Home / Pies / How cottage cheese is made at the factory. Curd mass with sour cream

How cottage cheese is made at the factory. Curd mass with sour cream

There are two ways to produce curd: traditional and separate. The production of cottage cheese in the traditional way includes the following operations:

  • normalization of milk to the required composition;
  • cleaning and pasteurization of milk;
  • fermentation of milk;
  • fermentation of milk;
  • cutting the clot;
  • separation of serum;
  • self-pressing and pressing of cottage cheese;
  • cooling cottage cheese;
  • packing.

The hardware-technological scheme for the production of cottage cheese by the traditional method is shown in Fig. 2.7. Milk from the container 1 firstly fed into the surge tank 2, then pump 3 to the recuperation section of the pasteurization and cooling unit 5, where it is heated to a temperature of 35 ... 40 ° С and to the separator-purifier 4.

Normalized and refined milk is sent for pasteurization at 78 ... 80 ° C with an exposure time of 20 ... 30 s. Pasteurized milk is cooled in the recovery section of the plate pasteurization cooling unit 5 to the fermentation temperature (in the warm season up to 28 ... 30 ° С, in the cold - up to 30 ... 32 ° С) and sent to special baths 6 for fermentation.

A sourdough prepared in a sourdough is added to the milk 10. To accelerate the release of serum, the curd is cut with special wire knives into cubes (the size of the edges is 2 cm). For further separation of whey, the curd is subjected to self-pressing and pressing using press trolleys 7. At the end of pressing, the curd is immediately sent for cooling to a temperature not higher than 8 ° C. For this purpose, coolers of different designs are used, for example, a two-cylinder cooler 8. Ready cottage cheese is packed on machines 9 in small and large containers.

Rice. 2.7.

  • 1 - capacity; 2 - surge tank; 3 - pump; 4 - separator-cleaner;
  • 5 - pasteurization and cooling unit; B - bath; 7 - press cart;
  • 8 - cooler; nine - filling machine; ten - sourdough

The hardware-technological scheme for the production of cottage cheese by a separate method is shown in Fig. 2.8. Milk from the container / pumped 2 in the surge tank 3, from it by pump 2 to the recuperation section of the plate pasteurization and cooling unit 4 for heating up to 40 ... 45 ° С.

The warmed milk enters the cream separator 5, in which it is separated into skim milk and cream with a fat mass fraction of at least 50%. The cream is first fed into the intermediate container. 6, and then by pump 7 into the plate pasteurization cooling unit 8 where they are pasteurized at a temperature

85 ... 90 ° С with an exposure of 15 ... 20 s, cooled to 2 ... 4 ° С and sent to a double-walled container 9 for temporary storage before mixing with cottage cheese.

Skimmed milk from the separator enters the plate pasteurization and cooling unit 4, where it is first pasteurized at a temperature of 78 ° C with a holding time of 15 ... 20 s, and then cooled to 30 ... 34 ° C and sent to the fermentation tank equipped with a special mixer. Sourdough prepared in a sourdough 10, pump 7 is supplied to the reservoir 11 for fermentation. Calcium chloride and enzyme also come here; the mixture is thoroughly mixed and left to ferment. The resulting curd is thoroughly mixed and pumped 12 fed to plate heat exchanger 13, where it is first heated to 60 ... 62 ° С for better separation of whey, and then cooled to 25 ... 32 ° С, due to which it is better separated into a protein part and whey. From the heat exchanger 13 clot through a strainer 14 is fed under pressure to the curd separator 15, where it is separated into whey and curd.


Rice. 2.8. Apparatus and technological scheme for the production of cottage cheese in a separate way: 1,6, 18 - capacity; 2, 7, 12 - pumps; 3 - surge tank; 4.8 - pasteurization cooling installations; 5 - separator-cream separator; nine - double-walled container;

  • 10 - sourdough; eleven - fermentation tank; 13 - heat exchanger;
  • 14 - mesh filter; 15 - separator-curd maker; 1B - pump;
  • 17 - cooler; 19 - kneading machine; twenty - filling machine

The resulting fat-free cottage cheese is served with a special pump 16 on a cooler / 7 to cool to 8 ° C, and then grind on a rolling mill until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Chilled curd is sent to a kneading machine 19, where the dosing pump 7 serves the pasteurized chilled cream from the container 18 and mix everything thoroughly. Ready cottage cheese is packed by machines 20 and sent to the storage room.


Curd is one of the oldest dairy products. It can be assumed that people began to eat it much earlier than cheese and butter. This assumption is quite reasonable, since as a result of the vital activity of lactic acid bacteria, which are always present in milk, spontaneous souring of milk is possible. In this case, a clot is formed, which becomes denser as a result of natural syneresis. One of the first products that the ancients considered cottage cheese was the product "Hippaca" - a clot of mare's milk. It is no less natural to assume that in ancient times people also accidentally learned about rennet fermentation, using the stomachs of slaughtered animals as containers for milk.

Products such as cottage cheese, obtained as a result of sour and rennet fermentation of milk, there is information in the works of ancient poets, in the works of philosophers and scientists. Homer, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Palladium, Columella wrote about these products. Columella, who lived in the 1st century AD, wrote especially in detail with an indication of practical advice on how to ferment milk, and the requirements for its quality.

In the works of ancient authors it is indicated that the remains of curdled milk from the stomachs of lambs and kids, the gastric mucosa were used for fermentation. Even then, various plant substances and wine vinegar were also used to ferment milk.

Thus, historically, there have been two main ways of fermenting milk in the production of cottage cheese: acidic and acid-rennet. Both of these methods have survived to this day.

With the acid-rennet method, the production of cottage cheese for many centuries has been using pieces of raw and dried stomachs of calves and lambs as rennet. Enzyme preparations appeared about 100 years ago, when liquid rennet was first sold in France. Dry rennet was obtained at the end of the 19th century.

