Home / Pies / Pickle with pearl barley and mushrooms. Delicious pickle with pearl barley and mushrooms

Pickle with pearl barley and mushrooms. Delicious pickle with pearl barley and mushrooms

Many people are rejected during the fast. familiar dishes... But this is not necessary at all! Most of your favorite foods can simply be "modified" a little by excluding forbidden ingredients. One of these dishes is pickle. Cooked with barley lean soup it turns out to be very satisfying. And if you cook it with mushrooms, it compensates for the lack of meat components in it.

How to choose mushrooms

Lean pickle can be cooked with fresh, frozen, or dried mushrooms. If there are no special questions regarding dried-up questions - which ones are, they are suitable - then the rest should be discussed separately. Nowadays, the most popular mushrooms are champignons. They can be purchased in the store any season. However, this is not the best choice in this case. After all, we will cook lean pickle... This means that we cannot use meat broth, which gives the soup its taste and aroma. And it needs to be replaced with something. Greenhouse mushrooms have a very weak aroma, which means that the broth will be unsaturated. Therefore, it is better to prefer forest mushrooms.

During the season, you can take chanterelles, boletus, boletus, white, mushrooms, boletus, mushrooms. In other words, whatever mushrooms you have are fine. And yet lean soup is especially aromatic with chanterelles, boletus or porcini mushrooms.

In the "off-season" you can use the gifts of the forest frozen from summer-autumn. And if you could not make such blanks, it does not matter. Frozen mushrooms are sometimes found in stores.

If you only have mushrooms at your disposal, we will try to make them a little more aromatic. To do this, they need to be cut (in slices or as follows: cut in half, each half still in half and the resulting pieces in half again), put on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes without oil and other fat. After these steps, your pickle with mushrooms will be much more aromatic. Or you can bake some of the mushrooms, and leave some raw. This will give the dish an even more interesting taste.

The soup can be combined with dry and fresh mushrooms... Broth is cooked on dried ones, and fresh ones are added later. They can be fried a little before adding to the soup.

Cooking lean pickle

Exists different variants pickle: with buckwheat, rice and other cereals. And we will cook a traditional one - with pearl barley.

Servings Per Container: 8-10.

Cooking time: 60 minutes.


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 200-300 grams of fresh / frozen mushrooms (or 50-60 grams of dried);
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2-3 pickled cucumbers;
  • 1/2 cup pearl barley;
  • a little cucumber pickle (a quarter or half a glass);
  • 1-2 bay leaves;
  • vegetable oil;
  • peppercorns;
  • salt.

We start to prepare lean pickle

  1. First, let's deal with barley: wash it and cook until tender (20-40 minutes). To make it cook faster, it must be soaked in advance for several hours / overnight.
  2. While the pearl barley is being prepared, let's take care of the mushrooms. If you took fresh mushrooms, if necessary, peel them, wash them, cut into medium-sized pieces, add water, bring to a boil, and then cook for 15-20 minutes. We do the same with frozen ones, only they no longer need to be washed and cleaned. But dry ones are poured over with boiling water, washed, soaked overnight. Then it is boiled in the same water for 20-30 minutes. You can also boil it in fresh, fresh water, but this will affect the aroma.
  3. Into the boiling mushroom broth lower the potatoes cut into cubes or cubes. Leave to cook for 7 minutes.
  4. In vegetable oil, save chopped onions and carrot slices. Add to the soup. We will cook for another 7-8 minutes.
  5. Then add finely chopped or grated pickles, spices and add barley to the soup. Pour in the brine. We will cook for another 5-7 minutes.
  6. Lean pickle is ready. Try it, maybe you need to add some salt?

Rassolnik is a traditional first course of Russian cuisine. V different regions the composition of the soup is different, and for each housewife it turns out to be individual. Thanks to pickles, this soup has a unique taste and aroma. And if you cook pickle with mushrooms, this dish will take on new shades. Pickle satisfies hunger well and warms up on cold winter days.

An obligatory component of this dish is salted cucumbers... It is better to take pickled ones, but pickled ones are also suitable. It is inappropriate to advise what mushrooms to choose: every housewife has her favorites. And if they are collected with their own hands on the local mountain slopes or in the forests, the pickle simply will not have a price.

