Home / Buns / Chicken wings "Buffalo": the easiest recipe for a delicious dish. Buffalo Sauce at Home Grilled Buffalo Wings Recipe

Chicken wings "Buffalo": the easiest recipe for a delicious dish. Buffalo Sauce at Home Grilled Buffalo Wings Recipe

Perhaps there is not a single person who does not like Buffalo wings. Surprisingly tasty and tender dish. Its features are a special marinade and a kind of sauce, which is poured over ready-made wings.

In fact, the name "buffalo" chicken wings got because of the original sauce - which is the main component in this dish. In addition, when cooking, it is necessary to use a set of spices, they play an important role, since the final taste of the product will depend on them. Roasting is also important: the crust must be crispy and appetizing, so the oil will need so much that it covers half the parts of the carcass.

Americans consider Buffalo chicken wings to be a symbol of fast food, while they can be enjoyed not only in fast food cafes, but also in various beer bars and pubs. They are perfect as an appetizer.

Basic Buffalo Wings Recipe

In the classic variation, chicken wings are rolled in flour breading with the addition of a bouquet of seasonings and spices. Although wheat flour can be replaced with ordinary crushed crackers. But they must be very small: large crumbs simply do not stick to the meat, which means that it will not work to get a crust.

Ingredients needed for making:

  • chicken wings - 1 kg;
  • sweet paprika - 1 tsp;
  • sifted flour of the highest grade - 0.1 kg;
  • table salt - 2 pinches;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato paste - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • black and red pepper - ½ tsp each.

Step by step cooking process:

  1. Spread chicken wings with prepared spices and leave to infuse.
  2. Roll well in wheat flour.
  3. Put the meat in a pan with well-heated vegetable oil and fry on both sides.
  4. Melt the butter, add granulated sugar, tomato paste into it, let the paste boil, cool.
  5. Add salt, red pepper and crushed garlic, bring to a boil again - the sauce is ready.

Pour the already prepared wings with the resulting mixture, on this dish is considered ready.

Option for lovers of spicy snacks

Spicy Buffalo wings are prepared a little differently: before frying, they must be kept in a spicy marinade. For execution it is necessary to prepare:

  • chicken wings - 6-8 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar essence - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oyster sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • table sherry - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • table salt - 1 tsp;
  • a mixture of red and black peppers - 1 tsp;
  • buffalo sauce.

To fry chicken wings in American style, you need to do the following:

  1. Mix vinegar essence with vegetable oil (2 tablespoons), add both sauces to them, a mixture of peppers, table sherry, salt the mixture.
  2. Put the wings in the marinade and leave for several hours, the longer the hold, the sharper the meat will be.
  3. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it well.
  4. Roll chicken wings in flour and fry on both sides.

Buffalo wings are considered ready, it remains to pour over them with the sauce that was prepared in the previous recipe and you can help yourself.


Grilled chicken wings differ in taste, since breading is not used during frying. But it is worth noting that the taste of such meat is no worse. To make the dish, you will need the following components:

  • wings - 1 kg;
  • any spices - 1 pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l;
  • buffalo sauce.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Cut chicken wings and rub them with prepared seasonings.
  2. Place the pieces on an oiled wire rack.
  3. Fry over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Turn the meat over to the other side, pour over the prepared Buffalo sauce and cook further.

After half an hour, you can get the wings, they are ready to eat.

Buffalo chicken wings from Julia Vysotskaya

Perhaps every housewife has her own original recipe for Buffolo wings. There is also Yulia Vysotskaya, who is known for her culinary skills. She suggests cooking meat without using any breading. Her recipe includes the following products:

  • bird wings - 8 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • table salt - to taste.
  • butter - 150 g;
  • red pepper - 1 pod;
  • acetic acid - 2 drops;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • fresh tomato - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Separate the wings at the joints and rub with a mixture of salt and black pepper.
  2. Fry in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil.
  3. Prepare the Buffalo sauce: for this you need to melt the butter, add finely chopped pepper, chopped garlic cloves.
  4. Grate a fresh tomato and send it to the rest of the sauce, add vinegar essence and the remaining dry ingredients.
  5. Simmer the sauce over low heat for another 15 minutes.

Put the finished wings on a flat plate and pour generously with the prepared sauce. As a side dish, you can cook stewed vegetables.

