Home / Pies / Camping cuisine recipes. Complete list of trekking products, with example travel layouts

Camping cuisine recipes. Complete list of trekking products, with example travel layouts

I made a note that I think will be of interest to everyone who goes hiking. Some time ago, I became interested in reducing the weight of camping equipment. The point is to carry not a lot, and move quickly. For me, this was due, among other things, to a knee injury, when it became uncomfortable to carry heavy backpacks. But I will write more about easy walking sometime later, but for now I was puzzled by the question of what kind of cooking options there are on the hike. I read it, looked it up, conducted several experiments ...

It is clear that the basis of a hike is a bonfire. But it is not always possible to breed it. And quick hikes with light luggage dictate a different approach to food preparation. What if we save time and weight? Are there any lightweight and versatile cooking equipment? What else can you use to cook or warm up food on a hike? In this review, I summarize my experience with the desire to lighten the weight of the equipment as much as possible without giving up regular and hot meals.

On the wood.

1.Bonfire... But for this you need an ax, a saw and a system for attaching the pot - taganok or cables. The total weight is from 1.5 kg, and sometimes even more. The bar can be made on site - but this requires cutting fresh branches and time. You can put the pot directly on the wood - but you need to have a large diameter of wood. You can cover it with brushwood - but it's not very convenient. Total: a bonfire in a regular campaign is the most preferable option, but not universal. Firstly, to carry excess weight, which is noticeable during quick hikes with light weight. Secondly, it is not suitable in places where there is no firewood (mountains, coast).

I’ll make a reservation right away so that my position is clear: there is no substitute for a campfire on a campaign. But it is not necessary to tie cooking only to the fire. It is good to sit by the fire when there is such an opportunity. It's good to warm up by the fire. But hiking has a lot of options, and, frankly, such an opportunity is not always available. But you need to cook food regularly, and preferably hot.

3.Foldable stove... For example - from "Expedition". Folds compactly, weighs 535 grams with case. It is quite versatile: it can be heated with branches, wood chips, pine needles, cones, or dry fuel. Still not suitable for places where even wood chips are difficult to find, such as mountains. Features - smokes, like other wood-fired options. Therefore, for all its compactness, it cannot be used indoors or in a tent. It is necessary to constantly throw up fuel, constantly requires attention. Craftsmen make their own versions, in which compactness, light weight, and protection from the wind remain in common.

4.Homemade forced draft stoves(battery powered electric motor). I saw drawings and descriptions. I suppose they are convenient: the fact that the water boils faster and the fact that you can follow the process less. Sometimes they are combined with a kettle. I saw a photo where they cook on such a stove right on the boat during the trip.

Liquid fuel.

5.Gas-burner- the simplest and most familiar option. Pros - you can cook anywhere and anything (that is, you can cook for a long time, and not just heat or boil water). When to cook for big company- you can put two burners side by side and on them a large can of water. They come in different sizes and weights. If necessary, you can cook indoors and in a tent (in the vestibule). The bottom of the pot does not smoke! Cons: you need to carry fuel with you for the entire trip; it is difficult to calculate exactly the required amount of gas. Cheap cylinders (long) do not work well in subzero temperatures and in altitude conditions. Features - the less the weight of the burner, the less convenient it is to install and less efficient as a rule. For example, mine in the package weighs 635 grams with an adapter for long cylinders, while it is convenient. The use of an additional windscreen is desirable. You cannot take gas cylinders on the plane.

6.Multi fuel burner... Allows you to cook on both gas and gasoline - that is, fuel can potentially be found wherever there is a vehicle. The features are the same as for a gas burner. A modern, convenient replacement for primus stoves, which we don't even remember now. Cons - expensive to buy, you need to preheat and clean it periodically.

7.Alcohol lamp... It weighs very little. Even store options weigh about 100 grams, and homemade ones even less. The choice is small. Usually either from Tatonka or from a Swedish army bowler hat. More economical in terms of fuel consumption than gas. But it requires some "dancing with a tambourine" when firing up and preheating. Not very productive, so this option is suitable for one or two people, no more. Windscreen required.

Many people prefer not to buy alcohol lamps, but to make them on their own from two cans of soda or beer, 0.3 liters each. The procedure is not complicated and is described in detail on the Internet.

Dry fuel.

8.Dry fuel tablets... Like other dry fuel options, it is difficult to cook with them, rather you can bring water to a boil and brew food fast food... But they are compact, weigh almost nothing and can be used, including for kindling a fire. Not a bad alternative to other fuels for short and quick solo hikes when gear weight matters. Smoke and smell not too good, so cannot be used indoors or in a tent. The kettle is smoked.

Coasters for dry fuel combined with a pot and special stoves are also on sale.

