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How to make kvass from lemons. Lemon kvass - recipe with step by step photos from

The taste of this drink resembles the taste of lemonade, but it is worth remembering that these are two different drinks... For example, in kvass, gas bubbles are not formed artificially, but by fermentation. Lemon kvass is most suitable in the heat, as it dampens thirst very well and adds energy. To prepare this drink, it is enough to have fresh lemons, sugar, water and yeast in stock.

First, pour the sugar into a saucepan and mix it with water. While the water is heating, you can grate the dimona zest. After we have cleaned the zest, we survive the juice from the lemons. Pour into cooked sugar syrup zest and lemon juice. Stir the contents of the pan and let it cool to 40 degrees.

We dilute the yeast in a glass of warm water, stir and let stand for 15 minutes. Pour the standing yeast into a saucepan and mix everything as well. We take plastic bottles and fall asleep in each of a pair of raisins. Then we pour kvass into these bottles and close them with lids. We put the bottles in a dark, cool place for 3 days. Then we can start tasting.

To begin with, without peeling the lemons, cut them into small wedges. Remove seeds from lemons and pour them into a large container. Add raisins and molasses to the lemons. Pour 18 liters of boiling water into a container and cool the mixture to 25 degrees. Pour yeast mixed with wheat flour into a container. We close the container with a lid and put it in a warm place for one day. Then add another 3.5 liters of boiling water to the container, but this time already cold boiling water, so that the yeast does not die. It is necessary to withstand kvass at a temperature of 18 degrees until foam appears above the nid.

When the foam appears, we remove it, and also remove everything else that has surfaced (raisins and lemons). We filter the kvass through a cloth or gauze and pour it into plastic bottles. We seal the bottles with kvass and put them in a warm place for 3 hours. Then we rearrange the kvass in a cold place for 5 days in a supine position. After the kvass is ready, we proceed to the tasting.

One of the best lemon refreshing summer drinks + RASPBERRY KVASS RECIPE
Recipe and notes under the cut ...

Dried flour, steamed lemons and flour, kvass after 2 days and filtered


1909P.P. ALEXANDROVA-IGNATIEVA "Practical foundations of the culinary art."

Lemon kvass


Lemons - 6 pcs.

Molasses, honey or sugar - 1, 2 or 1, 4 kg.

Boiling water - 26 bottles.

White raisins - 400 gr.

Yeast - 50 gr.

Wheat flour - 1 tablespoon.

Recipe. Taking good ripe lemons, wash and cut them into thin slices, without cutting off the zest; take out all the grains, otherwise the kvass will be bitter, put the lemons in a barrel, preferably a stone one, add there white peeled raisins, from which you also take out the grains, and white sugar molasses or refined sugar, but best of all fresh honey, pour it all with one teapot (5 bottles.) boiling water, cover and leave so until the next day in a warm place. The next day pour it all chilled out boiled water in the amount of another 21 bottles. , add there yeast, best of all brewer's or, in the absence of the latter, ordinary dry, diluted with lukewarm water and seasoned with a little flour (1 tbsp. spoon). After putting in the yeast, leave the kvass in a warm place until it sours: this can be easily recognized, because the lemons and raisins will rise to the top. Then strain the kvass through a thin sheet, pour into bottles, cork and put out in the cold.

Consume no earlier than after 5 days. In order for the sugar to dissolve better, you can pour it with part of the water (2 bottles) and boil, and then pour the lemons with the syrup and add the rest of the boiling water.


Lemon kvass.

Take the zest, grated, from 5 lemons, put in a tub and boil with 10 bottles of boiling water. When the water cools down, put the yeast for 2-3 kopecks. (stir them in lukewarm water - 1/2 cup.) then put 1 1/2 cup sugar, stir well with a spatula, strain through a sieve, add an incomplete spoonful of cremartar and juice from 5 lemons. Pour into bottles, seal well and leave in the room. When foam appears on top of the bottles, take out the kvass in the cold, in two days it will be ready. Proportion for 10 bottles.

1893 V. FILATOVA "New manual .."

Lemon kvass.