How delicious to bake in the oven

You can cook buffalo wings in the oven. The method of execution from the classic version is practically the same. First you need to prepare the necessary products:

  • bird wings - 500 g;
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • table salt - 1 tsp;
  • hot spices.

Act according to the recipe:

  1. Coat the washed and dried chicken wings with spices, salt them.
  2. Roll each copy in flour.
  3. Pour plenty of oil into a baking sheet, and then spread baking paper, lay the wings on it.
  4. Send to bake at 180 degrees.

The cooking process usually lasts 30 minutes, but it depends on the oven. You can understand that the dish is ready by a beautiful golden crust. Drizzle with sauce before serving.

We complement the dish with Blue Cheese sauce

Traditionally, chicken wings are eaten with a very spicy sauce, these two foods go well together. To diversify the dish, you can prepare a special sauce called Blue Cheese.

To create a dish you need to prepare:

  • bird wings - 5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • blue cheese - 50-60 g;
  • heavy cream - 150 ml;
  • basil - 3 leaves;
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • table salt - 1 tsp;
  • a bouquet of hot spices - 2 pinches.

Cooking technology:

  1. Pepper, season and salt the chicken wings.
  2. Roll them well in flour and fry on both sides in hot oil.
  3. Heat the cream, add basil and grated cheese to them, while constantly stirring the composition so that it does not burn. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, you need to remove the sauce from the stove.

Pour the prepared sauce over the wings, you can use it. If desired, finely chopped garlic can be added to the sauce.

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Simple, but at the same time touching the heart of every dish - Buffalo chicken wings. No, contrary to stereotypes, they are a favorite treat not only for fast food lovers, because then they would hardly have been served sauce made from the most expensive cheese variety. Today we will tell you the most delicious recipes for cooking chicken wings in various ways.

The dish got its name due to a specific sauce, which is one of the main ingredients, most often served exclusively with wings. Along with the sauce, the abundance of spices and roasting to a delicious crispy crust play a role. Buffalo chicken wings are a symbol of American fast food, they are served not only in cafes and fast food restaurants, they are also popular in bars and pubs.

Classic recipe

Traditionally, chicken wings are fried in flour breading with spices, but flour can also be replaced with finely crushed crackers. It is important that large pieces or lumps do not stick to the chicken and fall off immediately, so the crust will not work.

For 1 kg of chicken wings you will need:

  • a teaspoon of sweet paprika;
  • 70-80g of sifted flour;
  • a couple of pinches of salt;
  • 30g of oil;
  • black, red pepper to taste.

Large pieces of chicken wings should be carefully coated with spices (some cooks let the pieces brew at this stage), and then roll in flour (you can apply immediately by mixing all the ingredients). Immediately after this, the chicken is laid out in a pot or pan with high walls and a thick bottom. There must be a lot of oil at the bottom, otherwise how will deep frying turn out, chicken pieces should be immersed in it more than a good half. Here is a recipe for real American chicken wings.

For Buffalo sauce you need:

  • 4 tablespoons tomato paste, or finely chopped (preferably grated) natural tomato;
  • butter (about 40-50g);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of red pepper or chili;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • a tablespoon of granulated sugar.

Melt the butter over a fire with sugar until the mixture becomes homogeneous, then add the tomato paste and bring to a boil. It is important that the boiling process does not start, otherwise the sauce will be spoiled. After that, add salt, pepper and ground garlic, repeat the heating procedure and the sauce is ready.

original spicy recipe

To get spicy Buffalo wings, before putting them in a pan or in the oven, they should be kept in a spicy marinade for a while. We mix a spoonful of vinegar and vegetable oil, add a couple of spoons of oyster and soy sauce, red, black pepper, salt, you can also add a spoonful - two sherry. Mix well and add chicken wings to it. After they stay in the marinade for 30-40 minutes, you can start cooking.

How to cook in the oven

The preparation of Buffalo wings does not differ much in the recipe. After you add all the seasonings and roll the meat in flour, they should be laid out in a baking dish or on a baking sheet. Before that, generously lubricating the container with oil and pouring it to the bottom. The oven should be preheated at this time, it will take about 10 minutes. Next, send the baking dish to the oven. At 180 °, cooking will take an average of 30-35 minutes, if your oven allows you to make the temperature higher, then 200-210 ° is optimal, so the time will be reduced to 20-25 minutes. You will understand that the dish is completely ready when the wings are covered not even with golden, but with a little brown crispy crust. Then they can be taken out and served with sauce.

