Home / Pies / Samsa made from ready-made dough with cheese. Samsa with puff pastry cheese

Samsa made from ready-made dough with cheese. Samsa with puff pastry cheese

Puff pastry samsa is delicious view baked goods with thin crunchy dough and large quantity fillings. V flour products the quantity of tasty is always important, juicy filling... Several best options this hearty and simple dish Uzbek cuisine we suggest below.

Using the ready-made dough, the preparation process is accelerated significantly. The dough itself can be prepared in advance with your own hands, or bought in a store. Before use, let it melt a little at room temperature - about 30-40 minutes.

  • purchased dough- 1 package (500 gr);
  • minced chicken - 500 gr;
  • onions - 500 gr;
  • red pepper - ⅓ tsp;
  • salt;
  • slightly whipped egg white for pasting pastry;
  • a handful of fresh herbs.

Roll out the dough thinly, cut into approximately the same squares.

Chop the onion in medium cubes, combine with salt, seasoning, minced meat and chopped herbs. You can use frozen herbs.

Put the filling on a spoon in the center of the square, glue the edges diagonally, and grease the top with protein so that they do not disperse. It is important to pinch the edges carefully so that the filling does not come out during baking.

From the above amount of products, 18 samsa pies are obtained. We spread them on a baking sheet with a seam down, prepared in a convenient way, and bake in a hot oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. Then let cool under a towel.

On a note. The baking sheet can be covered with oiled baking paper, a silicone mat, sprinkle with a thin layer of flour or brush directly with vegetable oil.

With chicken on yeast-free dough

Samsa with chicken is perhaps more popular in our cuisine than with beef or lamb. After all, chicken is a product available to everyone.

  • onions - 2 units;
  • chicken - 1 breast without bone and skin;
  • salt;
  • black pepper - tea. l .;
  • melted plums. oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Puff pastry:

  • egg;
  • ½ tbsp. l. lemon. juice;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • 500 gr flour;
  • a pack of margarine;
  • 250 ml of ice water.

For registration:

  • 1 yolk;
  • sesame;
  • a stack of cold water.

It is important that the liquid part for the dough is cold, or rather, ice. Therefore, after beating the juice, egg, salt and water until smooth, we send them to the refrigerator so that it does not heat up at room temperature.

Be sure to sift the flour, rub cold margarine into it and mix well by hand. This must be done quickly so that the margarine does not have time to melt.

In the center of the flour mass we make a small depression, pour a little cold liquid for the dough into it. Sprinkle a little liquid with your hands, mixing two different parts of the dough. It is important to mix and not knead the dough. Gradually, in small portions, add all the liquid to the flour. You need to combine them quickly enough so that the margarine does not have time to melt. During baking, the margarine will melt and create a flakiness.

Gently knock the dough into a ball or brick shape. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

Let's prepare the filling: chop the onion (you can saute it a little), chop small cube breast, we combine all the products for the filling together.

Cut off a small slice from the bulk of the dough and roll it out into a thin layer, up to 5 mm. With a bowl about 16-18 cm in diameter, squeeze out the circles. Place the table in the center of the circle. l. fillings and glue it so that we get a triangle, bending the edges on three sides. Put the samsa with the seam down on a baking sheet. Lightly cover with yolk beaten with water, sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake as in the previous version.

With chicken in the oven

For filling:

  • 700 gr chickens. meat;
  • 400 grams of chopped onions;
  • salt pepper;
  • h. l. mustard.


  • 700-750 gr puff pastry;
  • yolk for lubrication;
  • black and white sesame seeds.

Roll out the dough thinly. Mix and cool the filling products in the refrigerator for about a third of an hour.

Divide the dough into approximately equal squares, put the filling in the center, glue it with a rectangular envelope. Top with yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Bake for 40 minutes at 190 degrees.

On a note. If at the end of cooking samsa there is a little dough left, wrap it in plastic and leave it in the freezer for storage.

Puff pastry with cheese

A filling for samsa can be just cheese - the dish turns out to be very tender and aromatic, lighter than with meat.

  • water - a glass;
  • flour - 2 ½ stack.;
  • vinegar - table. l .;
  • oil drain. - 60 gr;
  • salt;
  • suluguni cheese - 60 gr.

Mix cold boiled water with vinegar, ghee, salt, and only then add flour. Mix everything well, first with a spoon, and then by hand. For half an hour (or better for an hour), send the dough in a bag to the refrigerator.

In the meantime, prepare the filling and the baking sheet: grate the cheese on a large nozzle, and cover the baking sheet with parchment. Turn on the oven to warm up.

Roll out the dough, cut out circles, form a samsa and bake until tender.

On a note. For samsa, you can use a dough made with your own hands, or bought in a store.

Recipe for yeast dough with minced fillet

Samsa with minced meat cooks a little faster, since minced chicken you can buy ready-made in any supermarket.


  • water - 1 ½ stack.;
  • yeast - tsp;
  • salt - tsp;
  • sugar - table. l .;
  • flour - 4-5 stack.;
  • soft drain. butter or margarine - 200 gr.


