Home / Cakes / Mashed potato soups for vegetarians. Vegetarian potato soup

Mashed potato soups for vegetarians. Vegetarian potato soup

Vegetarian soups are very popular with housewives. They are great for fasting, dieting, vegetarians, and just for variety on the table.

Without meat, it turns out, you can make a lot of delicious and equally nutritious soups. They are perfect for lunch for the whole family and will energize as well as broth soups.

InPlanet editors have prepared a list of the most delicious vegetarian soups that anyone will love!

1 Bean soup

Classic soups with legumes it is made with smoked meats, but even without meat it turns out to be quite satisfying and tasty. This recipe is very quick due to canned beans... But experienced housewives can cook it with dry red beans!


  • a can of red beans;
  • onion 1 pc.;
  • carrots 1 pc .;
  • tomato paste 120 g;
  • potatoes 3 pcs.;
  • greens, salt, spices to taste.

Cooking method:

Since the canned red beans do not need to be soaked, we immediately put the pot of water on the stove and cook. Finely chop the onion into cubes, three carrots on a grater and fry until golden brown, add tomato paste.

Add potatoes, also diced, to boiling water, cook for a couple of minutes. Then pour the beans without liquid and fry and cook until tender. Add salt, spices and herbs to taste. When serving, you can add sour cream to the soup!

2 Beetroot hot

This soup will become great alternative borscht and is perfect for lunch. And due to the fact that there is no meat in it, it can be easily served cold, which is simply priceless in summer!


  • onion 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes 2 pcs.;
  • carrots 1 pc .;
  • beets 0.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l .;
  • lemon juice 4 l.;
  • garlic 4 cloves;
  • peppercorns Bay leaf, salt, sugar - to taste;
  • greenery;
  • sour cream.

Cooking method:

Peel the beets, cut into small slices and cook for about half an hour until tender, cool. Boiled beets rub on a coarse grater and add chopped garlic to it. Dice the potatoes, onions and carrots.

Bring the broth after the beets to a boil, lower the potatoes and cook for 10-15 minutes. Fry onions with carrots in a pan for 7 minutes and add to the soup, send beets with garlic there. Put salt, peppercorns and bay leaves to taste, pour out the lemon juice. Add a tablespoon of granulated sugar and cook until tender. When serving, decorate the soup with herbs and sour cream.

3 Cheese soup with cauliflower

This quick and easy cauliflower soup will delight even kids. A stunning creamy taste soup will conquer even a devoted meat-eater!


  • potatoes 3 pcs.;
  • cauliflower 0.5 kg;
  • onion 1 pc .;
  • cream 0.5 cups;
  • hard cheese 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the potatoes and onions as you like, preferably into cubes, divide the cabbage into small inflorescences, three cheese on a fine grater. In a saucepan, bring 2 liters of water to a boil and add the potatoes and onions.

Slow heat and add cream, cheese and salt and pepper. Cook for 10 minutes and add cauliflower... We boil for another five minutes, turn off the stove and leave it to brew under the lid.

4 Vegetarian kharcho

For those who like it spicier, you can cook kharcho soup without meat. Vegetarian option Georgian soup it turns out no worse than the classic one!


  • tomatoes 3 pcs.;
  • rice 100 g;
  • onion 1 pc .;
  • walnuts 50 g;
  • hot red pepper 1 pc .;
  • garlic 3 cloves;
  • salt to taste;
  • coriander ½ tsp;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the onion, garlic and red pepper, chop the nuts in a mortar. Fry onions on vegetable oil until golden brown, add garlic, nuts and pepper.

Grind the tomatoes in a blender. Bring a liter of water to a boil, add rice, coriander, toasted and salt to taste. Simmer the tomatoes in a pan for about five minutes and send them to the pan. Simmer the soup under the lid for another 5-10 minutes and let it brew after turning off the stove.

5 Vegetarian green borscht

Lean option traditional borscht perfect as a summer lunch. You can cook such a soup immediately in the spring, when the first sorrel leaves bloom in the garden.


  • a bunch of spinach;
  • sorrel 2 bunches;
  • potatoes 3 pcs.;
  • carrots 1 pc .;
  • onion 1 pc .;
  • flour 1 tbsp. l .;
  • tomato paste 1 tbsp l .;
  • herbs and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Boil 2 liters of water, peel the potatoes, cut into slices and send them to boiling water. Finely chop the spinach and sorrel. Chop the onions and carrots into strips and fry in a hot pan for 3 minutes.

Add flour and tomato paste to the frying, fry for a couple of minutes over low heat. Add frying, sorrel and spinach to the potatoes, cook for five minutes. Traditionally lean option borscht is served with sour cream and half a boiled egg.

6 Onion soup

Classical onion soup certainly associated with France. Only there they cook such an unusual and very tasty soup from regular onions and baguette!


  • onions 1 kg;
  • vegetable broth 1 l;
  • ½ baguette;
  • butter 5 tbsp. l .;
  • semi-hard cheese 130 g;
  • pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the onion into thinnest half rings, heat the butter in a saucepan with a thick bottom and fry the onion for about 20 minutes. The color should be golden brown. Pour half a glass of broth into the onion and wait for it to evaporate.

Then add the remaining broth and simmer over low heat, add salt and pepper to taste. Cut the baguette into portions, blush in the toaster. Pour the soup into heat-resistant portioned bowls, place the baguette on top and sprinkle with cheese. Place in the oven for 10 minutes until the cheese is browned.

7 Vegetarian pickle

Classic recipe pickle is usually prepared with meat. But if you add hearty barley to the soup, it will turn out to be as nutritious as the meat version. This recipe is very popular in the summer, in the heat.


  • pearl barley 250 g;
  • carrots 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes 3 pcs.;
  • pickled or pickled cucumbers 2 pcs.;
  • onion 1 pc .;
  • flour ½ tbsp. l .;
  • brine 2 tbsp. l .;
  • tomato paste 2 tbsp l .;
  • peppercorns, bay leaves, salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Experienced housewives know that it is better to soak the pearl barley in advance so that it swells and cooks faster. It is better to do this at night, and in the morning add water to it and cook. Chop the onions and carrots and prepare the classic frying. Add flour and tomato paste as desired and fry until the lumps disappear.

Dip the frying in a saucepan with feather grains and add 0.5 liters of water, cook for 25 minutes until the cereals are tender. Cut the potatoes into slices and pour into a saucepan. Chop cucumbers small cubes and add to the soup 20 minutes after the potatoes. Bring everything to a boil, add salt, pepper and lavrushka to taste and simmer over low heat for another five minutes.

8 Mushroom Soup

Fragrant magic mushroom soup familiar to everyone. This dish does not require a lot of cooking time or complex products. In just half an hour you can prepare a delicious and light soup for lunch!


  • champignon mushrooms 0.5 kg;
  • carrots 1 pc .;
  • bulb;
  • potatoes 3 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • seasoning hops-suneli;
  • greens, sour cream.

Cooking method:

This simple soup can be made from any mushrooms, but in this recipe we use the ones that you can get. all year round- Champignon. First, cut the mushrooms, carrots and onions finely and fry over medium heat. Season with suneli hops if desired.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and add to boiling water, cook until half cooked. Add the frying, add salt and pepper to taste and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. This soup is best served with sour cream and chopped herbs.

9 Pea soup

Pea soup also applies to favorite recipes during the fast. Legumes are a great substitute for meat for vegetarians too, which is why they often look for a delicious pea soup recipe.


