Home / Patties / How much to cook sea bass in the oven without foil. Sea bass in the oven: a delicious gift from the Mediterranean

How much to cook sea bass in the oven without foil. Sea bass in the oven: a delicious gift from the Mediterranean

Unfortunately, domestic housewives mostly do not know how to cook sea bass in the oven. Despite the relative availability of this Mediterranean delicacy, it has not really taken root in the diet of Russians and other residents of the post-Soviet space. But it is in this small and rather low-fat fish that contains so many vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. In addition, sea bass meat is very pleasant to the taste, well absorbed by the body, and at the same time it contains relatively few calories. So you can use it even while on a diet. And how to cook so that it turns out to be not only useful, but also tasty, you can find out by reading the following recipes. Moreover, no particularly expensive products or unique skills are required for this.

Oven recipe with vegetables

In addition to all the other advantages of this dish, a small amount of bones in the carcass should also be noted, which facilitates not only the cooking process, but also consumption. Before you cook sea bass in the oven with vegetables, you should stock up on all the necessary ingredients. The dish turns out to be light, tasty, but at the same time quite nutritious. It is served with vegetables, so you can serve it without a side dish.

For 1 serving you should take: 1 carcass of fish (up to 400 g), a spoonful of olive oil, half a lemon, salt, a sprig of thyme, cucumber, tomato and a little lettuce will serve as a decoration.

The fish needs to be cleaned, gutted, washed and dried with a towel. Then it is salted and sprinkled with herbs, poured with squeezed lemon juice, leaving a few slices whole for serving. A sprig of thyme is placed in the abdomen and left to marinate for 15-30 minutes.

Next, the fish can first be lightly fried on both sides in a pan with oil, and then brought to readiness in the oven. To make the dish more dietary, the sea bass should simply be baked. For this purpose, the carcass is laid out on an oiled one, and sent to a not very hot oven for 15-20 minutes.

While the fish is cooking, you need to cut the vegetables and arrange a wide dish with them. Ready sea bass is laid out in the center, decorated with lemon and served immediately. An herb-based broth sauce is ideal for it, but you can do without it.

Sea bass in the oven in foil

The previous fish is very popular in the south of France, where it is served in literally all cafes and restaurants. As for other Mediterranean countries, where sea bass is no less common, here it is often cooked in foil. For a large carcass of fish (from a kilogram), you will need spices (dried oregano and parsley, thyme, ground white pepper, you can add basil or thyme), salt, a little olive oil, lemon and salt to taste.

Before cooking sea bass in the oven, it is washed, salted, sprinkled with spices, poured with lemon juice. In the abdomen, you can put a few sprigs of greenery. Then the fish is wrapped in foil and sent to the oven for half an hour at a temperature of no more than 200 degrees. It should be served with vegetables or another side dish, dry white wine.

Diving to a depth of 100 meters, migrating across the Atlantic Ocean from northern waters to hot countries, along the Mediterranean and Black Seas, the long-lived sea bass (sometimes up to 15 years old) gains weight up to 12 kg. Knowing about the high nutritional properties, including a valuable indicator of omega-3 fatty acids, against the background of commercial fishing, breeding has long been practiced both in natural seawater reservoirs and in artificial pools. Carcasses are smaller, cheaper than wild ones, but are available on the shelves of fish stores everywhere.

We will also dilute the diet with an easily digestible product, give the body a supply of antioxidants necessary for youth and beauty - in less than an hour we will cook tender sea bass in the oven in foil. Take a closer look at the recipe, sea bream is often baked in the same way, various sea fish - on a vegetable pillow, with lemon and a mean set of spices. We buy exclusively fresh (remember, “there is no second fresh fish”?), Taken from an ice showcase, without flaws - frozen, thawed we skip past. If the store has a cutting service, use it. The price tag for the semi-finished product will increase slightly, but the most unpleasant moment can be avoided and at the end of the meal your dish will leave only delicious memories.

Cooking time: 60 minutes / Number of servings: 1-2


  • sea ​​bass (carcass) 600 g
  • carrots 1-2 pcs.
  • olive oil 50 ml
  • lemon 1 pc.
  • salt, pepper, coriander to taste
  • greens a couple of branches


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    With spices, as with any recipe, experiment or rely on your own proven preferences. My list of fragrances is short, it is equally spicy and spicy. Together with a large pinch of salt, we send black peppercorns and fragrant coriander into a mortar - intensively grind to fine crumbs. I insist that spices should not be used purchased ground in bags and have lost their lively saturation, but just crushed.