9.Paraffin candle(with the burning of the entire surface of the candle). A very non-standard option. As practice has shown, it is not the most convenient. Smokes, smokes, performance is slightly inferior to dry fuel. But you can keep it in mind as, for example, a spare or emergency. Also works well with a homemade mini oven. About how to make a candle that burns over the entire surface and how to boil water on one candle - I wrote in the same story as a promini-stove.

10.Several candles(common use). This is an even more unusual option - I have never heard of anyone using it for cooking. And yet, experiments have shown that this option is potentially interesting, deserving the right to exist. After all, here the candles do not completely burn out, and just a few candles can be enough for the entire trip. True, it is very sensitive to the wind, so good protection is needed (a special screen, store or homemade). I will write more about this later.

Summary: I have not yet found an ideal and completely universal option. I know that the most beloved option by light-walkers is the spirit lamp. If possible, I will try. It would be interesting to try a forced-ventilation stove as well. The option with candles also needs further testing - it seems promising, but how convenient it will be in practice is still unknown. So far, personally, for hiking light, I stopped at reducing the weight of equipment for the fire (chain saw and knife) and using, depending on the route, either a gas burner or a folding stove. The rest of the options are interesting, but have not yet been tested enough by me to be used as the main one.

P.S. Some of the photos are not mine, but pulled from the Internet. Usually, when using other people's photos, I put a link. But it won't work here - I can't remember where I took each of the pictures. If there are authors, I will post a link, or, if necessary, remove the photo.

Potato soup with fresh meat
Boil meat broth. Chop the peeled onion, fry in oil or fat,
removed from the broth. Put chopped potatoes with fried onions
in boiling broth, add salt, Bay leaf, pepper and cook for 25 - 30 minutes.
Potato soup can be cooked not only in meat, but also in fish broth.
For 1.5 kg of meat - 3 kg of potatoes, 0.5 kg of onions, 6 tablespoons of oil.

Soup with canned meat or fish
Boil on water vegetable soup(potato, cabbage soup), as indicated above; put meat
(fish) canned food and let it boil.
It is recommended to add herbs (parsley, dill) before use.
For 3 cans of canned meat (beef, pork, lamb) or fish (pike perch, bream,
sturgeon) - 2 kg different vegetables, 5 - 6 liters of water, 5 tablespoons of oil.

Stock cubes 1 per person. Noodles or vermicelli 30 g each. Spices.
Butter (ghee) 1 tablespoon.
Dip the pre-mashed bouillon cubes into boiling water, stir.
Pour in noodles or noodles and cook the soup, stirring occasionally, for 15-20 minutes.
5 minutes before the end of cooking, add 1-2 tablespoons of dry vegetable seasoning
type "Appetite", "Veda" or "Yazhinka".
Do not salt the soup, as the bouillon cubes and seasoning contain salt.
Individual addition of soup is allowed.

Dumpling broth
Stock cubes, 4 per person. A glass of flour. Butter (ghee)
3 tablespoons. 1/2 tablespoon egg powder.
Pour a glass of water into a bowl, put oil, boil, throw half
bouillon cube, stir. Pour in the groats, stir, warm up for 1-2 minutes, and then,
after removing from heat, add egg powder and mix thoroughly.
Meanwhile, boil the amount of water required for the broth in a saucepan,
dip the pre-mashed bouillon cubes into boiling water, stir.
Into boiling broth small portions(1/4 tablespoon each) lower
cooked dough. Readiness - 2-3 minutes after the dumplings float.

Bean soup with meat
Canned meat 800 g Canned beans in tomato sauce 850-1000 g
Boiled-smoked brisket or loin 250 g. Spices. Salt to taste.
Dip finely chopped brisket or loin into boiling iodine, and then beans.
Let it boil for 5 minutes. Add meat, add 1 tablespoon of dry vegetable seasoning.
5 minutes after the next boiling, the soup is ready.
White bread rusks can be served with the soup.

Green cabbage soup with meat
Canned meat 500 g. Young nettle 400 g. Sorrel (or sorrel) 200 g.
Wheat flour 1 tablespoon. Fat 2 tablespoons. Spices.
1/2 teaspoon salt.
In a saucepan, boil water in the amount necessary to prepare the first
meals for the whole group.
Sort the nettles, rinse well, boil in boiling water until soft, put
on plywood, cut into small pieces. Temporarily drain the broth into another container.
Sort the sorrel, rinse, cut large leaves.
Melt the fat in a saucepan, put flour here and fry, stirring occasionally.
Then put the finely chopped nettle into a saucepan, mix well,
dilute with hot broth left over from cooking nettle.
Add bay leaves, pepper and cook for 15-20 minutes.
5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add sorrel leaves, salt,
as well as meat.

