Home / Bakery / There was a milk soup that can be prepared from. Milk soups - detailed and delicious cooking recipes with step by step photos (for children and adults)

There was a milk soup that can be prepared from. Milk soups - detailed and delicious cooking recipes with step by step photos (for children and adults)

Probably every mother knows the recipe for milk soup. But does everyone get it right the first time? Which milk is better to choose? What kind and how much pasta to fill up so that the soup is not too thick? How long to cook? Today we will try to find answers to all these questions.

General principles of preparation

You can cook soup with ordinary store-bought vermicelli or with homemade noodles. Pasta is better to choose high-quality, preferably from flour durum varieties- these will not fall apart when cooked and will not turn into sticky porridge. You can buy ordinary small vermicelli or ultra-thin, the so-called "spider line", which is prepared literally in a matter of seconds.

Milk suitable normalized 2.5% and 3.2%, which is sold in packages. You can use whole, but only diluted in water. Suitable and baked milk, which can be purchased at the store or melted independently at home. Here it is important to pay attention to the fat content of milk. The higher the percentage of fat, the more calories the soup will turn out. Very fatty store and even more so homemade milk be sure to dilute with water, especially if you are preparing children's soup.

Correct Proportions

In order for the soup with noodles boiled in milk to turn out tasty and tender, you need to correctly calculate the proportions. The soup should not be too thick. Therefore, you need to add pasta exactly as much as indicated in the recipe. You can pour a little less, but not more, because when cooking, the dough swells a lot, absorbs liquid and increases in volume. The optimal amount of vermicelli for milk soup is 0.5 cups (volume 200 ml) per 1 liter of milk.

    1. Choose the right dishes. To avoid burning, it is best to cook in a saucepan or in a saucepan with a thick bottom and be sure to over low heat.
    1. Don't let the milk burn. So that nothing burns, you should not move far from the pan. Stir the dish constantly during cooking. Burns out most often whole milk, therefore, to prepare milk soups with vermicelli, it must be diluted with water. You can also use this trick: first pour cold water into the bottom of the pan, and only then add milk in a thin stream.
    1. Pour vermicelli only into boiling liquid. There are several ways to prepare milk soups, but general rule says that pasta should be dipped only in boiling milk, stirring constantly so that the vermicelli do not clump and stick together.
    1. Be careful not to overcook the pasta. As a rule, vermicelli cooks very quickly, a little more than a minute. Therefore, you can remove the soup from the stove almost immediately after boiling, as soon as the vermicelli reaches half-cooked. While the soup is cooling, it will absorb some of the hot liquid, become softer and at the same time not boil.
    1. If you like thick milk soup, like jelly, add a little starch to it (0.5 tsp per 1 liter of milk). To do this, separately dissolve the starch in a cup of cold milk, pour in at the very end of cooking, 2-3 minutes before readiness, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

Some housewives cannot cook vermicelli in milk, it remains raw and hard, and the milk burns. What to do in this case? The problem is solved simply. Cook the vermicelli in boiling salted water like regular pasta until fully prepared by following the instructions on the package. Then recline in a colander so that all the liquid is glassed, and immediately add to boiling milk, boil the soup and remove from heat.


  • milk - 400 ml
  • water - 100 ml
  • vermicelli - 50 g
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 chip.
  • butter - 1 tsp
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife - optional

Total prep time: 10 minutes / Prep time: 5 minutes / Yield: 2 servings


    The technology is very simple. I take a bucket with a thick bottom and non-stick coating. I pour cold water into it first, and then milk. If you have store-bought milk with a fat content of 2.5%, then you can not dilute it, but just rinse the ladle with water. I definitely dilute whole and very fatty, then the soup will turn out more tender and will not burn.

    I put the ladle on the stove, on the smallest fire. Stir constantly so that it doesn't burn and run away. As soon as the milk warms up, I send a piece there. butter I let it dissolve. Of course, you can add oil at the very end or completely exclude it from the list of ingredients if you are cooking for kids.

    Patiently bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, I add salt - just 1-2 tiny pinches will greatly improve the taste of the soup. I immediately add granulated sugar, as well as vanillin on the tip of a knife for a pleasant aroma. If you have durum flour vermicelli, then sugar can be added at the very end of cooking, then the soup will definitely not burn.

