Home / Recipes / Fried salted mushrooms. How to cook fried pickled and salted mushrooms deliciously

Fried salted mushrooms. How to cook fried pickled and salted mushrooms deliciously

Pickled mushrooms are a favorite snack of many. Often it is used for the preparation of other complex dishes, which include such an ingredient. Often these are fried potatoes. Can pickled mushrooms be fried and what is the best way to do it? When answering this question, you should pay attention to what type of product we are talking about, since mushrooms different types differ in their characteristics.

So, which type of product is ideal for frying, and which one is best not to produce heat treatment? More on this later.

fried in a pan with potatoes

Can this product be prepared in such a way that it is very tasty? Of course! How to do this is described in this recipe. If you follow all the proposed technology, at the end you can get a fairly satisfying, aromatic and beautiful-looking dish, which is distinguished by its piquancy.

First of all, you should peel 6-7 potatoes and cut them into desired pieces. Pickled mushrooms also need to be slightly processed before frying: drain the marinade from them, rinse thoroughly under water and let the liquid drain through a colander. In the event that they are rather large, they must be cut into smaller pieces. The onion head must be peeled and cut into half rings.

Now that all the ingredients are ready, you can start frying them. First of all, pour the onion into a preheated pan with a copious amount of oil, reduce the heat to medium and let it brown slightly, stirring occasionally. After the effect of a golden crust is achieved, the chopped mushrooms should be sent to it and fried together. While the ingredients are being sauteed, you need to send potatoes to them, salt and pepper them, add other desired spices and, if possible, crushed garlic.

When the dish is ready, you need to fill it with finely chopped herbs and, after letting it brew, you can serve it on the table.

General requirements for roasting mushrooms

Many housewives often have a question about whether it is possible to fry pickled mushrooms. Of course! Only in this process should a certain technology be followed in order to get a delicious dish at the end.

Having once tried such an easy-to-prepare dish, anyone will forever forget the question of whether it is possible to fry pickled mushrooms with onions.

For example, in order to cook delicious fried mushrooms as an independent dish, you should take products from the following calculation: 1/3 0.5 liter. cans of mushrooms for 1 onion. They should be finely chopped and fried on hot skillet first onions, and then mushrooms. At the very end of the frying process, many chefs recommend adding a small amount of sour cream to the dish - this way it will be much tastier.

About champignons

Is it possible to fry pickled champignons? Like any other type of such a product, you can. In order to cook them in this form, it will take a small amount of time, since they are already ready in canned form. Before frying, the mushrooms can be chopped, or you can stuff them with a mixture of some interesting ingredients such as minced meat and cheese.

During cooking canned mushrooms by frying, you should keep them in a pan for no more than three to five minutes and use finely chopped dill at the very end of the process, which perfectly reveals their taste. As butter, you should give preference to a small piece of butter, since it is this that fully reveals the taste of this ingredient in fried form.

About milk mushrooms

As for this type of mushroom, they are not particularly suitable for frying, although this one is still welcomed by many housewives. They are best consumed neat, pickled or salted, for their flavor is much brighter. To the question "is it possible to fry pickled milk mushrooms", most cooks answer that it is possible, but it is best to mix them with minced meat, add a small amount butter and make excellent pies - so their use will be more profitable. When fried, they become slightly tough, in some cases they more resemble rubber and immediately lose their main taste properties... The smell of fried pickled milk mushrooms also disappears, which is due to some of their natural characteristics, so there is no benefit in cooking them in this way.

About mushrooms

Honey mushrooms are a fairly common mushroom in some Russian regions. It is often used in the preparation of various dishes, in particular potatoes. Some professional chefs advise using this particular type. forest mushrooms in the preparation of potato dishes, which is due to the fact that mushrooms do not interrupt the taste of the vegetable, but, on the contrary, make it brighter without losing their own. You can also make excellent pies with them.

