Home / Cakes / Shawarma recipe with chicken classic step by step. Homemade shawarma recipe with chicken in pita bread

Shawarma recipe with chicken classic step by step. Homemade shawarma recipe with chicken in pita bread

Basic recipe shawarma with chicken at home is easy to master. It is much tastier and healthier than the purchased one and, moreover, it is easy to supplement it with a variety of ingredients. The result is great snack for a snack or main meal. Today we will master better ways preparation and learn how to wrap the shawarma correctly.

In our country, shawarma has become synonymous with cheap and even hygienically dangerous fast food. But in Turkey, Egypt, shawarma (its other name) is considered a cult food - long lines line up at the most popular eateries, and the owners of the establishments keep their culinary secrets in secret, passing them on by inheritance.

But no matter how much shawarma is scolded, it does not cease to be tastier from this. And homemade shawarma is also completely safe: all the ingredients and the process are under our personal control!

For homemade shawarma (2 servings), prepare:

  • a large sheet of thin pita bread;
  • medium-sized tomato - 1 pc .;
  • cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken leg- 2 pcs.;
  • onion sweet variety - 1 pc. (small);
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • natural yogurt (or sour cream) - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • tomato sauce or good ketchup- 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cilantro, parsley or any other greens - a small bunch;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

It is better to fry the chicken the day before (or bake it in foil) - the shawarma assembly process will go many times faster.

  1. First, fry the chicken leg, add salt and pepper the chicken to taste. Optionally, you can season it with any other spices: oregano, marjoram, ready-made chicken seasoning.
  2. Let it cool a little, and then we cut it into separate fibers, carefully freeing it from the bones.
  3. While the chicken is cooling, prepare the vegetables. Peel the cucumber (or leave it if the cucumber is young and steamy), peel the tomato from seeds and cut into small half rings. Cut the onion in the same way. For the sake of accuracy, we will lay out the vegetables on separate plates, and the taste of individual components will be felt much brighter. We recommend cutting the core out of the tomatoes, leaving the fleshy flesh. If you put a tomato with all the juices, our dish will quickly deteriorate: the lavash will get wet, break and the filling will begin to crumble.
  4. Prepare the sauce in a bowl - mix mayonnaise, sour cream, salt, herbs, ketchup. The result is a thick, aromatic dressing. Now we need to assemble our shawarma (on how to wrap it correctly, read the special section below in our article).
  5. We cut the lavash into two parts, grease with sauce. Put vegetables and meat in a heap on the sauce in the following sequence: chicken, onions, tomatoes, cucumber. Do not put too much filling: this will cause the shawarma to fall apart.
  6. We wrap the shawarma with a tube, bending all the edges inward. We heat the frying pan, put the appetizer on a dry hot surface with the fold down so that it is fried, and the shawarma "sticks together". As soon as one side is browned, turn over and bake on the other side. The fire should be medium so that the dish does not burn.

Put on a plate and serve. If cooked right, the appetizer is delicious - juicy filling, crunchy pita bread and sauce mix, turning into a symphony of flavors and aromas!

Homemade cooking with garlic dressing

Garlic is amazingly combined with chicken. The main thing is to add it quite a bit, so that the seasoning slightly sets off the chicken meat. To do this, add the garlic to the white sauce.

To prepare shawarma with garlic, prepare: 300 g of chicken fillet, a clove of garlic, yogurt, thick fermented baked milk (4% fat), cherry tomatoes, bell pepper, pickle, vegetable oil for frying, herbs (any) and thin pita... From this amount, 2 large hearty shawarmas will be obtained.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Cut vegetables into thin strips.
  2. Mix yogurt, fermented baked milk, herbs in a separate bowl, squeeze the garlic there.
  3. Cut the chicken into strips, fry in a skillet.
  4. Cut the lavash into two parts, put the chicken on them, season it with sauce.
  5. Put vegetables on the sauce in any order.
  6. We wrap a neat "column".

Fry the shawarma in a hot skillet until crisp. We eat while enjoying, bite quickly - the sauce will literally flow into the mouth along with pieces of vegetables and meat. It's delicious, filling, and quite light on the stomach.

In pita bread with red sauce

In Turkey, doner kebab is prepared using fresh lamb, vegetables and special seasonings, which often include a special spice sumac - a sour, slightly astringent red seasoning. It gives the sauce a pinkish hue and a subtle oriental flavor. In our country, red sauce with cilantro is very popular. We will also prepare such a shawarma.

For cooking you will need:

  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp l .;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • a bunch of cilantro - small;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • boiled Chicken's leg- 1 piece, large;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sugar, salt, pepper to taste;
  • sheet of thin fresh pita bread.

Let's start assembling the snacks:

  1. Cooking red sauce. To do this, add to the water tomato paste and chopped cilantro, stir so that no lumps remain, salt and pepper to taste. You can add a pinch of sugar to enhance the taste, squeeze out a clove of garlic.
  2. Cut the vegetables into slices, three carrots into thin strips, and disassemble the chicken into fibers. We cut the lavash into 2 parts.
  3. We collect shawarma in the following sequence: sauce, chicken, vegetables. We wrap a neat roll, which we fry on both sides in a frying pan.

It turns out interesting option for lovers of cilantro. Anyone who perceives the spice with caution can replace it with any other herb, for example, delicate parsley.

Diet shawarma with chicken

Diet shawarma "weighs" only 160 kcal per 100 g (measured and we know for sure!), In a large and tasty portion homemade shawarma no more than 400 kcal - a full meal that meets all the norms of KBZHU. Do you want to lose weight tasty and satisfying? Learn to cook a diet version of doner kebab - your waist will appreciate it.

Required ingredients (for 2):

  • chicken fillet- 300 g;
  • 100 ml of natural yogurt;
  • any greens - a bunch;
  • spices to taste;
  • fresh tomatoes, cucumbers - 1 pc.;
  • thin pita bread - 1 pc.

Add natural yoghurt, cut the herbs into it. Fry the chicken in a dry skillet. Cut the vegetables into slices. Lavash generously grease with sauce, lay out the meat and vegetables. Wrap, fry in a skillet. Eating with green tea or coffee beans with a lump of cane sugar.

Original version with Korean carrots

There are people who simply cannot think of shawarma without a sharp, piquant note that it always gives Korean carrot... For this option, we advise you to buy 300 g of your favorite snack in advance, or prepare it yourself.

