Home / Pancakes, pancakes / Recipe for delicious okroshka. Diet, lean okroshka

Recipe for delicious okroshka. Diet, lean okroshka

Okroshka - pure freshness, a perfect combination of taste and benefits. Everyone loves this national Russian summer soup. The classic version of the okroshka recipe includes: potatoes, eggs, radishes, cucumbers, dill, green onions, sour cream for dressing and, of course, kvass! However, okroshka is okroshka, because you can crush anything into it: add meat or fish ingredients, use whey, kefir instead of kvass. But still perfect classic version okroshka is considered on homemade kvass.

Do not pour in the products cut for okroshka right away, try this cold refreshing soup with different fillings. Ingredients for okroshka on kvass are perfect for kefir okroshka and not only. Try several dishes at once: recipe delicious okroshka on kvass, okroshka on whey, kefir or mineral water.

What kvass is needed for okroshka

Few people know that okroshka requires a fragrant, sour, by no means sweet kvass. Purchased kvass can be brought to the desired state if you add a couple of crusts of black or Borodino bread to it and let it brew in a warm place for three hours. Strain, refrigerate and get almost the same kvass as you need.

If you want to cook okroshka on homemade kvass, you will have to devote time to this process. Real homemade kvass is prepared according to different recipes- choose the right one and get started.

How to cook okroshka

Served cold, national Russian dish perfect for summer menu. Simple products can be found in every home, there are no difficulties in cooking, and the body, exhausted by the heat, will gladly accept vitamins from vegetables and herbs and get enough of the meat component.

  • than pour okroshka

Okroshka can be cooked on refreshing kvass, sometimes okroshka on delicate whey, for a change, you can cook okroshka on spicy ayran or soft kefir, and fish okroshka is sometimes poured even with beer. Also okroshka can be poured simply mineral water.

  • what kind of meat is put in okroshka
For satiety, put meat or sausage in okroshka. It is preferable to use lean meat - perfect for cooking okroshka boiled beef, you can put chicken or turkey, some put boiled tongue. If there is no meat, cook okroshka with boiled sausage.
  • what vegetables to put in okroshka

Typically in a recipe classic okroshka includes boiled potatoes, fresh cucumber, radish. Cut vegetables into equal cubes or strips.

  • how to put an egg in okroshka
Boiled eggs can be put into okroshka by cutting them into cubes, or cut only the white, and prepare a dressing from the yolk. To do this, you can grind the yolks with mustard, add sour cream, sugar, salt to taste and mix with a small amount of kvass
  • what greens to put in okroshka
Green onions and dill are put in okroshka. By the way, green onions can be ground with salt. You can also put finely prepared onion for more spice.

Okroshka recipes

There are a great many recipes for okroshka. That's why she is okroshka. However, they distinguish classic okroshka with kvass, there is a recipe for okroshka with kefir, some cook okroshka with mineral water, there is okroshka with whey and ayran, fish okroshka can be seasoned with beer. Okroshka recipes are simple - only some ingredients and filling are changed. Let's figure out how to cook okroshka, what recipes okroshka to take as a basis and what it is - a classic okroshka.

Okroshka classic recipe

What you need to make classic okroshka:
kvass - 1 liter, boiled meat or ham - 200 gr, potatoes 3-4 pcs., cucumber - 2 pcs., radishes - 5-7 pcs., eggs 2-3 pcs., green onion - 1 bunch, dill - 1 bunch, salt to taste

How to cook classic okroshka:
Cook the potatoes in their uniforms. Hard boil the eggs. Refrigerate hot food. Wash and dry vegetables and herbs. Cut the peeled potatoes and meat (ham) small cubes... Place in a deep bowl. Also finely chop the radish and cucumber. Separate the whites from the yolks and chop too. It is recommended to knead the yolks with a fork. And put in a bowl too. Chop green onions and dill and mash a little in a bowl of salt. Then put in the total mass and mix thoroughly. Okroshka is served in bowls filled with kvass and sour cream. To taste, you can add mustard or grated horseradish to okroshka.

Okroshka meat recipe

What you need to make meat okroshka:
Boiled beef - 200 g, cucumbers - 3 pcs., Boiled eggs - 2 pcs., Sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons, kvass - 2 l, dill greens - 60 g, green onions - a bunch, sugar - 20 g, mustard - 8 g, salt

How to cook meat okroshka:
Cut the beef and cucumbers into strips. Chop a part of the green onion and grind it with salt until juice appears, add the mustard. Separate the yolk from the protein, mash the yolk, and chop the protein into strips. Combine kvass with salt and sugar, mix. Combine the prepared ingredients, add some sour cream, mix. Dilute with kvass. Serve okroshka with finely chopped herbs and sour cream.

Okroshka on kefir recipe

Kefir - 1 liter; kvass or mineral water with gas - 0.5 liters, boiled potatoes - 2 pcs; radish - 5 pcs., boiled sausage (boiled meat) - 200 gr, boiled chicken egg - 2 pcs., fresh cucumber - 1-2 pcs., radish and green onions - 0.5 bunch, mustard - 1 tsp. , sour cream, salt, spices - to taste.

How to cook okroshka on kefir:
The recipe for making okroshka with kefir does not differ much from the classic okroshka with kvass. The main thing to remember is that tasty okroshka with kefir, like tasty okroshka with kvass, is obtained only when it is well infused and cooled. Classic okroshka on kefir is prepared in the same way as okroshka on kvass with mustard, the ingredients are cut into small pieces and mixed with the dressing.