  • dry peas 250 g;
  • potatoes 5 pcs.;
  • onion 2 pcs.;
  • carrots 1 pc .;
  • butter 50 g;
  • water 2.5 l.;
  • garlic 6-7 cloves;
  • parsley, dill 15 g each;
  • bay leaf 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

Just like pearl barley, it is better to soak peas 10-12 hours before making the soup. Then you need to rinse the groats, add water and put on fire. Make sure that the peas do not run off onto the stove! Meanwhile, chop the onions and carrots into small cubes, fry on butter.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the peas, after boiling, add the fry. Season with salt and pepper to taste and add lavrushka. For a minute after turning off the stove, add herbs and garlic to the soup. Pea soup is best served with fried croutons.

10 Cold cucumber soup

When you want something fresh and flavorful, cucumber soup is perfect for lunch. It is so gentle and light that it will perfectly fit even in the diet of those on a diet!


  • cucumbers 1 kg;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • kefir 2.5% 300 ml;
  • yogurt 300 g;
  • lemon ½;
  • basil / mint optional;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • garlic 2-3 cloves.

Cooking method:

Cooking such a summer soup is very simple - first, let's peel the cucumbers and seeds. Then put the cucumbers, garlic and herbs cut into small pieces into the blender bowl. Squeeze lemon juice there, add salt and pepper.

Pour in yogurt and kefir, volume fermented milk products can be adjusted independently to obtain the required density. It is better to put the soup in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it infuses and becomes even more fragrant. When serving on a plate, you can chop cucumbers, sprinkle with herbs and pour a spoonful of vegetable oil.

11 Noodle soup

This soup is probably the most favorite for children, because it is very simple and delicious. And the hostess won't bother preparing such a first course!


  • vermicelli (stars or figures) 200 g;
  • potatoes 4 pcs.;
  • onion 1 pc .;
  • carrots 1 pc .;
  • water 2.5 l;
  • dill 100 g;
  • olive oil 2 tbsp l .;
  • salt to taste;
  • turmeric, oregano, paprika ½ tsp.

Cooking method:

Bring the water to a boil, lower the sliced ​​potatoes and cook for five minutes. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and add to the potato broth, cook for another two or three minutes. Chop the onion finely and dip it in the soup too.

Add spices together with olive oil and cook for another minute. Add vermicelli and bring to a boil, add herbs and turn off the heat. Serve the soup hot until the noodles are swollen.

12 Tomato soup with lentils

In addition to beans and peas, the legume family has another tasty representative - lentils. Vegetarians love to cook with it. various dishes as it is nutritious and healthy.


  • red lentils 250 g;
  • sweet pepper 1 pc .;
  • medium carrots 2 pcs.;
  • tomato juice 600 ml;
  • garlic 2-3 cloves;
  • olive oil 3 tbsp l .;
  • pepper, salt to taste;
  • dill fresh herbs;
  • fructose or sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

Before preparing the soup, it is best to soak the lentils for about an hour, after having sorted and washed. It is better to take red cereal, it cooks faster. After an hour, add water to the lentils and cook for another 30 minutes, depending on the readiness.

Chop the carrots, cut the pepper into cubes. First fry all this in a saucepan, and then simmer with a little water for 8-10 minutes. Then pour lentils into a roasted pan and pour over everything with tomato juice. Add the required amount of salt, pepper and fructose to taste. Boil the soup for another 10 minutes until tender.

Finely chop the garlic and herbs and add to the soup. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it brew. You can serve lentil soup with sour cream!

Vegetarian soups are not only delicious, but also healthy for the body. Plus, they are very quick to prepare and take very little time to cook!

Vegetarian soups for feeding a child and therapeutic diets prepared from vegetables, cereals, legumes, pasta on vegetable or cereal broths or on water.

The taste of such a soup is largely determined by the duration of heat treatment of each of its constituent components.
Therefore, the constituent parts of the soup are placed in the boiling liquid sequentially, taking into account the timing of their cooking.
Season vegetarian soups with butter or sour cream.

Depending on the age of the child or the nature of the diet, the menu of which includes a vegetarian soup, its constituent parts are crushed to a greater or lesser extent.

Vegetarian borsch

Peel the beets and carrots, rinse, cut into strips and pass with tomato puree in a small amount of vegetable broth until tender. Cut the potatoes and cabbage, put in boiling water or vegetable broth and cook until tender, then add the steamed beets, carrots, citric acid, sugar, salt. When serving, put butter and sour cream in the finished borscht.
Beets - 50g, carrots - 15g, potatoes - 30g, cabbage - 40g, vegetable broth - 230ml, tomato puree - 3g, sugar - 3g, sour cream - 10g, butter - 5g.

Vegetarian potato soup
Peel the washed potatoes and carrots, cut into medium-sized slices, put them in boiling water and cook, tightly covered with a lid, until tender. Spread onions and parsley root in vegetable oil, dip in the broth with potatoes and carrots and boil for a few more minutes. Season the soup with butter and chopped herbs.
Potatoes - 80g, carrots - 20g, parsley root and onion- 5g each, water - 250ml, vegetable oil - 5g, butter - 5g.

Potato soup with green peas
Put chopped potatoes in a boiling vegetable broth and cook for 15 minutes, then add chopped onions sauteed in butter and green pea(canned), cook for another 5-7 minutes, season with salt. When serving, season with sour cream, chopped dill.
Potatoes - 150g, green peas - 10g, onions - 10g, vegetable broth - 250ml, butter - 5g, sour cream - 10g, dill - 3g.

Vegetarian soup
Peel carrots and onions, rinse, chop finely and simmer in a little water. Then top up hot water, bring to a boil and lower the chopped cabbage, diced potatoes, courgettes or pumpkin and bring on low heat until tender. Season with salt, season with butter, put sour cream on a plate before serving.
Carrots - 20g, onions - 5g, cabbage - 40g, potatoes - 50g, zucchini - 40g, water or vegetable broth - 250ml, butter - 5g, sour cream - 10g.

Vegetarian pureed pearl barley soup
Soak the sorted and washed pearl barley for several hours, then cook until soft. Then add the carrots and onions stewed in butter, boil for another 8-10 minutes, rub together with the liquid through a colander, bring to a boil, salt. When serving, put sour cream, add dill.
Pearl barley - 25g, carrots - 15g, onions - 10g, water - 250ml, butter - 5g, sour cream - 10g, dill - 5g.

Vegetarian pickle
Pour boiling water over the sorted and washed pearl barley and leave for 3-4 hours to swell. Put the swollen groats in boiling vegetable broth or water and cook until softened, then add diced potatoes and continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes. Pickle peel and seeds, chop finely and simmer in a little water for 15-20 minutes. Saute grated carrots, parsley root, finely chopped onion in butter. Add the sautéed vegetables along with the cucumber to the broth with pearl barley, let it boil, season with sour cream.
Pearl barley - 10g, potatoes - 60g, cucumbers - 40g, carrots - 15g, onions and parsley root - 5g each, vegetable broth or water - 250ml, butter - 5g, sour cream - 5g.

Chop the boiled and peeled beets, put in a saucepan with mashed fresh tomato or tomato paste, add hot water and simmer over low heat for 8-10 minutes. Add finely chopped to the cooled broth fresh cucumber, green onions, dill, hard-boiled egg, salt, season with sour cream.
Beets - 40g, tomatoes - 25g, water - 150ml, cucumbers - 25g, green onions - 10g, dill - 3g, eggs - 1/4 pcs.

