Home / Khachapuri / Add pickles. Why add cucumber pickle to the pickle How to let pickles

Add pickles. Why add cucumber pickle to the pickle How to let pickles

Rassolnik. Tell me how to cook pickles in pickle so that they are soft. and got the best answer

Answer from Purr [guru]
Simmer separately in a pan: peel the cucumbers, cut into strips or slices and simmer (pour cold water and cook for 15-20 minutes).
Pickle soup - traditional Russian dish, to which is added salted cucumbers, and, if desired, and cucumber pickle. Hence the name - pickle.
Small, thin-skinned pickles can be used unpeeled, the rest can be cut off and coarse seeds removed. Cut the cucumbers into strips or diamonds, simmer separately and add to the broth when the potatoes have already boiled.
Pickle can be cooked with beef, chicken, sturgeon fish and mushrooms.
But special spicy taste has a pickle with kidneys.
Cucumber pickle can be added to add a pungent flavor.
Pickle served with sour cream, pieces boiled meat or buds, fresh herbs.
Pickle with kidneys:
Prepare broth from meat or poultry.
Remove fat and films from the kidneys, cut each into 3-4 parts, rinse, put in a saucepan, pour cold water and boil. Then drain the water, rinse the kidneys again, refill with cold water and cook for 1 - 11th hour.
Rinse the pearl barley, pour boiling water over and steam, changing the boiling water, for 40-50 minutes.
WITH pickled cucumbers cut off the skin, pour 1/2 cup boiling water over it and cook for 10-15 minutes.
Remove the boiled skin, put the cucumber pulp into the broth, cut into slices (without seeds), and cook for another 10 minutes.
Put boiled kidneys and cereals, chopped and fried carrots, parsley and onions in the broth.
after 15 minutes, lower the diced potatoes and cook until the potatoes are tender.
Then put the prepared cucumbers, spices, add brine, if necessary, and cook for another 10-15 minutes.
When serving, fill the pickle with herbs, add sour cream.

You can grate the cucumbers on a coarse grater, then they will certainly be soft.))

Answer from Irina Vedeneeva (Burlutskaya)[guru]
500 g of beef
100g pearl barley
500 g potatoes
3-4 pickles
1 cup cucumber pickle
200 g onions
150 g carrots
celery root
Bay leaf
Cut the meat into small pieces, add water and cook for 1 hour.
Then add washed pearl barley, cook for 30-40 minutes.
Peel the potatoes, cut into small pieces or cubes.
Add potatoes to broth with barley, cook for 10 minutes.
Finely chop the onion.
Grate the carrots on a medium grater.
Cut the cucumbers into strips.
Stew the cucumbers, adding a little broth.
On the vegetable oil fry the onions and carrots.
Add cucumbers to the boiling broth.
Then add onions and carrots.
Also add cucumber pickle.
Add bay leaf, celery root and pepper.

Sprinkle the prepared pickle with herbs

Answer from Ђatiana Buldakova[guru]
when I cooked for the first time (a long time ago), I put the cucumbers with the meat, the potatoes were cooked for about an hour and remained firm. Now I cook the cucumbers separately, add them after the potatoes are cooked, and if it turns out unsalted, I add some of the water in which they were cooked.

Answer from Sergey108[expert]

Answer from Shroedinger `s cat[guru]
cucumbers without peel and grated.

Answer from Worona karrr[guru]
They need to be taken in barrels.

Answer from Vermicelli Gavkina[guru]
rub them on a grater

Answer from Van Gogh's kitten[guru]
throw in pickle with meat and cook for a long time

Answer from Ўlechka[guru]
pickle is boiled from PICKLED CUCUMBERS, do not take pickled cucumbers. and then it is not necessary to simmer separately, they will be so soft, if not add at the end of cooking

Answer from Mikhail fomichev[guru]
In a separate saucepan, add later.