Okroshka vegetable recipe

What you need to make vegetable okroshka:
Bread kvass - 2 liters, boiled carrots - 1 pc., Boiled potatoes - 3 pcs., Radishes - 5-6 pcs., Cucumbers - 2 pcs., Boiled eggs - 2 pcs., Chopped green onions, sour cream, mustard, salt and sugar to taste.

How to cook vegetable okroshka:
Cut the vegetables into strips, combine with a finely chopped egg, ground onion with salt. Stir. Place on a plate when serving vegetable side dish, salt, add a little mustard and cover with kvass. Serve sour cream separately.

Serum okroshka recipe

What you need for whey okroshka:
Serum - 1 liter; boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.; boiled meat or sausage - 200 - 300 gr.; fresh cucumber - 1-2 pcs.; fresh radish - 4 pcs.; boiled chicken eggs - 2 pcs.; green onions - 1 bunch, dill - 1 bunch, mustard - 1 tsp; sour cream, salt.

How to cook okroshka with whey:
Okroshka on whey is very tasty and healthy, because whey contains a lot of microelements useful for the body. Fresh vegetables wash and dry, peel boiled potatoes, boiled eggs also peel and cut into small cubes. To know how to cook okroshka with whey or kefir deliciously, you must not forget about the dressing. This is sour cream, mustard and salt. You must first mix sour cream with mustard, and then add a little salt, only this way okroshka on whey and kefir will be moderately spicy, salty and tasty. Now you can mix everything, pour over the whey and let it stand.

Okroshka on mineral water recipe

What is needed for okroshka on mineral water:
Okroshka on mineral water is prepared only on water with gas. You also need to take boiled potatoes - 2 pcs., Boiled eggs - 3-4 pcs., Boiled meat or sausage - 300 g, fresh cucumber - 1-2 pcs., Fresh radish - 3-4 pcs., Green onions, dill, sour cream, salt.

How to cook okroshka on mineral water:
Cut vegetables, eggs and meat ingredients into cubes or strips. Chop the greens. For dressing, you need to mix half a glass of sour cream with a teaspoon of mustard. If okroshka on mineral water is not acidic enough, add a pinch citric acid or a drop table vinegar... Serve sprinkled with herbs.

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Okroshka - cold soup, which our ancestors traditionally cooked in the summer. This dish still performs two important functions today - it saves from the heat and gives a feeling of satiety. Do you know what is needed for okroshka? If not, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the content of the article.

The history of the dish

The name comes from the old Russian word "krochevo". So our grandparents called everything that was crumbled into food, and then poured with kvass, whey or cucumber pickle. Some sources claim that okroshka was invented over 1000 years ago. Initially, it was eaten by peasants. They had to work in the field in the heat. And in order to cool down a little, and at the same time to refresh themselves, they ate okroshka. The range of products for her was meager. Today many of us ask the question: "What ingredients are needed for okroshka?" And the peasants did not have much choice. They made a refreshing stew from onions, radishes and bread kvass.

Soon okroshka began to appear on the tables of the upper classes. The nobles liked peasant soup... But they decided to add ingredients such as eggs, boiled meat and sour cream to it. Later, there were recipes involving the use of boneless fish.

Do you want to please your kids and husband with a delicious, satisfying and at the same time refreshing dish? The best option than okroshka, you just can't find it. She prepares in minutes. This dish can feed a large family. What is needed for okroshka? Now you will find out about it.

Buying groceries

We go to the nearest vegetable market or supermarket. One of the main ingredients is meat. It is this that makes the dish satisfying. It is advisable to buy low-fat varieties, for example, veal or beef. Some housewives prefer more economical option- boiled sausage. But a real delicacy will be okroshka, to which they added beef tongue... If you want to make a light fish soup, then use cod, perch or stellate sturgeon.

Don't forget the greens. Without it, okroshka is not so tasty and aromatic. Dill, parsley, cilantro and green onions need to be finely chopped, put on the bottom of a saucepan and mash with a crush.


How to pour okroshka? Here you need to be guided by the taste preferences of all family members. Some people love others - whey. Potatoes and cucumbers can be chopped or grated.

More and more foreign tourists visit Russia every year. They want to get to know better not only our culture, but also our cuisine. In summer, okroshka is served in restaurants in Moscow and other large cities. Overseas guests are happy to order a cold soup that includes many ingredients. Siberian okroshka is especially popular. How to cook it at home? What is needed for okroshka on kvass? Take a notebook and write it down.

Grocery list:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • 100 g ham;
  • wild garlic to taste;
  • one potato
  • green onions to taste;
  • one fresh cucumber;
  • kvass.

What do you need to make okroshka?

1. Boil the potatoes in their skins. When it cools down, clean it.

2. Boil eggs hard-boiled. We cool, remove the shell.

3. Chop the cucumber, send it to a deep salad bowl.

4. Rams and chop. Add to the cucumber.

5. Cut the potatoes into cubes. We put it in a salad bowl.

6. Chop the ham (preferably cubes). Eggs can be chopped with a knife or passed through an egg cutter. Add to other ingredients.

7. Greens should be chopped and sent to okroshka.

8. Mix the resulting salad thoroughly. Salt.

9. Put okroshka on deep plates. Fill with kvass. Mayonnaise or sour cream is used as a dressing. The dish is served with slices of black bread. We wish you all Bon appetit!


  • 3 eggs;
  • sour cream;
  • 5-6 radishes;
  • 300 g of boiled sausage;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • kefir;
  • some table mustard;
  • 3-4 cucumbers;
  • Dill;
  • green onions;
  • salt.