Green cabbage soup
Sort the nettle or sorrel, rinse well, put in a bucket, pour hot
water and bring to a boil. Then drain the water, squeeze the greens and chop finely.
Cut the onion into small wedges and fry, then add flour and fry
another 1-2 minutes.
Transfer the resulting dressing to a bucket, mix well, dilute with hot
meat broth, add bay leaf, pepper and cook for 15-20 minutes.
5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, put sorrel or nettle leaves and salt in a bucket.
TO green cabbage soup sour cream and hard-boiled eggs are recommended.
For 1.5 kg of meat - 1 kg of sorrel or nettle, 5 onions, 5 tablespoons of flour and
6 tablespoons of oil.

Canned meat 500 g. Rice 1 glass. Dried onions 30 g. Garlic 15 g.
Ghee (butter) 1 tablespoon. Tomato puree 2 tablespoons.
Spices. 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Dip the washed rice into a saucepan with boiling water. It should cook for 40-45 minutes.
During this time, lightly fry the tomato paste in a bowl in oil.
20 minutes before the end of cooking rice, put onion, crushed garlic in a saucepan,
black pepper (15-20 peas), hops - 1/3 teaspoon suneli, salt.
For 10 minutes add the fried tomato paste to the soup. For 5 minutes - meat.
It is very good if you can serve freshly picked wild garlic leaves with the soup.

Kharcho in a field
Dip the jerky in cold water, bring to a boil, season with salt and cook until
readiness (about 40 minutes).
Pour in wheat (or rice) groats. Lightly fry the onion and tomato in fat from
pork stew and put in the cauldron.
When everything is cooked, add pepper, sour berries (honeysuckle, lingonberries) or wild
apples, suneli hops and pork stew.
Boil for 3-4 minutes and remove from heat. Season the soup with crushed garlic, green
onions and tomato paste. After 10-15 minutes, the soup is ready.
For 1 mug jerky- 1 mug of cereal, 5 - 6 onions, 1 can (340 g)
pork stew, 200 g of tomato paste, 1 tablespoon of hops-suneli,
10 -12 cloves of garlic and 2 tablespoons of sour berries.

Semi-liquid dishes
Semi-liquid dishes (kulesh), in terms of density, occupy, as it were, an intermediate place between
soups and main courses. Tourists often call this dish "soup-porridge".
As it can replace a 2 course meal, which is related to fuel economy and
time, kulesh is often used in difficult tourist travel.
True, the density here is not achieved by special culinary arts, but simple
an increase in filler (cereals, pasta, legumes, canned vegetables
etc.), which does not always lead to the preservation of high taste.

Pea kulesh with brisket
Peas 500 g. Smoked brisket(loin) 300 g Dried onions 40 g.
Dried carrots 40 g. Tomato paste 1 tablespoon. Oil 3-4 tablespoons.
Wheat flour 1 tablespoon. Spices. Salt 1 teaspoon.
Cook the presoaked peas until half cooked (15-20 minutes).
Peel the brisket, cut out the bones, chop finely, fry together
with onion. Chop the carrots finely and fry over low heat with
tomato paste and butter.
Wheat flour fry with butter until light yellow, dilute with 2-3 cups
decoction of peas. Add fried brisket and cooked
tomato paste. Drain half-cooked peas from the pan onto cheesecloth, let the broth drain
and put in an empty saucepan again, adding bay leaves, 5-7 crushed slices
garlic, ground pepper, pour everything with the prepared sauce, mix well and
put on low heat, simmer until tender (about 15-20 minutes), periodically

Fish soup
Small fish 1.5-2 kg. Fish, large, 2.5-3 kg. Dried onions 30 g.
Dried carrots 50 g. Dried potatoes 200 g. Spices. 1/3 teaspoon salt.
Gut small fish, remove gills, rinse carcasses.
Divide all this fish into 3 parts. First, cook in boiling salted water
the first portion of fish ( small fish can be cooked with scales) for 20-25 minutes.
Then carefully pour the broth into another dish, discard the boiled fish,
and in the drained broth, cook the second, and then the third portions, each time draining
broth and throwing away the boiled fish.
Finally, put black pepper in boiling broth strained through cheesecloth
(10-12 peas), bay leaves, onions, carrots and potatoes, as well as prepared
pieces of large fish. After boiling again in 20-25 minutes, the ear is ready.
Individual supplement of the dish is possible.

Pour one and a half cups of pearl barley, millet or barley groats into boiling water,
toss in a few onions and black peppercorns, cut in half.
After 10 minutes, salt the broth and add coarsely chopped potatoes.
After another 5 - 10 minutes, lay the cleaned and washed fish.
In an almost finished fishmonger (the fish is not allowed to boil), a bay leaf is added.