According to available data, in the years 1888-1890. began to use pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria.

In industrial conditions, cottage cheese began to be produced in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, which was associated with the organization of urban dairy factories.

Commercial dairy farming in Russia arose at the end of the 18th century, when large landowners' farms organized cheese dairies with the production of not only cheeses for the market, but also ghee, sour cream and cottage cheese. The first cheese dairy was opened in 1975. In the Lotoshchino estate of the eponymous county of the Smolensk region.

With the development of capitalism in Russia and the growth of the urban population, the demand for dairy products increases, in connection with which the dairy industry takes on a commercial, entrepreneurial character. Peasant artels and milk buyers open small artisanal dairy factories, often in peasant huts, adapted premises, with minimal equipment.

The founder of the scientific formulation of dairy business in Russia was A.A. Kalantar, who worked at the Edimonov school since 1882. and organized here the first milk testing laboratory with scientific research. He wrote a ryaz of manuals and popular science manuals on dairy farming, cheese-making, butter-making.

It should be noted that the further the appearance of a product goes into history, the lower is the general technical level of its production at the present time. This can explain the fact that at the hotel dairy factories a primitive production technique is still preserved, and the duration of the technological cycle is still long.

Cottage cheese is a protein fermented milk product made by fermenting pasteurized normalized whole or skim milk (mixing with buttermilk is allowed) followed by removing a portion of the whey from the curd and pressing the protein mass It is officially accepted to classify cottage cheese produced by the traditional method according to its fat content. In accordance with this, fatty, semi-fatty and non-fatty cottage cheese is distinguished (non-fatty cottage cheese is often called fat-free). Cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk is produced in case of high acidity milk, before eating the cottage cheese must be subjected to heat treatment (obtaining cheese cakes, dumplings, production of processed cheeses). Cottage cheese has a pure fermented milk taste and smell; for the first grade, a weakly expressed aftertaste of feed, containers, light bitterness is allowed. The consistency is delicate, homogeneous; for fatty cottage cheese of the first grade, somewhat loose and smearing is allowed, for low-fat cottage cheese - crumbly, with a slight release of whey. The color is white, slightly yellowish, with a cream shade, uniform throughout the mass; for fatty cottage cheese of the first grade, some color unevenness is allowed. The significant content of fat and especially high-grade proteins in cottage cheese determines its high nutritional and biological value.

When the curd is dehydrated on separators, the curd has a pasty consistency, and therefore it is sometimes referred to as unconventional, although in terms of composition and raw materials it is traditional. Cottage cheese obtained by a separate method, even without the use of separators, is also conventionally called unconventional.

Non-traditional types include cottage cheese made from buttermilk, whey of dry dairy products, as well as cottage cheese with cream.

According to the method of coagulation of milk proteins, cottage cheese is divided into acidic and acid-rennet. Acidic curd is usually made from skim milk.

In this case, the protein is coagulated by the action of lactic acid formed during lactic fermentation, which develops as a result of the introduction of starter cultures into milk.

When assessing the quality indicators of cottage cheese, along with the fat content, the moisture content in the finished product, as well as its acidity, is important.

Depending on the acidity, all types of cottage cheese are divided into first and highest grade.

It should be noted that the composition of the curd, and especially its protein part, is undoubtedly influenced by different methods of its production. It can be noted that casein, freed from calcium, predominates in acidic curd, while acid-rennet contains both casein and its calcium salt. The degree of use of milk proteins in the production of cottage cheese also depends on the methods of coagulation. The content of calcium and phosphorus salts in cottage cheese is in the ratio most favorable for human assimilation

Table 1

The high biological value of cottage cheese is due to the content of all essential amino acids in it: lysine, histidine, argenine, threonine, valine, miteonine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine.

It should also be noted that the content of amino acids in fatty and low-fat cottage cheese is different. This is due to the fact that in the production of fatty cottage cheese, it includes proteins of the shells of fat globules, which have a slightly different amino acid composition.

Sour cream is produced by fermenting pasteurized cream with pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria, followed by ripening of the resulting clot. Among other fermented milk products, sour cream stands out for its high nutritional value. Due to the changes that occur with the protein part during fermentation, sour cream is absorbed by the body faster and easier than cream of the corresponding fat content. Some lactic acid bacteria in the process of fermenting sour cream are able to synthesize vitamins of group B, therefore, the content of these vitamins is also higher in sour cream compared to milk. Sour cream has a pure fermented milk taste with a pronounced taste and smell, characteristic of a pasteurized product. Its consistency is uniform, moderately thick, without grains of fat and protein. Sour cream of traditional chemical composition with a mass fraction of fat of 30% is divided into premium and first grade. For the first grade, mild flavors are allowed: ghee, containers (wood), the presence of slight bitterness. By consistency, insufficiently thick, slightly lumpy, granular, the presence of light ductility is allowed. Other types of sour cream are not divided into varieties.

1. Production technology

1.1 Initial technological operations

Cooling essentially determines the behavior of the milk during further processing. The cooling temperature should be considered the main factor on which such quality indicators of milk as its bacterial contamination and acidity depend. The lower the cooling temperature, the longer the good quality of the milk is maintained. During the cooling process, the quality of the feedstock does not change. The purpose of cooling is to maintain its original properties. The World Health Organization recommends chilling milk to 4 ° C no later than an hour after receipt. Preserving the temperature of chilled milk during transporting prevents the development of microorganisms, and therefore slows down the increase in acidity.