Vegetarian pea soup
Soak peas for 4-6 hours and cook in water or vegetable broth until tender. Separately, sauté chopped carrots, onions, parsley root in vegetable oil. Add browned vegetables to boiled peas, salt and boil for several minutes. Season the soup with sour cream.
Hulled peas - 60g, carrots - 15g, onions and parsley root - 5g each, vegetable oil - 5g, wheat flour - 5g, sour cream - 10g.

Cauliflower soup with semolina
Disassemble the peeled and washed cauliflower into coots, put it in salted boiling water and cook until soft, then remove the cabbage with a slotted spoon, pour the sifted into the cabbage broth semolina and cook for 15 minutes, then pour in hot milk and put in soup boiled cabbage, bring to dripping and boil for 2-3 minutes. Season the finished soup with butter.
Cauliflower - 65g, semolina - 5g, milk - 100ml, water - 150ml, butter - 8g.

Given recipes for dishes baby food, so most recipes are based on one serving.
In the process of preparing the soup, the amount of products can be increased with the obligatory preservation of the necessary ratios and compliance of the portion with the age norm.

Pearl barley soup with melted cheese
Sort the pearl barley, rinse and soak for 3-4 hours. Drain the water, refill it cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Then add the peeled and diced potatoes, season with salt, cook for another 15 minutes, add the onions sautéed in butter and chopped processed cheese... Continue cooking for another 7-8 minutes. Sprinkle chopped dill and parsley over the soup before serving.
Pearl barley - 20g, potatoes - 50g, onions - 5g, water - 200ml, processed cheese - 50g, dill and parsley - 3g each.

Millet soup with prunes
Soak the sorted and washed millet for 2-3 hours, then put it in boiling water and cook until tender. Rinse the prunes and also soak for several hours, then remove the seeds and boil in a little water to which sugar has been added. Rub the cooked prunes through a sieve and add together with the broth to the soup, boil for a few more minutes, remove from heat. Season with sour cream. The soup is usually served cold.
Millet - 20g, prunes - 60g, water - 250ml, sugar - 10g, sour cream - 10g.

Peasant cabbage soup (to the carbohydrate table)
Soak the groats for 5-6 hours, rinse and put them together with the spice seeds in boiling water, bring to a boil and add diced potatoes and chopped cabbage. Separately sauté onion, carrots, parsley root in vegetable oil, put tomato paste in them or pour in tomato juice, simmer for another 1-2 minutes. Transfer the cooked roots with tomato to the soup and bring to a boil, cook for another 5-7 minutes, and then add salt and chopped herbs.
Cabbage - 500 g, potatoes - 200 g, carrots - 1 root vegetable, onions - 1 head, parsley root - 1, oatmeal, millet or pearl barley, tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon or tomato juice - 100 g, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, spices, salt, herbs to taste, water - 1 liter.

Garden cabbage soup (to the carbohydrate table)
Cut the carrots, parsley, turnips or rutabagas into slices, and cut the onions into half rings. Put prepared vegetables in a saucepan, add spices, oil, salt. Cook until tender.
Put finely chopped greens in a bowl of cabbage soup.
White cabbage - 500 g, turnips - 1 root vegetable, carrots - 1 root vegetable, onions - 1 head, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup (to the carbohydrate table)
Squeeze the juice from the sauerkraut, put the cabbage in a saucepan, add the tomato paste, pour in a glass of boiling water, close the lid and simmer for 1.5-2 hours. The fire should be strong at first, and when the cabbage warms up, you should reduce it to a minimum. The softer the sauerkraut, the tastier the cabbage soup. 10-15 minutes before the end of stewing cabbage, add chopped roots and onions fried in oil.
Put cabbage in boiling water and cook until tender for another 30-40 minutes. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, pour the flour sauté into the pan, add bay leaf and pepper to taste. In ready-made cabbage soup, you can add 2-3 cloves of garlic, rubbed with salt.

You can cook these cabbage soup with potatoes or cereals. In this case, cut 2-3 potatoes into cubes or slices. 2 tbsp. spoons of washed cereals (preferably pearl barley or millet) steam separately until tender. Put prepared foods in boiling water 10 minutes earlier than stewed cabbage.

Put greens in a plate with cabbage soup. You can serve kulebyak with buckwheat with the cabbage soup, buckwheat porridge, cheesecakes with potatoes. Sauerkraut cabbage soup is a dish with strong anthelmintic properties.
Sauerkraut - 500-600 g, carrots - 1-2 pcs., Parsley root - 1-2 pcs., Onions - 1 pc., Wheat flour- 2 tbsp. spoons, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon, bunch of herbs (dill or parsley), bay leaf, pepper to taste.

Daily cabbage soup
This cabbage soup is cooked in the same way as sauerkraut cabbage soup. Chopped sauerkraut simmer with fat, add 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato puree. After 1.5-2 hours of stewing, the cabbage becomes reddish, soft, with a sweetish taste. Stewed cabbage Place in a saucepan of boiling water and cook for about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add the roots fried with tomato puree, and 10-15 minutes later - bay leaf, pepper, flour sauté. Put 2-3 cloves of garlic, rubbed with salt in ready-made cabbage soup.

The cabbage soup will be tastier if infused in a clay pot. To do this, remove the saucepan with cabbage soup from the heat immediately after adding the spices, that is, 15 minutes before the end of cooking. Pour the cabbage soup into a clay pot, cover with a piece of rolled unleavened dough and baked in the oven. When the cake-lid is browned and becomes convex, the cabbage soup is ready. Daily cabbage soup is tastier to eat with a wooden spoon straight from the pot.

According to the old method, the cabbage soup is not boiled, poured into a pot and taken out in the cold (put in the refrigerator) for the whole night. The next day they are heated in the oven. That is why their name is daily allowance.
Sauerkraut - 500-600 g, wheat flour - 1 tbsp. spoon, the rest of the products, as for cabbage soup.

Homemade borscht (to the carbohydrate table)
Add dill seed, chopped beets, carrots, roots, salt to boiling water and cook until a slight residual color of the vegetable broth with beets.
Put the diced potatoes into a saucepan and cook for 10-15 minutes, then add the cabbage, finely chopped into strips, and when the borscht boils, add the onion, fried in vegetable oil until golden brown and tomato paste diluted in vegetable broth with browned flour.
Season the borsch with mashed garlic 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking. Add pepper, "khmeli-suneli", parsley, dill and other spices to taste.
Boil. The borsch is ready.
Beets - 1 pc. (medium size), potatoes - 5-6 pcs., White cabbage- 300 g, bell pepper- 1 pc., Carrots - 2-3 pcs., Parsley root - 1 pc., Onions - 1-2 pcs., Tomato paste - 1-2 tbsp. spoons (or 2-3 fresh tomatoes), vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons, flour - 1 tbsp. spoon, water - 2 l, dill seed, "khmeli-suneli", parsley and dill.

