Home / Cakes / Polanka salad with chicken breast. Salad Mushroom glade with chicken and cheese - step by step recipe

Polanka salad with chicken breast. Salad Mushroom glade with chicken and cheese - step by step recipe

Mushroom glade salad is quite popular. There are several options for its preparation. In this recipe, I will write a version with chicken and carrots in Korean. This salad is very delicious combination products, pleasant sourness from pickled mushrooms and carrots. Perfect for a holiday table. In addition to the excellent taste, this salad looks spectacular and just asks to be in your mouth.

Another detailed recipe cooking salad Mushroom glade, see this link. There, the salad is made with baked chicken breast, pickled onions and ... Read the rest of the ingredients in the step-by-step recipe at the link I gave.


  • pickled champignons - 300 gr.
  • dill, parsley, green onion- 1 bunch
  • chicken fillet- 250 gr.
  • carrots in Korean - 200 gr.
  • hard cheese - 150 gr.
  • boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - to taste

Salad Mushroom glade with chicken: preparation.

1. First you need to bring to readiness raw ingredients. Boil chicken fillet until done. Very often, housewives are faced with the fact that the chicken breast turns out to be dryish, tough. To prevent this from happening, it must be properly welded. Meat for salads should always be put in boiling water when cooking. From the high temperature, the top layer of the protein will curl up, the meat will be “sealed”, and the juice will not flow actively into the water.

Boil the chicken for 25-30 minutes, then let it cool in the water it was cooked in. If you immediately get the chicken on a plate, it will become dry. Salt the meat at the end of cooking, as salt draws the juices out of it. When cooking, add peppercorns and other spices as desired to the water during cooking.

2. You can put boiled eggs in the salad if you wish. They need to be hard boiled. In order for the yolk of the eggs to remain bright yellow and not gray, after boiling the water, the eggs need to be boiled for 7-8 minutes. Then drain hot water and pour them cold water, to stop thermal process. Eggs soaked in cold water will peel well.

3. Boil the potatoes in their skins until cooked. Also put the potatoes in boiling, salted water, so more vitamins will be preserved. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes (cooking time will depend on the variety and size of the tubers). Readiness check with a knife. Then drain the water.

To keep the potatoes light in color, add 1 tbsp to the water during cooking. vinegar.

4. You can buy mushrooms already pickled, or you can pickle them yourself. Only this must be done in advance, at least 10 hours before picking up the salad. I will briefly write how you can pickle mushrooms simply and tasty.

A delicious recipe for quick marinated champignons.

For 1 kg of champignons you will need:

  • 100 gr. vinegar
  • 100 ml refined vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 3 tsp Sahara
  • 15 black peppercorns
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 4 things. bay leaf

Mushrooms need to be washed, cleaned (remove the skin from the cap and renew the cut on the leg). For this salad, you need whole champignons, it is better to buy small mushrooms, so it will be more convenient to cut the salad and eat it.

Put the prepared mushrooms in a saucepan, pour vinegar and vegetable oil into them, salt, put sugar, peppercorns, Bay leaf, squeeze the garlic through the press. No need to pour water! Gently mix the entire contents of the saucepan.

Put the mushrooms on the fire, cover them with a lid and wait for them to release the juice. After 5-6 minutes, the mushrooms will already be covered with a liquid that should boil. Boil mushrooms on low heat for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the mushrooms cool in the same marinade. Transfer the cooled champignons to a jar (1 l) and put them in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning you can already eat such pickled mushrooms.

If you want mushrooms to be dense and crispy, there is one secret how to achieve this. When the mushrooms are cooked in the marinade for 10 minutes, remove them with a slotted spoon from the pan into a bowl. Soak the mushrooms in very cold water. Better even put in cold water ice. Let the mushrooms cool completely. Then return them without water to the marinade, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and let cool in the marinade.

5. You can buy Korean-style carrots ready-made, or you can cook it yourself. This is a pickling process, so you need to cook such a carrot in advance, like mushrooms. In the next article, I will write a detailed recipe for cooking carrots in Korean.

6.If you want natural delicious mayonnaise Provence, cook it yourself at home. Mayonnaise is prepared 5 minutes before direct use. I already have it on the site.

We collect salad Mushroom glade.

7. Finally, you can start picking up the salad. To do this, take a baking dish (round or oval), you can also take a salad bowl with even walls or a bowl. In general, any cookware with flat walls will do. You can also use a split baking dish. Lettuce Mushroom glade is laid out not just in layers, it is laid out with the top layer down. And then you will need to turn it over on the dish on which it will be served at the table. This assembly method makes the salad denser, and the mushrooms sit very well in the clearing.

8. So, if you use a bowl or salad bowl as a form, cover the dishes with cling film. Lay the marinated champignons with the caps down in the first layer. Place the mushrooms close together.

9. Finely chop the mixture of greens and sprinkle the mushrooms. There should be a lot of greens in this salad.

10. Grate the boiled potatoes on a coarse grater and lay them on top of the greens in an even layer. Slightly compact the layer and grease it with mayonnaise.

