Home / Khachapuri / Armenian national cuisine recipe. Cuisine of Armenia – Age-old traditions of one of the most ancient peoples

Armenian national cuisine recipe. Cuisine of Armenia – Age-old traditions of one of the most ancient peoples

Armenian cuisine- the oldest of all Asian cuisines. Her recipes are passed down unchanged from generation to generation. special place of honor it occupies Armenian pastries. Best Recipes are presented below.

Armenian lavash

It is impossible to imagine Armenian cuisine without real lavash. There are a huge number of them on the shelves in stores. But it will be much tastier if you cook pita bread yourself.

For this you will need:

  • flour - 500 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • salt to taste;
  • butter or margarine - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the butter.
  2. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Important: the water must be hot. Then the dough will be more tender.
  3. If time permits, allow the test to stand for 30 minutes. But you can start baking right away.
  4. The secret of perfect pita bread is its thickness: roll out the dough as thin as possible.
  5. Each layer is fried over low heat in a pan.

Homemade pita bread can be used as the basis for making rolls with a lot of various fillings. For example: mix eggs, herbs, cheese, garlic and mayonnaise, wrap in homemade lavashgreat snack ready.


"Bread is the head of everything!" In Armenia, this saying is as relevant as in the rest of the world. Homemade bread Matnakash is always on the table.

To prepare it, you will need:

  • a glass of flour;
  • dry yeast - packaging;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • incomplete glass of water;
  • salt and sugar as desired.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Knead the dough from the ingredients, let it brew for 60 minutes.
  2. Carefully roll out the risen dough into an oval or circle shape. Let it brew again for 40 minutes.
  3. We make furrows on the dough, and then bake at 200 degrees for half an hour.

Fragrant homebaked bread ready to use.

Gata (Kyata) Armenian

Not a single Caucasian cuisine is complete without delicious sweets that will appeal to both children and adults. In Armenia, this is the Gata pie.

The following ingredients are required for its preparation:


  • oil - 100 g;
  • flour - 500 g;
  • yeast - 6 g;
  • water - 250 ml.


  • flour - 600 g;
  • powdered sugar - 300 g;
  • oil - 300 g;
  • vanillin - 1 package.

Cooking process:

  1. First, prepare the dough: mix all the ingredients and leave in a warm place.
  2. We make the filling: grind butter and flour to a homogeneous consistency, add powder and vanillin. The filling should turn out crumbly, without lumps.
  3. Divide the risen dough into several equal parts. Roll out into layers with a thickness of not more than 2 mm. Then brush each with oil. Stack on top of each other and roll out again. We do this procedure 5 times.
  4. We divide the resulting dough into 3 equal parts. From each we make a cake. Spread the filling evenly in the center. We connect the edges of the cake. It is necessary to give the cake a round shape.
  5. Lubricate with yolk. We pierce in several places.
  6. Gata should be baked for 30 minutes at 190 degrees.

Add walnuts for flavor. This will give the cake a special piquancy.

Gata can also be made in the form of cookies. To do this, the resulting dough is rolled into rectangular layers, the filling is added in a thin layer and rolled into a roll. The roll is cut into equal small pieces. Bake also, reducing the cooking time to 20 minutes.


The most popular sweet in Armenian cuisine is, of course, baklava. She is loved all over the world. Preparing a dessert is quite simple at home.

Required Products:

  • flour - 600 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • butter - 1 pack;
  • sour cream - 1 can;
  • honey - 350 g;
  • soda on the tip of a knife;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • cardamom to taste;
  • vanillin - 1 package;
  • walnuts - 2 cups.

How to cook:

  1. Knead sour cream, butter (previously softened), egg and soda. Constantly stirring, put the flour in small portions. The result is a soft thick crust. It should be infused for about 30 minutes.
  2. We make the filling. Most of walnuts ground together in spices and sugar. A small part of the unground nuts is left to decorate the sweetness.
  3. We divide the dough into 4 equal parts. From each we make a thin cake. Take a baking dish with high edges. Lubricate generously with oil. Lay out layers of dough. Place the filling between them in even layers. Lubricate the top layer with yolk to get a beautiful color when baking.
  4. Cut into diamonds or squares. We decorate each of them with walnuts.
  5. We put the dessert for 15 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.
  6. After 15 minutes, we take out the form, repeat the cuts and pour 100 g of melted butter. Another 40 minutes in the oven.
  7. During this time, we are preparing the second filling. To do this, melt the honey, mix with a glass of water and half a glass of sugar.
  8. After 40 minutes, we take out the form from the oven, cover with a second filling and let the delicacy cool and soak well.