The most fragrant mushrooms are considered white, boletus, boletus, mushrooms. Chanterelles, mushrooms, mushrooms will do. Each mushroom gives the soup its own flavor. Whether a fresh ingredient is dry for pickle depends on preferences and the season. Surely in the autumn in the forest on a fire, soup made from fresh gifts of nature will be the most delicious. And in winter, dried or artificially grown specimens are suitable. You can combine fresh and dry mushrooms, for example, fresh champignons and some dried ones. They will add more flavor to the dish.

The composition of the mushroom is balanced. It contains plant protein that is easy to digest. This product makes up for the lack of protein in fasting and in the diet of vegetarians. The mushroom is 90% water, so drying increases its protein value.

Pickle is cooked with rice, buckwheat, millet, but the classic version is pickle with pearl barley. This cereal has a beneficial effect on digestion and helps to get rid of toxins. The benefits of pickle with barley and mushrooms are obvious.

Preparing lean pickle with mushrooms or meat is a matter of personal preference. Mushrooms contain vegetable protein, so meat may seem overkill.

Here is the composition of the pickle with mushrooms, calculated for about 6 servings. Do not cook too much soup: fresh soup is tastier and healthier.


If you plan to cook a lean pickle, it is better to cook without meat, otherwise the recipe is the same.

  • Dried porcini mushrooms - 50 g, fresh - 200 - 250 g (when boiled, they decrease in volume and weight);
  • Pearl barley or any other - 50 g;
  • Pickled cucumbers, not very large - 3 - 5 pcs. (250 g);
  • Potatoes - 3 - 4 pcs. (250 g);

For frying:

  • Large onion (100 g) - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots (100 - 150 g) - 1 - 2 pcs.;
  • Parsnips, celery or parsley root (these components are optional, for an amateur) - half a tuber (50 g);
  • Bell peppers, tomatoes - 1 pc. optional;
  • Garlic - 1 - 2 teeth (20 - 30 g);
  • Vegetable oil - 50 g;
  1. Pickle from cucumbers - 1 glass (200 g);
  2. Salt might not be useful given cucumber pickle; add a little salt if necessary;
  3. Greens, spices (dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, cardamom, mustard seeds) - to taste;
  4. Meat - This can be shoulder of beef, brisket, or rack of pork ribs, if a more dietary option - chicken, turkey, rabbit.

Water consumption: for soaking dry mushrooms 500 ml and for soup 1.5 liters. Volume ready meal about 2.5 - 3 liters.

Cooking - step by step instructions

  1. If the mushrooms are dry, soak in water, but not in boiling water. It is possible for the night, although it is enough for 3 hours. It is also better to soak pearl barley, as it tends to cook for a long time;
  2. If the pickle is on meat, first of all, put it to boil in 1.5 liters of water. From the proposed list of components, beef brisket is cooked the longest, pork ribs - a little faster, the poultry will be ready even earlier. Important! It is imperative to remove the foam from the broth with a slotted spoon: all toxins are collected in it;
  3. While the meat is being cooked, you can start peeling vegetables for sautéing, as well as potatoes. It is recommended to keep peeled potatoes in cold water at least 1 hour: excess starch leaves it. Peel the garlic later so that it does not lose its flavor;
  4. Chop the onion small cubes, carrots and parsnips - in thin strips. First put the onion in a pan with heated oil. When it is lightly browned, add the carrots and parsnips. Do not fry on high fire, sauté on small, stirring, for about 10 minutes. Then cut bell pepper straws or cubes, add to the pan;
  5. Now put in the broth with meat or washed boiled water pearl barley and mushrooms, pre-cut. Pour the water in which the mushrooms have been soaked into the soup: it will give more flavor. Fresh mushrooms can be fried a little or lightly baked in the oven. Dried and fresh mushrooms can be combined;
  6. While the barley and mushrooms are boiling, cut the cucumbers into cubes and immediately send them to the pan closer to the end of cooking, or sauté in the pan with the vegetables. This makes the cucumbers in the soup more savory;
  7. While the vegetables are simmering in the pan, peel the tomato and chop it finely, then put the garlic in the pan. After that, reduce the heat to a minimum and cover the pan with a lid;
  8. Try the cereal for readiness - it should become soft. Soup with barley becomes viscous, jelly-like. Put potatoes in a saucepan, when cooked, add frying to the soup;
  9. Crush cardamom and mustard seeds in a mortar, chop the herbs and send it all to the pickle, cover with a lid, and keep on fire for another 3 minutes. Pour in warm cucumber pickle, let it boil again. Before crushing the spices in the grains, you can lightly fry in a separate pan, stirring for 3 - 5 minutes. This will enhance their aroma and taste;
  10. Cover the soup completely, turn off the heat and let it stand for 10 - 15 minutes.

