Home / Khachapuri / The correct okroshka in Transbaikal. Correct okroshka in Transbaikalian Okroshka real recipe from the chef

The correct okroshka in Transbaikal. Correct okroshka in Transbaikalian Okroshka real recipe from the chef

The long-awaited heat has come to Krasnoyarsk. We decided to learn from the chefs of Krasnoyarsk restaurants how to cook the main summer dish - okroshka. What to fill and how to make it tasty and healthy.

Recipe number 1: Meat okroshka

Pavel Pashchenko, the chef of the Rasputin restaurant, showed us how to cook traditional Siberian okroshka. Delicious meaty flavor will delight fans of a hearty meal.

Ingredients for 2 servings: egg - 1 pc., potatoes - 40 g, radish - 30 g, cucumber - 40 g, boiled beef- 30 g, boiled beef tongue - 30 g, dill, green onion, mustard, creamy horseradish, sour cream, kvass.

1. Cut into cubes boiled potatoes, egg, cucumber, radish.

2. We cut the meat - boiled beef and boiled beef tongue.

3. Mix the ingredients.

4. Add greens - dill, green onions. Salt, pepper.

5. Add mustard and creamy horseradish to the mixture, mix thoroughly.

6. Put on a plate, decorate with an egg, radish and herbs.

7. Fill with kvass, serve with sour cream.

quality products and their compatibility. The smaller the cubes are, the better the okroshka will keep its shape.

mineral water, mineral water with vinegar, tan, ayran.

Recipe number 2: Okroshka with beef on kefir

This recipe for a refreshing summer okroshka was shared with us by Olga Lapina, the chef of the New York cafe-bar. If you are bored ordinary okroshka Be sure to try the chef's recipe.

Ingredients for 1 serving: ½ eggs, potatoes - 30 g, cucumber - 20 g, radishes - 20 g, dill - 2 g, green onions - 5 g, boiled beef - 20 g, mustard and horseradish - 2 g each. For dressing: kefir 2.5 % - 130 g, cucumber - 40 g, dill - 2 g, garlic - 1 g, salt, pepper.

1. Cut into cubes: potatoes, eggs, cucumber, radish and boiled beef.

2. Cut and add green onions to the mixture.

3. Prepare the dressing: cut the cucumber, add garlic, dill, pour kefir, beat in a blender, salt and pepper to taste.

4. Fill the okroshka with the resulting mixture.

5. Decorate with finely chopped dill.

6. Serve with mustard and horseradish.

The main secret tasty okroshka- fresh quality products.

Refueling alternative: whey, yogurt, mineral water, kvass with sour cream.

Recipe number 3. Summer okroshka with roast beef and smoked chicken

And this is a variation on the theme of traditional okroshka from Nikolai Bobrov, the Berrywood Family brand chef. This recipe combines different types meat, which makes the taste simply unforgettable!

Ingredients for 1 serving: roast beef tenderloin medium rare - 20 g, smoked chicken fillet- 20 g, radish - 10 g, fresh cucumber- 30 g, baked potato - ½ , boiled egg- ½, table horseradish - 10 g, mustard - 5 g, green oil, dill for decoration, sour cream, kvass.


Roast beef: marinate beef tenderloin (salt, pepper, garlic, green herbs - thyme, rosemary), add a little oil or soy sauce, fry and bake in foil until medium cooked, so that the inside of the meat remains a little pink.

Green oil: greens to taste (parsley, dill, cilantro, spinach) add to vegetable oil. We take oil either warm oil, 60–70 degrees, or almost frozen. We punch in a high-speed blender until a homogeneous consistency, filter through gauze or a towel in a natural way - do not press or squeeze. It is stored under a closed lid, like regular oil.

1. We cut cucumber, potatoes, eggs into cubes.

Okroshka is an ancient dish, but still popular. What could be better okroshka during the heat? Spanish cold gazpacho is praised all over the world, but our okroshka is better! Moreover, cooking it in the summer is as easy as shelling pears, and entirely from local products, Zarina Khadzhumarovna confesses her love for okroshka.

Okroshka is not the only one cold soup Russian cuisine. Botvinya, holodnik, beetroot, and prison are no less interesting. But it was okroshka that became loved and popular throughout the country so far. V summer menu okroshka restaurant is also in demand and even successful, especially among pilots and flight attendants staying at the hotel of the same name. Okroshka is prepared in a restaurant simply and at home.

You will need several eggs, potatoes, radishes, cucumbers, sausage, herbs, mustard, sour cream, salt, pepper and kvass.