Prepare pita bread, chicken leg, some Chinese cabbage (¼ fork), tomato and sweet Yalta onion. We can cook any sauce to your taste - red, white or yoghurt, dietary.

We collect shawarma like this:

  1. Put chopped on pita bread Chinese cabbage.
  2. Top - Korean carrots.
  3. Then tomato slices, onion rings and, finally, poultry meat.
  4. The final touch is the sauce.

Why did we post it in this order? It's simple.

The vegetables in this recipe are quite juicy, if you immediately spread the pita bread with sauce, there is a risk that the shawarma will fall apart.

Therefore, we put the sauce only on top.

We wrap the shawarma, fry in a dry frying pan. Do not forget that the place of the fold is always fried first, so that the appetizer does not fall apart. We eat it warm and enjoy life!

With chicken fillet and cheese

Chicken with melted cheese and vegetables is a gourmet classic. For the recipe, you can take any hard cheese and even smoked, and it goes very well ready cheese plates - it melts quickly and soaks all the ingredients with a viscous creamy sauce.

We will need: pita bread, chicken fillet, tomato, cheese, sweet onions, a little vegetable oil, herbs. We recommend making a white sauce by mixing mayonnaise, sour cream, herbs and a little garlic.

How to cook:

  1. Fry the chicken in vegetable oil, cut into strips.
  2. Cut the vegetables into slices.
  3. Put chicken on pita bread, cover it with a slice of cheese.
  4. Put the slices of vegetables on top.
  5. Season everything with sauce.

We wrap the shawarma and be sure to warm it up in a skillet - the cheese should melt. We eat shawarma, trying to be neat - the appetizer turns out to be juicy, tender and it is important not to miss a single bite!

With the addition of mushrooms

By the way, during Great Lent you can also make shawarma. Instead of meat, it is easy to add mushrooms by frying them with onions in a skillet. Use any mushrooms: frozen mushrooms, dry white mushrooms (pre-soaked in water), you can even take pickled boletus, just make them as dry as possible, freeing them from liquid marinade. In addition to mushrooms, we will wrap carrots and greens in pita bread, which we take to taste.

How do I prepare the vegetarian option?

  1. Fry mushrooms with onions in a skillet.
  2. Add the grated carrots, simmer everything together.
  3. At the end, we cut the greens, mix everything.
  4. Put on half of the pita bread mushroom filling and wrap everything with a straw.
  5. Fry the appetizer in a skillet until crusty.

We eat it warm, washed down with warm herbal tea. It turns out to be an interesting and satisfying variation. Those who do not observe the fasts can supplement the recipe with any sauce and cheese.

Homemade shawarma with chicken and vegetables

Homemade shawarma with chicken in pita bread, according to experts, turns out to be the most delicious of the thighs. The ideal option is to use fillets chicken thighs, so as not to suffer with cutting meat from bones.

Let's prepare:

  • chicken thigh fillet - 300 g;
  • thin pita bread - 1 pc.;
  • frying oil - 50 ml;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper;
  • Chinese cabbage - ¼ fork;
  • onions - 1 pc;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Choose any sauce recipe. We recommend cooking an authentic oriental. The recipe looks like this: yogurt is mixed with crushed garlic, coriander, black pepper are added there, seasoned with a bite of wine and lemon juice, and salted to taste. No ketchup is used in the Middle East!

There is one more secret: the most delicious shawarma is obtained when heated on a grill machine. At home, popular multi-baker devices and ordinary waffle makers are perfect for such purposes.

  1. Cut the vegetables into slices, fry the chicken and let it cool slightly (so that it does not burn your hands).
  2. We spread the meat on pita bread, distribute vegetables on top, fill everything with sauce (do not be too zealous so that the shawarma does not "float").
  3. Roll up a neat roll and fry it in a skillet.

We eat and enjoy life!

With white cabbage

Of course, Chinese cabbage is more tender. But sometimes the usual white cabbage is also suitable for shawarma. It must be finely chopped, carefully wrinkled with your hands, seasoned with salt, vinegar and vegetable oil. For this option, a lot of vegetables are not required. It is enough to add greenhouse cucumber and sweet tomato to meat and cabbage.

Let's prepare:

  • a quarter fork of cabbage;
  • a little dill;
  • vinegar, salt, vegetable oil to taste;
  • sweet onion - 1 pc.;
  • pita;
  • baked chicken thighs in foil - 200 g;
  • tomato;
  • greenhouse cucumber.

Cooking step by step:

  1. For the sauce, mix some mayonnaise and sour cream with a tablespoon of herbs. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Cut the vegetables into thin slices, and chop the meat into arbitrary cubes.
  3. Put cabbage on pita bread, mashed with salt, seasoned with vinegar and oil. Put the tomato, meat and cucumber on top. Sprinkle our entire "construction" with sauce and wrap it carefully.
  4. The last stage is frying in a dry pan.

The implementation of such a recipe is inexpensive in the season of vegetables, but what a juicy appetizer comes out! Enjoy your meal without forgetting about the napkin.

Step-by-step instructions for wrapping shawarma

It remains to master the correct shawarma twisting technology and you can start cooking. We offer a description of the classic scheme, and you, if you wish, modify it to your taste.

The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  1. We process half of the pita bread with sauce, leaving the edges of 4 cm intact.
  2. Put the filling on the sauce strictly in the center.
  3. Bend the edges of the pita bread towards the center.
  4. We wrap the bottom edges up and turn, covering the filling.
  5. Twist to the end, giving the appetizer the shape of a roll.

There is also an easier way - to fold everything in an envelope. This will not affect the taste of shawarma.

In general, there is nothing difficult in preparing such an appetizer. In practice, the technique of "origami" from lavash is mastered instantly - the eyes are afraid, but the hands do it. The main thing is not to put too much filling so that it does not fall out. Taste shawarma with different kinds meat, experiment with fillings. It is tasty, satisfying and unusual. Bon Appetit.

Hello everyone! If you are looking for something special, delicious recipe cooking shawarma at home, then our article is for you.

Lots of delicious and healthy dishes in Russia, came from the Eastern and Arab countries and one of the many recipes is shawarma. Surely many have learned about the existence of this amazing delicious food, with the mass appearance of kiosks and cafes on the streets of your city, which sell ready-made shawarma.