  • minced chicken fillet - 400 gr;
  • onions - 4 small;
  • water - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • salt, pepper, cumin.

Kneading the dough:

  1. Pour water into a bowl. We send yeast, salt and sugar here. Mix with a spoon.
  2. Gradually add flour without stopping stirring.
  3. Put the dough on the table and knead. The dough should be tight and smooth.
  4. Place in a bowl and place in a warm place to rise.
  5. As soon as it fits, divide into 3-4 parts, roll out, lubricate soft butter, fold the layers one on top of the other and twist as tightly as possible. Leave in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours.

While the dough is infusing, mix all the filling ingredients. Water is added to add juiciness to the filling.

We take the dough out of the refrigerator and cut into small pieces. Roll each thinly and put the filling in it. Next, bake as usual.

On a note. The main rule of samsa with meat is minced meat and onions in equal proportions.

Eastern samsa with herbs

  • flour - 3 stack.;
  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • egg - 3 units;
  • greens (onion feathers, cilantro, dill) - 300 gr;
  • oil drain. - 200 gr;
  • spices.

Chop the butter with a knife, then put it in a bowl with sifted flour and mix by hand - you get some semblance of crumbs, like in shortcrust pastry.

After pouring kefir, salt. Knead the dough - it should be tight. We leave aside for a while.

Cooking the filling: chop the green feathers and sauté lightly. Add eggs to them, continue to fry, stirring continuously - you should get egg-onion lumps.

Chop the rest of the greens, and, as soon as the whole egg is set, mix in a separate bowl.

Cooking classic samsa with beef

  • 400 grams of ground beef;
  • 400 grams of chopped onions;
  • salt pepper;
  • a spoonful of oil;
  • a pack of store-bought dough.

Minced meat can be bought ready-made, or twisted beef tenderloin with a meat grinder.

Stir the minced meat, onion, oil, salt and pepper - this will be the filling of the samsa.

Roll out the dough, cut into squares or circles using a mold of a convenient diameter. In the center of each round, distribute all the filling, close up with an envelope and bake in the oven at 170 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

On a note. The baking time varies depending on the type of filling. For example, for a filling of herbs, cheese, it is enough to wait for the samsa itself to brown - 10-15 minutes. Samsa with meat (any) is baked a little longer - from half an hour to 50 minutes, depending on the selected temperature.

Lamb recipe


  • flour - 550g;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • post oil


  • lamb tenderloin - 650 gr;
  • fat tail fat - 40 g;
  • onions - 500 gr;
  • a few sprigs of fresh dill and parsley;
  • mixture different types pepper (ground).


  • egg, beaten with a little water;
  • half a stack of raw or toasted sesame seeds.

In a bowl where you plan to knead the dough, combine water with salt, stirring well until the second is dissolved. In several stages we sift the flour here, gradually kneading the elastic dough. We roll it into a ball, wrap it with foil and leave it to come up a little for a third of an hour.

After the allotted time, lay out the dough on a sprinkled board, divide it into two parts, slightly knead each ball by hand once more and roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 2 mm. Lubricate a little with oil, roll each layer into a separate roll and send it to the freezer for 45 minutes.

While the dough is "freezing", prepare the filling: rinse the tenderloin, cut it into very small pieces (first in layers, then into cubes). In the same way we cut fat, onions, herbs, mix everything, salt and season.

Cut the prepared dough into "stumps", sprinkle each dough with flour and press into a flat cake. Next, roll out with a rolling pin, spread the filling on them, form samsa, put it on a baking sheet with the seam down, grease with an egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. We bake, let it cool a little, and serve the dish for dinner or a second breakfast with tea, kefir or milk!

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Samsa is a special kind of stuffed pies. She is considered traditional dish in many Asian and African countries, as well as in the Mediterranean. Samsa with cheese is just one of the many cooking options for the popular and very tasty product... And you can do it different ways... As an example, it is worth considering a few of the most interesting recipes.

Samsa from unleavened dough

For you can use any dough: yeast, unleavened or puff. It all depends on the taste preferences of the hostess herself. In shape, these pies can be made round, triangular, square, or made in the form of a crescent. And usually meat, legumes or various vegetables are used as a filling. In addition, samsa with cheese is also very popular.

If you cook it from unleavened dough, then you will need following products:

3 cups flour 10 grams of salt, 1 egg, a glass of water, 80 milliliters of vegetable oil, 40 grams of hard cheese and a little sesame seeds.

Making samsa with cheese is very simple:

  1. First, pour flour into a deep bowl.
  2. Having made a small depression in the center, pour salt there, pour water and oil, and then mix it all well. You should end up with a pretty tough dough.
  3. The semi-finished product should be wrapped in a plastic bag and left for 30 minutes. This will help to make it more plastic.
  4. To prepare the filling, grind the cheese on a medium grater.
  5. Divide the prepared dough into pieces, say them in the form of balls, and then knead into flat cakes and roll out a little.
  6. Pour some cheese in the center of each piece.
  7. Having wrapped the edges, connect them in the middle so that you get a triangular patty.
  8. Preheat the oven to 240 degrees.
  9. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, and then put the stuffed blanks on it so that the seam is at the bottom.

