Home / Pancakes, fritters / The temperature for roasting vegetables in the oven. Vegetables baked in the oven - simple, fast, tasty and healthy

The temperature for roasting vegetables in the oven. Vegetables baked in the oven - simple, fast, tasty and healthy

Vegetables play an important role in human nutrition. Often they are called natural antidepressants, brain stimulants and sources of energy. And indeed! In their composition, vegetables contain a huge number of vitamins and minerals, designed to ensure the proper functioning of vital organs and systems. To get the most out of plant-based meals, it is best to cook them in the oven. What aspects to consider when baking?

Bake or fry?

Everyone knows that fried foods significantly burden the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is the cause of obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system and oncology. The danger of frying lies not so much in the use a large number oil, how much in the carcinogens generated in the process. Regularly eating fried food, a person literally destroys his body bit by bit.

To minimize the risk of developing ailments and not become a hostage to extra pounds, you should cook food in the oven. With this method cooking vegetables, and other food products, retain the lion's share useful substances(usually up to 50%), especially if cooked in own juice using special bags or foil. In addition to the benefits, baked dishes will give a pleasant taste sensation that will melt the hearts of even the most fastidious gourmets.

So that the dish does not turn into porridge and bake well, it is best to bake new potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, zucchini, onion, eggplant, Bell pepper, color and white cabbage. The listed vegetables keep their shape perfectly and do not dry out when using a small amount of oil. It is not forbidden to bake tomatoes, but they are recommended to be used in multi-component vegetable compositions. This aspect is related to the watery structure of the product.

To make baked vegetables delight unforgettable taste, garlic, ginger and lemon, cut into circles, should be added to the dish. Garlic, in turn, does not need to be crushed at all, even in its entirety it will give culinary masterpiece your fragrance. Do not exclude herbs and spices. Especially good with vegetables are tarragon (tarragon), sage, coriander, rosemary and, of course, paprika. Honey and cranberry juice will also add a great taste to vegetables. The latter will endow light meals sour.

How to prepare vegetables for roasting?

It is recommended to bake fruits High Quality with no signs of decay. Before the vegetables should be subjected to a thorough washing, if necessary, peel and entrails. You can cut the vegetables as you like: in circles, cubes, or even grate, the main thing is that all the pieces have the same size, otherwise large specimens will not be baked, and small ones will spread over the baking sheet. If several types of vegetables are used in the process, cutting is carried out depending on the structure of the fruit. You should not immediately salt the vegetables, it is better to add salt at the end of cooking or before serving.

By the way, the choice of baking sheet depends solely on the vegetables used. Recipes that call for fruit with a watery texture will accept pans with low rims. If you resort to a high form, the juice secreted by vegetables will not have time to evaporate, which means that the dishes will not please you with special crunchiness and a golden crust, they will rather look like an ordinary stew. To prevent vegetables from sticking to the baking sheet, lay on the bottom parchment paper. Oil it up butter or margarine is not worth it, especially if vegetables are sprinkled vegetable oil.

Do you season vegetables with oil?

If baking is carried out without the participation of a special bag, sleeve or foil, it is recommended to sprinkle the vegetables with vegetable oil. The amount of oil used depends on the structure of the fruit, for example, carrots and potatoes require less than eggplant and bell pepper. In any case, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise there will be no trace of benefit, because the dish will turn out to be too fatty. It is best to brush the vegetables with oil as they cook. By the way, this approach will allow you to get a beautiful golden crust.

How long and at what temperature?

To prevent baked vegetables from being half raw, you should take into account the time and temperature of baking. It is recommended to bake at a temperature of 190-200C. The time depends on the structure of the fruit. For example, root vegetables cut into large slices require at least 30 minutes; cabbage - 15-20 minutes; pumpkin, zucchini and sweet pepper - 20-25 minutes; green beans and tomatoes - 15-20 minutes. If vegetables are baked together with meat or fish, the latter should be pre-processed separately, and then fruits should be added.

Recipes for vegetable dishes in the oven are diverse, ranging from casseroles in tomato or cream sauce to stuffed fruits minced meat or cereals.

Assorted baked vegetables

To prepare a platter, take potatoes, eggplant, zucchini, sweet peppers, tomatoes and garlic. Rinse vegetables thoroughly, peel if necessary. Soak the eggplant in salt water first to remove the bitterness. Cut the fruits into not too large circles and lay alternately sideways on a baking sheet. Cover with foil and send to a preheated oven. 5 minutes before cooking, remove the foil so that the vegetables acquire a golden color. Before serving, salt, pepper and garnish with chopped herbs.

