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Classmates useful tips and recipes. Delicious recipes on Odnoklassniki: the best groups

16 recipes DISHES IN POTS♨ In pots, even the simplest dish tastes better. It is no coincidence that they are becoming more and more popular. 1. Russian-style roast chicken Ingredients: Chicken weighing about 1 kg, 400g onions, 50g raisins, 50g kernels walnut, 50g fresh mushrooms, 15g butter, fresh herbs, salt, ground black pepper. For the sauce: 25g flour top grade, 400g sour cream, 25g butter. Preparation: Rinse the carcass, dry, chop into 8 pieces, salt, pepper, fry until half cooked. Chop the onion in half rings and fry until golden brown. Cut the mushrooms into strips and fry. Fry the nuts, peel them off and chop them. Rinse and dry the raisins. Prepare sour cream sauce: melt and heat butter in a saucepan, add sifted flour and sauté, stirring, until it smells " roasted nut". Sauteed flour gradually, stirring continuously, dilute with hot sour cream. Put chicken in pots (2 pieces per serving), there are raisins, mushrooms, onions and nuts. Pour everything sour cream sauce... Put in the oven and simmer for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. Sprinkle with chopped herbs when serving. 2. Tomato soup, baked in the oven Ingredients for 6 people: 1 kg of tomatoes, 800 g of broth, 3 medium onions, grated Parmesan - 150 g, White bread(just not a loaf, but a rough one, round), garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper. Preparation: Finely chop the onion with 3 cloves of garlic, fry on olive oil, add chopped tomatoes, fry with onions and add broth and three slices of bread ( large pieces!), cut into cubes without the crust, a little salt and ground pepper. Cover and simmer for about 40 minutes. Take refractory saucepans (or pots), pour the soup into pots, put a slice of bread grated with garlic in each pot, sprinkle with cheese, sprinkle with butter and bake in the oven. 3. Chickens in a pot Ingredients: 1 chicken (200 g), 140 g of potatoes, 50 g of onions, 25 g of carrots, 10 g of cooking oil, 5 g of dried porcini mushrooms, salt, 10 g of cheese, parsley. For the sauce: 75 g sour cream, 10 g flour, 75 g mushroom broth, salt. Preparation: Chop the processed chicken into pieces weighing 40-50 g. Cut raw potatoes, carrots, onions into cubes. Spread onions and carrots separately from each other. Boil the prepared mushrooms, cut into strips. Put pieces of chicken in a pot, add raw potatoes, sautéed onions and carrots, mushrooms, pour over sour cream sauce and simmer in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Sprinkle with grated cheese 10-15 minutes before the end of stewing. For the sauce, sauté flour without fat, cool slightly, pour in hot mushroom broth, stir until homogeneous mass, cook for 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add boiled sour cream, salt, cook for another 5 minutes, strain. Serve sprinkled with parsley. 4. Buckwheat with meat in a pot Ingredients for 3 pots: 500 g pork 9 tbsp buckwheat 2 bouillon cubes 2 onions 1 Bay leaf Preparation: Cut the meat (preferably pork) into pieces, finely chop the onion, put in pots. Pour 3 tablespoons of washed cereals (buckwheat or millet, or both) into each pot, add crushed bay leaves. Pour the contents of the pots with cubed broth (preferably chicken or mushroom). Place in the oven for an hour at medium temperature. 5. Russian roast with meat Ingredients for 4 servings: 650 g of beef, 1 1/2 kg of potatoes, 4 tbsp of butter, 2 onions, 3/4 tbsp of meat broth, 1 tbsp of sour cream, bay leaf, salt, pepper , parsley and dill to taste, 100 ml dry wine Preparation: This is excellent holiday dish, for every day a little laborious. Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes and lightly fry in oil. Chop the onions into rings and fry in oil until golden brown. Lightly fry the beef, cut into small pieces, in boiling oil on all sides. Put meat in an earthen pot, cast iron or in a saucepan, then a layer of potatoes, onions on top and sprinkle everything with salt and pepper. Add bay leaves and broth. Place the roast in the oven and simmer for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, pour into hot dry wine. Pour sour cream over the finished dish before serving and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. (500x375, 50Kb) 6. Potatoes with sausages in pots Ingredients for one pot: potatoes 2-3 sausages 1-2 pcs. 1/2 onion sour cream (mayonnaise) 2 tbsp. l. mushrooms 2 tbsp. l., salt. Preparation: Cut the potatoes into strips, fry them a little on vegetable oil to brown it. Pour some water on the bottom of the ceramic pots, then put the potatoes, salt them, sausages fried with onions on it, then mushrooms, also fried with onions. Put a tablespoon of sour cream or mayonnaise on top and put in the oven for about an hour at a temperature of 150 g C. 7. Veal with prunes, stewed in a pot Ingredients: Veal - 1 kg Potatoes - 10 pieces Onions - 3 pieces Prunes - 100 g Parsley, dill to taste Fat for frying Preparation: Cut the meat into pieces, sprinkle with salt and pepper and fry in a pan. Put the fried meat in pots, add the fried onions, potatoes in pieces, prunes, chopped greens, cover and simmer until tender. 