    I pour vermicelli into boiling milk, slowly and carefully, stirring the soup so that it does not stick together and one lump does not form. I measure the norm of pasta by handfuls. For 500 ml of liquid I take 1 large handful, from the heart, this is about 50 grams.

    I continue to cook over low heat, stirring, no more than 1 minute. It all depends on the type of pasta. If you have a Spider Web, then remove it from the stove immediately after boiling, cover with a lid and wait a couple of minutes, it will evaporate on its own. Hard varieties need to be cooked a little longer and tasted “by the tooth”, inside the vermicelli should be soft, but not overcooked. Keep in mind that it will swell in hot liquid and still reach the condition.

Once the soup has cooled down a bit, ladle it into bowls. The soup is delicious, be prepared for the kids to ask for more! You can adjust the amount of sugar or add honey instead. Bon Appetit!

Milk soup with vermicelli is a dish that for many remains only a memory of early childhood and is perceived exclusively as children's food. After all, the combination of pasta with milk and sugar seems to be a rather unusual undertaking, suitable only for an inexperienced children's taste. Of course, such a milk soup cannot be perceived as a traditional first course for lunch, but it may well serve as an excellent substitute for our usual cereals. The taste, composition and technology of cooking this dish practically do not differ from viscous milk porridges, not to mention the fact that pasta is the same grain product as rice, oats, buckwheat and other cereals.

Milk soup is so quick and easy to prepare that it will give odds to most popular cereals and can become great breakfast both on hectic weekdays and on a leisurely day off. In terms of its nutritional properties, it is in no way inferior to traditional cereal dishes, since wheat contains a lot of valuable fiber, vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for our health. Like other milk porridges, this dish can satisfy hunger for a long time and supply the body with energy for active mental and physical activities for several hours.

This sweet vermicelli soup Chik is perfect for feeding large and small children, because they almost always eat it with great appetite, combining both pleasure and benefit in one a simple dish. Most adults are also able to appreciate the delicate milky taste and thick rich texture of this soup, so there is nothing wrong with including it in your diet from time to time as a delicious and healthy breakfast for the whole family. Try to cook milk soup with noodles for children and adults, and you will certainly appreciate this time-tested and sometimes undeservedly forgotten recipe!

Useful information

How to cook vermicelli milk soup - a classic milk soup recipe for children and adults with step by step photos


  • 800 ml milk
  • 200 ml water
  • 100 g vermicelli (8 tablespoons)
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 10 g butter
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife


1. In order to prepare milk soup with noodles, pour water into a saucepan and put it on medium heat.

Advice! For the preparation of dairy dishes, it is necessary to use metal, ceramic or cast-iron dishes with a thick bottom, which will help prevent the milk from burning. An enamel pan is not very suitable for this.

2. When the water is hot, add a piece of butter and wait until it has completely melted.

Comment! Oil can also be added to already ready meal or even in each individual serving to taste. But if you put it at the beginning of cooking, it will help reduce the formation of foam on the surface of the milk.

3. Pour cold milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil over medium heat.

Comment! Milk soup is always boiled with a mixture of milk and water, which can be taken in different proportions. Dilution of milk, firstly, helps prevent burning of the dish, secondly, reduces the fat content of this soup and, thirdly, speeds up the cooking of noodles, since pasta is cooked rather poorly in pure milk.

4. After boiling, add salt, sugar and a small pinch of vanillin to the milk, if desired.

5. Gradually pour the vermicelli into the boiling milk, vigorously stirring the soup with a spoon while adding it. In the first minutes after adding the vermicelli, the soup also needs to be stirred frequently, as raw vermicelli sticks together into lumps very easily, which makes it not very attractive and greatly slows down the boiling inside.

6. Cook milk soup on small fire with a slight boil for 5 - 7 minutes until the vermicelli is ready. Cover the finished soup with a lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes before serving.

Advice! Traditionally, small vermicelli is put as a filling in sweet milk soup, but if you didn’t have it in the house or you prefer more solid pasta, then you can put any pasta to your taste - noodles, horns, spaghetti broken into several parts, etc. e. It is advisable to give preference to pasta made from durum wheat, as they make the dish less nutritious and more healthy than products made from premium baking flour.