It is highly desirable that all ingredients, with the exception of pepper and salt, be grown in Transbaikalia - it is obvious that local vegetables are richer in taste and fresher than anything brought from afar.

First of all, you need to wash all the vegetables, boil the eggs and potatoes.

The word okroshka itself comes from the word "crush". Variations in the dish - apparently invisible. The protein can be boiled, smoked, dried, stewed, fried meat, beef, pork, lamb, game, fish, poultry. It is easier for residents of the seaside coast to make okroshka from fish, and for hunters - from game. In the city, sausage remains the most popular option for the protein filler of okroshka, and the chef will perform exactly this version of the recipe. Produced in Transbaikalia "Doctor" is quite suitable. We cut into cubes.

Hard-boiled eggs should be separated into whites and yolks. The first one just needs to be cut.

The second is to grind with mustard until homogeneous mass.

Everything else is cut and crumbled. The chef believes that it is not worth it to grind too much in this matter. Coarsely chopped ingredients both look better and make the overall taste more interesting.

There are no rigid proportions, and there cannot be. One will want more radishes and fewer potatoes, while the other will want the opposite. Therefore, it is best to mix by eye and taste. The ingredients are poured into a large bowl or pan and mixed.

The resulting mixture is seasoned with mustard-egg cream.

We asked experts in Russian cuisine about which recipe is the most correct. And why a salad of vegetables and meat is not okroshka

With game and salted plums - as in the original recipe

Initially a simple peasant dish, okroshka quickly entered the chronicle of fine culinary arts in St. Petersburg. It was prepared not only with meat, but also with fish. V Soviet times everything changed: it was then that kefir began to be used instead of kvass, and sausage instead of meat and fish.

The original recipe of the end of the 18th century is in the book by Vasily Levshin “The Dictionary of Cooking, Henchmen, Candidates and Distillers”. Cooking a dish "from the leftovers fried meat different - four-legged, brownie and wild birds ... ”, that is, you can take game, and chicken, and pork, and all together. Separately, chopped cucumbers were mixed (in the original - a mixture of salted and fresh), salted plums and onions, preferably green. This mixture was kneaded with a spoon so that vegetables and herbs would give flavor. The ingredients were then diluted with a mixture of plum and cucumber pickles, apple cider vinegar and kvass. Potatoes were not added, and if they were served, then fried and separately.

With tongue - for powerful flavor

Okroshka should have a rich taste, as it is served cold. A “powerful” ingredient like beef tongue will do. This is the main component, which we shade with dill and green onions.

Since everyone is used to eating the dish in different ways, we suggest pouring it with kvass or kefir. In both cases, we fill the liquid part with mustard and horseradish.

On leavened thick - according to the recipes of grandmothers

Previously, grandmothers in the villages added flour and water to the yeast bread liquid to get sediment, leavened thick. We did not invent anything new and prepare okroshka according to this centuries-old method. Then we bring the thick with mustard, you can salt to taste.

Okroshka also includes tongue and boiled pork, finely chopped potatoes and green onions. We serve sour cream separately - guests add it at will.

With quail egg - for refinement

I like to cook okroshka with boiled beef tongue and an egg (for refinement we take a quail). I also add radish, cucumber, dill and green onions - better straight from the garden. Potatoes are needed young, starchy, so that they retain their shape and do not fall apart in the finished dish.

You can, of course, cook on kefir, this is a matter of taste. But the real okroshka is always on kvass. Separately, we serve sour cream, horseradish and a little mustard - traditional Russian sauces.

300 milliliters of kvass
75 grams of cucumbers
75 grams of radish
50 grams boiled potatoes
74 grams of boiled sausage
two boiled eggs
20 grams of homemade sour cream
10 grams of dill
10 grams of green onions
20 grams of mustard
10 grams of green onions
salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method. Cut all the ingredients into cubes or strips and mix. Separate the egg yolk and grind with mustard. Pour everything with kvass until a homogeneous consistency, add salt, pepper and chopped dill. Serve sour cream separately or add to the total mass.

Summer Russian nettle soup from the chef of Luciano and White Rabbit restaurants

two liters of chicken broth
200 grams of leek (white part of the onion)
200 grams shallots
300 grams of zucchini
500 grams of young nettle leaves
300 grams of spinach leaves

salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method. Fry all the vegetables over low heat until cooked, pour in the broth and cook until soft. Spinach and nettle blanch and chop together with the soup in a blender, and then strain through a sieve. Add salt, pepper.