8. Orchid-style fish in a pot Ingredients: 500 g sea ​​fish, 1 onion, butter or margarine, 2-3 potatoes, 1-2 tbsp. tomato puree, 2 small pickles, 2-3 tbsp cream, red pepper on the tip of a knife, 2 tbsp. finely chopped green onions, 1 glass of water. Preparation: Finely chop the onion and fry in oil. Transfer to a pot, add red pepper, water and raw potatoes, cooked in the form of schnitzels. When the potatoes are tender, add tomato paste, sliced ​​cucumbers and diced fish. Season with salt, pour in cream and, covering with a lid, put to simmer. Sprinkle with green onions before serving. 9. Eggplants, baked with mushrooms in a pot Ingredients for 4 portion pots: 4 medium eggplants 2-3 medium onions (to taste, however you like) 4 eggs, hard-boiled 4 large boletus (or about the same amount of mushrooms) 4 dess. .l. butter and vegetable oil 1 tbsp. with top flour about 1 cup sour cream sauce dill and parsley to taste salt and ground black pepper to taste Preparation: Peel the eggplants, cut into cubes (medium), lightly salt and leave for an hour. Boil fresh mushrooms, chop finely and fry in butter with finely chopped onions. Squeeze the eggplants from the juice and fry in vegetable oil. Lay eggplants, mushrooms with onions and hard eggs cut into circles in pots. Season with pepper, salt to taste, lay another layer of eggplant on top. Pour over sour cream sauce (or sour cream) and bake in the oven. Sprinkle with herbs when serving. 10. Liver stewed with mushrooms Ingredients: veal liver (beef) 800 g, sour cream 1 glass, 2 onions, dried mushrooms 5-6, sugar 2 teaspoons, tomato puree 1-2 tablespoons, butter 50 g, flour 1/2 cup, salt, ground pepper to taste. Preparation: Cut the liver into small slices (as thick as a finger), sprinkle with salt, pepper, roll in flour and fry in butter. In this case, after being punctured with a fork, red juice should be released from a piece of fried liver. Soak the mushrooms, boil, chop finely and fry together with chopped onions. Put the liver together with mushrooms and onions in clay pots, pour 1/2 cup of mushroom broth, 1/2 cup of sour cream, a spoonful of tomato puree into each pot and simmer until the liver is ready for 15-20 minutes in the oven. Serve to the liver sauerkraut, salted cucumbers, fresh salad... You can also put fried potato slices in the pot. 11. American meat bread in a pot Mix in a bowl 500 g minced beef, 500 g minced pork, 2 eggs, a handful of bread crumbs. 1 finely chopped onion, 2 chopped garlic cloves, and 1/2 cup ice water season with salt and pepper. Tamp in a pot. Separately mix 1/2 cup ketchup, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar... pour over and bake for 1 - 1 1/2 hours at 200 g C. 12. Chicken with oranges Grate the whole chicken with salt, pepper and garlic crushed in a garlic press. Put the peeled orange slices inside. Place the chicken in the pot. Grate orange peel grated and sprinkle the chicken on top. Add 1/2 cup orange juice, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger, 1/2 teaspoon ground Jamaican pepper, and 1 tablespoon brown sugar. Place the pot in a cold oven and bake for 90 minutes at 230 ° C. 10 minutes before cooking, remove the lid to get a crust. 13. Halibut in a pot Grease the bottom of the pot with oil and add 4 pieces of halibut. Combine 1/2 cup bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley, 2 crushed garlic cloves, 4 tablespoons grated Parmesan and season with salt and pepper. Put the mixture in a pot, cover the fish with water and bake at 230 degrees C for 20-30 minutes. Serve with lemon slices. Corn in a pot Put 4 ears of corn in a pot, pour 1/4 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of butter. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon sugar and salt to taste. Cover and bake for 30 minutes at 220 ° C. 14. Chicken with rice in a pot Boil 2 cups chicken broth, add 1 cup rice and reduce heat immediately. Cook for 20 minutes until the rice is done. Melt 1 tablespoon of plums. oil in a skillet, fry 1 chopped celery stick, 100 g chopped mushrooms and chopped green Bell pepper within 5 minutes. Mix rice, fried vegetables, chopped 400 g chicken fillet, 50 g chopped pimiento peppers. Add 1 can of canned mushroom cream soup, 1 can of canned chicken soup with rice. Bake for 45 minutes at 200 degrees C. Then sprinkle with cashew nuts and bake for another 15 minutes, uncovered. 15. Beef with onions Cut 500 g of beef into pieces, sprinkle with salt and fry until golden brown... Put a layer of chopped sautéed onions in a pot, on it - pieces of fried meat, on top - another layer of onions. Thus, lay 2-3 rows. Then pour over the meat broth. Add salt, peppercorns, bay leaf and simmer in a closed pot until cooked. 16. Meat in an omelette 700 g of veal cut into cubes, salt, fry with onion until tender. Beat 8 eggs with 1/2 cup milk, add salt. Arrange the fried meat in pots, pour over the omelet mixture and bake in the oven. Instead of veal, you can use beef.