Delicious and very tender milk soup with noodles should be served hot or warm, adding a piece of butter to each plate if desired. It is better to eat it all at once and not leave it for the next day, as vermicelli tends to swell in milk and lose their taste properties. Bon Appetit!

How to cook diet milk soup with vermicelli

Milk soup with vermicelli has a fairly low calorie content, which is 103 kcal per 100 g of the finished dish. This makes it a good food for maintaining slimness and diet food. To further reduce the calorie content of milk soup, it is recommended:

1. Use to cook it skimmed milk diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

2. Reduce the amount of sugar in the dish or replace it with jam or honey.

3. Completely refuse to add butter.

4. Choose vermicelli or other pasta only grade A from durum wheat.

Affordable and easy way to cook healthy breakfast or lunch - cook milk soup. The dish is practically vegetarian, because vegetable ingredients are used in its preparation, the exception is butter with milk. It is useful to introduce it into children's diet, and in the adult menu. But in order for the soup to turn out to be truly nutritious and tasty, you need to know some culinary tricks.

General principles

If the hostess decided to learn how to cook milk soup with vermicelli, then it all starts with studying the components of this dish. Any vermicelli is suitable for cooking: stars, horns, gossamer. If there is no small noodles, then they even take ordinary pasta, break them and also add them to milk. If you do not want too sugary taste, the last component is diluted with water. This technique facilitates the cooking process - the contents of the pan will not burn.

For a vegetarian soup, pasta made from durum wheat is suitable. They do not stick out during cooking, do not turn into mashed potatoes, elasticity and shape are preserved. Of course, you need to know how much vermicelli should be cooked, for example, a minute is enough for a thin cobweb. It is poured into milk broth, covered with a lid and after a minute removed from the stove, leaving to languish for five minutes. The following ratio of components is considered optimal: part of dry products to three parts of liquid.

Since childhood, many have known the taste of milk noodles, but not everyone knows how to cook it. The classic recipe was used to feed children at school or at home. Vermicelli soup perfectly saturates, gives vivacity and energy. It can be prepared with the addition of potatoes, pumpkin, eggs, raisins and other dried fruits. It is even served as a sweet snack - it all depends on the method of preparation. It is better to learn how to cook milk noodles in several ways, so that there is always an opportunity to please loved ones with a new interesting combination.

Classic recipe

Milk soups are common options for children's breakfasts. Vermicelli is easily absorbed by the body, giving it strength, filling it with energy. They can also have a snack for an afternoon snack, it is enough to diversify the food fresh berries, jam, all kinds of sweet sauces, condensed milk. If you need to boil the soup classic recipe, then take the following set of products:

  • half a liter of water;
  • one and a half liters of milk;
  • five tablespoons of vermicelli;
  • two spoons of sugar;
  • a piece of butter (butter is taken).

The water is boiled, salted to taste and the vermicelli is poured in for a couple of minutes, then it is thrown into a colander. They are waiting for the milk to boil, if necessary, salt and lay the pasta for another two minutes. Before serving, the soup is seasoned with a piece of butter and a small amount of sugar.

This variant has a creamy starchy taste. It is loved by many children due to its thick consistency. And adults like this dish for great benefits paired with ease of preparation. To fully reveal the taste, onions are added. Then the aroma is very rich. If the child does not like the onion pieces in the dish, then they are simply removed before serving. From the ingredients take:

  • milk (about a liter);
  • half a glass of vermicelli;
  • two potatoes;
  • bulb;
  • butter.

So, a centimeter of water is poured into the bottom of the pan. Next, all the milk is boiled, stirring constantly to avoid burning. The potatoes are peeled, cut into slices and poured into milk along with chopped onions. Potatoes are cooked until soft, then they are pulled out and kneaded with a pusher or fork, returned to the bowl. Bring to a boil, add pasta and cook for another three minutes. Before serving, the resulting porridge is seasoned with butter and a pinch of salt. It's so easy to learn how to make vermicelli milk soup, which is incredibly rich and flavorful.

With added eggs

This vermicelli soup is made with thin egg noodles. It turns out almost mashed potatoes, which can be served for lunch or dinner as self-dish. The soup saturates the body well, looks very appetizing and its aroma is very tempting. Even a child will be happy to taste such a dish, which can be prepared from the following products:

It's time to learn how to cook vermicelli for this dish!