To all the questions of novice housewives about whether it is possible to fry pickled mushrooms, experienced chefs answer that it is possible, and by any means. Their taste will become especially bright if this process is carried out in margarine or butter, and at the end use a couple of bay leaves (per kilogram of mushrooms) and let it brew for a certain time under the lid.

About boletus

Can you fry pickled boletus mushrooms? Many culinary experts do not recommend this type of processing over them. There is an opinion that in the end they turn out to be slightly harsh and have an unpleasant bitter aftertaste, which, if improperly processed, can be aggravated.

However, some housewives are still trying to bring this process to perfection, using fried butter in the preparation of cereals (for example, or as an independent dish.

Advanced housewives who have encountered this type of fungi more than once recommend adding them to fried potatoes at the very end of cooking - this is how the dish has a slightly spicy taste, which many even like.

About chanterelles

Another type of mushrooms that are common in the forest belt of Russia are chanterelles. Many housewives prepare them for the winter and therefore often ask questions about whether it is possible to fry pickled mushrooms of this type? Most professional cooks do not recommend doing this, since frying for chanterelles is not the best heat treatment option. This is due to the fact that in the end, the dish cooked with them will give off sourness, which is released during the frying process and is easily transferred to neighboring ingredients.

If you want to fry the chanterelles, it is best to do this with fresh mushrooms that have just been cut in a green meadow. In this case, they will have a fabulous taste and an inexpressible bright aroma.

About porcini mushrooms

White is a truly noble type of mushroom that is insanely delicious when pickled. It is often said that it goes well with various products in a fried form; it is often added to salads.

V a large number recipes presented on the Internet, there are recommendations for frying such an ingredient, however, many experienced housewives, when asked whether it is possible to fry pickled mushrooms of this kind, answer that such a noble product is best used as decoration festive table- it looks great in its pure form. In the event that you still wanted to fry the mushrooms, you should not apply any tricks to them: you just need to add oil, onions and bring the product to readiness.

Secrets to know before frying

As it is clear from the information presented above, the question of whether it is possible to fry pickled mushrooms cannot be answered unequivocally, which will be positive for all types of such an ingredient. However, there are several types of such a product that are almost designed for this type of processing. In order for the dish cooked with them to turn out perfectly, you need to know some tricks.

First of all, without fail, before sending the mushrooms to the pan, they should be thoroughly rinsed and allowed to drain with water and brine. Otherwise, the taste of the marinade will be clearly heard in the finished dish, which will simply overpower the rest of the ingredients. At some points, it can be pretty sour or have another unpleasant aftertaste.

For a particularly bright taste, pickled mushrooms are best fried not in vegetable oil, but in butter - this way they will be more juicy and original. At the very end of cooking, you can add a small amount of herbs to them and cover for a while with a lid.

It is not for nothing that in Russia, potatoes are called the second bread, we use this vegetable almost every day. We use it in salads, when cooking first and second courses, when baking as a dough and filling. Despite such popularity, nutritionists classify potatoes as not very useful products... Nevertheless, dishes from it do not lose their relevance from our everyday and holiday menu do not disappear.

For several centuries, fried potatoes with mushrooms, and if also with onions and garlic, and with fresh herbs was considered a traditional Russian dish! It would seem that such uncomplicated products, and which of them turns out to be a culinary masterpiece.

We suggest you fry potatoes with pickled mushrooms in a pan. The dish comes out hearty, tasty and easy to prepare. Usually we are used to using fresh or boiled mushrooms, but with pickled or salted mushrooms it turns out original, spicy and tasty.


  • potatoes - 6-7 pcs.;
  • onion- 1 PC.;
  • pickled mushrooms - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • salt and red pepper to taste;
  • fresh greens - 2-3 branches.


The main ingredients of the offered dish are potato tubers and pickled mushrooms (these can be honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms, volnushki, etc.). Each of these foods needs to be prepared before frying.

Some housewives ask themselves - is it possible to fry pickled mushrooms? You can, these mushrooms are very aromatic and tasty. Do not fry them too much.