    We also pour tender olive oil here (if you replace it with sunflower or corn oil, then only refined - with a neutral smell, not smoking). Squeeze the juice of about half a large lemon. Stir, whisking lightly. All. Dressing for sea bass in foil is ready! In addition, our flavored, salted butter improves the taste of any other fish (both sea and river), baked with a range of vegetables.

    So that the sea bass in the oven is not lonely and does not have to cook an additional side dish, we take carrots. Remove the top layer and divide the sweet, juicy root crop into long straws. We do without a grater - we need elastic and oiled al dente carrots, and not stewed soft shavings.

    Simple actions behind - we pass to the most time-consuming manipulation. We clean the fish carcass from scales, cut off the tail, fins, cut open the belly along and remove the insides, as well as the gills - thoroughly rinse under cold water, wipe with a napkin. In many coastal establishments, sea bass is only gutted, leaving tail fins, baked on charcoal in an oven, grill or in another way - then the final dish looks decorative and very attractive. But, buying fish in a supermarket, without having the right guarantees of freshness, we will protect ourselves from troubles and cut the fish well at home.

    We cover the baking sheet with a sheet of foil, in the middle we lay out a slide of sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcarrots, generously pour with appetizingly smelling oil.

    We cover the vegetables with gutted fish - we send a bunch of carrot bars inside the semi-finished fish, sprinkle with dressing on top, leave a couple of green branches. The sea bass planted on a vegetable “cushion” will definitely not stick to the foil, will not dry out, will exchange aromas and retain tenderness and integrity. Without ramming, we loosely wrap foil on top, fasten the joints in the form of a package. We put a baking sheet with sea bass in the oven (previously hot) for the next 30-40 minutes, bake at a temperature of 190 degrees. We hold the last 5-7 minutes by tearing the package.

    We shift the foil sea bass baked with carrots onto a beautiful plate - serve with refreshing lemon slices, herbs, lettuce leaves.

Traditionally, sea bass is grown in Greece, but the fish has gained wide popularity throughout the world. A delicate taste, a small amount of bones and a pleasant smell encourage housewives to master the basics of cooking in their kitchen. As practice shows, it is easiest to bake sea bass in the oven. The dish turns out fragrant and juicy, for which connoisseurs love it. Many girls who are on a diet eat fish as their main meal. This is not surprising, sea bass contains a sufficient amount of useful enzymes and is carbohydrate-free.

Features of cooking sea bass

  1. The modern rhythm of life leaves almost no time and energy for long-term cooking. Not all housewives can afford to stand at the stove all day. Cooking sea bass has an undeniable plus, since the fish is baked in the oven in a short time. 30 minutes of languor at 180-200 degrees is enough. In cases with larger fish (from 1 kg.), The baking time should be increased to 40 minutes.
  2. As mentioned earlier, sea bass belongs to dietary dishes, therefore it has a low energy value. The calorie content of the finished dish does not cross the mark of 98 Kcal. per 100 gr. fish. Of these, 26 kcal. refers to fats and 71 kcal. - proteins. The composition does not contain carbohydrates, so fish can be consumed in large quantities. The energy value of the finished product varies depending on the cooking technology (frying, stewing, boiling, baking, etc.).
  3. If you purchased frozen fish, it must first be defrosted. To do this, leave the product in the fresh air (4 hours), on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator (10 hours) or in the sink under cold water. You can also send a fan to the sea bass, but in this way there is a risk of weathering. After defrosting, cleaning, washing and drying the fish follows.
  4. Due attention is paid to the fins. Be careful when cutting them, the thorns leave wounds. If possible, do not touch this area with your fingers, grab the fins with tongs, then cut off. If injury cannot be avoided, rinse skin with cold water and treat with hydrogen peroxide solution.
  5. Experienced housewives came to the conclusion that sea bass meat goes well with Provence herbs. When choosing spices, give preference to overseas dry mixes. Before serving, sea bass is traditionally sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil to bring out the richness of the taste.

The right choice of fish

  1. Artificially grown sea bass is supplied to store shelves. Often it is supplied from Italy and Spain, it is difficult to encounter Greek copies in Russia.
  2. Before paying for the goods, ask the seller to show you the carcass. In fresh fish, the eyes are transparent, do not have turbidity, while the fins have a slight pinkish tint.
  3. When you are convinced of the freshness, use another trick. Press on the body of the fish with your finger: if the hole quickly disappeared and the surface leveled off, you have a good copy in front of you.
  4. Naturally, it is important to appreciate the smell of fish, it should not be repulsive. Fresh sea bass is stored in a container with ice on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for about 2 days. Moreover, if you freeze the product, the period increases to 4 months.