1.1.1 Receiving milk

After the milk arrives at the enterprise, it is necessary to ensure the preservation of its native properties, minimal contamination of it with microflora. For this purpose, the milk is cleaned from mechanical impurities and cooled after receipt. Cleaning is carried out by filtration or using centrifugal separators of milk purifiers. For filtration, you can use gauze-cotton, lavsan filters. Mechanical filtration does not provide complete milk purification, only large particles are retained, incoming new portions of milk come into contact with contaminated ones on the filtrate and are additionally contaminated with microflora

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

Cottage cheese is a healthy fermented milk product that is obtained by fermenting fresh milk with the subsequent removal of whey from it and which contains valuable, easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates, fats, nutrients, vitamins and microelements necessary for humans.

Traditionally prepared curd is classified according to its fat content. According to GOST R, cottage cheese is fat-free, low-fat (1.8%), classic (4-18%) and fat (19-23%). Accordingly, the cottage cheese differs in terms of calorie content. One hundred grams of fatty cottage cheese contains over 200 kilocalories, bold cottage cheese contains 160 Kcal, and low-fat cottage cheese contains about 80-85 Kcal. The greatest demand, as studies show, are fatty and semi-fatty types of cottage cheese. Low-fat and low-fat cottage cheese is somewhat inferior to them in taste, but these types are used for the production of various cottage cheese products, including creams, curds, curd masses with various additives and fillings, cottage cheese desserts, etc.

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Depending on the method of coagulation of milk proteins, cottage cheese is divided into acidic and acid-rennet. Acidic curd is prepared from skim milk by fermenting raw materials with special ferments. Under the influence of lactic acid, which is released during lactic acid fermentation when ferments are introduced into milk, the protein coagulates. In contrast to acidic curd, in the production of acid-rennet curd, both rennet (or pepsin) and lactic acid bacteria starter cultures are used to coagulate milk proteins.

So, cottage cheese is a nutritious, healthy and tasty product that is suitable for both baby and diet food. Its production is cost-effective and quickly repayable.

"Documentary" issue of organizing the production of cottage cheese

To open a curd production, you first need to choose the organizational and legal form of running your business and obtain the necessary permits. You can register as a sole proprietor or open an LLC. And in fact, and in another case, there are advantages and disadvantages. The main difference between an LLC and an individual entrepreneur lies in the level of responsibility to creditors. If the LLC is declared bankrupt, and the company's property is not enough to pay off the debts, then the founder will be obliged to pay the creditors an amount not exceeding the authorized capital. An individual entrepreneur, on the other hand, will repay the debts of his company at the expense of all his property. At the same time, the administrative responsibility of an individual entrepreneur is lower than that of an LLC. Another significant difference is the taxation system. When choosing a traditional taxation system, an LLC will spend more on paying taxes than an individual entrepreneur. In addition, the company will have to maintain accounting records, for which it will need to hire an accountant. On the other hand, if you ever want to sell your share in the business, it will be easier to do it in the LLC format.

There is also a "fashion" nuance. As a rule, trust on the part of partners is higher in the LLC, and not in the sole proprietor. Although at first you will hardly notice the difference. If you do not plan to work on a large scale from the very beginning, then experts advise giving preference to an individual entrepreneur, since it is easier and cheaper to register.

When registering, you will need to select the OKVED code. In our case, this is 15.51.14 "Production of cottage cheese and curd cheese products". When you have already found a suitable production facility, you will need to obtain permits from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SES) and the fire inspection. To do this, you must submit a copy of the certificate of state registration of an enterprise, a copy of a taxpayer certificate, a lease agreement with the owner of premises or territory, a technological map of production, a list of equipment used at the facility, indicate the capacity of the facility, the number of employees and data on medical examinations, a plan of the rented premises where the equipment is installed, the project for the reconstruction of the premises (if its initial functions are changed) and the conclusion of the SES about the approval of this project, the passport for the ventilation system, the contract for the disinfection, a certificate of statistics with a seal.

To carry out production activities, you also need to issue a license. To do this, a package of documents is submitted to the licensing organization, which includes applications of the established form, copies of constituent documents and a receipt for payment of state duty. Once your shop has been inspected, a permit is issued with a validity period of at least five years.

Since cottage cheese is a product of the dairy industry, its certification is also required immediately after the start of your production. For domestically produced cottage cheese, a declaration of conformity is issued OKP 922290 Cottage cheese (922291 Cottage cheese from 0.1% to 9.0% fat, 922292 Cottage cheese from 10.0% to 17.0% fat, 922293 Cottage cheese from 18.0% or more fat, 922294 Grain curd, 922295 Curd for baby food). This document confirms the quality and safety of your cottage cheese and is issued either for batch-produced products (for a period not exceeding three years), or for a batch of cottage cheese (for the shelf life of the products included in this batch). If you have no experience in issuing certificates and you are poorly versed in these issues, then it is best to contact a specialized intermediary company for help. This will save you a lot of time and effort. To obtain a certificate, you will need to prepare the following documents: a certification application, a contract, constituent documentation, label layouts, phytosanitary registration certificate, veterinary certificate.

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The curd you produce must comply with the established GOSTs: GOST R 52096-2003 “Curd. Specifications "(note that this standard does not apply to a product enriched with vitamins, micro- and macroelements, probiotic cultures and prebiotic substances), GOST 31534-2012" Grain curd. Technical conditions ".

If you care about the quality of your products, then from the very beginning you should take care of creating your own production laboratory, equipped with all the necessary equipment to control the quality of the raw materials supplied to you. Requirements for the organization of production microbiological laboratories are given in the "Methodological recommendations for the organization of production microbiological control at the enterprises of the dairy industry", approved on February 7, 2008. The production laboratory of the enterprises of the dairy industry and the organization of its activities must comply with the requirements of the sanitary rules of SP 1.2.731-99 "Safety work with microorganisms of III-IV groups pathogenic ™ and helminths ", SanPiN" Production of milk and dairy products "and" Guidelines for the organization of industrial microbiological control at milk processing enterprises "MP

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Of course, the organization of the laboratory will require additional and tangible costs, but they will quickly pay off if you care about the reputation of your company. In addition, it makes sense to think about the development and approval of your own product specifications.