Pickle is served with whole grain bread or garlic donuts... Add sour cream if desired. Bon Appetit!

The pickle is considered traditional dish Russian cuisine. The classic soup recipe in ancient times included kidneys, duck offal, less often housewives used homemade chicken... Today broth is cooked from everything that is at hand: bones, tender beef, pork. In some cases, add sausages or, for example, sausages. If you wish, you can make a pickle with mushrooms and vegetables - this dish will surely be to the taste of admirers healthy way life. It is the last option that will be discussed right now. If interested, welcome to our recipe library. We will teach you how to properly prepare a hearty aromatic soup.

Pickle with mushrooms

This "mushroom" recipe can be slightly changed if desired. So, in classic version pickled mushrooms are a part of the pickle, but if necessary, feel free to use dried or fresh ones. Soup is a hot dish that is ideal for delicious family dinner on a day off. Arrange a small holiday for yourself and your loved ones - it is not at all necessary to look for an excuse for this. Prepare mouth-watering dishes and get together for a meal with your children and your loved one, such a pastime, according to experts, is a great opportunity to get closer to each other.


  • two onions
  • 120 grams of pickled mushrooms (we used champignons, but if there are none, you can change the recipe by choosing, for example, honey mushrooms, boletus or milk mushrooms)
  • celery stalk
  • ten grams of parsley root
  • 60 grams of pearl barley
  • 1,500 milliliters of hot beef stock
  • 250 grams of crumbly potatoes
  • five medium pickles
  • two medium-sized carrots
  • vegetable oil - for frying
  • boiled and strained cucumber pickle - to taste

To serve the dish:

  • fresh herbs - at your discretion
  • ten grams of sour cream

Cooking method:

We offer to implement a fast and delicious recipe- First of all, cook the beef broth. The latter, if desired, can be replaced with pork, and if you want to make a light and not too fatty soup, we recommend buying homemade chicken, duck or turkey. So, when the broth is ready - about 40-50 minutes after the start of cooking - remove a piece of meat from it (use it in another dish), and strain the liquid itself.

Now cut the mushrooms into medium strips, and the peeled potatoes into small pieces. Then heat the vegetable oil in a saucepan and fry the mushrooms in it until a brown-golden hue. When they are soft and juiced, add finely chopped celery and parsley root. Put the grated carrot here, then remove the husk from the onion and cut it into cubes, brown with the above ingredients. It's time for cucumbers: carefully cut off the skin from them, and cut the pulp into small pieces. Then fill everything with warm water and put on a quiet fire - cook for about five to seven minutes. Remove excess liquid, and put the cucumbers together with potatoes and frying in broth, which, by the way, must first be filtered with a sieve.

Now add well washed pearl barley, a few pinches of salt and, if necessary, dried spices for flavor here. Cook the soup over very low heat, about ten minutes before the end of the cooking procedure, pour the pre-boiled and strained brine into it. Just before serving, distribute the food on plates, garnish with chopped herbs and pour over sour cream.

Lovers of light food will love this recipe. If your family is not used to doing without meat, cook the broth on it, and add a slice of beef, chicken or pork, depending on what you use, to the dish. It will turn out very tasty and satisfying, you'll see. And do not forget about the seasonings, because they give a unique flavor. For pickle, allspice, dried rosemary, basil are suitable, in extreme cases, you can use parsley or dill. And one more thing: so that the cereal cooks faster, soak it in warm water, then rinse it and send it to the broth.