Start by rinsing the pickled mushrooms. Put them in a colander, wash under cold water and let them drain. If they are too large, cut into small pieces.

Peel the onions, wash, cut into thin half rings.

The dish is cooked in a frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it and heat. Put the chopped onion, make the heat slightly lower than medium and sauté for 1-2 minutes (during the sautéing process, do not forget to stir).

The onion half rings should become slightly soft, do not burn. Put the mushrooms on the onion, stir. Fry everything together for about 5-7 minutes.

While the onions and mushrooms are fried, prepare the potatoes. Rinse the tubers under running water, peel with an ordinary kitchen knife, or use a special vegetable peeler for a quick and convenient process. Cut the peeled potato tubers into thin cubes. However, you can cut the potatoes according to your preference and desire - into rings, half rings, cubes, strips.

Transfer the chopped potatoes to the pan with the mushrooms and onions.

Season the pan with salt and pepper, stir. In addition to ground red pepper, you can use other seasonings and spices as you wish. You can add some minced garlic.

Fry potatoes with mushrooms until tender, if potatoes are of those varieties that are not fried quickly, then add a little water, cover and simmer.

Wash and finely chop the herbs, sprinkle with it ready meal.

Delicious and appetizing fried potatoes with salted mushrooms in a pan are ready. Bon Appetit!

Potatoes with pickled mushrooms in a pan with sour cream

We offer to diversify a little potato dish adding sour cream. Of course, it would be ideal to use a natural rustic milk product, but the dish with store sour cream will turn out to be quite decent and appetizing. What is very good about this recipe is the speed and ease of preparation. And if you have a hungry family, after spending a little time (30-40 minutes), feed them tasty and satisfying. Potatoes with pickled mushrooms in a pan with sour cream will become excellent option lunch or dinner.


  • mushrooms - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 6-7 medium tubers;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream (fat content 20-25%) - 400 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l .;
  • fresh dill - 1 medium bunch;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to your liking.


  1. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into medium-thick slices or cubes. Do not cut the potatoes too thinly, when frying, they may lose their shape and turn into mashed potatoes (although some people like this dish in this consistency).
  2. Wash the mushrooms and let them drain, if they are too large, then cut.
  3. Rinse the dill, dry and chop finely.
  4. Peel the onion, wash, chop small cubes.
  5. Heat vegetable oil in a skillet, transfer onion and fry until golden brown.
  6. Add the mushrooms to the onion, stir and fry for 3 minutes uncovered over medium heat.
  7. Now put the chopped potatoes in a skillet, stir, cover and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  8. Add sour cream, salt, pepper, half the chopped dill, stir, cover and cook for another 5 minutes.
  9. Put the finished dish on portioned plates, sprinkle with the remaining dill and serve.

Cooking tips

  • Ideally, it is better to use pickled or salted forest mushrooms; boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelles, white, pigs are well suited. Canned mushrooms can be safely replaced with fresh, frozen or dried ones. If your region is not too mushroom, and you really like frying mushrooms and potatoes in a pan, then feel free to take oyster mushrooms or champignons, which are found on supermarket shelves all year round.
  • You can use small mushrooms whole, so it turns out even more beautiful, cut large ones into medium pieces. If you have frozen mushrooms, first put them in a colander, rinse under running water and let them drain and defrost. Pour dried mushrooms with water for 1-1.5 hours before use (during this time they will swell), then dry and fry.
  • Potatoes with salted or pickled mushrooms in sour cream can also be cooked in the oven in pots and in a slow cooker.
  • The best addition to potato and mushroom dishes is fresh dill, garlic and black pepper.
  • If at the time of cooking you do not have a bunch of fresh dill, you can replace it with 1 tablespoon of dried.
  • The following are considered ideal proportions for this dish - for 1 part of onion, take 2 parts of mushrooms and 3 parts of potatoes, that is, for 250-300 g of onion, take 500 g of mushrooms and about 1 kg of potatoes. The more onions, the tastier the finished dish turns out.
  • So that when adding sour cream to the pan, it does not curl immediately from the high temperature, first pour 3-4 tablespoons of boiling water, and put the sour cream on top.