10. Coat the surface with beaten egg and lightly sprinkle with sesame seeds.

11. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

To make the surface of the pies, they must be folded on a plate, sprinkled with water and covered with a towel.

Alternative option

Samsa with cheese will turn out to be no less tasty if, instead of the oven, it is deep-fried. For this option, you will need the following components:

For the test:

150 milliliters of water, 400 grams of flour, 50 grams of butter and 1 gram of salt.

For filling:

200 grams of cheese, 1 gram of pepper and sugar.

In addition, a pinch of sesame seeds are required for sprinkling, and 80 grams of vegetable oil for frying.

The work must be performed in a specific sequence:

  1. First of all, the flour must be combined with pre-softened butter and salt, and then add water and knead until homogeneous mass. Ready dough leave in a warm place for 20 minutes, covering it with a towel on all sides.
  2. To prepare the filling, grind the cheese with a coarse grater and combine it with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Roll the ripe dough into a layer and divide it into strips 6 centimeters wide.
  4. Making oblique cuts, divide it into triangular blanks.
  5. Put the filling on each piece and pinch the edges gently.
  6. Dip the workpiece in sesame seeds, and then fry in a frying pan in boiling oil.

Hot flavored samsa can be served immediately.

Aromatic filling

Using instead of solid pickled cheeses, the filling can be made more tender and softer. It turns out to be moderately salty and gives the pies a pleasant sour milk flavor. It turns out very tasty samsa with cheese. The recipe in this case may contain the following set of components:

For the test:

120 grams of margarine, 200 milliliters of water (warm), a pinch of salt and flour.

For filling:

300 grams of Suluguni cheese, a clove of garlic and 1 egg.

Process technology:

  1. First, the margarine should be diluted in warm water, after cutting it into small pieces.
  2. Add some salt, flour and knead soft dough... Cover with a napkin and leave it on the table for 20 minutes.
  3. For the filling, "Suluguni" should be rubbed on a coarse grater and mixed with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Divide the dough into parts, each of which is first rolled into a ball, and then flattened into a pancake.
  5. Place the filling in the center of each piece and carefully pinch the edges.
  6. Transfer the products to a baking sheet lined with special baking paper, and then send them to the oven, smearing their surface with egg yolk.
  7. Bake until golden brown at 200 degrees.

This samsa can be eaten with salad from fresh vegetables or hot sweet tea.

Puff samsa

From a huge number of recipes, everyone can choose the option most suitable for themselves. In practice, samsa is most often prepared with puff pastry cheese. Moreover, it is not necessary to do it yourself. You can buy a ready-made semi-finished product in the store.

As light snack the following recipe will do:

for 1 package of puff pastry 200 grams of Dutch cheese, 1 egg, a bunch of green onions, a teaspoon of a mixture of ground pepper and dried dill.

Such a dish is prepared in three stages in just 15 minutes:

  1. First, the dough purchased in the store must be thawed, and then cut into equal pieces. After that, they need to be rolled out, giving the shape of a square.
  2. Put the filling on one side of the workpiece, and then cover it with the remaining dough and carefully pinch the edges so that the semi-finished product becomes triangular.
  3. Spread the products on a baking sheet, and then coat their surface with a mixture of eggs, pepper and dried dill.
  4. Send the blanks to the oven and bake there for 10 minutes.

Delicate and aromatic pies will be a great addition to tea for breakfast.

Summer option

Samsa with puff pastry cheese will be even tastier if you add various greens to the filling. This will make the pies not only more flavorful, but also very healthy. Indeed, greens contain so many different vitamins and minerals.

For such a samsa you will need:

For the test:

800 grams of flour 80 milliliters of vegetable oil and 2 cups of water.

For filling:

50 grams of butter, 300 grams of Suluguni cheese, salt, 150 grams of onions, 300 grams of herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, spinach, chives) and a little ground pepper.

For decoration:

sesame seeds.

The cooking method is very similar to the previous options:

  1. Knead the dough from the prepared ingredients and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  2. For the filling, you first need to finely crumble onion and then lightly fry it in oil. Gently chop the washed and dried greens and add them along with the cheese cut into small cubes.
  3. Divide the dough into parts, each of which is rolled into a cake.
  4. Put a teaspoon of the filling in the center of the circle and connect the edges so that you get a triangular blank. After that, they must be sprinkled with water and sprinkled with seeds.
  5. Place dough products on a baking sheet (seam down), and then send them to the oven for 30 minutes, preheating it to 1809 degrees.

It turns out very tasty and fragrant pies with ruddy, golden crust.

Fast and tasty

Any housewife can say with confidence that the easiest way to start samsa is cheese. In this case, the photorecipe is not even needed. Just having a list of ingredients is enough.