The following are recipes for some outdoor dishes, mainly meat, fish, mushroom, as well as flour and sweet. The number of products is given for a group of 8-10 people.

Potato soup with fresh meat... Boil meat broth. Chop the peeled onion, fry in oil or fat removed from the broth. Put chopped potatoes with fried onions in a boiling broth, add salt, bay leaf, pepper and cook for 25-30 minutes. Potato soup can be cooked not only on meat, but also on fish broth... For 1.5 kg of meat - 3 kg of potatoes, 0.5 kg of onions, 6 tablespoons of oil.

Sort the nettle or sorrel, rinse well, put in a bucket, pour hot water and bring to a boil. Then drain the water, squeeze the greens and chop finely. Cut the onion into small slices and fry, then add flour and fry for another 1-2 minutes. Transfer the resulting dressing to a bucket, mix well, dilute with hot meat broth, add bay leaves, pepper and cook for 15-20 minutes. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, put sorrel or nettle leaves and salt in a bucket. Sour cream and hard-boiled eggs are recommended for green cabbage soup. For 1.5 kg of meat - 1 kg of sorrel or nettle, 5 onions, 5 tablespoons of flour and 6 tablespoons of oil.

Soup with canned meat or fish... Boil vegetable soup (potato, cabbage soup) in water, as indicated above; put canned meat (fish) and let it boil. It is recommended to add herbs (parsley, dill) before use. For 3 cans of canned meat (beef, pork, lamb) or fish (pike perch, bream, sturgeon) - 2 kg of various vegetables, 5-6 liters of water, 5 tablespoons of oil.

Soup with fresh mushrooms ... Peel and rinse fresh mushrooms (porcini, birch, boletus, etc.). Cut off the roots, chop and fry in oil. Fry the roots and onions separately. Cut the mushroom caps into slices, scald, drain the water. Transfer the mushrooms to a bucket, add water, cook for 40 minutes. Then put potatoes, fried mushroom roots, roots, onions, salt, pepper, bay leaf and cook for another 20-25 minutes. In ready mushroom soup add sour cream well. Soup with fresh mushrooms can be cooked on meat broth... For 2 kg of mushrooms - 3 kg of potatoes, 500 g of roots and onions, 6 tablespoons of oil.

Kharcho in a field... Dip the jerky in cold water, bring to a boil, salt and cook until tender (about 40 minutes). Pour in wheat (or rice) groats. Lightly fry the onion and tomato in the stewed pork fat and place in the cauldron. When everything is cooked, add pepper, sour berries (honeysuckle, lingonberries) or wild apples, hops-suneli and pork stew. Boil for 3-4 minutes and remove from heat. Season the soup with crushed garlic, green onions and tomato paste. After 10-15 minutes, the soup is ready. For 1 cup of jerky - 1 cup of cereal, 5-6 onions, 1 can (340 g) pork stew, 200 g of tomato paste, 1 tablespoon of suneli hops, 10-12 cloves of garlic and 2 tablespoons of sour berries. ...

« Conder"- thick hunting soup made from various products. Put a mug of cereal (any), young dandelion leaves, upper leaves of cow parsnip, sorrel in boiling water (6-8 l) and cook over low heat. When the groats begin to boil, add potatoes, onions, garlic, lingonberries, some canned meat, preferably pork, peeled game (black grouse, capercaillie, hazel grouse, partridge), salt. After 30-40 minutes add bay leaves and black pepper.

Rybnik... Pour one and a half cups of pearl barley, millet or barley groats into boiling water, throw a few onions and black peppercorns cut in half. After 10 minutes, salt the broth and add coarsely chopped potatoes. After another 5-10 minutes, lay the cleaned and washed fish. In an almost finished fishmonger (the fish is not allowed to boil), a bay leaf is added.

Ear in a pouch (from small fish)... Take a piece of clean gauze, put a small fish in it, put the four corners of the piece together and tie them with the end of a string. Tie the other end to the stick. Dip the bag of fish in boiling water, and put the stick with the ends on the edge of the bucket. The boiling water should completely cover the bag. When the fish is well boiled, remove the bag from the boiling water, empty, fill with fresh fish and put it back into the bucket. If you change the fish three or four times, you can get a delicious broth. Then put in it pieces of large fish, potatoes, onions, salt.

Ear on strings (from fish of medium size)... Clean the fish, gut and trim the fins. Then take a strong thread and cut it into pieces. Tie one end of the thread under the gills of the fish, and the other to the stick. Thus, 10-12 fish are suspended from the stick. After that, they are dipped into boiling water, and the stick, as in boiling fish soup in a bag, is placed at the ends on the edges of the bucket. When the fish is completely cooked, the meat falls off from it, and the bones remain hanging on strings.