This article is dedicated to recipe "Azu". Azu - Tatar dish , in principle, it is stew with potatoes, pickles in spicy sauce . Recipes differ both in the content of products (horse meat, lamb, beef, pork, chicken, carrots to taste, tomatoes or pasta), and preparation method(frying meat, cucumbers, sauce (for sauce, pickles are often fried with flour, adding broth and tomatoes at the end)), I think that you can pick up recipe to your taste. Azu is somewhat reminiscent of " Kazan kabob ", but this stew not baked. I share my recipe for cooking Azu.

Ingredients stewed potatoes with meat and pickles (Azu):

  • 0.5 kg. meat (any, I usually cook from beef or pork (be sure to cut off the fat from pork).
  • 0.5 - 1kg. potatoes (see how much we save, in which cauldron we cook and how many people)
  • 1-2 tomatoes (or 2 tablespoons of tomato paste or ketchup)
  • 4-6 cloves of garlic
  • 1 big carrot(here you can take the middle one, and some cook without it at all)
  • 2 large onions (I believe there should be a lot of onions in recipes for cooking meat)
  • 3-5 medium pickled cucumbers (most importantly, do not forget to fry them)
  • Salt to taste (from 1 tsp)
  • Pepper to taste
  • 2-3 pcs. bay leaves
  • When frying in a pan, use a little vegetable deodorized vegetable oil.

Azu recipe:

  • We cut the meat into small pieces (in the original closer to the cubes, I cut into cubes)
  • Fry on high fire in a frying pan (the meat should be covered with a small crust)
  • We put it in a cauldron or a thick-walled pan, pour water in the calculation so that it covers the potatoes, which we have 2 times more than meat + it will evaporate a little. Bring to a boil, 30 minutes. cook over low or medium heat.
  • We peel the potatoes, cut them into large cubes, put the fire on a large one, wait for the boil, lay the potatoes (lowering them into boiling water, we save vitamins and the potatoes crumble less during cooking).
  • Once Azu boil, set the fire to low, simmer for 20-30 minutes.
  • In a frying pan, over high heat, fry the chopped onions, add chopped pickles, set the heat to medium, stir constantly.
  • Add carrots grated on a coarse grater (or cut into strips), add ketchup or tomato paste(if we have fresh tomatoes, then scald them with boiling water, remove the skin, finely chop)
  • Salt Azu, add Bay leaf, add frying, simmer (over low heat!) for 10-20 minutes (depending on how well the carrots are fried)
  • Add the crushed garlic, mix, simmer for another 3-5 minutes (the main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the garlic will give all the pungency to the aroma). Turn off, insist Azu a couple of hours (but if you really want to, you can use it right away)
  • Bon Appetit!

Oh, my favorite potatoes. Various can be prepared with the participation of our "favorite". And now I will tell you how to cook stewed potatoes with mushrooms... for my dish I use collected in summer and frozen. I don’t need to go to the supermarket or the market, buy mushrooms. Mushrooms harvested in the forest have a completely different taste, so the potatoes are very tasty. And also - dry herbs that are in harmony with mushrooms and give special flavor our dish.


  • 300 grams of fresh or mushrooms;
  • 5-6 medium potatoes;
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of melted lard;
  • dried thyme, basil and marjoram;
  • salt, finely ground black pepper, ground coriander to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes. Pour vegetable oil into a bowl with thick walls, the best for stewing potatoes is cast iron, heat it up and fry the onions until golden brown.

Wash the carrots, peel, finely grate, add to the golden onion and fry together for about 5-6 minutes.

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms

Well tell me please, who will refuse this delicious dish like stewed potatoes with mushrooms. And of course, so that there are certainly "more" mushrooms. Nothing fancy about making this culinary recipe no. But still, little secrets that will help make your dish unusually fragrant and rich mushroom flavor, I'll tell you.