11. Cut the chicken into small cubes, put on potatoes, brush with mayonnaise.

12. Chop the Korean carrot so that it is not too long. Put it on the chicken and brush it with a little sauce too.

13. If you make a salad with eggs, then grate them on a fine grater on top of the carrot and brush with mayonnaise.

14. And the final layer is cheese grated on a fine grater. Smooth it out and tamp it down, no need to lubricate. Cover the entire salad in a bowl with cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour (or overnight).

15.Remove the film. Cover the form with a dish and quickly turn the Mushroom Glade salad. Tap the edges of the mold to help the salad come out better. Raise the form or bowl and a beautiful forest clearing will remain on the dish.

Now you can serve this beautiful and tasty salad to the table! More more recipes holiday salads can be found. Waiting for your comments, see you in the next recipe!

Today I will tell you some very tasty recipes, festive salad"Mushroom meadow"

It is mushrooms that give it a refined taste and juiciness. And if they are also collected by you and pickled at home, then, of course, the dish will turn out - you just lick your fingers.

There are a lot of recipes for making salads with mushrooms. Even the names are the same, but the ingredients are completely different.

Of course, every family has some traditional dishes, but sometimes you want variety, don't you?

So, let's see how the salad is prepared, first we will cook with mushrooms

Mushroom meadow with mushrooms

Our ingredients are simple and affordable.

What we need:

  • Boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 - 150 gr.
  • Ham - 150 gr.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled mushrooms in our case, mushrooms 1 jar (250 gr.)
  • Greens - we have young green onions, you can parsley
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream


The dish is made in layers, we spread mayonnaise on each. First, peel the boiled potatoes

The first layer is potatoes, grated on a coarse grater, mayonnaise on top. After the potatoes, we smear mayonnaise without sparing, because the potatoes are dry and should be well saturated with mayonnaise

The second layer is eggs grated on a coarse grater (here you can not smear mayonnaise). Eggs can, of course, be finely chopped, but through a grater it turns out more airy

The third - from finely grated cheese. When laying it out, we try to keep it a little airy too. Grease with sauce

Fourth - chop the chicken fillet (can be smoked, fried, boiled, to your taste) can be cut, can be split by hand and smeared with mayonnaise

Fifth layer - chop pickles, (squeeze the juice so that the salad is not wet), here we do not lubricate the sauce

Sixth - clean boiled carrots, rub on a coarse grater. Lay in an even layer, grease with sauce

The seventh is a green onion with which we sprinkle carrots

The eighth layer is our mushrooms. We lay them out beautifully over the entire surface.

Our dish is almost ready, but before putting it on the table, you need to send it to a cool place or in the refrigerator to soak and become even tastier.

Well, the first salad is ready, I'm sure it will become beautiful decoration Your table, and of course, very tasty. Enjoy your meal!!!

Salad recipe Mushroom meadow with champignons

In this salad, the main role of champignon mushrooms is already the main role. It is prepared quite differently, although the products are almost the same.

The main feature of the salad is that at the end of cooking there will be a climax, the salad will need to be turned from the bottom up. Therefore, before preparing it for the festive table, I think you can practice, make it just like that, to treat loved ones


  • Pickled champignons - 300 gr.
  • Boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Green onion or bunch of parsley
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken fillet - 350 gr.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Sunflower oil


To prepare the salad, you need to take a deep bowl or plate. We take sunflower oil and grease the edges of our bowl and the bottom. Then carefully fold our mushrooms beautifully with caps down.

Now we cut the greens finely (onion, dill or parsley) in our case, this is green onion. Sprinkle our champignons with herbs

After that, we clean the potatoes and rub them on a grater, put them in an even layer on the onion. Brush well with sauce

Next up is boiled carrots. We clean, we also rub on a grater. Top with mayonnaise

We take two boiled eggs, three through a grater, send to the salad. Grease with sauce

The last layer is the chicken. Cut the chicken into small pieces, spread on our salad

Now the most interesting moment, you need to very carefully turn our bowl onto a salad bowl so that the mushrooms are on the very top of our beautiful dish

The dish is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Cooking Mushroom meadow with champignons and ham

And now for your attention puff salad"Mushroom glade" with champignons and ham.

The recipe from old stocks turns out to be very beautiful, tasty and quite satisfying, like most Russian salads. It's more like a snack. And so, let's get started.

For the salad we need:

  • Ham - 300 gr
  • A jar of canned champignons - 400 gr
  • Processed cheese (Friendship type)
  • Boiled eggs - 4 pcs
  • Sweet and sour apple - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise with garlic (2-3 garlic cloves)


Finely chop the garlic or three through a grater, add to the mayonnaise, stir.

Lay out our salad in layers. The first layer of the clearing is half of the prepared ham, cut into small cubes.

third layer, canned mushrooms, sliced small cubes lay them out evenly. We also lubricate garlic sauce

Now we are laying out cheese, passed through a grater. (To processed cheese it was easier to grate, I advise you to hold it in the freezer for a while). Grease with the same sauce

Put the fifth layer of boiled carrots through a grater, also smear with sauce

Repeat the layers in the same order. Ham, onion, apple, champignons, cheese, carrots and each time we also grease with garlic sauce. Correct the form if necessary.