Borscht (to the carbohydrate table)
Peel and wash vegetables, cut potatoes into cubes, chop cabbage, grate carrots and beets on a coarse grater, finely chop onions.
Put the beets in boiling salted water with spice seeds and cook them until the broth changes the color acquired by boiling the beets. It will turn from bright red to golden orange, then dip carrots and celery into it. When the water boils again, add the potatoes. Bring to a boil again, cook for 4-5 minutes and add finely chopped cabbage.
At this time, fry the onions in vegetable oil and stew a little under the lid, add tomato paste, or tomato juice, or finely chopped tomatoes. Fry this dressing and put in a saucepan. Cook until the potatoes are tender. Add garlic, passed through the garlic, to the finished borscht. Fill in finely chopped greens. Let the borscht brew for 1-2 hours.
Potatoes - 400 g, white cabbage - 300 g, carrots, celery root - 2 root vegetables, beets - 1 medium root vegetable, tomato juice - 100 ml, or tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon, or fresh or canned tomatoes - 200 g, garlic - 3 cloves, spices (dill seeds, parsley, black pepper, allspice), salt, herbs to taste.

Vegetable chowder with peas (to the protein table)
Peel and wash vegetables. Cut carrots, onions into small cubes, add peas soaked for 8-10 hours, sprinkle everything with spices - dill seeds, parsley, peppercorns, pour hot salted water, bring to a boil and cook for 5-6 minutes. Insist warm with the lid closed for 10-15 minutes. Put finely chopped greens in plates, pour hot soup.
Dry peas - 0.5 cups, onions - 2 heads, carrots - 2 medium roots, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, water - 1 liter, salt, spices, herbs to taste.

Carrot chowder with needles (to the carbohydrate table)
Wash carrots, peel, chop, mix with millet, pour boiling water over, leave to swell the millet for 30 minutes, bring to a boil, remove, add needles, leave for 30 minutes. Season with oil, bring to a boil, remove the bag of needles. Serve to the table.
Carrots - 3 pcs., Millet - 2 tbsp. spoons, herbal powders, calamus - 75 mg, pumpkin oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, needles in a gauze bag, water - 1.5 liters, salt to taste.

Chowder with cabbage (to the carbohydrate table)
Cut the cabbage into small strips. Cucumbers and potatoes - in small cubes. Dip vegetables in boiling water. Add salt, spices and oil. Cook for 5-7 minutes. Insist warm for 10-12 minutes. Serve, pouring into plates with finely chopped herbs.
The most common Russian soup is cabbage soup. This is a cabbage soup. In winter, cabbage soup is most often cooked from sauerkraut, and in summer and autumn - from fresh. The assortment of necks is very large.
Cabbage - 100 g, cucumbers - 300 g, cabbage - 200 g, water - 1 liter, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, spices, salt, herbs to taste.

Peasant soup (to the carbohydrate table)
Cut cabbage into checkers, potatoes - into cubes, fry with onions in oil. Cut the potatoes and parsley into wedges. Put dill seed, pepper, cabbage to a boil in boiling water, add browned vegetables and potatoes. Cook for 20-25 minutes. Season with salt 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking.
Put finely chopped parsley in a bowl of soup. Spinach (200-250 g) can be used instead of cabbage. Put the spinach in mashed potatoes 5-6 minutes before the end of cooking.
Fresh cabbage - 300-350 g, potatoes - 4-5 root vegetables, carrots - 2 root vegetables, parsley root, fresh tomato, onion, dill seed, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, water - 2 liters, a bunch of parsley, dill, salt, pepper to taste.

Soup from fresh tomatoes with rice (to the carbohydrate table)
Sort the rice, rinse and fry in a pan with oil until transparent, pour into boiling water, add diced potatoes and cook until tender. Spread flour. Dilute it with water and pour into rice water. Fry finely chopped onions until golden brown, add diced tomatoes, fry for 2-3 minutes and put in the broth. Season with spices and salt to taste. When serving, add parsley and dill.
Potatoes - 2-3 root vegetables, rice - 70-80 g, flour - 1 tbsp. spoon, vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons, fresh tomatoes- 50 g, pepper, pollen of flowers, dill seed, parsley and dill, water - 1.5 l.

Cabbage soup with tomato paste (to the carbohydrate table)
Cut the potatoes into cubes, finely chop the onion. Cut the carrots into thin slices. Chop the cabbage like thin noodles. Boil potatoes in water with spices until half cooked, toss cabbage into boiling water at the same time with carrots and tomato paste (or tomato juice). Pouring into plates, sprinkle with herbs.
Potatoes - 500 g, onions - 2 heads, carrots - 1 root, white cabbage - 400 g, tomato paste - 2 tbsp. tablespoons or tomato juice - 100 g, spices (dill seeds, parsley, pepper, allspice, black pepper, bay leaf), salt, herbs to taste.

Stewed Vegetable Soup
Cut cabbage, rutabagas, carrots, parsley root into squares, add pepper, bay leaf, salt, chopped and fried onions, spices, pour in a glass of water and simmer until vegetables are cooked under a tightly closed lid. Then pour in the remaining boiled water, season with herbs, bring to a boil. The soup is ready.
Cabbage - 1/2 head of cabbage, rutabaga - half, carrots - 2 pcs., Parsley root - 1, onion - 1, bay leaf, pepper, salt, pollen, dill seed, parsley and dill to taste, water - 1, 5 l.

Potato soup with dumplings (to the carbohydrate table)
Peel 7 potatoes. Grate and squeeze. Pour the liquid into a bowl so that the starch settles. Peel the rest of the potatoes, boil, mash and put in the pulp. Add starch to this mass, add salt, mix and cook small dumplings.
Put the dumplings in boiling salted water and cook. Season with spices, herbs, sautéed onions.
Potatoes - 10 pcs., Water - 2 l, onions - 2 pcs., Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons, salt, pepper, flower pollen, dill seed, parsley and dill.

Pearl barley soup (to the carbohydrate table)
Soak pearl barley for 10-12 hours, rinse, fry in vegetable oil, put in boiling water, cook until tender. Saute the roots of carrots and celery, put them in boiling water with cereals, add diced potatoes, sautéed onions, spices, salt. When serving, chop parsley and dill on a plate.
Water - 2 l, pearl barley- 6-7 st. spoons, potatoes - 4-5 medium-sized potatoes, carrots - 2 pcs., celery root - 1, onions - 2-3 pcs., pepper, pollen of flowers, ginger, cumin or dill, salt to taste, parsley and dill, vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. spoons.

Bread soup (to the carbohydrate table)
Cut the peeled potatoes into wedges and cook in salted water until tender. Remove, rub through a sieve and put back in the broth. Fry diced black bread and finely chopped onion in a pan with heated butter and add to the soup. Season with spices and herbs.
Black bread - 300 g, potatoes - 2-3 pcs., Vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. spoons, onion - 1, water - 1.5 liters, pepper, salt, pollen, dill seed, parsley and dill to taste.

Soup with bread dumplings (to the carbohydrate table)
Cut the peeled potatoes and boil them in salted water. When the potatoes are tender, place the dumplings formed from bread dough (round, flattened, 3 cm in diameter). Fry finely chopped onions in a pan. When the dumplings are cooked, transfer them to the soup. Add spices, salt, parsley and dill. Bread dumpling soup is prepared when bread is baked.
Potatoes - 6 pcs., Bread dough from rye flour- 0.5 kg, onion - 1, pepper, pollen, ginger, dill or caraway seeds to taste, parsley.