Delicious fragrant baklava is ready. Enjoy yourself and please your loved ones!

Cake "Mikado"

Does someone close to you have a birthday, and the birthday boy is a connoisseur of Armenian cuisine? Then this recipe is perfect for you!


  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • oil - 2 packs;
  • baking powder dough - 1 pack;
  • sour cream - 1 can;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • chocolate (preferably dark) - 1 bar;
  • cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • a glass of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. First, mix a pack of butter with half a glass of sugar and an egg until smooth.
  2. In the resulting mass, add baking powder and sour cream.
  3. Constantly stirring, put the flour in small portions. We remove the resulting dough for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  4. Cooking cream. To do this, to half the pack butter Add sugar and 1 teaspoon cocoa. We put on a slow fire. In another bowl, put the remaining butter, cocoa and condensed milk. Mix the contents of the two plates thoroughly. The resulting mixture is removed in the refrigerator.
  5. The dough is divided into 10 parts. From each roll out a thin cake. Bake in the oven at 190 degrees for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Lubricate the cakes with cream. Cakes should be warm.
  7. Decorate with grated dark chocolate.
  8. The cake should be allowed to brew at room temperature for 2 hours, and then it should be removed in the cold for several hours. Then we cut off the edges and cut the cake in the form of rhombuses, which are laid out on a plate in the form of a star.

For those who like it sweeter, you can take boiled condensed milk for baking.

Armenian baklava at home (video)

Armenian cuisine pastries are distinguished by their taste, aroma and tenderness. If a holiday is on the nose, then choosing these dishes as a treat, you will never go wrong and will definitely please your guests with your amazing table.

Top 10 dishes of Armenian cuisine

Armenian food is different from any other food in the world. For what reason?

There are so many reasons that you cannot find and mark the most important one. People in the country do not forget their traditions and pass on what they know to their children. Thus, the Armenian cuisine preserves the soul of the nation, and all this is passed down from generation to generation. Time-tested dishes are the most loved in the country.

  1. Armenian khash

Khash is one of the most popular national dishes of Armenian cuisine. This is a special soup or stew made from beef feet seasoned with garlic. Before the dish is served, it is seasoned with vinegar and some spices. The boiling process is very long. The house where khash is cooked can be smelled from afar – the aroma of khash comes from its windows. It cannot be confused with anything else. The broth is very rich and high-calorie. Armenians eat it for breakfast or even before breakfast. And there is a custom to accompany khash with vodka. A bit of a strange tradition, but the ancients said it was beneficial.

  1. You have a barbecue, we have Horovac

Another well-known national dish of Armenian cuisine is known as khorovats. In fact, this is something similar to a regular barbecue - chopped pieces of pork, lamb or beef.

Some people make khorovats with vegetables. They are also fried on a skewer on ramrods (special iron or wooden sticks) and served with meat. Usually tomatoes, peppers and eggplants are chosen from vegetables.

  1. Harisa

Harisa is a special Armenian dish. This is cereal with meat. it's the same popular dish Armenian army, because it is very nutritious. Earlier in Armenia, most victories in the army were usually accompanied by harisa.

Now in Musaler in Armenia every year people celebrate the victory over the Turkish army in 1915. The holiday takes place near Mount Musaler. And Harisa is the obligatory dish of the event.

In a cast-iron vessel or a saucepan with a thick bottom, a chicken (turkey) is cut into pieces and this vessel is filled with water. Then wheat and salt are added there. Everything is cooked together for a very long time (at least two or three hours) over low heat. As soon as the meat begins to fall behind the bones, it is taken out and separated from the bones and added back to the grits, then the cooking of harissa continues with constant stirring until the meat dissolves and the wheat turns into a thick mass. Hot harisa is laid out in bowls, and a large spoonful of ghee is added to the middle of the dish. You need to eat harisa especially: with a spoon, periodically dipping food into oil in your own bowl. A whole ritual! But what a memorable one!

  1. Traditional Armenian khashlama

Traditional Armenian khashlama is made from lamb. The meat becomes tender during cooking, the broth is full of fresh juices. summer vegetables and greenery, the aroma is unforgettable. White onions, tomatoes and Bell pepper be sure to add to khashlama. Potatoes entered Armenian cooking only in the 19th century, so some people do not add them to the dish. It's a matter of taste. Cup Armenian wine is a must when preparing khashlama. You can’t interfere - this is the specificity of this dish so that the vegetables remain intact.