Put 4 lb. in a bucket of boiled water. honey, 4 lemons, sliced ​​(grains removed), 1 lb. raisins and one teacup of gritty flour. When it cools down like steamed milk, put in two tea cups good yeast, let it ferment well (while the entire mass will rise up and bubbles will appear), strain, pour into bottles, cork, tie with a rag, or, better tarry, put on ice, and in a day it is ready.


Lemon kvass.

For a bucket of water (20 bottles), 6 lemons are taken, 3 ½ lb. sugar, 1 lb. raisins, 1 cup yeast (less than ¼ lb.). Raisins, sugar and lemons, cut into 4 parts and without grains, pour boiling water over; when it catches a cold, pour in the yeast, leave until morning. Strain in the morning, let stand for a while, bottle and put on ice. After 3-4 days, the kvass is ready.


Lemon kvass.

Cut 4 good ripe lemons into small cups, remove the seeds from them and, discarding completely the tops of the lemons, put them in a pot and add 3 - 3 ½ lbs. Of sugar. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, all this is poured with 45 glasses of boiling water, and, stirring the water with sugar, cover with a towel and leave until the kvass has cooled down enough to be warm. At about 8-9 in the evening, 7-9 yeast spools are bred in ¼ glass of the same kvass and, pouring them into kvass, stir well; after 10 -11 hours the kvass will froth and the lemons will rise up. Then, having filtered the kvass through a silk strainer or through a napkin, it is poured into bottles, leaving the necks empty; bottles are sealed with corks and tied with string or rags, taken out into the cold. Kvass will be ready in 4-5 days. If you need kvass as soon as possible, then, after corking the kvass, leave it warm for several hours, and then take it out into the cold, then on the next or third day you can serve the kvass. This kvass can be tinted with 1 to 2 pounds of cranberries boiled in water, then the number of lemons is reduced by 1 to 2 pieces.

1897 COOKING TEXTBOOK "Tips for a young housewife"

Lemon kvass.

Take 5 lemons, cut into slices, grains, 1 lb. raisins, 4 lb. honey, place in a tub, pour 30 bottles of boiling water; when cool, pour in a cup of yeast lined with 3 spoons wheat flour... The next day, pour 6 bottles into kvass cold water, and when the lemons and raisins rise up, then remove them with a slotted spoon, strain the kvass and pour into bottles, putting two raisins in each. Cork well and keep in a cool place for 6 days. Then you can use it.

1891 N.A. KOLOMIYTSOVA "A necessary reference book .."

Lemon kvass.

Proportion for 36 bottles.

Good ripe lemons 5.

Raisins 1 lb.

Sugar molasses 4 lb.

Brewer's yeast ½ teacup.

Grainy flour 1 table. A spoon.

Boiled cold water 36 bottles.


First, prepare the anchor and cut a 1 ½ inches square hole, or a tub with a good lid. Then, cut into circles 5 lemons with skin (grains away), put the sliced ​​lemons in an anchor or tub, add molasses there, pour boiling water over all this with one kettle, close the anchor hole tightly or, if the tub is used, then cover tightly with a lid and leave in room for a day.

Then take good brewer's yeast ½ teaspoon, mix with one tablespoon of coarse flour, dilute a little with cold boiled water, stir and pour into an anchor or tub, pour all 36 bottles of boiled cold water, cover and leave where stood.

When fermentation begins, which will be noticeable by the white bubbles, and the raisins and lemons float to the top, the kvass will be ready. It must be strained into a special dish, through a sieve, and immediately poured into either champagne bottles or seltzer jugs and, having corked, after three hours, take out into the glacier and after 5 days or a week it can be consumed.

NB. This kvass is good because it is not very complicated, it is made simply and its composition is not expensive, and the taste is very pleasant.


Lemon kvass.

Pot 1 lb. 10 lb. Molasses and add 30 bottles. boiling water; everything is well stirred and allowed to cool, after which 3 evils are added. dry yeast dissolved in 1 glass of cold water with ½ stack. flour.

The next day, you can add another 5-10 bottles. cold water. When the raisins with lemon float upstairs, the kvass is filtered through a canvas, poured into bottles, well sealed, the necks are tied with ropes or wire and stored in a lying position in the cellar.