For example, you can use the following set of products:

1 package of frozen puff pastry, 2 eggs, 200 grams of Suluguni cheese, a pinch of thyme, a chive, a little salt and ground black pepper.

Everything is done very easily:

  1. First you need to defrost the dough. To do this, it must be laid out on the table, covered with plastic wrap.
  2. For the filling, mix the egg with grated cheese and the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Roll out the dough thinner and divide into 2 equal parts.
  4. Put the filling on one layer, and then cover it with the second piece. From above, you can make several punctures with a fork so that air can freely escape to the outside.
  5. Grease the blanks with yolk diluted with water.
  6. Transfer them to a baking sheet lined with parchment and bake in the oven at 180 degrees.

In half an hour the samsa will be ready. After a short cooling down, you can eat it with sweet strong tea.

By tradition, many peoples most often make samsa with puff pastry cheese. The recipe for the preparation of the main semi-finished product can be very different. Yes, and the filling also sometimes includes not quite familiar components.

For such a dish, for example, the following composition is sometimes used:

for 0.5 kilograms of flour, a full glass of water, 50 grams of butter, 25 grams each of vinegar and vegetable oil.

300 grams of "Suluguni", a clove of garlic, 1 raw and 1 boiled egg.

Cooking technology:

  1. Combine cold (ice) water with vinegar and vegetable oil, and then add flour and stir for 10 minutes.
  2. At the final stage, add melted butter.
  3. Divide the dough into three equal parts and roll them into thin layers.
  4. After that, they must be laid on top of each other, smeared with oil.
  5. Roll up the structure into a roll, cut into several pieces and put them in the refrigerator.
  6. At this time, you need to grate the cheese, and then mix it with chopped garlic and a boiled egg.
  7. Roll the pieces of dough into flat cakes.
  8. Put the filling on each of them and carefully wrap its edges.
  9. Lubricate products raw egg and bake in the oven at 200 degrees.

The moment of the formation of a delicate golden crust can be considered the end of the process.

The perfect combination

Among all the known options, samsa with chicken and cheese also tastes good. In fact, it is fried pie with a complex filling, so it can be made from ordinary without yeast dough.

To work, you need the following ingredients:

300 grams of chicken, egg, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, green onions, 100 grams of cheese, salt, 150 grams of flour and boiling water, as well as vegetable oil.

All actions should be carried out in stages:

  1. First you need to do the test. To do this, add salt, 15 grams of vegetable oil to the flour, pour boiling water and mix everything well.
  2. While the dough is cooling down, you need to do the filling. To do this, the meat must be cut into pieces, the onion must be chopped, and the cheese must be chopped on a grater.
  3. In a deep container, collect the egg, onion, sour cream and cheese, and then add salt to taste and stir everything well.
  4. Divide the dough into parts, each of which is then rolled out in the form of a thin circle.
  5. Put some meat on each piece, and on top - a part of the cheese mixture.
  6. Wrap it in the form of a pie, tightly fastening the edges, and fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.
  7. After that, cover the pan with a lid and keep the products for another 10 minutes on low heat.

The pies are tender, juicy and very tasty.

Meat samsa

Among the eastern peoples, the cheese recipe is still more popular, it is supplemented in case the hostess wants to give the dish a special taste and unusual aroma. As meat ingredient sometimes ready-made products (ham or sausage) are used. It is not difficult to make such pies. You will only need some of the essential foods:

250 grams of ready-made puff pastry, onion, 2 eggs, 300 grams of boiled-smoked ham and 500 grams of Russian cheese.

The method for preparing such a dish is simple:

  1. First, the ingredients for the filling must be chopped. To do this, grate the cheese, finely chop the onion, and cut the ham into strips.
  2. Pour the prepared food into a plate and mix with the raw egg.
  3. Lightly dust the cutting table with flour and roll out the dough on it. After that, it must be divided into ten identical rectangles with a knife.
  4. On one side of each piece, put a tablespoon of the filling and cover with the other end, pressing the edges tightly.
  5. Grease the items with a beaten egg.
  6. Bake in the oven for a quarter of an hour at a temperature not lower than 180 degrees.

Such fragrant, ruddy cakes will be excellent option for a quick bite.

Samsa is traditionally prepared with meat. However, no less delicious pastries it turns out with cheese. Such samsa will appeal to those who do not eat meat.

Samsa with cheese - the basic principles of cooking

Samsa is made from unleavened or puff pastry. Today you can buy a ready-made product at any store. But if you want to cook for real homemade cakes, do it yourself. For this you need flour, eggs, drinking water and butter. Knead the dough on water, eggs and flour like on dumplings. Then it is rolled thinly, pieces of butter are spread over the entire surface, folded in an envelope and rolled out again. The procedure is repeated several times, depending on how many layers you want to get. Before cutting, the dough must be kept in the refrigerator.

The filling is made from any kind of cheese. Brine is most often used. It goes well with the most different products... The filling can consist only of cheese, or it can be supplemented with vegetables, meat, herbs, etc.