The so-called "shawarma" is very popular due to the fact that it can be a quick and satisfying snack. And the most convenient thing is that it is not necessary to buy it in stalls and kiosks, but you can cook it at home, with a small investment of time and money. Especially if the season is vegetables!

Shawarma is a quick-cooked dish with hot meat filling and vegetables wrapped in pita bread. It is considered a fast food dish, but when preparing shawarma at home, you can make sure that it turns out not only satisfying and tasty, but also healthy.

Simple homemade shawarma: a step-by-step cooking process with a photo

Shawarma exists in several types, and homemade shawarma is also prepared quickly and does not require a lot of time. In addition, the filling can be changed according to own discretion... Usually shawarma is prepared from lamb, chicken, veal or, in non-Muslim countries, from pork. The meat is fried vertically on the grill and, as it roasts, it is cut off and used for the filling. In addition to meat, vegetables (and sometimes fish and fruits), cucumbers (fresh, pickled or pickled), tomatoes, carrots (either in Korean or just fresh), potatoes, cabbage, onions are used, and all this is seasoned with different sauces.

You can bake lavash yourself. Also at home with a minimal investment of time. And if on hastily, it is easier, of course, to buy ready-made in the store. The main thing is to make sure that it is not burnt or torn. Since, when you wrap it, there is a chance that the sauce will leak through cracks or overdried pita bread.

Recipe 1. Cooking shawarma with chicken (simple classic recipe)


  • chicken fillet (breast) - 300 gr;
  • fresh cabbage - 1/6 head of cabbage;
  • pickled cucumbers 2-3 pcs;
  • sour cream butter;


  1. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and fry in butter.
  2. 2. Chop the cabbage into strips, squeeze it with your hands and salt.
  3. 3. Peel the pickled cucumbers and cut into strips.
  4. 4. Lay out the pita bread on the table and begin to lay out the filling, first put a layer of cabbage, then put a layer of meat.
  5. Pour sour cream on top and put a layer of pickled cucumbers on top of the sour cream.
  6. 5. We wrap the shawarma, tucking the tips of the lavash inward.
  7. 6. Put the wrapped shawarma in a frying pan and heat it up, in turn press the shawarma so that it becomes a little flat, do it on both sides.

Recipe 2. How to cook shawarma (shawarma) at home with sausage

Shawarma, shaverna, shawarma - as soon as they call this dish. It would seem that the most common combination of pita bread, meat and vegetables, but how delicious!

This shawarma is cooked in a thin Armenian lavash, which can be bought in the store and is easy to make with your own hands. As a rule, it is prepared with meat, but meat can also be replaced with boiled or smoked sausage.



Spread a sheet of pita bread on the table. Combine ketchup with mayonnaise and grease lavash.

Rinse the lettuce leaves with a paper towel and place in the center of the pita bread.

Rinse the tomato and cucumber and cut into small pieces in the form of strips, and put on the lettuce leaves in a layer.

Remove the footboard and seeds from the bell pepper, cut into thin strips, put on a layer of tomato and cucumber.

Cut the sausage into strips and put a layer on the pepper.

Grate cheese on a coarse grater and lay on top of the sausage.

Wrap the pita bread, put in a frying pan and fry on both sides until golden brown.

Recipe 3. Cooking shawarma without chicken (step by step recipe with photo)

Ingredients for the sauce:

Mix ketchup and mayonnaise, put finely chopped garlic in mixed ketchup and mayonnaise.

Ingredients for shawarma filling:

1. Spread a sheet of pita bread on the table and spread with ketchup.

2. Grate cheese or cut into cubes.

3. Drizzle a little sauce.

4. Chop the cabbage into strips, salt and rinse with your hands (to give the juice), put a layer on top of the cheese.

5. Put a layer of Korean carrots on top of the cabbage layer.

6. Cut the cucumber, not too finely, lay on top of the carrots. Cut the onion into half rings and place on top of the cucumber.

7. Cut the tomato into small pieces.

8. Wrap the shawarma and fry it in a dry frying pan to melt the cheese. And all the delicious shawarma is ready to eat.

Recipe 4. A simple recipe for shawarma with duck (instead of chicken)


1. Boil duck meat in salted water with bay leaves.
2. Rinse the champignon mushrooms and cut into thin strips, put salt in a frying pan and cover with a lid, when the mushrooms give juice, remove the lid and fry until all the liquid evaporates, add sour cream and chopped herbs. Simmer for two minutes.

3. Cut the cucumber into slices and place next to the finished Korean carrots.

4. Take one part, pour in mayonnaise, ketchup and distribute over the entire surface of the pita bread. Put the filling on the pita bread: fried duck meat, mushrooms, Korean carrots, cucumbers.

5. Wrap the shawarma and put it in a plate on a lettuce leaf.

Never warm shawarma in microwave oven because the lavash in it will become limp and lose its head start and taste. Finished shawarma can be additionally greased with sauce on top for juiciness and piquancy.

Shawarma (Shawarma) at home [classic recipe] - step by step recipe with photo

  • Servings: 4 servings
  • Cooking time: 45 minutes

Recipe stamp

Shawarma (Shawarma) at home [classic recipe]

If, for any reason, you are afraid to buy shawarma on the market, you should not deny yourself the pleasure, try this interesting near oriental dish... I bring to your attention a recipe for shawarma at home. There are many cooking options. Usually, shawarma is minced fried meat, fresh vegetables and sauce wrapped in pita bread. Easy recipe in execution and does not require a lot of time. The dish is suitable both for a quick snack during the day, and for friendly get-togethers with the company.

The key to the successful preparation of shawarma is sauce and spices, this is what you should pay special attention to. Use a variety of seasonings (black pepper, coriander, cumin, dill, basil, cilantro, and others to taste) to add an oriental flavor and aroma to the dish.


  • Lavash - 4 pcs.
  • Chicken fillet - 400 g
  • Peking cabbage - 1/2 pc.
  • Cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Sour cream - 200 g
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  • Spices, dried herbs - to taste
  • Sunflower oil for frying

Step by step cooking process at home

  1. Prepare necessary products, wash vegetables, remove top cabbage leaves.
  • Cut the meat into oblong pieces. Season with salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Marinate it for 15 minutes. (if you have time, leave the meat with spices for an hour).

  • Fry the fillets in a greased skillet until tender. It is important not to overexpose the brisket on the fire, as it will lose its juiciness.

  • Cut the cucumbers into strips.

  • Chop the tomatoes in the same way.