Milk is boiled, mixed with sugar, salt to taste. After boiling, add the noodles and mix. Lightly beat the eggs with a fork and carefully pour into the milk broth. Boil for three minutes, stirring the contents of the pan regularly. Served traditionally with butter.

Milk pumpkin soup

This vegetarian soup has an attractive bright color. The thick consistency is great for saturating. A positive color is given to the dish not only by pumpkin slices, but also by carrots, which are mixed with potatoes for richness. If the dish is prepared for adults, then milk can be added nutmeg and turmeric. Due to this, spicy notes will appear. . Prepared from the following components:

  • half a liter of milk;
  • two potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin - about 120 g;
  • a pinch of vermicelli;
  • sugar.

Vegetables are washed, peeled and cut into strips. Place in a saucepan, cover with water and boil until soft. Milk is brought to a boil, pasta is boiled for four minutes. Ready vegetables are mashed to a state of puree and mixed with soup. If you get a thick consistency, then you can add vegetable broth. Warm up and serve to the table, seasoning with a small amount of sugar.

If the dish is served to a child, then you can take vanilla sugar or sprinkle the resulting thick soup top with a pinch of cinnamon.

diet option

This recipe will be very useful for those who have vascular, liver, and stomach diseases. The benefits are invaluable, because the milk on the walls of the stomach is able to form a protective film, preventing acid from entering the esophagus. This dish has low calorie and is often included in therapeutic diets that are prescribed to people to recover from any illness. But for patients with lactose intolerance, this soup is contraindicated. You can prepare it from the following products:

  • half a liter of low-fat milk;
  • half a glass of small vermicelli;
  • a couple of tablespoons of water, sugar;
  • salt.

Pour a little water into the bottom of the pan, pour in the milk and bring to a boil. At this stage, sugar and salt are added to taste. Add pasta and stir constantly for about five minutes. Then they insist for a couple of minutes under the lid and pour into plates.

With rice and oatmeal

In the rice version, you can add blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. They will give the dish a sweetish taste, becoming great alternative sugar. For cooking, take the following ingredients:

  • a liter of milk;
  • half a glass of rice;
  • salt, favorite berries.

The milk is boiled. Salt. The grits are first sorted and washed, then they are thrown into a saucepan and boiled over low heat for fifteen minutes. The selected berries are washed and spread over rice. You can even take frozen products. Bring to a boil again and cook for another five minutes. Then a piece of butter is added and sent to the table.

No less tasty will be the option with oatmeal.

Nutritionists advise preparing such a soup by first boiling the cereal in water. But this condition is optional. Soup can be cooked immediately with milk. Milk breeding option allowed plain water, for this, two parts of milk are diluted with a part of water. The selected liquid is brought to a boil, sugar and salt are added to taste. The flakes are sorted out, the rubbish that comes across is thrown away and washed thoroughly. Add to saucepan and cook for twenty minutes. Oat milk soup is also served with a piece of butter.

Cheese with milk

A great replacement for the usual vermicelli soup. If you don’t like the taste of cheese, then you can always replace it with cocoa powder, chocolate chips, berries or your favorite fruits. From all this the nutritional value meals will only increase.

Preparing is very simple, as with all other recipes. A liter of milk is brought to a boil, the vermicelli is boiled separately until half cooked, washed in hot water and transfer to milk. Wait until it boils again, add sugar and salt.

The finished soup is poured into plates and generously sprinkled with grated cheese on top. And you can already decorate to your taste: pieces of fruit, berries, etc.

For true gourmets

If simple recipes pall, then you can resort to a more complex and sophisticated: cook soup with coconut milk. Certainly, much more ingredients are required:

  • half a kilo of white fish;
  • half a liter of coconut milk;
  • a glass of rice noodles;
  • king prawns - 200 g;
  • chili pepper;
  • ginger root, lime or lemon juice, fish Thai or soy sauce, sugar - to taste.

The fish fillet is washed and put in a saucepan, poured with a liter cold water and bring to a boil. Cook for about half an hour at a low boil. Shrimps are first thawed, cleaned of tails, shells and heads. The pepper is washed. Cut into two parts and grind each, if the seeds are very sharp, then they need to be removed. fish broth filter through a sieve, cut the fillet into small pieces. Chili peppers are fried in oil. Then pour in the broth and stir.