Instead of molasses, you can take honey or sugar to taste.

In this way, you can prepare an excellent kvass from all fruits or berries, which is called berry or fruit.

The recipe of Filatova and Symonenko was taken as a basis. Of course, with the changes.

LEMON KVASS (calculated for 6 liters of water).

Take a large enamel pot (in this case, an 8 L pot).

Dry in a frying pan (in the oven or on the hob, stirring often to prevent sticking) 1 cup of wheat flour (see photo), until the flour begins to change color, or only the color of the flour turns creamy, i.e. dry slightly) ... Let the flour cool.

Take 2-4 lemons (in this case, 3 lemons were used) - about 450-500 g. Remove the tips from the lemons, cut across into rings and remove the seeds.

Place the cooled flour in a bowl and whisk in 1 cup of cold water, stirring occasionally. Stir well.

Put prepared lemons, flour diluted in water and 6-8 tablespoons of sugar (or honey) in a saucepan (tank or barrel, if any) and pour prepared boiling water, stirring with a spoon or wooden paddle (you can boil a kettle in 2 passes, pour boiling water, stir and when the missing boiling water is ready, add there too).

Cover the pan with a lid and LET IT COOL! to the temperature of fresh milk (to room temperature in summer, if you like).

After the water has cooled down, add 50 ml libozakvaska (bread leaven of "sour cream density", rye or wheat ..) or, if there is no sourdough, ordinary yeast ("wet") - 1 tablespoon.

Add a handful of raisins (preferably light).

Leave for 2 days. Then filter the kvass through a sieve and pour into bottles. Refrigerate.


If any kvass, bottled, is hermetically sealed, the kvass will be tart and will "gain degrees"! THIS SHOULD BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT FOR THOSE DRIVING CARS, airplanes, boats and swimming mattresses J... And children literally get drunk from such kvass.

Adding raisins to the finished filtered, bottled kvass and hermetically sealing the kvass will gain "bitterness" in addition to degrees.

It is convenient to seal kvass in bottles with screw caps. If with corks, then the corks must be carefully tied with wire. And, in any way, when the time comes to uncork the bottle, you should expect a brown foam from the bottle - it is better to substitute a tray or bowl (especially for fruit kvass - cherry, raspberry, apple ...). Opening bottles with kvass is very similar to champagne. More accurate J.

It is best to drink fresh, chilled kvass that has not been hermetically sealed. Moreover, such kvass does not taste bitter.

The taste of lemon kvass can be softened by peeling the skin from the lemons (remove the seeds anyway).


RASPBERRY KVASS (calculation for a 3-liter jar).

Cook like lemon, only instead of lemon, take 1 cup raspberries, ½ cup flour and, at least 3 tbsp. l sugar and 1 teaspoon of yeast (or 25 ml of sourdough).

Raspberry kvass

Lemon and raspberry kvass

How I made lemon kvass, prelude.
Summer has come, and with it the heat and stuffiness. You are constantly thirsty, but the drinks purchased in the store for some reason do not quench your thirst, moreover, they leave in your mouth a "delicious" taste of first-class chemistry. And so you want to sip something fresh, pure and natural!

It was then that I remembered about the old worn out brochure from the distant Soviet times, which had been gathering dust on the bookshelf for many years. As far as I remember, it was called “ Soft drinks". Just what I needed! After a long search, I finally found the coveted book with large hand-drawn illustrations.

Having studied the assortment of drinks, I had to sadly state that I did not have fruit raw materials for their production. All that was found in the kitchen was a kilogram of lemons. Well, lemons are something too! - I consoled myself and immediately found a recipe for lemon kvass. Honestly, while making lemon kvass, I was not sure if this was really exactly what the soul and body languishing from the heat demanded. Lemons are still sour! However, the habit of finishing everything to the end forced me to finish the process, and I shoved bottles with a suspiciously bubbling drink full of raisins raisins into the refrigerator.