To diversify the recipe, include tomato or cream sauce. In this case, foil is not required. Add coriander or basil for flavor.

Baked vegetables with mushrooms

Cooking baked vegetables with mushrooms is very simple. Take potatoes, sweet peppers, onions, mushrooms (for example, champignons), garlic and herbs. Rinse the vegetables, cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes, cut the pepper into rings, chop the onion, grate the garlic. Wash the mushrooms, cut large specimens. Gently combine vegetables and mushrooms, place on a baking sheet, sprinkle with vegetable oil and put in the oven until golden brown. Before serving, salt and add chopped greens.

Simple, fast, tasty and healthy

Convincing someone about how healthy vegetables baked in the oven is like proving the equality "twice two is four." Everyone knows this very well. I would like to draw attention to other advantages of baked vegetables - this is the simplicity and convenience of cooking and, of course, the amazing taste with the unique aroma of the "stove".

You can bake any vegetables - from potatoes to celery. But potato recipes- this is a separate topic, in one article “you can’t embrace the immensity”, so I propose to dwell on the traditional, included in the menu of many cafes and restaurants, vegetables for baking: tomato, zucchini, eggplant, sweet pepper. With a stretch, you can also include champignons here. This is not a vegetable at all, but it tastes very well with the rest of the ingredients and is often included in the Oven-Baked Vegetables dish. In decent catering places, vegetables are baked on the grill, but at home it can be completely replaced by an ordinary oven.

Whole roasted vegetables

We need medium-sized tomatoes and peppers, small eggplants and large mushrooms. Fans of "hot" can take a couple of hot peppers. Washed vegetables (nothing needs to be peeled!) Put on a baking sheet, salt on top, sprinkle with vegetable oil and send to the oven. It’s good if there is a grill function, if not, put the vegetables first on the lower level, then rearrange them up so that they are browned to a delicious crust. Bake for about 40 minutes. Sauce made from natural yogurt or fresh sour cream is well suited for baked vegetables. To do this, mix yogurt (sour cream) with a lot of chopped herbs, salt, pepper, add a spoonful of soy sauce. Oven-baked vegetables can be served as an independent dish or become a wonderful side dish for meat.

Vegetables baked in the oven. Assorted Recipe

Take 3 pieces of sweet peppers and tomatoes, 1 eggplant and 1 young zucchini. Rinse the vegetables thoroughly, remove the seeds from the pepper and chop large pieces, divide the tomatoes into 4-6 parts, cut the eggplant and zucchini into semicircles about 1 cm thick. The skin of a young zucchini can not be peeled off. Eggplants are recommended to be soaked before eating, but personally I prefer to peel them slightly so that there is no bitterness (especially since the skin of a baked eggplant still remains harsh). Put all prepared vegetables in a bowl, salt, pepper, pour vegetable oil (any one will do, but olive oil is better). Put all this "beauty" on a baking sheet and bake vegetables in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Recipe in festive version can be supplemented with mayonnaise and cheese. It will turn out very nice if you make a very small hole in a closed bag of mayonnaise in order to “shade” the surface of vegetables with a thin stream. This must be done before placing the vegetables in the oven. And sprinkle with grated cheese 10 minutes before the vegetables are ready.

Salad "Ajarian"

This is a continuation of the previous recipe (if the dish was prepared without cheese and mayonnaise). The basis of the salad will be vegetables baked in the oven, "Assorted". You will also need: 100-150 g of peeled walnuts, 2-3 cloves of garlic, herbs (preferably cilantro, parsley), olive oil for dressing. Walnuts chop (do not grind into dust, but chop so that small pieces come across). Garlic is also better finely chopped, and not passed through a press. Mix cooled baked vegetables with chopped nuts, garlic and herbs. Pour in oil and mix.

Bon appetit!

Our health! Let's lose weight deliciously! Recipe for cooking vegetables from me.

Good day to everyone who looked into my Diary! The holidays are over, but the weight gained during this time has remained! Therefore, I have a wonderful and proven way to get rid of extra pounds - easy and simple! Gotta love vegetables! There is one of the cooking options that I will now share with you!

I took the vegetables that I had in the refrigerator: These are eggplant, zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, bell peppers, onions, garlic. The composition of vegetables can be changed according to your desire. It can be: beets, white cabbage, leeks, celery, potatoes, etc. etc.

Wash vegetables, peel and cut into large pieces. Place them in a baking dish in the oven.

We cover with a lid.

And put in the oven.

We bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees, 45-50 minutes.

Take it out of the oven and your vegetables are ready!