Answer from Severova Olesya[active]
Rassolnik. Ingredients
* 500 g of beef
* 100 g of pearl barley
* 500 g potatoes
* 200 g pickles
* 200 ml cucumber pickle
* 150 g onions
* 150 g carrots
* Bay leaf
* salt
* pepper
Cut the meat into small pieces. Cut the meat into small pieces. Photo 3 Then add washed pearl barley, cook for 30-40 minutes. Peel the potatoes, cut into small pieces or cubes. Add potatoes to broth with barley, cook for 10 minutes. Finely chop the onion. Grate the carrots on a medium grater. Cut the cucumbers into strips. Stew the cucumbers, adding a little broth. Fry the onion in vegetable oil. Add carrots, fry. Add cucumbers to the boiling broth. Then add onions and carrots. Also add cucumber pickle, bay leaf, pepper.
If necessary, add salt and cook for another 5 minutes.
Sprinkle the prepared pickle with herbs.
Bon Appetit!

Answer from Ђatiana Ivanova[active]
And I do that too !!!

Answer from Daria Samson[guru]
you can see here:
available and "in Russian"
* how and how much to cook
* what and how much to add
Good luck, and, as a result, good appetite!;)

4 most delicious recipe pickle Recipe Homemade pickle Ingredients: 200-300 gr. cabbage 2-3 potatoes carrots greens and parsley root celery onion 2 pcs. pickled cucumber 1 tbsp. l. butter or vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l. sour cream 2 liters of water or broth 1 tbsp. brine (cucumber) Method of preparation: Chop the cabbage. Cut parsley root, celery and onions into strips and fry in oil. Peel and seed the cucumbers, cut into slices. Wash, peel and dice the potatoes. Boil water or broth. Put the cabbage in the broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and add the stir-fry, potatoes and cucumbers to the soup. Cook the pickle for 20-25 minutes. At the end of cooking, pour in the brine and season with herbs. Salt the pickle to taste. Serve the pickle with sour cream and herbs. You can add boiled meat, kidneys or fish to the soup. Recipe Pickle with buckwheat Ingredients: 4 pcs. potatoes onions carrots 3-4 pcs. pickled cucumber 1 tbsp. l. butter 1-2 tbsp. l. buckwheat parsley root 1 tbsp. l. sour cream bay leaf parsley or dill 1.5 liters of broth or water 1 tbsp. cucumber pickle Method of preparation: Peel potatoes, carrots and onions. Dice all vegetables. Fry the roots and vegetables in butter. Boil the broth. Place vegetables in boiling broth. Peel the pickled cucumbers and grate. Simmer the cucumbers in a saucepan for 2-3 minutes. Rinse buckwheat and transfer to broth. Add cucumbers, bay leaf, pour in cucumber pickle and boil everything. When serving, garnish the pickle with dill or parsley. Be sure to serve sour cream with the pickle. Recipe Kuban-style pickle with kidneys Ingredients: 200 gr. kidneys, heart 2-3 pcs. potatoes 3-4 pickles 0.5 tbsp. beans onions garlic to taste 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste lard-spig parsley greens salt pepper Method of preparation: Soak beans in cold water for a few hours. Drain the beans and cover with fresh cold water. Cook the beans until half cooked. Peel and dice the potatoes. Arrange the potatoes over the beans. Soak the kidneys and heart in several waters, then boil and cut into strips. Transfer the offal to the soup. Dice the onions and fry in bacon or bacon with tomato paste. Grate cucumbers and simmer in a dry frying pan. Place all ingredients in a saucepan with pickle. Serve with herbs. Salt and pepper the soup to taste. Recipe Pickle with canned fish Ingredients: 1 ban. canned salmon or pink salmon 2 pickles 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oil 0.5 tbsp. water or brine onions 2-3 pcs. potatoes carrots parsley root 1 handful of rice zest of half a lemon 1 tooth. garlic 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste salt pepper 2 l of water Method of preparation: Peel the pickled cucumbers and cut into strips. Finely chop the onions, parsley root and carrots. Transfer all prepared vegetables to a saucepan and cover with vegetable oil. Fry vegetables for 3-5 minutes. Then pour in water or brine and simmer under the lid until the liquid evaporates. Boil water or broth. Transfer the frying to the water and add the rice. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes. Add potatoes and tomato paste to the soup. Cook the pickle until the potatoes are ready. Open the canned food and put all the vegetables in a pickle. Squeeze the garlic into the soup through a press and pour in the lemon zest. Salt and pepper the pickle to taste. Serve with herbs and sour cream.