Village soup with chanterelles from the chef of Luciano and White Rabbit restaurants Konstantin Ivlev

600 milliliters of water

10 grams of dried chanterelles
250 grams of fresh chanterelles
100 grams celery stalk
100 grams of carrots
10 grams shallots
100 grams of leeks
150 grams of new potatoes
30 grams of garlic
one bunch of dill (50 grams)
200 grams of sour cream
150 milliliters olive oil
two grams of bay leaf
three grams of allspice peas
salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method. From water, dried porcini mushrooms and dried chanterelles, cook the broth. Peel the celery stalk and carrots and cut into slices. Cut shallots and leek into large rings. Peel and crush the garlic with a knife. Rinse fresh chanterelles. Sauté all ingredients for olive oil until golden, then add to mushroom broth. Put in soup Bay leaf and allspice, bring to a boil, season with fresh dill, salt and pepper.

Cold sorrel soup from the chef of the Zolotaya restaurant

Dressing Ingredients (for 200 ml liquid base)
10 grams of boiled veal tongue
20 grams of radish
20 grams of cucumber
two quail eggs
one boiled chicken yolk
30 grams of natural yogurt

Ingredients for sorrel broth
Three liters of water
1300 grams of sorrel
400 grams of potatoes
200 grams of carrots
100 grams of celery
200 grams of onion
50 milliliters vegetable oil
two chicken eggs

Ingredients for sorrel soup
One liter of sorrel broth
200 grams of steamed spinach
lemon juice
salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method. Cook delicious from sorrel and vegetables sorrel soup, it will serve as the basis for a cold soup. Let it brew overnight in the refrigerator. Strain through a sieve. Combine the resulting broth with steamed spinach, add lemon juice, pepper, salt. Grind everything in a blender until smooth and strain through a sieve. Leave in the refrigerator. Put yogurt, diced boiled veal tongue, diced cucumbers and radishes, chicken yolk and yolk on a plate quail eggs. Pour the ingredients laid out on a plate with cool sorrel soup.

Beetroot with fish from the chef of the restaurant "Turandot" Dmitry Eremeev

Beetroot Base Ingredients (serves 4)
170 grams of peeled beets baked with salt
90 grams of blanched beet greens
90 grams of blanched beet stalk
80 grams of fresh cucumber
60 grams fresh sorrel
30 grams of green onions
12 grams of dill

Fish part for beetroot
120 grams of salmon
120 grams of pike perch
40 grams of cancer necks
four fresh beet leaves

Liquid Foundation
240 ml fish broth
120 milliliters of beet broth
240 milliliters of kvass
salt, sugar, horseradish, mustard to taste

Cooking method. Cooled fish broth, beetroot broth and kvass mix. Pour the diced beetroot base ingredients into the liquid base. Add fresh cucumber cut into small cubes. Put a crumb of ice on the second plate, on it - lightly blanched pieces of salmon, pike perch, crayfish necks and a fresh beetroot leaf.

Gazpacho from Red Espresso Bar chef Vasily Golovin

200 grams of fresh cucumbers
150 grams of bell pepper
100 grams of pesto sauce
500 grams of tomatoes in their own juice
one red onion
10 grams of garlic
50 milliliters of olive oil
50 grams of fresh herbs (dill, parsley, basil)
salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method. Peel and chop the garlic, cucumbers and bell pepper grate on a fine grater (avoiding the peel). Put the garlic, grated cucumbers and peppers, pesto sauce, tomatoes, salt and spices into a blender and grind for one minute. Then put the resulting soup base in the refrigerator to cool.

Cut one bell pepper and one fresh cucumber into cubes, chop the red onion, add herbs, mix everything with olive oil. Pour soup into a bowl, adding vegetables mixed with butter in the center. Serve cold.

Gazpacho with crab meat from the chef of the restaurant "Ju-Ju"

Ingredients for gazpacho
one kilogram of beef tomatoes
half a liter of tomato juice
20 grams of wine vinegar
10 milliliters olive oil
three grams of tobasco sauce
five grams of green basil
salt, sugar, pepper to taste

crab salad ingredients
50 grams boiled meat crab
10 grams fresh cucumber
five grams of iceberg lettuce
five grams of mayonnaise
salt to taste

Cooking method. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin and take out the seeds. Put in a blender, add all the ingredients. Grind to a homogeneous consistency. Cool down.

Disassemble the crab meat into fibers. Cucumber and iceberg cut into thin strips. Mix everything with mayonnaise. In the center of a deep plate, put the salad through a round form. Pour soup around 1-2 cm, remove form. Garnish with a basil leaf and olive oil. If it is very hot, you can add some crushed frappe ice both to the base and as a garnish to the finished dish.