They are very tasty and healthy, and most importantly, without the fat that we use for cooking (especially eggplant absorbs) ... Ready-made vegetables can be seasoned to your liking - add soy sauce or a little olive oil. And if you like poultry meat (chicken or turkey), then the meat, cut into small pieces, can be added to vegetables 20 minutes after the start of cooking. After removing the saucepan from the oven, just put the meat on top, then it will put its juice on the vegetables! Cover with a lid and return to the oven for the remaining time! My daughter takes these vegetables with her to work for a snack. So everything is time-tested! I wish you good health, good luck and good mood!

Vegetables are not only delicious, but also very healthy. They are fried, boiled, steamed, baked, eaten raw. It is clear that the maximum benefit fresh produce, but not all vegetables can be consumed in their original form. The second option for maximum calorie content and benefits will be steaming, but according to palatability it is significantly inferior to baking. Oven baked vegetables in large pieces are the perfect compromise between taste, health benefits and labor costs.

Coarse cutting allows you to save a maximum of vitamins in each piece, does not allow the products to dry out and saves time when cooking. The combination of products can be very diverse, which allows you to cook diverse dishes. Baked foods are a godsend for vegetarians, dieters and fans of pp. Also baked vegetables are a great opportunity to teach children from childhood to proper nutrition and introduce them to the whole variety of plant products.

Vegetables in foil - a simple roasting recipe

The most common way to bake vegetables in the oven - using foil. It protects against burning, dehydration and does not require a large amount of oil, which significantly reduces the calorie content of the dish.


  1. Eggplant - 1 pc.
  2. Zucchini - 1 pc.
  3. Pepper - 2 pcs.
  4. Tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  5. Garlic - 2 cloves
  6. Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  7. Greens - 2-3 branches
  8. Salt, spices - to taste

Cooking method - baking

Cuisine - European

Preparation time - 7 minutes

Cooking time - 40 minutes

Servings - 3

How to bake vegetables in foil

  • Prepare the ingredients. Wash and dry them.
  • Cut zucchini with eggplant into large quarter-pieces. To do this, cut off the stalks from vegetables, cut the pulp in length, and then chop into pieces.
  • Tomatoes, depending on the size of the fruit, cut into 2 or 4 parts.
  • Advice. It is better to bake tomatoes of the “cream” variety, because. they are more meaty, which means there will be less liquid in the dish.
  • Peel sweet multi-colored peppers from seeds and membranes. Cut the pulp into large slices.
  • Cut large garlic cloves into slices.

  • Put all the chopped ingredients in a deep bowl, season them with salt. pepper and spices to taste.

  • Pour in the vegetable oil and gently mix the ingredients with your hands.

  • Line a baking dish with foil. Arrange the vegetables in an even layer on it.

  • Cover them with foil.
  • Bake the dish at 200 C for 50-60 minutes. For the first half hour, cook under foil until the vegetables soften, and then open the form.

  • Ready meal before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

And a good example of how to properly bake vegetables in the oven can be found entirely at the link

Vegetables in the sleeve in pieces in the oven

Baking in your own juice - what could be healthier and tastier. This is especially true for those who actively lose weight. In addition, the dish always turns out juicy and tasty with the maximum set of vitamins, regardless of the composition of the components.


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Pepper - 1 pc.
  • Cauliflower - 6 florets
  • Oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt, spices - to taste

How to bake vegetables in a sleeve

  • Prepare food by washing everything thoroughly. Peel the onion from the husk. carrots and potatoes are peeled as desired. Cut the stem off the eggplant.
  • Cut the eggplant into slices at least 1 cm thick. Chop the carrots with potatoes and onions larger. Peeled pepper pulp cut into long pieces. Cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces.

Advice. So that the eggplant does not taste bitter, it should be salted, and after letting the juice out, rinse.

  • Mix mixed vegetables in a deep bowl. Lightly salt it. Drizzle lightly with oil if desired.
  • Unwind the cooking sleeve to the desired length so that all the vegetables are placed in it in a free order.
  • Place the prepared ingredients into the sleeve. Tie the film tightly on both sides.
  • With a toothpick, make a few pricks that will help to avoid the “steam effect” and prevent the products from overcooking.
  • Bake vegetables in a sleeve at 210C for 35 minutes.

Baked vegetables with citrus-vanilla sauce

Often, before a big feast, any housewife has a question: how to bake whole vegetables in the oven original way? There are no special options to vary the taste of the dish, except to change the amount of vegetables and their combination. In this case, dressings come to the rescue, which shade, emphasize, give products special taste. We offer original version vegetables cooked in a sweet citrus sauce.