Grilled Buffalo Chicken Wings

On the grill, the recipe turns out to be very unusual, since there is no breading and deep frying, but still this does not interfere with preparing a delicious dish. Rub the chopped chicken wings with spices, pour over with oil, then put in a single layer on the grill and cook over low heat. When 15 minutes have passed, they should be turned over, it is at this moment that they are poured over with Buffalo sauce, the grate closes again, and they are fried for another 20-30 minutes.

Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

Any cook and culinary specialist has his own vision of each dish and the way it is prepared. When preparing Buffalo wings, Yulia Vysotskaya suggests doing without breading, but instead pay special attention to the sauce, which will become the main focus.

Washed and dried chicken wings should be cut into joints, coated with salt and black pepper. Then put them in a frying pan with oil and fry over high heat until golden brown. At the same time, in a bowl with melted butter, add fresh hot peppers, thinly sliced ​​garlic, small pieces of tomatoes, a drop of vinegar. Then add the rest of the seasonings: salt, sugar, chopped pepper. On low heat, simmer the resulting mixture for another 15 minutes, during which time the wings should have been cooked. They should be carefully placed in a container with oil and pepper, and leave the wings on the fire for a while, you can add a little more oil.

As you might guess, the recipe is based on an exquisite blue cheese with mold, considered a gourmet delicacy. Numerous varieties of such a high-class product fill not only French restaurants and tables of the aristocracy, but probably in the future your gravy boat. To prepare the sauce, we need 50g of blue cheese and 160ml of heavy cream. Warming the cream over low heat, gradually crumble the cheese into it and stir, soon the consistency will become homogeneous, then the fire can be turned off and the dish is served to the table. Finely chopped onion, garlic or basil can be added to the sauce.

Gourmets and lovers of organizing a "holiday for the stomach" will certainly not mind trying the "buffalo" (or "buffalo") chicken wings, alluring with an appetizing aroma, crispy crust, juicy meat and burning with a fiery sweetish-spicy taste. This favorite American dish is most often deep fried and served in many bars, pubs and fast food restaurants in the United States.

In fact, the dish represents a classic fast food. The wings are fried in hot oil with the addition of spices, after which they are flavored with a spicy Buffalo sauce, which is prepared on the basis of tomatoes (tomato paste), hot red pepper, oil and garlic. Several flavors are poured in tomato sauce at once - sweet, sour, salty and spicy.

Other options for serving wings are also known, for example, with blue cheese sauce (based on blue cheese with blue cheese) or with garlic sauce. In eateries, these fried wings are usually ordered with beer. In company with them, a vegetable cut, consisting of celery and carrots, chopped into strips, usually flaunts on a plate.

The original recipe calls for frying the wings in one of two ways - breaded and uncoated. You can cook them right away, or you can pre-flavor the meat pieces with spices and marinate for half an hour. Focus on your taste.

It is not known for certain who exactly came up with the recipe for a wonderful snack, but Native Americans claim that the first fries wings with spicy tomato sauce were served in the early 60s of the 20th century at the Anchor bar, located in the city of Buffalo (Northwest New York).

According to one version, the hostess of the establishment was waiting for her son and his friends to visit, and decided to cook a delicious dinner from the ingredients that were at hand.

According to another version, the owners of the diner were trying to correct the oversight of the suppliers who bought too many chicken wings. It was necessary to urgently figure out how to use raw materials and not incur losses.

Whatever it was, the dish from the first days became a success, and its recipe quickly spread throughout the world. In honor of the popular delicacy, Americans even came up with the holiday "Chicken Wings Day", which is celebrated on July 29th.

Classic deep fried recipe

I suggest frying the wings in flour breading, thanks to which a crispy golden crust will appear on the surface of the skin, while the meat inside will remain tender and juicy. Both wheat flour and corn flour will do. Breading can also be made from crushed crackers of very fine grinding. Coarse breading will not work, as it will crumble from the smooth surface of the skin, and burn in the oil. For a more crispy and airy crust, we recommend replacing part of the breaded flour with potato or corn starch.


