Home / Khachapuri / How to bake boiled potatoes. Boiled potatoes baked in the oven: for any occasion

How to bake boiled potatoes. Boiled potatoes baked in the oven: for any occasion

A lot of this you haven't tried. And in vain.

Photo credit: norikko/Shutterstock


  • 4 large potatoes;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 30 g butter.


Rinse potatoes and pierce with a fork several times on all sides. Lubricate olive oil, salt, season with spices.

Place the potatoes on the oven rack, preheated to 180°C, and bake for 60-75 minutes. Check readiness with a fork: the potatoes should be soft.

On each potato, make a longitudinal cut, sprinkle with salt, pepper and put a piece of butter.

Photo: koss13 / Shutterstock


  • 900 g potatoes;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • ½ bunch fresh rosemary.


Rinse the potatoes well. Cut in half or quarters if tubers are too large. Place potatoes on a baking sheet, drizzle with oil, sprinkle with minced garlic, salt, pepper and chopped rosemary. Leave a few sprigs of rosemary for serving.

Heat olive oil over medium heat. Saute chopped onion and garlic on it. Then put the minced meat in the pan and cook for a few minutes. Add flour and stir. Add vegetables, broth, water, thyme, oregano, pepper and salt. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 2 minutes, until the filling has thickened.

Lay the potato skins on a baking sheet and stuff them with the meat mixture. Place the cooled puree in a pastry bag fitted with a star tip and cover the filling with it. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 15-20 minutes until the puree is browned around the edges.

Photo credit: chettarin / Shutterstock


  • 3 large potatoes;
  • 5 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon dried garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon Italian herbs;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 50 g of grated parmesan;
  • a few sprigs of parsley.


Rinse potatoes well and cut into long thin slices. Put them on a baking sheet, pour oil, sprinkle with seasonings and mix. Lay potatoes skin side down and sprinkle with grated parmesan.

Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 25-27 minutes until potatoes are crispy golden crust. Sprinkle chopped parsley over baked potatoes and serve with Caesar dressing or your choice.

Photo: Cesarz / Shutterstock


  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 ¹⁄₂ tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 2 heads of broccoli;
  • 100 ml skimmed milk;
  • ½ teaspoon cornstarch;
  • 100 g of grated hard cheese.


Rinse the potatoes and drizzle the tubers with a tablespoon of olive oil. Pierce potatoes on all sides with a fork and season with salt. Place the tubers on the oven rack and bake at 220°C for 45–50 minutes.

10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, put the broccoli florets on a baking sheet, pour a tablespoon of oil, lightly sprinkle with salt and put in the oven.

In a small saucepan, combine milk and cornstarch. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then add the remaining butter and cheese. Cook, stirring constantly, until the sauce is thick and smooth.

Transfer to a serving platter, cut off the top, place the broccoli on top and pour over the cheese sauce.

Photo: Ruslan Mitin / Shutterstock


  • 3 large potatoes;
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 3 large eggs;
  • 50 g grated cheddar;
  • 3 slices of bacon;
  • 2 green onion feathers.


Rinse the potatoes well with a stiff brush. Pierce the tubers on all sides with a fork, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Set for 8 minutes.

Put the slightly cooled potatoes on a baking sheet covered with parchment, cut off the top and remove the core with a spoon. In the resulting hole, put a piece of butter, egg, cheese and chopped fried bacon. Sprinkle with chopped onion.

Fill the other potatoes in the same way. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 20-25 minutes until egg white won't turn white.

Photo: Timages / Shutterstock


  • 6 large potatoes;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 85 g butter;
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard;
  • 6 green onion feathers;
  • 230 g grated hard cheese;
  • 600 g canned beans.


Rinse potatoes, brush with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Put on a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 1 hour.

Cut the slightly cooled potatoes in half lengthwise. Scoop out most of the pulp with a spoon. Mix it with butter, mustard, salt, minced onion, ⅔ cheese and beans. Stuff the potato skins with the mixture, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and bake for another 30-40 minutes.

Prepare the ingredients.

