Home / Khachapuri / Red bean salad Korean carrots smoked chicken. Salad with beans, Korean carrots and chicken

Red bean salad Korean carrots smoked chicken. Salad with beans, Korean carrots and chicken

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  • Salad with Korean carrots and beans belongs to the category of hearty salads. It can be prepared for a large company and be sure that the guests will not go away hungry.

    Often they add to the dish meat ingredient, which makes it even tastier and more nutritious. Korean carrots add spice and bright colors, and beans - rich taste.

    The advantage of this salad is that it will not be spoiled by new ingredients. Eggs, vegetables, spices - everything will be appropriate and will give its "zest" to the dish. The cooking time in this case depends on the number of components. You do not need to have additional skills. It is enough to cut the components and mix them (or lay them out in layers).

    This is the kind of salad that only gets tastier over time. Therefore, it is important to give it time to brew.

    How to Make Korean Carrot and Bean Salad - 15 Varieties

    The most common salad option. It's filling, tasty, and easy to prepare.


    • Korean carrots - 400 g
    • Chicken breast- 500 g
    • Beans - 1 can
    • Mayonnaise


    Cut the chicken into cubes. In a salad bowl, mix all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

    Korean carrots can be pre-chopped if they are too long.

    Bell peppers combined with green onions make a spring salad. Also, these ingredients decorate the dish with bright colors.


    • Beans - 1 can
    • Korean carrots - 400 g
    • Croutons - 100 g
    • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece
    • Green onions- 1 bundle
    • Salt pepper
    • Mayonnaise


    Peel the bell peppers and cut into strips. Chop green onions. Combine all the ingredients, salt and add a little mayonnaise.

    "New Year" salad with Korean carrots and beans

    Croutons add originality to the dish. It is based on sausage, Korean carrots and beans.


    • Croutons - 1 pack
    • Korean carrots - 400 g
    • Beans - 1 can
    • Smoked sausage - 300 g
    • Mayonnaise
    • Greens


    The sausage needs to be cut into strips. Combine carrots, beans, sausage and croutons, mix. Finely chop the herbs and also send to the salad bowl. Add mayonnaise.

    You can cook croutons yourself in the microwave and oven. This will make them more useful.

    When choosing this recipe, you need to buy more spicy and spicy carrots. The salad is similar to oriental dishes.


    • Korean carrots - 300 g
    • Celery root - 300 g
    • Greens
    • Vegetable oil- 2 tbsp


    First you need to cut the celery into long strips. You can use a Korean carrot grater. Then combine it with carrots and let stand for 20 - 30 minutes for the celery to take over the marinade.

    Chop the greens. Combine all components and pour over with oil.

    The dish includes a minimum of ingredients, but this does not make it less tasty.


    • Korean carrots - 300 g
    • Canned beans - 300 g
    • Croutons - 1 pack
    • Mayonnaise


    The cooking process is surprisingly simple - mix everything and season with mayonnaise.

    Korean cuisine salad. Spiced cucumbers make the recipe extraordinary.


    • Cucumbers - 2 pieces
    • Canned beans - 1 can
    • Korean carrots - 300 g
    • Red hot peppers- 1/3 pcs
    • Garlic - 2 cloves
    • Vinegar
    • Vegetable oil
    • Salt, pepper, spices
    • Soy sauce


    First you need to pickle the cucumbers. To do this, they are cut into 4 parts, poured with vinegar. Add pepper and leave in the refrigerator for an hour.

    Hot peppers and garlic are chopped. When the cucumbers are ready, you need to mix all the ingredients. Pour the salad soy sauce, add seasonings and vegetable oil.

    The salad will be even tastier in a few days when the cucumbers and other ingredients are infused.

    An unusual salad will surely attract attention and surprise with its original taste.


    • Green beans - 300 g
    • Korean carrots - 100 g
    • Chicken fillet - 300 g
    • Onion - 1 piece
    • Butter
    • Salt pepper
    • Mayonnaise
    • Dill


    Dice the onion. Cut the meat into medium pieces. Chop the dill.

    Fry onions on butter... Fry the green beans in a separate skillet.

    Combine all the ingredients, salt, add pepper. Add mayonnaise to taste.

    To make the salad more juicy, you can add more Korean carrots.

    It is better to buy this salad raw smoked sausage... It goes well with olives and carrots.