As a note to housewives, you can put plastic bags on your hands so that the ingredients do not stick to your hands and the shape turns out as it should. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Sprinkle grated egg on top. Lightly compact and decorate.

Mushroom meadow recipe with champignons and chicken

Another dish from the same series is very tasty and satisfying, it can be used as a snack, it is called "Mushroom Glade" or it is also called a shifter.

It can be prepared both for the festive table and for treating loved ones. It is very easy to make from ordinary products. Flies away in a moment, guests usually ask for more recipes.


  • Boiled chicken 200 gr
  • Hard cheese 200 gr
  • Cucumbers (salted or pickled) 250 gr
  • Whole marinated champignons 250 gr
  • Mayonnaise, salt, pepper to taste
  • dill bunch
  • Boiled potatoes 3 pcs
  • Boiled carrots 2 pcs
  • Boiled eggs 3 pcs

When cooking, we need cling film.

To make a salad, it is better to take a deep bowl. Cover the bowl with cling film, grease sunflower oil bottom and edges of dishes

Open a jar of mushrooms, drain all the liquid from it. The first layer, these are champignons, lay them out with hats down

The next layer is cheese. We rub it on a coarse grater, grease with mayonnaise

Now the cucumbers that you need to open and drain the brine. We rub them through a grater, lay them out in an even layer, lubricating with mayonnaise

And last but not least, potatoes. We grate, ram, close the salad bowl and turn our salad from the bottom up

Carefully remove the bowl, remove the cling film. And now our salad is ready.

Mushroom glade salad with Korean carrot

As I wrote above, there are a lot of recipes for making this salad. It is this recipe that I like the most because, in my opinion, it is with Korean carrots that it turns out brighter and juicier.

To assemble and compose this salad, we usually take a deep bowl, but you can also use a cake pan.

We put this form on a flat salad bowl and begin to lay out the layers, which consist of such products:

  • Boiled potatoes 3 pcs
  • Champignons marinated 300 gr
  • Boiled chicken fillet 250 gr
  • Carrots in Korean 200 gr
  • Cheese 150 gr
  • Mayonnaise
  • Dill, parsley, green onion

Put the pickled champignons on the bottom of the salad bowl with their hats down, so the champignons must be whole

The next layer is boiled potatoes through a large grater. Carefully lay out, evenly distribute over the surface. Lubricate with mayonnaise

Now cut into cubes or strips, as you like, chicken. Gently spread on the salad, also smear with mayonnaise

And now we take Korean-style carrots, put them on a cutting board, cut long pieces a little, so that it is convenient to eat.

We spread the carrots evenly on our salad. As I wrote above, carrots give the salad juiciness, a certain piquancy of taste. Top with sauce as well.

Now it is advisable to cover with cling film on top, put it in the refrigerator for the night or at least for several hours. When the salad is soaked, cover the form with another plate and carefully turn it upside down. Here's what happens.

And of course, before serving, we decorate our “Mushroom Glade” with greenery

Enjoy your meal.

fresh cucumber salad recipe

Consider the ingredients of our salad:

  • Jar of pickled champignons
  • Boiled meat 200g
  • Boiled potatoes 2 pcs
  • Boiled carrots 1 pc
  • Fresh cucumber 1 PC
  • Eggs 2 pcs
  • Parsley dill
  • Mayonnaise

To prepare our salad, we need to prepare a deep salad bowl, cover it with cling film. Who does not have a film on hand, you can simply try to grease the edges of the bowl with sunflower oil

Lay the mushrooms head down, as close to each other as possible.

Now we take boiled carrots, cut into small cubes and lay out. Top with mayonnaise

Boiled chicken meat is also cut into cubes, send the next layer. Top with sauce as well.

The next layer we took fresh cucumbers, we also cut them into cubes, put them on top. We smear with mayonnaise

Eggs are cleaned, cut into small pieces, they go to the next layer. Spread well with mayonnaise

Last comes potatoes. We also cut it into small cubes or through a grater and put it on a salad

Now we press the whole mass a little with our hands and close it with cling film. We clean in the refrigerator or in a cold place for 2-3 hours. After we take a flat salad bowl and turn our salad into it from top to bottom.

Here is such a beauty. Enjoy your meal.

Video mushroom salad recipe

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today I want to tell you about one very unusual salad, which will undoubtedly become a highlight on your holiday table. After all, his appearance is very unusual and attracting attention. We will talk about the "Mushroom meadow" with champignons.

Having cooked such a dish once, I received just a huge mass of compliments at the same time as questions about how such a miracle is prepared. It's actually very simple. And its beauty lies in the fact that such a "Polyanka" can be prepared on the eve of the holidays. That is, they made a salad in the evening, and on the day of the celebration they only served it on the table. This, of course, is very convenient and economical in terms of time.

To the same bright and beautiful snacks I can attribute more , and . They look very colorful on the table and are eaten with lightning speed!

Most often, "Mushroom Glade" is laid out in layers and is a "changeling" salad, but there are other ways to prepare it. You will learn about this below. Here we go?