  1. Defrost the fish or use a fresh product, proceed to cleaning. Preparing a sea bass for baking is easy enough, so you should not ask to be cleaned at the point of sale (unsanitary conditions).
  2. Due attention is paid to the removal of entrails and gills. When removing the intestines, make sure that the gallbladder does not burst.
  3. To properly pull out the insides, cut the carcass from the middle to the beginning of the lips. Take it by the gills, start pulling it down. The intestines are removed along with the gills and gallbladder.
  4. If by inexperience you have crushed the bubble, do not despair. Rinse the belly of the sea bass with water several times, dry with paper towels.
  5. If you have enough time, marinate the fish in vinegar, mayonnaise or sour cream. Add spices and citrus juice (optional). In cases where there is no time, grease the carcass with seasonings and sprinkle with lemon, then proceed to baking.

Sea bass in the oven: a traditional recipe

  • fish - 1 carcass
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 30 ml.
  • salt - to taste
  • spices for fish - at the discretion (optional)
  1. Prepare fish for baking. Clean, wash, dry, start rubbing with seasonings. Combine salt and spices in a deep bowl.
  2. Rub the cut fish with the resulting composition on all sides (including the inside). It is important not to overdo it, because the sea bass quickly absorbs spices, as a result of which it is easy to oversalt it.
  3. If you did not remove the fins, be careful not to cut the skin. Chop the lemon into rings or half rings, cut the onion in the same way. If possible, choose purple onions over yellow ones.
  4. It remains to wrap the fish in foil or place in the cavity of the baking bag. In the first case, it is important to tightly wrap the edges so that air does not show through. In the second - make 5 holes with a sewing needle at the top of the bag.
  5. Place the fish in the center, put thin lemon rings on top, and onion on the sides. To enhance the taste, sprinkle the carcass with olive or vegetable oil. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, wait a quarter of an hour.
  6. Put the fish on a baking sheet and send to bake. Some housewives put chopped dill and parsley mixed with lemon slices into the cavity of the sea bass. It all depends on personal preference, experiment.
  7. If the oven is relatively new, the sea bass will bake no longer than half an hour. Otherwise, 40 minutes is enough. The main thing to know is that you cannot overexpose the product in the oven.
  8. After cooking, unfold the foil envelope, taste the product. Serve with fresh vegetable salad, baked potatoes and shrimp sauce.

  • zucchini - 0.5 pcs.
  • olive oil - 65 ml.
  • sea ​​bass - 1 pc. (large carcass)
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • lime - 1 pc.
  • red onion - 1 pc.
  • spices - optional
  • salt - to taste
  1. To prepare baked fish, you will need one large carcass (fresh) or 2 small fish. Of the spices, curry, ground black pepper, cardamom are most suitable (all other seasonings are optional).
  2. Clean the carcass, gut it, remove the gills, fins. Rinse under the tap, dry with napkins. Using a sharp knife, make not very deep cuts along the entire back of the fish.
  3. Remove the seeds from the bell pepper, chop it into slices. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, removing the stalks. Chop the purple (red) onion into half rings, peel and chop the young zucchini.
  4. Combine seasonings and salt in a separate bowl. Line a baking sheet with 2 layers of foil. Turn on the oven to preheat to 185-200 degrees. At this time, start rubbing the sea bass with spices.
  5. Put the carcass on a prepared baking sheet, place onion half rings around the fish, send a small part into the cavity. Peppers, tomatoes, zucchini put on a baking sheet.
  6. Sprinkle the whole dish and the carcass in particular with lime juice, pour the fish with olive oil. Cover the prepared composition with a second sheet of foil, tightly pinch the edges so that the mixture does not leak out.
  7. Send the baking sheet to the oven, bake for a quarter of an hour. After that, remove the top sheet of foil, simmer for another 10-15 minutes. When a golden crust appears on the surface, turn off the appliance.
  8. Put the fish on a flat round or square plate, place the finished vegetables on the side. Serve with tartar or shrimp sauce. The dish is perfect for dinner.