  • Chop Chinese cabbage (you can substitute white cabbage).

  • The next step is making the sauce. To do this, mix sour cream with mayonnaise in proportions 1: 1, add black ground pepper, a tablespoon lemon juice, dried herbs (dill, basil), squeeze out two or three cloves of garlic.

  • Spread the sauce on the pita bread (closer to the edge where you start to wrap), about 2 tablespoons.

  • Spread a quarter of the cooked meat over the sauce.

  • Top the fillet with vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage.

  • Pour the sauce over and wrap in a straw, gently bending the edges above and below. Pay attention to the fact that the lavash is fresh, because when dried, it is difficult to roll up so that it does not break.

  • Heat the shawarma on both sides in a dry skillet with a lid before serving. You should not do this in the microwave, as the lavash may not dry out, but, on the contrary, become sour.

  • Shawarma is ready at home. Bon Appetit!


    Shawarma classic with chicken

    There are many recipes for making shawarma, but it is the chicken fillet recipe that gives the dish a special lightness. An appetizer is being prepared from simple ingredients And what is the most remarkable, the ingredients can be changed and supplemented at your discretion and desire.

    • Complexity: Average
    • Preparation: 0 min.
    • Preparation: 40 min.
    • Total time: 40 min.
    • Servings: 2

    Ingredients for the dish

    • Energy value (beta)
    • Total weight of ingredients: 631 G.
    • Calories per 100g: 49 kcal
    • Calories Per Serving: 156 kcal
    • Calories of the whole dish: 311 kcal
    • Proteins: 50.8
    • Fats: 81.9
    • Carbohydrates: 143.1
    • How to cook classic shawarma with chicken - step by step description

      We prepare necessary ingredients for shawarma.

      Preheat the pan, pour in the oil and fry the fillets cut into cubes until golden brown for 12-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Salt and pepper to taste.

      Meanwhile, cut the cucumber into small cubes.

      Cut the tomato into small pieces.

      Chop the cabbage or cut into slices.

      Mix the fried fillet with cabbage.

      We cut the lavash into 2 parts.

      Put a strip of mayonnaise closer to the edge of the pita bread.

      Then we spread the chicken and cabbage.

      Then we spread the carrots in Korean.

      We wrap the pita bread with an envelope, and then a roll.

      Classic shawarma with chicken is ready. Bon Appetit!


      Shawarma (classic recipe)

      This is probably one of the most delicious snacks... It is very easy to cook shawarma at home. Buy products according to the list and repeat after me! Everything is very simple and pretty fast.


      • Lavash 1 Piece
      • Tomato 0.5 Pieces
      • Cucumber 0.5 Pieces
      • Cabbage 4-5 Art. spoons
      • Ketchup 2 Art. spoons
      • Mayonnaise 2 Tbsp. spoons
      • Salt, ground black pepper 1-2 Pinch
      • Chicken fillet 150 Gram
      • Vegetable oil 2 Tbsp. spoons

      Prepare food. Wash meat and vegetables. Let's get started.

      Chop the cabbage finely. Salt a little.

      Cut the tomato and cucumber into slices.

      For the sauce, combine mayonnaise with ketchup and a pinch of black pepper.

      Salt and pepper the chicken fillet, fry over medium heat, covered on both sides, until tender. Remove from heat.

      Spread the pita bread on your desktop. Grease the center generously with sauce. Distribute cabbage, tomato, cucumber.

      Cut the finished chicken, half a piece goes for one shawarma. Top with a little sauce.

      Wrap the envelope so that the sides are closed. Try to roll the shawarma tightly and place it in a clean and dry skillet (grill if available, this will be the best solution) for a few minutes before browning on both sides.


      Shawarma at home.

      Shawarma is quite simple to prepare. A few simple steps - and the delicious Middle East dish is ready. Secret delicious shawarma at home - fresh and soft lavash.

      It is curious that the inhabitants of Moscow use the word "shawarma", but in St. Petersburg - "shawarma". It depends on the different pronunciation and filling. In St. Petersburg stalls, only chicken meat is used for the dish.

      At this time, such a yummy is sold in almost every stall, but is it worth buying it there? Homemade shawarma is much better and even safer than one bought on the street. It does not require a lot of time and complex culinary steps to prepare it. Imagination and desire to cook is all that is needed while preparing delicious and satisfying shawarma.

      A little about vegetables, meat and sauce.

      In the preparation of shawarma, you can use beef, lamb, chicken and turkey. There are special technologies for frying meat using a vertical grill. Everyone who has ever bought shawarma on the street has seen how the finished meat was cut into thin pieces, which were then chopped additionally.

      Since it is not entirely realistic to do this procedure at home, the meat is simply fried in a pan with a thick bottom, after which it is finely chopped. It is worth remembering one detail - the meat must be marinated and allowed to soak for about 12 hours.

      As for vegetables, a flight of imagination is already welcomed here. Shawarma street vendors usually use a large number of onions and cabbage, but for homemade cucumbers, tomatoes, and even Korean carrots are also suitable.

      In this case, experiments will only be beneficial. The main thing is that all the ingredients are not large, otherwise it will be inconvenient to eat. You need to cut the food into medium or small size.

      The sauce is the final touch. Depending on your taste preferences, the sauce can add spice, sophistication or piquancy.

      Lavash for shawarma at home

      To prepare it you will need:

    • Half a kilogram of flour;
    • 0.2 liters of water;
    • 20 grams of fresh yeast or 11 grams of dry (sachet);
    • One teaspoon of salt;
    • 50 grams of butter.

      Use warm water to stir the yeast. Next, you need to salt the resulting solution. The sifted flour is mixed with water and oil. The dough must have sufficient elasticity and not stick to your hands.

      After that, it is covered with a towel and lasts for about an hour. It is divided into balls of the same size, which are then rolled onto plates. Thickness - 1-1.5 mm. It is worth considering the size of these plates, they must fit in the pan.

      Such pita breads are prepared very quickly. It is desirable that the pan has a Teflon coating and is well heated. The moment when it is time to turn over to the other side is the bloating of the dough.

      Classic shawarma recipe at home

      For those who want to learn how to cook classic shawarma, you need to acquire the following ingredients:

      Three hundred grams of chicken fillet;

      One fresh cucumber and tomato;

      Head of white cabbage;

      Chicken fillet is cut into thin bars, laid out in a preheated pan. If there is a grill, then this is generally great. Next, we are preparing the rest of the filling components. The cabbage is chopped, the cucumber and tomato are chopped. After that, everything is filled with mayonnaise.