Pickle with spinach and celery

We offer you to master another incredibly delicious vegetable recipe first course. If the traditional pickle is boiled from kidneys and offal, then we will deviate from the classic solutions and "modernize" the food a little - we will make a broth from dried champignons. In principle, you can use any mushrooms you like - pickled or fresh. And if you want the soup to turn out more satisfying, cook it with pork or beef. When finished, remove the meat, and cool the broth itself and add all the necessary foods to it.


  • 40 grams dried or fresh parsley
  • 25 grams of leeks
  • 30 grams of dried champignons or other mushrooms
  • fifteen grams of celery
  • salt
  • three potato tubers
  • ten grams of spinach
  • three large pickles
  • two tablespoons butter, melted
  • a tablespoon of sour cream or mayonnaise
  • three sprigs of fresh herbs

Cooking method:

The good thing about this pickle recipe is that it is inexpensive and versatile. During the warmer months, the soup can be cooked from fresh vegetables, but in winter, parsley or dill, dried mushrooms frozen from summer will come in handy. By the way, about mushrooms: in the absence of the specified variety, use any. It should be noted that it doesn't really matter if they are fresh or pickled. Well, now let's talk directly about the procedure for preparing a hot meal.

So, first of all, peel the roots of the greenery, then rinse them well, dry with a paper towel and chop as finely as possible. Cut the onions into medium-sized cubes, then place both of the above ingredients in a saucepan with melted butter. Simmer vegetables under a tightly closed lid until they change color and soften. In the meantime, transfer the dried mushrooms to a deep bowl and, pouring them with cold water, leave to infuse for a couple of hours, then drain the excess liquid and dry.

By the way, mushrooms can be cooked in another way. For example, take note next recipe: Pour dried foods into slightly salted boiling water and cook for seven minutes - they should be half cooked. Then remove them with a slotted spoon, throwing them into a colander, let them drain, then fry them in a pan with vegetables. Peel the potatoes with a knife and cut into small cubes. Put the water on a low heat, when it starts to boil, put it in a saucepan dried mushrooms and potatoes. Add salt to your taste, add a few peas of allspice and your favorite seasonings if desired.

When the mushroom broth is ready, combine it with sautéed vegetables, finely chopped spinach, mix the dish thoroughly and keep it on the stove for another ten to fifteen minutes. While the food is languishing, boil the concentrated brine, strain it through a sieve and cool slightly. Boil the pickles themselves in boiling water for two to three minutes. After that, pour the brine into the soup and put the green vegetables here. Keep the food on low heat for a while, then cool and pour into plates. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and garnish with homemade sour cream.

Soup with cucumbers, rice and mushrooms

Each pickle recipe is a separate culinary story with its own nuances and subtleties. As the practice of great masters shows, even classic dish can be turned into something unique and different. It is enough just to replace one or two ingredients or, for example, add aromatic, exotic spices. Above, two options for mushroom pickle were proposed: with dried and pickled mushrooms, with barley and with one potato. Everyone cooks the soup at their own discretion, but we, in turn, propose to consider another recipe. This time let's cook delicious soup with rice and vegetables.


  • two large pickled cucumbers
  • any dried mushrooms - 70 grams
  • large carrot
  • parsley
  • onion- one piece
  • 150-200 grams of potatoes
  • two large spoons of white rice
  • eight grams of non-acidic tomato paste
  • refined sunflower oil
  • a tablespoon of wheat flour
  • 180 ml brine
  • condiments

Cooking method:

First, write down, remember and take note of the subtleties that will help you cook the most delicious soup. So, in order not to waste time and save precious minutes, we advise you to soak white rice in cold water in advance. Whatever cereal you use, follow this rule - the product will infuse well and cook quickly. Note also that it is recommended to add a slightly sweetish to the pickle with mushrooms tomato paste, because sour sauce can ruin the dish. And finally: if you want the food to be stored in the refrigerator for as long as possible, before adding the brine to the soup, boil the latter thoroughly and strain. Well, now you can safely go directly to the culinary procedure.