Homemade recipes on Odnoklassniki are very popular, and for good reason - after all, here you can learn how to bake the most complicated cake, and how to spread toasts at breakfast to make them more appetizing. Especially for you, we have made a selection of the best groups that contain the most interesting material on this topic and will be useful to both a novice hostess and an experienced cook.

Quick recipes

Do you want to always have at hand simple recipes on "Odnoklassniki", for the preparation of dishes for which you do not need to stand at the stove for several hours in a row? Then you will definitely like this group! Here you will find out what you can cook if guests suddenly come, how to quickly bake pancakes for breakfast without messing up a mountain of dishes, and much more.

League of Culinary - delicious and simple recipes with photos

Do you want to check not only the descriptions when preparing any food, but also follow the process using photographs? Then this public is especially for you! Collected here culinary recipes in Odnoklassniki with a photo, so that you will not only read, but also see how to fry meat, bake delicious cookies or cook a fragrant soup!

On a diet. Recipes. Lose weight on the couch

Have you decided to get rid of those extra pounds, but can't deny yourself the habit of indulging in tasty things? There is already a solution! This public contains dishes that are not only delicious, but also contribute to weight loss! Be sure to subscribe and we will lose weight together!

Learning to cook deliciously

If you are just taking your first steps in cooking, then here is a great place where you will find everything you were looking for, and find out everything that you did not dare to ask! Simple but delicious food, which even a novice hostess will be able to cook, are waiting for you on this page!

Cooking for children and with children!

Is your baby naughty and refuses to eat? This group will always come to the aid of a tired mommy and suggest delicious recipes in Odnoklassniki for every day and for a holiday, which can be prepared not only for children, but also with them!

Vegetarian cuisine

For those who find it unacceptable to eat animal food, but do not intend to eat potatoes and cabbage for the rest of their lives, here is a real feast! Amazing pastries, soups that are not inferior in taste to meat, as well as salads and main courses - you just need to go to the page!