      Divided pita bread in half, greased with mayonnaise, then put two tablespoons of pre-cooked vegetables, ready-made meat, greased with mayonnaise again. Mustard and ketchup are added to taste. The dish is folded into an envelope.

      In addition to this shawarma, there is a "real sauce".

      250 grams of mayonnaise;

      200 grams of kefir;

      Two cloves of garlic;

      1/2 teaspoon ground sweet paprika and the same amount of hop-suneli seasoning.

      First you need to mix kefir, mayonnaise, sour cream. To prevent the sauce from being liquid, these ingredients are used with medium fat content. Then add the spices listed in the list and chopped garlic. You should not get carried away with garlic, it has the properties of interrupting the taste of other spices.

      Everything is thoroughly mixed. Ready sauce left "calm" for two hours.

      Homemade chicken shawarma.

      Ingredients required for preparation:

      500 grams of chicken;

      250 grams of French fries;

      200 grams of Korean carrots;

      150 grams of cabbage;

      One onion;

      150 grams of mayonnaise;

      100 grams of ketchup.

      All components are prepared for the process. Cool the potatoes on a paper towel. Fried fillet cut into small pieces (cubes or strips). As a meat filling, you can use either chicken legs or chicken breast. White cabbage cut with a grater or a sharp knife. The onion is cut into half rings.

      Shawarma can be warmed up in the oven, microwave or in a frying pan (be sure to grease with oil). The dish is ready.

      You can use classic garlic sauce if desired.

      To prepare it you need:

      1 head of garlic;

      Ground pepper (red and black);

      Coriander, cilantro, dill.

      For a change, you can add finely chopped pickles. This sauce goes well with meat.

      Homemade pork shawarma recipe

      For this dish you will need:

      300 grams of pork;

      Cucumber and tomato;

      Garlic and herbs.

      With pork, you need to do the same steps as with chicken. You need to fry for about seven minutes, while stirring constantly. Garlic sauce is being prepared in parallel. By the way, classic sauce can be replaced with sweet and sour.

      Sweet and sour shawarma sauce

      Two tablespoons of butter;

      One hundred grams of prunes;

      50 grams of red wine;

      One onion and one carrot;

      Dried parsley root;

      Red and black pepper;

      Salt and sugar to taste.

      This sauce has two stages of preparation.

      First. Flour is dried on hot skillet... Then she divorces strong meat broth... Separately, you need to sauté carrots, onions and parsley root. Everything is mixed and spices are added.

      Second. The prunes are boiled, and the water should barely cover them. After the water is drained, 50 g is poured in. wine and added to the base. Warm up over low heat.

      After the sauce and meat have been cooked, they are combined. You can pepper and salt to taste. Next, Chinese cabbage and tomato are cut, cheese and fresh cucumber are grated.

      In order to make it convenient to eat, you can use two pita bread. First, put cabbage, then meat, cheese, tomato and cucumber. The latter is added to make the shawarma more juicy. The finishing touch is, of course, heating.

      1. Orange helps to get juicy shawarma. It is placed over the meat, which is located on the vertical valve. Due to the fact that the juice flows down homogeneous mass, it impregnates the meat well. Since this procedure is not entirely possible at home, the meat is watered with lard, which is previously melted.

      2. To make the meat juicy, marinate it. White wine is used for pork, Apple vinegar and spices. For beef, lemon vinegar, red wine, and onions. Chicken is usually marinated with mayonnaise.

      3. For cooking homemade lavash you will need a template in the form of a plate or a saucepan lid. He will help you get the dough shape you need.

      4. To obtain elastic and soft lavash, after cooking it is placed between wet wipes or towels. You can also use a spray bottle (water must be boiled in it). The surface only needs to be lightly sprinkled. So that it does not soften, dry napkins are applied on both sides of the pita bread. After the lavash has completely passed all the stages of preparation, it is placed in a bag that does not allow air to pass through so that the dough does not dry out.

      Having learned how to cook this dish at home, you can not be afraid for the health of loved ones and your own. Unfortunately, now there are not so many conscientious masters who fulfill all the sanitary norms for making shawarma. After all, how often do we hear that someone from our acquaintances has been poisoned by a similar delicacy, acquired somewhere in the station area. Homemade shawarma will surely delight your guests.

      Shawarma is a popular oriental dish of Arab origin. It is preparing very much delicious food from pita bread that starts minced meat grilled with the addition of spices, sauces and salad and from fresh vegetables.

      Now this dish occupies a leading position among fast, hearty "street" food and not everyone can pass by the aroma fried meat... Shawarma can be bought not only in street stalls, it is served in cafes and even restaurants.

      Meat can be lamb, chicken, veal, turkey, pork can also be found in non-Muslim countries.

      The advantages of shawarma are that it is quickly and easily prepared, it turns out to be very satisfying, and more and more housewives are trying to cook it at home.

      An electric grill, which is offered by manufacturers of household appliances, will help us to cook meat. We will also cook thin cakes - lavash with our own hands, although they are now offered in a wide range by supermarkets.

      Shawarma recipe

      for the test we need:

      • flour - 360 gr
      • salt - 1/2 tsp.
      • vegetable oil - 20 gr.
      • hot water - 200 ml.

      step by step cooking:

      Cooking pita bread - shawarma cakes. Sift flour into a bowl, add salt, mix. Make a depression in the flour and pour vegetable oil and hot water (temperature - 80 degrees) into it, and knead the dough.

      Then put the dough on the table and knead more, do not add flour any more. The dough was well kneaded, it became smooth and does not stick to the hands. Let the dough "rest" for about 20 minutes wrapped in plastic wrap.

      Roll out the dough into a sausage and cut into six equal parts. Grease the table and rolling pin with butter and roll out the dough very thinly.

      Fry the rolled dough in a completely dry and hot skillet on both sides.

      Put the prepared hot pita bread on a cutting board, and so that it does not dry out and is soft, sprinkle with water and cover with a towel.

      Lavash prepared according to this recipe turns out to be soft, thin and smells great. Very tasty!