Workshop for the production of curd

SanPiN "Production of milk and dairy products" (approved by the decree of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation of October 4, 1996 N 23) sets out in detail all the requirements for the territory for the construction of a workshop, production and auxiliary premises, water supply and sewerage, lighting, heating, ventilation, environmental protection, to technological equipment, inventory, dishes, their sanitization, as well as to all technological processes. First of all, the premises that you rent or purchase must have sufficient space (the area of ​​the main workshop must be at least 30 square meters). Even if you do not plan to open your own laboratory from the very beginning, you must

It is obligatory to have tap water, sewerage, electricity and ventilation systems. The water used for the workshop can be artesian, but must meet the requirements of drinking water in accordance with GOST 2874-82. The walls in the workshop should be tiled to a height of more than two meters, the floors should be non-slippery, waterproof and acid-resistant. The walls of utility, auxiliary and storage facilities are painted in light colors.

The cost of developing a project for the construction of a mini-plant from scratch will be from 70 thousand rubles. Such a project, as a rule, includes a general explanatory note, architectural and construction solutions, master plan and transport, engineering equipment, networks and systems, technological solutions, provisions for environmental protection.

Curd production technology

There are two main ways of producing curd, depending on the method of curd formation: acidic and rennet. The first method is used to prepare low-fat and low-fat cottage cheese of a delicate consistency. In this case, acidic coagulation of proteins is carried out by fermenting milk with bacteria. Accordingly, in the second method, in which the curd is formed due to the direct influence of rennet and, accordingly, the waste of fat in the whey is reduced, cottage cheese of medium and high fat content is obtained.

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The technological process of producing cottage cheese in the traditional way includes the following stages: milk acceptance, milk normalization to the required state, milk purification and pasteurization, milk cooling to the fermentation temperature, adding starter culture and rennet to milk, fermenting milk, cutting the curd, separating whey, cooling cottage cheese, packaging, packing in containers and storage of finished products.

Acceptance of milk is carried out by a trained and certified laboratory assistant using equipment and methods in accordance with GOST 26809-86 “Milk and dairy products. Acceptance rules, sampling methods and preparation of samples for analysis ", GOST 28283-89" Method for organoleptic assessment of smell and taste ". Fresh whole skim milk with an acidity of not higher than 20 ° T is used as a raw material for the preparation of cottage cheese in the traditional way, which is pasteurized at a temperature of 79-80 ° C with an exposure time of 20-30 seconds. It is extremely important to maintain this temperature regime, since this is the main condition for the high quality of the finished product. At low temperatures, the resulting curd turns out to be insufficiently dense, therefore whey proteins almost completely go into the whey, and the yield of curd is significantly reduced. When the temperature rises, the denaturation of whey proteins increases, as a result of which the intensity of the separation of whey decreases and the yield of cottage cheese increases. To increase the fat content of the product with the separate method, pasteurized cream is added to it.

Pasteurized milk is cooled to fermentation temperature. This temperature directly depends on the season: in the spring-summer period, milk is cooled to 28-30 ° С, and in the cold season - to 30-32 ° С. The cooled milk is then sent to the cottage cheese vats. The starter culture for the production of cottage cheese is made on pure cultures of mesophilic lactic acid streptococci. It is added to milk in the amount of 1-5%. The ripening time is from 6 to 8 hours. To speed up this process, 2.5% of a starter culture prepared on cultures of mesophilic streptococcus and 2.5% of thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus are added to milk. In the warm season, fermentation with the accelerated method is carried out at a temperature of 35 ° С, and in the cold season - up to 38 ° С. In this case, the duration of milk fermentation can be reduced by 2-3.5 hours.

To improve the quality of the product, experts advise using a non-stop method of preparing the starter culture on sterilized milk, which allows you to reduce the dose of the starter culture to 1%.

When using the acid-rennet method of producing cottage cheese in the traditional way, immediately after adding the sourdough to the milk, a 40% solution of calcium chloride (400 g of anhydrous salt per 1 ton of milk), prepared in boiled water at a temperature of 40-45 ° C, is added there. Thanks to calcium chloride, pasteurized milk can again form a sufficiently dense curd that separates the whey well under the influence of rennet. At the next stage, rennet (or pepsin) is added to milk in the form of a 1% solution at the rate of 1 gram per 1 ton of milk. The enzyme is preliminarily dissolved in boiled water at a temperature of 35 ° C. A solution of pepsin to increase its activity is prepared in advance (at least five hours before use) on acidic clarified whey. To speed up the process of making cottage cheese, milk is fermented to an acidity of 32-35 ° T in special tanks and only then is pumped into the curd baths. Enzyme and calcium chloride are added to the raw materials prepared in this way.

The fermentation process when using the acid method takes about six hours, and with the acid-rennet method - 4-6 hours. The use of an active acid-forming starter culture can reduce this time by 1.5-2 times - up to 3-4 hours. The degree of readiness of the curd can be determined by its acidity level. For low-fat cottage cheese, this figure should be 75-80 ° T, and for fatty and semi-bold type - 58-60 ° T. In addition, the clot is assessed visually. Normally, it should be quite dense and have even smooth edges at the fracture with the release of a transparent greenish serum. It is very important to determine the end of fermentation in time, otherwise you will get a sour sticky spreading mass, and not a tasty grainy cottage cheese.