Roll out the puff pastry, cut into squares of the same size. For everyone they spread cheese filling and make a triangular samsa. Put it on a baking sheet, grease with a beaten egg and bake until tender.

Serve pastries with drinks or broth.

Recipe 1. Samsa with cheese


500 g package of yeast puff semi-finished product;

a handful of white sesame seeds;

300 g of Suluguni cheese or feta cheese;

chicken egg - two pcs.

Cooking method

We take out the dough from the freezer, defrost it and unfold it on the table surface. Cover cling film so that it does not dry out.

Beat one egg with a fork. Grind the cheese on a coarse grater. Combine grated cheese with beaten egg and stir. We turn on the oven at 200 degrees.

Lightly grease the table with oil and roll out on it puff pastry into a layer no more than three mm thick. We cut it into the same squares. Put the cheese filling on one half of the square, cover with the second half of the dough and fasten the edges tightly.

We lay out the samsa on the deco, lining it with parchment. Lubricate the baking surface with a beaten egg and sprinkle generously with sesame seeds. We send the deco to the oven for 25 minutes so that it is well browned.

Recipe 2. Samsa with processed cheese


half a kilogram of yeast-free puff dough;

200 g processed cheese;

30 g sesame seeds;

chicken egg.

Cooking method

We take out the dough from the freezer and leave it on the table until it is completely defrosted. Then we remove the packaging from it and lay it out on the table, having previously grinded it with flour.

To prepare the filling, simply grate the cheese. To make this easier to do, place it in the freezer for about half an hour.

Roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a thin layer. Using a saucer, cut out the circles. We collect the rest of the dough and roll it out again. We repeat this until the dough is finished.

Put some melted cheese in the middle of each circle. We connect the edges of the dough, forming a triangle. We spread the samsa on a baking sheet covered with tracing paper. Grease the surface of the pies with a beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. We bake for 25 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 C.

Recipe 3. Samsa with cheese and herbs


600 g flour;

10 ml of any vinegar;

200 ml of drinking water;

70 g butter;


200 g of brine cheese;

ground black pepper;

a few feathers of green onions;

5 ml of vegetable oil;

a few sprigs of cilantro;

egg for smearing.

Cooking method

Rinse the greens, dry and finely chop. Rub the cheese coarsely and combine with herbs. Salt lightly, season with pepper and add vegetable oil... Stir.

From necessary products knead the dough, wrap it in foil and send it to the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour. Then knead the dough and cut into pieces. We roll each one into a cake. Put the filling in the center and form the samsa in the form of a triangle.

Place the pies on a baking sheet. Lubricate it with a beaten egg. Sprinkle with wild garlic or sesame seeds. We bake until golden brown in a preheated oven.

Recipe 4. Samsa with cheese and spinach


warm water - stack.;

wine vinegar - 10 ml;

drain. oil - 150 g;

flour - three stacks.

spinach - 400 g;


rennet cheese - 150 g;

garlic - a clove;

freshly ground pepper;

chicken egg.

Cooking method

Melt the butter and cool to room temperature. Dissolve salt in water and pour in vinegar. Pour in the sifted flour in small portions and knead the soft elastic dough. Divide it into three parts, cover with cling film and leave for half an hour.

Roll one piece into a very thin layer. We constantly sprinkle flour on the table and dough. Lubricate the surface of the dough with a third butter with a brush, leave it for three minutes, and roll the layer into a tight roll. Roll out the second piece of dough in the same way, coat it with oil. We put the roll of dough on the edge of the rolled layer and fold the roll into the dough. We repeat the same procedure with the third piece. Roll the dough with a tape measure and send it to the freezer for half an hour.

We clean the onion, rinse and finely chop. Pass in oil until transparent. Add spinach, salt, pepper and squeeze the garlic through a garlic press. Stir and simmer until soft. Set aside and cool. Rub the cheese coarsely and combine with stewed spinach. Stir.

Cut the dough into washers. We roll each on a flour-crushed table into a cake. Put the filling in the center and pinch the edges of the dough from above, forming a triangle. We coat the deco with oil. We spread the samsa with the seam down and grease it with a beaten egg. We bake until golden brown in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Recipe 5. Samsa with cheese and potatoes


550 g flour;

kitchen salt;

chicken egg;

100 g of cheese;

70 g plums. oils;

two potatoes;

30 ml solution oils.

Cooking method

Sift flour into a deep bowl. Mix it with salt. Beat an egg into the mixture, add butter, after chopping it with butter. Pouring warm water in small portions, grind all ingredients until crumbs. Adding flour, knead a pliable, soft dough and divide it into three equal parts.

Roll all the pieces into thin layers. Each smear with vegetable or butter... Place the cakes in a stack. Apply butter to the top layer and roll the dough into a tight roll. Cut it into centimeter-thick pieces. Roll them into round blanks.