Salad "Mushroom meadow" with champignons

Most often, I cook just such a version of the salad. It seems to me that this composition is the most optimal for our family, we have been going to it for a long time. And for a long time now, such a “Mushroom meadow” has taken root with us. Of course, you may have completely different tastes, which is why the article contains many recipes, and everyone will find what he likes.

As you can see, in this recipe we will do without salt at all.

We will need:

  • pickled champignons - 400 g;
  • smoked chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese durum varieties- 100 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • greens -1 bunch;
  • mayonnaise.


Do not put too much mayonnaise, because all the layers of the salad will be smeared with it, it will be enough anyway.

Recipe "Mushroom meadow" with chicken and cheese

Instead of smoked chicken, you can easily use regular boiled chicken. It goes great with cheese. The taste is very delicate, and the texture is soft. But at the same time, all products are well felt when eating this delicious salad.

We will need:


Since we will be turning the lettuce container over, we need everything to come off well, which is why we use oil.

This will make it much easier to layer the breast.

Salad "Mushroom glade" with champignons and ham

The use of ham in a salad greatly simplifies the cooking process, because you do not need to boil the meat, wait until it cools down and only then start slicing. And yes, it tastes completely different. Therefore, be sure to try cooking "Mushroom Glade" with ham!

We will need:


Video how to cook salad "Mushroom glade" with Korean carrots

Many believe that only Korean carrots can be better than boiled carrots in this salad. And this is not surprising, because it gives the dish a certain sharpness and piquancy, enhances the taste and aroma of all other ingredients in the composition. Watch and repeat! The necessary products are written at the very beginning of the video.

Recipe "Polyanka" with fresh cucumbers

If you have fresh cucumbers at home, then crumble them into a salad. It will gain lightness, and the taste will become more pronounced. This Mushroom Glade recipe uses chicken leg. It is more fatty than breast. And many people like to use this particular meat in salads.

We will need:


At this stage, you can add a little salt and black allspice.

Cooking salad changeling "Mushroom clearing" without meat

Meat, of course, plays an important role in most salads, it makes them more satisfying. But you can do without it. After all, beans are a good alternative to meat. It is rich in protein, so this salad will not yield to meat in terms of its nutritional value.

We will need:

  • pickled champignons - 200 g;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • green onions;
  • beans - 1 cup;
  • mayonnaise.


Can be used canned beans in its own juice.

How to make "Mushroom meadow" with fried champignons without turning over?

A lot of my friends complained about the difficulties with turning the salad. In principle, a well-infused salad is extracted quite simply. But if you are still afraid and afraid to spoil the dish, then prepare it as follows.

We will need:

  • fresh champignons - 500 g;
  • chicken meat - 400 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • olives - 10 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • dill, parsley;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil.


No more salt and pepper!

Delicious salad "Mushroom glade" with Korean-style beef and carrots

I really like how they fit together boiled beef and Korean carrot. If you also like such a "union", then be sure to prepare a salad according to this simple recipe.

We will need:

  • pickled champignons - 1 can;
  • Boiled beef;
  • carrots in Korean - 200 g;
  • boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • dill and green onions;
  • mayonnaise.


OK it's all over Now! Now you definitely have a choice of what to make the Mushroom Glade salad from. But the most important thing is his awesome appearance. At first it will be a pity to apply it so as not to spoil the beauty, and then you will not be able to stop. The hand reaches out to such a dish. And, to be honest, it is always eaten in one of the first queues. Because it not only looks good, but also tastes good!

Salad "Polyanka with champignons" is distinguished by high taste along with an attractive presentation. Salad ingredients are simple, but require advance preparation. They are easy to find on store shelves, but it will not work to quickly prepare a dish if, for example, mushrooms are not in the refrigerator. Therefore, you need to plan ahead Cooking:.

To make the salad look presentable, you need to make some efforts: the chopped ingredients should be identical in size, the layers should be laid out carefully and you can use additional decorations in the form of vegetables or herbs.

Dressing in the form of mayonnaise can be modified by adding new ingredients - sour cream and lemon juice.

How to cook a meadow salad with champignons - 15 varieties

Salad "Polyanka with champignons" - a classic variation

For those who love mushrooms and do not want to dilute their taste with additional ingredients, classic version will be the most optimal. Thanks to the nutritious ingredients, the salad is very satisfying. It can be safely prepared for big company and be sure that no one will go hungry.


  • Chicken fillet - 200 g
  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3-4 pieces
  • Potato - 3 pcs
  • Carrot - 2 pcs
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Greens
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt, ground black pepper


It is necessary to boil meat, vegetables and eggs. A roomy dish is taken and covered with cling film, this is done in order to get the original "clearing" on top of the salad. The components are laid out in the following order:

1 layer - whole mushrooms with hats down;

2 layer - finely chopped greens;

3 layer - eggs, which must be grated on a coarse grater;

4 layer - mayonnaise in moderation;

5 layer - cheese, grated on a coarse grater;

6 layer - mayonnaise;

7 layer - boiled carrots, chopped on a grater, with mayonnaise;

8 layer - chicken, diced or chopped by hand, plus dressing;

9 layer - pickled cucumbers on a coarse grater or cubes;

10 layer - potatoes, grated in the same way.