Boiled fish... Pour enough water to cover the fish during cooking. For each liter, put a teaspoon of salt, half a carrot, an onion, 1-2 bay leaves and a little pepper. The fish can be cooked alone big chunk sludge cut into pieces of 75-100 g. Pieces weighing 0.5 kg should be put into cold water for cooking, and small pieces into boiling water. The fish should be well cooked. Pike perch, carp and pike in pieces of 100-150 g are cooked for 15-20 minutes. For 1.5 kg of fish, 2 kg of potatoes.

Fried fish... Cut large fish, so that it is evenly fried, cut into pieces, and small fry whole. Salt the prepared fish, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour, fry in a preheated pan until golden crust(first one, then the other side). Garnish - fried potatoes, buckwheat or barley porridge,

Baked fish... Remove scales from large fish, cut off the head and fins, remove the entrails, rinse. Sprinkle the carcass with salt on the inside, put butter and wrap it all in foil so that the juice does not flow out. Roast over the coals of a fire on a wire. This dish can be prepared in a different way. Coat the prepared fish (in scales) with clay and put in hot coals. When ready, the clay is broken off along with the scales.

Wash the lamb (pork), cut into small slices, soak in vinegar, sprinkle with pepper and alternate with coarsely chopped onion slices on wooden or metal skewers (ramrod, wire). It is necessary to fry the kebab over burning (without flame) coals for 15-20 minutes, turning the spit so that the lamb is cooked evenly. If there is no skewer, the kebab can be fried in a skillet (on the lid of the pot). For 2 kg of meat, 8 heads of onions, 400 g of green onions, 800 g of tomatoes, 2 lemons.

Fried game - quail, snipe, teal, woodcock... Remove feathers, starting from the neck, singe the remaining fluff (make sure that the carcass does not smoke). After singing, cut off the neck and legs and carefully gut. trying not to crush the gallbladder, thoroughly rinse the inside. Then lightly salt the game, put in a shallow saucepan or skillet preheated with oil and fry on all sides until golden brown... Cover the saucepan and fry the game over low heat, occasionally pouring oil. Roasting time for woodcocks, snipe and teal is 20-25 minutes, quail - 10-15 minutes.

Tortillas and bread... One or two tablespoons of dry yeast are poured into a quarter of a cup of warm water, a tablespoon of granulated sugar is added and placed in a warm place by the fire for 1-2 hours. The dough is kneaded in warm water (one part water for four parts flour) and left for several hours (usually until morning). Raw cakes should be no thicker than 1-2 cm. Before putting the cakes in a frying pan, put them briefly near the fire so that the dough rises. In the absence of a frying pan, use bucket lids, stones. It is also convenient to bake in large flat film tin cans. The boxes with the dough, filled up to half the volume, are closed with lids and covered with hot ash. Baking time 20-25 min.

Rake out the hot ash of the fire, put there washed but dried potatoes, cover with ash on top so that the potatoes do not protrude. Heat the coals over the ash. The potatoes will be ready in about an hour.

Potatoes with rabbit cabbage... Cook the peeled potatoes until tender, chop coarsely without cooling, sprinkle with chopped hare cabbage, salt and season with vegetable oil.

Mushroom pilaf... Dry the washed rice well in a skillet (boiler lid). Mushrooms suitable for frying, peel, rinse, scald with boiling water and chop. Melt the butter in the boiler. When it boils, add chopped onion and dry rice, then stir well. After 5 minutes, add the chopped mushrooms, salt, put black pepper, suneli hops, some sour berries (honeysuckle, lingonberry, cranberry). Put the cauldron on low heat (fire without flame) and stir the mixture continuously. After 10-15 minutes, add boiling water, mix everything well, bring to a boil (already at high fire) and put the kettle on low heat again for 30-40 minutes, close the lid and do not stir. For the dish, you can offer ground pepper, green onions. For 2 cups of rice, 3-6 cups of chopped mushrooms, 1 cup of ghee, 2 onions, 10-12 peppercorns, 1 tablespoon of suneli hops, 2-3 tablespoons of berries, 3 cups of boiling water.

Peel the mushrooms, rinse, scald with hot water and dry. Cut into large slices, salt and fry on all sides in a preheated skillet in oil. Then sprinkle with flour and fry again. 2 kg fresh mushrooms- 15-20 tablespoons of flour, 8-10 tablespoons of oil. You can fry mushrooms with potatoes, putting them in 10-15 minutes before the mushrooms are fried.

Baked burdock roots... Cut the thoroughly washed burdock roots into slices, salt and bake over a fire. The roots are even more delicious if you first boil them in salted water and fry them with butter in a pan.

Baked arrowhead... Bake arrowhead tubers in the ash of the fire. Consume hot with salt, after peeling off the thin skin.