Cooking okroshka on kefir

Follow the instructions:

1. Boil When it cools down, cut into cubes.

2. Rub the cucumbers on a grater (it is possible with the skin). We do the same with radishes.

3. Cut the sausage into cubes.

4. Hard boil the eggs. Grind one yolk and three whites. And the rest of the yolks will be used to make the dressing.

5. Grind the chopped green onions with salt until the juice comes out.

6. Now you need to make the refueling. To do this, grind the yolks, sour cream, a little dill, salt, mustard and ground pepper. We dilute the resulting mixture with a small amount of kefir. We leave for 10-15 minutes. This dressing has two functions - a thickener and a flavoring agent.

7. In a cup or saucepan, combine ingredients such as eggs, sausage, cucumbers, potatoes and radishes. We mix it all up. Salt. Distribute the resulting salad on deep plates. Pour kefir into each of them. Sprinkle with chopped dill on top. Cold soup can be seasoned with mustard, sour cream or mayonnaise. As you like.

Okroshka on water with vinegar

Product set:

  • 250 radishes;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 60 g arugula;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l sour cream;
  • 4 cucumbers;
  • 200 g pork kebab;
  • 1 tbsp. l vinegar (9%);
  • salt.

Instructions for cooking okroshka in water with vinegar:

Step number 1. We wash the cucumbers. Dice or grate.

Step number 2. Let's start processing the radish. We rinse with tap water, remove the tails and rub on a grater.

Step number 3. The kebab must be cooked on the grill or in the oven. When the meat cools down, cut it into cubes.

Step number 4. Grind the arugula.

Step number 5. Boil eggs hard-boiled. Cool it down. Grind on a grater.

Step number 6. Put all these ingredients in a deep cup or saucepan. We mix. Salt.

Step 7. Now you need to make the refueling. We take 1.5 cups of cooled boiled water, 1 tbsp each. l sour cream and vinegar. Mix in a separate bowl. We fill the okroshka with the resulting mixture. It turns out very tasty and unusual.

Whey okroshka recipe

Grocery list:

  • 10 sprigs of dill;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 1 liter of whey;
  • 350 g of boiled sausage;
  • 200 g of radish;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 200 g of cucumbers;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • salt.


1. Put on the table everything you need for okroshka. First, boil eggs and potatoes (separately). It will take a few minutes. When the eggs are cool, we peel them. The potatoes must also be cooled, and then the skin must be removed from it.

2. Grind all vegetables (except radish) and sausage into cubes. The greens can be simply chopped.

3. Place these ingredients in a saucepan. We mix. Salt. Add sour cream. Mix again.

4. Before serving the dish to the table, pour okroshka with whey. We distribute the soup among the plates. Sprinkle with chopped dill on top.

Mineral water okroshka recipe


  • 1 bunch of green onions;
  • 2 eggs;
  • one cucumber;
  • 5-7 radishes;
  • 2-3 liters of mineral water;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • 200-250 g sour cream;
  • 100 g of boiled beef;
  • two potatoes;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • salt.


1. We wash the dill and onion with water. Grind them, put them in a saucepan, mix with salt and lemon juice. We mix.

2. Boil the potatoes in their uniforms. Cool, then cut into cubes and send to onion and dill.

3. Eggs must be boiled hard. Grind the yolks and proteins, add to the pan.

4. Wash the cucumber and radish in running water. Rub on a coarse grater. We put it in okroshka.

5. Boil the meat until full readiness... Cool and cut into strips or cubes. Add to the pan.

6. Pour 1 liter of mineral water into this dish. We put sour cream. We mix. Add the remaining water to the desired thickness. It remains only to distribute okroshka on plates and invite household members to the table. Bon Appetit!


Who said that you need to put only meat or sausage in okroshka? Nothing like this. Some modern hostesses prefer to cook fish okroshka.

We need:

  • 1.5 l of kvass;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 0.5 kg of fish;
  • two eggs;
  • a bunch of radishes;
  • 1 tsp sugar;
  • some green onions;
  • 2-3 st. l sour cream;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 tsp table mustard;
  • salt.


1. Boil the fish. Then we clean it of bones, and cut the pulp into cubes.

2. Cool the cooked, peel and grind.

3. Wash cucumbers and radishes and cut them (preferably into cubes).

5. Put the following ingredients in a saucepan: radishes, potatoes, fish, onions and cucumbers.

6. In a separate cup, grind the yolks with salt, sugar and mustard. We mix them and dilute with the specified amount of kvass.

7. Pour the seasoned kvass into a saucepan with chopped ingredients. Add sour cream. Sprinkle with chopped dill. Fish okroshka is ready to eat.


We talked about what is needed for okroshka. The recipes contained in the article are suitable for both novice housewives and experienced chefs... You can make your family happy different kinds okroshka. The components that make up the summer soup give a feeling of fullness, but at the same time do not harm the figure at all.

Almost every one of us is familiar with the delicious taste of okroshka from childhood. This primordially Russian dish perfectly cools in the summer heat and satisfies hunger. In this article, we will not only describe how to cook okroshka according to traditional recipe, but we also present several original options performances of this wonderful cold soup.

The history of the appearance of okroshka

It is believed that this soup was invented a very long time ago - at least 900 years ago. Scientists say that the first mention of the traditional ingredient okroshka - kvass - refers to 989. Radish with kvass became the prototype of everyone's favorite dish. This ancient Slavic stew was made like this: two or three black radishes were taken, as well as the head of an onion. The vegetables were peeled and cut into pieces. They were folded into a deep container, salted and poured with bread kvass. Over the years, changes have been made to the original recipe and the list of products has expanded significantly. Various vegetables began to be crumbled into the soup - radish, turnips, cucumbers (fresh and pickled), radishes, and a little later - potatoes. Of course, meat was also added - pork, beef, poultry - chicken or turkey, veal tongue. Often they used the gifts of the forest - partridges, pheasants, ducks, black grouses. They even made okroshka with fish - pike perch, cod and tench were perfect for this. Sometimes salted fish was also used for soup. Pickled mushrooms were also added to okroshka - mushrooms, chanterelles, milk mushrooms.