Cooking method: how to cook stewed potatoes with mushrooms.

First, take the peeled onions and cut them into small cubes. Fry the onions in hot vegetable oil until the onions turn golden. And add mushrooms to the already fried onions. Mushrooms can be different and champignons, and oyster mushrooms, and honey mushrooms, and any others fresh mushrooms, and even canned ones. If you are using canned mushrooms, then drain the marinade first, do not use it in cooking. Mushrooms together with fried onions need to be stewed for quite a bit, about 10 minutes, then the whole aroma will be preserved. Season with salt and pepper to your liking. At the end add in stewed mushrooms butter. Separately, boil the potatoes in salted water. For the preparation of this dish, potatoes of crumbly or boiling varieties are better suited. When the potatoes are ready, drain the water and combine the potatoes with the mushrooms, mix. Leave the cooked dish in a sealed container so that the mushroom aroma is absorbed by the potatoes.

Helped by: Violetta


Karelian cuisine: stewed potatoes with mushrooms "shereelady.ru

Potatoes appeared late in Karelia and did not immediately gain popularity. Karelians added potatoes to soup, mashed potatoes were prepared exclusively from potatoes boiled in "uniform". Gradually, potatoes have firmly entered the Karelian menu. They began to stew it with meat, vegetables, fish and mushrooms. The potatoes were cooked along with the mushrooms.

They collected various mushrooms, including plate mushrooms - milk mushrooms, volushkas, russula ... Mushrooms of these varieties were salted, soup was cooked from them extremely rarely.

Salted mushrooms in a simple way... The mushrooms were soaked in water, which was changed 2 times a day, for 3-4 days. The soaked mushrooms were washed and cleaned. Then the mushrooms were placed with the lamellar side up on the leaves of black currant and horseradish, sprinkled with salt, garlic was added. They covered the top with a canvas cloth, laid a wooden lid, pressed down with oppression. The mushrooms were eaten after 30 days.

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms were served as a main course. Northern Karelians called such a dish "zharekha".

The dish was cooked in a skillet with high edges and thick sides.

To prepare the first version of the dish, you will need:

2 cups salted mushrooms;

600g of peeled potatoes;

5-6 peppercorns;

Dried bay leaf;

Finely chopped dill greens;

First cooking method:

Pour the salted mushrooms with cold boiled water, let the excess water drain off, knocking the mushrooms through a sieve. Chop the mushrooms finely.

Cut the potatoes into "strips" and cook for 20 minutes. Then drain half of the water. Mash the potatoes slightly in water. Put finely chopped mushrooms in boiled potatoes and stir.

Saute the onions in vegetable oil until translucent and add to the potatoes with mushrooms. Simmer for half an hour. Add dill and peppercorns. Dip the bay leaf into the dish for a few minutes, then remove it, otherwise the leaf will add bitterness. The dish is ready.

To prepare the second option, you will need:

The same ingredients as in the first version, as well as:

additionally a little dry (about 50 grams);

fresh garlic in wedges.

Soak dry mushrooms for an hour. Then finely chop and add to the potatoes along with the salted mushrooms. The water, where the mushrooms were soaked, is filtered and added to the dish at the end of cooking. The color of the dish will take on a golden hue and give it the aroma of forest mushrooms.

Finely chopped garlic can be added to add flavor.

The dish is served hot and cold.

Potatoes with cucumbers

Welcome to the Tasty with Photos blog. It seems that potatoes with cucumbers, and even pickled ones, are a rather strange combination. But for me, this is from childhood, memories of the pioneer camp. We have never cooked this at home, although in fact it is quite tasty. And yesterday I decided to cook this dish, I just had pork ribs and open bank pickled cucumbers, but not long ago I cooked stewed potatoes with ribs, and so this time I decided to just change the recipe a little, what I did, see the step-by-step photo recipe further

So the ingredients:

pork ribs about 500-700 grams

potatoes 2 kilograms

1 carrot and 1 onion

tomato paste two tablespoons

pickled cucumbers 3-4 pieces

salt, pepper, bay leaf

To begin with, wash the ribs, cut them into pieces and send them to fry in a hot pan. When they are fried on both sides, we send them to stew in the pan in which we are, and we will cook our dish. Do not forget to add salt.