  1. Armenian lavash

Lavash is a unique bread in many respects, it has an unusual pleasant taste and is baked from a large number products.

Despite its antiquity, the recipe Armenian lavash hasn't changed much over time. With all its benefits, pita bread can be considered one of the most useful varieties of bread.

How did lavash appear?

It is impossible to say for sure whether it was made on fire from crushed cereals. At the same time, one cannot fail to say that the composition of ordinary lavash is most similar to that obtained during the first attempts to bake bread. This is a thin cake that consists of two ingredients - water and flour.

Today, lavash is considered an exclusively Armenian dish, as it is used as the main type of bread in the cuisine of the Armenian people. From Transcaucasia, lavash spread throughout the world.

The word "lavash" is translated as " good food". This proves that the ancient cooks knew about the important composition of lavash.

  1. Armenian basturma

The recipe for Armenian basturma has long been known. Thinly sliced ​​pieces of dried basturma are usually served as cold appetizer. The real Armenian basturma, the price of which is quite high, is a delicacy.

The recipe for basturma appeared in a hot climate and in the absence of refrigerators. To preserve the meat in these conditions, it was necessary to resort to the help of a sufficient amount of salt.

How to cook Armenian basturma?

To prepare Armenian basturma at home, only tender meat is used.

That is why the calorie content of basturma is not too high due to its low fat content.

Homemade basturma is very tasty, but it is certainly easier to buy basturma in the market or in a store, since basturma at home will be ready only after three weeks.

  1. What is Armenian fish kebab?

It's fish with spices. The taste is unforgettable. Garlic, saffron, cumin, turmeric, coriander seeds, sweet pepper, vegetable oil.

It is necessary to mix all the ingredients for the marinade, then cut the fish into portions and marinate (at least 3 hours). This is how barbecue or kebab is cooked.

It is very popular in Armenia because people prefer fish all year round.

Cancer kebab is one of the most interesting dishes in Armenia. The soft meat is mixed and formed into sausage-like shapes. Tender kebab and the spicy aroma of this dish will not leave anyone indifferent.

Only in Armenia you can try it!

  1. In Armenia they know how to cook Dolma!

Tolma (dolma) is one of the favorite dishes in Armenia. There are classic rules of cooking, but each family prepares tolma in its own way.

The specialty of the dish is grape leaves. The meat is minced, many types of spices are added, and everything is wrapped in grape leaves. The aroma of the dish is unique!

  1. To milk soup Saved

Spas is a national Armenian sour-milk soup! One of the most popular in Armenia! Highly light dish, and low-calorie, tender, tasty, with sourness ...

It can be served hot, for the first (especially if the weather is cold), and cold (in summer weather) ... It warms, refreshes and satisfies hunger ...

Spas is also a very healthy soup! For the Armenian people, this is an indispensable dish for colds, flu, fever ... Spas helps with intestinal disorders, headaches, high blood pressure.

Spas is one of the masterpieces of Armenian cuisine! Saved for Armenians what borscht is for Ukrainians, okroshka is for Russians, or pasta is for Italians!

Armenian food reveals only the unknown and pleasant for you.. Something that evokes memories, disturbs the soul and even makes you think about the secrets of history and today's life...

Barev, friends! This post is for gourmets, yes. Armenian cuisine is famous far beyond the borders of the country, and national Armenian dishes can often be found in Russia, but it is still better to try them at home.

While we were traveling around the country, we managed to taste a lot and responsibly declare that food is what it is worth coming to this Transcaucasian republic for! Our friend from Armenia Aram (whom we met in Yerevan) told us what khash is and what is the right way to eat dolma, and also took us to a restaurant serving the best zhengyalov hats.

On the table must be fresh vegetables and fruits, greens, lavash, various cheeses and dairy products - this is something that an Armenian feast cannot do without.

It is clear that the dishes of Armenian cuisine are even more diverse than we examined in this article, we will tell you about the most delicious and popular ones that you should definitely try if you come to, and which you can cook at home.

Armenian cuisine - soups

Khash- the most popular Armenian soup, prepared from beef legs for almost a day. Khash is usually eaten early in the morning for breakfast, served unsalted along with fresh herbs, salt in a separate plate, minced garlic and thin pita bread.

It is believed that khash is eaten in the early morning to relieve a hangover, always hot and with garlic!