After that, the salad should be covered with a plate and carefully turned over. It turns out a very picturesque and tasty meadow.

Salad "Polyanka with champignons and smoked chicken"

This version of the salad is very similar to the classic version, but the smoked chicken makes it more unusual, colorful and tasty. If there are no health problems and smoked foods are not taboo, then preparing such a salad is the duty of every gourmet.


  • Smoked chicken - 300 g
  • Cheese - 200 g
  • Pickled champignons - 1 bank
  • Potato - 3 pcs
  • Carrot - 2 pcs
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Greens
  • Mayonnaise


"Polyanka" with smoked meats is prepared in exactly the same way simple option. The recipes differ only in the smoked type of chicken, and the layers are settled in the same sequence. It similarly needs to be turned over to get the effect of a clearing.

Salad "Polyanka with champignons and ham" - tasty and nutritious

For those who do not like too radical experiments, this version of the salad will become a favorite. Adding ham to the composition of the dish will make it more original, but will not lead the culinary specialist into gastronomic jungle.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Potato - 5 pcs
  • Ham - 300 g
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Canned champignons - 1 bank
  • green onion
  • Salt to taste


Eggs must be cut into cubes and grease the layer with a small amount of mayonnaise. Potatoes are cut in the same way and also smeared with dressing.

Next up is diced ham. Finely chopped green onions are sprinkled on top.

And now we decorate an impromptu clearing with champignons. You can put them on the entire surface or part of the dish.

If you add several types of ham and sausages to the salad, then it will become the most popular among men.

The uniqueness of such a dish is that there are many components, the addition of which will give a certain charm. These include capers.


  • Chicken fillet - 200 g
  • Carrot -2 pcs
  • Eggs -2 pcs
  • Cheese - 200 g
  • Capers - 1 bank
  • Potato - 2 pcs
  • Champignons - 1 bank
  • Greens
  • Mayonnaise


Initially, boiled the right ingredients and draining the water from the capers and mushrooms, you need to get a plate and cover it with cling film. Put mushrooms on the bottom, be sure to head down, greens, potatoes, carrots, chicken fillet, capers, eggs and cheese. Each layer is smeared with mayonnaise.

The edges food film close and turn over "Polyanka".

To add a spicy note, you can use Korean carrots. In combination with meat and mushrooms, it will make the dish more expressive. But do not get too carried away with such a salad in the evening or for those who have health problems, because it can be too heavy on the stomach.


  • Korean carrot - 150 g
  • Fresh cucumber - 1-2 pieces
  • Potatoes - 1-2 pieces
  • Fried chicken breast - 200 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Mayonnaise - 150 ml
  • Greens
  • Salt pepper


Before you start preparing this version of the salad, you need to boil the eggs and potatoes. Fry the chicken breast until done. The container is covered with foil or film and, following a certain sequence, lay out the layers:

1 - mushrooms, placing their hats down;

2 - chopped greens;

3 - Korean carrots, which can be cut beforehand, or can be left as they are;

4 - chopped cucumber;

5 - diced fried chicken;

6 - a layer of mayonnaise;

7 - potatoes on a coarse grater, mayonnaise on top;

8- boiled eggs.

The salad is covered with a film and sent to the refrigerator for an hour. After that, you need to turn the container over.

If you pre-pickle the carrots yourself, then you can make it not so spicy or, conversely, even more piquant.

Assorted salad "Polyanka with champignons and mushrooms"

True mushroom lovers will definitely like this version. In this case, champignons are cut, and honey mushrooms act as a decoration.


  • Chicken fillet - 200 g
  • Potato - 2 pcs
  • Carrot - 3 pcs
  • Champignons - 200 g
  • Honey mushrooms - 200 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Greens
  • Mayonnaise


According to the already known system, you should cover the bottom of the container and proceed to cutting (grating) the components. As usual, mushrooms come first, which will decorate the clearing. In this case, it's honey mushrooms. This is followed by greens, chicken fillet, potatoes and carrots. Each layer is smeared with mayonnaise.

Then a turn of chopped champignons and eggs. When the salad is turned over, the mushrooms look very beautiful and appetizing.

When there is no time to deal with the design of the salad, you can choose its more primitive version. According to the recipe, the mushrooms are cut, which will significantly speed up the process.


  • Pickled champignons - 300 g
  • Carrots - 1-2 pieces
  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pieces
  • Fresh cucumber - 1-2 pieces
  • hard cheese- 200 g
  • Chicken fillet - 300 g
  • Mayonnaise


Dishes are prepared in a similar way according to the principle of a shifter. First, mushrooms are cut, then carrots, eggs are rubbed on a coarse grater, and then potatoes.

The next layer is a cucumber, which can be finely chopped. Then comes a layer of cheese and fillets. Each level is smeared with mayonnaise.

After that, the salad is turned over.

Items you need are not always available. In this case, it is rational to stop at the economy option "Polyanka".