5. Saute root crops... Spread carrots, onions, parsley root separately for each soup. Add to the sautéed vegetables tomato puree and warm up for 2-3 minutes.

6. Prepare borscht. Chopped fresh cabbage is placed in boiling broth or water, brought to a boil, then potatoes cut into cubes are added, boiled for 10-15 minutes, put browned vegetables, stewed or boiled beets and cook the borscht until tender. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, spices. Using sauerkraut, stewed it is introduced into borscht along with beets. Borscht can be seasoned with browned flour, diluted with broth or water (10 g of flour per 1000 g of borsch).

7. Prepare the pickle. Prepared cereals are put into boiling broth or water and boiled until half cooked, then potatoes are introduced, then browned porridge, after 5-10 minutes - stewed pickles, tomato, spices. The soup is brought to taste with boiled cucumber pickle.

Pickle can be cooked without tomato.

8. Prepare meat hodgepodge. Sauteed onions and tomato puree, stewed cucumbers, capers (together with brine), prepared meat products, spices are placed in the boiling broth and cooked for 5-10 minutes. When on vacation, put olives or olives, a circle of lemon, sour cream in a hodgepodge and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Solyanka can be released without lemon.

To add a spicy taste to the hodgepodge at the end of cooking, you can add strained cucumber pickle.

When making hodgepodge instead of butter, you can use ghee or table margarine. In the absence of olives, they can be replaced with capers.

9. Design and serve meals. Remove bay leaves from prepared soups. Pour soups into soup bowls, put sour cream, finely chopped parsley or dill, and a slice of lemon into the meat hodgepodge. The tempering temperature for soups should not be lower than 75 ° С.

Conduct a marriage of dishes, pick up tableware, arrange and serve. Fill in the table for assessing the quality of dishes

Appearance Color Consistency Smell and taste
Borscht with cabbage and potatoes
Beetroot red, surface fat orange Vegetables and meat are soft. The ratio of liquid and dense parts is observed Specific to a set of products. Sweet and sour taste
Leningrad rassolnik
In the dense part of the soup, all the ingredients retained their slicing shape. The broth is creamy, the fat is yellow. The vegetables are soft, the cucumbers are slightly crispy. The ratio of liquid and dense parts is observed Cucumber pickle, vegetables, moderately salty
Solyanka meat
In the dense part of the soup, all the ingredients retained their slicing shape. Broth and fat orange Vegetables and meat products are soft. The ratio of the liquid and dense parts is observed. Specific to a set of products

Questions for self-control of knowledge

Pickles should be used with a pleasant crunchy and firm flesh with a salty-sour taste and a spicy aroma. The brine should also have a pleasant aroma.

To prepare pickles, the root crops are cut into strips, and the onions are chopped, sautéed separately, and in a sealed container, over low heat, stirring occasionally. If the white roots are placed raw in the broth, the taste of the pickle deteriorates, and the roots themselves become watery and less tasty. In addition, some varieties of roots darken and give the pickle an unpleasant taste and color. Cut the potatoes into small pieces.

The kidneys must be prepared especially carefully. They smell unpleasant and transmit their smell to everything they come into contact with. But this does not mean that their use should be abandoned. We must work hard to cook them correctly. Having separated the urea, external blood vessels, film and fat, each kidney must be cut lengthwise, rinsed well, filled with cold water (in a ratio of 1: 4) and soaked for 5-8 hours (it is advisable to change the water every 2-3 hours). Then drain the water, pour in fresh (for 1 kg of kidneys, 3 liters of water), bring to a boil, drain again, pour over the kidneys again with cold water and only then cook them until tender. If an unpleasant odor remains after this, the water should be changed again and brought to a boil. Boiled kidneys should be washed with cold water and stored in a container, covered with a damp cloth.

Depending on the products used, the following types of pickles are distinguished: ordinary, homemade Moscow, Leningrad, etc.

In addition to cucumbers, pickle contains: potatoes, parsley, celery, onions, leeks, spinach or sorrel leaves, cut into 2-3 parts. Potatoes, sautéed roots, onions are placed in a boiling broth, and after 5-6 minutes, stewed cucumbers are placed. Spinach is lowered 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. Pickle can be cooked without sorrel and spinach.