Wash and peel potatoes.
Rinse again with cold water to remove the starch.
Cut large potatoes into 2-4 pieces, leave small ones whole.
Put the potatoes in a saucepan, add water (so that it completely covers the potatoes) and salt.
Bring to a boil and from the moment of boiling, cook for about 10 minutes over medium heat.
Drain the potatoes in a colander and leave for a couple of minutes to dry and drain excess liquid.
Pour a little olive oil into the bottom of a baking dish or pan and arrange the potatoes in a single layer.
Salt and pepper a little.

Bake for about 30 minutes in a preheated oven at 190°C, until golden brown.

Advice. For this dish, the most important thing is to find a suitable variety of non-digestible potatoes. I didn’t have the most suitable variety - the potato didn’t want to blush, no matter how much I kept it in the oven. Therefore, if your potatoes began to acquire a beautiful crust after spending half an hour in the oven - excellent, and if it doesn’t blush, don’t keep it longer, it’s such a variety :)

After half an hour, remove the form with half-cooked potatoes from the oven and! Attention! most important point as Jamie says :)
You need to press down the potatoes in the form of a potato masher, flatten it a little. This is done in order to increase the area of ​​​​contact of the potatoes with the bottom of the pan - it helps the formation of a crust on a larger area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe potato, and it bakes more evenly.

Remove the leaves from the rosemary and place in a bowl.
Add unpeeled garlic cloves, drizzle with 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil (Jamie also added a little red wine vinegar, but this is a matter of taste) and mix.

Spread rosemary with garlic and oil over potatoes.

Return the pan to the oven and bake for about 40-45 minutes more, until golden brown.
Ready potatoes are served immediately, they are best served hot.

Advice. As I said, instead of olive oil, potatoes can also be baked with butter or goose fat. For each type of fat, Jamie recommends a specific set of herbs. Although this is all conditional, by combining herbs and spices you can create your most ideal potato;)
- Potatoes with butter: Sage leaves + garlic cloves (head) + zest of one clementine, cut into large strips (you can orange) + a little olive oil. Instead of butter, it is better to use ghee so that it does not burn during baking. The peel of the clementine (orange) gives a pleasant citrus flavor to the potatoes and will need to be removed after baking.
- Potatoes with goose fat: goose (or duck) fat + garlic cloves + a couple of parsley leaves + a little olive oil. With goose fat, the most beautiful fried crust is obtained.

Soft, juicy, fragrant potatoes in the oven with a delicious crust - ideal for lunch or dinner. Serve it with meat or fish, whole or in pieces.

Very fast and tasty recipe. No need to fiddle with potatoes for a long time. Use whatever seasonings you like.

Grocery list:

  • olive oil - 60 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 kg of small potatoes;
  • half bell pepper;
  • a pinch of black pepper;
  • a sprig of rosemary;
  • paprika to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peeled potatoes with a knife into oblong slices.
  2. Turn on the oven and set its temperature to 200 degrees.
  3. Cut off half of the red bell pepper and cut it into strips.
  4. Spread a baking sheet with olive oil, put potatoes and peppers on top.
  5. Brush vegetables well with oil.
  6. Sprinkle salt, paprika, ground pepper, add rosemary on top.
  7. Mix all ingredients and place in oven.
  8. Cook the dish for 45 minutes, then stir it and bake for another half an hour.
  9. If the potatoes are not baked, you can hold them in the oven for 20 minutes.
  10. This dish can be served on its own.

Chicken Recipe

You will need:

  • four garlic cloves;
  • mayonnaise - 30 gr;
  • one chicken carcass;
  • any spices for chicken - 18 gr;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • salt - to taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Rinse the already cleaned chicken carcass with cold water, process with a paper towel.
  2. Cut garlic cloves into slices.
  3. We make punctures in the chicken with a knife, and we insert pieces of garlic into them.
  4. Roll the carcass in a mixture of salt and black pepper. If you like spicy food - take red pepper.
  5. Roll the whole chicken in mayonnaise and sprinkle spices or dried herbs on top.
  6. A baking sheet is greased with vegetable oil, a chicken is placed on it.
  7. Remove the skin from the potatoes, cut each tuber into four slices, pour salt on them.
  8. Fold the potato wedges around the chicken meat.
  9. Heat the oven to 180 degrees, load a baking sheet with a semi-finished product into it.
  10. Potatoes with chicken are baked for about an hour. The exact time depends on the weight of the carcass - the larger it is, the more time is allotted for baking.