  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 5 tubers
  • fish - 1 large carcass
  • butter - in fact
  • salt - to taste
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  1. Gut the sea bass, rinse under the tap, dry. Mix ground black pepper and ground salt in your favorite proportions. Rub the carcass with the prepared composition.
  2. Wash the lemon, cut it into thin half rings. Place the part inside the carcass. Make cuts on the sides of the fish, pour lemon juice into the resulting cavities.
  3. Spread foil on a baking sheet. If it is thin, fold the product in 2 layers. Wash and peel the potato tubers, cut them into cubes. Lay the chopped vegetable around the fish carcass.
  4. Melt the butter in a convenient way, vary the amount according to personal judgment. Add crushed garlic to it, stir. Salt, distribute the sauce over potato cubes (slices).
  5. Take another sheet of foil, cover the dish, wrap the edges. Send the mixture to the oven, bake for half an hour at 210 degrees. A quarter of an hour after the start of cooking, remove the top sheet of foil.
  6. When a crust forms on the surface of the fish, taste one slice of potato. If it is baked, the dish is considered ready. Put the fish with vegetables on a plate, start tasting.

It is easy to bake sea bass in the oven if you have sufficient knowledge. It is important to choose the right fish, and then prepare it for further manipulations. Consider baking sea bass with vegetables or potatoes separately, use the traditional recipe. Experiment, add your favorite spices.

Video: sea bass baked in foil with lemons in the oven

We will devote the topic of today's article to cooking a royal fish called sea bass and consider how to properly bake it in foil in the oven.

Seabass is an extra-class fish due to the low content of bones in it and due to its beneficial properties and taste.

Sea bass meat contains vitamins A and E, which are natural antioxidants and promote active growth of hair and nails, as well as vitamins D and K, which are vital for our body, are responsible for metabolism and cell renewal. Seabass is also the leader in the content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and many other essential elements.

In addition, the meat of this fish is very dietary and has a delicious delicate taste. Cooking sea bass in foil in the oven multiplies the benefits of the dish and is a priority over other heat treatments.

How to cook sea bass in the oven in foil - a recipe?


  • sea ​​bass carcass - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • (extra virgin) - 20 ml;
  • rosemary - 1 sprig;
  • salt - to taste.


Before cooking, be sure to prepare the carcass of the fish properly. Cut off the fins and tail and remove the entrails and gills. Then we wash the sea bass in cold running water and wipe it almost dry with a paper towel or napkins.

We season the fish with salt, coat with olive oil and make several transverse cuts on the back, into which we insert lemon slices. We put a sprig of rosemary into the belly of the sea bass and wrap the fish in several layers of foil.

We heat the oven to 220 degrees, we determine the sea bass in it and reduce the temperature at this moment to 180 degrees.

How long to bake sea bass in foil in the oven?

The time required to bake sea bass in foil in the oven directly depends on the weight of the fish you are cooking. If the carcass is small, fifteen to twenty minutes will be enough to cook it. With a fish weight of more than 600 grams, it is necessary to increase the time by five minutes for every five hundred grams.

How to cook sea bass with vegetables in the oven in foil?


  • sea ​​bass - 2 pcs.;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil (extra virgin) - 55 ml;
  • zucchini - 275 g;
  • eggplant - 275 g;
  • sweet bell pepper (preferably red) - 275 g;
  • red onion - 150 g;
  • yellow tomatoes - 5 g;
  • - taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.


We get rid of the carcasses of sea bass from the insides, gills, and also cut off the fins and tail. Be sure to rinse the fish after gutting under running cold water, blot dry with a paper towel, and make several transverse cuts on the back.

We mix curry ground black pepper and salt, grease the carcasses with the resulting spicy mixture, and place on a baking sheet, previously covering it with foil. Peel the red onion and cut into small pieces. We fill the belly of the fish with a small part of it, and lay the rest on a baking sheet.

Wash all vegetables and wipe dry. Cut the zucchini and eggplant into circles, and save the peppers from seed boxes and cut into several pieces. We spread the prepared vegetables and yellow tomatoes around the sea bass carcasses. We cut off two circles from the lime and put them on top of the fish, and squeeze the juice from the rest and sprinkle them with vegetables and fish. Drizzle the dish with olive oil, cover with a sheet of foil and seal.

We determine the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 195 degrees for thirty minutes. After fifteen minutes, remove the top layer of foil. This will make the dish brown.

We take out the finished fish on a plate along with vegetables and enjoy. We are sure that this dish will not leave you indifferent and will become one of your favorites.