Lemon soup (to the carbohydrate table)
Boil the broth from the finely chopped roots. Sort the rice, rinse, fry in vegetable oil until it becomes transparent. Cook separately until tender and add to the broth, put the sautéed onion, spices, salt there. When serving, put a slice of lemon in each plate, season with finely chopped parsley and dill.
Water - 2 liters, vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. spoons, celery root - 1, carrots - 2 pcs., lemon - 1, parsley root - 1, leek - 1, rice - 120 g, salt, pepper, pollen of flowers, ginger, dill seed, parsley and dill, onion - 1, rice - 100 g.

Bean soup (to the protein table)
Thoroughly sort out the beans, rinse them in running water, soak for a day at the rate of the beans swelling by 4 times.
Cook vegetable broth from the sautéed roots in 1 liter of water.
Cook the beans until cooked separately in the water in which they were soaked, and add to the broth.
Bring to a boil, add salt, spices, crushed nuts, sautéed onions, dill and parsley.
Dried beans - 250 g, carrots - 1, celery - 1 root, onion - 1 pc., Pepper, pollen of flowers, ginger, dill seed, salt to taste, water - 2 l, parsley and dill, vegetable oil - 3- 4 tbsp. spoons, crushed nuts - 50 g.

Saratov-style potato soup with cereals (to the carbohydrate table)
Cook the groats until half cooked. Add dill seed. Finely chop the onion, chop the carrots into small cubes and fry with the onions in oil. Cut the potatoes and parsley into wedges and put them in a saucepan along with the sautéed vegetables. Cook until all products are softened. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking the soup, add salt and herbs.
Potatoes - 6 medium potatoes, cereals (pearl barley, oatmeal, wheat) - 0.5 cups, carrots - 1 pc., Parsley root - 1, onion - 1, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, water - 0.5 l, salt, pepper and other spices to taste.

Potato soup with cereals (to the carbohydrate table)
Sort the groats, rinse individual food inclusions in running water. Dry and fry in a pan in vegetable oil. Dip the cereals in boiling salted water with spices and cook until tender, then add the potatoes. Cut the prepared vegetables into cubes, carrots and white root into strips, onions into half rings. 5-7 minutes after the potatoes, dip the carrots and the white root into the pan. Saute the onions in vegetable oil.
Cook until the potatoes are tender. Remove from heat. Insist for 20-30 minutes. Pour into bowls with chopped herbs.
Potatoes - 500 g, millet, pearl barley, rice, wheat or barley groats - 0.5 cups, carrots and celery root - 2 root vegetables, spices (parsley seeds, dill, coriander, black peppercorns, allspice), herbs to taste, onions - 1 pc., vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Put coarsely chopped potatoes into boiling water, after boiling add carrots, onion slices, diced salted tomatoes, green peas, bay leaf. Salt and spices to taste. Cook for 20-25 minutes. Willingness to test for potatoes. Chopped garlic can be added to the finished soup.
Water - 1.5 l, potatoes - 350-400 g, carrots - 100-150 g, onions - 100-150 g, 2-3 bay leaves, pickled tomatoes - 2-3 pcs. (250 g), garlic - 2-3 cloves, green peas - 2 tbsp. spoons, herbs and salt, spices to taste.

Mashed potato soup with croutons (to the carbohydrate table)
Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and boil in salted water. When the potatoes begin to crumble, rub them through a sieve and put back in the broth. Chop the onion and pound with flax seed and cloves, put in the broth. Let it boil, season with salt. Fry the spices in a small frying pan for 20 seconds in hot oil (this will enhance the aroma of the spices) and pour them into the soup.
Cut the bread into cubes, fry in hot oil or in a toaster and serve hot on a separate plate.
The bread can be dried in the form of finely chopped croutons. When serving, put the bread in a plate, pour over the soup, season with herbs.
Potatoes - 3-4 root vegetables, onion, black bread - 200 g, pepper, pollen, dill seed, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, parsley and dill, water - 2 l, ground flax seed - 50-70 g, cloves - 1-3 g.

Apple soup with rosehip broth (to the carbohydrate table)
Pour rosehip with boiling water, close the lid and boil for 5 minutes, leave for 3-5 hours. Strain, add cinnamon and stevia, add finely chopped apples and chill. Cut the bread into cubes, dry in the oven and serve with the soup.
Dried rose hips - 1 glass, apples - 150-200 g, stevia to taste, cinnamon - 100 mg, bread - 50 g, water - 500 ml.

Onion soup (to the carbohydrate table)
Cook broth from carrots, celery, leeks, finely chopped strips, pepper and bay leaf, add chopped potatoes. It is better to cut the onion into circles, simmer in a separate saucepan with the addition of oil. When the onion becomes soft, rub through a strainer and put in the soup, add chopped salad, salt, spices, herbs to taste.
Serve to the soup toast: Cut the bread into cubes, moisten in melted butter, dry in the oven. Serve, sprinkle with fresh herbs, ginger powder.
Onions - 5-6 pcs., Carrots - 2-3 root vegetables, potatoes - 5-6 root vegetables, 1 celery root, leeks, 6-7 peppercorns, 0.5 tsp of caraway seeds or dill, 0.5 tsp spoons of pollen, 2 bay leaves, 2 liters of water, 100 g of lettuce leaves, ginger on the tip of a knife, herbs, spices, salt to taste.

Beet leaf soup (to the carbohydrate table)
Cook broth from carrots, potatoes and spicy plants. When the roots are cooked, add the beet tops, cut into strips, and the bay leaf. Add spices, flaxseed, cloves, herbs, spices, season with browned onions.
Serve black bread with the soup.
Beet tops - 400 g, parsley root, carrots - 2-3 root vegetables, onion, potatoes - 3 roots, bay leaf - 2 pcs., Water - 2 liters, caraway seeds or dill - 0.5 tsp, pollen - 0 , 5 tsp, ginger on the tip of a knife, herbs, salt, spices to taste, ground flaxseed - 50-70 g, cloves - 1-3 g.

Vegetable soup (to the carbohydrate table)
Cut the peeled carrots into strips or grate on a coarse grater, put in boiling water and cook until half cooked. Then add diced potatoes, flaxseed, cloves and cook until tender, season with sautéed onions, spices, salt.
When serving, put finely chopped dill in each plate.
Potatoes - 3 root vegetables, carrots - 2 root vegetables, onions - 2 pcs., Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, salt, pepper, pollen of flowers, dill, bay leaf to taste, flax seed - 50-70 g, cloves - 1-3 g.

Oatmeal soup (to the carbohydrate table)
Soak oatmeal for 7-8 hours, rinse, fry in a pan for 5-6 minutes, put in boiling water and cook until tender, add finely chopped potatoes, grated carrots, flax seed and cloves. Finely chop the onion, sauté and put in the soup. Add salt, spices and herbs to taste. Serve with bread and garlic for dinner.
Oatmeal - 1 glass, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, water - 2 l, salt, pepper, flower pollen, dill and parsley, dill seed, potatoes - 3 roots, onions - 2 pcs., carrots - 1 root vegetable, ground flax seed -50-70 g, cloves - 1 -3 g.

Potato soup (to the carbohydrate table)
Saute the roots in vegetable oil, boil the broth from them, add the potatoes, cut into small cubes. Cook until tender. Finely chopped onion, pound with flax seeds and cloves, heat in a mortar, dip in broth, add spices, parsley and dill. Serve to the table with toasted bread with garlic.
Potatoes - 4-5 root vegetables, bulbs - 1-2 pcs., Water - 2 l, parsley and dill, carrot and celery roots - 1-2 git., "Hops-suneli", dill or caraway seeds, flower pollen, ginger, pepper, salt to taste, ground flax seed - 50-70 g, cloves - 1-3 g, vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons.