      To keep the finished pita bread from aerated, store it in cling film.

      you will need the following ingredients to make the filling:

      for the sauce:

      • unsweetened yogurt
      • garlic
      • black pepper
      • dried herbs: coriander, dill, parsley, cumin, hops-suneli, curry
      • greens: green onions, dill, parsley, basil, cilantro


      We will grill the pre-marinated meat in a vertical grill. We string pieces of meat on vertically located skewers, they will rotate around their axis and relative to the heating elements.

      We fry the meat for about 10 - 15 minutes. Turn off the grill when the meat is browned. Chop the pieces of meat additionally. The advantage of grilling meat is that when frying, excess fat flows into special cups.

      Other options for cooking meat - stew the meat in a pan, or boil in broth, cook in the oven, or in a slow cooker (for 1 hour, "Baking" mode.)

      Chop cabbage and carrots into very thin strips, chop tomatoes and cucumber, chop parsley. In a large bag, combine cabbage, carrots and chopped parsley, add salt, sugar and quite a bit of vegetable oil. Tie the bag and shake well several times, and leave for a while.

      preparing white garlic sauce

      Add finely chopped garlic clove with cumin, salt and black pepper to taste into yogurt. Let the sauce sit for 20 minutes.

      Sauce by classic recipe goes well with any kind of shawarma.

      Grease the baked tortilla with sauce, then lay out the cabbage salad with carrots, fried meat, cucumber ribbons, tomato slices, wrap everything and ... Bon appetit!

      Delicious shawarma with chicken and korean carrots

      Shawarma using chicken meat- the most common variants of this dish. Chicken meat has delicate taste, roasts well and goes well with various vegetables and sauces.


      • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg
      • fresh cabbage - 300 gr.
      • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
      • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.
      • carrots in Korean 100 gr.
      • salt and pepper, sauce - to taste
      • vegetable oil - for roasting chicken
      • onion - 1 onion

      Step by step cooking:

      1. Cut the onion thinly into half rings and begin to fry in a frying pan in a little oil. Then add chicken fillet cut into small pieces to the onion, salt, you can add spices to taste. When the meat is fried on onions, the juice does not flow out, and the meat turns out to be juicy.
      2. White cabbage, try to chop as thin as possible, put in a deep bowl, add salt, sugar, a drop of vegetable oil and vinegar, mix gently with your hands, do not crush much.
      3. Chop cucumbers and tomatoes into strips. Korean-style carrots can be purchased in advance from the salad vendors in the market.
      4. Spread out the pita bread and lay out all the food in layers, starting with the cabbage. Top with homemade ketchup, wrap. Shawarma is ready. Bon Appetit!

      An appetizing shawarma prepared according to this recipe will turn out juicy, and the carrots will add a hint of spicy aftertaste.

      Appetizing shawarma with sausage and cheese

      As a rule, shawarma is cooked with meat, but it can be replaced with boiled one, smoked sausage or ham. It will turn out to be no less tasty and very fast.

      Cut vegetables, sausage and cheese into thin slices. It is better to take sausage without fat, and cheese hard varieties, it melts better and tastes completely different. Grease a sheet of pita bread with white sauce, lay out vegetables, sausage and cheese. Top with tomato sauce, wrap, and fry in a dry frying pan until lightly browned, so that the filling warms up well.

      We have already learned how to make white garlic sauce, now we will prepare tomato sauce. He is in his taste far superior to regular ketchup. You can add fresh vegetables to it.

      Cooking red tomato sauce

      We need the following ingredients:

      • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
      • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
      • tomato - 1 pc.
      • bell pepper - pcs.
      • onion -1 pc.
      • salt, sugar
      • ground red pepper, cilantro


      Cut the onion and tomato into cubes and sauté in a skillet.

      Take a blender and put in it - chopped bell peppers, sautéed tomatoes and onions, red pepper, salt, sugar, tomato paste, cilantro. Grind everything until the consistency of thick sour cream. Let it brew for 20 minutes. It turned out tomato spicy sauce with sweetish - spicy taste!

      Shawarma in St. Petersburg at home

      The homemade version of shawarma is very masculine, abundant and delicious !!!

      The main criterion by which shawarma differs from shawarma is the shell. For shawarma, use thin pita bread, and for shawarma, use half a pita.

      Hearty Vegetarian Shawarma with Mushrooms

      Vegetarian shawarma is an unusual and delicious dish. If you do not eat meat, then it is very easy to replace it with mushrooms.


      • champignons or any Forest mushrooms- 250 grams
      • cucumber - 1 pc.
      • tomato - 2 pcs.
      • onion - 1 pc.
      • lettuce leaves
      • tomato sauce - 2 tbsp. l.


      1. Sort out the mushrooms, rinse them thoroughly, cut into slices. Put them in a skillet, salt to taste and fry in vegetable oil.
      2. Wash, peel and cut the onions into rings. Add it to the skillet about 15 minutes after you start cooking. Cook for about 10 minutes more, until the onions are golden and appetizing.
      3. Pick the salad leaves by hand, and cut the tomatoes and cucumbers into cubes.
      4. Lavash grease with white garlic sauce, put lettuce leaves, tomatoes, cucumbers, fried mushrooms... pour red tomato sauce on top. Roll the shawarma into a roll or envelope.

      Video. How to wrap shawarma in pita bread

      Shawarma is not only hearty food for the whole family. This dish can become a favorite among your friends. The male part of the company will appreciate such a shawarma served with beer. And although it is called a masculine dish, I think women will love it too!

      If you liked the recipes, like and share them with your friends. Thanks!

      Hello everyone! If you are looking for a special, delicious recipe for making shawarma at home, then our article is for you.

      Many tasty and healthy dishes come to Russia from Eastern and Arab countries and one of the many recipes is shawarma. Surely many have learned about the existence of this amazingly tasty dish, with the mass appearance of kiosks and cafes on the streets of your city, which sell ready-made shawarma.

      The so-called "shawarma" is very popular due to the fact that it can be a quick and satisfying snack. And the most convenient thing is that it is not necessary to buy it in stalls and kiosks, but you can cook it at home, with a small investment of time and money. Especially if the season is vegetables!

      Shawarma is a quick-cooked dish with hot meat filling and vegetables wrapped in pita bread. It is considered a fast food dish, but when preparing shawarma at home, you can make sure that it turns out not only satisfying and tasty, but also healthy.