  • chicken wings - 1 kg
  • flour - 6 tbsp. l.
  • dried paprika, powdered - 1 tsp. (without slide)
  • finely ground salt - ½ tsp.
  • ground black pepper - ½ tsp.
  • ground red hot pepper - ¼ tsp.
  • refined sunflower oil, odorless - 2 tbsp. (for deep fat)

for the buffalo tomato sauce:

  • butter - 50 g
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • tomato paste (can be replaced with ketchup, tomato sauce) -3 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt - ¼ tsp
  • red hot pepper (dry ground) - ¼ tsp. or to taste (can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of chili or tabasco sauce).

How to cook

Fresh wings must be washed and cut into three parts at the joints. For the dish, we will use only the massive upper and middle parts of the wing, while the lower part will be left for cooking the broth. There is very little meat in it, almost only skin and bones.

Pat the wing phalanges dry with paper towels. Rub them with salt and black pepper. Leave to soak for 20 minutes. If time is limited, start breading and frying right away.

To prepare the breading, mix flour, red hot pepper and dried ground paprika. Add a pinch of salt, mix everything.

Wings should be breaded on all sides. It is very convenient to do this in a plastic bag. Put chicken pieces, breading in it, tie it up and shake it thoroughly in different directions. At the same time, the kitchen will remain clean, and the breading will “lie down” well on the surface of the skin.

Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan with a thick bottom (deep fryer, stewpan, cauldron). Turn on the fire and heat the oil well. Check its temperature by throwing a piece of bread into it - the hot oil should start to sizzle, and the bread crumb should start to fry.

In the hot oil, start laying out the wings in turn. Fire - medium or slightly less. Depending on the width of the bottom of your pan, you can fry 5-8 pieces or more at the same time. There should be enough oil so that the pieces of wings are immersed in it by at least 2/3. The average frying time is 10-12 minutes.

Ready wings should acquire a beautiful golden crust on both sides. It is convenient to take out the ruddy pieces with a slotted spoon so that the fat drains. Lay the wings on a paper towel to soak up the excess oil.

While the wings are cooling, prepare the buffalo sauce. Put the butter in an iron bowl (small saucepan) chop into cubes. Add sugar, melt it with butter over a fire until the crystals disappear. Add the tomato as soon as the solution starts to boil. While stirring, bring everything together to a boil, but do not boil, so that the structure of the sauce does not become layered. Turn off the fire.

Grate the garlic or crush with a press, add to the sauce. Add a pinch of hot pepper. Mix everything and bring to a boil again and immediately turn off the heat.

Put the finished wings on a dish, pour the sauce. You can also serve the sauce separately in a gravy boat to dip the ruddy pieces of wings into it.

No cutlery is placed on the table when serving wings. They are eaten exclusively with their hands, dipped in their favorite sauce. Happy enjoying the treat!

Cooking method in a frying pan

Delicious fried chicken wings can also be cooked in a pan - the crust will turn out to be no less appetizing, and the dish itself will be much healthier than deep-fried. And the main component is spicy tomato sauce, we will certainly make it according to the original recipe.

Chicken wings prepared according to this recipe are tasty, juicy and very fragrant. Cooking them is quite simple, even easy. Almost everyone loves chicken wings, so this recipe can be safely prepared for the family, both for lunch and dinner. As a side dish, of course, boiled, fried potatoes or mashed potatoes are ideal, but with boiled rice or pasta it will also be very tasty. Also, wings according to this recipe are an ideal beer snack option for our men, especially during various sports programs, when it is impossible to drag them away from the TV and drive them into the kitchen for dinner.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:American
  • Type of dish: second course
  • Cooking method: frying
  • Servings:2
  • 40 min



Rinse chicken wings thoroughly under running water and pat dry with paper towels. Cut each wing into three pieces at the joints.

Heat a frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it, fry the chicken wings on both sides until golden brown.

Transfer the fried wings to a plate. Chop the onion and garlic, fry in the oil in which the wings were fried.

Mix tomato sauce (any, your favorite) with a glass of water, pour into a pan with onions and garlic.

Add vinegar (preferably apple cider), soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper to taste.

Cook the tomato sauce for 5-7 minutes over low heat, otherwise it may burn. Over time, the sauce will thicken a little. Taste it, if it is sour, you can add quite a bit of sugar. Gently toss the wings in the sauce, cover and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

Serve the wings in tomato paste hot with mashed potatoes or any other favorite side dish.

Buffalo wings recipe in the oven

Especially for supporters of a healthy diet and opponents of deep-frying, we suggest taking note of an alternative way to cook the famous wings. It's about baking in the oven.