  • Sausage - 200 g
  • Potato - 2 pcs
  • Carrot - 2 pcs
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs
  • Champignons - 200 g
  • Greens
  • Mayonnaise


Sausage is placed in a salad bowl and greased well with mayonnaise. Then come layers of potatoes, carrots and pickled cucumbers, which are also accompanied by a mayonnaise net. After that, place the eggs grated on a coarse grater on a dish. The salad is sprinkled with herbs on top and carefully decorated with mushrooms. On a light background of eggs, they look very organic.

"Polyanka with champignons and olives"

The advantage of such a salad is the ability to diversify it with new ingredients that will radically change it. taste qualities. This dish is such an example.


  • Chicken meat - 200 g
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs
  • Green onions - 1 bunch
  • Pitted olives - 1 can
  • Champignons - 300 g
  • Mayonnaise


The meat should be boiled first. Cut off the white part of the onion and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown, then add the mushrooms and continue frying over low heat.

The resulting mass is poured into the salad bowl, diced meat, cucumbers, olives (can be cut in half, or even smaller) and greens are added.

The salad is dressed with mayonnaise and mixed.

This salad involves a double portion of mushrooms. Champignons, as in the classic form, will decorate the top of the salad, and inside it there will be another layer of mushrooms, but already fried. For this purpose, you can buy any kind of mushrooms.


  • Chicken fillet or ham - 200 g
  • Potato - 3 pcs
  • Carrot - 2 pcs
  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs
  • Mushrooms by discretion- 300 g
  • Champignons - 1 bank
  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pieces
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Greens
  • Mayonnaise


To prepare a salad, you must first fry the mushrooms with onions. Then, taking the classic version of the salad as a basis, arrange the layers in the desired order. The only difference is that a layer of eggs and cheese is diluted with a layer of fried mushrooms. On top of the dish is also decorated with champignons. It turns out very tasty and satisfying.

Another variation of this salad is the replacement of potatoes with rice in the recipe. The dish does not lose its calorie content, but gets some share of the ordinary, so this salad is more suitable for a home table.

Try not to overcook the rice, otherwise it will have an unpresentable appearance and unsuitable taste.


  • Boiled rice - 1 cup
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Champignons - 200 g
  • Mayonnaise


To do tasty dish, initially you need to boil eggs and rice. Mushrooms also need to be processed - fried and cooled. The container is covered with cling film (foil can be used) and placed Ingredients: corn, rice, mushrooms, eggs, mayonnaise and again corn. You can place components on one layer, or you can place them on several.

The edges of the foil or film are wrapped and the salad is carefully turned over.

Salad "Polyanka with tomatoes and champignons"

When it's time for tomatoes, you want to use them in all salads. Tomatoes add juiciness to an already familiar dish.


  • Chicken fillet - 200 g
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pieces
  • Carrot - 2 pcs
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Eggs -2-3 pcs
  • Cheese - 200 g
  • Tomatoes - 2pcs
  • Greens
  • Mayonnaise


Salad can be made "inverted" or not, it depends on the skill and preferences of the chef.

Layers are placed in this order (for example, if the salad is not turned over): chicken, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, eggs, corn and cheese. And champignons are designed to decorate the top of the salad.

In order not to worry about a positive result when turning the dish, you can use a baking dish as a support for the food structure, which should be removed later.

The ingredients of the salad are unchanged, only the way it is formed changes - it is more convenient and practical.


  • Potatoes - 2-3 pieces
  • Carrot - 2 pcs
  • Fresh cucumber - 2 pcs
  • Ham - 200 g
  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs
  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • crushed walnuts- 100 g
  • Champignons - 1 bank
  • Green peas - 1 bank
  • Greens
  • Mayonnaise


The dish is made similarly to similar options. The first layer is potatoes, then greens. After fit green pea, carrots and ham. The vegetables are rubbed on a coarse grater, and the ham is cut into strips.

Eggs, nuts and cheese make up the next levels, and everything is decorated with champignons, which help to recreate the clearing.

After the process of laying the ingredients, the mold should be removed and the salad will have an impeccable appearance.

Such a salad is a godsend for men: hearty and high-calorie. It fully displays classic recipe but change meat ingredient greatly affects the taste.


  • Boiled pork - 200 g
  • Cheese - 200 g
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs
  • Pickled champignons - 1 bank
  • Potato - 2 pcs
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Greens
  • Mayonnaise


The cooking process will be similar to the classic "Polyanka with champignons", only diced chicken will be replaced by pork, the same cut.

Unusual dressing - salad "Polyanka with champignons with sour cream, mayonnaise and French mustard"

surprise guests unusual taste You can use the original salad dressing. All the usual mayonnaise can be supplemented with sour cream and French mustard. It should be noted that this option may not be to everyone's liking. Thanks to mustard, a rather specific taste is obtained, but who does not risk ...


The list of products that should be bought for cooking can be varied. You can choose any of the options listed above. The main thing - do not forget to buy a package of sour cream, mayonnaise and a jar of French mustard.


First you need to make a new refueling. To do this, combine all three components and mix well. Each layer of lettuce is lubricated, but according to the principle: one layer is a mayonnaise net, one layer is the resulting mass.

It turns out a familiar salad, but with a completely different taste.