Homemade pickle. Prepared with meat, fish products or mushrooms. Part home pickle except for cucumbers: potatoes, parsley, celery, onions, leeks, spinach or sorrel leaves, cut into 2-3 parts, fresh cabbage and carrots. The cabbage is chopped and placed in a boiling broth, boiled, then potatoes, sautéed vegetables, stewed cucumbers are lowered. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking spinach is lowered, spices and salt are added. Pickle can be cooked without sorrel and spinach.

Leningrad pickle. This pickle is prepared in meat broth with various meat products, in fish broth - with fish, as well as with fresh or dried porcini mushrooms.

Peel the cucumbers and cut lengthwise, remove the seeds, and then cut across into large strips.

Put steamed pearl barley and cook for 40-50 minutes. 15-20 minutes before the end of cooking, add the sautéed roots, potatoes, a bunch of herbs, and then cucumbers, bay leaves, pepper. At the end of cooking, fill the pickle with boiled strained cucumber pickle.

Serve with sour cream and herbs. Pearl barley for pickle can not be boiled, but sautéed in oil. At the same time, the taste of pickle will improve significantly.

Rassolnik Moscow. The kidneys require preliminary preparation. for this, they must first be cleaned of fat, ureters and films, soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours. Then you can boil them. Pour cold water over the kidneys and cook for 5-10 minutes. After that, drain the water, rinse the kidneys with cold water, refill with water and cook until tender. While some guidelines advise you to cook your pickle with kidney broth, it is recommended that you use regular meat and bone broth as a liquid base for making pickle.

Take the pearl barley, sort it out, rinse well, pour into a saucepan, pour boiling water or broth (3 liters per 1 kg of cereal), close the lid, put on the side of the stove and steam the cereal for 40-60 minutes. Cut the potatoes into cubes, the roots into large strips, chop the onion. Spread the roots and onions in fat.

Put sautéed vegetables, cucumbers, spices in boiling broth; cook all this for 15-20 minutes. 5-8 minutes before the end of cooking, add spinach, sorrel, salt and (if the pickle is not hot enough) cucumber pickle (to taste) into the pickle, which must be boiled and filtered.

Moscow pickle is usually seasoned with a boiled mixture of yolks and milk (or cream). When serving, put the chopped kidneys in a plate, add the egg and milk dressing, pour in the pickle and sprinkle with herbs. Separately, you can serve cheesecakes with cottage cheese.

You can also cook pickle with veal, lamb, chicken, chicken.

Pickle fish. Cut the head of sturgeon fish into 2-4 parts, rinse well and cook for 60-70 minutes. Then separate the pulp from the cartilage, while removing the armor plates, bring the cartilage separately to readiness. Cut fish of small breeds into fillets with skin and rib bones, cut into pieces, cook separately until tender.

Sort the leaves of sorrel and spinach (or salad replacing them) and cut into pieces. Peel the cucumbers and cut lengthwise, remove the seeds, and then cut across into large strips. Gherkins and small pickles with thin skin and small seeds can be put in the pickle unpeeled, but only chopped.

Into the boiling fish broth put sautéed vegetables, cucumbers, spices; cook all this for 15-20 minutes. 5-8 minutes before the end of cooking, add spinach, sorrel, salt to the pickle.

When serving in a plate, put the warmed fish pulp and cartilage of the head, sour cream and herbs. It is not necessary to serve sour cream with fish pickles.

All pickles are served with sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley or dill on vacation

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese are served separately for meat pickles, and pies for fish pickles.

The procedure for laying products in the pickle is as follows: potatoes, sautéed roots, onions are placed in a boiling broth, and after 5-6 minutes, stewed cucumbers are placed.

If the taste of the pickle is not spicy enough, 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add cucumber pickle, pre-strained and boiled.

To pickles on meat broths you can serve cheesecakes with cottage cheese (recipe No. 1098), and on fish - pies (recipe No. 1100).

Pickles (with the exception of pickles with fish products) are served with sour cream. On vacation, pickles are sprinkled with parsley or dill.

Canned or quick-frozen pickle dressing is a mixture of cut into strips and sautéed on pork fat fresh vegetables(carrots, onions, white root) with the addition of chopped pickles and cucumber pickle.