To accelerate the release of whey, the finished curd is cut with the help of special wire knives into cubes with a face size of 2 cm.When using the acid-rennet method of production, the cut curd is left for about an hour more to intensively release the whey, then it is self-pressed and pressed. At this stage, the cut cubes are placed in coarse calico or lavsan bags with a volume of 7-9 kg, more than half filled. Then the bags are tied and placed in several rows on the press carts. Under the influence of its own mass, serum is released from the clot. This process, called self-pressing, is carried out in the workshop at a temperature not exceeding 16 ° C and takes about an hour. The readiness of the mass is determined by eye: the surface of the clot loses its shine and becomes dull. After that, it is pressed until tender. Periodically, the bags with cottage cheese are shaken and transferred several times. Pressing should be carried out at an air temperature of 3-6 ° C. Higher temperatures lead to increased acidity and spoilage of the finished product. After pressing, the curd is sent to coolers, then it is packaged on automatic machines into containers of the required volume. Cottage cheese is packed in small packages in the form of bars weighing 0.25; 0.5 and 1 kg, wrapped in parchment and / or cellophane, bags, glasses made of polymer materials. The finished product, according to TU 9222-180-11419785-04, is stored for sale for no more than 72 hours at a temperature of 2-8 ° C and an air humidity of 80-85%.

Shop equipment and staff

For the production of cottage cheese, a whole complex of equipment is used for receiving, cooling, processing, storing and transporting raw materials. So, for example, received milk is stored in tanks - metal containers, pumped using pumps, received using milk meters (scales), processed by milk separators, pasteurizers, filters, etc.

The main part of the line includes curd makers with pressing tanks, curd baths with water heating, installations for pressing and cooling curd. Two-cylinder designs are considered the most successful among coolers.

In addition to this equipment, you will also need filling and packaging machines, equipment for storing and transporting finished products.

The minimum cost of such equipment is 2,450,000 rubles, excluding transportation and commissioning costs.

A mini-factory will require a staff of 6-10 workers. All of them must undergo a medical examination, training and be certified in hygienic training, have valid medical books. The procedure for passing hygienic training and certification is approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2000 No. 229. The frequency of medical examinations, a list of specialist doctors, laboratory and functional studies, as well as a list of contraindications for work are given in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 302n of 12 April 2011

In addition, you will need an accountant and a sales manager.

Prospects, expenses and income

In general, competition in the field of milk processing and, in particular, the production of fermented milk products is assessed as medium. According to experts, in many regions this direction is promising and deserves attention.

The total investment in the creation of a mini-plant for the production of cottage cheese and other curd products is estimated at 5,500,000 rubles. The payback period is at least two years with stable work and implementation of plans for the production and sale of finished products. In general, the profitability of production in the curd industry is 7-10%.

A ready-made business for the production of pasteurized milk and kefir drink packed in plastic bags, sour cream and cottage cheese packed in plastic containers, and Adyghe cheese packed in plastic containers will cost about the same amount (5.5-6 million rubles). The volume of such production is 3000 liters of milk (acceptance, cleaning, processing with the production and storage of the above products). On the one hand, a ready-made business seems to be a more profitable option, first of all, due to the already established relations with suppliers, retail chains, individual stores, a formed staff of workers ... However, if you are going to purchase an already functioning business, it is advisable to first consult with a specialist who will be able to assess all the risks and prospects.

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In the production of cottage cheese, primary material is used, namely, cow's milk of at least grade 2 and with an acidity of not higher than 22%. A processed product is also used, namely skim milk, which is obtained by separating milk. They also use a special product: a ferment for cottage cheese on cultured, pure fermented milk streptococci, calcium chloride or 2-water calcium chloride. Drinking water is used as an auxiliary product. The curd production line generates a technological process by the fermented milk method.

Curd production

Depending on the method by which a clot is formed during the industrial cycle, the following methods of making curd differ:

Cottage cheese is not a fatty product
  • rennet acid;
  • acid.

The first method produces a low-fat product and low-fat cottage cheese. In the course of this method, acidic coagulation of proteins occurs by fermenting milk with bacteria. The main feature of the finished product made in this way is a very delicate consistency due to the not very strong spatial structure of the clots.

The rennet method forms a clot through the direct influence of rennet and lactic acid. This method produces medium and high fat cottage cheese.

Traditional production of curd

The raw material is high-quality, skimmed and fresh milk, which is sent for pasteurization (temperature 80-81 ° C) in curd production lines. This temperature regime has a direct impact on the characteristics of the clots, on which the rate and quality of the finished product depends. If the temperature is low, the pasteurization of the curd will not be dense enough, because almost all the proteins will go into the whey, which means that the yield of the curd itself will significantly decrease. Thus, when regulating the pasteurization mode, processing clots and selecting options for rennet, a clot with the necessary water-holding properties will be obtained at the outlet.

The main feature of making cottage cheese by a separate method is the addition of pasteurized cream. Due to this, the fat content of the finished product increases several times.

The technological line for the production of curd makes the product in several stages:

Preparation of raw materials

Preparing milk for making curd

Milk is rectified in milk separators and heated to a temperature of 38 ° C.

Filtration with gauze is also allowed, which should be at least 4 layers. During the production of semi-fat or fat cottage cheese, milk is pasteurized at a temperature of 81 ° C in tubular (plate) cooling and pasteurization machines.

Milk cooling

Next, the milk is cooled down to a starter temperature of about 32 ° C. To obtain fermented milk cottage cheese, an acid is needed, formed by the biochemical method, namely through the influence of the level of microorganisms.


The starter culture is prepared on a pure culture of mesophilic, thermophilic or lactic acid streptococcus. Before adding it directly, you need to slowly remove the surface layer with a clean, thoroughly disinfected spoon.

Further, a sourdough is added, which has the appearance of a uniform consistency, which does not exceed 6% by total volume. If there is a need to accelerate fermentation, then a combined ferment is added to the milk: 3% based on mesophilic streptococcus, and 3% based on thermophilic streptococcus. On average, milk fermentation takes 11 hours. With accelerated fermentation, the duration is not more than 7 hours.

It should be noted that, on the basis of the pasteurization and sterilization process, the amount of calcium in milk will greatly decrease, up to 55%. This leads to a regression of the ability of rennet coagulation.