Pickled champignons - 100 g

Carrots in Korean - 100 g

Parsley - 1 bunch

Chicken fillet - 0.5 pcs.

Pickled cucumber - 1-2 pcs.

Potatoes - 2 pcs.

Mayonnaise - to taste

  • 100 kcal
  • 45 min.
  • Cooking process

    It's time to show you another version of the Polyanka salad - with mushrooms and chicken. I used boiled chicken, but you can also use baked. I would like to note that replacing some ingredients can drastically change the taste of the salad, so you can always experiment and cook your own version. Such a salad is always relevant for any celebration.

    To prepare the salad "Polyana" with mushrooms and chicken, prepare from the list necessary products. Boil chicken fillet, potatoes and eggs.

    Put the marinated champignons with a cap down on the bottom of a suitable salad bowl. Drip a little mayonnaise on each leg.

    Finely chop the parsley and spread it over the mushrooms. Thanks to mayonnaise, the greens will keep well on the salad when turned over.

    Cut boiled chicken into cubes.

    We begin to spread the layers of lettuce, lubricating each with mayonnaise. Grate the eggs and place on top of the parsley.

    Then the layer Korean carrots to make the taste of the salad more vivid, since the boiled chicken breast does not have a very rich taste. Carrots are best cut into smaller pieces.

    Cut the pickled cucumber into cubes and put it on top of the chicken.

    Lay the last layer of potatoes, which do not need to be lubricated. Press the salad well on top and let stand in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

    Then invert the salad onto a flat plate.

    Garnish with parsley leaves and you can serve it - Polyana salad with mushrooms and chicken is ready for tasting.

    Salad "Mushroom glade" with chicken

    The salad is interesting and delicious. Unusual salad forming system - lettuce is stacked from top to bottom, and then turned over. try "Mushroom meadow" with chicken.


  • Pickled champignons 200 grams
  • Chicken egg 4 pieces
  • Boiled potatoes 4 pieces
  • Carrot in Korean 100 Gram
  • Mayonnaise 100 Grams
  • Parsley 100 grams
  • Chicken fillet (boiled) 300 Gram
  • Prepare a deep salad bowl. Wrap it in cling film or use a disposable T-shirt bag.

    Put the whole mushrooms on the bottom of the bowl with caps down.

    Finely chop the parsley. Spread over the mushrooms.

    cut into small pieces boiled chicken. Lay on top of the greens. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

    Put the Korean carrot on top of the chicken.

    Grate boiled potatoes on a coarse grater. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

    Boiled chicken eggs grate and lay out the last layer. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Let the salad sit in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Before doing this, pack the salad well in a bowl.

    Take a flat plate. Put on a salad bowl. Flip. The salad will be on a flat plate.

    Pull the edges of the cling film and carefully remove the salad bowl. Ready. The construction is tight and looks great.


    Polanka salad recipe with chicken and mushrooms fried layers

    Delicate salad with fried champignons See the recipe for making a salad with a photo. A simple and mega-tasty salad, suitable for a quiet family holiday, or just as a hearty snack. Delicate salad with fried champignons is one of my favorites. I often cook it on holidays and just for myself. For a salad, you need fresh, not frozen and not canned champignons. Without further ado, I turn to full recipe lettuce. fresh mushrooms rinse and cut into thin slices.

    First, fry the diced onion in vegetable oil over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Then add mushrooms to the onion and fry, stirring, for another 3-4 minutes.

    Boil eggs and potatoes and set aside. Cut the potatoes into cubes, rub the eggs and cheese on a coarse grater. Lubricate each layer with a mayonnaise net and put in the refrigerator for impregnation for half an hour or an hour.

    Everything, delicious salad with fried champignons is ready. Then you will definitely like my recipe. tender salad With crab sticks. Members of my VKontakte group receive fresh recipes first. cooking recipes wild duck in a slow cooker, try replacing with boiled chicken breast.

    We prepare such a salad, only without onion. I add green onions or dill before a layer of cheese.

    • Thanks for the quick and tasty salad.
    • What to ja ego sdelala a dasche komentarii sdesj ne pro4etala.
    • Potomuschto sdesj otchen mnogo plohowo pro etot salatik pischut.
    • Delicate salad with fried champignons See the recipe for making a salad with a photo.
    • A simple and mega-tasty salad, suitable for a quiet family holiday, or just as a hearty snack.
    • Delicate salad with fried champignons is one of my favorites.
    • I often cook it on holidays and just for myself.
    • For salad, you need fresh, not frozen and not canned champignons.
    • Without further ado, let's move on to the full salad recipe.
    • Rinse fresh mushrooms and cut into thin slices.
    • First, fry the diced onion in vegetable oil over medium heat for 2-3 minutes.
    • Then add mushrooms to the onion and fry, stirring, for another 3-4 minutes.

      Boil eggs and potatoes and set aside.

      Cut the potatoes into cubes, rub the eggs and cheese on a coarse grater.

      Lubricate each layer with a mayonnaise net and put in the refrigerator for impregnation for half an hour or an hour. Everything, a delicious salad with fried champignons is ready.

      Then you will definitely like my recipe for a tender salad with crab sticks.

      Members of my VKontakte group receive fresh recipes first.