Peel the cucumbers and cut them into not very small pieces.

Now they should be lightly simmered in vegetable oil in a hot frying pan, when they begin to lighten, add tomato paste and fifty grams of water and simmer for five minutes.

We cut onions and carrots as soon as the heart desires, but it is in this recipe that I like carrots in large pieces. Fry in vegetable oil.

Cut the potatoes into cubes. When the ribs are ready, add the chopped potatoes to them.

Simmer until half cooked. Now you can add cucumbers and onions with carrots, simmer everything together for ten minutes.

Now add spices, bay leaves, pepper, add salt to taste if necessary. So everything turned out very tasty.

Bon Appetit!

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Until next time.

The owner of the blog was with you: "Tasty with a photo" Elena Samolkina.

Good cuisine - fried potatoes with mushrooms. cookbook of recipes. salads, pastries.

7doze- 06/22/2011 22:00 Thanks for the recipe, I have not fried potatoes separately before, they burned. Today potatoes with golden mushrooms and onions are just perfect!)))) Natulya68- 22.02.2010 10:43 I used to fry potatoes with mushrooms, but not separately, I want to try your recipe too, I especially liked the advice to fry the mushrooms on sunflower oil Muscovite- 11.10.2009 18:33 Sprinkle chopped potatoes for frying with flour to get a fried crust and then follow the recipe ....... leonidl- 16.09.2009 12:17 Dear girls and boys!

Everyone who knows how and who wants to be able to!

Dear Irina!

I share my reliable way - frying potatoes.

We clean, cut (at your discretion)

Secret: Put in a spacious bowl, add, Stir, pour in a little vegetable oil and mix.

Follow the sequence!

In a well-heated frying pan - pour a little vegetable oil ... put the potatoes.

The potatoes do not stick, they are fried evenly ...

We bring it to half-readiness.

Then according to your liking:

You can add chopped onions, fried mushrooms ...

The taste is delicate, the potatoes are neither overcooked nor dry.

In short: if under chilled vodka-vodka then -


All All All! Bon Appetit! PetrosyanAnna- 03/20/2009 10: 56If I fry potatoes, it doesn't matter, just potatoes or with something (most often with mushrooms or with squid), then I don't add onions, without it, it seems to me it's better, at least in our family so they love it more. And I also fry mushrooms and potatoes separately, then I fry together for about five minutes, turn off the stove and cover with a lid so that it comes down a little. elena83- 07/21/2008 4:06 very tasty it turned out)))) a bit really bold))

This is how my grandmother cooked many, many years ago, my childhood memories flooded)

Thank you, Irina, and delicious and simple!) Nafanja- 5.04.2008 9:06 Thanks for the recipe, there are mushrooms in the fridges. I went to cook my husband's favorite dish Irina2208- 12/5/2007 13:17 I did something similar before, but my husband always complained that everyone in our family makes watery mushrooms, but his (my mother-in-law) makes fried mushrooms. Well, I fried ... I asked to follow the mushrooms and peel the potatoes, so the mushrooms burned a little ... I forgot that the peasants should not be able to do 2 things at the same time. As a result, he said that his mother's mushrooms are still blacker, to which I replied, which means that they constantly burn on her. And I'm proud of my potatoes with mushrooms) Baby- 09/13/2007 22:41 Irina, do you have a trick about frozen mushrooms? And can you do the same thing in butter? Answer: 1. Well, what tricks can there be in freezing - cut into pieces and into the freezer. And so that the mushrooms take up less space, they can be boiled in advance - about 5 minutes. And even less space - scroll the boiled mushrooms through a meat grinder.