Potato casserole with minced meat

Required Ingredients:

  • soy sauce - 70 ml;
  • cheese - 90 gr;
  • minced meat - 1 kg;
  • seven potatoes;
  • one bulb;
  • one egg;
  • ketchup - 40 gr;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • salt - 15 gr;
  • sour cream - 80 gr;
  • a piece of butter.

How to bake potatoes in the oven with minced meat:

  1. Fry raw minced meat with chopped onion.
  2. We shift the resulting mass into a bowl, pour ketchup and soy sauce to it.
  3. Boil peeled potato tubers, heat milk.
  4. As soon as the potatoes are ready, mash them into a puree, add the egg, a piece of butter and milk.
  5. In a special casserole dish, lay half of the potato mass.
  6. Don't forget to oil the mold before use.
  7. We process the cheese on a grater and pour half of it on the potatoes.
  8. The third layer is fried minced meat.
  9. We fill it with the remaining cheese.
  10. Add the second part of mashed potatoes, grease the future casserole with sour cream on top.
  11. We bake the dish in the oven until a brownish crust forms.

with pork

Recipe Ingredients:

  • mayonnaise - 50 gr;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • two bulbs;
  • pork - 1 kg;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook pork with potatoes:

  1. First, turn on the oven, by the time of baking it will heat up to 180 degrees.
  2. Cut the washed pork into medium pieces.
  3. Rid the onions from the husk, and chop the vegetables in half rings.
  4. Separately, mix the meat pieces with onion rings in a deep bowl.
  5. Process the potatoes with a potato peeler and cut into slices along the tuber.
  6. Combine it with meat, pour salt and pepper, put mayonnaise sauce.
  7. Mix the contents of the dish.
  8. Spread evenly on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
  9. Put it on the shelf in the oven.
  10. Cook for 50 minutes until golden brown.
  11. Check the dish from time to time and stir it.


Potatoes in the oven in a rustic way - very simple and tasty dish. Can be served without additional appetizers.

You will need:

  • salt - 10 gr;
  • potatoes - 0.8 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 55 ml;
  • crushed black pepper - 6 gr.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Prepare potato tubers by peeling and cutting into slices.
  2. Wipe wet pieces dry with a towel.
  3. We shift it into a deep bowl, pour it with oil, pour spices with salt.
  4. Mix the whole mass with clean hands and lay in a processed baking sheet.
  5. Cook in the oven for 40 minutes at 190 degrees.
  6. After the time has passed, check the potatoes with a fork - if it is easily pierced, the dish is ready.

Potato fans with cheese in the oven

Recipe Ingredients:

  • hard cheese - 70 gr;
  • seven potatoes;
  • a pinch of ground pepper;
  • butter - 70 gr;
  • chopped greens - 20 gr;
  • salt - to taste;
  • marjoram - 10 gr;
  • thyme - 5 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel potato tubers and rinse.
  2. We cut each very thinly with a knife, but not completely - so that the potatoes do not fall apart.
  3. Take a baking sheet, grease the bottom with oil.
  4. Open the potatoes with cuts a little to make an accordion and put one by one on a baking sheet.
  5. Sprinkle all seasonings and salt on top.
  6. Cut the butter into strips and put them on each tuber.
  7. Load the dish into the oven and cook for 40 minutes.
  8. During this time, we will process the cheese on a grater.
  9. Take out the pan, sprinkle fragrant potatoes cheese and put back in the oven for 15 minutes.
  10. During this time, the cheese will melt and fill all the potatoes. The smell in the kitchen will be incredible.
  11. At the end of cooking, sprinkle the delicacy with chopped fresh herbs.
  12. Serve with meat. Enjoy your meal!