      Try replacing potatoes with boiled chicken breast. We prepare such a salad, only without onions. I add green onions or dill before a layer of cheese.

      Thanks for the quick and tasty salad. What to ja ego sdelala a dasche komentarii sdesj ne pro4etala. Potomuschto sdesj otchen mnogo plohowo pro etot salatik pischut.

      Salad "Mushroom Glade" with chicken recipe with photo

      So I didn’t get out this year for mushrooms. Although the mushrooms say it was just darkness. Should this omission be compensated for in some way? Salad "Mushroom Glade" will be my consolation today.

      I go on a “quiet hunt” to the store. I will buy margarine for baking along the way. My son loves apples curd dough, comrade seller, I have cottage cheese, you still, please, weigh it. I found a "clearing" in the window with mushrooms. I pulled champignons, the same as in the photo on instagram. I also wanted to lasso the chicken for the salad. I'll go to the freezer, then I'll set up an ambush. I’ll watch, fatter, I’ll throw it into the net, I’ll definitely make a chicken cutlet in addition.

      What else should I take for a mushroom field? Salad products should be natural. Green grass is definitely not enough! Her simple dill successfully replaces. Everything is ready to cover the meadow. Think I smoke marijuana? For the place of the forest, I go to the store for mushrooms and catch the chicken as if I were catching game in the meat rows. No guys, I'm definitely not friends with this case. Today was just crazy for me! Do you want to tell me about the salad in a different way?

      Salad "Mushroom Glade" is truly a gourmet dish! Everything is matched perfectly! As if in the forest visually. From this it is easier morally that you were not literally there. Would you like to invite me to the forest? Let's all follow me! I'm not lying! But just don’t make noise, don’t frighten away my “animals”, and keep an eye on me otherwise you’ll overlook the salad.

      Salad "Mushroom meadow"

      • a jar of pickled champignons
      • chicken breast 200 grams
      • two potatoes
      • carrots in Korean 100 grams
      • hard cheese 200 grams
      • mayonnaise
      • parsley and dill

      So that the Mushroom Glade salad does not look like a barrow, namely forest clearing To do this, you need to choose the right bowl. It should be high and with a flat bottom. Okay, I've decided on the container. I put boiled potatoes and chicken.

      I myself begin to engage in "planting mushrooms in a clearing." oiling the bowl vegetable oil. This is done so that the salad comes out of the dish without problems when we turn it over. I spread the bottom with mushrooms, hats down.

      I chop parsley with dill, mix them together.

      Sprinkle mushrooms with herbs.

      I rub the cheese and spread half of it on a layer of chopped greens.

      Lubricate with mayonnaise. Each subsequent layer will be smeared with mayonnaise in the same way.

      I rub the already cooked potatoes. I put it on cheese.

      For the Mushroom Glade salad, I use Korean-style carrots. She's a little sharp. Those who have problems with the perception of spicy food can simply add boiled carrots, having previously walked on it with a grater.

      I grind the chicken breast, spread it on carrots, grease with mayonnaise.

      Sprinkle with the other half of the grated cheese.

      You don't need to flip it right away. Salad "Mushroom Glade" should stand a little and soak, but not only for this reason. Imagine the storm of emotions of your guests! When you turn over a seemingly ordinary bowl filled with an ordinary salad, show the world a small culinary creation. And now the focus itself. I cover the bowl with a flat dish.

      I turn it over carefully. Without making the slightest effort, the salad with mushrooms and chicken is in its original form on the dish. Applause. Copperfield will tear his hair out of envy!

      Salad "Mushroom meadow". See everything without cheating! Looks like it, doesn't it, friends? I didn't lie to you about the salad. Come on, check it out and take it to Twitter with you! Let it overgrow with moss and let the roots go deeper. "Birds" will fly to the clearing, mushroom salad make your account famous.

      He laughed, boasted, he quickly grabbed the salad! I will, I will take out the mushrooms! I'll-I'll pull the grass out of the salad! Oh, and a delicious mushroom salad, and what an incomparable carrot! He took the fork and pulled out the mushroom, the green little meadow quickly emptied. Lettuce resisted me stubbornly, goodbye, goodbye mushroom you are my meadow!

      Attention-attention reminder sounds. On the culinary blog, the competition continues on this page, which is explained in detail!

      Salad with chicken "Mushroom glade"

      How to cook: Chicken Salad "Mushroom Glade" - recipe with photo.

      Salad "Mushroom meadow" or salad "Polyanka" - the recipe is simple, the taste is wonderful, and the main highlight is in the design. This salad looks very impressive on the festive table. After all, this is a real vegetable cake!

    • Mayonnaise ( better light) - 300 g (10 tablespoons)
    • Large carrots - 2-3 pcs. (200-250 g)
    • Large potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
    • Eggs - 4-5 pcs.
    • Cheese - 150 g
    • Chicken fillet - 250-300 g
    • Pickled mushrooms - 350-400 g
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Green onion - 1 bunch (50 g)
    • Salt (for meat) - 0.25 tsp
    • 2) put the chicken;

      4) prepare cheese, onions, mushrooms (10, 10, 20)