      Shawarma exists in several types, and homemade shawarma is also prepared quickly and does not require a lot of time. In addition, the filling can be changed at your own discretion. Usually shawarma is prepared from lamb, chicken, veal or, in non-Muslim countries, from pork. The meat is fried vertically on the grill and, as it roasts, it is cut off and used for the filling. In addition to meat, vegetables (and sometimes fish and fruits), cucumbers (fresh, pickled or pickled), tomatoes, carrots (either in Korean or just fresh), potatoes, cabbage, onions are used, and all this is seasoned with different sauces.


      • cabbage - 150 gr;
      • carrots - 1 pc;
      • meat (beef) 300-400 gr;
      • onion - 1 pc;
      • parsley - 50 gr;
      • not a lot of mayonnaise and ketchup;
      • salt, pepper - to taste;
      • vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp;

      Ingredients for making the sauce:

      • sour cream - 150 gr;
      • garlic 1 - 2 cloves;
      • dill, parsley - 30 g each;
      • salt and pepper to taste;

      You can bake lavash yourself. Also at home with a minimal investment of time. And if in a hurry, then it's easier, of course, to buy ready-made in the store. The main thing is to make sure that it is not burnt or torn. Since, when you wrap it, there is a chance that the sauce will leak through cracks or overdried pita bread.

      Ingredients for pita bread:

      • flour-1 glass:
      • egg - 1 pc;
      • not much milk or water;

      Shawarma cooked at home

      1. Pour flour into a bowl, add salt. In the middle, make a hole and pour in an egg, mix flour with egg and gradually pour milk or water and stir. Knead the dough in a cup, then place it on the table and continue to knead. When the dough is ready, let it sit for 20-25 minutes and cover it with a towel

      2. Ready dough divide into several circles and roll out each piece by 2 mm. Bake in a dry, oil-free frying pan for 1-2 minutes on each side.

      3. For the filling, cut the meat into slices and fry it in a skillet in vegetable oil.

      4. Thinly cut the onion into half rings, cut the cucumbers into thin strips, grate the carrots for Korean carrots and cut the cabbage into thin strips.

      5. Making the sauce. Mix sour cream with chopped garlic and dill, salt and pepper to taste.

      6. Spread the baked pita bread on the table and spread with sauce, put the filling on top of the sauce and sprinkle with parsley. And add a little mayonnaise and ketchup. Wrap the shawarma as in the photo

      Bon Appetit!

      Recipe 1. Cooking shawarma with chicken (simple classic recipe)


      • chicken fillet (breast) - 300 gr;
      • fresh cabbage - 1/6 head of cabbage;
      • pickled cucumbers 2-3 pcs;
      • sour cream butter;


      1. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and fry in butter.

      2. Chop the cabbage into strips, squeeze it with your hands and salt.

      3. Peel the pickled cucumbers and cut into strips.

      4. Lay out the pita bread on the table and begin to lay out the filling, first put a layer of cabbage, then put a layer of meat.

      Pour sour cream on top and put a layer of pickled cucumbers on top of the sour cream.

      5. We wrap the shawarma, tucking the tips of the lavash inward.

      6. Put the wrapped shawarma in a frying pan and heat it up, in turn press the shawarma so that it becomes a little flat, do it on both sides.

      Bon Appetit!

      Recipe 2. How to cook shawarma (shawarma) at home with sausage

      Shawarma, shaverna, shawarma - as soon as they call this dish. It would seem that the most common combination of pita bread, meat and vegetables, but how delicious!

      This shawarma is prepared in thin Armenian lavash, which can be bought in the store and can be easily prepared with your own hands. As a rule, it is prepared with meat, but meat can also be replaced with boiled or smoked sausage.


      • thin pita bread - 1 pc;
      • two processed cheese;
      • 100 grams of watercress;
      • 100 grams of boiled or smoked sausage;
      • fresh tomato;
      • 100 grams of ketchup;
      • fresh cucumber;
      • bell pepper pod;
      • 100 grams of mayonnaise;


      Spread a sheet of pita bread on the table. Combine ketchup with mayonnaise and grease lavash.

      Rinse the lettuce leaves with a paper towel and place in the center of the pita bread.

      Rinse the tomato and cucumber and cut into small pieces in the form of strips, and put on the lettuce leaves in a layer.

      Remove the footboard and seeds from the bell pepper, cut into thin strips, put on a layer of tomato and cucumber.

      Cut the sausage into strips and put a layer on the pepper.

      Grate cheese on a coarse grater and lay on top of the sausage.

      Wrap the pita bread, put in a frying pan and fry on both sides until golden brown.

      Recipe 3. How to cook shawarma at home in pork pita bread

      Ingredients for the sauce:

      • a few cloves of garlic;
      • greens dill and parsley;
      • mayonnaise;


      Squeeze the garlic into a cup, add finely chopped herbs, pour over mayonnaise and mix.


      • pita bread - 1 pc;
      • pork meat - 300 gr;
      • Chinese cabbage;
      • fresh cucumber;
      • fresh tomato;
      • cheese;
      • mayonnaise;
      • a few cloves of garlic;
      • greens dill and parsley;
      • vegetable oil;


      1. Cut pork into small pieces and fry in a pan without vegetable oil, fry for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. This can simulate the effect of vertical frying of meat. Mix the fried meat with the prepared sauce.

      Do not add any spices to the meat, everything that will be needed in the sauce.

      2. While the meat is saturated, cut the Peking cabbage into strips, three grated cheese and cucumber, cut the tomato.

      4. Wrap the shawarma and fry on both sides in a hot frying pan without oil. Do not fry, only warm up!

      Bon Appetit.

      Recipe 4. Cooking shawarma without chicken (step by step recipe with photo)

      Ingredients for the sauce:

      • garlic;
      • mayonnaise - 6 tablespoons;
      • ketchup - 6 tbsp;

      Mix the ketchup and mayonnaise, put finely chopped garlic in the mixed ketchup and mayonnaise.

      Ingredients for shawarma filling:

      • pita bread - 2 pcs;
      • hard cheese or suluguni - 200 gr;
      • fresh white cabbage - 100 gr;
      • Korean carrots-100 gr;
      • onion - 1 pc;
      • fresh tomatoes;
      • fresh cucumbers;
      • ketchup;
      • parsley and dill;


      1. Spread a sheet of pita bread on the table and spread with ketchup.

      2. Grate cheese or cut into cubes.

      3. Drizzle a little sauce.

      4. Chop the cabbage into strips, salt and rinse with your hands (to give the juice), put a layer on top of the cheese.

      5. Put a layer of Korean carrots on top of the cabbage layer.

      6. Cut the cucumber, not too finely, lay on top of the carrots. Cut the onion into half rings and place on top of the cucumber.