Sea bass can be classified as a delicacy fish species. It has a delicate and delicate taste, does not have small bones, is a low-calorie product, although it contains a lot of protein and a lot of useful substances, including valuable Omega-3. The fish is easy to clean, cook quickly, eat it pleasantly and conveniently. There are many ways to make delicious dishes from sea bass. It is stewed, fried, baked. If you have purchased several carcasses of the seabass, as this fish is sometimes called, then it would be a good idea to cook them in the oven. Sea bass in the oven always comes out juicy, retains its organoleptic qualities and useful properties well.

Cooking features

Roasting sea bass is a relatively easy task. Even an inexperienced cook can expect to get an impeccable result if he knows and takes into account a few important points.

  • Most often on sale you can find frozen sea bass. If you managed to find fresh or chilled, then it is he who should be preferred. It is only important not to purchase a damaged product. Fresh sea bass should have clear eyes, when pressed with a finger, it should quickly return to its previous shape. Smell is an important indicator of freshness. If you really don't like it, then, most likely, the fish is not as fresh as the seller paints.
  • When buying frozen sea bass, pay attention to the integrity of the package and its contents. If you find ice or snow in the bag, this indicates a violation of the rules for storing the product, that is, that it has been defrosted. It does not hurt to look at the expiration date indicated on the package. If the product is expired, you can not take it, even if it does not look damaged.
  • In order for the sea bass not to lose a lot of moisture during defrosting, it must be thawed in natural conditions, without a sharp temperature drop. Trying to speed up the process with a microwave or warm water will cause the fish to become spongy and dry.
  • Before cooking in the oven, sea bass must be cleaned and gutted. Scales from this fish can be removed, even if the house does not have a special grater. This can be done with a knife, the back of a vegetable peeler, even a metal sponge for washing dishes. It remains to gut the fish, wash the carcass, dry it with a towel and start cooking according to the chosen recipe.
  • Time for preparing sibs in the oven depends on the size of the fish, the temperature in the oven, the specific recipe. Usually, carcasses weighing up to 0.6 kg are baked for 20-30 minutes, weighing from 0.7 kg to 1 kg - 25-35 minutes, then 5 minutes are added for every 500 g. Samples larger than 1 kg rarely go on sale, so usually the baking time of sea bass in the oven does not exceed 30 minutes. This allows you to cook it both in foil and without it.
  • The sea bass does not need long-term marination, but nevertheless, most often it is marinated before baking. Usually the marinade contains oil, since there is little fat in the sea bass itself. Often the composition includes lemon, lime, onion, garlic, spicy herbs, but there should not be many of them so that they successfully set off, and not interrupt the delicate taste of sea wolf meat.
  • Sometimes the fish is fried before baking to create a crust that will protect the fish from drying out. Usually they do this when they want to cook sea bass without foil.

There are a lot of recipes by which you can bake sea bass. The technology for cooking dishes from this fish in the oven may vary. In order to avoid mistakes and get the expected result, you must follow the recommendations that accompany the selected recipe.

Sea bass in the oven without foil

  • sea ​​bass - 1.2-1.5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce - 80-100 ml;
  • olive oil - 80-100 ml;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • rosemary - 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and clean pre-thawed sea bass carcasses. Cut open the belly of the fish. Carefully, so as not to damage the gallbladder, remove the insides. Rinse the carcasses, dry them with a kitchen towel.
  • Pour olive oil into a bowl. Add soy sauce to it.
  • Wash the lemon, cut in half. Squeeze the juice from half into a bowl with oil and soy sauce.
  • Add rosemary and crushed garlic cloves to the sauce.
  • Whisk the contents of the bowl with a whisk.
  • Place the sea bass carcasses in a bowl. Turning them over, cover them on all sides with sauce, spread them inside.
  • Cut the remaining half of the lemon into slices and spread over the bellies of the fish.
  • Cover the bowl with cling film and leave in a cool place for 20-30 minutes.
  • Lay parchment on a baking sheet, put marinated sea bass carcasses on it.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Send a baking sheet with fish into it.
  • Bake the sea bass for 25-35 minutes depending on the size of the carcasses.

When serving, sea bass can be garnished with lemon or lime slices. Rice, potatoes, vegetable salad, baked vegetables are suitable as a side dish.