Pea soup (to the protein table)
Pea soup is prepared in the same way as bean soup. Peas are soaked for 10-12 hours at a rate of 1: 3.
Lentil soup(to the protein table)
Sort out the lentils, separating impurities and herbaceous inclusions, rinse in running water and soak for 1-2 hours. Cook in the same water with spices until tender. Fry the finely chopped onions and carrots in oil and add to the lentils. Pour liquid with olives into the soup. Spice up vegetable mixture(1 tablespoon for 3 liters of soup).
1-2 minutes before removing from heat, put finely chopped spicy herbs in a saucepan.
Lentils - 1 glass, onions - 1 head, olives - 25-30 pcs., Carrots - 300 g (2-3 root crops), vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, spices, herbs, salt to taste.

Bell pepper soup
Cut the potatoes and peppers (without seeds) into small cubes. Bring the water to a boil, salt and boil the potatoes in it.
Dip pepper in a saucepan and boil it for 5-10 minutes. Add vegetable oil, salt, spices to taste, remove from heat and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Put chopped parsley and a spoonful of finely chopped green onions in a bowl of soup.
Sweet bell peppers - 5 pcs., Potatoes - 5 roots, vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons, water - 2 liters, a bunch of green onions, parsley, salt, pepper, dill seed and other spices to taste.

Vegetable pickle (to the carbohydrate table)
Dip rice in boiling water with spices. Cut the potatoes into cubes and toss them into a saucepan with boiling water, rice and seeds - spices. Chop carrots, parsley root, turnips into strips and place in a saucepan. Add finely chopped leeks to the pickle. Cut the white leek shank into very thin rings and put in the soup as well. Peel the cucumbers and cut them lengthwise into 4 pieces, finely chop and add to the pickle. Chop the greens finely and put in a saucepan removed from heat. Season with salt and let it brew under the lid.
Pickled cucumbers - 3-4 pcs., Potatoes - 300 g, carrots - 1 pc., Turnips - 1 pc., Rice - 0.5 cups, parsley root - 1 pc., Onions - 2 pcs., Leek - 1 plant, spices (dill seed, parsley, black pepper, allspice, herbs, salt to taste.

Pickle "Home" (to the carbohydrate table)
Parsley, celery, peel onions. Rinse, chop into strips or noodles and fry with butter. Simmer pickles. Cut the potatoes into cubes or slices and cook until softened, cut the white cabbage into strips. Put cabbage in a boiling cucumber broth, after boiling resumes - potatoes, and after 5-7 minutes - browned vegetables and stewed cucumbers. 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking, put salt and pepper. Bay leaves and other spices to taste. Season with cucumber pickle. Serve with herbs.
Groats (wheat, pearl barley or oatmeal) - / glass, fresh cabbage- 200 g, medium potatoes - 3-4 pcs., Carrots - / root vegetable, parsley root - 2-3 pcs., Celery root, onion, medium-sized cucumbers - 2 pcs., Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, cucumber pickle- 0.5 cups, water - 2 l, salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste, ground flax seed - 100 g, cloves - 1-3 g.

Far Eastern pickle (to the carbohydrate table)
Cut the potatoes, roots and onions into cubes. Simmer cucumbers in a cucumber peel broth. Seaweed boil, cool, cut into strips and fry with the roots and onions. Next, cook like Homemade pickle.
Seaweed - 200-250 g, potatoes - 4-5 pcs., Parsley root - 2-3 pcs., Onion - 1 pc., Pickles - 2 pcs., Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, water - 0.5 l.

Vegetarian soups, recipes preparations of which there are thousands, are the basis. They are tasty, long-lasting and leave a pleasant lightness in the stomach.

“There is much more art in a first-class soup than in a second-rate painting,” psychologist Abraham Maslow once noted.

And one cannot but agree with him - a person is characterized by what he says, and how he looks, and what he eats.

The bad habit of stuffing the stomach with fast food negatively affects our well-being and our behavior - an organism without proper nutrition refuses to multitask, and we feel tired and overwhelmed.

I decided to fight stereotypes about healthy, tasteless food and cooked 20+ cool vegetarian soups (recipes with photos look for ready-made meals in the article).

At Life Reactor, we separately talked about the intricacies of cooking and soups, and also revealed the secrets of the first courses.

And for good reason - a real chef is defined according to the rule of three "C" - the ability to cook soup, sauce and salad.

Let's start with the first one. All the recipes below are collected from different cuisines of the world. The ingredients are sized for 4 servings or a 1.5 liter saucepan.

Vegetarian soups - recipes with photos, 5+ simple and delicious options for the right lunch

Afghan soup

I got this stew recipe from a friend from Afghanistan. By the way, there, as in many Asian countries, it is customary to eat without appliances, scooping up even the first with flat cakes (it looks, of course, specific).

Ideally, cooking is based on chicken bouillon, but in the vegetarian version we will replace it with lentils - the broth of legumes turns out to be very "meaty".

Afghan soup

You will need:

  1. 200 g lentils
  2. 2 pcs. potatoes
  3. 1 leek
  4. 2 pcs. bell pepper

Soak the lentils in water for 10 minutes, during which time we finely chop all the vegetables.

Cook the legumes until half cooked, add the rest of the ingredients and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.

Leeks add enough pungency, so you can make do with a versatile soup seasoning with spices. And don't forget about fresh herbs before serving.

Lentil soup with tomatoes

Continuing the topic of lentils, which are essential for a vegetarian due to their high protein content.

According to the Torah, Yaakov traded his brother's birthright for a plate of lentil stew.

Israeli cuisine cannot be imagined without it today. My version of lentil soup is quick, simple and vegetable broth.

Lentil soup with tomatoes

You will need:

  1. 200 g lentils
  2. 2 pcs. potatoes
  3. 1 bell pepper
  4. 1 carrot
  5. 1 onion
  6. One third of celery root
  7. 1 tomato
  8. 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  9. 4-5 cloves of garlic

Soak lentils in water. While it swells, fry the onion and garlic cloves, cut into half rings, in olive oil.

When the onion begins to golden, add the diced bell peppers, celery and carrots.

Fry for another two to three minutes, combine with blanched tomato and tomato paste. After a minute, turn it off.

Cook the lentils until half cooked, then pour the chopped potatoes and fry into the pan.

As a spice, add a mixture of peppers and spices... I also like the combination with ground nutmeg.

Classic onion soup

Well, who among us did not catch fried onions from the soup as a child? And here is a full-fledged dish of one onion ...

The simple food of French peasants (like ratatouille, the recipe for which I described in detail) will perfectly warm and saturate in the cool season.

To make the soup as appetizing as it looks in the photo, and the onion is not bitter or looks like porridge, it is important to carefully follow all the rules of preparation.

Onion soup

You will need:

  1. 8 medium onions
  2. 3 tbsp. l. butter
  3. 3 tbsp. l. flour
  4. 1.2 l of water
  5. Croutons from white bread with garlic
  6. 200 g grated cheese Parmesan (can be replaced with any hard)

Finely chop the onion and fry in butter until golden brown.

Slowly add flour, continuing to stir, fry for another two minutes. Fill with boiling water, add bay leaves, allspice and black pepper, salt.