Next add coconut milk, grated ginger root, and after five minutes of low boiling, goes into the soup fish fillet with shrimps. Boil for five minutes, pour in soy sauce, lemon juice, sugar. rice noodles separately pour boiling water for ten minutes or cook according to the instructions on the package, cut into several parts, laid out on portioned plates, pour coconut milk soup on top.

This kitchen appliance will facilitate the process of preparing many dishes, vermicelli milk soup is no exception. The dish itself is easy to diversify by adding dried, fresh fruits, dumplings. A delicious dish comes out without additions, it is suitable for breakfast if served with a piece rye bread. In a slow cooker, the cooking process is simplified, you only need to prepare all the products, and she herself will bring everything to the end and will not allow dairy products to burn. The set of ingredients is quite modest:

  • half a liter of milk;
  • three spoons of vermicelli;
  • butter, sugar.

First, milk is poured into the bottom of the multicooker bowl and brought to a boil (“Frying” or “Multi-cook” mode). Next, add pasta, add butter and sugar, mix. Set the temperature to 120 degrees. The mode can be “Multi-cook”, “Milk porridge”, “Steamed” - depends on the model of the device. Cook for ten minutes, and after the beep, mix the contents of the bowl with a silicone spatula.

cooking secrets

These recipes will be useful for the hostess who prefers to serve healthy and delicious dishes. At the same time, there are culinary tricks that help make the dish perfect:

According to any of the recipes, vermicelli soup turns out to be fragrant, satisfying and nutritious. Definitely worth cooking classic version, and already on its basis, you can come up with other interesting flavor combinations.

Attention, only TODAY!

Milk soup with vermicelli is a wonderful nutritious breakfast for the whole family, which successfully replaces cereals, it is a healthy, sparing lunch or dinner for people on health diets and for weight loss. Milk soups are recommended in many nutrition systems for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system. This is probably one of those dishes about which we can say that there is practically no harm from them, but only one benefit. Except in cases of lactose intolerance.

For many, it is no secret that milk soup with vermicelli is considered more of a children's dish. Suffice it to recall its stable presence in the menu of kindergartens. And there is a completely logical explanation for this, it is useful and children love it. After all, most of it is a sweet soup.

Adults may well cook it without sugar if it suits their taste or the dish should be as dietary as possible. You can also use low fat milk.

Milk vermicelli soup recipe

To prepare vermicelli milk soup, you will need for one serving:

  • milk - 1 glass,
  • small vermicelli for soups - 1 tablespoon,
  • water - 20-30 grams,
  • butter - a teaspoon,
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Multiply these components by the number of family members who will eat the soup.


It would seem that milk soup with vermicelli is the simplest dish and there are no difficulties in its preparation. So it is, but I will share with you a few little secrets that are sure to come in handy and make it easier to prepare this soup.

Small and thin soup vermicelli are most suitable for soup. Sometimes it is also called "spider line". This vermicelli is different in that it cooks very quickly, which reduces the cooking time of the soup to almost ten minutes. Who wouldn't like this quick breakfast when the whole family is in a hurry to school and work.

If you use just such vermicelli, then the recipe is simple:

  1. Pour some water into the bottom of a saucepan or ladle. This is done so that the milk does not burn.
  2. Pour the milk into the water and heat it until it is about to boil.
  3. As soon as bubbles begin to actively rise from the bottom, but extensive foam from boiling has not yet formed, lay the vermicelli.
  4. Reduce heat and simmer while stirring for about 3 minutes.
  5. In the process, add sugar and a pinch of salt. The salt helps to balance the flavor of the soup without making it salty. Add sugar according to your preference. This is easy to understand by how sweet you like to drink tea or coffee, for example. If you put two teaspoons in a cup of tea, then in a glass of milk in soup, you can put the same amount.
  6. 3-5 minutes after laying the vermicelli, remove the saucepan from the heat, put butter in the soup and cover with a lid. Let the milk soup stand for 5 minutes, maximum 10 minutes. During this time, the vermicelli will finally soften and become saturated with milky taste.
  7. Milk soup can be served on the table. Eat it warm.

By the way! I don’t know about your childhood, but mine had such wonderful pasta as flowers. My mother often cooked milk soups for us and chicken broths with these little flower vermicelli. If now you find these flowers in the store, then feel free to cook milk soup with them according to the recipe with vermicelli. They also boil very quickly and are sure to please the children.