I confess that I did not have the patience to withstand the two days required for full fermentation. A day later, I opened one of the bottles. Light cotton, and an amazing aroma of freshness hit my nose, I was even taken aback. Having swallowed straight from the neck, I was instantly transported to childhood. Remember the taste of that wonderful Buratino lemonade? So this is it! Probably, there is no need to say anything more. One has only to acquaint you with the recipe for this wonderful drink, which I now prepare constantly.


  • 4 things. lemons
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 15 gr. fresh yeast
  • 3 l. water
  • 30 gr. raisins
  • So, to make lemon kvass, we need lemons, sugar, water, raisins and a piece of fresh pressed yeast.
  • Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan (it is better to use a spring or mineral water), put it on fire. Pour in 2 cups of sugar.
  • While stirring, bring the water to a boil. Cook the water for a couple of minutes, then turn off the heat and let it cool to room temperature (26-30 degrees).
  • As you know, in order to increase the shelf life, fruits are coated with all kinds of chemistry. To remove it, scald the lemons with boiling water from a kettle.
  • Using a sharp knife, remove the zest from all the lemons. We try to capture only a thin aromatic layer of the peel, the thick white part gives bitterness, so we do not cut it off.
  • Cut the zest into thin strips.
  • We cut the lemons in half, squeeze out the juice. Four medium-sized lemons make about a glass of lemon juice.
  • We grind the yeast with a spoonful of sugar, and the yeast immediately becomes liquid.
  • We combine the cooled water, lemon juice, lemon zest and diluted yeast. Mix everything well. This is how future kvass from lemons.
  • We keep the vessel with kvass for 4-5 hours at room temperature. The surface of the liquid begins to become covered with small bubbles, which indicates the beginning of the fermentation process.
  • After this time, we filter the kvass, pour it into glass bottles or banks. We put 10 raisins in each bottle. Close the bottles tightly with lids.
  • And here the most interesting thing begins - the raisins "go crazy" and begin to rise to the surface of kvass, then to descend. Honestly, a fascinating sight, at least show tricks, although everything is explained quite simply - the fermentation process continues in the bottles.
  • We put bottles with lemon kvass in the refrigerator. After 2-3 days

Berry counterparts have long competed with traditional kvass. At home, you can also make lemon kvass, which is not just pleasant to drink. He, refreshing, helps to quench your thirst. Such kvass is suitable for delicious sweets, baked goods. Will decorate a festive feast.

Try it in conjunction with stronger spirits, and you will not be disappointed either. Do not be afraid to experiment, creating your own "family recipe"!

Homemade lemon kvass

recipe with honey without yeast

One and a half liters of finished drink will need


  • water - one and a half liters,
  • eight to ten raisins,
  • honey - four tbsp. l.,
  • lemon,
  • sugar five to six tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

Cool the boiled water slightly. Prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Squeeze lemon juice or use already ready-made version... If you like light citrus bitterness, slice the lemon zest thinly.
Mix all ingredients.

Cover the dishes with gauze and leave the kvass to infuse for 24 hours in a warm place (25-27 degrees).

Then filter the liquid with a colander (with the smallest holes) or gauze.

Pour into bottles, adding four to five raisins to each. Experts advise using champagne bottles. They are stronger than any others, therefore they are able to withstand (without sad consequences such as unwanted explosions) the pressure that occurs during the fermentation process.

Seal bottles carefully. And remove the kvass (for aging and maturation) in a cold place for two weeks (at least!). Store bottles in a recumbent position. How to check if he is ready? Firstly, you will understand this if you smell a specific kvass smell. Secondly, be sure to hear a hiss in the bottle during the fermentation process, which indicates that everything is going as it should. Third, try it. This is an unmistakable verification method.

Drink lemon-honey kvass only chilled. Then you will be able to appreciate the delicate and pleasant taste of this drink according to merit!

Bon Appetit!

Best regards, Anyuta.

We are all looking forward to summer, but at the same time, hot days are not complete without cooling drinks, which are becoming the main consumer product.

The best way is to make such a drink at home, and lemon kvass will be an excellent option for daily drinking, its recipe should definitely be in your arsenal! Fruit aromatic drink will perfectly quench your thirst and cheer you up, will give you a feeling of freshness and vigor for a long time.