How to bake in foil?

When baked in foil, the potatoes do not dry out - which often happens with the dish. It will retain its softness and tenderness.

Required Ingredients:

  • potato tubers - 6 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 200 gr;
  • parsley and dill;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • green onion arrows;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • salt to taste;
  • a pinch of black pepper.

Cooking option:

  1. Lubricate washed and peeled tubers with vegetable oil.
  2. Cut the baking foil into squares, and wrap the potatoes in each of them.
  3. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
  4. Bake the dish for 40 minutes.
  5. So that the potatoes do not look boring, we will make sour cream sauce for it.
  6. Pass the garlic clove through the press.
  7. Chop green parsley leaves and onion arrows.
  8. Throw greens in sour cream, put garlic, add bulk ingredients.
  9. Stir, pour the mixture into a gravy boat.
  10. When the potatoes are cooked, serve them separately from the sauce.

You will need:

  • onion - 100 gr;
  • sugar - 4 gr;
  • beef - 0.2 kg;
  • one carrot;
  • black pepper - 4 gr;
  • six potatoes;
  • tomato sauce - 10 gr;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • three sprigs of dill;
  • any seasoning for meat to your taste - 10 gr.

How to bake potatoes with meat:

  1. Process all vegetables, remove the peel from them and cut them as you like.
  2. In another bowl, combine pieces of onion, carrot and potato.
  3. Pour spices, salt and sugar, pour tomato sauce.
  4. Add oil and pepper. Mix.
  5. Cut the meat into thin slices and beat with a wooden mallet.
  6. Sprinkle with spices and salt.
  7. Mix meat and vegetables in one bowl.
  8. In cooking, we use a special baking dish.
  9. We take the culinary sleeve, tightly tie one of its edges.
  10. Through the other edge, we impose a mass of vegetables and meat, distribute evenly inside the bag.
  11. potatoes - 0.6 kg;
  12. chicken fillet - 0.4 kg;
  13. olive oil - 20 ml;
  14. salt and mayonnaise to taste;
  15. black pepper - 10 gr.
  16. Cooking option:

    1. Peeled potatoes, cut very thinly into circles.
    2. Lay them out on a baking sheet with oil. The circles should cover the entire bottom of the mold.
    3. Sprinkle salt and pepper.
    4. Boil the chicken meat and, when it cools down, chop into pieces.
    5. Combine the meat with mayonnaise and put everything together on a potato layer.
    6. The third layer will go thin circles of tomatoes.
    7. First, cook the dish at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.
    8. After that, reduce the temperature to 150 and bake until the potatoes are soft.
    9. Garnish with olive halves before serving.

We mostly eat potatoes either fried or mashed - it's very tasty. Today we offer you to diversify your table and cook even more delicious potatoes. Despite the apparent complexity, our dishes are very easy to prepare. Choose!

Village potato

Young potatoes are best suited for this dish, because it is desirable to cook them with a peel. Old tubers can also be used, but they must be thoroughly washed with a brush.

  • Cut medium sized potatoes lengthwise into 4 or 6 pieces.
  • Lay the slices in a single layer in a baking dish.
  • Drizzle potatoes with olive oil or regular unscented oil. Mix the slices with your hands. For 1 kg of vegetables, take 0.5 cups of oil.
  • Sprinkle the oiled potatoes generously with any dry spices. You can buy them ready-made in the store - they are called "For Potatoes in the Village". You can make them yourself: mix salt (1 tbsp), ground pepper (1 tsp), dry spices(2 tablespoons).
  • Bake potatoes in a preheated oven. First do it under the foil (20 minutes), and then without it - another 5-7 minutes.

accordion potato

Cut the long-shaped potatoes into slices, but do not cut the tubers to the very end. Salt and pepper the resulting accordions. Insert a very thin slice of fresh unsalted bacon between each adjacent potato slices. Bake the accordion potatoes in the oven for 35 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, you can sprinkle the dish with grated hard cheese.