For salad, you can use the leaves of lungwort, dandelion, burdock, hogweed, plantain, nettle, cuff, hare cabbage, young shoots of willow tea with leaves. These plants are finely cut, salt is added, vegetable oil... The addition of onions and sour cream is desirable. Before shredding, it is recommended to keep dandelion leaves in cold salted water for 30 minutes, burdock, hogweed, plantain, cuff, willow-tea - put in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, nettle - to boil for 5 minutes.

Boiled sverbiga... Pour boiling water over the washed stems of sverbig (wild or meadow radish), remove the peel, cut into slices 2-3 mm thick, salt to taste and season with vegetable oil. Serve with meat or fish dishes and as an independent dish.

Lingonberry salad... Ripe lingonberries are washed and baked in own juice 10-15 minutes in a pot over low fire. Ready salad sprinkle with granulated sugar and serve with meat, cereals, pancakes.

Burdock jam... Take half the weight of sorrel leaves for one weight of burdock roots, finely cut this mass and cook until tender (1-1.5 hours) in a small amount of water. The jam has an original sweet and sour taste.

Sugar hogweed... Peel the hogweed stems, cut into pieces 1-3 ohms long and cook in thick sugar sypone for 10 minutes. Remove from syrup, air dry. Serve as a sweet dish and for tea. For 2 kg of stalks, 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water.

Taiga cake. Cover the red currant with sugar in advance for 6-10 hours. Roast rye bread crumbs in a pan, stirring constantly; add lightly toasted pine nuts and salt a little. Heat the jar with condensed cream (milk) in hot water... Combine hot rye crumbs with warm condensed milk, mix well and divide the mass in half. Put the first layer of the mass on a baking sheet, put the cooked berries on it, put the second layer on top. Decorate the cake with small rye crumbs, toasted pine nuts, berries and place in a cool place. After 1-2 hours, the cake is ready. You need 5-6 cups of rye crumbs, 1 can of condensed milk, 1 cup of berries, 1 cup of pine nuts.

Forest currant drink. Freshly picked currants are cleaned, washed, allowed to drain, knead, fill with warm water (3 liters per 1.5 kg of berries), then filtered through two layers of gauze. 800 g of sugar are added to the filtered juice, mixed and cooled. Served cold, or with condensed milk.

Rusk porridge... A little water is poured into a bowl with white breadcrumbs and heated over a fire so that the breadcrumbs become soft and warm. Then add oil and mix.

Cold porridge made from rusks... Prepared - in the absence of a fire - from rusks mixed with condensed milk with the addition of cocoa.

Snow ice cream... Take fine-grained or freshly fallen snow (firn is not good), stir thoroughly and grind with condensed milk. Sugar, cocoa, fruit juice (extract) are added to taste.

If you take a pack of brine cheese such as feta, feta cheese, fetax, etc. on a hike, you can cook a very simple, but also very delicious salad(or appetizer) of tomatoes! Pickled cheese it is well stored in a vacuum package, but how it can be used to diversify your camp table - this recipe will tell you.

I cooked this cabbage pie on a raft, and baked it in an oven made of stones. In short, this camping baked goods are prepared like this: start yeast dough, in a cauldron we stew cabbage with carrots and onions. We heat our stone oven well with wood. We form a pie from the dough and cabbage, then bake it until golden brown.

I cooked this pizza with sausage on a raft. The value of this recipe is that baked goods are prepared in only one pan without the use of ovens and other benefits of civilization. In short, we need to knead unleavened dough, make a sauce from ketchup and mayonnaise, use thinly sliced ​​tomatoes and sausage for the filling.

It is not a recipe that is written here, but simply the very idea of ​​serving pancakes cooked in a campaign on the water. As it turned out, pancakes with blueberry jam and condensed milk on the 7th day of the hike are so delicious that I decided to just let everyone know about it!

On a hike, I very often try to cook cabbage soup, because it is very homemade soup... And if there are no problems on rafting with this soup, then for a hike, fresh cabbage soup is a whole event, since as a rule, cabbage is worn on a hike exclusively in a dried state. Here I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipe for cabbage soup cooked from fresh cabbage, dressing for sour cabbage soup and stew.

For those who like to get out on the rafting, I want to tell you the recipe for cabbage soup, made from fresh cabbage. To do this, I took the finest, the freshest cabbage, dried herbs, dried bell pepper, which I boiled in a large marching cauldron and, after cooking, mixed with roast from fresh tomatoes, carrots, onions and cans of stew. It was delicious and very satisfying, which is a big plus for any field soup.