Consequently, with the expectation of the resumption of salt balance, calcium chloride is added to the preparation of fermented milk, namely 40–45%, that is, 400–450 grams per 1 ton of fermented milk.

Rennet addition and clotting

After that, it is necessary to add rennet, for example, food, beef, pork, pepsin. Stir the milk thoroughly for 10-20 minutes. After that, leaving it alone until dense clumps are formed, check for a break, the norm of which is a smooth surface with an even edge.

The main attention should be paid to the serum: it should be glazed with a greenish tint. The clots are cut into cubes with approximate dimensions: 25x25x25 cm.


Further, they are left alone for 60 minutes. This is necessary to drain from the bath (so that the whey separates) and the degree of acidity increases. The finished cube is placed in a coarse calico bag, while filling it just above half. Tying and putting in the bath is necessary for self-pressing. This process can be carried out in the press cart of the technological line for the production of curd. And also on the UPT machine, designed for cooling and pressing cottage cheese.

Almost finished products are subject to self-pressing from 2 to 5 hours. At the exit, the cottage cheese should have a mass fraction of moisture as provided for by the regulatory documentation. Next, you can move on to the stage of packaging, labeling and cooling of the finished product.

Packing cottage cheese

Curd packaging line

The product is transported along the curd production line on a belt conveyor. Further, the curd is fed into the filling machine.

The product is packed in briquettes, which, using a vacuum, extend the shelf life of the finished curd, they are also environmentally friendly.


As the main lines for the production of cottage cheese, they purchase equipment from a Russian manufacturer with the possibility of a product output of 105 kg per hour.

The technological line for the production of curd consists of the following machines:

  1. Curd maker (bath).
  2. Press (cart).
  3. Cooler of curd.
  4. Pasteurization bath.
  5. Pump, pipeline and other additional elements.

The curd production line, the price of which is 1,215,000 rubles, provides for the output of different types of curd, in particular, glazed curd. In addition to the basic configuration, there is a need to purchase additional equipment, namely:

  • filling machine - 860,000 rubles;
  • refrigerating chamber with monoblock - 140,000 rubles.

The manufacturer carries out installation and start-up work free of charge. Thus, the cost of purchasing industrial equipment will amount to 2,215,000 rubles. If this amount is not available, in order to equip the shop for the production of cottage cheese, it is necessary to take out a loan from one of the financial institutions or to interest investors.

The productivity of the technological line for the production of cottage cheese is 55 kg per hour. If the working day is standard (8 hours) then the monthly output of the finished product will be 9 680 kg per month. (Hours * kg * working days = 8 * 55 * 22).

With these planned volumes, the availability of raw materials in the amount of 720,275 rubles is required:

milk: 55,000 liters * 13 rubles - 715,000 rubles;

rennet starter for cottage cheese: 55 pieces, 65 rubles each = 3,575 rubles;

calcium chloride: 1,700 rubles.

By using a modern technological line, a high level of industrial process automation can be achieved. This means a significant reduction in the level of labor intensity. You can reduce the initial cost of the product, this has a beneficial effect on the financial result of the workshop. Only 3 people are required to service the line:

  • two workers - 14,000 rubles each;
  • one technologist - 18,000 rubles.

It is necessary to create auxiliary staff units, the job responsibilities of which are to determine the sample of the supplied material and manufactured finished products:

  • laboratory assistant - 17,000 rubles.

The duties of the laboratory assistant should include monitoring compliance with the sanitary and epidemic standards of the production period.

The production of cottage cheese on the basis of fermentation of milk with lactic acid bacteria in a container is carried out by the production line of cottage cheese ya9 wholesale. It produces cottage cheese 10 and 6% fat, as well as low-fat cottage cheese. The line for the production of cottage cheese Ya9-OPT includes:

  1. Capacity for ripening Ya1-OSV.
  2. Pumping units P8-ONB for feeding clots.
  3. Apparatus for heat treatment of clots.
  4. Boiler installations.
  5. Clot dehydrator.
  6. Product cooler.
  7. Monitoring and control system.

The Y1-OSV fermentation tank in the cottage cheese production line is intended for receiving milk, fermenting and obtaining curds. The container consists of the following parts:

  • frame;
  • mixer;
  • drive unit;
  • washing device.

Pumping unit P8-ONB is intended for supplying curd curd. The line includes:

  • storage capacity;
  • apparatus for heat treatment of clots;
  • one-pass heat exchanger with a flat section;
  • boiler installation (designed to heat water up to 65-97 ° C).

The dehydrator of curd curds for the separation of whey from them is a conical drum tapering towards the outlet. It starts to rotate with the help of an electric motor, which is connected to the gearbox. As the drum rotates, the dewatering speed is coordinated by lifting mechanisms that rotate with a separate drive, a variable angle drum tilt.

Line for the production of crumbly curd

Cooler for finished cottage cheese with a temperature of 9 ° C, consists of two screw-type oppressive drums. The drum is housed in a body of two connected cylinders and one solid hopper, which is mounted on a bed. The transportation of materials along the line installation takes place through the pipeline system, through valves and pumps.

The monitoring and control system includes a board with the help of which observation, fixation and automated adjustment of the technological characteristics of the line are carried out.

The industrial process of making products on the y9 wholesale cottage cheese production line is established from filling the container with homogenized pasteurized milk cooled to the fermentation temperature. In this container, the process of fermentation and fermentation of milk takes place and, subsequently, it is mixed with ferments and curds. After mixing, the finished clots are pumped by screw pumps into the clot heat treatment unit. In it, the clots are heated, held and further cooled. The curds are heated by hot water, which circulates in the jacket of the section of the right-hand section of the heat exchanger and enters it from the boiler unit. The clots transfer the heating temperature and are directed to the left section, where they are cooled with cold water. Water is supplied in the jacket of the section on the right side of the heat exchanger.