Saved- Armenian soup prepared on the basis of matsun diluted with water and wheat groats (dzavar). It is eaten both hot and cold, in the cafe you can order both options. Since the soup is without meat, it is perfect for vegetarians, we liked it!

bozbash- meat soup, traditionally prepared from lamb with the addition of pieces of potatoes, peppers, onions, eggplants and seasoned with tomato paste.

National Armenian dishes - the main

Horovac or just barbecue. It is impossible to imagine Armenian cuisine without this dish. There are about 20 types of khorovats, for example, “karsi zorovats” - fried on coals, “khazani-khorovats” - made in a saucepan.

Armenian cuisine dishes

Kyuftameat balls from specially beaten minced meat. Spices, onions, eggs are added to it, then balls are rolled up and thrown into the water. In general, the word "kufta" came from the Persian language, it means "meat balls". In many countries of the East there is such a dish, it can be found in Turkey, Iran, India.

Tzhvzhik- beef entrails are fried in a pan, and then salt is added, onion, tomatoes, peppers and spices: paprika and basil. Be sure to sprinkle fresh herbs on top.

Arisa- porridge made from round-grain wheat with the addition of chicken and butter.


Dolma- minced beef tenderloin wrapped in grape leaves. In addition to meat, rice, peppers, onions, tomatoes, as well as paprika and dried basil are added inside. Dolma must be served with matsun sauce with garlic.

There is a vegetarian option: Pasuts-dolma with beans, chickpeas and lentils wrapped in leaves sauerkraut. This, unlike meat, is used cold.

Zhengyalov hats- bread cake stuffed with finely chopped greens. This dish comes from Nagorno-Karabakh and should ideally use wild herbs. But garden sorrel, cilantro, parsley will also go. dill, beet tops, spinach.

Mshosh– Armenian appetizer-salad with lentils with dried apricots and walnut. Served with greens.

A popular snack for main courses is tsitsak - pickled spicy pepper yummy!

Bread and flour products

Of course, one cannot imagine Armenia without thin lavash. He is loved all over the world, including in Russia. Traditionally pita prepared in a tonir (clay vessel, something like a tandoor), and melt it with a grapevine.

On the Armenian table can often be seen matnakash- round bread made from wheat flour.

Milk products

The most famous traditional dairy product in Armenia is yogurt(in Georgia it is called "matsoni") - simply speaking, thick spoiled milk. In summer, matsun is diluted with water and it turns out tan, which refreshes and cools well, because the heat at this time of the year is unreal.

Great honor on the Armenian table enjoy cheeses: chechil (braided in a pigtail), motal (crumbly cheese), chanakh (brine cheese soaked in a special brine, slightly spicy and salty).

Alcohol and soft drinks

Yes, of course cognac is the number one Armenian drink. This does not mean that they only drink it in Armenia, it is simply the main export product of the country. Now, specifically for the production of cognac in Armenia, six varieties of grapes are grown, and the cognac itself is divided into ordinary, vintage and collection. Come to the Ararat factory in Yerevan and try it!

Mulberry vodka "Artsakh"- a strong drink infused with white mulberries, first appeared in Nagorno-Karabakh. It has a rich taste and bright berry aroma.

Mineral water "Jermuk"- also a famous export product, bottled at the resort of the same name. It is recommended to use in diseases of the stomach, diseases of the nervous system, and just in the process of eating.

Coffee. Probably, every inhabitant of Armenia drinks a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning. Here it is boiled very strong on coals or sand. By the way, don't say "Turk" in Armenia, it's better to use the word "dzhezva".

Armenian sweets

gatasweet pie. There are four (or so) varieties of gata depending on the region - it is made from puff, yeast, and even unleavened dough with butter, flour and powdered sugar. It turns out delicious and very satisfying!

Gata and sujukh at the temple of Garni

Nazuk- puff rolls with oily-flour filling or walnut filling.

Sujukh- an analogue of the Georgian churchkhela, "Armenian Snickers". It is walnuts strung on a thread in a thick syrup of grape, pomegranate or apricot juice.

Jam. Armenians make jam from almost everything that grows on the territory of the country ;-) There are, for example, from apricots, plums, dogwood, figs, quince and even walnuts with the addition of cinnamon and cardamom.

Fruit lavash. First, fruit puree is prepared from plums, cherries, dogwood, apricots, and then it is laid out in a thin layer on a tray and dried in the sun. It turns out such a sweet pita bread that can be stored for a long time.