Wash the potatoes and boil until soft in a peel. Cool the vegetable and peel. Boiled potatoes and finely grate the cheese, mix. Season with spices and stir. Spread the filling over the blanks and form triangles from them.

Place the samsa on an oiled baking sheet. Brush the pastries with yolk whipped with water and bake for half an hour in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Remove the finished samsa from the oven, cover with a towel and cool.

Recipe 6. Samsa with cheese and chicken


400 g chicken fillet;

kitchen salt;

150 g onions;

150 g of hard cheese;

400 g puff pastry.

Cooking method

We clean the chicken fillet from films and skin. We wash it and dry it with paper napkins and a finely chopped sharp knife.

We also clean and wash onions. Grind the vegetable with thin feathers. Combine onion with chicken fillet and stir.

Finely three cheese and add to the meat and onions. Mix again.

We take the dough out of the freezer in advance and leave it on the table until it is completely defrosted. We take it out of the package, unfold it and put it on the table, crushed with flour. We roll it into a layer and cut out the circles. On each we put a small amount of filling and make triangles in the form of triangles.

Put the samsa on an oiled baking sheet, grease it with a beaten egg and send it to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about half an hour.

Recipe 7. Samsas with cheese and mushrooms



a pinch of baking soda;

400 g of frozen mushrooms;

a pinch of salt;

two stacks flour;

5 g sugar;

150 g sour cream;

100 g of hard cheese;

50 g of oil drain.

Cooking method

Defrost the mushrooms. Peel and wash the onion. Finely chop honey mushrooms and onion. Put the onion in a skillet and fry until soft. Then add the mushrooms, salt and continue to fry until golden brown.

Finely grate the cheese. Combine butter with egg and beat until smooth. Add salt and sugar to sour cream. Stir. Combine grated cheese with sour cream and butter. Add sifted flour and baking soda and knead to a pliable dough. Cover it with a napkin and let it rest for half an hour.

Roll the dough into a rope and divide it into 12 pieces. Roll each rolling pin into a cake. Put in the middle mushroom filling and form the samsa in a semicircle shape. Place on oiled deco and bake for 20 minutes.

Self-prepared puff pastry must be kept in the refrigerator for some time.

You can use any cheese for the filling: hard, melted, soft creamy.

To prevent the filling from getting too dry, add sour cream or mayonnaise to it.

The baked goods will be soft if cooled under a towel.

Samsa is a dish asian food... These pies are usually made in a triangle or crescent shape. The dough for them is puff, yeast or unleavened. The filling in samsa can be meat, vegetable, and also cheese.

Let's prepare samsa from unleavened yeast-free dough with cheese. Freshly baked samsa has a hard crust, so hot baked goods are immediately covered with a towel and lightly sprinkled with water.


How to cook samsa with unleavened dough cheese

Dish: Baking

Preparation time: 1 hour

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Total time: 1 hour 30 minutes.


  • 3 cups wheat flour
  • 250 ml water
  • 80 ml vegetable oil
  • 10 g salt
  • 400 g hard cheese
  • 1 PC. chicken egg
  • sesame seeds for sprinkling

Step by step recipe with photo

Recipe for samsa with unleavened dough cheese in the oven

Pour flour into a bowl. Make a depression in the center. Put in the salt, pour in cold water and sunflower oil.

Knead a not very tough dough.

Wrap it in a plastic bag and let it sit for half an hour. During this time, the dough will rest and become pliable. Grate the cheese on a medium grater.

Divide the dough into 80 gram pieces.

Roll them into balls, from which then make thick cakes.

Place the cheese in the middle.

Visually divide the circle into three parts. Bend the edges of the juicy to the center, making a triangular pie.

Preheat oven to 230-240 °. Cover the baking sheet with parchment. Lay the samsa seam side down.

Brush the surface of the samsa with a beaten egg and sprinkle generously with the sesame seeds.

Place the baking sheet with samsa in the oven. Bake for 30 minutes. During baking, the products swell well, increasing in volume. When the pies are golden brown, you can take them out of the oven.

Place the samsa on a platter. If you want it softer, cover it with a towel and sprinkle with water.

Serve the samsa with cheese hot.

Samsa is an amazingly tasty, tender and juicy oriental pie. The recipe for cooking such a dish at home is quite simple and straightforward. The most important thing in the process is to properly knead, roll and roll the dough. As for the filling, (unlike the usual pasties and other similar dishes) for samsa, meat and vegetables are not turned into minced meat, but are cut into small pieces.

The simplest turned out to be classic recipe... For him, you need to prepare the following products: 1 tbsp. water and 4 times more flour, egg yolk, a pinch of salt, a handful of sesame seeds, 3 white onions, 340 g of any meat with layers of bacon, 80 g of butter and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.