Often, cold soup was flavored with herbs, including wild ones - nettle, sour, lungwort, and it was customary not to cut it, but to tear it. Okroshka was poured with cabbage, cucumber pickle or sour white kvass and seasoned with sour cream, horseradish, mustard. So there was a hearty and tasty dish, which has become indispensable in the summer heat.

Classic okroshka with beef

There are many different ways making cold soup. But the recipe for classic okroshka provides for the use of homemade sour kvass. Shop sweet drink will not work for this. If you have a real homemade kvass, be sure to prepare a cold soup.

You need beef (pulp) - 250 g, potatoes - 4 pcs. and cucumbers - 200 g. Greens (dill, onions, parsley) and chicken eggs are also needed - 3 pcs. For dressing, in addition to kvass, you will need sour cream, mustard, salt and a little sugar.

How to cook okroshka on kvass? First, wash and boil potatoes in their skins. Boil eggs in the same container along with vegetables. In another saucepan, bring the beef to readiness. Cool, peel the eggs, do the same with potatoes. My greens and chop finely. Cut vegetables and eggs into cubes, and cut the beef across the fibers. Cut the green onion into rings and grind with salt. Prepare a large enamel pot for okroshka. Put all the ingredients in it, add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream and mix well. Then pour in kvass, season the dish with onions, parsley, dill, salt and add a quarter of a teaspoon of sugar. For spiciness, put a little mustard in the soup. That's it, the classic okroshka is ready! We put the pan in a cool place. When the soup has cooled down, we help ourselves with appetite.

Fish okroshka to your table

If you like to try new interesting dishes, you will definitely like this recipe. To prepare fish okroshka, you will need sour homemade kvass - 1 liter, chicken eggs and potatoes (3 pcs.), Radishes (7 pcs.), Pike perch fillet - 300 g. Fresh cucumbers (2 pcs.) Will add juiciness and freshness to the dish. You will also need parsley, green onions, dill, sugar and salt, mustard and sour cream. In addition to pike perch, you can use any other white fish including tench or cod. This dish is also very tasty with pike.

Cold pike perch soup recipe

So, how to cook fish okroshka? First rinse the fish, cut into pieces. Pour in water and put the pot on fire. Add coarsely chopped onions, carrots, and spices - cloves, black peppercorns, bay leaves and salt to the container. Let the water with roots and spices simmer for 10 minutes. Then drop there fish fillet and boil it for about 15 minutes. Remove and leave the pike perch to cool. Root vegetables and spices will remove the unpleasant odor and nourish the fish with a special aroma.

Boil the eggs and potatoes in their skins, let them cool, then peel and chop. Peel and chop fresh cucumbers. Wash the radish and grate. Put vegetables and eggs into a container prepared for okroshka and mix. Chop the green onion finely. Put some sugar and salt on it, rub with a spoon. Put two tablespoons of onions, a mixture of vegetables and eggs in portioned plates, pour sour kvass. Spread out the skin and pike perch pieces. Add sour cream and mustard to the bowls. And serve quickly. Now you have learned how to cook okroshka with white fish. We hope you will definitely try to make this dish and please your household with the original taste of traditional Russian soup.

Cooking okroshka on kefir

The famous Russian cold soup can be cooked not only with sour kvass. Okroshka on mineral water and kefir turns out to be amazingly tasty. In order to make such a dish, you will need the following products:

  • ham - 400 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cucumbers 250 g;
  • green onions;
  • kefir 2.5% - 1.5 l;
  • potatoes 3 pcs.;
  • mineral water - 1 l.

In addition, salt, black pepper and mustard are needed. How to cook okroshka on kefir? Boil eggs, potatoes. Cool and peel, then cut into medium sized pieces. Wash cucumbers, peel them. We cut them and the ham into small cubes. My greens and chop. Put the ingredients in a saucepan, pepper and salt. In a separate container, mix kefir and mineral water. Pour the dressing into okroshka. Add mustard to taste. That's all, okroshka on mineral water with kefir is ready! This soup should be served chilled. Bon Appetit.

Incredibly tasty Siberian okroshka

We offer you one more original recipe... Siberian okroshka is special spicy taste, because it contains mushrooms. So, for its preparation, prepare the following ingredients:

  • sour kvass - 1.5 l;
  • salted chanterelles - 100 g;
  • boiled turkey fillet - 400 g;
  • boiled potatoes - 300 g;
  • fresh cucumbers - 200 g;
  • radish - 100 g;
  • green onions - 30 g.

For dressing, you will need chicken eggs - 3 pcs., Sour cream, white table horseradish, salt and dill.

Making a delicious cold chanterelle soup

How to cook Siberian okroshka? To do this, chop the poultry meat into strips. Peel and chop the egg and potatoes. Cut the skin off the cucumbers and grate them. Radishes can also be grated like cucumbers, or cut into small cubes. Chop the dill. Cut the salted chanterelles into small pieces. Place all food in an enamel bowl. Cut the onion arrows into rings, sprinkle with salt and rub. Add it to the pot along with the salt and horseradish. Season okroshka with sour kvass, stir and let stand in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then it can be served with sour cream. Enjoy the rich, savory taste of this superb cold chanterelle and turkey soup!