2. It is not recommended to fry in butter - it burns. It is best to fry in vegetable, and add butter for 10 minutes until cooked. Or you can fry in ghee. zewa- 06/28/2007 21:40 And when to salt the mushrooms? Or do they, like onions, do not need to be salted at all? Only potatoes? Answer: salt while stirring potatoes with mushrooms and onions. MarthaMay- 23.01.2007 17: 53 Dear Irina! You have a wonderful site. The dishes in the photos look just like the illustrations on the flashy calendar. I want to cook fried potatoes according to your recipe, but with dried mushrooms. Unfortunately, all the mushrooms I tried to cook were bitter. What is the reason and how can this be avoided? Answer: I don’t know, mushrooms can taste bitter.

I never fried dried mushrooms, only cooked them.

But in order to dried mushrooms better if they are swollen, they are soaked for several hours in warm water. Sometimes it is advised to soak in milk, but I have not tried that.

lukovka- 16.10.2006 19: 29Ah, what a pity that I just now stumbled upon this dish.

I want to ask what to do with dried mushrooms, because you can also cook potatoes with them? Answer: but how! Of course you can!

First, soak in lukewarm water. For an hour or two. Then boil in the same water.

And then you can either lightly fry them, or put them directly on the potatoes. Naf- 20.07.2006 17:47 I found this one by the search engine - and did not regret it! It turned out delicious (and I don’t know how to cook at all), I liked the site very much. I'll drop by! YOUR COMMENTS Gregory(mailto: [email protected]) - 10:54 14-Oct-2005

But I didn't manage to fry the potatoes - they flopped in oil over maximum heat until they began to crumble. As a result, it turned out, though tasty, but too fatty and without frying. Maybe the problem is that the potatoes and oil are imported? Or hands do not grow from there ...

Valeria - any mushrooms are good, in my opinion. But or - it's generally super.

Who would be surprised :)

I, too, have always used the "split" cooking method. I want to say about the mushrooms - I put them in a completely dry frying pan (whether it's already heated or not), pretty soon they start to release water, and I fry them, stirring occasionally, until all the water boils away. Then I add CREAM oil, a little, but, in my opinion, it brings out the taste of mushrooms much better than vegetable oil. I fry in oil for just a few minutes.

I also add sour cream, but only this time to the plate, and from the edge - a very pleasant contrast is obtained when eating: Hot potato and cold sour cream.

Valery(mailto: [email protected]) - 20:09 01-Mar-2005

In the photo, in my opinion, mushrooms. What mushrooms can you still use?

Ekaterina(mailto: [email protected]) - 21:21 09-Mar-2004

Great! Today for the first time in my life :) I fried mushrooms and potatoes (we did not live in the mushroom zone before, therefore we have no experience and knowledge in this) It turned out the first time, delicious, thanks a lot, my husband asked for fried mushrooms for a long time, thank you very much again, everyone liked it!

Anastasia(mailto :) - 15:56 09-Mar-2004

It is much more beautiful and tastier to fry potatoes not in slices, but in slices. And so that they do not break, you need to take a large-diameter pan (35-40cm)

Evgeniya(mailto :) - 13:42 05-Mar-2004

I also really liked this dish, but I would also advise adding sour cream ... although who likes it.

lusya(mailto :) - 14:12 25-Feb-2004

Irina I admire you

yasha(mailto :) - 05:59 01-Feb-2004

Mushrooms, after being laid out in a frying pan, should be left alone and not touched until all the liquid has evaporated. After that, they roast very quickly. This is what the professionals teach.

The recipe is wonderful, I also always cook potatoes like that. Only mine also like to pour sour cream (add at the end, along with mushrooms and onions). And it is even more convenient to cook mushrooms (champignons, I have not tried the rest) first. Just a little, just let it boil. Then, when frying mushrooms, practically no water is released. It turns out faster, but the taste is the same.

Surprisingly, I always fried mushrooms, potatoes and onions together, only put all the choices, I would never have thought that separately it turns out much tastier and more beautiful

Thank you Irina for such a wonderful site!