Turn on the oven, and while it is heating, prepare the meat.

Pepper, salt and bread the chicken wing pieces in the same way as described in the Deep Frying recipe. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the wings on it. From above, lightly grease each piece of phalanx with vegetable or melted butter using a silicone brush.

Put the baking sheet in the oven and bake the delicacy at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. The finished wings will turn golden in color, and when pierced with a fork or a toothpick, pink juice will not flow out of them.

Transfer the wings to a dish, pour over the sauce.

The meat will turn out tastier if you marinate it for an hour in kefir with spices before cooking.

By the way, you can cook not only Buffalo spicy tomato sauce for the dish. Baked or fried spicy wings go very well with garlic sauce or blue cheese.

Blue cheese sauce recipe

The main component of the sauce is blue cheese, thanks to which dishes acquire a unique spicy taste and aroma. This sauce is served with meat, fish and vegetable dishes. The sauce is prepared very quickly, literally on the go and does not require heat treatment. The sauce can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.


  • blue cheese - 120 g
  • sour cream 20% fat - 120 ml
  • ground nutmeg - pinch
  • lemon juice - 1 ½ tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper - a pinch
  • salt - a pinch.


Cheese should be grated on a fine grater and sprinkled with lemon juice.

Add sour cream, spices and salt to cheese and lemon juice. Beat the mass with a fork or whisk.

Sour cream in the recipe can be replaced with classic unsweetened yogurt, mayonnaise.

After all the components of the sauce are thoroughly mixed, the sauce can be considered ready. It remains only to cool for 30 minutes and can be served.

A tasty company for this dish, as a rule, is stalks of petiole celery, cut into pieces, as well as carrots, chopped into cubes. A great alternative can be a salad of grated celery root, Korean carrot salad.

Useful video

This is a recipe from an American chef. He is cooking a dish in the oven. And while the wings are cooking, he manages to cook 2 sauces. Tomato Buffalo, which fills the wings. And cheese - for dipping snacks in it.

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There are many ways to prepare chicken wings. As a rule, they are used for first courses, stews, roasts. But Teresa Bellissimo, a resident of the American city of Buffalo, has created a culinary masterpiece from ordinary chicken soup parts. The appetizer became famous back in the 60s and since then its popularity has continued to grow.

Buffalo wings have become famous all over the world thanks to a special way of cooking: they are rolled in a mixture of flour and spices, deep-fried and immediately placed in a hot, spicy sauce. Then chicken wings (as they call the favorite snack all over the world) are served with Ranch dips and vegetable sticks, as well as traditional Blue Cheese sauce, which is prepared on the basis of blue cheese.

Blue cheese sauce - recipe

Blue cheese (blue cheese), included in the recipe for Blue cheese sauce, gives the dishes a rich, spicy taste. It is suitable for vegetable, fish and meat treats. To make the dressing more piquant, you can add white or black pepper, nutmeg, and adjust the density with the amount of sour cream. Buffalo wings pair perfectly with this savory dressing.


  • blue cheese - 120 g;
  • sour cream - 120 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper and salt - a pinch;


  1. Grind blue cheese: grate or mash with a spoon.
  2. Pour the cheese mass with lemon juice.
  3. Add pepper, sour cream, salt, beat with a whisk. The recipe can also use unsweetened yogurt instead of sour cream.
  4. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Cool down. The perfect sauce for buffalo wings is ready.

Buffalo wings - recipe

The recipe for Buffalo wings should be mastered by every self-respecting cook. There is nothing complicated in it, you just need to remember the sequence of processes. To prepare a delicious snack, purchase large chicken wings: not frozen, but chilled, with a beautiful, shiny skin, without damage. Cooks recommend removing the extreme phalanx immediately when cutting - use it for soup.


  • wings - 10 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Tabasco sauce - 60 ml;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • black pepper - a pinch;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • cayenne pepper - ¼ tsp;


  1. Wash the wings, dry them, divide them into joints.
  2. In a deep bowl, mix the cayenne pepper, paprika, flour and salt.
  3. Dip chicken in breadcrumbs. It is convenient to do this in a bag (pour the breading into a tight bag, put the chicken parts in and shake well).
  4. Fry in batches in oil heated to 180 degrees.
  5. Readiness is determined by the golden crust.
  6. In a container, combine hot tabasco, melted butter, a pinch of black pepper, minced garlic cloves.
  7. Transfer the wings to a container and pour over the marinade. Let it brew for 3-5 minutes and serve.

