slices in water before cooking. In a bowl, combine the coarsely sliced ​​onion, squeezed white bread, and the finely chopped parsley. Stir everything, add minced meat, dry mustard, egg yolk and mix again. If your minced meat is too thick, pour some cold water directly into the mass. In another bowl, beat the egg whites until frothy. Combine half of the proteins with minced meat, mix gently, add the other half and mix again. Form patties with wet hands and fry them in a pan with vegetable oil on both sides until appetizing golden brown.

    Cutlets from minced pork with vegetables and herbs

    600 g mixed minced meat

    150 g hard cheese

    100-150 g of stale white bread,

    50 g parsley and dill,

    2 cloves of garlic

    100 g of vegetable oil

    salt, pepper - to taste.

    Chop tomatoes, onions and herbs as small as possible, hard cheese small cubes... Combine cheese with chopped vegetables. Add this prepared mixture to the minced meat that has already been mixed of two types, send the egg and bread soaked in milk there. Stir the resulting mass well, salt and pepper to taste, add the garlic cloves passed through the garlic press. Form medium-sized cutlets from the resulting mass and fry them on both sides in vegetable oil until tender.

    Fancy cutlets with egg filling Breaded

    500 g minced meat

    salt, red pepper - to taste.

    Hard-boil 3 eggs and grate on a coarse grater, cut 2 onions into small cubes and fry in a little vegetable oil until golden brown. Mix these ingredients together. Grate the remaining onion on a coarse grater and add to the minced meat, season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly and beat it against the work surface. In this case, your cutlets will turn out to be more tender and airy. Spread out cling film and put the prepared minced meat on it in an even layer, on top of which place the filling of eggs and onions, and then roll everything with a foil into a roll. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and place it in the freezer. An indispensable condition: the roll must freeze to such an extent that it can be cut, and it does not fall apart. Cut the roll into neat slices. Prepare a batter from 1 egg, 100 ml water, salt and flour. At the final stage of cooking, simply dip the pieces of the roll in batter and fry until tender in a pan with heated vegetable oil.

    Beef cutlets with cheese "Mom's Secrets"

    1 kg ground beef

    2 cloves of garlic

    2 slices of bread

    130 g hard cheese

    100 ml of vegetable oil

    bread crumbs - for breading,

    salt, black pepper.

    Soak the slices of bread in the cream. Add chopped onion to the minced meat, garlic passed through a press, bread soaked in cream and an egg. Salt and pepper everything for an amateur and mix well. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and add to the minced meat. Mix everything again thoroughly and form patties of the desired shape and size with wet hands. Then dip them in bread crumbs, fry on both sides until golden brown in a pan with heated vegetable oil, then put them in a baking dish and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 10 minutes.

    Minced meat cutlets with white cabbage"Lush and juicy"

    400 g mixed minced meat

    400 g white cabbage,

    3 cloves of garlic

    greens, salt, pepper - to taste.

    Pass the cabbage through a meat grinder (or better chop it finely), onion, garlic, drain the juice and add the prepared vegetables to the minced meat. Drive in an egg there, add chopped herbs, salt and pepper to taste. Stir until you get it. homogeneous mass, from which form medium-sized cutlets, dip them in a mixture of flour and semolina and cook on both sides in a pan with heated vegetable oil until golden brown.

    Minced meat cutlets with pickled beets and potatoes "Swedish feast"

    8 tbsp. l. pickled beets,

    2-3 potatoes, depending on size,

    Beat minced meat, milk and yolk in a deep bowl until smooth, add grated potatoes, finely chopped beets, pre-fried onions until golden, mix and salt to taste. Blind cutlets from the cooked mass, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan with heated fat (use fat - it will be tastier this way) on both sides until golden brown.

    Minced meat cutlets with smoked brisket and cheese "Serbian traditional"

    1 kg of ground pork and beef,

    150 g smoked brisket

    5 cloves of garlic

    ½ stack. sparkling water,

    2 tsp ground paprika,

    50 g vegetable oil

    parsley and dill - to taste and desire,

    salt, pepper - to taste.

    Combine minced meat with finely chopped onions, spices, baking soda and mineral water, stir and refrigerate for 2 hours. When the time is up, take it out and add finely chopped feta cheese, brisket, herbs and chopped garlic to it. From the resulting mass, make medium-sized cutlets and fry them in a pan with heated vegetable oil until golden brown. Then transfer to a saucepan, add half a glass of water and simmer on a very small flame, covered for 10 minutes.

    Chicken cutlets with crab sticks

    500 g minced chicken

    500 g crab sticks or crab meat,

    salt, pepper - to taste.

    Chop finely with a knife or, even easier, pass through a meat grinder crab sticks and add them to the minced meat. Beat the eggs into the resulting mass, add chopped onions, bread soaked in milk or water, and, of course, salt and spices. Mix everything well, blind with your hands, from time to time lowering them into water so that small cutlets are wet. Dip the prepared semi-finished products in breadcrumbs and fry until golden brown for 10 minutes on each side in a pan with heated vegetable oil. Then let the cutlets sweat for another 10 minutes for small fire under the lid.

    Chicken cutlets with creamy nut filling "For gourmets"


    pork minced beef cutlets recipe juicy and tender

    Considering that the composition on the packaging does not always correspond to reality, we decide to prepare such a product ourselves. So how to cook ground pork beef? What is needed for the recipe, and what proportions are the most optimal?