  1. Water, oil are poured into a bowl, a pinch of salt is put.
  2. Sifted white flour is sent to the liquid. Depending on its quality, it can take from 3 to 4 glasses of the product.
  3. From the listed ingredients, a tough, dense dough is kneaded, as for dumplings. It is kneaded until smooth and wrapped in a film for 25 minutes.
  4. Onions and meat are cut into small cubes, salted and mixed. You can add any seasonings.
  5. The "rested" dough is rolled out into a flat cake of medium thickness, greased with soft butter and rolled into a roll, which must be placed in a wide bowl, covered with foil and set in the cold for half an hour.
  6. Then the cooled "snail" is cut into small pieces across. Each of them is rolled in flour and rolled thinly.
  7. The resulting blanks are laid out with meat and onions.
  8. Neat triangles are molded from the dough with filling, which must be greased with yolk, whipped with water, laid with the smooth side up, sprinkled with sesame seeds and baked for 45 minutes at 170 degrees.

The finished hotcakes are transferred to a bowl and covered with a natural cloth towel to keep them soft. The tandoor samsa is prepared in the same way.

Cooking from ready-made traditional puff pastry with meat

If you don't have time to deal with a difficult dough for samsa, you can buy ready-made puff pastry. It is better to use fatty lamb (800 g) as a filling, as well as: 8 medium onions, 1.5 tsp. cumin, butter, salt.

  1. The meat is chopped into small pieces with a sharp knife. If there is not enough fat, you can add a small amount of vegetable oil to the lamb.
  2. Also, miniature onion cubes, cumin and salt are added to the meat.
  3. The dough is cut into several pieces, each of which is rolled out, greased with soft butter, rolled into a roll and cooled for 15-17 minutes.
  4. Next, the cold mass is cut into even squares, in the center of each is laid out meat filling... The ends of the workpiece are pulled up to the middle and pinched tightly.
  5. The blanks are laid out on a greased baking sheet and baked in a hot oven for about 35 minutes.

If you do not leave the dough in the cold, then in the oven the puff pastry samsa will crack strongly during the cooking process.

How to cook chicken samsa in the oven?

The dough for samsa goes well with chicken filling... In addition to 2 large legs (about 800 g), you will need: 3 small onions, 110 ml of ice water, 1 tbsp. flour, 140 g butter, salt. When preparing the discussed pies, also yolk and sesame seeds are used for decoration.

  1. Flour in a deep bowl is combined with a pinch of salt and chilled butter grated on a coarse grater.
  2. The components are thoroughly mixed and then filled with ice water. Knead the dough well by hand and refrigerate for at least 40 minutes.
  3. Poultry meat is cut from the bones and finely chopped with a sharp knife. A chopped onion is added to it. Mix the filling thoroughly and salt. Chopped greens can be added if desired.
  4. The chilled dough is cut into small pieces, each of which is rolled into a flat cake.
  5. Minced meat is laid out in the middle of the blanks and a triangle is assembled. Seams must be fastened as carefully as possible.
  6. Samsa with chicken is baked for about 40 minutes in a preheated oven until golden brown.

To assemble a triangle from a tortilla, you need to raise the side and bottom edge of the dough to the center, and then blind, forming an angle. All that remains is to raise the second side edge to the middle and fasten the seams.

Puff pastry with cheese

For such a treat, you can use ready-made commercial dough, but it's completely easy to make it yourself. This will require: 450 g flour, 1 tbsp. water, 130 g butter, 1.5 tsp. salt. For the filling, take: 350 g of suluguni cheese or other pickled cheese.

  1. Water and salt are mixed in a deep bowl. Gradually, flour is poured into the container, and elastic dough is kneaded.
  2. As soon as the mass stops sticking to your fingers, you need to roll it out thinly, grease it with butter, roll it into a tight roll, wrap it in a bag and send it to the cold for a couple of hours.
  3. The brine cheese is rubbed on a grater with the largest cells. Salt it if necessary.
  4. The cold dough is cut into pieces, each of which is rolled out thinly and stuffed with cheese.
  5. In a well-preheated oven, baked goods are cooked for 25 minutes.

Before serving, the dish should be infused in a deep bowl under a tea towel for about 15 minutes.

On yeast dough with minced meat

Samsa turns out delicious not only from puff, but also from yeast dough. A finished product (1 pack) is suitable for this. For the filling will be used: 450 g of minced pork and beef, 200 g of white onions, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. The onion is finely chopped and mixed with the minced meat. The mass must be salted and seasoned with any spices.
  2. The previously defrosted dough is rolled out thinly, and circles are formed with the help of a glass. The filling is laid out in the center of each of them, after which a triangle is obtained.
  3. It is important to flatten the workpiece by pressing it firmly with the palm of your hand.
  4. The pies are baked on a baking sheet covered with flour for 15 minutes at 220 degrees.

Such a treat should not be smeared with yolk; it is better to sprinkle the dough with sweetened milk.

Cooking classic samsa with beef

This oriental dish will delight gourmets with thin crunchy dough and juicy filling. Better to use ready-made Ground beef with onions (800 g). And also: 1 tbsp. warm boiled water, 800 g flour, a pack of butter, 1 tbsp. salt, a pinch of cumin and black pepper.