Neighboring countries also influenced Armenian cuisine, so you can find kebab, pilaf, baklava and other dishes. Crayfish and fish, especially trout, are sold in Sevan, locals and tourists eat them with pleasure, and you should definitely try it!

Somehow bypassed the salads, but you know - they are. Often you can find interesting combinations with the addition of pomegranate seeds and other local products. Be sure to eat fruit if you get in late summer or early autumn.

Armenian cuisine turned out to be quite simple and uncomplicated, but very tasty. you can cook national Armenian dishes at home, although without native ingredients the taste will be different, because the whole point is in special spices grown in Armenia.

Bon appetit!

All the secrets of Armenian cuisine - dishes and drinks, step by step recipes for home use, a selection of gastronomic tours in Yerevan and its environs, for those who are already on their suitcases. List traditional dishes and products that you should not only order in local establishments, but also bring home - friends and relatives will thank you more than once!

1. Gastronomic excursions in Armenia

In this country, there is something to try and what recipes to take home with you. Gastronomic tours in Armenia - these are tastings at the Ararat cognac factory, barbecue dinners, vegetable snacks, lavash and other hits of local cuisine.

3. Matsun, barbecue and others

Let's briefly talk about the features of Armenian cuisine. What dishes and drinks are popular and loved in Armenia.

The cuisine of sunny and hospitable Armenia is one of the oldest in the world. The secrets of baking, for example, this Caucasian people learned about two and a half years ago! Most of the traditional Armenian dishes have a solid “age”, that is, they have been prepared in the same way for several centuries. The culture and geographical features of the country have determined the menu of the nation, which includes a lot of meat, vegetables and herbs, fermented milk products. Special taste and aroma fresh produce not only unique local spices are added, but also the methods of their preparation.

All over Armenia today you can see traditional ovens (tandyrs), in which meat is baked, lavash is baked, soups are cooked. Here are the most delicious dishes that have made Armenian cuisine so popular all over the world.


Beef, lamb, pork, poultry dishes are very popular in Armenia. Local kebab (khorovats), kufta (large meatballs), ( beef jerky in spices) - "business cards" national cuisine. The meat is cooked as whole pieces, and used in the form of minced meat. For example, with minced beef make rolls from grape leaves-, and with chopped lamb you get a delicious lahmacun - the national version of pizza.

In the traditional cuisine of Armenia, there are also dishes from several varieties of meat. For example, chicken and venison, cooked together, is one of the oldest dishes of Armenian cuisine - arganak.

Each region has its own recipes and methods of cooking this or that type of meat, most of which have not changed for several hundred years and have been brought to perfection. There are more than twenty kebabs in the country alone!


The legendary Lake Sevan is not only a natural landmark of Armenia, but also a habitat for trout and. Of course, in the largest and most beautiful reservoir of the country there are many other fish too, but it is for the sake of ishkhan ( royal fish) and barbecue from it gourmets from all over the world come to the shores of a mountain lake. Other rivers and lakes of the country can also offer a rich catch, but trout (and river trout too) are confidently leading among others.

The most unusual fish dish Kutap - baked trout stuffed with rice and raisins is considered to be the national cuisine of the country.


Armenians love soups and cook them with great skill. Here you can try both hearty and rich first courses, as well as light, refreshing ones.

Armenian "soup number 1", the most famous and popular. It is boiled all night from beef or pork legs, hardly salted and served fiery hot. Delicious and varied vegetarian soups. Local housewives prepare wonderful spas with matsun. In the spring, stews are cooked from aveluk or mallow - wild herbs. Only in Armenia you can taste the first dishes from dogwood or wild rose, dried berries used for cooking healthy soups in winter.


A feast in any corner of Armenia begins with a variety of snacks. These can be eggplant rolls with nuts and herbs, a variety of salted vegetables, pies with meat or legumes. from vegetables and herbs salads are prepared, often cereals are added to the ingredients from the garden. It can be lentils, bulgur, rice.

One of the most popular snacks in Armenia is made from spelt, lots of greens and pickled cheese. Assorted local cheeses are always on the table as an independent snack.


It is believed that bread with cheese has been the basis of the diet of local residents for a long time. Matsun (sour milk) and different cheeses served on the table daily, on their own or as part of dishes. Traditional varieties of cheese - chanakh, chechil, motal. Each of them has a special recipe and cooking method that has been preserved for centuries. For some, special clay containers are used, for others - goat wineskins.

Armenian cheeses with herbs are very popular. For example, wild thyme is added to the famous motal.