    The classic version of this type of minced meat consists of pork and beef pulp in equal proportions.

    Those. if you need half a kilogram of minced meat for a dish, then you should buy 250 g of pork and the same amount of beef.

    Of the kitchen tools, a meat grinder (in the old fashioned way) or a combine is most often used.

    First, chop the pork and beef into small pieces,

    then grind them up.

    For example, do you cook stuffed pepper or stuffed cabbage.

    If you need a more juicy version for the recipe, you can add a little lard and grated pumpkin twisted in a meat grinder to the minced meat preparation.

    You are now ready for any culinary experiment!

    If until now you thought that beef cutlets can turn out to be extremely tough and dry, then we are ready to change your mind. We bring to your attention minced beef cutlets a recipe that will completely change your idea of ​​cutlets.

    If until now you thought that beef patties can turn out to be extremely tough and dry, then we are ready to change your opinion. We bring to your attention minced beef cutlets a recipe that will completely change your idea of ​​cutlets. So let's get started.

    Onion - 1 head;

    The resulting minced meat must be mixed well. It is best to do it with your hands. Slowly add semolina while mixing. We wrote that its amount is 1 tablespoon, but it may not be enough. Minced meat should not be very liquid, watch out for this.

    Next, we start frying. If you want to avoid sticking the minced meat to the pan, then you need to heat it well. Once the pan has reached the desired temperature, pour in the oil. While the oil is heating, begin to shape the minced meat into small balls. Breadcrumbs can be used if desired. Place the balls in a skillet and grill over medium heat for 5 minutes. Then turn the patties over and fry them for another 10 minutes with a lid on top.

    how to cook meatballs delicious minced beef patties recipe

  • For cooking recipe Soviet cuisine pork and beef cutlets, wash the meat and cut into small pieces, cut the stale loaf into slices and add water or milk. When the loaf has absorbed the liquid and becomes soft, squeeze it out. Peel and cut the potatoes into small pieces. Some fried onions for cutlets, pre-chopped finely, and some twisted fresh in a meat grinder. If the pork is lean, you can add a small amount of lard, then the cutlets will be much juicier.

    Twist the prepared ingredients in a meat grinder, but do not put a grid too shallow, you can even use the largest one so that the meat is practically chopped. A grill that is too shallow will make the minced meat runny and then you will not feel the taste of the meat. TO ready-made minced meat add eggs, salt, pepper and knead, you need to knead, practically beating, and it is best to place the minced meat in the refrigerator after kneading for at least 30 minutes.

    Form small cutlets from minced pork and beef. Many cutlets are breaded in breadcrumbs, but not everyone likes the taste of burnt crumbs, if you overdo it, you can hammer the taste of cutlets with breading, so it is better to cook cutlets according to this recipe without breading. Fry on both sides in a preheated pan with vegetable oil. There is also little nuance... Many are accustomed to frying cutlets over high heat, and then simmering so that the middle is completely cooked, but at the same time the beautiful color and crispy toasted crust are lost. These patties are best cooked by placing the skillet on the divider for medium fire under the lid, so the cutlets will not be soggy, and the crust will remain.


    • 500 g minced meat
    • 1 onion
    • 2-3 cloves of garlic
    • 1-2 slices of stale white loaf
    • 1-2 tablespoons semolina
    • some milk
    • vegetable oil, salt, pepper to taste
    • add semolina, salt, pepper to the minced meat
    • add the grated onion to the gruel
    • squeeze garlic into it
    • add the loaf soaked in milk
    • Knead everything and refrigerate for 30 minutes
    • form cutlets and fry in a pan

    We call cutlets made of minced meat or minced meat formed into "oval-shaped" larger meatballs and fried in a pan. Oh, how often housewives make them! Each has its own and, of course, the tastiest of all). And there are just a lot of recipes for cooking. Basically, all recipes are very similar and you can experiment with them as you like. But, generally speaking, there are some canons for the preparation of this common dish. Today I will tell you about these nuances. Someone knows them, someone does not. So, minced pork cutlets.

    For this recipe, we'll be using commercially available ground pork. Therefore, to cook cutlets, I mix it with onions, garlic, potatoes, semolina, a slightly stale white loaf, which I pre-soak in milk. I rub the onion on a fine grater to make a gruel. I don't add onion juice, just gruel. This technique is good to use if you have opponents of onions among your eaters. I squeeze the garlic with a garlic press. I do the same with potatoes as with onions, and I don’t add potato juice either, but only gruel, otherwise the minced meat may darken. I add semolina for splendor. Salt, you can pepper. Then I knead for 10-15 minutes.


    Minced meat needs to be kneaded for about 10 minutes. Then, do the following procedure 5 - 10 times: form a lump out of it and throw it into a kneading dish with medium force, then squeeze this lump with your fingers so that the mass passes between your fingers. After the work is done, send it to the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. This is one of the main features of the preparation of this dish. Another feature is related to proportions. But I'll talk about it in another article.

    Now that main component ready, form cutlets. It is better to form them not very thick so that they are fried.

    Then, fry them in a preheated pan in vegetable oil without a lid. In the process of frying, turn over only once. After everything is ready, you can put them in the pan, turn off the heat and cover with a lid. Let them lie down and rest :). Everything is ready! Bon Appetit!