Diet okroshka - a healthy dish for slimming people

This recipe will appeal to those who follow their figure. The soup is very light, low in calories and extremely healthy. Diet okroshka is prepared from cucumbers (2 pcs.), Radishes (6-8 pcs.), Eggs (2 pcs.), Celery root (150 g), a large amount of herbs (dill, onion, parsley). For filling, use serum, low-fat kefir (1%) or ayran. You will also need salt, pepper, and mustard for the pungency.

How to cook okroshka with whey? Wash the vegetables and cut them into small cubes. For taste, you can grate the cucumbers. Cut the celery into cubes, immerse it in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, so it will become softer. Boil the eggs, cool in cold water, clean and cut. Put cucumbers, radishes, eggs, celery into an enamel container. We fill with whey, salt and pepper. Add a large number of greenery. A little low-fat sour cream and mustard won't hurt. Such a dietary okroshka without potatoes and meat will not harm your figure - you can use it in any quantity. Bon Appetit!

Let's make meat okroshka?

For lovers of more hearty, nutritious dishes, we present the following recipe. Meat okroshka turns out to be very tasty, aromatic and high-calorie enough, because it contains several types of meat. To prepare this first course, you will need a set of ingredients:

  • unsweetened kvass - 2 l;
  • beef - 150 g;
  • tongue - 150 g;
  • chicken fillet - 150 g;
  • fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • sour cream - 150 g.

You will also need 3 chicken eggs, parsley, dill, salt and sugar, and, of course, mustard.

How to cook okroshka on kvass? Beef, tongue and chicken must be boiled, cooled and cut into small pieces. Everything meat ingredients should not be fat. Peel and grate cucumbers. Boil eggs, cool, peel. Finely chop the whites, and mix the yolks well with sour cream, sugar, salt and mustard. Cut green onions into rings. Add it along with the proteins to the dressing. Put meat, cucumbers in a saucepan, add sour cream dressing, kvass. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Add finely chopped greens before serving.

Delicious okroshka with sausage on the water

Cold soup cooked over following recipe, perfectly satiates, quenches thirst. Okroshka on the water is easy and simple to prepare. To do this, you will need: doctor's sausage - 450 g, eggs and potatoes (3 pcs.), Fresh cucumbers - 4 pcs. and green onions - 150 g. For refueling we will use cold water (about 1.5 l), sour cream (100 g), vinegar (2.5 tbsp. l.), salt (2.5 tsp.), chopped dill (3 tbsp. l.).

The technology for preparing cold soup is as follows. First, boil potatoes and eggs in their skins. Let us cool them down, peel them and cut them into cubes. Next, we will deal with cucumbers. We wash and clean them, and then grate them. Cut the doctor's sausage into cubes. In a separate container, mix water and sour cream, add vinegar, salt, dill and green onions. Pour the resulting dressing into a saucepan with okroshechny mixture. Let us cool and serve. That's all, we told how to cook okroshka in water with sour cream and vinegar. This refueling is great alternative kvass or kefir. Unusually tasty, simple and time-saving. Take yourself this uncomplicated recipe for service.

Unusual okroshka: recipe with seafood

We bring to your attention another original way of making cold soup. For okroshka with seafood, you will need to buy the following products:

  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • shrimp - 250 g;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • greens - dill, parsley, tarragon;
  • lemon.

You will also need fresh cucumbers and tomatoes (4 pcs.). Make the dressing from mayonnaise (4-5 tablespoons), mineral water (1.5 liters), lemon juice, black pepper and salt.

How is okroshka cooked with seafood? The recipe is as follows: cucumbers and tomatoes are washed and cut into cubes. Boil the shrimp until tender in salted water with a few slices of lemon. The seafood is cleaned and cooled. Chicken eggs are boiled, cooled, peeled and crushed into pieces. Vegetables, shrimps, finely chopped onions and herbs are placed in a deep container. Mayonnaise is mixed with mineral water.

Pour the ingredients with the resulting dressing. Tip: if you want to make the dish less greasy, use sour cream instead of mayonnaise. At the end, add black pepper, salt and lemon juice to taste. Cooled and served. Such okroshka turns out to be hearty, healthy and delicate in taste.

What a summer without traditional okroshka ?! Perhaps, in the heat you will not find this dish better: it satisfies not only hunger, but also cheers up.

Okróshka (from the verb chop - finely chop) - a traditional dish national Russian cuisine, cold kvass soup, in the recipe of which the main component is vegetable mass.

According to the okroshka recipe, cold boiled meat or fish can be mixed with this mass in a 1: 1 ratio. Depending on what is added to the vegetables, we get vegetable, meat or fish okroshka. So, for meat okroshka was not meat specially prepared for it, but the remains of others meat dishes, mainly meat, cut from the bones, by the way, as softer and more tender. In the old Russian okroshka, they preferred to combine the meat of a pig, turkey and black grouse, that is, lean pork, poultry and game. From fish, tench and pike perch are suitable for okroshka, since their meat is sweet, neutral and not very bony, from sea ones - only cod, the most neutral in taste and low-fat and goes well with vegetables and kvass.

A condition for obtaining good okroshka is also the choice of a liquid base for it, that is, kvass, and dressing it with spices. Usually the so-called white okroshka kvass is used for okroshka, which is more sour than ordinary drinking bread. Kvass wort consists of three types of flour: rye, buckwheat and wheat, two types of malt: rye and barley, fermented with prepared sourdough with the addition of mint.

The general principle of cooking for any okroshka is

in the following process:

Prepare vegetable grounds from neutral vegetables cut into small cubes;

Mix it with meat or fish (if necessary);

Mix with spicy okroshechny dressing;

Let stand for at least half an hour;

Mix with spicy herbs;

Pour with kvass;

Add sour cream and chopped egg white.