    • Raw smoked sausage - 300 g
    • Canned red beans - 1 can
    • Korean carrots - 400 g
    • Pitted olives - 1 can
    • Mayonnaise


    Cut the sausage into thin strips. Cut the olives in half. Mix all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

    "Festive" salad

    The dish will be relevant not only for festive table... Its ingredients are readily available, making the salad a must-see every day.


    • Canned white beans - 1 can
    • Canned corn - 1 can
    • Korean carrots - 300 g
    • Croutons - 100 g
    • Egg - 1 piece
    • White cabbage - 300 g
    • Mayonnaise


    Chop the cabbage. Cut the egg into cubes. Combine all ingredients, salt to taste and add mayonnaise.

    One of the most original salads with Korean carrots. WITH fried potatoes be sure to drain the oil. Otherwise, the dish will be too heavy for the stomach.


    • Potatoes - 5 pieces
    • Korean carrots - 200 g
    • Red beans - 1 can
    • Ham (sausage) - 200 g
    • Mayonnaise


    First you need to fry the potatoes. Can add onion, salt and add pepper. Cut the ham into strips. Combine carrots, beans, ham and potatoes, stir. Add some mayonnaise.

    To those who love Chinese cabbage, be sure to prepare this salad. All ingredients are perfectly matched and do not "conflict" with each other. The ham can be replaced with sausage.


    • Boiled beans - 1 glass
    • Ham - 100 g
    • Peking cabbage - 1/2 pc
    • Egg - 3 pieces
    • Korean carrots - 100 g
    • Olives for decoration
    • Mayonnaise
    • Sour cream
    • Parsley


    Cut the ham into cubes and combine with the beans. Then add chopped eggs and Chinese cabbage. Shake with chopped herbs. Season with salt and season with mayonnaise and sour cream in equal amounts.

    Put the salad on a plate, lay out the surface with Korean carrots. On this carrot "canvas" put grapes out of olives and make a sprig of parsley.

    "Chanterelle" salad

    A real gourmet treat. Cheese, carrots, chicken fillet- everything points to a tasty and satisfying dish.


    • Chicken fillet - 200 g
    • Korean carrots - 200 g
    • Beans - 1 can
    • Cheese - 150 g
    • Pickled cucumber - 2 pieces
    • Garlic - 2 cloves
    • Mayonnaise


    Cut the fillet into cups, grate the cheese and chop the cucumber into pieces. Chop the garlic finely and combine with mayonnaise.

    In a salad bowl, collect all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise and garlic.

    An even richer salad. Thanks to the mushrooms, it becomes very nutritious.


    • Beans - 100 g
    • Korean carrots - 100 g
    • Mushrooms - 100 g
    • Onion - 1 piece
    • Potatoes - 1 piece
    • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
    • Mayonnaise
    • Salt pepper


    Fry mushrooms and onions in butter. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Season with mayonnaise.

    This dish is best done during the tomato season. Then it will be very fragrant and juicy.


    • Korean carrots - 400 g
    • Canned red beans - 1 can
    • Tomato - 2 pieces
    • Garlic - 3 cloves
    • Mayonnaise


    Cut the tomato into medium cubes. Chop the garlic. Combine beans, tomatoes, carrots and garlic. Pour in mayonnaise.

    Korean style bean, heart and carrot salad

    You can make your daily meal unique by serving different salads each time. Salads are the dish that needs your improvisation.

    Sometimes you want to update not only your wardrobe, but also diversify the usual menu and cook delicious cooking masterpiece, and from the usual products. In this post, we invite our readers to familiarize themselves with salads, where the main ingredient is Korean beans and spicy carrots. Carrot treats are very simple, but vitamin-rich, and the orange vegetable is “friendly” with many products and various dressings.

    Interesting variations of Korean-style bean and spicy carrot salad.

    Recipe 1. "Bright" salad from Korean carrots and canned beans

    It has already been proven that bright and beautifully presented treats awaken appetite and cheer up. This salad does not need additional decoration, since its components already look appetizing, and even a gourmet will like the rich taste of the dish.

    Required Ingredients:

    - Korean carrots - 250 grams;

    - red canned beans- jar;

    - bell pepper of all colors - 1 piece each;

    - soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;

    - Crimean onion - 2 pieces;

    - parsley - a bunch;

    - salt, chili, lemon juice, olive oil.