Beetroot gazpacho from the chef of the restaurant "Ponton" Dmitry Nivichkov

soup ingredients
260 grams of tomatoes bunch
140 grams of bell pepper
160 grams of long cucumbers
four grams of basil
24 grams of onion
two grams of garlic
eight milliliters of sherry vinegar
eight grams of salt
one gram of pepper
30 milliliters of olive oil
30 milliliters refined sunflower oil
16 grams of tomato paste
40 grams of sliced ​​loaf
280 milliliters of drinking water
300 grams of peeled boiled beets

Garnish Ingredients
200 grams lightly salted salmon
20 grams radish slices
20 grams of fresh beetroot slices
five grams of finely chopped dill

Cooking method. Mix all the ingredients for the gazpacho thoroughly with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Cut salmon into cubes 1.5x1.5 cm and roll them in finely chopped dill. Put on a plate and garnish with radish and beetroot slices. Cold soup is served separately from the side dish.

Tsiziki from the chef of the Red Espresso Bar chain Vasily Golovin

200 grams of feta cheese
one liter of kefir
six fresh cucumbers
50 grams of fresh mint leaves
30 grams fresh basil leaves
10 grams of garlic
salt, pepper, ground paprika to taste
100 grams of crushed ice
a little olive oil

Cooking method. Finely chop half of the cucumbers, put in a blender, pour in kefir, add mint and basil leaves, spices and ice. Grind everything until foamy. The rest of the cucumbers (per serving - one cucumber) cut into thin circles. Cut the feta into cubes and put along with the cucumbers on the bottom of the plate. Pour in the finished soup, top with olive oil, ground paprika, basil and mint leaves.

Light soup with porcini mushroom ravioli from the chef of the Prichal restaurant

soup ingredients
two liters of water
20 grams dried porcini mushrooms
200 grams of onion
300 grams freshly frozen porcini mushrooms
100 milliliters olive oil
200 grams wonton dough
one chicken egg
two bay leaves
three grams of thyme
20 grams of garlic
20 grams of parsley
salt, pepper to taste

Ravioli Dough Ingredients
100 grams of regular bread flour
100 grams flour from durum varieties premium wheat
one tablespoon of olive oil
two eggs
two pinches of salt

Cooking method. Soak dry mushrooms in two liters cold water, add bay leaf and cook until 1.5 liters of broth is formed. Add salt and pepper. Fry onions and carrots in olive oil and add to the broth.

cut mushrooms small cube and fry until golden brown on the butter with garlic and thyme (add salt and pepper to taste). Make the dough for the ravioli: sift the flour onto a work surface, break the eggs in the center, put salt and olive oil. Mix until a coarse homogeneous dough is obtained. Put the fried mushrooms on the circles of dough, grease the edges with an egg and cover with another layer of dough, carefully pressing the edges. Throw the ravioli into the mushroom broth and cook for 3-4 minutes.
Pour the finished soup into bowls, sprinkle with chopped parsley on top.

Refreshing green pea and mint soup with smoked salmon from Prichal restaurant chef Sergey Nosov

500 grams frozen green peas
150 grams of white onion
250 grams of potatoes
one liter of chicken broth
250 ml cream (33% fat)
150 grams smoked salmon
50 milliliters of olive oil
50 grams mint
10 grams of garlic
salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method. Saute onion, garlic and potatoes in olive oil until golden brown. Add peas and chicken bouillon and boil until done. Add mint and grind in a blender, then rub through a sieve. Add cream, salt, pepper to a homogeneous finished mass and boil. Pour into bowls, top with slices of smoked salmon.

Today, a culinary duel took place in the hospitable stylish space of the Food Loft. Chefs famous restaurants Northern capitals competed in the ability to cook okroshka quickly and tasty. Their goal was not only to impress the jury palatability okroshka, but also to demonstrate an interesting and beautiful presentation that could reflect the features of this traditional Russian dish. The task was complicated by limited time. Completely okroshka "from and to" the cooks had to cook in 40 minutes. Not so easy, given that the recipes included potatoes, which during this time had to be peeled, and most importantly, had time to cook.

The first okroshka recipes appeared at the end of the 18th century. Since then, cold soup has become a traditional dish. national cuisine very popular in summer. The main feature of okroshka is the absence of a single the right recipe. After all, for a long time, all the products that could be found in the house were used for okroshka: potatoes, eggs, root vegetables, fresh and pickled cucumbers, radishes and radishes. In the absence of one ingredient - it can be easily replaced by another. The same goes for refueling. Suitable for soup: kvass, kefir, curdled milk, sour cream, mineral water and even beer. Therefore, there was room for creativity for today's participants.