Finely chopped can be added to okroshka salted mushrooms or pickled apples.

Okroshka should be cooked exclusively with kvass. However, various varieties of cold soups, also called okroshka, have spread. As a liquid soup base, use following products: whey, beer, diluted vinegar, kefir, ayran, mineral water, meat broth, kombucha, beet broth, cucumber pickle, tomato juice and juices from vegetable mix... Some of these dishes have something to do with completely different soups: for example, okroshka on kefir is a version of the Uzbek cold chalop soup, botvinya is prepared on beet broth, there is beer soup with bread soaked in it.

1. Okroshka on kvass

For the preparation of okroshka on kvass, a special okroshka kvass is extremely desirable; it can be found more and more often in stores. In the absence of a special one, the usual one is also suitable, most importantly, the kvass should be sour and not sweet - made on rye bread.


  • Lean meat (in our case - boiled pork) - 300 gr.
  • Hard boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Boiled potatoes in a peel - 2 pcs.
  • Hot mustard - 3 tsp
  • Cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Green onions - a bunch (about 200 gr.)
  • Dill - half a bunch
  • Salt, sugar to taste
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon per serving.


1. Peel the cucumbers. It is very important to check if the dark end is bitter, otherwise the okroshka will be ruined. We cut either into strips or into cubes. We put the cucumbers in a bowl, add a little salt.

2. Eggs and potatoes are best boiled the day before. Separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs. Grind the yolks with mustard, two large pinches of salt and about half a teaspoon of granulated sugar.

3. Egg whites, radishes, potatoes, meat, cut into small cubes.

4. Shred green onions, lightly salt them.

5. Finely chop the dill.

6. All our ingredients, except for eggs with mustard, are thoroughly mixed in a separate bowl. Ideally, they should be allowed to brew in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.

7. Before serving, put all the chopped ingredients in portions into plates, fill with cold kvass, sprinkle with egg and mustard and add sour cream.

2. Okroshka on kefir

  • 1 liter of kefir
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 2-3 boiled potatoes
  • 100 g radish
  • 2 medium cucumbers
  • 150 g boiled sausage
  • greens, salt, pepper.


1. Finely chop all the ingredients, put them in a large bowl. Boiled sausage can be replaced boiled meat, smoked sausage, ham or boiled pork.

2. Salt and pepper all the ingredients to taste, fill with kefir, mix thoroughly. If the kefir is not thick enough, you can add a few tablespoons of sour cream.

3. Give okroshka a couple of hours to brew in the refrigerator and serve, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

3.Fish okroshka

  • mustard - 1 tsp
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • radish - 1 pc.
  • green onions - 1 bunch
  • parsley and dill - 5 sprigs each
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • salt to taste
  • fillet of white fish - 500 g
  • bread kvass - 1.5 l
  • fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs.


1. My fish. Then boil a little salted water in a saucepan, put the fish in it and cook for 8-10 minutes until tender. We discard the boiled fish in a colander, let it cool, then cut into small pieces.

2. My cucumbers and radish, peel them. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes, three radishes on a fine grater.

3. Wash onions and herbs and finely chop.

4. Boil the potatoes in their skins. Hard-boiled eggs. After the potatoes and eggs have cooled, peel them. Cut the potatoes into cubes, finely chop the eggs.

5. Grind the onion with a pestle with salt, sugar and mustard. We dilute it with a small amount of kvass.

6. Thoroughly mix potatoes, eggs, cucumbers and radishes, herbs and onion dressing in a large bowl. We fill them with kvass.

7. Before serving, put pieces of fish in okroshka. It is desirable to serve the dish with sour cream.

4 crumbs on whey

Cooking okroshka with whey is one of the favorite Russian summer dishes.


  • 5-6 medium potatoes, cooked in their skins
  • green onions
  • 200 gr. radish
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • 300 gr. smoked sausage
  • mayonnaise
  • lemon acid
  • 1.5-2 liters of whey
  • greens.


1. All ingredients are cut into small cubes. Salt, season with mayonnaise.

2. Let's start preparing the whey. 1.5 tsp We dilute citric acid in half a glass of warm boiled water and gradually add it to okroshka, constantly stirring and tasting. The acid should show up quite a bit. This is exactly how, constantly tasting okroshka, you can adjust its taste for salt and acid.

3. Let our okroshka on whey brew in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes, and then serve.

5.Vegetarian crumbs

Recipe for making a refreshing okroshka, perfect for fasting and vegetarians.


  • 5 tomatoes;
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • greens (dill, cilantro and basil);
  • Adyghe cheese (200-250 gr);
  • 3 potatoes;
  • kvass;
  • soy sour cream;
  • spices (turmeric, coriander, black pepper).


1. Cut tomatoes into cubes, cucumbers first into strips, then into cubes. Adyghe cheese cut into cubes, followed by potatoes in the same way.

2. Chop the greens.

3. Pour the chopped ingredients into a large bowl and mix thoroughly.

4. Put in deep bowls and fill with kvass.

5. Before serving, add a spoonful of soy sour cream.

6.Abkhazian okroshka

Sour (fermented) milk - 3-3.5 cups
water - 1-2 glasses
green bunch - 50-75 g
green cucumbers - 150 g
radish - 50 g
garlic - 1-2 cloves
dill greens - 4-5 branches
eggs - 2 pcs.
salt and adjika to taste.

Recipe: Dice cucumbers, chop radishes and onions, then place in a saucepan or deep bowl, pour over sour milk, previously diluted with cold boiled water, season with crushed garlic, salt and adjika to taste. Boil the eggs hard-boiled, chop finely and put in the soup. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill before serving.