The curd curd after the heat exchanger goes to the dehydrator, where it passes through the lavsan (filter cloth), separates into curds and whey. The whey is collected in dehydrator trays and by means of self-priming pumps are diverted to redundancy. Subsequently, the curd that leaves the dehydrator passes through the tray and enters the bunkers of the two-cylinder coolers. In them, the curd is captured by the conical parts of a rotating drum. Further, it is fed into the space between the drum and the cylinders. The product is moved along the cylinder using the screw of the cylindrical part of the drum. The curd is pushed through a passage in a removable drum cover. Further, it goes to packing. The control system in this curd production line allows you to control the progress of technological processes with the main characteristics:

  • milk;
  • clot;
  • finished product;
  • hot and ice water;
  • pair;
  • compressed air.

The industrial process of making a fermented milk product is controlled by organoleptic, physicomechanical, biochemical and microbiological indicators. Microbiological control is the conduct and analysis of milk, which is intended for fermentation. As well as semi-finished and finished product. In the manufacture of fermented milk products, the main role is played by the microorganism of pasteurized milk and sourdough culture. They develop organoleptic, physical-mechanical, biochemical characteristics of the finished product. Quality control in the manufacture of a fermented milk product is carried out on the basis of the current GOST.

Milk used for the manufacture of starter cultures must meet the requirements of the first class for the reductase test. It is determined 10-12 times a month.

The productivity of pasteurization of milk for starter culture in the presence of the bacterial group of Escherichia coli (BCGC) is checked 2 times every 20 days by inoculating 15 cm3 of pasteurized milk in 45–55 cm3 on Wednesday (according to Kessler). This index is checked when an extraneous lactic acid bacillus is found in the starter after sowing or microcopying.

The main sign of the quality of starter cultures is their fermentation duration, acidity (activity);

  • the existence of extraneous microflora;
  • the quality of the clots;
  • taste;
  • smell.

These indices are checked every day. To control the activity of starter cultures, test fermentation of milk is carried out in laboratories. The purity of the starter cultures and the consistency between the cultures included in it are also checked every day using direct microcopying. The presence of BGKP is determined by crops on Wednesday according to Kessler. This analysis is carried out every day from each starter vessel. When sowing 4 cm3 of starter culture, BGKP should not be present.

Video: Production of cottage cheese - technology

Business in the food industry is a profitable direction, which, with a competent approach, will provide an entrepreneur with a consistently high income. The only drawback here is the rather impressive start-up costs that the entrepreneur will have to bear to start production. To minimize all financial risks, choose a profitable business. This includes the production of cottage cheese - a product in demand among consumers! The technology for the production of cottage cheese is not complicated, equipment and raw materials on the market are quite affordable, there is little competition - it is worth trying to implement this business idea.

Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product obtained by fermenting milk and separating it from whey. Cottage cheese is included in adult and baby food. It is a source of easily digestible protein and calcium - an essential ingredient in a healthy diet.

How to open a mini-factory for the production of cottage cheese in Russia for a novice entrepreneur?

Our business valuation:

Initial investment - 3,500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is medium.

Difficulty starting a business - 8/10.

Business formalization

Include an item on the formalization of the business in your business plan. All legal issues will certainly take a newcomer a lot of time - you have to collect a whole package of documents and obtain permission to conduct activities from the supervisory authorities. If you are not versed in all the intricacies of registration of food processing plants, it is better to entrust the matter to specialists!

It is necessary to choose the form of economic activity - LLC or individual entrepreneur. The first option is better, since it will allow you to conclude profitable contracts for the supply of raw materials and cooperate with wholesale buyers. And if you plan to make homemade cottage cheese on your own farm, you can choose an individual entrepreneur - the level of sales, in this case, will be small. OKVED code: 15.51.14 - production of cottage cheese and curd cheese products.

SES and Fire Inspectorate put forward serious requirements for the organization of premises, the selected technology, the quality of the finished product. Therefore, study the norms and standards in order to know all the features of business registration. Supervisory authorities will regularly check the plant to identify certain violations.

It is impossible to start an activity on the release of food products, if you do not obtain the appropriate license. After checking the prepared premises and equipment, you will be issued a permit in the form of an act. Its validity period is from 5 years.

When the production of cottage cheese is launched, the first batch of goods will need to be sent for certification. The document will confirm the high quality of fermented milk products.

What kind of products can be produced?

Within the walls of the plant, you can produce not only cottage cheese, but also other products that belong to this category. You need to think in advance about the "assortment" that you will offer to wholesale buyers. The modern line for the production of cottage cheese allows you to produce different types of cottage cheese products! This is what distinguishes the "curd" niche from others - there are great opportunities for the development of the enterprise.

In general, the product line of the curd factory can be represented as follows:

  • Fermented milk cottage cheese - fat-free, fatty, classic, fatty.
  • Curd products - curds, spreads, creams, desserts.

It makes no sense for a novice entrepreneur to plan a wide product line at once - in the future, difficulties may arise with the sale of finished products. But at least 5-7 types of cottage cheese should be provided for the opening of the plant! Engage a qualified technologist for the development of the recipe - then it will be checked by the SES and licensing authorities.

The development of recipes and the preparation of a unique technical specification are quite costly stages of launching a mini-plant. In some cases, and it takes a lot of time - up to six months.

Curd production technology

Before buying equipment for the production of cottage cheese, you need to decide on the technology that will be introduced at the plant. Most likely, in order to offer customers a wide range of products, several technologies will have to be envisaged.

Depending on the method of protein coagulation and the formation of a curd curd, the following methods of curd production can be distinguished:

  • Acid. The technology allows the production of fat-free cottage cheese. In this case, the fermentation of milk occurs by bacteria. The result is a product with a delicate consistency without clots. The acidic method of producing cottage cheese makes it possible to produce curds, curd masses.
  • Acid-rennet. Here, special rennet and lactic acid are used to ferment milk. It is this technology that is more often introduced at food industry enterprises. The production of cottage cheese by the rennet method makes it possible to obtain a product of medium and high fat content. Cottage cheese is dense, grainy, with a characteristic fermented milk taste and aroma.