Cook the soup over low heat for half an hour, not forgetting to stir. Then we take out the bay leaf.

Ready dish pour into plates, put croutons on top and sprinkle with cheese in a dense layer.

We send the plate to the microwave so that the cheese melts. Or we use a not very heated oven.

Cheese soup with rice and basil

V following recipe we continue to prove the theorem "You can't spoil soup with cheese" and prepare a quick and tasty rice stew that even can handle.

Cheese soup with rice and basil

You will need:

  1. 100 g rice
  2. 3 medium potatoes
  3. Half celery root
  4. Half a bunch of basil
  5. 1 onion
  6. 1 carrot
  7. 1-2 processed cheese(for a richer and richer soup, use 2)

Put rice and all vegetables, cut into cubes, except onions, in boiling water.

Cook until half cooked, add the onions fried until golden brown, cook for another five minutes, then add finely chopped basil and diced cheese.

Cook, stirring constantly, until the cheese is melted.

Vegetarian pickle

How to do without the good old classics.

Vegetarian pickle

For pickle you will need:

  1. Half a glass of pearl barley
  2. 1 onion
  3. 1 carrot
  4. 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  5. 2-3 small pickled cucumbers
  6. 100 ml brine
  7. A small piece of celery root
  8. Spices to taste (I use a mixture of peppers and paprika)

The longest-lasting ingredient on our list is barley. We wash it thoroughly and cook it almost until tender.

During this time, fry the carrots with onions, at the end add chopped pickles and tomato paste. We fry for another two minutes, pour in the brine and simmer for a minute.

We send chopped potatoes, celery, frying and spices to a saucepan for cereals and cook over low heat until tender. Serve with sour cream.

Tip: as you noticed, I add celery to almost all soups: it not only has pleasant taste but also contains a lot of selenium, a powerful natural antioxidant and stimulant of work.

Vegetarian green borscht

Spring brought with it a lot of greenery, which means it's time to cook tasty and healthy borscht with sourness.

Vegetarian green borscht

You will need:

  1. A bunch of sorrel and spinach
  2. 2 potatoes
  3. 3 tbsp. l. rice
  4. 1 onion
  5. 1 carrot
  6. 1 bell pepper
  7. 2 grated tomatoes or 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste

We cook according to the principle regular soup: First, cook rice and potatoes, add frying of onions, carrots, peppers, tomato paste or grated tomatoes.

Pour in the sorrel and spinach mixture five minutes before cooking. I tear them finely with my hands.

Serve with sour cream. In summer, this soup goes well cold.

Vegetarian puree soups - recipes for the most delicious and simple first courses in a blender

Vegetarian soups in a blender they are nutritious and rich, recipes their preparations are built on the same principle, and the most delicious recipes tend to earn their fame for the addition of cream.

Mushroom puree soup

Let's start with mushroom soup.

First, it contains a lot that is extremely important for vegetarians; and, secondly, it is so tasty and satisfying that you most likely won't need the second one.

Mushroom puree soup
  1. 500 g champignons
  2. 1 onion
  3. 200 ml of cream (if you are in a state of active weight loss, replace the cream with a couple of boiled potatoes)
  4. 1 liter of water
  5. Butter for frying
  6. Salt, pepper - to taste

Fry the onion chopped in half rings in a pan until transparent, add the chopped mushrooms, salt and pepper.

Fry until the mushroom juice is half evaporated.

Chop the onion and mushrooms until homogeneous mass in a blender, then we send it to a saucepan and dilute with a liter of boiling water to a soup state.

When the mass boils, add 200 ml of cream of any fat content and cook, stirring occasionally, for about five minutes.

Ground nutmeg goes well with the soup as a spice.

Tip: if you want more spicy taste, can add dried mushrooms, which are sold in any supermarket, but it is better to pre-pour them with boiling water for 2-3 hours, then rinse thoroughly.

Broccoli (or pumpkin) puree soup

As I said, blended soups are prepared in about the same way.

Therefore, it makes no sense to paint the recipes separately - it all depends on which of the vegetables you prefer.

Broccoli puree soup

You will need:

  1. 2 broccoli florets or a pound pumpkin
  2. 1 onion
  3. 3-4 cloves of garlic
  4. 2 medium potatoes
  5. 200 ml cream
  6. Butter for frying
  7. Half a bunch of basil

Pumpkin puree soup

Divide the broccoli into inflorescences (if you cook pumpkin soup, respectively, cut into cubes), send it to boil in slightly salted water - it should cover the cabbage with two fingers.

We also send two finely chopped potato tubers there.

When the vegetables are cooked, we send the onions and garlic fried in butter to the pan and interrupt with a blender until puree.

At the very end, add the basil, separated from the tough green part, and interrupt again.

Put the soup on the fire again, bring to a boil and pour in the cream in a thin stream. When the mass boils, remove from heat.

We serve with garlic croutons... Sprinkle the pumpkin version well with pumpkin seeds.

The next two soups on our list will be tomato soups.

Because summer is ahead, which means it's time to experiment with tomatoes, which, even in the most severe weather, are always in abundance.

Hot tomato puree soup

There are a lot of options for preparing this soup on the network, and which one is classic - you can't make out anymore, so you can experiment endlessly: it all depends on the set of products in the refrigerator and the desire to cook something tasty.

I took the recipe as a basis classic sauce from the French ratatouille and slightly modernized it.

The output is incredibly nutritious and delicious. soup not only with a simple recipe cooking, but also with an amazing combination with a diet - there is practically no fat in it, and tomatoes themselves contribute to weight loss.

Hot tomato soup- mashed potatoes

You will need:

  1. 1 kg tomato
  2. 2 bell peppers
  3. 2 onions
  4. Half a head of garlic
  5. Olive oil for frying
  6. A third of a bunch of basil
  7. 1 tbsp. l. flour
  8. 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste

Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry until golden brown.

Add the diced bell pepper, tomato paste, blanched tomatoes and simmer until tender.

Add chopped basil, salt and pepper to taste and interrupt everything with a blender.

Fill with a liter of boiling water until liquid sour cream, little by little add a spoonful of flour and mix thoroughly so that lumps do not form.

When the soup boils, remove from heat and let it brew a little.

Tip: You can fry vegetables in the saucepan in which you are going to cook the soup. In this case, it is important that the dishes are dry, otherwise the water in reaction with the oil will start to "shoot".

Cold tomato soup gazpacho

He's a salad blended with a blender - ideal (only 140 kcal per serving) for a hot summer season.

Experimenting enthusiasts add fresh strawberries to this Spanish dish, but I vote for the tried and tested classic.


We take:

  1. A pound of tomato
  2. 400 g cucumbers
  3. 1 large onion
  4. 2 sweet peppers
  5. 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste and olive oil
  6. Half a liter of tomato juice
  7. 20 g fresh or a pinch of ground tarragon
  8. 30 ml wine vinegar
  9. Juice of half a lemon
  10. Ground peppercorns and salt to taste

You can serve this soup with garlic croutons.

Vegetarian soups - the most delicious recipes on diet 5

Separately, it should be said about vegetarian soups and recipes for their preparation with a diet 5.

Table number 5 is well known to those who have had to deal with various. Among them are cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis and gallstone disease.

And alas, there is no way to do without strict food restrictions. The main task with such a diet is to form a complete diet and make the liver work properly.

With diet number 5, it is important to make the right menu.