Potato with egg

For this dish, pre-boil the potatoes in their skins. When it cools down, cut off the sidewall. Remove the potato crumb from the middle (use it in other dishes). Salt the resulting potato mold and drive into it or one small egg, or a couple of small quail. Put the potatoes in the oven and wait for the eggs to set. Sprinkle with fresh herbs before serving.

Potatoes with cheese

Cut the potatoes lengthwise into two halves. Salt and pepper it a little. Bake in the oven until half cooked. Place a plate on each half. hard cheese high fatness. Put the potatoes back in the oven and keep them until the cheese is melted.

Potato with garlic sauce

Prick potatoes of the same size in several places with a toothpick and coat with vegetable oil. Wrap each tuber in foil and bake in the oven for approximately 50 minutes. hot potato unfold and cut each into two halves. Drizzle the baked potatoes with a sauce of melted butter mixed with minced garlic, salt and herbs.

Potatoes with meat and vegetables

This dish is also called potato pizza:

  • Bake whole large potatoes in the oven until half cooked or boil them in their skins.
  • Remove the pulp from each potato.
  • Inside the resulting boats, lay any vegetable stew, boiled or fried meat, mushrooms. Be sure to pepper and salt the filling.
  • Put a small piece of butter on top of the filling.
  • Bake the potatoes until the butter is melted and the top crust is crispy.

This dish is good served with a spoon. soft cheese“Ricotta”, which must be put on the filling at the moment when the potatoes are still very hot.

Potato skewers

Boil potatoes in salted water until half cooked. Cut it into slices. Thread potatoes onto skewers, alternating them with slices of smoked bacon or slices of salami sausage. Bake the dish in the oven until fully prepared potatoes. Serve potato skewers with fresh or pickled vegetables.

Potatoes in milk

Very tender and tasty potatoes baked in milk are obtained:

  • Peel potatoes (1 kg) and cut into thin circles. Place it in a baking dish.
  • Pour the potatoes whole milk. It should be enough so that the liquid covers the top layer of potatoes.
  • Put a few pieces of butter on top.
  • Bake the dish in the oven for 1-1.5 hours until the potatoes are completely softened and a golden crust appears on its surface.
  • Salt the potatoes just before serving.

Before baking, the potatoes do not need to be salted - in salted milk they will become very hard.

Potato in Greek

This dish will appeal to fans of Mediterranean cuisine:

  • Cut small potatoes into halves or quarters.
  • Salt the potatoes and drizzle with olive oil.
  • Bake in the oven until fully cooked.
  • Just before serving, and while the potatoes are still hot, drizzle them fresh. lemon juice(2 tablespoons) and sprinkle with zest from half a lemon. These spices are enough for 1 kg of tubers.

American style potatoes

Everyone's favorite dish served in almost all restaurants fast food very easy to make your own:

  • Prick a medium-sized potato with a fork and bake in the oven, after wrapping each tuber in foil.
  • Cut off the sides of the potatoes and scoop out the baked flesh from the inside.
  • Mash the flesh with a fork and mix with chopped bacon, grated hard cheese, softened butter and dill. Take all the ingredients to taste.
  • Salt and pepper the filling and put back into the potatoes.
  • Return the potatoes to the oven and bake until golden brown.
  • Before serving, put a spoonful of thick sour cream on each potato.

french fries

In the original, this dish is called “Gratin”:

  • Peel 1 kg potatoes and cut into thin slices.
  • Lay the circles in layers in a round shape, after salting and peppering them.
  • Mix 2 cups of heavy cream and 100 g of sour cream. Salt the sauce, pepper and pour in the ground nutmeg(1/4 tsp). Add a couple of minced garlic cloves if desired.
  • Pour sauce over potatoes. Sprinkle grated cheese (100 g) on ​​top of the dish.
  • Bake the gratin at 200 degrees. Cooking time - 1 hour.