Desserts of Armenian cuisine deserve special attention. The "queen" of the sweet table is considered to be gata - a biscuit pie stuffed with flour, sugar, butter. Simple Ingredients prepared so skillfully that they turn into a gastronomic masterpiece. It is interesting that in each region of the country this sweet dish is made in its own way. Armenia offers sweet lovers unique desserts made from fresh fruits. A popular option is Alani. These are sun-dried peaches stuffed with a mixture of sugar, nuts and spices.

Fruit pita breads are tasty - dried layers of mashed plums, apricots, peaches. Another delicacy is sujukh, nuts in fruit syrup. Armenia is famous for jams and jams, here they are prepared from fruits, berries, nuts and flowers.


Armenia is considered the birthplace of lavash - thin unleavened bread baked in a special oven. It comes in white and black, the color determines the type of flour used. Armenian traditional is a large but very thin flatbread. It is not only present on the table at every meal, but is also a symbol of wealth and prosperity. At an Armenian wedding, lavash is even placed on the shoulders of the newlyweds. In many families, traditions of baking this bread are preserved, the oldest woman in the family should knead the dough and send it to the oven.

Fresh lavash goes well with any dish. Sometimes it is used as the basis for all kinds of rolls, filling with stuffing, and some National dishes supposed to eat, I use a piece of dry pita bread as a spoon.

Vegetables and fruits

The gifts of the generous Armenian land are served fresh, baked, stewed. Eggplants, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, onions, garlic are always present on the table. Vegetables served with nuts

Armenian cuisine is considered one of the oldest in Asia and the most ancient in Transcaucasia. Its characteristic features have been formed over the millennia, as the Armenian people constantly wandered from one place to another. Preparation for cooking is a difficult and painstaking job. In Armenian cuisine, there are many recipes for minced meat, fish, stuffed vegetables etc.

Many recipes have been preserved since ancient times, for example, khorovats (barbecue) and berek (dough with meat stuffing). Armenians have been preparing these dishes for almost 1500 years.

Armenians use about 300 types of herbs and wild plants as a seasoning. Sometimes they are even served as a separate dish.

The quality and exclusivity of the taste of dishes is strongly influenced by climate and other geographical conditions. Armenian food is very nutritious. Festive table literally bursting with the abundance and variety of dishes, salads and desserts. It is impossible to imagine an Armenian meal without cilantro, tarragon, parsley, dill, coriander, cardamom, basil, lemon balm and green onions.

Armenians eat a lot of meat, beef, pork, chicken, lamb and fish. The meat is fried on a spit on wood or in a tandoor (oven-brazier), hence special flavor khorovats. It is served with grilled vegetables. Horovac - favourite dish Armenians.

Khash is a dish made from cow's feet. It is eaten with garlic and dried lavash. This dish is very nutritious, so they eat it in the winter in the morning.

Other Armenian dishes:

Lavash - traditional thin bread, cooked in a tandoor

Sujuk - spicy sausage with garlic, based on beef and spices

Basturma - beef jerky wrapped in a thin layer of chaman with cumin

Spas - yoghurt soup with wheat

Fish - Armenians use for cooking grayling and ishkhan, Sevan trout from Lake Savan

Harisa - a porridge-like mass of chicken and wheat

Khashlama - boiled beef with potatoes, tomatoes and onions

Dolma - minced meat and with rice, wrapped in grape or cabbage leaves, they are also filled with tomatoes, eggplants, peppers

Lahmacun - Armenian pizza; a thin layer of spicy minced meat is placed on a bread cake (mutton is usually used)

Khachapuri - puff pastry with cheese or meat

Armenians also love Russian dumplings, Georgian khinkali and several Arabic dishes.

Desserts of Armenia

Armenia is full of sweet fruits: apricot, pomegranate, apple, pear, grape, cherry, peach, plum, quince, fig, melon, watermelon, black and white mulberry, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, rosehip, etc. To tell the truth, apricot for Armenians is more than just a fruit. It symbolizes one of the colors of the Armenian tricolor (red, blue and apricot).
It is impossible to imagine an Armenian dessert without delicious dried fruits, green fruits and raisins, which are usually made from apples, plums, peaches, grapes and, of course, apricot (cyran).
Good local ice cream and confectionery among which, gata (traditional wide flatbread made of puff pastry stuffed with butter and sugar) and baklava (puffed honey cake with a thick nut filling) are in special demand. Oriental coffee is usually the end of a meal. Sometimes it is replaced with a tincture of thyme, mint or rosehip.