To do this, exclude active fats, cholesterol, oxalic acid, very cold and hot foods from the diet.

Food should be eaten only boiled, slightly warm, ideally pureed.

Great for soups:

  1. Dairy with pasta
  2. Diet buckwheat / rice in vegetable broth
  3. Vegetarian borscht and cabbage soup
  4. Beetroot
  5. Fruit soups

It is strictly prohibited:

  1. Green borsch
  2. Mushroom soups
  3. Okroshka

Traditional beetroot

An easy-to-prepare, versatile summer soup.

  1. 2 boiled beets
  2. Half a liter of kefir
  3. A third of a lemon
  4. Parsley and dill to taste
  5. 1 tbsp. l. Sahara


Cut one beet into cubes, grate the second and squeeze the juice, mix with sliced ​​lemon and chopped herbs. Pour kefir over the soup and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

An ideal addition to this dish would be boiled potatoes or .

Squash soup

You will need:

  1. 1 vegetable marrow
  2. 2 pcs. medium potatoes
  3. 1 carrot
  4. 1 onion
  5. 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  6. 3 tbsp. l. rice
  7. Salt and herbs to taste

Squash soup

In a one and a half liter saucepan, cook rice until half cooked, add chopped zucchini and potatoes.

Saute onions and carrots in a frying pan in butter with the addition of tomato paste. We send it to the pan 5 minutes before cooking. Salt the soup and add the herbs.

There are a lot of variations of such a first course - some vegetables are easily replaced by others /

It's important to remember that Diet 5 completely forbids mushrooms, corn, eggplant, green onions, spinach and rhubarb, but celery, broccoli and green beans are great.

Feel free to experiment with flavors, but make sure that the vegetables you intend to turn into soup are allowed.

Celery puree soup

In any case, it is definitely resolved.

You need:

  1. 1 celery root
  2. 1 potato
  3. 1 onion
  4. 100 ml cream
  5. Salt and pepper to taste

Celery puree soup

Simmer the onion in butter until tender, add the diced potatoes and celery, fill with three glasses of water and cook until full readiness.

Beat with a blender until fluffy, salt and pepper to taste.

We put the soup on the fire and, stirring constantly, pour in the cream in a thin stream. Bring to a boil, then remove from the stove.

Also for diet number 5 are quite suitable pumpkin soup, broccoli puree soup, Afghani (replace lentils with rice or pasta) and rice soups, the recipes for which I gave above.

Milk soup with cauliflower

You will need:

  1. 3 glasses of milk
  2. Half a head of cauliflower
  3. 2 medium potatoes
  4. Butter for frying
  5. Sugar, salt and herbs to taste

Milk soup with cauliflower

Boil the cabbage until half cooked in salted water, put it in a colander. We leave part of the vegetable broth.

Bring the milk to a boil on the stove, add the diced potatoes.

When it is cooked, add the cauliflower cats disassembled into inflorescences, salt and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

If the consistency of the dish turns out to be very thick, you can slightly dilute it with vegetable broth. When serving, add a piece to each plate.

Tip: this soup easily turns into puree - just beat it with a blender.

Soup with potatoes and noodles

  1. 2 medium potatoes
  2. 1 carrot
  3. 1 onion
  4. 100 g of any vermicelli
  5. Butter, salt, pepper and herbs to taste

Vermicelli soup

Such a light and nutritious soup - classic dish, allowed for various liver diseases.

It is prepared simply and quickly: we bring the chopped potatoes to a boil in 1.5 liters of salted water, add bay leaves, salt and a few peas of allspice.

Next, lay the noodles and onions and carrots fried in butter. Cook the soup until cooked through.

Pour into plates and sprinkle with herbs to taste.

Vegetarian soups from the proposed menu will diversify your diet, and simple recipes cooking won't keep you hanging around in the kitchen for hours.

Even more of the most delicious recipessee the first courses in this video:

Vegetarian potato soup is suitable for those who do not eat meat and animal products. It will also be relevant during Lent. The dish turns out to be very tasty!

If you are wondering how to make vegetarian potato soup, then read this recipe. V lean soups mushrooms take the place of meat. It should be noted that many dishes with mushrooms are much tastier than meat dishes.

Servings: 6

Simple Vegetarian Potato Soup Recipe home cooking step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 2 hours. Contains only 130 calories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Prep time: 18 minutes
  • Cooking time: 2 h
  • Calorie count: 130 kilocalories
  • Servings: 6 servings
  • Occasion: For lunch
  • Complexity: A simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Soups

Ingredients for six servings

  • Dried mushrooms - 100 grams
  • Potatoes - 2-4 Pieces
  • Carrots - 2 Pieces
  • Parsley - 50 Grams (root)
  • Onions - 1-2 Pieces
  • Tomato - 2 Pieces
  • Vegetable oil - 50 grams
  • Broth - 1.5 Liters (mushroom)
  • Salt, herbs - To taste

Step by step cooking

  1. Wash the mushrooms and soak in water for several hours. Drain the liquid, boil the mushrooms in salted water until cooked. This will take you about forty minutes. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, fry chopped onions in it.
  2. Peel and grate the carrots and fresh parsley root. Can be cut into thin strips using a sharp knife or a special shredder. Add vegetables to onions, fry them for five minutes.
  3. Wash and peel the potatoes. Cut into small squares and rinse in a colander under running water to remove unwanted starch. Let the excess liquid drain, add the potatoes to the pan. Simmer for ten minutes, covered.
  4. While the vegetables are stewing, cut the boiled mushrooms into small slices.
  5. When the potatoes are almost ready, put the prepared vegetables into the broth about five minutes before the end. Be sure to try the soup with salt, it may not be salted. Place a lid on the pot and cook for five minutes.
  6. Add the tomatoes at the very end. To do this, first wash them and cut them into skibochki. If you want, you can remove the skin from them by pouring boiling water over the vegetables. Boil the soup and turn it off, let it brew.

suitable for vegans
contains onion

This recipe is my first post as carefree slob a full-fledged freelancer. This means that the blog should now (well, simply must) bring not only benefits to readers and joy to the creator, but also income. On this occasion, I am assigning today's potato soup “Financial Luck Soup”.

Let everyone who prepares it be lucky to find money, big or small - find a hundred rubles on the road, get a good client, win a million in the lottery, make a profitable deal - so be it! And now - cook the soup ...

For Vegetarian Potato Soup, we need:

  • 4 medium potatoes;
  • 1.5 liters of water or vegetable broth;
  • 3 handfuls of oatmeal;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste;
  • a handful of fresh chopped herbs;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

First, let's create the base. We clean the potatoes, chop them at random and boil in water or vegetable broth until tender.

Secondly, let's tackle the consistency. Without removing the potatoes from the water in which it was cooked, use a blender to turn them into a very liquid puree and bring to a boil.

Now add oat flakes and continue to cook for 3-5 minutes. In color, our potato soup suspiciously resembles oatmeal, but this is only for now.

Thirdly, let's work on the taste and color. Fry finely chopped onions and grated carrots in vegetable oil.

Towards the end of this action, add tomato paste and fry a little more.

Finally, we bring beauty. We fill our soup with frying, salt, pepper, decorate with herbs. And we have a quiet lunch.
And if it happens that by the evening we will not become richer at all, it does not matter - we will always have time to get rich. Bon Appetit!

P.S. Do you love soups the way I love them? Then search