    Cooking method:

    Step by step plan preparation of "bright" salad.

    Preparatory stage:

    - Canned beans are freed from unnecessary juice, Korean carrots should be wrung out a little.

    Bell peppers cut into long strips.

    - The Crimean onion is cut into thin, almost transparent half rings.

    - Chili pepper (no seeds), chopped parsley finely.

    Dressing preparation: mix olive oil, soy sauce, lemon juice. The prepared ingredients are combined into salad bowls, mixed, watered with dressing and infused for 10 minutes.

    Ready salad laid out in a slide in a transparent salad bowl, so as not to hide the rich colors. Bon Appetit!

    Recipe 2. "Cobweb" salad of Korean carrots and beans (puff)

    This puff salad on taste and by design it is considered 100% festive dish... Beans, boiled chicken give the dish a nourishment, and Korean carrots are piquant.

    Required Ingredients:

    - canned white beans - 250 grams;

    - chicken breast - 2 pieces;

    - eggs - 5 pieces;

    - cheese ( hard varieties) - 200 grams;

    - salt, mayonnaise (for dressing), 3 olives for decoration.

    Cooking method:

    A step-by-step plan for preparing a puff salad "Spiderwebs" from Korean-style carrots and canned beans.

    Preparatory stage:

    - Boiled chicken breast in the usual way, and then finely chopped and salted.

    - Hard-boiled eggs and cheese are cut on a grater.

    - Canned beans are freed from unnecessary juice, Korean carrots must be lightly squeezed.

    The prepared ingredients are placed in a salad bowl with balls in the following sequence: chicken greased with mayonnaise, white beans, carrots, eggs, greased with mayonnaise and cheese.

    Top salad garnished Korean carrot in the form of a cobweb, and an olive spider sits down in the center. Bon Appetit!

    Recipe 3. Salad of asparagus beans and spicy Korean carrots

    Light, diet salad with an unusual combination of Korean carrots and healthy seaweed, will become a frequent treat for dining table as soon as you dare to combine seemingly incompatible products.

    Required Ingredients:

    - asparagus beans - 300 grams;

    seaweed- 200 grams;

    - half of one lemon;

    - Korean carrots - 200 grams;

    - soy sauce - a tablespoon;

    - vegetable fat, salt.

    Cooking method:

    Detailed recipe for cooking salad in Korean "sailor" from asparagus beans, seaweed and spicy Korean carrots.

    Preparatory stage:

    - The asparagus beans are cut into 2-4 pieces and boiled in salted, boiling water for 7 minutes. Then she sinks into cold water and sprinkled with lemon juice.

    Beans, seaweed, carrots are laid out in a salad bowl. The ingredients are seasoned with salt, soy sauce, oil, and mixed. A healthy and tasty salad is ready in 10 minutes, bon appetit!

    Recipe 4. Salad with beans, Korean carrots and prunes

    Many men are sure that if a salad is without meat or sausage, it cannot be satisfying. But this dish is proof that this salad can be presented as an independent treat, since it is based on beans and prunes, which are very satisfying.

    Required Ingredients:

    - Korean carrots - 300 grams;

    - large beans (raw) - 0.5 cups;

    - prunes - 300 grams;

    - dill - a bunch;

    - salt, mayonnaise for dressing.

    Cooking method:

    Detailed recipe for making "Nourishing" salad of beans, Korean carrots and prunes.

    Preparatory stage:

    - The beans are boiled until tender.

    - Prunes are steamed in boiling water for 15 minutes. Chop soft prunes and dill.

    - Korean carrots are exempt from marinade.

    It remains to combine all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise and the "hearty" salad can be served to the guests. Bon Appetit!

    Many salads, the basis of which are beans and spicy Korean carrots, are seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream, but supporters healthy eating can replace them with a dressing from lemon juice and aromatic olive or vegetable oil.

    The easiest way to make a delicious salad in record time a short time- take and mix ready-to-eat products that do not require pre-cooking, cooling and cleaning. Often, such express dishes are no worse than labor-intensive ones, and a minimum of effort is required. Today we present a recipe just from this category - we prepare a salad with beans, Korean carrots and chicken. The entire composition is already indicated in the name, no tricks or additional components (except for the standard dressing - ordinary mayonnaise).