When you are not the first (and not even the second or third) day on the hike, you begin to understand that you want something that is usually not cooked during the hike, for example, fatty (in a good way) and rich shurpa from lamb stew. Well, since the guys wanted a shurpa, it means you need to cook it, but since you are on a hike, you need to cook a shurpa from the available products.

When going on a hike, you can take a couple of packages of semi-finished mashed potatoes with you, and after slightly modifying it, get a very tasty and interesting side dish. In a nutshell, for such a transformation of an ordinary mashed potato diluted with water, it is enough to add a little milk powder when diluting the powder, beat the mashed potatoes well, and then season the whole thing with onions fried in a small amount of oil.

I cooked this soup with mushrooms on a hike, when we were lucky enough to find some butter in the taiga. Before preparing the soup, the mushrooms were boiled to get rid of the bitterness. Prepared boletus was thrown into a pot, where one of the most "hiking" soups available to almost every tourist was prepared from them, potatoes and fried (made from onions and carrots).

On a hike, it is not so often possible to make a salad, but if you took small forks of fresh cabbage with you on a hike and you managed to collect flasks, you can make such a salad. To prepare it, you need to finely chop the cabbage and wild garlic (this is another name for the flask), mash them with a little salt, season with mayonnaise and serve the salad to the table.

The simplest hiking flask salad that any tourist knows. The flask needs to be cleaned, cut, salt, filled with a little vegetable oil and served on the camp table!

A simple hiking pea and cabbage salad to prepare both at home and on the go. In order to prepare fresh cabbage salad, we need a tomato, a can of green peas, an onion and, of course, cabbage. You can also add to the salad any vegetables that you have with you on hand during the hike. This salad is very nutritious and contains a huge amount of vitamins. It will be a wonderful addition to any travel table. I also want to note that the amount of vegetables is taken based on the number of people.

Recipe vegetable stew from eggplant. Like any camping dish, it is very simple to prepare: we clean and chop vegetables, fry in a small amount of vegetable oil onion, toss eggplants to the onion, then carrots, herbs, garlic and simmer everything until cooked.

If on the rafting you have an abundance of vegetables and have a pack of feta cheese and a can of olives with you, you can please your fellow hikers like this Greek salad... The salad is full of vitamins, but all the unusualness of this dish is the place of its preparation. You can't find such a salad every time you hike !?

Tomatoes with cheese and garlic are a simple outdoor snack that cooks very quickly. The basis of this dish is smoked sausage cheese(which is well kept in field conditions), and of course, tomatoes. To cook tomatoes with cheese, you just need to grate the cheese with garlic, season them with mayonnaise, and spread the resulting cheese mass on top of the tomato circles. In this form, tomatoes with cheese and garlic are served on the camp table.

Camping food is a kind of Spartan version of city food. The main criterion here is weight. And if we take into account that on average, on a hike, one person takes 600 grams of food for every day, then in the first days of a 10-day hike, in addition to equipment, he will have to carry about 6 kg of food.

Therefore, when compiling the list, preference is given to the lightest and most compact products: cereals, nuts, energy bars, as well as dried / freeze-dried vegetables and fruits. Dried vegetables and fruits are easy to cook at home, in a conventional oven or in an electric dryer. After drying, their weight decreases by 10-50! times and recovers well during cooking. If you don’t want to cook yourself, you can buy ready-made freeze-dried meals and ingredients at any of a dozen companies that produce freeze-dried substances, for example, in “Gala-Gala”.

Basic trekking products

  • cereals in grains (buckwheat, rice, lentils, barley grits);
  • cereals in flakes (rolled oats, corn);
  • stew in vacuum bags;
  • biscuits or crackers;
  • salt;
  • sugar.

The most complete list of products

  • dry spices (hops-suneli, Provencal herbs, etc.);
  • vegetable oil;
  • hard cheese;
  • uncooked smoked sausages;
  • coffee / cocoa;
  • powdered milk;
  • egg powder;
  • mayonnaise;
  • condensed milk in bags;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • chocolate and energy bars (snickers, mars, twix, etc.);
  • halva and kozinaki;
  • lollipops;
  • sweet cookies;
  • lemon;
  • garlic;
  • dried fruits (dates, prunes, dried bananas and apples, dried apricots, raisins);
  • nuts (hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, almonds);
  • candied fruit;
  • ketchup in bags;
  • lard, sujuk, basturma;
  • pasta (someone takes, someone does not);
  • Doshirak (convenient in a small group);
  • mashed potatoes;
  • freeze-dried foods.

"Never miss a meal, even if you're dead tired - that's an axiom on a hike."

What food is not worth taking on a hike

  • do not take heavy and low-calorie food containing a lot of liquid on the track;
  • perishable foods;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits (of course, there are exceptions);
  • juices;
  • food in heavy containers or glass.