      7. Cut the tomato into small pieces.

      8. Wrap the shawarma and fry it in a dry frying pan to melt the cheese. And all the delicious shawarma is ready to eat.

      Bon Appetit!

      Recipe 5. A simple recipe for shawarma with duck (instead of chicken)


      • duck meat (boiled) - 200 gr;
      • champignons - 200 gr;
      • sour cream - 2 tbsp;
      • butter - 50 gr;
      • greens - 4 branches;
      • fresh or salted cucumber - 1 pc;
      • Korean carrots - 50 gr;
      • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp;
      • ketchup - 2 tbsp;
      • pita bread - 2 pcs;
      • vegetable oil for frying;


      1. Boil duck meat in salted water with bay leaves.
      2. Rinse the champignon mushrooms and cut into thin strips, put salt in a frying pan and cover with a lid, when the mushrooms give juice, remove the lid and fry until all the liquid evaporates, add sour cream and chopped herbs. Simmer for two minutes.

      3. Cut the cucumber into slices and place next to the finished Korean carrots.

      4. Take one part, pour in mayonnaise, ketchup and distribute over the entire surface of the pita bread. Put the filling on the pita bread: fried duck meat, mushrooms, Korean carrots, cucumbers.

      5. Wrap the shawarma and put it in a plate on a lettuce leaf.

      Bon Appetit!

      Real shawarma sauces like in stalls (5 sauces)

      At the moment, there are a huge number of sauces and each chef has his own special sauce recipe. For a piquant taste, someone adds their own special ingredient to the sauce - parsley, dill or basil and many other herbs.

      The classic shawarma sauce recipe


      • sour cream - 100 gr;
      • kefir - 100 gr;
      • mayonnaise - 100 gr;
      • garlic - 1 clove;
      • black pepper - a pinch;
      • red pepper (to taste);
      • salt;


      1. Mix sour cream, kefir and mayonnaise, mix thoroughly. And add the crushed garlic, salt and pepper to taste.
      2. Let the sauce brew for 15 minutes.
      3. Add herbs (parsley and dill) to the sauce according to your own taste.

      The sauce according to the classic recipe goes very well with any kind of shawarma.

      Recipe 1. Sauce without mayonnaise (spicy garlic)


      • kefir - 1 glass;
      • egg yolks - 4 pcs;
      • mustard - 2 tsp;
      • garlic - 1 head;
      • vegetable oil - 1/2 cup;
      • salt - 1 tsp;
      • black pepper - 1/2 tsp;
      • red pepper - on the tip of a knife;
      • parsley - 1 - 2 branches;


      1. Beat the yolks with mustard and kefir, add salt, pepper and mix everything thoroughly.
      2. Continuing to beat, add vegetable oil in a thin stream. Add finely grated or crushed garlic.
      3. Leave the sauce in the refrigerator for 60 minutes. Add finely chopped dill before use.

      This sauce is served with chicken or beef shawarma.

      Sauce 2.With mayonnaise (classic + suneli hops)


      • fermented baked milk;
      • sour cream;
      • mayonnaise;
      • lemon;
      • garlic;
      • hop-suneli;
      • black pepper;
      • sugar;
      • salt;


      1. Mix the three main ingredients of the sauce, pour the fermented baked milk into a deep plate, put sour cream and mayonnaise in the fermented baked milk. Mix everything thoroughly.
      2. Add 1 tablespoon of salt and the same amount of sugar.
      3. Squeeze 1/4 lemon into the sauce.
      4. Crush 8-10 cloves of garlic and put in the sauce, mix everything thoroughly.
      5. Add 1/2 tablespoon of hop-suneli seasoning and the same amount of black pepper.

      Hmeli-suneli seasoning is well suited for meat and fish and is used in Georgian cuisine.

      Sauce 3. Sour cream sauce


      • fresh sour cream - 100 gr;
      • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp;
      • garlic - 3 cloves;
      • basil - 1 tsp;
      • salt and pepper to taste;


      1. Pour sour cream into a deep bowl, mix with mayonnaise and squeeze garlic.
      2. Season with salt and pepper and add basil and finely chopped herbs.

      Sauce 4. Garlic-yoghurt


      • 1 glass of unsweetened yogurt
      • 1/2 head of garlic;
      • 5 tbsp olive oil;


      Peel the garlic and crush, beat with a blender with yogurt, then add the butter and beat again. Season with salt and herbs to taste.

      Sauce 5. Red tomato shawarma sauce


      • tomato juice- 1 glass;
      • tomato paste - 3 tbsp;
      • onion - 1 pc;
      • bell pepper - 1 pc;
      • fresh tomato - 1 pc;
      • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
      • garlic 3-4 cloves;
      • basil, cilantro;
      • lemon juice - 1 tbsp;
      • black pepper - 1/2 tsp;
      • coriander - 1/2 tsp;
      • salt to your own taste;


      1. Peel the onion, remove the seeds and stem from the bell pepper. Scald the tomato with boiling water and remove the skin. Add tomato paste, grind vegetables into gruel with a blender.
      2. Add chopped vegetables to tomato juice. Squeeze out the garlic and add the seasoning, finely chopped herbs, salt and olive oil.

      This sauce can be used for both shawarma and meat.

      How to properly wrap shawarma. Learning to wrap quickly!

      Watch from 1 minute 50 seconds ...

      Another wrapping option is the fastest! (Try to repeat ...)

      Secrets of delicious shawarma

      According to one oriental chef, one of the secrets of delicious shawarma is the use of several types of meat, such as chicken, pork and lamb, which must be seasoned in a mixture of Arabian spices before frying.

      If the meat is dry, moisten it with orange juice during cooking or add a little oil or fat tail fat... The meat acquires a delicate taste and piquant aroma.

      For the sauce, grind the herbs along with the garlic and spices, and then mix these ingredients with the base. The sauce will be tasty and aromatic. If you want the sauce not to be pale, add bright paprika, curry and herbs to it. The result is a delicious and festive dressing!

      Never heat shawarma in a microwave oven because the lavash in it will turn sour and lose its head start and taste. Finished shawarma can be additionally greased with sauce on top for juiciness and piquancy.