  1. The salt is poured into warm water. As soon as its crystals dissolve in the liquid, you can begin to mix flour into the mass.
  2. First with a spoon, and then with your hands, a dense dough is kneaded.
  3. As soon as the mass stops sticking to the fingers, it is rolled into a sausage and cut into 4 equal parts.
  4. Each part is rolled into the thinnest layer (about 2 mm thick) and generously lubricated with softened butter.
  5. All four pieces are stacked on top of each other and then rolled into a tight roll.
  6. The dough is cut into round thin slices, each of which is rolled thinly. The filling is wrapped inside, and the sides of the circle are neatly connected into a triangle.
  7. Samsa with meat is prepared in a hot oven for about 55 minutes.

Before baking, the pies are laid out on a baking sheet covered with oiled baking paper.

In uzbek

Traditional Uzbek samsa is made with mutton filling. The easiest way is to take already ready-made minced meat(450 g). Ingredients: 450 g flour, 3 onions, a standard box of butter, 2 chicken eggs, 1 tbsp. water, a pinch of cumin, salt, ground pepper and sesame seeds of two colors (black and white).

  1. The onion is finely chopped, crumpled by hand, then salted, peppered and sprinkled with cumin.
  2. Minced meat is combined with chopped vegetable. It is also salted if necessary.
  3. 0.5 tsp dissolves in warm water. salt.
  4. Half of the softened butter and an egg are added to the mass. Beat the ingredients lightly with a fork.
  5. Then sifted flour is poured into the mass in small portions, and the dough is kneaded by hand. It shouldn't be too soft.
  6. The dough ball is divided into 5 balls, which are covered with foil and left for half an hour at room temperature.
  7. Each lump is rolled thinly and smeared with melted butter. When the workpieces are slightly dry and absorb the fat, they can be stacked on top of each other.
  8. First, the mass is rolled up into a tight roll, then it is twisted in a spiral, placed on a plate, covered with foil and removed in the cold for 50 minutes.
  9. The chilled dough is cut into pieces, each of which is rolled into thin small cakes. The filling is laid out on the blanks, after which triangles are formed from them.
  10. The dish is baked on an oil baking sheet until golden brown (about 40 minutes) at 200 degrees.

To decorate, samsa is sprinkled with a mixture of white and black sesame seeds.

Yeast dough with chicken and potatoes

Not only meat, but also potatoes can be added to the filling to the discussed oriental pies. This makes samsa even more delicious and juicy. For its preparation is used: 0.6 l. sour milk, 11 g dry yeast, 1.5 tbsp each. salt and sugar, 1.2 kg of high quality wheat flour, 60 ml of vegetable oil, 450 g of chicken fillet, 3 potatoes and onions each, a piece of butter, h / m pepper, salt. The following describes in detail the preparation of samsa with chicken meat and potatoes.

  1. Yeast, salt, sugar dissolve in half a glass of warm boiled water. Warmed milk is poured into the mass, and all components are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Sifted flour is gradually poured into the yeast mixture. At the very end, vegetable oil is sent to the dough. The mass should be tight, but elastic.
  3. The dough ball is covered with a clean napkin for 35 minutes in a warm place. After kneading, the mass returns to heat for another 50 minutes.
  4. Potato, chicken fillet and onions are cut into miniature cubes, mixed, salted and seasoned with pepper.
  5. The finished dough is divided into three parts, each of which is rolled out, greased with liquid butter and stacked on top of the previous one. A stack of blanks is rolled up into a tight roll. The latter is cut into thin pieces (each about 2.5 cm wide).
  6. Each piece is rolled thinly with a rolling pin, the filling and a miniature slice of butter are placed inside.
  7. Samsa is folded into a triangle.
  8. Baking is cooked for 55-60 minutes at 190 degrees.

Finished fluffy pies are greased with non-aromatic vegetable oil.

With puff pastry curd

Samsa with cottage cheese turns out to be very tasty. The filling in it will be savory - with garlic and herbs. In addition to cottage cheese (270 g), you need to take: a feather of green onions, 2 sprigs of fresh dill, an egg, 4 garlic prongs, 7 g of dry yeast, 90 ml of fat milk, 1 tsp. salt and the same amount of sugar, a pack of cottage cheese (5%), 450 g of flour, 70 ml of butter.

  1. Yeast, salt, sugar dissolve in warmed milk. The mass is left under the foil for 12 minutes until foam forms.
  2. Beat the egg with a pinch of salt.
  3. The flour is sieved and mixed with the salted egg mass. Ready-made dough and butter are poured to these ingredients.
  4. The dough is kneaded (plastic and smooth), which is left warm for 1.5 hours.
  5. For the filling, cottage cheese is ground with garlic and chopped herbs. You can salt to taste.
  6. Pieces of dough are stretched into round cakes, in the center of which the curd mass is laid out.
  7. Appetizing triangles are kept warm for another 12-15 minutes, after which they are baked in a hot oven for 35 minutes.

Baking is cooled down under a napkin.