7.Mushroom okroshka.

bread kvass - 1.5 l,
salted mushrooms - 400 g,
potatoes - 250 g,
carrots - 50 g
green onions - 100 g,
fresh cucumbers - 200 g,
sour cream - 200 g,
eggs - 2 pcs.,
table mustard - 20 g,
sugar, salt to taste,
dill greens.

Recipe: Wash salted mushrooms with cold water, drain. Then cut the mushrooms and fresh cucumbers into small cubes, chop the green onions. Cook carrots and potatoes unpeeled, chill, peel and cut into cubes. Grind the yolks of boiled eggs with prepared mustard and a little sour cream. Chop the protein. Put prepared foods in fresh bread kvass, season with a mixture of yolks and mustard, add salt and sugar. Put sour cream and chopped dill before serving.

8. Okroshka with squid or krill meat.

0.2 kg boiled meat squid or boiled-frozen krill:
1.5 l of kvass,
2 boiled eggs
3 fresh cucumber,
1/2 cup green onions
2 boiled potatoes
2-3 canteens sour cream spoons,
1 teaspoon tablespoon mustard
1 teaspoon sugar
1 bunch of greens.

Recipe: Boil squids, eggs and potatoes. Cut squids into strips, potatoes and eggs into cubes. Grate cucumbers on a coarse grater. Mix everything and add sugar, salt, mustard and chopped herbs. Pour in kvass and add sour cream.

9. Beetroot okroshka.

green onions,
3-4 eggs,
300gr. cucumbers,
a bunch of radishes,
1 boiled beet

Recipe: Chop green onions and dill finely. Put in a dish in which okroshka is cooked, salt and gently mash with a wooden spoon. Add chopped eggs, finely chopped fresh cucumbers, radishes and boiled beets(finely chopped or grated). Pour with kefir.

10. Meat okroshka with sweet clover.

boiled beef - 220 g,
boiled potatoes - 200 g,
green onions -120 g,
cucumbers - 300 g,
sweet clover leaves - 80 g,
sour cream - 120 g, eggs * 2 pcs.,
kvass - 1.4 l,
salt, sugar, mustard to taste.

Recipe: finely chop meat, cucumber, potatoes and eggs. Grind chopped onion and young leaves of sweet clover with salt and mustard. Stir and pour in kvass. Season with sour cream before serving.

11. Okroshka with smoked sausages.

radish 1 bunch,
5-6 medium potatoes,
eggs 2 pcs, fresh cucumbers 4-5 pcs medium size,
3-4 sausages (better smoked),
dill (large bunch),
green onions,

Recipe: Boil potatoes and eggs, cool. Chop radishes, cucumbers, sausages, crumble eggs. Mash the potatoes with a fork (but not puree), grind the onion with salt. Mix everything, add dill, salt, add kvass.

12. Okroshka on beer.

Chop 5 hard-boiled eggs, rub them with salt and add a little sugar. Peel 400 g fresh cucumbers and cut them into cubes. Chop two onions finely. You can also add slicing of other vegetables to your liking. Pour all products with 1 liter of fresh beer and stir.
When serving, place sour cream and finely chopped parsley and dill in a plate. It is appropriate to add finely chopped pieces of dried or smoked fish to beer okroshka.

13. Sorrel okroshka.

Would need:
300 grams of sorrel;
2 pieces boiled potatoes;
2 fresh cucumbers;
sausage or boiled meat 150 grams;
2 eggs;
radish 4 pieces;
a bunch of dill;
2.5 liters of water;
sour cream.

Peel the sorrel leaves, rinse in cold water, put on a sieve so that the water is glass, then finely chop, put in boiling water, boil for 10 minutes with the lid closed. Strain and cool the resulting broth.
Cut potatoes, sausages, eggs, radishes, cucumbers into cubes, add chopped greens.
Add sour cream to the cooled sorrel broth, stir, salt.
Put the vegetable base of okroshka in a plate, pour over the cooked broth, serve. You can decorate the dish with a boiled egg circle and fresh herbs.

14. Okroshka "Uralskaya"

Would need:
5 glasses of bread kvass;
400 gram sauerkraut;
2 boiled potatoes;
2 boiled carrots;
1 boiled turnip;
a bunch of green onions;
3 boiled eggs;
a bunch of dill;
sour cream, sugar, salt - to taste.

Chop the cabbage, add diced potatoes, carrots, turnips. Finely chop the onion and grind with salt. Chop eggs and dill. Everything gets mixed up. Then add salt, sugar, kvass. Serve with sour cream.

15. Meat okroshka on kefir.

Would need:
700 ml of kefir;
700 ml of boiled water;
350 g of boiled meat;
4 fresh cucumbers;
green onion feathers;
a tablespoon of sour cream;
2 hard-boiled eggs;
a tablespoon of sugar;
a teaspoon of mustard.

Cut the boiled meat and egg whites into small cubes, chop the onion and grind with salt. Cucumbers and potatoes are cut into medium-sized cubes. Mustard is ground with salt and sugar, egg yolk, stirred in kefir. Mix all the components, pour in kefir, dilute with boiled water. Refrigerate for two hours. Before serving, sour cream is placed in okroshka, sprinkle with herbs.

16. Okroshka fish on cucumber brine.

You will need 1.25 l., 1 cup cucumber pickle, boiled fish finely chopped 1 cup (tench, perch, pike perch or cod), boiled carrots 2 pcs., boiled potatoes 2 pcs., fresh green onions, 1 head onions, cucumber 2 pcs., boiled eggs 3 pcs., lemon, sour cream, salt to taste. Also tarragon 2 tbsp. spoons of parsley and dill.