Baking, cakes, desserts

This group is especially for artisans who love to create sweet masterpieces with their own hands. If you are just starting to comprehend the basics of making cakes, then, without a doubt, you will find here an inexhaustible storehouse of knowledge for yourself, because the whole process of cooking even the most complex products detailed and generously illustrated with photographs.

Salads and snacks

Lovers of salads will find a second wind for themselves in this public! If you do not know what to mix and with what to make a masterpiece of salad making, then be sure to come here and you will learn a lot of new things!

Cooking with meat! photo and video recipes

And here is a group for everyone who knows the value of the present delicious meat! Do you want to do something new or remember a well-forgotten old one? Here you will find soups, salads, pastries and all other dishes where meat plays the main violin!

✔ Grandma's recipes

Do you miss the food your grandma prepared for you? Then come to this page. All methods of preparation and dosage here are time-tested and repeated many times by the confident hands of the most wonderful women - our beloved grandmothers. And also - the soul is invested in them.

Delicious recipes

Self-doubt hurts more than just Everyday life but also in the kitchen. To make your dishes always appetizing and delight loved ones, cook only with a positive attitude.

Whatever you do, do it with love, and then the result of any activity will be successful. And to feel even more confident in the kitchen, use culinary tips chefs.

Take note of these Useful tips and use them even for the most simple dishes, then you can create real gastronomic masterpieces.

  1. If you need to add a light garlic flavor to a dish, but you are afraid to overdo it with a smell, rub the dishes with a clove of garlic before placing the food in it.
  2. Experienced housewives will find a worthy use for beer: this drink with soy sauce makes an excellent marinade for meat, and a small amount of dark beer added when stewing vegetables will make the dish more delicious.
  3. If you've oversalted the soup, don't despair! Place the grits in cheesecloth and dip them in the soup. During cooking, cereal will absorb excess salt.
  4. Salt the liver at the end of cooking to keep it from being tough.
  5. If the top of the cake sticks, cover it with a damp paper towel.
  6. To cook crisp white rice, add a couple of drops of vinegar to the water while cooking.
  7. When cutting a boiled egg, does the yolk crumble and stick? Dip the knife in cool water.
  8. To make the broth clear, toss in an ice cube and bring to a boil.
  9. Do not cover the beans while cooking or they will darken.
  10. To make the minced meat tastier, finely grate raw onion or a little raw potatoes and add to the minced meat.
  11. The beef will turn out soft and tender if you marinate it in mayonnaise for half an hour before cooking.
  12. To prevent the eggplant from being bitter, chop it, sprinkle with salt and let stand. Then be sure to rinse the vegetable with cold water.
  13. Almonds are easier to peel if they are dipped in boiling water for 3 minutes and then tossed in cold water.
  14. To make sour cream perfect cream, add crude protein when whipping.
  15. Throw a pinch of salt in ground coffee before cooking, and the taste of your favorite beverage will brighten.
  16. Brush the meat with honey, brandy and water, or pomegranate juice to get a golden crisp.
  17. Add to meat broth rinsed banana peels to keep the meat tender.
  18. Dip the charlotte apple slices in flour so they don't clump together later.
  19. Try using chopped nuts instead of breadcrumbs for a better taste.
  20. The taste of food will be richer if the plate is warmed up before serving a hot dish and the dishes are cooled to serve a cold one.
  21. Always give the cooked meat time to cool down and develop its full flavor.
  22. The vinaigrette will be tastier if you add a tablespoon of boiled milk and a pinch of sugar.
  23. To never go wrong with the amount of salt, do not hesitate to constantly taste the dish. It will also help you figure out the degree of readiness of the food.
  24. To make the soup more appetizing and healthy, add a little carrot juice before removing it from the heat.
  25. Make sure that the knives are always sharp, then the likelihood of injury when cutting food will be minimal, and cooking will become faster and more enjoyable.
  26. The idea is to add some vanilla to vegetable salad seems strange, but it really tastes good!
  27. Use lemon juice more often than salt and vinegar. The citrus flavor will not interfere with any meal, and the food will become healthier.

These valuable tips are sure to come in handy as you cook. Remember, you don't need to know all the recipes and have tons of food on hand to cook deliciously. Just love what you do.