Depending on the sequence of technological operations and modes, the production of cottage cheese at the factories is carried out according to one of several technologies - traditional and separate. In recent years, it is the separate method that has become widespread - it is simpler and more economical in terms of the use of raw materials.

How is cottage cheese made in production?

It is possible to identify the main stages that are inherent in any of their technologies:

  • Preparation of raw materials - normalization, pasteurization and cooling of milk.
  • Fermentation of milk with lactic acid bacteria or rennet.
  • Processing of the formed curd curd - pressing and cooling.
  • Packing of the finished product.

Modern industrial production of cottage cheese involves packing it in large or small containers. You should decide on the type of packaging right away in order to order all the necessary materials and containers. The product in large containers will be supplied to wholesale buyers who will start selling cottage cheese by weight. Here, barrels with a volume of no more than 50 kg, flasks for 35 kg, large plastic bags packed in cardboard boxes can be used. For packaging small-sized cottage cheese, parchment paper or foil, plastic containers are used. Typically, the product is packaged in 125 g, 250 g, 500 g.

If you have planned the production of soft cottage cheese in a small container, you should think about the packaging design in advance - the name of the product, the logo, the design of the container. Product branding will require significant investment. To minimize costs at the start, you can initially cooperate with customers who are interested in buying cottage cheese by weight.

Raw materials for the production of cottage cheese

The main raw material for the production of cottage cheese is milk. It is advisable to find suppliers at the stage of drawing up a business plan so that in the future there will be no interruptions in the delivery of raw materials to production. Cooperate with farms that are geographically closer to the enterprise - shipping costs are reduced. Milk must be accompanied by quality certificates and a certificate from the local vetstation. Please note that SES will check the quality of not only the finished product, but also the quality of the raw materials used. Cooperate only with trusted suppliers!

The most profitable from the economic point of view is the production of cottage cheese on its own raw material base. But it is too costly for a novice entrepreneur to open his own farm. It is worth thinking about this a little later - when the enterprise reaches zero.

In addition to milk, you will have to purchase starter cultures for the production of cottage cheese. Now they are offered by many enterprises - choose the product that suits the selected technology.

How to equip a workshop?

Significant costs will be spent on preparing the shop for the production of cottage cheese for work. The requirements for the organization of space are clearly spelled out in the regulations of the SES and the Fire Inspectorate. Sewerage, electrical wiring, heating, plumbing - these are prerequisites! The entire space will be divided into several zones - acceptance of raw materials, directly a workshop with equipment, warehouses for storing finished products with refrigeration, laboratories where microbiological control of raw materials and finished cottage cheese will be carried out, service and office premises. You will need at least 200 m2 of free space.

To save money, look for an empty building on the outskirts of the city - the rent is cheaper. In addition, it will be easier to deliver milk raw materials here, since the farms are located outside the village. Great, if you start renting a building that is already prepared for the operation of a food company, then you will not have to spend money on repairs.

For the production of cottage cheese, a whole technological complex is required. The purchase of equipment is the most significant item of expenditure. To minimize manual labor, pay attention to automatic equipment! The production of cottage cheese in a separate way is carried out using the following machines and devices:

  • Milk storage tanks.
  • Pasteurizer.
  • Tanks for milk standardization.
  • Bath for making curd.
  • Press cart.
  • Cooler.
  • Pasteurization bath.
  • Filling and packaging machine.

To equip the workshop, you will need at least 2,500,000 rubles. And it will be a line of low capacity - 50 kg / h. Really save if you buy a used line.

To maintain a production technological line, you will need to hire 6-10 employees - foreman, technologist, laboratory assistants, loaders. All workers will be required to undergo a medical examination and safety briefing.

Sales plan for finished products

The production of cottage cheese in the traditional way will only begin to bring consistently high profits when the distribution channels are debugged! Look for interested buyers already at the stage of developing a business plan. Then you will be able to start work, already having orders from customers - it greatly simplifies the work and does not allow the plant to stand idle.

Who can buy the finished product?

  • Wholesale bases that sell goods to retail stores.
  • Retail Stores.
  • Supermarket chains.
  • Food enterprises that use cottage cheese as raw materials.
  • Public catering - cafes, restaurants, canteens.

It is more profitable to cooperate with large wholesalers. But at first it is not worth giving up contracts with small grocery stores - now it is important to promote products on the market.

Expenses and incomes, business development prospects

To start making cottage cheese from milk, impressive costs will be required - at least 3,500,000 rubles. The investments will go towards registering a business, equipping a workshop, and purchasing raw materials.

It is rather difficult to calculate the sales proceeds - this will be influenced by the selected technological scheme for the production of cottage cheese, the capacity of the line, the established price for the products sold, and the cost of purchasing raw materials. As practice shows, all the costs of launching a mini-plant are paid off in 2-4 years. As the level of sales grows, you can think about expanding the enterprise - for example, launching a line for the production of other types of fermented milk products (sour cream or yogurt).

Promotion of your own products in the consumer market is becoming an important task - profits will largely depend on this. If you cooperate with a wholesale buyer, then many advertising channels become ineffective - here you need more competently composed commercial offers. But if the release of small-sized cottage cheese is planned, advertising is definitely needed - TV, radio, Internet, newspapers and magazines.

Many companies organize the sale of cottage cheese directly from the factory. A great way to promote your products to the public! But its own outlets for the sale of the finished product, while the process of producing cottage cheese is not fully debugged, it is not always advisable to open it - due to the small product line. But as the enterprise develops, you can think about opening, for example, stalls at local food markets. Many food companies do this.