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms

Step-by-step recipe for stewed potatoes with mushrooms:

Heat 100 g of vegetable oil in a saucepan with a thick bottom, fry 2 diced onions in it until transparent, add 10 medium diced potatoes, mix. Add 7 - 10 mushrooms (champignons or portobella), also diced, pour 1 glass of water, salt and simmer covered over low heat for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, add 100 g of butter, add salt and ground black pepper if necessary, cover again and simmer until tender for another 10-12 minutes.

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms, recipe. koolinar - culinary club. ... recipe with photo, we will show you how to cook!

Put the potatoes cut into large cubes in the boiling broth. Cut the onion into squares and add to the potatoes. Cover and simmer for about 10-15 minutes over medium heat. While the potatoes are stewing, boil and fry the mushrooms. Then add the mushrooms to the potatoes, season with aromatic garlic and simmer another 3-5 minutes. Remove from the stove, add finely chopped dill and mix. Bon appetit!

Salted and pickled (canned) mushrooms are interesting because they can be eaten both neat and fried and boiled. This allows you to add some piquancy to any dish. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to fry pickled mushrooms in this case automatically disappears.

Salted and pickled mushrooms differ from each other only in that they are used for pickling acetic acid... If we talk about pickles, then only table salt is taken as a preservative. Therefore, we can conclude that pickling is the same pickling, but with the use of acid. In this case, the harvested mushrooms can be used both hot and cold.

In addition, they can even be combined with each other, choosing the ratio in accordance with their taste preferences... For example, if you like a pleasant sourness in a dish, then you should add more pickled product to it. And if you want to feel more the taste of the mushrooms themselves, then you need to take one part of the fruit bodies of the pickled type and four parts of the salted one.

Getting rid of excess salt

From fresh mushrooms canned products are distinguished not only by the fact that the latter is immediately ready for consumption. The bottom line is that during pickling and salting (canning), acetic acid and salt accumulate in the legs and caps. It is these substances that keep the mushrooms almost fresh for a long time. Their excess is quite a common occurrence, because if you do not report on preservative additives, then the product can easily become unusable. Therefore, when harvesting, they often take a little more acid and salt than required.

Before making fried potatoes with salted mushrooms, a number of simple steps should be taken:

  1. First, you need to taste the product - it may be suitable, not requiring any processing.
  2. If there is too much vinegar or salt in the mushrooms, then soak them in clean water or rinse with a colander.
  3. Finally, if there is not so much excess acid and salt, then you can do without any processing, but then you should put less salt in the dish than indicated in the recipe.

Correct roasting

Canned mushrooms are a ready-to-eat product, so they will have to be fried a little less. In fact, everything here is reduced to how to properly warm up the product and give it a ruddy and appetizing look.

To do this, you can use the following rules:

  1. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces.
  2. Fry them with sunflower oil.
  3. Cooking takes no more than ten minutes.
  4. If only mushrooms are fried, then they should not be salted.

Fried potatoes with pickled mushrooms

There are many recipes with salted mushrooms. Take fried potatoes, for example. To prepare it, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

The cooking technology will be as follows:

It should be noted that housewives who know whether it is possible to fry salted mushrooms often prefer to fry them in the oven, following almost the same scheme.

Fried canned milk mushrooms with onions

Canned milk mushrooms represent traditional version snacks for the winter, which are perfect on any table. Milk mushrooms are served both on ordinary and on holidays. Experienced housewives there is no need to be interested in whether it is possible to fry salted milk mushrooms.

Fried milk mushrooms with onions - great snack, which is distinguished by a unique combination of flavors. To prepare it you will need:

  • 200-400 grams of salted mushrooms;
  • 2-4 tablespoons of butter or 40-60 grams of pork fat;
  • medium-sized onion;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

The cooking sequence will be as follows:

Homemade canned mushrooms can be used alone or in combination with some other foods by boiling or frying them. It all depends on your culinary talent and taste. Sometimes a unique combination of flavors and aromas creates a truly festive atmosphere even at an ordinary table.