  • Cauliflower - 1 head
  • Pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Mushrooms - 200 gr
  • Grape oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • thyme, salt to taste
    For sauce:
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Wine vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Honey - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Vanilla essence - ¼ teaspoon
  • Black pepper - to taste

how cook vegetables in aromatic sauce

  • Prepare food by taking large fruits of zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and a medium head of cauliflower. It is better to use champignons as mushrooms, but they can also be replaced with oyster mushrooms.
  • Wash and dry all products well.
  • Divide the cabbage into inflorescences, cut the young zucchini into large rings, peel the pepper from the seeds and cut into large slices. Mushrooms cut into pieces. In mushrooms, it is enough to separate the caps from the legs.
  • Divide mixed vegetables into a bowl. Season them with salt and thyme. Spray 2 tbsp. tablespoons of grapeseed oil
  • Bake at 200C for 20 minutes.
  • During this time, you need to have time to prepare the sauce. Wash lemon and orange thoroughly.
  • Grate the zest of both fruits into a bowl, squeeze the juice from the pulp, removing the seeds.
  • Pour honey into the juice. vinegar, vanilla extract. Season the marinade with pepper and mix thoroughly.
  • Already under baked vegetables pour the citrus marinade, mix them gently and return to the oven for 7-10 minutes until the final cooking.

Advice. To receive golden brown top layer for this time, you can turn on the "grill" or "top heat" mode.

Assorted pumpkin - a variant of roasting in Chinese

Baked vegetables in the oven are present in cuisines around the world. Each nation prefers to cook certain types of food. For example, the most popular french recipe baked vegetables - it's ratatouille. How to bake it in the best possible way find here

And for a step-by-step consideration, we offer an interesting Asian combination.


  • Pumpkin - 300 gr
  • Broccoli - 180 gr
  • Green beans - 180 gr
  • Lime - ½ pcs.
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Rice vinegar - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Honey - ½ tbsp. spoons
  • Chile - 1 pinch

How to Roast Vegetables Chinese Style

  • Cut the peeled pumpkin into oblong pieces. Break the broccoli into florets. Remove stems from green beans.

Advice. To give the dish a real Chinese flavor, beans can be replaced with bok choy.

  • Prepare the marinade by mixing together soy sauce, oil, rice vinegar, honey, and juice from half a lime.
  • Put vegetables in a bowl. Crush them with a pinch of chili and pour over the sauce.
  • Gently mix the ingredients with your hands so that the sauce completely covers all the pieces.
  • Put the ingredients on a baking sheet and bake everything in a hot oven for about 40 minutes.

Despite the apparent simplicity of cooking food in the oven, this process has its own characteristics. We will tell you how to bake it correctly in order to keep the maximum of vitamins in the dish and leave it an appetizing look.

  1. Slicing. When roasting vegetables, it is extremely important to cut them into equal pieces so that everything is baked evenly and at the same time.
  2. Butter. And although the use of vegetable oil for baking food in the oven is minimal, there are vegetables that require it in more. For example, root crops will need a little less fat than eggplant or champignons. Therefore, a reasonable amount of fat should always be used.
  3. Dishes. Do not bake the dish in the first pan that comes across. For even cooking, it is better to use a large flat baking sheet, then even evaporation of the steam will not allow the food to burn. And in such dishes it will be convenient to turn vegetables.
  4. Neighborhood. To obtain evenly fried vegetables with a golden crispy crust and a tender middle, they should be laid out at some distance from each other. In this case, the released steam will evaporate and the products will not boil to the state of porridge.
  5. Temperature. The optimum baking temperature in the oven is 200C. With a lower setting, the fruits will not be fried enough.
  6. Mixing. A big mistake will be baking assorted without stirring. In this case, you risk getting a dish with burnt and pale vegetables at the same time. For a 40 minute roast, one flip is enough.
  7. Salt. It is better to add salt and spice vegetables at the very end, because. salt provokes the production of juices and their evaporation, which can lead to dryness of the finished dish.
  8. Defrosting. Frozen foods must be thawed before baking. This can be done naturally by leaving the vegetables to thaw naturally, or by frying them in a skillet before roasting to remove excess moisture.

Oven baked vegetables are always tasty and healthy. I propose several good recipes ranging from whole baked vegetables to more complex dishes from baked vegetables that can decorate the most sophisticated festive table. All recipes are quite simple, quick and tasty.