Lemons are everyone's favorite fruit, and as part of kvass, they will bring considerable benefits to the body! Yellow citrus is also a folk remedy containing a large number of vitamin C.

Lemon helps to get rid of heartburn and nausea, perfectly tones the body, which is so necessary in hot weather.

Citrus kvass will help not only quench your thirst, but also become an excellent prevention of colds for your body.

Traditional lemon kvass

In ancient times, not everyone could make kvass - his recipes in Russia were kept strictly secret! The person who prepared the drink was called "leavener": at that time it was the most prestigious profession.

If you love this Russian drink and often prepare it at home, then lemon kvass should definitely be present in your summer diet!


  • Medium not bitter lemons - 5 pcs.;
  • White granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • Raisins - 50 g;
  • Yeast - 20 g;
  • Purified water - 4.5 liters;
  • Honey - 3 tablespoons

How to make lemon kvass with your own hands

  1. Wash the lemons well in hot water and dry. Remove the zest from the fruit and squeeze out the juice (you get a little more than a glass, and if you have less juice, squeeze out another lemon).
  2. Pour water into a six-liter saucepan and put on fire, add sugar to it and bring to a boil. Remove the pan and cool the sweet liquid to room temperature.
  3. Take a glass of warm, sweet water and dissolve the yeast in it (let it stand for 10 minutes).
  4. Add the juice and lemon zest to the already cooled liquid (without seeds, otherwise the kvass will taste bitter), pour in the yeast and stir well.
  5. We cover the pan with a cloth or gauze and leave it warm for 6-7 hours (or overnight, as was done in Russia before).
  6. Then we filter the kvass several times through clean dry gauze and pour it into plastic bottles (do not fill the bottles to the top, leave room for the gas to escape - about three fingers). It can also be poured into glass containers, but there is a risk that the glass will not withstand the pressure, so it's better not to experiment! Add 6-7 raisins to each bottle and seal them tightly.
  7. We send bottles to a cool place for 3-4 days for maturation.

Drink chilled lemon kvass, before serving, you can add fresh mint or lemon balm leaves and a couple of ice cubes. This great drink can also be prepared for festive feast and it will also be a great base product for making cocktails!

Bread kvass with lemon


  • Rye bread - 400 g + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 5.5 l + -
  • - 200 g + -
  • - 1.5 tbsp. + -
  • Melissa - a couple of leaves + -

How to make bread lemon kvass at home

  1. Take fresh Rye bread and cut into small pieces. Preheat the oven, put the bread on a baking sheet and dry for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C (the bread should acquire a golden color, but do not overcook it, otherwise the kvass will taste bitter).
  2. Pour all the water into a saucepan and put on fire, bring to a boil, add brown croutons and cook for 5 minutes. Set aside and refrigerate liquid for 4 hours.
  3. Now strain the bread infusion through several layers of cheesecloth. Take a glass of liquid from a saucepan and dissolve yeast with 3 tablespoons of sugar in it, and use it after 15 minutes.
  4. Wash the lemon in hot water, remove the zest with a sharp knife and chop. Squeeze the juice from the lemon (make sure that no grains get into the kvass along with the juice).
  5. When all the components are ready, we start preparing kvass with lemon: add sugar to the filtered liquid and stir until completely dissolved (use a wooden spoon or spatula). Add lemon juice and zest, stir and then add yeast. Cover the container with kvass with gauze and leave warm for 12-14 hours for fermentation.
  6. Then filter again leavened wort: Strain through cheesecloth and squeeze lightly. Pour kvass into plastic bottles, add 1 tablespoon of sugar to each bottle. Also, do not fill the bottles to the top, seal them tightly and put them in a warm place for 6-7 hours.
  7. Put the kvass in the refrigerator for 4 days to ripen.

Everyone's favorite bread kvass can be prepared in a new way: add lemon and some aromatic herbs to it, and it will bring new notes of taste to a traditional drink!

Fruit kvass is gaining popularity from year to year, because the taste and smell of citrus fruits makes drinking more pleasant and varied. If you cook kvass different ways, he will never get bored and will be a welcome guest at your table!