Seabass baked in foil


  • sea ​​bass - 1 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • provencal herbs - 10 g;
  • salt, black ground pepper - to taste;
  • lemon or lime juice - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the scales from the sea bass. It is better to do this not in the sink, but in the basin, so as not to clog the scales of the pipe.
  • Open your belly. Carefully, trying not to crush the gallbladder, remove the insides.
  • Rinse the gutted carcass and pat dry with napkins.
  • Mix salt, pepper and Provence herbs. Rub the resulting sea bass mixture inside and out. Be careful as this fish has rather sharp fins.
  • Mix a spoonful of lemon juice with the same amount of vegetable oil, coat the fish with this mixture.
  • Brush the remaining oil on a piece of foil folded in half. Put a sea bass on it.
  • Peel the onion, cut into thin rings or half rings.
  • Put part of the onion inside the sea bass, spread the rest of the pieces on top.
  • Wrap the fish in foil. Let her lie down for 20-30 minutes to marinate.
  • Put the foil with the fish on a baking sheet and send it to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 35 minutes.

If you want the fish to brown, tear the foil 10-15 minutes before it is ready.

Seabass with vegetables in the oven


  • sea ​​bass - 1 kg;
  • zucchini - 0.2 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - how much will it take;
  • salt, pepper, cumin - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the sea bass, clean it, gut it.
  • Rub the carcasses with salt, pepper and cumin. Coat with oil.
  • Put the fish in a bag, leave for half an hour.
  • Wash and dry vegetables.
  • Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil.
  • Zucchini, if it is young, cut into circles about half a centimeter thick, spread on the bottom of the form. If the vegetable is ripe, it will have to be peeled and seeds first. You can cut it both into rings and sticks, the choice depends on the preferences of the cook.
  • Using a sharp knife, so as not to squeeze out excess juice from them, cut the tomatoes into round slices, put them on the zucchini slices.
  • Free the onion from the husk, cut into thin rings, put on the rest of the vegetables.
  • Take out the package of the sea bass carcass, put them on the vegetables.
  • Cover the form with foil, put in the oven.
  • Turn on the oven, wait until the temperature in it reaches 200 degrees.
  • Bake sea bass with vegetables for 25 minutes, removing the foil 10 minutes before cooking.

Fish prepared according to this recipe is served along with vegetables with which it was baked. They will serve as a side dish, it is not necessary to cook something else in addition to this dish.

Sea bass in the oven with lemon


  • sea ​​bass - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • rosemary - 1 sprig;
  • salt, seasonings for fish - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Rub the cleaned and gutted sea bass carcass with salt and spices. Coat it with oil.
  • Make incisions on the slave at a distance of 2 cm from each other.
  • Cut the lemon into thin slices. Insert the lemon wedges into the slits on the side of the fish. Put the remaining pieces of lemon and a sprig of rosemary into the abdomen.
  • Lubricate the shiny side of the foil with oil, put the sea bass on it and wrap it in foil.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  • Put the bundle with sea bass on a baking sheet or wire rack, send it to the oven.
  • Bake the fish for half an hour. If you cook 2 fish weighing about 0.5 kg or even less, you can reduce the cooking time to 20-25 minutes.

Seabass cooked with lemon has a pleasant taste and aroma. To it you can offer a sauce based on olive oil and basil. The side dish is suitable for any of those that are usually made with fish dishes.

Sea bass in salt


  • sea ​​bass - 1 kg;
  • salt - 1.5 kg;
  • egg white - 2 pcs.;
  • thyme, basil, lemon juice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Grate the cleaned and gutted sea bass carcass with cumin and basil, sprinkle with lemon juice.
  • Crack the eggs, separating the whites from the yolks.
  • Whisk the whites. Add salt to them and mix well.
  • Put a third of the resulting salt mass into a mold, level it.
  • Put the sea bass on the salt.
  • Cover it with the remaining salt. Tamp it with your hands so that there are no gaps.
  • Preheat the oven to 230 degrees. Put a form with sea bass in it.
  • Cook fish for 25 minutes. For a kilogram carcass, this time will be enough, and if your fish is smaller, the cooking time can even be reduced to 20 minutes.
  • Remove the fish dish from the oven and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • Use a wooden spatula or the handle of a wooden spoon to break up the salt. Remove it from the fish, helping yourself with a fork and spoon. Salt will be removed along with the skin, and this is normal.
  • Separate the fillet from the bone, transfer to a plate.
  • Turn the fish over, remove the salt. Remove the fillet from the bones, put to the first part of the fillet.

It remains to distribute the sea bass fillet in portions and serve. It is believed that sea bass baked in salt preserves its unique taste as much as possible. In order not to interrupt it, use a side dish with the most neutral taste, such as boiled rice.

Seabass baked in the oven can become a decoration of the festive table. You can cook it according to several recipes, each of which is good in its own way.