Potatoes in pots

Traditional Russian dish You can cook even with mushrooms, even with meat. Fry potato slices, carrot slices, and onion half rings in a pan with oil until golden brown. Salt and pepper the vegetables after frying. Also fry mushrooms or pieces of pork or chicken. Salt them at the end too. Arrange vegetables, mushrooms and meat in layers in pots. Fill the dish with any broth (meat, vegetable, mushroom) and put a clove of garlic and one Bay leaf. Bake potatoes in pots, first covered (15 minutes) and then uncovered (10 minutes).

Potatoes with mushrooms

Boil 1 kg of potatoes and cut them into slices or circles. Fry for vegetable oil 0.5 kg of champignons and 3 pieces of large onions. Place potatoes, mushrooms and onions in a baking dish. Pour the vegetables with a sauce of sour cream (1.5 cups), mayonnaise (0.5 cups), salt and pepper to taste. Bake the dish in the oven until the top crust is a beautiful golden color.

Potato roll with mushrooms

Make delicious mashed potatoes but no added milk. In puree, put salt, pepper, dry herbs and whipped a raw egg. For 1 kg of potatoes, take 1 egg. Put it in when the puree has cooled down a bit. Spread the puree in a thin layer on a gauze napkin. Place any mushrooms fried with onions and flavored with spices on the puree. Using a napkin, roll up the roll and very carefully place it on a greased sheet. Top the roll with thick sour cream. Bake the dish in the oven until its beautiful ruddy color.

It would seem: an ordinary potato. But how much of it you can cook delicious and original dishes. Cook according to our recipes and come up with your own branded ones.

Since the potato came to us from America, it has become the most popular and beloved treat for many generations. People have learned how to make a lot of goodies out of potatoes, culinary specialists of all countries add it to most meat and vegetable dishes. Potatoes in the oven deserve special attention, because, in addition to the benefits mentioned, it becomes more fragrant, tender and tasty. The recipe for potatoes in the oven should be adopted by every housewife, since today potatoes in the oven can decorate any table. Moreover, when thinking about how to cook potatoes in the oven, it should be borne in mind that the addition of just one additional ingredient significantly changes the recipe for the final dish. There are, for example, such dishes: potatoes with meat in the oven, potatoes in the oven with chicken meat, potatoes with mushrooms in the oven, potatoes with minced meat in the oven, potatoes with pork in the oven, potatoes in the oven with cheese. Moreover, the recipe for potatoes with meat in the oven also varies depending on what kind of meat is used in the preparation of this dish. Different meats require different temperature regime, cooking time, associated spices, etc.

On our site you can find recipes that interest you with photos of dishes. For example, when planning to cook a dish "potatoes in the oven", a photo of this delicacy will help you understand how it should look in the final version. If you have conceived something more complicated, for example, “potatoes with meat in the oven”, a photo of such a dish will be all the more useful to you. It should be noted that all variants of the “potatoes in the oven” dish with a photo win and immediately acquire their admirers. Undoubtedly, there are many such among our readers. Therefore, if you succeed in your version of the “potatoes in the oven” dish, feel free to send us the recipe with a photo, and we, in turn, will share it with other lovers of this delicacy. Or a variant of the dish “potatoes with chicken in the oven” with a photo, the recipe of which is your invention, can also be offered to other visitors to our site.

The most interesting and common potato recipe is oven-baked potatoes. Many people know how to bake potatoes in the oven, but it's still worth checking out our recipes. There you will find a lot of interesting things, and perhaps discover something new for yourself.

To help the hostess, there are also some tips for storing, preparing and cooking potatoes in the oven:

Store potatoes in a dark and cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

Potatoes stored in the light increase the content of the harmful substance solanine.

So that the peeled potatoes do not darken, they must be put in cold water. But you should not keep peeled potatoes for a long time in cold water, as this leads to leaching of starch, and this in turn worsens the taste.

Green and sprouted potatoes must be peeled before cooking.

You do not need to stir dishes with potatoes often, as this increases the loss of vitamins.

Dishes with potatoes and vegetables should also not be heated for a long time and reheated repeatedly. This not only reduces the nutritional value, but also worsens the taste of the dishes.

You should not eat green potato tubers, so as not to harm your health.