    The only step where our efforts will be required is to cut the chicken, and then they mixed everything, seasoned and put on the table! The recipe is obscenely simple, but the result will definitely not disappoint! The dish turns out to be bright, juicy, appetizing. I am also glad that the composition is easy to adjust - they wanted more hearty salad, added pickled mushrooms, eggs, cheese or crackers. Would you like more colors? Comes to the rescue canned corn, fresh herbs.


    • canned beans in own juice- 1 bank;
    • Korean carrots - 150 g;
    • chicken roll (or smoked chicken) - 300 g;
    • mayonnaise to taste.

    Salad with beans, Korean carrots and chicken recipe with photo

    Bon Appetit!

    Bean salads are very beneficial and interesting option for any dinner, family or holiday. And this product is quite nutritious, but not very high in calories, therefore it is often used in fasting, in proper nutrition and everyday life.

    With beans you can make delicious dishes, both vegetable and meat. Of course, it is combined with sausage or mushrooms, but this combination is rather heavy for the liver and stomach. But a couple of times a year in the form festive salad, it fits perfectly.

    Red beans look beautiful and bright in salads and are used more often than white beans. But their taste is completely identical.

    Remember that beans that are canned in tomato juice... We take only in our own juice or classic.


    • 300 g boiled beef or boiled pork
    • 2 pickles
    • Jar of canned red beans
    • Mayonnaise
    • Crackers

    Beef and cucumbers are cut into strips, mixed in a salad bowl with beans and a spoonful of mayonnaise.

    And at the very end, a bag of crackers is added.

    You do not need to salt this version of the salad, you can only add a little salt to the broth when cooking beef.

    I want to offer you another option delicious salad but no mayonnaise. It is filled with vegetable oil.


    • 250 g boiled beef
    • Red canned beans - 1 can
    • 1 head of red onion
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • 1 red bell pepper
    • 50 g walnuts
    • Cilantro
    • Hmeli-suneli
    • Olive oil - 30 ml
    • Ground black pepper
    • Apple vinegar

    First, marinate the onion in 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 100 ml of boiling water for 7 minutes.

    We clean and cut the pepper. We wash the beans.

    Boil the beef in salted water, cool and cut it.

    Grind all the ingredients and mix them in one container.

    We fill with a spoonful of vinegar and olive oil, sprinkle with spices and pieces of greens.

    Both of these options are nutritious and unusual in taste.

    Salad with beans and kirieshki for the festive table

    Beans go well with crackers, and kirieshki are the most affordable type of crackers. Of course, we can make croutons ourselves, but bean salads are usually made on hastily and very fast. Because there are very few ingredients to cut and cook.


    • 2 packs of kirieshkas
    • Beans
    • 2 pickled cucumbers
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • 200 gr cheese
    • Mayonnaise

    This salad is prepared in three minutes.

    Pour the croutons, add chopped cucumbers and garlic to them. Three cheese and pour over mayonnaise sauce.

    It turns out much tastier when the kirieshki get wet and soaked, so you need a little more mayonnaise than usual.

    Delicious chicken recipe

    Where is in our menu without chicken? Of course, it is better to add animal protein to bean protein, then we will completely make up for its lack in the body. And eggs are also included in the recipe, which also replenishes the nutritional composition we need.


    • 1 can of white beans
    • 300 gr boiled chicken fillet
    • 1 tomato
    • 3 eggs
    • Greens
    • Salt pepper
    • 20% sour cream
    • Pickled cucumber
    • Dried basil
    • 2 cloves of garlic

    We cut and combine all the ingredients. It's a matter of three minutes.

    All the beauty of this salad is in the dressing.

    We make the sauce like this: add the juice of garlic cloves to the sour cream, pickled in a blender or pickle and basil.

    Pour this mixture over our salad, it turns out unusual taste... Also, this sauce is less nutritious and heavy than mayonnaise.

    I think you guessed that the zest of the salad is the sauce.

    Canned Beans with Corn and Croutons

    Corn gives the beans a sweetish taste, because the kernels themselves do not have a very pronounced taste. By the way, I have described many salads containing corn in.

    In this recipe, we will make crackers ourselves, and we will use pieces of rye bread.


    • Red beans - 1 can
    • Canned corn - 1 can
    • Rye crackers - 100 g
    • Mayonnaise

    Everything is done instantly. Drain the liquid from the canned food and mix all the products. The croutons must be nourished.

    You can add herbs or garlic.