Buffalo wings in the oven - recipe with photo

To make a delicious appetizer while reducing the use of vegetable oil, you can use the Buffalo wings recipe in the oven. This method differs in that the chicken is pre-marinated in a mixture of kefir and spices, and then laid out on a baking sheet and baked. After heat treatment, the wings are dipped in a hot spicy marinade and allowed to brew for several minutes, and only then they are served at the table.


  • chicken wings - 12 pieces;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • pepper and salt - to taste;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • chili sauce - 30 ml;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
  • cayenne pepper - a teaspoon;
  • paprika - ½ tsp;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • wine vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 50 g;


  1. Prepare the wings: rinse, dry, cut into pieces.
  2. Prepare the marinade: mix kefir with salt, garlic, black pepper and chili sauce. Dip the chicken in the marinade and let stand for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Put the wings on a baking sheet, greased with oil, send to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Flip the wings to the other side and fry for the same amount of time.
  5. Prepare the buffalo wing sauce. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the chili sauce, pressed garlic, paprika, wine vinegar, salt and sugar.
  6. Put the finished product on a dish, pour dressing.
  7. Serve hot.

Buffalo Chicken Wings - Original Recipe

The original Buffalo Wings recipe is easy to follow, and if you want to surprise your guests with this excellent dish, strictly follow all the recommendations. Chicken parts should not be too small - choose medium palm-sized wings. Prepare a very colorful, delicious Blue Cheese sauce made from blue cheese for an appetizer. Serve with celery stalks and carrot sticks.


  • butter - 50 g;
  • brown sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • hot sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs;
  • pepper and salt - a pinch each;
  • celery - 1 pc;
  • cayenne pepper - 1 tsp;


  1. Divide the prepared wings into two parts, do not use the extreme phalanx.
  2. Prepare breading: combine cayenne pepper, flour, paprika, salt, black pepper.
  3. Pour the mixture into a plastic bag, put the chicken in it and shake - the mixture is evenly distributed over the meat.
  4. Fry the chicken pieces in plenty of olive oil on both sides until golden brown.
  5. Put the finished product on a paper towel.
  6. While the frying process is in progress, prepare the Buffalo sauce: mix the melted butter with the spicy mass, brown sugar, garlic, salt and pepper.
  7. Mix the mixture with the wings so as to cover the product completely.
  8. Serve hot with Blue Cheese sauce.

Buffalo wings - recipe by Yulia Vysotskaya

Buffalo wings are prepared in different ways, there are many recipes for this dish. Almost every famous culinary specialist considers it his duty to bring something of his own, special to the classic way of preparing a famous dish. We offer to diversify your menu using the Buffalo wings recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya. The peculiarity of this method lies in the intricacies of preparing the sauce: Julia suggests not using store-bought tomato sauce and chili powder - all ingredients should be only in their natural form.


  • wing - 12 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 1000 ml;
  • butter - 75 g;
  • melted butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • tomatoes in their own juice - 6 pcs.;
  • garlic -3 cloves;
  • red hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • brown sugar - 50 g;
  • wine white vinegar - 40 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • warm water - 1 glass;
  • salt - to taste;


  1. Rinse the wings, cut at the joint, dry on a paper towel.
  2. Salt, season with black pepper to taste, fry in boiling oil until a beautiful crust forms.
  3. Fry hot peppers in melted butter in a saucepan, add slices of garlic, tomatoes, a little white vinegar. Season the mass with salt, sugar and pepper. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes without bringing to a boil.
  4. Place the chicken in a deep container, pour the marinade over it, add a little butter and warm it up.
  5. Serve with Blue Cheese sauce and vegetables.

Buffalo wings - cooking secrets

To please your loved ones and guests with an incredibly colorful, tasty, spicy dish, you should know some of the secrets of making Buffalo wings. Experienced chefs willingly share them:

  • Buy medium-sized chicken pieces: don't use wings that are too small.
  • Before marinating, make a few punctures on each wing to get soft, tender meat faster.
  • Tomato marinade will taste better if you use brown sugar instead of white.
  • If the dish the next day does not look as appetizing as you would like, sprinkle the chicken with water, cover and warm slightly over low heat.

Buffalo wings classic recipe with photo