Soak the washed and peeled mushrooms in ice water for 60 minutes, in the meantime, bring slightly salted water to a boil. While it is warming up, remove the film from the mushrooms and chop them into wedges. Do the same for onions, carrots and potatoes - peel the vegetables and cut them into medium cubes. Chop the parsley as small as possible with a knife, then heat the oil in a pan and pour the flour into it. Fry it until bright golden brown.

Then add onions, mushrooms, herbs and other vegetables. Cover the dishes with a lid and simmer everything for a while. Pour the potatoes together with the washed rice into boiling water, salt at your discretion. Add seasoning if desired. Carefully peel the pickled cucumbers, cut into small pieces, bring the brine to a boil and strain. Now put the frying in the soup, throw in the cucumbers, pour the salted concentrate, add the tomato paste and the rest of the ingredients. Bring to a simmer, when all foods are soft, turn off the burner and let the soup steep.

Today there are a huge number of the most diverse pickle options. Some make a seafood dish - crab sticks, squid, - others add beans, beets, bacon and soy sauce... However, you should not chase fashion - you need to cook what you like. Do you prefer the classics? Then you will like the traditional pickle with giblet broth, but lovers of new products will certainly appreciate more original version soup. We have a recipe for everyone.

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except classic recipe pickle with meat, barley and pickles, there are many other variations of this delicious soup... For example, the option that I will cook today is a lean pickle with mushrooms (dry) and pickled cucumber. Try to treat your family to this hearty and fragrant soup, and mine detailed recipe and the photos taken step by step will help you in preparing it.

How to cook pickle with mushrooms and without barley

Take 60 grams of dry mushrooms - white, boletus or boletus. These mushrooms will be most flavorful in soup.

Pour boiling water over them and cover with a lid. It is necessary to give the mushrooms a good steam, at least 30-40 minutes.

After the porcini mushrooms are thoroughly swollen, they must be passed through a meat grinder or finely chopped with a knife.

Add chopped mushrooms to 1.5 liters of boiling water and cook them until tender for about 15 minutes.

In the meantime, let's move on to the other ingredients for the soup.

Grind 150 grams of pickled or pickled cucumbers (I personally love pickled ones) through a coarse grater.

Saute the onions and carrots in a frying pan.

Add cucumbers and fry for another 1 minute.

Peel and dice 2 medium potatoes.

When the mushrooms are cooked, add potatoes to them. Cook for 5 minutes.

The last step is to add vegetable frying to the soup. Salt to taste and cook until the potatoes are tender.

After turning off the burner, let the pickle stand under the lid for another 10 minutes so that vegetables and mushrooms can fully exchange flavors.

Pour the soup into bowls and add your favorite herbs. Also, you can add mayonnaise or sour cream to the plate, depending on your preference.

Ready pickle with mushrooms from a given amount of products turns out to be quite thick and very satisfying. Try to diversify your menu with this dry mushroom soup, and you may want to stock up on dried mushrooms for the winter in larger quantities every year.

Rassolnik is an old dish of Russian cuisine, the main ingredient of which is pickled cucumbers. There are tons of recipes for this soup. But try another one - with mushrooms. Mushroom joins the slightly salty taste, which has always gone well with rice and potatoes.

So, we take any broth, carrots, onions, rice, mushrooms, pickled or pickled cucumbers, salt and pepper, vegetable oil.

Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into cubes. Put in a saucepan with meat broth and put it on fire.

Peel and wash onions and carrots. Three carrots on a grater or finely chop, finely chop the onion. Put in a frying pan with refined sunflower oil and simmer for 10 minutes.

Then we put these vegetables in a saucepan. Wash the rice thoroughly and send it to the boiling soup. Cook until rice and vegetables are almost done.

One large cucumber or two small three grated.

We clean the champignons, wash them and cut them arbitrarily. Put cucumbers and mushrooms in the soup. Cook for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Pickle with mushrooms is ready. Serve for the first lunch.

Delicious, delicate and hearty soup ready.

Bon Appetit!