    Add pickled mushrooms

    Canned mushrooms are not a product for every day. Therefore, I will refer this version of the salad to the category of "festive". You can buy fresh mushrooms and fry them until tender, but buy them faster, and already cut.

    The mushrooms are quite juicy, so reduce the amount of mayonnaise when dressing.


    • Canned beans - 1 can
    • Pickled champignons - 1 can
    • Bulb
    • Mayonnaise
    • Garlic
    • Salt pepper

    Mushrooms can be fried with onions, you can take them directly from the jar.

    Stir the mushrooms, onions and beans, squeeze the juice out of the garlic and mix with the mayonnaise.

    Sprinkle with herbs on top.

    Unusual bean salad with Korean carrots and sausage

    Korean carrots can be eaten not only as a separate dish, but also mixed with sausage. This will only intensify the taste of the products.

    Take Korean carrots themselves in special stalls or racks, usually, they are sold by Koreans themselves. They have it very juicy and soaked, and also cut into thin grass.


    • Boiled or canned beans - 1 cup
    • Ham or sausage -200 gr
    • 3 eggs
    • Chinese cabbage
    • 80 g Korean carrots
    • Olives and sprigs of greenery
    • Mayonnaise or natural yogurt

    All ingredients are chopped and blended except for Korean carrots.

    Pour the sauce over the salad mass, and cover the top layer with carrot slices and several olives, which are laid out in the form of a grapevine or along the perimeter of a salad bowl.

    Beans and Cabbage Salad Recipe

    Secret simple recipe lettuce, in a pronounced garlic flavor and nutritional value. At the same time, it is suitable as a vegetable dinner or fast food.


    • 1 carrot
    • 1 can of beans
    • 300g Chinese cabbage, chopped
    • Greens
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • Vegetable oil
    • Vinegar
    • Salt pepper

    Chop the carrots and cabbage. We free the jar of beans from the liquid.

    Chop the herbs with garlic cloves and add to the salad.

    Pour 1 teaspoon of vinegar and vegetable oil.

    Pepper, salt and even sugar a little.

    Croutons and sausage recipe

    Interesting and delicious recipe ik for those who love spicy flavors. Buy croutons with salami or bacon flavor.


    • Corn - 1 can
    • Beans - 1 can
    • Smoked sausage - 200 g
    • Croutons - 80 g
    • 1 onion
    • Mayonnaise

    If you marinate the onion, then you will also need:

    • 1 tsp Sahara
    • 1 tbsp vinegar

    Onions can be pickled or left as they are. The taste will be excellent anyway.

    Cut the sausage and mix with vegetables, pieces of croutons and onions.

    Pour with sauce. This dish can not be left to infuse, it is served immediately.

    Chicken, Beans and Cheese Salad

    The cheese in the dish will add tenderness. The pickled cucumber in this recipe will add crispness and give up its salt, so do not salt the salad.


    • 300 g boiled chicken
    • 1 can of beans
    • 150 gr cheese
    • 3 pickled cucumbers
    • 3 slices of black bread
    • 1 clove of garlic
    • Mayonnaise, herbs

    Let's get busy with bread. It is better to take the slices not very fresh. Coat the bread with garlic and dry in a frying pan.

    Shred cucumbers and a piece of cheese.

    Cut the fillet and combine with all the ingredients.

    We wash the bean kernels from the liquid and pour into a bowl.

    Sprinkle with mayonnaise, herbs and pepper.

    Bean salad with Korean carrots

    You can create a nutritious snack from handy foods very quickly.


    • 400 g Korean carrots
    • 200 gr chicken meat
    • Bean kernels - 1 jar
    • 1 can of corn

    First we decant the juice from the carrots, only after that we add it to the general container. From canned vegetables pour out the juice.

    Combine the pieces of ingredients into a salad mixture.

    It is better to mix with the sauce before the meal itself.

    I often buy a couple of cans of canned beans when I shop for food. Often they come across discounts or promotions. Sometimes we add them to salads, and sometimes we make lobio or vegetable stew from it.

    It helps to diversify your home menu and add nutrition if you don't want to use potatoes, for example.

    By the way, bean soup also very tasty.

    The housewives also prepare salads and, adding a little beans there, we have not tried it, but there are such recipes.

    I also want to give advice: do not take deformed canned food, they immediately become hazardous to health. Choose a jar with straight edges and sides.