Water and hiking drinks

Be sure to bring your personal plastic container with you. The ideal individual water container is a 1.5 plastic bottle. It is convenient to replenish it in rivers and springs.
In the camp, mainly black tea is prepared, which can be varied by adding young cedar cones, rose hips, etc. Coffee and cocoa are prepared less often, besides, cocoa is a drink that is difficult to drink.

Classic breakfast, lunch and dinner on the hike

The classic writing technique is rather modest and looks something like this for a large group.

  • Breakfast. Porridge with cereals or flakes with raisins, biscuits with cheese or sausage, tea / coffee / cocoa.
  • Snack lunch. Biscuits with cheese or sausage, dried fruits and nuts, energy bars.
  • Lunch at the camp. Soup + biscuits with something, tea.
  • Dinner. Cereal porridge with stew, biscuits with cheese or sausage, tea.

Of course, the menu can be varied for a small group. For a large one for 15-20 people, it is rather difficult. In a small group, for a quick breakfast and dinner, it is convenient to use packaged cereals (such as "Uvelka"), which are enough to pour boiling water over.

What is better to take for an afternoon snack

For a one-day hike, it will not be difficult to compose a “tasty” snack menu. For a multi-day hike, it is pretty monotonous and differs only in chocolate bars.

  • biscuits with hard cheese or raw smoked sausage;
  • dried fruits and nuts;
  • candied fruit;
  • energy bars (Mars, Snickers, Bounty, Twix, etc.).

Calculation of products per person. Tourist layout

Layout - a food set for one of the meals for the whole group. Knowing the route, the size of the group, the duration of daily transitions and days of rest, you can decide on a set of products in the layouts for breakfast, lunch and dinner. On the packaging of each layout, the day and type of food intake is indicated. This ensures a balanced menu for the entire trip.

How much food to take

Depends on the complexity of the hike. On average, 500 to 800 grams of uncooked (dry) food per person per day.

Layout example

Approximate weight of products to be laid out.

After the menu for the day has already been drawn up, multiply the weight of the food for each meal by the number of hikers.

Porridge is the most main food on a hike.

Products Weight in grams
(for one adult tourist, for one meal)
Cereals 80-100
Hercules and other flakes 60-80
Mashed potatoes 60-80
Hard cheese 30-40
Lard / basturma 20-40
Smoked sausage 30-40
Stew 50-60
Dried meat 20-25
Powdered milk 20-30
Candied fruit 20-30
Nuts 15-30
Dried fruits 40-50
Chocolate bars 50-60
Biscuits / croutons 40-50
Pasta 90-110
Semolina 50-60
Garlic 5-10
Lemon 5
Products Weight in grams
(per tourist per day)
Salt 5-7
Sugar 20-30
Tea 8-10
Spices 5-10

When drawing up the layout, take into account the possible allergic intolerance of some products by the participants in the hike and the presence of vegetarians.

What you need to consider in the layout for children

  • take care of the obligatory hot meals;
  • add additional vitamins and proteins to the menu;
  • portions in the layout for preschoolers can be safely halved, except for sweets.

The video shows an example tourist layout... It tells about cereals and freeze-dried foods.

More than a dozen companies produce freeze-dried products in Russia.

During sublimation, most of the moisture is removed by a vacuum method, but at the same time all taste qualities, color, minerals and trace elements. The weight of the products is reduced by 5-10 times. Then everything is packed in vacuum bags.

Range of products and ready meals wide enough, up to sublimated pickled cucumbers, sour cream, shrimp and omelet.

How to store and pack your food while hiking

Usually everything is packaged and packed in plastic bags, preferably in two or three. Someone prefers to pack in airtight plastic containers... Liquid products are best poured from factory packaging into soda bottles.

In the camp for the safety of food from animals, at night it is better to put it in strong plastic containers or hang it in a backpack on a tree. In no case should food be left overnight near or in a tent, in places where bears are found.

"Right" food on the track. What is "fast" and "slow sugar"

During the hike, our body needs a fairly serious energy supply. The main help here is provided by carbohydrates, which are contained in all foods, but play a different role. As soon as we eat something, "fast" or "slow sugar" begins to enter the bloodstream. "Fast sugar" gives an instant burst of energy, and "slow" comes in gradually, over several hours and stably maintains our energy level.

  • TO " quick sugars»Include many sweets, foods high in starch, cookies, sweet fruits.
  • Slow sugars include many cereals and cereals, pasta, non-starchy vegetables, mushrooms, and unsweetened fruits.

Boiled or baked vegetables have a higher glycemic index, which means they contain more sugar than fresh ones.

When choosing food for a hike, focus on cereals, in particular, buckwheat - this is an ideal source of energy and trace elements. And the monotony of cereals is brightened up with spices and fire smoke.