It is better to boil the fish in advance and remove it from the bones. Finely chop the vegetables and mix with the fish. Next, you need to make a refueling. To do this, mix chopped parsley, dill, finely chopped onion and tarragon with brine. Put fish, vegetables in a saucepan or any sufficiently deep container and pour all this dressing. Let it brew a little and then add kvass, salt and pour the lemon juice. Last of all, put sour cream in okroshka, mix everything thoroughly


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What is needed for okroshka? The list of ingredients has been known for a long time. This familiar dish appeared in Russia many years ago, its origin lies at the very origins of Russian cuisine.

Very simple, light, fast, beneficial and hearty dish will allow you to add variety to your menu. Do not torment yourself in the summer heat with complex and heavy dishes! Better prepare yourself a saucepan of delicious okroshka.

What is needed for okroshka with kvass, kefir, whey and other bases? Let's find out.

But first we will find out what okroshka is, and then we will learn how to make okroshka. Okroshka is a cold soup that is loved in Russia and Ukraine. It is usually prepared from products that can be easily found in the garden or in the nearest shop with vegetables and fruits. All the ingredients are inexpensive, they last for a long time, and they taste amazing.

By the way, making okroshka is very easy, everyone can handle this dish: both novice housewives and children. And the stomach will rejoice at the combination of light foods that are easy to digest in the heat.

What you need to know about making classic okroshka?

Each housewife imagines how to make okroshka on kvass and how to make it lighter, or, on the contrary, reduce its satiety. For example, sour cream in okroshka on kvass will add "weight" to the dish. And if you eat okroshka, seasoned with sour cream, with bread, then you will be full for a very long time.

Whey dressing reduces satiety, but adds okroshka light and a very unusual taste.

Okroshka made with kefir will help the stomach to establish its functions.

Okroshka on ayran or tan will give the dish a unique taste.

A few secrets for good okroshka

What is needed for okroshka? For starters, a good homemade kvass. You will need sourdough to make it. It can be made from a mixture of wheat, buckwheat and rye flour as well as barley and rye malt. The malts should be fermented with mint.

Good kvass has a whitish hue and sour taste.

Of course, okroshka can also be prepared with kvass bought in a store. But the impressions of such a dish are slightly different.

Put in correct okroshka meat or poultry. Okroshka is especially tasty on beef, chicken or turkey meat. It is best to use meats that do not contain too much fat. It still turns out to be very satisfying.

Meat is not always on the list of what is needed for okroshka. For quick cooking, you can use boiled sausage instead of sausage.

Cut all the ingredients in the dish equally. You can do this with straws, or you can do it with cubes. Stick to one cutting style to make the okroshka appear more beautiful.

Prepare a dressing for your dish. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks with the hot mustard. Add sugar to the mixture, stir. Add sour cream and some kvass. Then stir the dressing well.

Before adding green onions to okroshka, you can grind it together with table salt. So it will release more juice and okroshka will become more aromatic.

There is a way to fill okroshka very quickly and not mess with kvass. We need very carbonated mineral water and kefir. You need to mix dressings 1 to 1. Also, squeeze lemon juice into the dish, and add sour cream as a sauce. Salt everything. The dressing needs to be slightly infused separately, then you can pour vegetables, meat and eggs chopped for okroshka.

There is also a very masculine variation of okroshka, which cannot be called usual for the Russian ear. In addition to standard cucumbers and radishes, potatoes, eggs and meat, it also includes 50 g of shrimp. Pour such okroshka with dark beer. You can season with mayonnaise and your favorite spices.

Such okroshka with non-alcoholic beer can even be consumed at lunchtime on weekdays.

Here are a couple of interesting ways to cook this favorite dish.

Classic okroshka, delicious recipe with photo:

What you need for okroshka (for 5 servings):

    1.Potatoes in their skins - 5 pieces

    2. Fresh medium cucumber - 4 pieces

    3. Boiled egg - 2

    4.Radish - 7 radishes

    5. Lean meat (cooked) - 300 g

    6.Greens (parsley, dill, green onions) - each type in a bunch

    7.1 tablespoon mustard

    8. Sour cream 100 g

    9.Spices (sugar, salt, ground black pepper - be guided by your taste)

    10.1 liter homemade kvass

Clean all the listed components of the dish, cut in the same style. Peel the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. We will rub the yolks. So we only cut the proteins.

Prepare a dressing for our dish: grind the yolks together with hot mustard, add salt-sugar-sour cream and kvass, mix.

Add dressing to okroshka, sprinkle with herbs on top.

Now mix all the ingredients well to distribute the dressing and fill the okroshka with kvass. The dish needs to be infused for about 30 minutes in the refrigerator, and okroshka can be served.

Another variant of okroshka is very popular in the southern part of Russia. Fish is used for its preparation. What is needed for okroshka with fish?

Two potatoes;

1 cucumber;

2 large or 3 medium boiled eggs;

Greens (dill, onion, parsley - grind with salt);

1 cup cranberries

300-400 g pike perch fillet.

Cooking okroshka with fish:

Take an ice mold, put a cranberry in each compartment and fill it with mineral water. Then freeze it.

Pour a glass of cranberries with a liter of boiling water, let it brew. Then strain, squeeze the berries.

Chop up vegetables and eggs.

Put the fish in a plate, cover with a mixture of vegetables and eggs. Season with chilled cranberry infusion. At the end of cooking, put ice cubes with frozen berries inside the okroshka, sprinkle with herbs.