Milk soup with pasta

There are slight differences in how milk soup is prepared with other pasta. Unlike thin vermicelli, which cook in minutes, other pasta, noodles, or even spaghetti take a lot longer to cook. And milk, alas, is not a product that can be boiled for a long time without consequences.

For this reason, the recipe for making milk soup will look different. The proportions of the products remain the same.

  1. First of all, you need to cook the pasta for the soup. Almost any kind of pasta can be used. Long noodles and spaghetti can be broken into short pieces during cooking. Boil it until it is almost done, when there is just a little bit left until the final softness.
  2. Pour water into a separate saucepan, and then milk. Warm it up.
  3. Before the milk boils, transfer the pasta to the milk and continue to cook for a few more minutes, stirring constantly. Don't forget to drain the excess water from the cooked pasta so the milk soup doesn't become watery.
  4. Add salt and sugar to taste. When the pasta is ready, put the oil, remove from the stove and cover with a lid. Let it brew for five minutes and you can serve.

Just like vermicelli milk soup, it is best eaten warm. So it's much tastier.

Each of us has favorite dishes from childhood. Those for which we would give everything to feel the same taste again and plunge into childhood again. One of these dishes is milk soup.

Each mother or grandmother carefully prepared any food for us, but we, the children, loved sweet and dairy dishes most of all. And now our children also like the same dishes. We offer a simple recipe for making milk soup. Everyone loves it, not just kids!

How to make milk soup

Every housewife has her own secrets, because every mother knows that her baby is ready to eat with appetite. Let's cook delicious easy soup. To prepare it, you need the main ingredient - milk.

What other products do you need:

  • vermicelli, any pasta or noodles home cooking- 150 g;
  • fresh chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • a little sugar and salt - an incomplete teaspoon;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cow's milk - 1 l.

How to cook soup, originally from childhood:

  • Milk must be poured into a saucepan, boiled. This should always be done, even if you bought the product in the refrigerator and are sure of its quality and expiration dates.
  • In a separate bowl, while the milk is boiling, beat the eggs. Lightly, we do this with a fork, just to stir the yolks.
  • noodles own cooking or store-bought pasta, you need to put it in a saucepan. As soon as you see that the milk is boiling, the fire must be reduced and immediately, after adding the pasta, mix the contents of the saucepan.
  • Then, without delay, add the beaten eggs and mix immediately. The milk is hot, so the eggs will set instantly. We recommend pouring the eggs in a thin stream so that they do not have time to grab the large "rags". We interfere vigorously and constantly, for 3 minutes.
  • During these 3 minutes, while stirring, you need to add salt and sugar. We recommend that you first put half a teaspoon of salt and sugar, mix, try the soup. Perhaps we will stop there. Well, for the sweet tooth, we make adjustments to the recipe and add instead of 1 tsp. sugar, two or even three. But it will already be a very sweet milk soup.
  • That's all! If you made the noodles yourself, and it turned out thin, then you can stop there. It is necessary to remove a saucepan with milk soup from the stove.
  • Enrich the finished dish with a piece of butter. Pour the hot soup into bowls, put a piece of butter in each, without stirring, serve to the table with croutons.

Subtleties of cooking milk soup

To prepare tasty soup use these tips:

  • soup can be cooked not only from cow's milk, but also from milk powder and even from condensed milk! For 2 glasses of water, take 4 tbsp. condensed milk;
  • soup with milk can also be cooked from vegetables. Only at first the vegetables are boiled in water, and at the end milk is added;
  • Soup with buckwheat is loved by all children. To cook a delicious soup, you first need to cook the cereal separately (be sure to salt some water), then you need to drain the excess liquid, add warmed milk, cook over low heat for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Put a piece of butter in this soup. According to the same scheme, soup is also cooked with the addition of semolina, corn, rice or barley groats;
  • milk soup with potatoes also deserves attention. Potatoes need to be peeled (4 pcs.), And if you have time, soak in water for 15 minutes, dry, grate on a coarse grater. Boil in water until half cooked, add warm milk (0.5 l), a little salt (after boiling) and butter. Instead of butter, you can pour cream (2 tablespoons). Serve the soup hot, sprinkle with crackers and grated hard cheese.