Whole baked vegetables


(4-6 servings)

  • 3-4 eggplant
  • 2-3 salad peppers
  • 2 onions
  • 4 tomatoes
  • vegetable oil
  • 500 gr. green beans
  • 5 small potatoes
  • 5 small onions
  • 5 tomato
  • 2 eggplant
  • 50 gr. smoked meat
  • 100 gr. hard cheese
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 st. a spoonful of breadcrumbs
  • 0.1 l. cream
  • parsley
  • sunflower or olive oil
  • pepper

Oven baked potatoes

  • For this baked potato recipe, we take small oblong tubers. We clean the potatoes, wash them, and then cut them in half lengthwise so that we get long boats.
  • We salt the potatoes, generously grease with vegetable oil, and then spread them on a baking sheet, which we then put in a hot oven.
  • Bake potatoes over medium heat. Periodically check for readiness. Remove cooked potatoes and let cool slightly.
  • Using a spoon or knife, carefully remove the insides of the halves to make potato boats.
  • chosen by us potato mass rub thoroughly, add finely chopped smoked meat, a little salt and pepper. Pour in a little cream and try. The filling should be tender but not runny.
  • Stuff potatoes and set aside.
  • Oven baked eggplant with cheese

  • For baking, we take two small young eggplants. We cut the washed eggplant into round plates one and a half to two centimeters thick.
  • To remove the bitterness, sprinkle the plates with salt. We wait 10 minutes, and then we wash the eggplant in cold water. Squeeze out excess moisture.
  • We spread the circles on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Spray eggplants with oil from a spray bottle or just drip from a bottle, and then put in a preheated oven.
  • Bake eggplant in the oven for 10 minutes over medium heat.
  • Sprinkle almost ready-made eggplants with grated cheese and put them back in the oven for exactly five minutes. Cheese should be melted and lightly browned.
  • Oven baked tomatoes

  • Despite the fact that from fresh tomato mainly prepare various salads, tomatoes are very tasty if they are baked in the oven. I want to share the most simple recipe baked tomatoes.
  • So, we choose small, ripe, but fairly dense tomatoes. The most convenient round shape.
  • Washed tomatoes cut in half. Lay the halves on a greased baking sheet.
  • Be sure to salt and grease the top with vegetable oil. We put the tomatoes in a hot oven.
  • While the tomatoes are baking, prepare a special filling for them.
  • In a separate bowl, mix 1 clove of minced garlic, salt, pepper, finely chopped parsley, breadcrumbs. Add a little olive oil and crush with a regular mortar. This is done so that the mixture absorbs the taste of garlic and parsley.
  • When the tomatoes are almost ready, we apply garlic filling to each tomato. Roast the vegetables until the filling is browned.
  • Along with this recipe for baked vegetables, you can also cook baked tomatoes stuffed with meat and rice. Detailed recipe.
  • Oven baked onion

  • I remember in childhood at the mention of onions, and in any of its forms, everyone immediately twisted their faces. But it turns out, unlike the faithful onion or onion in cutlets, oven-baked onions are a real delicacy. Try it and you will fall in love with this simple and delicious dish forever.
  • We take small onions of approximately the same size. It is not necessary to buy non-bitter varieties of onions specifically.
  • We clean the onion, which is then cut into halves
  • Lay the onion on a generously oiled baking sheet. Drizzle generously with oil on top of the onion.
  • Cover a baking sheet with onions with foil and put in a well-heated oven. if the onion is left without foil, then it starts to burn and becomes bitter.
  • Onions, unlike all other vegetables, should be baked at a fairly low temperature of about 160 ° C. In this case, the onion is baked for quite a long time. Depending on the size of the onions, bake for half an hour or more.
  • How to Serve Roasted Vegetables

  • Roasted vegetables are delicious in and of themselves. healthy dish, but it can be supplemented with string beans, which will soften and shade the taste of vegetables baked in the oven.
  • So, take green string beans, remove the tails and cut into pieces of five centimeters. Boil green beans for 10 minutes in salted water. The beans should be soft but not falling apart. Be sure to drain the water.
  • Berm two or three cloves of garlic, peel, finely chop.
  • In a small amount of olive or sunflower oil fry the garlic lightly.
  • Put the beans on a large dish, sprinkle with fried garlic on top. With the remaining oil in the pan, which has absorbed the taste and smell of garlic, pour the beans.
  • We take a dish with beans and put all the baked vegetables on it. The order of a role does not play. But what plays a role is the temperature of the oven. All vegetables are baked at 180°C. By the way, it is also not advisable to leave the kitchen for a long time, since different baked vegetables require different cooking times.
  • That's it, our dish is ready! Serve the roasted vegetables hot.