The chefs, as expected, approached the preparation of the dish with a special imagination. In the process of cooking, they added to okroshka secret ingredients who made each okroshka a unique author's dish.

Denis Nazarov, head chef of the Regatta restaurant, added scallops to the cold soup, and an edible violet was used to decorate the dish. For dressing, he used sour cream and kefir.

Representative Georgian restaurant Pkhali Khinkali Lenar Vergasov cooked okroshka on kvass and, of course, added an ingredient of the national Georgian cuisine- matsoni. This is original fermented milk product, reminiscent of kefir, yogurt and liquid yogurt at the same time.

The chef of the Sasha's bar restaurant, Dmitry Chermisov, cooked okroshka on kefir, and he used basil as an author's solution.

The chef from the Flagman restaurant Igor Pilyugin decided not to deviate from traditional recipes and cooked classic okroshka on kefir.

The representative of the restaurant PAR Stanislav Akhmetshin used for refueling homemade kvass, and an interesting point in the dish was the foam of yogurt and milk.

The youngest participant was the finalist of the show "Master Chef Kids" Andrey Starostenkov-Rogov. He does not work as a chef yet, but this young man has everything ahead of him. At fifteen, he cooked okroshka on a par with professionals. His highlight in the dish was crab sticks, and Andrey brought with him a jar of black caviar for decoration.

Exactly 40 minutes later, when all the dishes were ready and served, they were lined up in one row in order for a strict and impartial jury represented by actor and TV presenter Andrei Urgant and famous chef, the host of the culinary show on the popular Vladimir Pavlov channel, chose the winner. So that the jury members would not vote for their favorite restaurant or chef, each okroshka was assigned a number. Until the last, the judges did not know who the author of the dish was. They focused only on taste.

After all the soups were tasted, Andrey Urgant and Vladimir Pavlov retired to vote. The choice was not easy for them: all the okroshkas were prepared at the highest level.

While the jury was choosing the best culinary masterpiece, correspondent NEVSKY NEWS talked to the youngest chef Andrey.

“I work in a restaurant, while I only help. I have been cooking since childhood, I like the process itself. I cook dishes according to altered recipes inherited from my great-grandmother. It is in her that I have a culinary talent, ”said Andrei.

It is worth noting that Andrei, studying in the eighth grade, is the author of the book “ Cooking recipes my great-grandmother." The collection includes about 65 recipes. The publication is very popular among lovers of Russian cuisine. Andrew is not going to stop there. He constantly participates in master classes to learn how to cook new dishes and improve his skills. And after the eleventh grade, he is going to continue his studies at the Culinary School of Excellence.

As Andrey admitted, he cooked okroshka many times, but nevertheless, a cold soup became his favorite among cold soups.

Meanwhile, the jury members were able to decide on the finalists. Vladimir Pavlov is sure that okroshka should still look like a traditional dish to which people are accustomed. Many participants, in his opinion, prepared a delicious original cold soup, but it is not very similar to the usual and familiar okroshka.

As a result, the judges singled out two cold soups they liked, in which spicy unusual taste, as well as the recognition of a traditional Russian dish.

Andrey Urgant and Vladimir Pavlov could not choose an absolute winner among the two contenders, so they decided to split the first place between two finalists. As a result, the culinary duel was won by the chef of the PAR restaurant Stanislav Akhmetshin and the chef of the Pkhali Khinkali restaurant Lenar Vergasov.

Correspondent NEVSKYNEWS I talked to one of the winners, the chef of the PAR restaurant Stanislav.

Stanislav said that during the competition he was a little worried, but this is not his first culinary duel, so he felt very comfortable in the kitchen.

The recipe with which Stanislav conquered the jury members today, he came up with himself through many experiments and trials. To dress okroshka, the chef used homemade kvass, which he himself insisted on homemade wort with the addition of raisins, rye bread and beets. It was this gas station that the judges noted.

“This is a very interesting competition. All participants were in absolutely equal conditions, and the dishes turned out by the chefs are radically different, not a single one is similar. There were different positions, both from the side of the restaurant - haute cuisine, and more homemade soups,” added the winner.

Then all participants were awarded diplomas and prizes. And the audience was finally able to try culinary masterpieces and understand for yourself which restaurant serves the best okroshka.